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4.65% Reborn as Anakin / Chapter 4: Old Republic Blues

Chương 4: Old Republic Blues

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The galaxy was a very old social entity. Very, very old. If you can say that in Earth's history you've tried a lot of things, then you can say that the galaxy has tried everything since the time of the space pioneers. It began when the Kolumi race discovered the means of interstellar travel. It's estimated to have happened about two million years ago. Since then, history has faltered in its grandiosity and slipped into the usual interactions of thousands of different planets - trade, war, enslavement, extermination, alliances, betrayals and intrigue. If there was one thing the inhabitants of the galaxy had in common, it was their unwillingness to unite - xenophobia was extremely common, as a tool of patriotic influence of politicians on citizens. No one wanted to obey anyone, and I understand them - in such a heterogeneous society you can't have a common idea. Some were convinced democrats, almost on a genetic level. The Hutts were a slave system with a clan-aristocratic system. Togrutians, for example - extremely social beings and at the dawn of civilisation lived in big families-clans, supporting each other, easily communicated with representatives of other families and in general with any reasonable person, shared the booty (profit) equally among all members of the family. Dagi on the contrary are aggressive individualists-egoists, who need a family only in early childhood and have some problems because of their character and upbringing when trying to talk even with their own kind, what to speak about other races ...

It's not that it's unnecessary to talk about any social system - it's ridiculous. Each race has its own principles, rules, its own psychology and its own destiny. The only and most cohesive interracial society of the pre-republican era is the endless rakata empire. The aggressive race enslaved all who were weaker than them and then their equals, evolving and improving. But they imposed their laws on other races, laws seemingly not stupid or wrong, just alien. I don't jump on my left foot when I wake up. And if some boss said "you all have to jump in the morning", he would be treated as a complete idiot. Even if he himself and the rest of his race perform this ritual rigorously and sincerely believe that jumping brings them luck. From this point of view, the Republic is a miracle of nature or social evolution. Myriads of worlds and innumerable beings, differing from each other physically and even more - psychologically conduct a relatively peaceful dialogue without attacking each other. Each system has its own laws and politics - plutocracy, feudalism, corporatocracy, dictatorship, colonial authoritarianism, democracy, tyranny, fascism.... and many races before the founding of the Republic believed that it was their way of thinking that was the only right way, that it was their political system that was the most correct, and the others simply could not understand and accept it. There were, of course, exceptions in the form of completely peaceful planets, which did not seek power even over their neighbours, let alone the whole galaxy, but such sat quiet as mice under a broom. As a result, we have hundreds of ideologies, which hundreds of trillions of reasonable people were ready to defend to the last breath. But the result was predictable - everyone fought with everyone else, and tried to enslave, conquer, impose their thinking. It didn't work - you can't go against nature, even the quietest tribes like the Gungans would get on the warpath if an unknown green man came and told them that they were subordinate to him now and should live the way he wanted.

They agreed that each system has its own power, its own regime, its own principles and social foundations, and the galactic senate will become a kind of analogue of the UN. The all-galactic war had been going on for thirty-odd millennia, since it had degenerated into frequent border skirmishes between the systems that made up the Republic, so the senator's power was a pittance, but what he had on the scale of one man was already a lot.

Inside, in the living room, there was a pseudo-king listening to the Jedi. I didn't bother him, though both Qui-Gon and Ben noticed me. Qui-Gon seemed determined to end the conversation with words:

- Unfortunately, we don't have any leads, but we are trying to find him. The council took the threat of a murderous sith very seriously.

The queen didn't say much, just nodded and the Jedi bowed to me, and I was standing near the door to the servants' quarters. Ben kept up with the teacher, and we went inside. The servants were still with the fake queen, while here we had a real meeting started - Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Amidala, myself and our best iron Stirlitz - Threepio - were present!

As soon as we entered, Qui-Gon closed the door tightly, and Ben sat down in the nearest chair.

I ordered Threepio to stand aside and turned to Quigon:

- Well, if it's in your power, then please tell me what happened there...

- Anakin, for starters, why doesn't Padme take a walk... or go about her regular duties," the Jedi said, glancing at the 'maid'. Padme didn't seem to understand what was going on, so I immediately dispelled any doubts:

- No need, Qui-Gon, I have confidence in Padme.

- Yeah? Well, that's your right, but I'd advise you not to involve any unnecessary persons.

- Padmé is not an outsider! Or at least she has a right to know what's going on," I said in a flat tone. The queen herself "woke up" and immediately said:

- What's going on? What are you talking about?

