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48.83% Supreme Beings of Azeroth / Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chương 21: Chapter 21

The feast was meant to be a celebration, but it felt more like an uneasy truce. If not for his and Buku's curiosity about how dragon meat tasted, Ainz would have suggested they leave the moment they got the dragon scales. The atmosphere around the feast was thick with tension. The hall was dimly lit, shadows once delightful, now ominous, dancing across the stone walls as firelight unsteadily flickered from the massive torches. Orcs, hunched and solemn, sat in silence as they picked at the dragon meat on their plates. Normally, a feast in Grommash Hold would have been a raucous affair, full of laughter, boasting, and the clashing of mugs to celebrate their victory over such a dangerous beast, but tonight was different. The dragon attack had cast a long shadow over the evening across the entire city. Six orcs had died in the attack, and dozens more were terribly injured, most of whom lost their homes or shops. Even the crackling fires couldn't burn away the heavy cloud of grief and anger that hung in the room, at the now-dead beast and at the persons who had brought its anger upon them.

On the upside, dragon meat was a treat Ainz wouldn't forget any time soon. As he sat in his orc form at one of the long tables, he continued to eat piece after piece, politely consuming as much as he could. The meat had an intense smoky flavor to it, rich and bold in its meatiness, with a stringy texture that required a bit of effort to chew but was satisfying nonetheless. It was gamey, full of the wildness that came from a creature so powerful and ancient that ruled the skies. He had no need to eat, of course, but the experience was fascinating, a rare treat, considering the rarity of black dragons according to literature and Thrall. Even Buku was doing the same, scarfing down even more than he did in her excitement. The head chef of Grommash Hold had boasted that this was likely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Ainz had to delightfully agree. The beasts were not only very rare, but they also were notoriously hard to kill even for the most seasoned of war veterans. Even now, as he glanced around the hall, he could sense the orcs' silent admiration for what he and Buku had accomplished. Slaying such a beast was a feat not soon forgotten, even if it came with deadly consequences.

As the feast gradually wound down, most of the orcs slowly left the hall, leaving only Ainz, Buku, and Thrall seated at the grand table in the center and the remaining platters of dragon steak. The flickering torchlight cast dancing shadows over the stone walls, turning them into spectral watchers of the tense conversation that was about to unfold. The Warchief was unlikely to be a pushover since orcs valued strength the most but even then removing all guards spoke volumes of his assurances that they wouldn't kill him.

"I have an offer to make." Thrall started, his voice full of authority, his hand grating on the handle of his weapon, Doomhammer, sparks dancing around as if sensing its master's unease. "Join the Horde as champions. Whatever you are running from, we can face it together. And in return, you will help me protect my people. I have seen your valor and your resolve, and I believe you will find your calling by standing with us."

Ainz, still in his orcish guise, leaned back slightly in his chair, his fiery crimson eyes glowing faintly beneath the illusion. He listened to Thrall's offer with patience. When he spoke, his voice was calm, his tone was steady, "We are not running from anything. Whoever sent the dragon after us will pay for it dearly."

Buku, leaning forward slightly, flashed a grin that was both charming and aggressive. Her golden eyes glinted in the firelight as she added, "We're not interested in joining any faction, Thrall. Allying and being friends? Sure, But serving? Not our style."

Thrall studied them for a moment longer, his gaze thoughtful. He was not easily swayed, nor was he easily intimidated, thanks to his years of leadership experience. Yet he could see that these two were something far greater, far more dangerous than he could reasonably handle if things went south. Forcing them to serve him was out of the question. "Then what do you plan to do?" He asked, "Who are you? You are not just two mortal beings, of that I am convinced."

Ainz and Buku exchanged a brief glance, the kind of look that spoke of years of companionship, of shared secrets and unspoken plans, to the orc. Ainz let a moment of silence hang in the air before responding, his voice filled with an enigmatic calm. "You're right," he stated, "We are not, but at the same time, revealing what we are would have little meaning to you." His gaze sharpened slightly, a flicker of crimson light dancing in his eyes. "As for our plans, we want to learn about the world, to understand its history and its people. And in time, we will find a place we can call our own, for us to settle down in. We have no desire to get caught in the middle of your conflict with the Alliance."

