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Chapter 1

The year is 1985, and the cozy living room of Number Six Privet Drive is bathed in the warm glow of a crackling fire. Mr. and Mrs. Smythe sit in their matching armchairs, sipping tea and chatting about the day's events. 

"Did you see the new flowers the Johnsons planted?" Mrs. Smythe begins, her voice tinged with excitement. "Absolutely lovely, such vibrant colors. And their new car! A bright red convertible. Can you imagine?"

Mr. Smythe, a mild-mannered man with a secret life, nods absently, his thoughts more on his next mission than on the neighbors' garden. "Yes, dear, very nice."

Mrs. Smythe leans in closer, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of fresh gossip. "But you won't believe what I heard about the Dursleys. You know them, at Number Four?"

Mr. Smythe looks up, feigning interest. "The Dursleys? What about them?"

"It's their nephew, Harry Potter," she whispers, as if the boy might hear them from two houses away. "Odd things keep happening around him. Just the other day, I saw Petunia dragging him down the street, muttering something about freakishness. And I've heard things... like how Mrs. Figg's cats go wild whenever he's around."

Mr. Smythe raises an eyebrow. "Cats, you say?"

"Yes," Mrs. Smythe nods eagerly. "And just last week, Dudley was chasing Harry, and suddenly Dudley tripped over nothing! One moment he's running, the next he's flat on his face. Vernon blamed Harry, of course, but how could a five-year-old make that happen?"

Mr. Smythe's mind races. His HYDRA training has taught him to look for the unusual, the extraordinary. "That is peculiar," he muses, carefully steering the conversation. "Anything else?"

Mrs. Smythe leans back, sipping her tea. "Oh, plenty. Lights flickering when he's upset, toys that move on their own, even the weather seems to change around him. I've never seen anything like it. Petunia's at her wit's end."

Mr. Smythe hides a smirk behind his teacup. This Harry Potter could be of interest to HYDRA, he thinks. "Well, children have wild imaginations. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye out. For the neighborhood's sake, of course."

Mrs. Smythe, satisfied with her gossip for the evening, nods. "Absolutely. We can't have anything disrupting our peaceful little street."

As they continue their conversation, Mr. Smythe's thoughts are far from the mundane concerns of Privet Drive. Instead, he's already planning his next move, contemplating how best to report this curious child to his superiors at HYDRA.

Mr. Smythe, with a sense of urgency, discreetly makes his way to a secure location to report his findings. He knows that what he has discovered could be of great interest to HYDRA, and more specifically, to Daniel Whitehall. Using a secure HYDRA communication channel, he contacts Whitehall directly.

"Sir, I have some information you might find intriguing," Mr. Smythe begins, his voice steady despite the gravity of his news.

"Proceed," comes the cold, authoritative voice of Daniel Whitehall, a man with a dark past and an even darker present. 

Mr. Smythe relays the odd occurrences surrounding Harry Potter, the five-year-old boy living at Number Four Privet Drive. He describes the incidents with the cats, the inexplicable fall of Dudley Dursley, the flickering lights, and the moving toys.

Whitehall listens intently, his mind racing back to the days of the Third Reich and his time with Gellert Grindelwald. He recognizes the signs immediately. "Accidental magic," he murmurs to himself, a cruel smile forming on his lips.

"Sir?" Mr. Smythe asks, uncertain.

"Mr. Smythe, you have done well," Whitehall says, his voice laced with satisfaction. "The boy is demonstrating accidental magic. Such power, even unrefined, is rare and valuable. He could be of great use to us."

Whitehall, formerly known as Werner Reinhardt, recalls the strategic alliances and experiments conducted during World War II. Grindelwald, a powerful dark wizard, had worked with HYDRA to further their mutual goals of domination and control. Whitehall had witnessed the potential of magic firsthand and had never forgotten its power.

"Keep a close watch on the boy," Whitehall orders. "But do not arouse suspicion. We need to understand the extent of his abilities and ensure he does not fall under the influence of those who would oppose us."

"Understood, sir," Mr. Smythe replies, feeling a mix of pride and apprehension.

As the connection is terminated, Whitehall begins to formulate a plan. This Harry Potter could be the key to unlocking untold magical power for HYDRA. With the right guidance and manipulation, the boy's abilities could be harnessed and weaponized. 

Whitehall's thoughts drift back to the days of war, to the memories of standing beside Grindelwald, watching as he wielded magic with devastating effect. The thought of having such power within HYDRA's grasp fills him with anticipation. The world has changed, but the pursuit of power remains the same. And now, with this new opportunity, HYDRA's ambitions could reach unprecedented heights.