- Hmmm... - I looked at the queen and, thinking that I could tell her everything in advance, I answered:

- Bear with me, we'll tell you everything now. Qui-Gon? - I turned my attention to the Jedi, who had already sat down in the chair next to my apprentice's. I remained standing, shifting my gaze from Qui-Gon to Obi-Wan. The Jedi looked at each other, and Qui-Gon began his story:

- After we parted ways, Obi-Wan and I went to the Jedi Council. Masters Yoda and Windu were there, so they listened to us carefully," Qui-Gon spoke in a measured, calm voice that made it a pleasure to listen to him, which Amidala did. - When I told them of your clandestine successes, they could hardly believe it, and they found the story of the Sith who attacked us all the more strange. Most likely a Sith, but we can't prove anything, as you realise....

- Not yet," Obi-Wan added hastily, his youthful vigour keeping him quiet. Quigon glanced disapprovingly at his apprentice and continued:

- The full council had already met, so they listened to us again. Strangely enough, Master Yoda believed in your abilities, as did most of the other masters. I hope your suspicions are well-founded....

- Don't doubt it, Qui-Gon. So, the masters have gathered and decided to send you back to the queen? - I asked, knowing the answer in advance. Ben began to answer:

- They began a long discussion of the details, until...

- Until the chancellor asked to send you two to protect the queen because the assassin might still be on the trail? - I interrupted Ben. The Jedi's gazes crossed at me, whereupon Quigon said:

- How do you know?

- I didn't know exactly, it just makes sense, doesn't it? If the Senator hadn't asked for your help, the Order's council was probably still discussing the details for a long time. You're making a big deal out of it. - I shook my head. - Well, if they sent you, it means that either the council has objective reasons for it, or, more likely, the chancellor asked you. I understand, he doesn't want to involve someone else, he hopes to keep the matter secret... and he already knows you. From what I've heard recently, you're working undercover, supposedly guarding the queen from that bastard.

There was silence. Qui-Gon was thinking hard, looking at me, his apprentice, Amidala, even Threepio got a thoughtful look from the Jedi.

- You're too good at drawing conclusions for your age," Qui-Gon shook his head, and I had to wave my hands and say, "No comment.

Padme was just about to "wake up" and pounced on Qui-Gon with questions:

- Master Qui-Gon, what are you here for, if not to protect the Queen?

- Protection, among other things. By the way, Anakin, you promised that you would look after the queen in our absence. And you've gone off with Padmé somewhere... you look beautiful, by the way," Quigon complimented me.

- Thank you, Padme helped. The answer is sorry, 'no comment,'" I spread my hands again. Qui-Gon was unhappy that I had strayed away from the 'royalty', but only a little. Ben Kenobi, unlike the teacher, paid no attention at all to such a small thing that I refused to comment on my behaviour. Right, I promised to be with the queen, didn't I? So I've been with her all day. I broke the silence:

- First, I suggest we see what Threepio can tell us.

- An interpreter droid? - Qui-Gon was surprised.

- No, no, no. By the way, I built it, so it has so many useful features.... you know, like sound microphones and laser pickups. And all sorts of useful stuff.

- Oh, yeah? I wonder what happened while we were gone," Kenobi said, making himself comfortable. But Padmé was just beginning to blaze with righteous anger:

- 'What do you mean, what do you mean, the recorders? Were you eavesdropping in the queen's chambers? - she glared angrily at Threepio. He stepped closer and answered her:

- 'That's what my master ordered me to do. Shall I switch on the tape? - he said to me. I had to get up to put Padme back by the shoulder and said: "Threepio, switch it on!".

And the recording began...

I didn't find much difference from the film - Palpatine tried to ride on the ears, made a fiery speech about corruption and how badly the chancellor was leading and that it was time to elect a new one - younger and more energetic. Palpatine cleverly avoided a legitimate question about the chancellor being an ally of Naboo, and turned the speech against the pseudo-king. When the recording ended, the room fell into silence for a moment. Qui-Gon was the first to respond:

- Yes, Anakin, I had hoped to the last minute that your assumptions were wrong.... But you turned out to be right, Palpatine is digging for the Chancellor, and wants to use the still young Amidala for his own purposes.

- It was predictable, Qui-Gon," I said, "I don't know much about him because I've only seen him once, but that's enough to say he's very power-hungry.

- If your second conclusion comes true, I don't even know how or what we're going to do," Obi-Wan interjected. Padme decided to speak up:

- Well, what about this requires Jedi intervention?