There was a brief pause as Ainz reached into the hidden depths of his inventory, retrieving a fancy-looking scroll and gently placing it on the table in front of Thrall, its presence immediately commanding attention in the dim hall. "This," Ainz began, his voice calm but resolute, "is a message scroll. Should the Horde ever face a threat that endangers the world itself, we will come and offer our aid." He paused for a moment, his crimson gaze locking with Thrall's, ensuring the importance of the next words sank in. "This scroll contains a single [Message] spell, allowing you to contact us no matter where we are, but we will only respond if the world is truly in danger and not just petty politics."

Thrall's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the scroll and its implications, but he quickly regained his composure. He reached out and carefully took the scroll in his hands, feeling the weight of the unknown magic imbued within it. For a moment, the sparks around Doomhammer flared brighter, as though reacting to the power of the artifact. "Your position is understandable," Thrall replied after a moment, his voice respectful. "Thank you for this offer. And know that my offer stands as well - should you ever decide to settle among my people, you will find a land of honest allies, not enemies, here."

In the quiet that followed, Buku's voice slid into Ainz's mind, her tone dry and laced with the usual hint of humor. { I think it's time to go. No matter where we are, someone will try to rope us into their games. We need our safe base and we need it now. Thrall may seem like a decent guy, but I doubt he would think twice to exploit us for political gain. }

Ainz had to agree with her plan. No matter where they went, there would always be someone seeking to use their power for their own ends. { The problem is we have no idea where to start making one. } Ainz admitted, his mental voice carrying a hint of frustration at his inability to provide information, something he had been trying to solve by constantly pouring over tomes of geography, history, geology, and biology wherever he went.

{ You still have that home-creating spell, right? } Buku countered. { We can use it in some remote area. Perhaps high in the mountains. A place that isn't accessible without flight or teleportation.}

{ I have the spell but you know that the fortress disappeared after a day in the game. } Ainz reminded her.

{ I know. Still better than dealing with all this shit. Let's go and figure out what to do for us. Perhaps we can extend its duration with some experiments, but it's better than nothing. } Buku urged, her tone laced with a bit of resignation.

Ainz gave her a subtle nod of agreement. While they could navigate these political waters for now, they needed to establish a place where they were free from the machinations of others and claim their own. The scroll, after all, wasn't just a gesture of goodwill. It was insurance. A magical lifeline, but one that came with limitations. Ainz had kept the item along with numerous others, in his inventory, rather than storing them all in the treasury of his guild, long ago thanks to his hoarding urges. The [Message] spell imbued within was capable of traversing vast distances, yet its use was singular. It allowed for only one direct connection, a transmission of words as long as the scroll was held. After the communication was severed, another scroll would be required for further contact, meaning he controlled how others contacted them.

The spell also had its weaknesses. Ainz knew that it would fail if the recipient was blocked off by enough magic or - more grimly - if they were dead. These intricacies were important but remained unspoken as Thrall tucked the scroll away. No need to bog down the moment with unnecessary details, it was good enough for now.

They would leave on good terms, much better terms than they had with Stormwind and the Alliance. Perhaps they would visit the orcs more often in the future if they needed supplies and information, considering their far more straightforward and honest natures.

Ainz and Buku rose from their seats with a regal, almost spectral grace. Their towering forms cast long shadows across the hall as the flames flickered behind them, their positions solidified in orcish society. The remnants of the feast lay scattered on the long wooden tables, half-empty platters of dragon meat, discarded bones, and goblets of drink, now cold and forgotten in the aftermath of their quiet negotiation. Ainz summoned a thick fur-lined coat from his inventory and draped it around his wife's shoulders, who accepted it with a smile, her form shifting smoothly back into her human appearance. Being the collector and hoarder that he was, Ainz had spent his time and money in Yggdrasil amassing a formidable amount of items, regardless of their actual value, from the least useful sticks and stones to one-time exclusive gacha drops. One-Time Event items shared space with easily obtained common drops in his inventory as nothing was ever thrown away, plus everything in between. These included items that he couldn't personally use or only added cosmetic value such as women's clothes. Now he was grateful that he had saved them up.

