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Chương 18: Chapter 18

AN: Kael'Thas gets a new nickname this chapter :) 

A thousand lightning bolts rained from the sky, forcing Kael to erratically dodge each and every attack. 

The lightning elemental from the last remaining totem ship seemed to possess limitless energy as it continued to light up the sky. 

Thunder boomed in his ears as a bolt grazed the tip of Al'ar's wingtip. 

"Al'ar!" Kael cried out, worried for his friend. 

Their flight path took on a brief plummet before the rejuvenating flames of the phoenix swept over the wing, and healed the wing in a few seconds. 

"Kieer!" Al'ar screeched back, indicating he was fine, turning the death defying plummet into a dive.

Al'ar belched bolts of fire back at the lightning elemental, blasting chunks of electricity off its body, slightly diminishing it in size. 

At the same time, the scorched feathers on the phoenix's wingtip molted, and were replaced, good as new. 

Al'ar squawked back at Kael, then did a barrel roll to evade another bout of lightning. 

"I know, I know you'll be fine even if you die, but that doesn't mean I can't show my concern!" Kael muttered in reply, ruffling Al'ar on the nape of his neck. . 

"So this is the legendary moodiness of Prince Kael'Thas! The documentaries were true!" Jan'alai crowed as she did a flyby. 

Transformed into her dragonhawk Loa form, Jan'alai shed brightly lit feathers, launching them as an attack. Each feather was launched at the speed of a bullet toward the lightning elemental. When they collided with the elemental, the feathers exploded like a carpet bomb. 

Bright green fire spread across the giant elemental, causing it to recoil as some of its form shrank after the attack. 

Secondary after effect explosions took place as every follicle on the feather spread out like the flechettes spread by a grenades explosion. 

"Blasted woman." Kael muttered to himself. 

"Kieer!" Al'ar chirped mockingly. 

"Nonsense! I am Prince Kael'Thas of Silvermoon, genius mage not seen in 5,000 years, co-leader of the Kirin Tor! I do not get jealous. Preposterous! I shall show her the magic of the High Elves!" Kael said, flicking his hair at the absurdity of his friend's accusation.

"Kieer!" A mocking squawk replied. 

"Ana sae du'loran vaneer! 

 Ana sae du'loran VAS!" 

A moment later, Kael finished chanting a spell, and a vortex of lightning sprang from his hands. 

"Kuahh?" Al'ar chirped, as if questioning Kael's intelligence. 

"Hmph." Kael moodily crossed his arms, unwilling to explain. 

The lightning elemental, seeing this vortex of lightning, eagerly flew through the sky towards it, with the intent of absorbing its energy. 

"Fool Prince, what have you done!?" Jan'alai cried in shock. 

Kael's eyebrow twitched at the accusation. The last person to talk back to him like this without any respect reminded him of her. 

"Jaina." Kael softly muttered in melancholy. 

"Get your head out of the clouds, Goldilocks, my name isn't Jaina, it's Jan'alai! Due to your recklessness, the elemental is about to grow stronger, we have to stop it!" Jan'alai said in a panicked voice. 

"Wait!" Kael lifted his head from his depression, and raised a hand in warning. 

However, it was too late, and Jan'alai had covered her body in green flames, intending to dive beak first into the lightning storm. 

"Damnit." Kael said as he pulled his hand back. 

"Come on Al'ar, we ride!" Kael said with determination, then spurred Al'ar onward. 

"Kieer! Kieer!" Al'ar complained. 

"I know she only meant well! This was not part of the plan! I studied the blasted elementals polarity, and sought to undo it with a positive charge!" Kael bitterly complained as he was forced to explain his plan. 


"What?! No, I am not acting petty! Just. Just fly damn you, we have an ally to rescue!" Kael frowned towards his phoenix companion, then placed all his attention on Jan'alai. 

"I know you want to be free! Fight Malacrass' binding, fight it!" Jan'alai urged toward the elemental as she flew ever closer to intercept the lightning vortex from merging with the elemental. 

"It is. Too. Late. For me. Little one." The elemental struggled to say, pausing in mid air for a second, before it rushed to meet the vortex. 

"Then I do what must be done." Jan'alai said melancholically as she gave it her all to intercept the oncoming lightning. 

When Jan'alai blocked the vortex with her body, the elemental collided with her nearly at the same time. 

Vast amounts of energy coursed through her very being. It was so bright, Kael could see her skeleton through the shocking power of nature. 

Thunder boomed once more, yet Jan'alai's screams of pain were so incredible, they out did the bass. 

Clouds converged from the meeting of plasma and green hot fire changed the local atmosphere. 

Large rain drops fell upon Kael, dripping down his forehead, and soaking his robes. 