- Only that Palpatine is dangerous. Anakin suggested that he was directly connected to whoever tried to kill us on Tatooine. Which means he was trying to get rid of the queen. When he failed to do so, he decided to use Queen Amidala in his intrigues - to quarrel her with the Chancellor," Qui-Gon replied, "It's obvious that he wants to make an attempt to overthrow the Chancellor.

Padmé listened in silence, thinking seriously at the end, and I continued instead of Qui-Gon:

- Plus, he's using force. Yeah, definitely...

- You mean he also... - Padme asked, looking at me, "this what's-his-name....

- Jedi? Oh, no, Padme, Jedi don't act like that, much less in their own self-interest. Sure, nothing is foreign to the Order, but the Jedi never got involved in politics. The one who attacked us as we left Tatooine was a Sith, and I sense a similar power in Palpatine. Yes, he's most likely a Sith and certainly belongs to the dark side of the force. The Sith have been enemies of the Jedi for centuries, and they represent evil. Evil, anger, greed, power hunger..... And the Sith are also very, very dangerous," I said. Padme thought again and was forced to accept the rules of the game-the Sith are evil. At least that's what I was trying to convince the queen, and not without success. Threepio had already stepped aside when Qui-Gon concluded:

- For starters, we should warn the queen against listening to him. The Sith will probably try to make his way into the Chancellor's office if he makes such a speech.

- I hope the chancellor doesn't let it go to waste. Qui-Gon, do you have any ideas on how we can take him out? - I asked, settling into the strange chair.

- I don't have any. We'll be near the queen for starters.

- But not at the Senate meeting," Obi-Wan said firmly.

- The meeting is an open question, but it's unlikely he'll try to force himself on the queen.

- Just stay close. Always. Try to have at least one of you near the queen. I'm not sure, but he may try to kill Amidala again if he thinks she's not giving in to his words.

- Qui-Gon replied before Amidala could say anything, "Your words make sense. From today we're taking the queen under twenty-four-hour guard.

- But Panaka will probably protest," Ben said, looking at Amidala. She replied, hesitating:

- 'No, I don't think so. He's a little over the top, but he won't mind the extra guards.

- Then it's settled," Qui-Gon said, slapping his knees, "Anakin, can you put Threepio in charge of monitoring the queen's contacts?

- I doubt it, after all, Amidala doesn't always speak in that room, and a droid can't follow her around.

- Hmm... - Qui-Gon thought. - Well, he's done his task, now we'll keep an eye on the suspect.

Yoda was extremely thoughtful today. Not only was the Trade Federation behind the blockade of Naboo, but the knight sent had found an incredibly gifted boy on the poor outlying planet, presumably conceived by midichlorians, that is, by force. Of course, the knight would be able to sense if they were trying to trick him, so he could be believed. Windu was at Quigon's side, as was Yoda himself, and was just about to say something about the boy when Quigon dropped a second piece of news on them - a Sith had attacked them on Tatooine. "Supposedly a Sith," Yoda corrected himself. No sooner had the council quieted down from the uproar of discussion than Kwygon again dropped the news on everyone present - the Senator from Naboo, Palpatine, was supposedly behind the Sith, and he might even be a Sith himself, the boy felt. What a jigsaw puzzle indeed. But everyone is in their place - the Sith, Naboo, the Trade Federation, and Quigon and his gifted boy. The council rumbled again - only Yoda and Windu remained calm and silent, not wanting to add to the noise. After everyone had quieted down a bit, Windu took the floor:

- Quigon, do you realise that something like this is... hard to believe? - he asked.

- Yes, Master, but I only recounted the boy's words. Of course, and there was never that Zabrak among the Jedi, and the methods, the clothing, the sword, the style... everything points to a Sith.

- Yeah, we get it. There is a chance that we may be misled, but--

- I'm sorry, but I don't see the point of this. - Qui-gon shook his head - if the assassins want to kill the queen, it would be foolish of them to put on such a show - it would only alert the Order.

- Yes, and the Sith have not been seen for centuries. - Windu nodded in agreement, "Maybe someone found the old Golokron.

- Golokron can't teach swordsmanship, much less swordsmanship so well. You need a tutor, and the Zabrak's style is nothing like that of the temple. - Quigon replied.

- Is that so? Well, perhaps we should take the assassin threat seriously. But Senator? How can you explain that? - Windu asked.

- Nothing, Master Windu. Only what Anakin said - the Senator has the same dark power as the Sith who attacked us.

