Hearing a loud cry, Cynthia rushed into the crowd, only to realize it was a monster's groan. Panic surged through her as she clenched the hilt of Lucian's sword, searching for him and the others. He would be in danger without his weapon to fight them!
"Damn it. How are demons already attacking places like this?! They aren't supposed to attack yet!"
Clenching her jaw, Cynthia dashed through the alleys, desperately trying to spot someone she recognized. Shops were blown apart by the demon's magic, their large bricks crumbling on the ground like mere leaves in autumn. People were tossed aside like pebbles, and blood splattered onto her dark dress as she sprinted, not batting an eye, her breath coming in ragged gasps. During her search for Lucian, no matter where she looked, she could not find the demon that caused all this.
I will come back with side-stories soon so be patient!