As Flannery pulls away from Bea's lips, I see a light returning to her dazed expression. She lets out a small squeak as signally realizes that we are in front of her. Flannery and I both give her a bit of a predatory grin at her reaction, which seems to cause her to shrink back slightly.
"H-hi." Bea says quietly.
"Hi yourself." Flannery answers back, the grin on her face growing slightly.
"Enjoying the view?" I ask as I step closer to her again and lightly grab her hand. Bea just blushes as her eyes try to look anywhere else instead of on the two of us.
"I-I don't know…" She answers but doesn't pull her hand away.
"To us, it seemed like you liked it quite a bit." Flannery says as she runs her fingers along Bea's side. "I mean, the hand down your pants is pretty telling."
"Eep." Bea squeaks again as the blush on her face grows larger and I can feel the heat coming from her. "Wh- I- No-"
"Yes." I answer her as I take my free hand and run my fingers up the inside of her thigh towards her core. I hear her breath hitch as my fingers pass over hers that still have not left her leggings and are still slightly rubbing her lips.
"You know, it would feel even better without all this clothing on." Flannery says with a sexy teasing lilt as she grabs the hem of her top and starts to lift it slowly. When she sees that Bea isn't rejecting the motion, she continues until Bea is standing there in her bra with the shirt hanging off one arm, that still has not left her pants this entire time.
"Seems like someone enjoys getting stripped." I tease as I start to slip down her body and onto my knees. Bea's eyes follow me as I slide down her body and grab the top of her leggings, the skin tight fabric looks almost painted on muscular legs. I gently start to peel the leggings off her hips as I watch her face for any sign of rejection.
"Doesn't she look great on her knees?" Flannery whispers into her ear, as I feel her hand start to pet my hair. I let out a sound that could be mistaken as a purr as I squint my eyes at her touch and her words. Bea lets out a sound that seems to signal affirmative as she watches me lean into Flannery's warm hand. "Just think of all the things she could do while down there."
I smile up at the two of them as I keep pulling down Bea's leggings and panties. Even though I am taking my time, it isn't long before I am admiring the smooth latte colored skin that does not have a single visible hair on it. Bea's hand and arm are still covering the goods, but my current position allows me to see the visible wetness on her fingers between her thighs.
I lean closer and softly kiss the crease where her legs meet her pelvis. I feel the silky smooth skin against my lips as I glance up to see her currently occupied by Flannery kissing her and groping her chest over her sports bra. I smile against her skin and create a trail of kisses that heads towards her core. As I approach, I reach up and gently guide her own hand away from her nether lips, which Flannery seems to notice as she lifts the offending arm away and out of my sight.
My eyes are quickly drawn to the now uncovered slit before me. Just like her legs, it is completely hairless and silky smooth. Wetness glistens on the skin from Bea's ministrations, creating a delicious sight as I draw closer. I glance up at my caramel-colored friend's body and note that she is fully distracted by Flannery, with wet sounding kisses and muffled moans that make me excited, before I get my first taste of her as I slide the tip of my tongue just over her clit and brush against it lightly.
I feel her jolt slightly because of my tongue, which causes me to smile as I press my lips against her skin again, directly on her clit and softly suck on the hidden nub. A loud moan fills the room as my tongue draws patterns on her skin, making sure to brush past her sensitive bud with each pattern. I concentrate my efforts in tune with the moans growing louder and louder as I find the right rhythm.
Her sexy moans slowly shift from salacious to sensual until they seem to catch in her throat as her body starts to spasm, causing her knees to no longer hold her body weight. Luckily, Flannery catches her before she can fall too far. A few moments later I hear laboured breathing coming from above me so I glance up and find Bea's head hanging forward. Her eyes are wet with arousal, her face flushed and slightly sweaty and her mouth partially open with her lips extra red and slightly puffy, giving her a rather sexy look.
I give her a predatory smile as I lift one of her toned yet soft legs over my shoulder, opening her forbidden treasure for me to plunder. I stare into her eyes as I make my way between her legs. I watch her eyes go wide as I make a show of opening my mouth and stretching out my tongue, which according to Flannery is rather long, before clamping my mouth over her extra juicy pussy. My sense of taste is overwhelmed by the flavor of her sex which is like freshly ground coffee and salt(?). It's an odd combination but works well together.
Bea's breath hitches as my tongue gets to work caressing her lips. I keep my movements slow and deliberate, making sure to keep eye contact with her so that she concentrates on me and the pleasure. On one slow pass, I push my tongue between her folds and further into her tight core drawing another moan from her lips.