For now, Harry Potter remains unaware of the dark forces beginning to circle around him, and the sinister plans being made. His childhood in Privet Drive continues, with strange occurrences marking his days, as Mr. Smythe keeps a vigilant eye, reporting every detail back to his master, Daniel Whitehall.

Daniel Whitehall, ever the meticulous planner, knows that gathering comprehensive information about Harry Potter is crucial. He reaches out to a deep-cover operative within the Ministry of Magic. This spy has been embedded for years, gathering intelligence for HYDRA while maintaining the façade of a loyal Ministry employee.

Using a secure, magical communication method known only to a select few within HYDRA, Whitehall contacts his spy. The operative, known by the code name "Shadow," receives the message late at night in his modest London flat.

Whitehall's voice comes through the enchanted mirror on the wall, cool and commanding. "Shadow, I require information on a boy named Harry Potter. He lives with Muggles at Number Four, Privet Drive. I also need details on his twin sister, Rose Potter, who is under the care of Albus Dumbledore. I need to know everything the Ministry has on them."

Shadow, a wizard who has meticulously built his career within the Ministry, nods solemnly. "Understood, sir. I'll access the records discreetly. Is there anything specific you wish to know?"

"Their background, lineage, and any known magical abilities. I need to understand the potential they hold. Do this without raising any suspicion. Our plans depend on it."

Shadow bows slightly, a gesture of respect and acknowledgment. "I will have the information for you as soon as possible."

Over the next few days, Shadow carefully navigates the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the Ministry of Magic. He uses his access to confidential files to gather comprehensive information on Harry and Rose Potter. His work requires a delicate balance of skill and subterfuge, ensuring that no one notices his unusual interest in the young twins.

Within a week, Shadow has compiled a detailed report. He contacts Whitehall through the same secure channel. "Sir, I have the information you requested. Harry and Rose Potter are the children of James and Lily Potter, both highly skilled and respected wizards. James and Lily were critically injured by the dark wizard Voldemort and are currently in a coma at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries."

Whitehall listens intently, his interest piqued. "Go on."

"Rose Potter is known in the wizarding world as 'The Girl Who Lived.' She survived the Killing Curse from Voldemort, which rebounded and seemingly destroyed the dark wizard. This has made her a significant figure. Rose is being raised by Albus Dumbledore himself, which places her under powerful protection and mentorship. Her brother, Harry, also survived the attack, but he lives with their Muggle relatives, the Dursleys, at Number Four, Privet Drive."

Whitehall's eyes narrow at the mention of Dumbledore, a name he associates with numerous thwarted plans and a powerful adversary. "And their current abilities?"

"At their age, both have shown signs of accidental magic, which is not uncommon for young wizards. However, given their lineage and the events surrounding their survival, they may possess extraordinary potential. Dumbledore's direct involvement with Rose suggests he sees significant potential in her. Harry, meanwhile, remains largely unnoticed by the magical community, which may leave him more vulnerable to influence."

Whitehall contemplates this information, a plan beginning to take shape in his mind. "Very well, Shadow. Continue to monitor any developments related to Harry and Rose Potter. Report to me immediately if there are any changes or if they show further signs of magical prowess."

"Understood, sir," Shadow replies, his loyalty unwavering.

As the communication ends, Whitehall sits back, a cold smile playing on his lips. The twins are even more valuable than he initially thought. With careful manipulation and the right timing, Harry and Rose Potter could become powerful assets for HYDRA, pawns in their quest for domination. And with his knowledge of both magic and strategy, Whitehall is confident he can outmaneuver even Dumbledore when the time comes.

Daniel Whitehall sits in his dimly lit office, the cold glow of his desk lamp casting sharp shadows across his face. The report from Shadow has given him much to consider. He taps his fingers rhythmically on the polished wood of his desk, deep in thought.

Rose Potter is untouchable, he muses. Albus Dumbledore's protection is formidable, and any direct move against her would undoubtedly provoke a swift and powerful retaliation. However, Harry Potter, living a mundane life with his Muggle relatives, is a different matter entirely. Isolated, unnoticed, and unprotected, Harry represents a unique opportunity.

Whitehall leans back in his chair, his mind racing. Kidnapping Harry could provide HYDRA with an unparalleled asset. With the right conditioning and training, Harry could be molded into a powerful weapon—HYDRA's very own magical Winter Soldier. The potential is tantalizing, a wizard trained in espionage, combat, and magic, loyal only to HYDRA.