- Is that so? - Master Yoda said, before Windu could say anything, and continued as the Jedi Masters' eyes crossed on him, "We must be careful not to miss the danger. I sense that you met the boy for a reason, it was predestined.

- But Master, could it not have been an accident, or even a plot by those who attempted to assassinate the Queen of Naboo? - Windu asked, to the cheers and nods of the others.

- Who knows, maybe so, maybe not. Such accidents are rare with the gifted, and if you believe he was conceived by force, they are ruled out.

Before the Grand Master could finish, the secretary of the Order's council came in and, making an apologetic face, said:

- Sorry to interrupt you, the council has an urgent message from the chancellor.

Quigon remained silent as Yoda gave him a disapproving look. The message was on paper, in a white paper envelope, which the secretary held out to Yoda. The Chancellor preferred not to trust messengers or electronic communications in such matters, which was rather astute of him. Accepting the envelope, Yoda printed it out and read the printed text. Paused for a moment. There was a look of impatience and interest in the council.

- Is that so? Did you tell the chancellor that you suspect the senator? - Yoda asked.

- No, Master, Anakin asked the chancellor to stay behind when he told him of his suspicions, so we found out at the same time. - Replied Quigon nonchalantly.

- 'The Chancellor is asking me to send you, to guard the Queen and "clear things up with some senators" what would - quoted the Master of the Order. Go back to the queen and the senator and look after the senator and the boy, that is my decision. What will the masters say? - Yoda asked a question that could be considered rhetorical. The masters, of course, did not object.

The secretary had already left so quietly that he seemed to have vanished. Quigon bowed briefly to the entire council and walked back out, receiving Yoda's admonishment and wish for strength.

The council ended as abruptly as it had begun, as Yoda quieted the masters and they took turns discussing the problems that had been voiced, from the appearance of a Sith-like intelligence to the boy and his strange abilities.

I slept badly. The warm, soft bed in my room, my own room, and all the worries of the day before had done their work, and I tossed and turned until one o'clock in the morning, only to fall asleep. In the morning I woke up late - at eleven o'clock, but I slept until my bones ached. The first thing I did was to remember everything that had happened yesterday. I dressed in my new clothes, took a shower, and then, like a white man, went out for "breakfast", which should be more properly called lunch.

Mum was there, reading something on her tablet.

- Morning, Mum! Where's Padme and the Jedi?

- Morning, Ani. You're so good at sleeping. They're here. The queen went to the senate and they left us here. - Said Mum.

"Fine," I thought, and went to the main room occupied by the queen. There I found the Jedi sitting on a couch sipping something from large white cups. Quigon greeted me with a smile, saying:

- Good morning, Anakin. So, are you ready for your new endeavours?

- You could say that. - I answered hesitantly.

The Queen's doppelganger entered her flying podium majestically, as befitted a "queen," and took her seat in the Senate. Palpatine nestled himself behind the Queen's shoulder and, letting his guard down, waited for the meeting to begin. Soon everyone was assembled and Chancellor Finis Valorum, expecting a trick from some of the Senators present, opened the emergency extraordinary session.

- Gentlemen senators! I have summoned you to address the issue arising from the unexpected aggressive actions of the trade federation! - he said into the microphone in a well-pitched voice. Whispers spread through the dark, gigantic Senate chamber, and the Chancellor, satisfied with the effect he had produced, continued to forge iron: "Recently, the Trade Federation fleet, along with an army of droids, invaded the peaceful planet of Naboo, setting up a blockade and threatening the Queen of Naboo with reprisals if she disobeyed! The reason for this is that the king of the Trade Federation wants to conclude an extremely humiliating treaty for Naboo on the export of plasma, a treaty that can be called nothing but robbery! A peaceful planet cannot resist such well-organised piracy, and we must take action before the Trade Federation ruins Naboo and takes on the rest of the planets. There is no other word for the Trade Federation's methods than "piracy". I move that we strip the Trade Federation of all its rights and recognise its activities as piracy! We have previously tried to limit the Trade Federation's influence by more peaceful methods, but their response has been aggression against a peaceful planet and the rush to arm their supposedly cargo ships. The viceroy of the trade federation is unwilling to obey the republic and has used force without question. Either we avert the threat now, or the federation will use aggression against those unable to defend themselves.