Ainz himself resumed his natural undead form, the familiar sensation of his skeletal body returning like an old friend. The remaining orcish guards, standing at the far end of the hall, shuddered slightly as they witnessed his unsettling transformation. No matter how often they saw it, the change from a mighty orcish warrior to an unholy lich would always unnerve them.

"It is time for us to go," Ainz declared, his deep voice, regal and echoing slightly in the grand chamber. He gave a formal, if restrained, bow to Thrall, "Until we meet again, Warchief."

Thrall simply nodded, his blue eyes lingering on the duo as they moved away, the bovine servant beginning to move in to clean up. The Warchief watched in silence as Ainz raised a bony hand and a dark portal formed in the air before them, its swirling, inky blackness crackling with arcane energy, its end destination impossible for him to see. He would have to consider upping their enchantments if portals like these could be used at will.

The gate led to the snowy mountain range north of Ironforge, a remote place the duo had passed while riding gryphons. It was high, inaccessible, and most importantly was far from the political games of the world. Unless there was another force hidden under these icy caps, but that was always the risk of exploring the unknown.

As they stepped through the gate, the sweltering heat of Durotar gave way to the sharp bite of frigid mountain air, the portal closing behind them. The icy wind came as a refreshment after spending time in the hot sun of the orc homeland. Snow swirled around them in gentle eddies, the crystal white peaks before them towering majestically against a stark, clear sky. The landscape was breathtaking, the vast wilderness untouched by civilization and utterly silent, save for the wind howling through the crags and crevices. Beside him, Buku's human skin flushed slightly as the cold air hit her, but she wrapped the coat tighter around herself. A puff of visible breath escaped her lips and she couldn't help but smile at the change of scenery. It's not like the cold could damage her, but it did remind her of the unpleasant sensation of getting out of bed in the morning and coming in contact with the filtrated room air, always too cold for liking to save on energy bills. The same was true for the heat, which only gave an unpleasant sensation without damaging her body in any manner. Albeit she, unlike her husband, tolerated hotness better than coldness.

"Aah, now this is more like it," Buku muttered, her voice muffled slightly by the coat. She glanced around at the endless snow-capped peaks with a satisfied grin. "Peace, quiet… and no one trying to trick us into saving the world."

Ainz chuckled softly, "It is rather serene," he agreed, surveying the landscape. Despite his skeletal form, he appeared every bit the noble ruler, his posture straight, his presence regal as his robe fluttered with the wind. The cold was inconsequential to him, as he could barely feel anything in this undead form layered on top of his resistances. His crimson eyes scanned the horizon for a suitable location to summon the fortress, finding nothing and prompting him to prepare another spell, "We could settle in this area for now and plan our next steps."

Even if it disappeared after a day, it could be resummoned and all their belongings would be kept in their inventories, meaning no harm done.

"It will do for now. But I'd prefer to live somewhere warmer. I wonder if this world has tropical beaches. A nice vacation home to just laze in the sun by the sea is something I'd eventually want. Just imagine it, lounging in the sun, servants bringing us refreshing drinks." Her voice took on a dreamy tone, her expression growing wistful of daydreams left unanswered.

Ainz hummed thoughtfully, "There probably are areas like that," he remarked, "Perhaps we'll find one, once things settle down. Warm areas would've already been taken up by this world's natives, it is unlikely that we could find an isolated region with these conditions," Ainz said nothing more.

With the quick application of [Remote Viewing, his gaze stretched far and wide, skimming over the landscape far into the distance until he found a perfect spot. There was a small plateau hidden behind a towering peak, shielded from prying eyes unless you were viewing it from above or at a very specific angle.

Once they arrived in this new spot a few moments later, Ainz raised his arm and with a single, practiced motion, he cast [Create Fortress]. The ground beneath them trembled as a huge ten-story-high tower rose from the snow, materializing as though it had always been buried there, constructed by the finest masons and the mightiest stones. The fortress was as imposing as it was otherworldly for the duo. Its dark stone walls gleamed under the pale light of the sun, thousands of runes etched into the surface glowing faintly with protective magic that restricted anyone beside him and Buku from entering unless permitted by one of them. Once inside, they went up to the top floor, a warm, lavish penthouse that stood in stark contrast to the cold, barren landscape outside.