He could've easily cast a cleansing charm, or a spell to protect him from the elements. But he was too caught up in watching Jan'alai's charred form plummet towards the ocean. 

She had lost her transformation, and her humanoid form was tumbling, tumbling, tumbling. It would be mere seconds before she fell to her demise. Green flames coated her body all the way down, making her stand out in the rainstorm. 

Her image seemed to superimpose with the woman of his dreams, and he froze, shocked at the sight. 

Suddenly, he felt the air woosh around him, and Al'ar streaked across the sky like a fallen meteor. Fire trailed at the end of his tail feathers, leaving a cloud of smoke in his wake. 

Kael blinked himself out of his stupor as they dove down at a speed he had never moved before. 

Right before they were going to splatter into the ocean, Al'ar pulled up at the last moment. 

Kael's faithful phoenix companion swooped up at just the right angle for Kael to catch Jan'alai in his arms. 

The Forest Troll weakly opened her eyes, and beamed a smile at Kael. 

"Gotchu." She said, punching Kael in the arm. 

Caught off-guard by the sudden impact, Kael accidentally dropped the muscular Troll lady onto Al'ar. 

Kael blinked in astonishment as Jan'alai shook off a layer of ash, revealing jade-like green skin, and abs full of muscle. 

Her toothy smile confused Kael. 

What was with the pained screaming, and seeming instant recovery? 

Was he being pranked? 

His face of constant stoicism, and perfectly calculated charm cracked. 

A small smile of incredulity and disbelief formed, and was gone just as fast as it appeared. 

Attuned to the emotions of his rider, Al'ar screeched merrily, eliciting a scowl from Kael. 

"Sorry for that. I could've recovered at any time, but I wanted to see if the rumors were true." Jan'alai scratched the back of her head. 

The look of genuine apology on her face made Kael huff, and roll his eyes. He was still mad at her for getting in the way of his attack though! It would've looked super cool, and very impressive! 

"And what, pray tell, are these rumors?" Kael said, moodily crossing his arms. 

"That there is none more loyal a friend or comrade in all of Quel'Thalas. At least, that's what I learned from the documentaries Vandercross released. You should know that already though, what with how popular he is in your kingdom?" Jan'alai said with confusion as she cocked her head to the side. 

For the third time that day, Kael found himself unconsciously smiling at the positive words of encouragement. 

He hadn't seen his childhood friend in more than 50 years. However, over those years, he had never been forgotten. The warmth in his heart was palpable, this time, when Al'ar screeched, Kael did not admonish his friend. 

"Well. Ahem, well he isn't wrong, Prince Kael'Thas is always generous to those who are generous to him!" Kael hesitantly coughed as he looked to the side. 

"Awesome! Now uh, we should probably finish this soon, the lightning elemental has been fighting his bindings, and I think we can release him!" Jan'alai said, directing a hopeful gaze Kael's way. 

Kael frowned. He knew little of the spirits, but he had dabbled in shaminism, if only to better understand how to defeat them. 

Analyzing the structure of the totem ship, Kael identified several runes of control carved onto different locations across the hull. However, they were well protected by both the lightning elemental, and an array of defensive runes. 

"It won't be easy. But it is possible. I won't lie to you Jan'alai, it would be faster to destroy this elemental than to free it. And every second I delay, is a second my people are in peril. Are you truly asking this of me?" Kael intoned seriously. He was conflicted, wanting to aid his new ally, yet his duty outweighed any friendship. 

Jan'alai closed her eyes, struggling to answer. 

From Kael's perspective, it appeared as if she was having an internal conversation with someone. 

Finally. she opened her eyes, and looked toward Kael with determination. 

"If we free it, the great lightning spirit will aid you in defeating the Amani." 

Kael pursed his lips, uncertain of what to do. 

Looking down at the beach, Kael quickly understood that the Highborn forces held the upper hand, and that the slight time delay it would take to free this elemental would be negligible compared to.the time it would take to outright defeat it. 

"Very well, let us free this 'great spirit." Kael reluctantly agreed. 

"Great! You won't be disappointed, Goldilocks!" Jan'alai fist pumped, then jumped off Al'ar to transform into her dragonhawk form. 

Kael swallowed his saliva. He just hoped he was making the right decision. 


Jan'alai whooped as she dodged a pair of lightning claws, then did a barrel roll to pierce through a sonic thunder clap. 

Fire burst out of her feathers as she performed a series of loops in the air, creating a figure eight. 

Although she had a beak, and couldn't flash any teeth, she was smiling on the inside. Jan'alai never had so much fun in her life! 

22 years old, and she lived every day in fear. Fear that the Amani would take her next, fears that ultimately came true when all of her direct family were sacrificed for uncaring gods. 