Flannery takes this time to peel off the last sanctuary of clothes that Bea is wearing, finally stripping our friend bare. Flannery whispers something into Bea's ear that I don't catch as I focus on pleasing Bea but I do notice her eyes dilate and a slight nod as she agrees to something. A moment later, our positions have shifted slightly as Bea is now laying down on the bed with her legs hanging off the edge so I still have easy access.
Flannery crawls onto the bed like a hunting cat. I take a moment to admire my spicy lovers body, her perfect curves and tight waist drawing my attention effortlessly. She seems to sense my gaze as she turns her head towards me, spreading her legs slightly more so I can get a better view, and gives me a teasing smirk and a wink. I return her smirk with a predatory growl before returning to my current feast with renewed passion.
I seem to cause a reaction as Bea's hips buck slightly against my lips and a throaty moan fills the room. A fresh wave of her essence spills into my mouth that I happily lap up. Flannery finally gets into position and sits on Bea's face. I glance up Bea's body to a view of smoothly carved abs into caramel colored hills into a copper colored goddess. Flannery lets out a soft moan of her own as she bends forward towards me, her eyes filled with passion and lusty hunger.
♨️*~*~*~*[R-18 END]*~*~*~*♨️
The three of us spend the next few hours forgetting what we originally planned to do, and just enjoy the sexy fun. It is well into the night when the three of us lay on the bed, still breathing hotly and heavily and our skins glistening with sweat and other fluids. Flannery has her head resting on my right shoulder and Bea has her head resting on my chest as we enjoy the afterglow.
I close my eyes and enjoy our closeness but I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I am forgetting something. I feel a tiny pulse of something coming from my inner flame so I focus inward to see what is happening. As I clear my mind and begin to focus on my flame I notice some changes.
The flame is no longer just sitting in a blank void that it was previously. Now, it seems that my incomplete inner core now sits within the center of the flame. The inner core itself is pulsing in a steady breathing rhythm and seems to be forming on its own. I'm not sure what caused this change but it seems to be beneficial.
Outside of the flame, there are two orbiting things. One is a crimson colored flame that feels very intimate to me and when I focus on it I can feel an immense sense of satisfaction and cinnamon flavored love that tells me that it is Flannery. The other orbiting thing is odd though. When I focus on it, I can't quite make out the shape or color of it but it feels wet and heavy but also gives a sense of freedom. This must be Bea's aura that I absorbed.
I watch the two objects orbit my flaming core. As I watch, I begin to notice differences between the two and how they act with me. Flannery's flame seems to pulse in time with my core and gradually gets smaller as another snowflake appears on my core, moving my cultivation forward by a small step.
Bea's thing just circles around my core, not getting any closer and not moving away, just staying the same distance away. I concentrate on Bea's energy, focusing even more than earlier when I was feeling it out, and slowly I notice a hair thin connection to the energy that seems to go into the dark void that is my inner world.
I recall what my cultivation manual had said and I slowly push my will against the tiny thread.. The thread starts to bend and stretch until suddenly, like a hair tie snapping into place, the thread recoils and the odd thing that is Bea's energy disappears from my inner world without a sound.
My inner self blinks a few times and then just shrugs. I'm still new at this so if that didn't work we can always try again. Not like we didn't have fun in the process. Letting my thoughts wander, I slowly pull myself out of my inner world to focus on the outside world again. I open my eyes to be greeted by two smiling ruby orbs.
"Hey beautiful." Flannery whispers as she gives me a light kiss.
"Hey yourself." I smile back as I can still feel the unfiltered love radiating from her. I'm not sure if she can feel me too, but I send back those same feelings as I give her a one-armed hug. I see her smile grow bigger yet softer a moment later, so I guess she can feel it as well.
I feel a slight movement over to my left and I notice that Bea seems to be experiencing something uncomfortable. It takes my brain a few seconds to register what is happening until I realize it must have worked.
"Quick! Help me get her to the tub!" I say in a quiet panic. "I think I did it right and now she is getting purified!"
It takes Flannery a few seconds to register what I am saying before her eyes go wide and she slips off the bed and a quiet thud a moment later. Flannery slowly stands up with the help of the bed and shoots me a playful glare.
"My legs refuse to work properly." She says which causes me to preen with a bit of satisfaction as I try to shimmy myself off the bed as well. I gingerly test my own legs so as to not repeat her mishap, and find that they seem to work fine. I quickly stand up and scoop Bea into my arms and head into the bathroom, only to find a large jacuzzi style tub instead of the standard shower/tub combo.
"We are so renting a room like this next time." I mutter to myself as I lay Bea into the tub.
Sorry for the delay! The end of the year is killing me with how much work I have. Only a week and a half left and then I get two weeks off. I will try to get some writing done so I have a small stock pile during that time.
I have a discord! discord . gg / TeV3KB8Ueh