One entire wall was made of enchanted glass, offering a breathtaking, panoramic view of the surrounding mountains as far as the eye could see, yet still durable enough to withstand many magical and physical attacks. Snowflakes gently drifted down outside, creating a serene, almost surreal backdrop to the opulence of the room. The floors were covered in thick, plush carpets, and the air was heated by magical means to keep the cold at bay. At the center of the room stood a large, ornately carved office table, decked out with supplies. In the far corner, a luxurious double bed beckoned with its rich velvet sheets and feather-stuffed pillows.

Buku shrugged off her heavy coat, letting it fall to the floor as she made her way toward the promising bed. Without a second thought, she plopped onto it, sinking into the soft, welcoming mattress. "If only the spell made this permanent," she sighed, stretching out comfortably across the bed.

Ainz, still standing by the window with his hands clasped behind his back, turned his regal gaze toward her, "I believe the spell can be altered to make the fortress not disappear," he remarked. His understanding of magic not only vastly increased the moment he became a Supreme Being but also grew each day as he studied his own abilities and the tomes found in Azeroth, learning its foundations and how to apply them. If anyone could unlock the secrets to making this place last beyond a day, it was him.

Buku's eyes opened at his words, a gleam of excitement flashing in them, "Then let's have it," she stated with a grin. "Even if we build our kingdom far from here, having a backup in case shit hits the fan wouldn't hurt. By the way, does this place have a bath?" she continued, sniffing at her armpit with a scrunched-up face, "I don't want to smell like an orc's ass when we return to civilization."

Ainz chuckled, turning from the window to face her fully, "I believe there's one, it would've been part of the aesthetics," he replied, glancing toward the many doors that lined the room's interior. "Though I'm not sure which one leads to it. And I agree… That is a sound plan. But before we return to civilization, we need to figure out who sent that dragon after us."

Buku rolled off the bed, stretching as she crossed the room, "I doubt it was Thrall," she replied over her shoulder, her hand on one of the doors. "That leaves either Sylvnas or that noblewoman from Stormwind, and I don't think Sylvanas would have the ability to send a dragon at an ally." She started opening doors one by one, peering into hallways.

"Assuming it's Katrana, then we'll need to tread carefully," Ainz mused, his voice growing more serious. " If she's a player, she might be prepared to face us. We can't underestimate her."

Buku snorted, rolling her eyes as she finally found the bathroom, "Ainz, we ain't bitch made. The two of us could probably take down Touch Me in his prime if we used our brains with our newfound abilities." Her voice trailed off as she stepped into the bathroom and whistled. "Oooh hell yeah, look at the size of this beauty! Hey darling, are you coming? I want a back rub."

'Like I could say no to that offer.' Ainz chuckled, taking upon human form and following suit, shedding his clothes.

The bath was nothing short of magnificent, even by what they had seen of this world's standards. It was a large, sunken tub carved from smooth, dark stone, large enough to comfortably fit four or five individuals at once. The water shimmered as it reflected the dim light of enchanted sconces that glowed softly along the walls. Hot steam rose lazily from the water, carrying with it the scent of fresh lavender and sweet honey. The air was thick with warmth, the bath's magic making the very space feel inviting and serene.

Ainz slid into the water beside Buku, instantly feeling the heat soak into his bones, having disabled his passive barriers. He cursed inwardly, wondering for a moment if his innate fire weakness made this experience more intense than it should have been. It wasn't painful exactly, but it was a tad too hot for his liking.

Buku, meanwhile, wasted no time settling between his legs and leaning against his massive chest with a contented sigh. She guided his hands to rest on her stomach, holding them there as if to anchor herself in the warm water. She exhaled deeply, eyes half-closed in bliss, her human form finding perfect enjoyment in it.

"You know, I think we have a lead on where we should start investigating. Maybe even find a group to control," She spoke barely above a whisper.

Ainz hummed in response, relishing in the comfort of the water and the softness of her skin against his own, "Go on," he prompted gently.

"The Defias brotherhood," Buku continued. "They've been a huge pain in the ass for Stormwind for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if they're somehow tied to Katrana. So how about we find out who is behind them and have a chat about future prospects at the same time?"