Jan'alai breathed fire on the elemental, then swooped down low along the water, barely avoiding the choppy waves. 

Feeling the freedom of the rustling wind through her feathers, fighting side by side with a comrade, it made her feel alive. Free like never before! 

She looked at the Prince-who was deep in concentration-and watched him sweat as his fingers bent at odd angles to work his magic. 

Jan'alai smiled again at the silly sight. She knew asking the Elves for help would work! 

"Hey Goldilocks, think I can fly a circle around the great spirit without getting hit?" Jan'alai said playfully. 

The Prince glared at her while he continued to mutter the verse for his spell. 

Jan'alai giggled like she did when making trouble for her mother. 

Flying in a backwards loop, she began to play distraction once more. 

'You know you cannot stay here forever, Jan'alai. The prophet has foreseen great strife on this continent. Your tribesman sail even now for Kalimdor. Why do you insist on making friends with the Elves?' Va'sai, the Loa spirit spoke to Jan'alai through their mental bond. 

Jan'alai's mood dampened like it was hit by a bucket full of cold water. 

'Relax Va'sai, this is just a temporary team up! My emotions are clear on this! My heart is set on Kalimdor!' Jan'alai was quick to refute. 

'Is it now? I thought your heart was set on long, blonde and handsome.' Va'sai bit back. 

'Goldilocks?! No way! I hardly know the guy. Besides, Vandercross is much more interesting.' Jan'alai shook her head, barely dodging a lightning blast while she was lost in conversation. 

'Oh really? Don't think I didn't see you pinch his butt when he caught you. That goofy smile on your face wasn't fake.' Va'sai teased. 

'Th-that never happened! This conversation is over!' Jan'alai harrumphed, then tuned out her spirit companion. 

'Hoh hoh hoh, so long as you keep in mind your goal my dear. I like you girl, but our people come first, never forget that.' Va'sai said before fading to the background. 

Jan'alai bit her beak, uncertain of what she was feeling. Everything was confusing her, and she didn't know what to think. 

She was starstruck when she saw Vandercross, but fighting alongside Goldilocks, she came to appreciate his style and composure. He was a little prideful, but he had earned her respect. Besides, his legendary moodiness was much too fun to mock and make fun of! 

'You're thinking about him again, aren't you Little Jan?' The spirit laughed.

'Shush, I have to dodge this lightning blast!' Jan'alai barked back. 

Flapping her wings in a hurry, Jan'alai shook her head, and was determined to distract herself with battle. 

That's right, no need to think about that silky smooth blonde hair that tickled her cheek, the surprisingly strong yet thin arms holding her up, or the firm yet pliable behind. Frail and weak looking, she didn't have the urge to protect him, nope~! There were absolutely no ulterior thoughts to be had! 

She just had to blast this last rune alongside Goldilocks, and-

"I. Am. FREE! Thank you little ones." The spirit roared to the heavens as the last rune on the totem ship broke apart, releasing the elemental from his binding. 

"Easy enough." Goldilocks said all the while sweat was dripping everywhere, and soaking his robe. 

"Pfft." Jan'alai held back a chuckle. 

"Hmm?" Goldilocks raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh wow! Amazing work Goldilocks, I knew I could count on you! Thank you for freeing the great spirit!" Jan'alai was quick to praise. 

"Hmm. But of course. It was simple. A trifle really." Goldilocks said demurely, wiping off imaginary dust off his shoulder and trying to look nonchalant. 

"Pfft hahaha!" Jan'alai couldn't take it any more, and burst into loud, bodacious laughter. 

"Krieee!" The phoenix mount seemed to laugh alongside her. 

Goldilocks muttered something, and looked down at his friend frowning. 

So cute! 

Jan'alai wanted to pick the shorter Elf up, and carry him to see the ancient forests of her home. No walking allowed!

"Hey, no pouting Goldilocks! We still have to take out the big, bad Hexlord Malacrass. I can't do it without you." 

"Fine. I shall help you." Goldilocks said, lifting his chin with as much dignity as a Prince could muster. 

Jan'alai withheld a giggle at the sight. 

"Follow me Goldilocks, it's time for revenge!" Jan'alai said in joyful anger. 

"Very well…Green Beak, I shall acquiesce." Goldilocks said with a smirk, then flew past her. 

'Did he just-' Jan'alai thought, before she was interrupted by her Loa companion. 

'I think I'm beginning to like the boy.' Va'sai cackled in Jan'alai's soul space, much to her shame. 


AN: Read up to chapter 46 at: patreon.com/KarpQQ 

Kael: I want a skinny, fair maiden to call my own. I want Jaina! 

Mom: We have Jaina at home!

Jaina at home: 

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