Noise, that's probably a weak word - there was a ruckus in the Senate that overrode all attempts to reach the senators for several minutes. Valorum silently covered his eyes until the senators stopped making noise and continued, in a quieter but persuasive tone:

- The Trade Federation has degenerated into a handful of criminals, driven by their greed and threatening the financial relations of our planets! They've been imposing grossly excessive tariffs, profiting from our trade, and now they've turned almost to robbery, threatening a peaceful planet with reprisals if they don't sign up for almost free exports of their resources. Having tasted profit on Naboo, they will continue to attack planets, taking advantage of the fact that the senate has no fear of serious action!

The Chancellor fell silent as the podium of one of the senators flew forward, repulsors buzzing. It turned out to be a Dag, a representative of a warlike race with an unimportant place in the galactic senate.

- But then how can we conduct trade deals, eh? We have a treaty with the Trade Federation! - exclaimed Dag, fearlessly climbing to the very edge of his podium.

- I understand your point, but we have to stop crimes of greed - I suggest we disband the Trade Federation and form a galactic trade body reporting directly to the Senate. That way we'll avoid problems with excessive tariffs and besides..." the Chancellor smiled at the Dag, "the revenues from this body will go not to the pocket of some king of some federation not even represented in the Senate, but to us. Our planets. Of course, you'll have to pay a commission to those who sell your goods, but the rates will be set in common, and will be fair to all races. In the end, you'll be selling the same things as before, only more expensive.

From somewhere below, a tribune of Keldorians floated out. A senator from that unattractive race, through the sound emitters of his mask said:

- Wouldn't this cause extreme inflation? At the moment, the Trade Federation is closely tied to our trade, and a sudden cessation would cause serious losses.

- I believe we can resolve this issue. All races that depend on trade will receive the necessary goods in an emergency before we can advance our galactic trade body.'' - Replied the Chancellor.

There was silence on the podium of the Nabuan delegation. The pseudo queen was pleased that the Chancellor had taken the brunt of the negotiations, while Palpatine... The Senator from Naboo, who had not expected the Chancellor, as a soft man, to start pushing such hardball methods was discouraged. In the end everything turned against him - besides the trade federation, of course, the Sith Lord had connections, but the trade federation was the most convenient for further plans. Now how to pass a vote of no confidence? After all, the Senate was expected to negotiate the situation for a long time, and in the meantime the Trade Federation, obeying the Sith Lord's orders, would start shooting Nabooans. The queen would not stand for that and was forced to return while he, Darth Sidious, took his place as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

But the situation had taken an unexpected turn - most of the senators represented small races that had no power to defend themselves, and the Chancellor had taught the news that the votes of those "small" were already in his pocket. And along with the promise to share the profits that the trade federation used to take for itself... it's impossible to refuse. They've already started discussing the details of the new trade body. And as always, more of that hated bureaucracy. In his own mind, Senator Palpatine approved of the Chancellor's decisive methods, but was extremely angry at Valorum for ruining the whole combination with his aggression. Now, sensing an opportunity to increase profits the major races would vote in favour...

The vote was almost unanimous. The Trade Federation was over. Those who had bought the federation and those who were in favour of expanding the piracy law and destroying the trade federation were almost invisible. Chancellor Valorum smiled as the holodisplay in his podium flashed the results of the vote. True, there was now a new problem - with almost no armed forces to destroy the federation. It was unlikely they would resist, they were traders after all and most would prefer to bend over and join the new trade body - technicians, pilots, ships... "should we send in the Jedi?" the Chancellor thought and smiled at his own thoughts. - thought the Chancellor and smiled at his thoughts, remembering the boy who started it all.

Yoda left the council chamber pensive, so none of the masters of the order dared to distract him with their immediate concerns. Lately the old Jedi felt that he was getting tired of everything that was going on so actively in the galaxy - the appearance of the boy, the Sith, the blockade of the planet Naboo by the Trade Federation, the suspicions falling on the Senator from Naboo....