Ainz's hands idly traced patterns on Buku's stomach, his touch soft but thoughtful as he pondered the idea. The Defias Brotherhood was notorious, a group with resources and a deep grudge against the ruling powers of Azeroth for all they had done. If they could get the cartel to bend their knee, they would have a more than decent force to start with and there would be little need to care about the lives of hardened criminals if things went belly up.

The only concrete information Aizn found about it was that Defias had been initially formed by the former stonemasons who had some sort of a dispute with the Stormwind top brass, which eventually culminated into violent riots across multiple demographics of disgruntled and unsatisfied populations. Once they had separated themselves from the law, like all illegal operations they attracted the eye of criminals, slowly turning the group into what it was today.

It was unlikely that the leader of the shadow organization could provide much resistance against their might and Ainz had multiple methods on how to force someone to comply, both magical and physical.

"We can do that," Ainz replied after a pause. "And I think it's time to put on serious gear even if we stand out. Another attack might be far worse than one black dragon."

"Finally I can look badass." Buku giggled in response. "But that can wait until tomorrow. Right now, we're soaking in the bath and…" She glanced over at the lavish bed, a mischievous grin forming on her lips. "…test the limits of the bed."

"Not a bad plan." Ainz agreed with a chuckle, sliding his hands downward.


The nightly mountain scenery outside gave the much-needed tranquility. The moon bathed the snowy peaks in its silver light, while a gentle wind blew soft whispers through the craggy cliffs, adding an air of serenity to the moment. Ainz stood by the window alone, a loose bathrobe on his skeletal shoulders. He preferred this form whenever his human or orc visages weren't needed. Behind him, Buku slept soundly after the lovemaking session, her breathing soft and steady. As usual, Ainz remained awake, being an undead had its benefits. Though he could force himself to sleep, he found little purpose in doing so. The quiet, reflective moments were enough for him to clear his mind.

Tomorrow, they would take first steps toward the path from which there was no return. Ainz knew that once he embraced the role of a king or emperor, he wouldn't be able to return to a simple life and neither could Buku. She craved the spotlight, the grandeur of power and overwhelming might. She longed to be a queen, the center of it all. Ainz, devoted as ever, couldn't deny his wife this dream. He had always sought to make her happy and if she desired to sit on a throne, he would do everything in his power to give it to her.

The thoughts of the adventure they had experienced this past week lingered in his mind. He found himself reflecting on their newfound existence. As they were now, they wouldn't be able to live simple lives anyway, but with the ability to assume any form they wanted, they could just disappear and start anew if things went wrong. They had learned how to conceal their immense power and how to move unnoticed when necessary. And yet, there was something strangely enthralling about the idea of a life of adventurers, the freedom to roam and to experience.

Ainz pondered this with a sigh. 'Is that just a silly dream? A fantasy of a life not lived, one that I still wish to cling to?' He mused. 'We have become something far greater now, Artemel made sure of that. We were made to be rulers, not adventurers.'

That mysterious entity not only changed their bodies but their minds as well. Yet, Ainz held on to the hope that, despite everything, they were still the people they once were. His love for Buku had only grown deeper, stronger, and more profound than ever before. He clung to that, hoping that she felt the same - that despite their transformation, they could still hold on to each other in the same way they had as humans.

"Can't sleep?" Buku's soft voice broke the silence. Ainz hadn't heard her stir from her slumber in his contemplations.

"I don't need to…" He began, turning to look at her and finding himself momentarily speechless. There she was, standing behind him, her naked silhouette illuminated by the faint light streaming in from the stars and the two moons overhead.

"So, what's on your mind darling?" She asked, her voice a low purr as she approached him, her hips swaying seductively. Ever since she gained this new form, grace came naturally to her. Ainz's gaze lingered on her as she moved, her presence stirring something deep within him despite his undead form.

"Nothing," Ainz lied. "Just thinking about the future."

Buku stopped in front of him, her hand rising to touch the side of his pristine, white skull, her fingers tracing delicate, patterns across the smooth bone. "Ainz…" she gently continued, her touch both tender and firm. "We agreed you wouldn't keep things to yourself. If something worries you, tell me and we'll face it together."