* Chancellor's office *

The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic was no less thoughtful than the Master of the Jedi Order. After receiving evidence that Palpatine wanted to replace him as Chancellor, or put his own man in charge, Valorum was glad that he had some way out of the situation. A detailed study of the situation with the Trade Federation gave unexpected results - the Senate was hungry for bread and spectacle, or rather hungry for action. The Trade Federation was a large association in the galaxy, but it didn't cover even a quarter of all the transactions made - the galaxy was too big, but no one could cover the vastness of the galaxy. Raising the tax on trade routes only provoked aggression on the part of the Viceroy, and the Senate was no longer willing to tolerate that. Disobedience to the law and refusal to pay taxes could be equated with rebellion, and blockading a peaceful planet to force the Queen to sign a treaty could be equated with piracy or banditry. Of course, the planets fearing the trade federation and its allies, or rather their representatives, would easily get rid of the chancellor, so the choice was simple - either Valorum would get rid of the federation, or the senate would get rid of Valorum and then the federation. On top of that, the Chancellor felt a heavy job ahead that he must, simply had to do, so the thoughts were one darker than the other. The Chancellor had the Justice Corps, incapable of decisive military action, and he had the Jedi Order - very wayward, but efficient and eager, and most importantly able to spread goodness everywhere with lightsabers. The Federation, as the accelerated interrogation of some officials suspected of bribery showed, had an armed and capable merchant fleet, capable of giving battle to the Order and the entire Republic. The only saving grace was that the merchant federation was made up of smaller companies, many of which had their own management, much of which disagreed with the Viceroy. Of course, much has changed since the Neimodians came to power, but the main thing that remains the same is the handful of speculative traders who seek only profit. Why would they fight for the Federation? But there hadn't been any major wars in centuries, and the army hadn't existed as a class since the Ruusan Reform, so the Senate was defenseless against even such a Federation fleet. Who could they count on? Barely half a per cent of all the planets they'd done business with before - most would just accept the new rules of the game and send the Federation away.

Thinking, the Chancellor pulled a snow-white sheet of paper from his desk and inserted it into his printer. Opening a programme on his computer, he began to write an outline of a letter to Master Yoda. Half an hour later, the letter was finished, and checked several times - still, in his career, this was the first time Chancellor Valorum had ever made such an important request of a Jedi.

* Queen Amidala's chamber, Anakin Skywalker.

It turned out that while Quigon was talking to the council, the post-elf Obi-wan Kenobi had time to go to the training areas for the younglings and check out the Jedi master who was training the younglings, an entire training droid, complete with training sword.

When I had eaten breakfast, Ben and Quigon looked at each other and pulled out, without collusion, all this goodness. Quigon said:

- Anakin, this is just normal training for younglings. Come on, put on the blindfold. - Quigon handed me a silky ribbon. Tying it over my eyes, I asked, trying to orient myself in space:

- What's next?

- Next is a lightsaber, you can keep yours on your belt, Obi-wan brought a training sword from the temple. Quigon held out the sword to me. Feeling it, I reached out and took the sword, immediately activating it.

- What's next?

- Stand in the middle of the room. Yeah, that's it..." Ben said, taking a seat on the couch.

I moved to the middle of the room, standing a metre and a half or two metres from the nearest chair.

Words could hardly describe the sensation of power, almost impossible. I could see the whole room, and Ben, sitting grinning in his chair, and Quigon, who shook his head disapprovingly, after which the "young padawan" feigned seriousness. It all seemed like some sort of alternate five senses - as if I was looking around at three hundred and sixty degrees, or rather at the entire sphere around me and seeing everything around me in grey-white tones, as if in an old non-colour film. These grey-white tones were peculiar to inanimate but power-soaked matter. The sensations of the past and future were so tangible, as if I was looking at the world with one eye and seeing a two-dimensional image, but now another dimension had been added to everything I saw: time. Past and future in a small range.

Before the droid fired, I saw that shot in the near future and just put the sword there, in the path of the discharge tracer. The sword absorbed the first shot and immediately I saw the second one behind it, carefully and leisurely parrying it as well. 

The Quigon behind me smiled and sat back in his chair, taking the remote control to the droid in his hands.

After a minute of such amusement, I saw that Padme was about to enter the room, so I deactivated the droid and removed my blindfold, turning towards the door:

- Hello Padme!

The Jedi, hearing this, turned their heads towards the opening door. Padme just walked in and said:

- Anakin? Where are you from...

- Never mind. So what's going on in the Senate? - I asked the question I was immediately interested in. Before Padme could say the next sentence, which I heard with my fading sense of 'time dimension', I said: - I'll pour it right away. So, what is it about the Senate?

Padme fell silent and I went to pour the tea she was going to ask for. While I was fiddling with the teapot, which was right there, Padme, glancing back at me with a look of apprehension, or even excitement, replied:

- Then to the servants' quarters. Quigon, Obi-wan, if you're interested....

- We understand. - Kwygon nodded, taking the flying droid with him, and Obi-wan rose to his feet and walked towards the servants' room.

The Queen of Naboo had her own tea, Nabuan tea, which, frankly, I didn't like very much, but for lack of a stamp... besides, it's better to hear important news over a cup of tea, and not like Luke Skywalker - hanging on some repulsor crap over the abyss....

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