"I am not worried," He replied, his crimson gaze locking with her big blue eyes. But the way her lips pressed into a slight frown told him she wasn't buying it. She could always read him, even when there was no human face to read, no matter the situation.

"I know you," she whispered, her voice softening as her fingers caressed the side of his skull again, this time a reassuring touch. "Even without a human face, I can still see what's going on inside." She pulled his head closer to hers, her lips pressing softly against his exposed teeth in an intimate gesture that was somehow both loving and playful. Ainz, though lacking a physical heart, felt a stirring within him that reminded him of the bond they shared. "If you think we shouldn't do - if you're having second thoughts about ruling, then tell me. We're in this together and we'll figure it out. I don't need a crown or kingdom if it makes you miserable. What I need is you. Your happiness means everything to me."

Her words struck a chord in him, and Ainz knew there was no use trying to hide his thoughts from her, he never could. Her intuition was as sharp as ever, and no mask, skeletal or otherwise, could conceal his inner turmoil from her.

He sighed, his deep, kingly voice now tinged with a vulnerability he rarely let show. "I am happy with you," he admitted, "and if you want to rule, so do I. But… you know we are not humans anymore. Part of me fears that if I fully give in to this, becoming the overlord, the ruler of all, some part of me might be lost, a part I am barely clinging onto for our sake."

"You will still be you, my husband," Buku whispered softly, her voice carrying an almost musical lilt, filled with love and conviction as she leaned into him. Her gaze was gentle but resolute, as if she was willing Ainz to understand the truth of her words. "I am not Akari anymore either. I am Buku now. All that ties me to my old life is Itsuki, and once we get him here, I am ready to discard who I was. I don't believe we will love each other any less if we fully embrace what we are now."

As she spoke, Buku melted into her natural form before his eyes to emphasize the point she was making. Her body melted and changed until her humanoid appearance gave way to her true, natural form, a form he hadn't seen since the beginning of their new lives. She became a pulsating mass of pinkish flesh, an odd and almost alien sight compared to her previous forms, her previously elegant figure now replaced by the strange undulating form she had quickly embraced and covered up since their transformation. Her entire body had a faint sheen, like a gelatinous substance, with hints of movement flickering within the flesh as though it was alive with energy beneath the surface.

She didn't look beautiful in the way humans would think, but to Ainz, she was still captivating. There was something fascinating about her natural form, the way it moved and shifted, both strange and entrancing in its own way, something that would apply regardless of what form she took.

"Come on, let's go to bed," Buku continued, her voice retaining its ethereal echo despite her new shape. A pinkish tendril extended from her body, wrapping gently around Ainz's skeletal hand. "You need to rest your mind, even if you don't feel sleepy. And I… I want to feel you by my side as I sleep."

As Ainz followed her to bed, watching the fluidity of her movements, it finally hit him: he saw her just as beautiful in her natural form, if not more than in her visage. She was his wife, his partner, and she was a monster just like him. She didn't need to look human or even humanoid for him. If his woman lost the ability to shapeshift, he wouldn't worry one bit, he'd still love her nonetheless.

"You should use your natural form more often," Ainz murmured as Buku slid into the bed, her mass settling like a formless, gelatinous blanket besides him.

"I will… for you and only you," she replied, patting his side with a tendril."This form feels like being truly bare, vulnerable. Only my husband should see me like this." She waited for him to drop the robe and lay down before aptly melting into the crevices within his skeletal frame, her six tendrils wrapping around and throughout him. He could feel the warmth of her form, soft yet solid in places as if she were a living embodiment of both comfort and protection. It felt strangely reassuring.

"Shouldn't I do the same?" He asked.

"Do you feel naked as an Overlord?" She teased gently, her echoey voice more enticing than ever.

"Not when I wear clothes. But it does feel like wearing a mask when I use a visage. Being an overlord feels natural to me," He confessed. Taking forms for their delight was something he was fully willing to do, but in his mind, it was like cosplaying, taking on an appearance distinct from their original.

"Then be my overlord in public as well," Buku mumbled, her tendrils gently tightening around him. "And rest a bit."

"I will." He leaned into her warmth, feeling his left arm slightly sink into her form.

Editing by aidan_lo and NabeisWaifu.

Proofreading by IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO, Malguis, and aidan_lo.

Link my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2)

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