He makes up his mind and reaches for the secure communication device, connecting once again with Shadow. The mirror shimmers, and Shadow's face appears.

"Shadow, I have a new directive for you," Whitehall begins, his voice calm but firm. "We will focus on Harry Potter. Your task is to ensure no interference or suspicion from the Ministry or Dumbledore. Use your position to create distractions and cover our tracks."

Shadow nods, his expression serious. "Understood, sir. I will make sure the Ministry and Dumbledore are kept in the dark."

Whitehall then contacts Mr. Smythe using another secure channel. The mirror flickers and Smythe's face appears.

"Smythe, I have a critical mission for you," Whitehall says, his voice authoritative. "You are to extract Harry Potter from Number Four, Privet Drive. This must be done with the utmost discretion. Any suspicion or interference must be avoided at all costs."

Smythe listens intently, his face reflecting the seriousness of the task. "What are the parameters for the extraction, sir?"

"Harry must be taken quietly and without leaving a trace," Whitehall replies, his tone chillingly deliberate. "However, there is more. The Dursleys must be eliminated. Ensure it appears that Harry died with them in whatever 'accident' you arrange. This will remove any loose ends and prevent Dumbledore from investigating further."

Smythe nods, understanding the gravity of his orders. "It will be done, sir. How would you like the... accident to occur?"

"Make it look like a tragic household incident—something that would not draw undue suspicion," Whitehall replies. "A gas leak, perhaps, followed by an explosion. Clean, effective, and final."

Smythe nods, his expression resolute. "I will begin the preparations immediately and ensure that all traces are covered."

As the communications end, Whitehall turns his attention to the broader implications of his plan. The creation of a wizarding Winter Soldier would give HYDRA unprecedented power within the magical world. With Harry Potter under their control, they could infiltrate the highest echelons of wizarding society, dismantle their enemies from within, and extend their influence across both the magical and non-magical worlds.

Whitehall's cold smile returns as he envisions the future. The boy who lived will become the weapon that brings their enemies to their knees. All that remains is to set the plan in motion and watch as Harry Potter is reborn under HYDRA's shadow.

Mr. Smythe, fully aware of the gravity and intricacy of his mission, begins his preparations. He surveils Number Four, Privet Drive, studying the routines of the Dursleys to ensure he can execute the plan without a hitch. Late one night, when the Dursleys are asleep, Smythe makes his move.

Using his skills to disable security systems and avoid detection, he sneaks into the house. He locates the cupboard under the stairs where Harry sleeps and quietly approaches the sleeping boy. Smythe administers a sedative to ensure Harry remains unconscious during the extraction.

With Harry secured, Smythe proceeds to the next phase. He carefully stages a gas leak in the kitchen, ensuring that the setup appears accidental. He plants an explosive device, timed to detonate after he and Harry have safely left the premises. Smythe exits the house, carrying Harry, and retreats to a safe distance.

Moments later, a loud explosion shatters the stillness of the night. The house is engulfed in flames, the explosion thorough enough to leave little evidence behind. To the outside world, it appears as a tragic household accident, claiming the lives of the Dursley family, including their nephew, Harry Potter.

Shadow, meanwhile, uses his position within the Ministry to ensure that any investigations into the incident are minimal and inconclusive. He subtly diverts attention and alters records, ensuring that neither Dumbledore nor the Ministry suspects foul play or links the event to HYDRA.

Smythe delivers Harry to a secure HYDRA facility, where Whitehall awaits. With the boy in their grasp, HYDRA begins the process of conditioning and training Harry, aiming to transform him into a powerful asset loyal to their cause. Whitehall watches with satisfaction as his plan unfolds, confident that Harry Potter will soon become a formidable weapon under HYDRA's control.

Whitehall, now in possession of Harry, convenes a secret meeting in a fortified HYDRA facility. The room is dimly lit, filled with an air of anticipation. Around the large conference table sit HYDRA's top scientists and a few wizards who have allied with the organization, all waiting for Whitehall to speak.

Whitehall stands at the head of the table, his presence commanding. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have successfully acquired Harry Potter," he begins, his voice firm and calculated. "Now, we must discuss the next steps to transform him into an asset of unparalleled power."

The lead scientist, Dr. Schmidt, leans forward. "Our priority should be to assess his magical capabilities and physical resilience. We can start with a series of tests to gauge his potential."

Whitehall nods. "Agreed. Begin with non-invasive procedures to avoid triggering any protective spells or wards that might alert Dumbledore."

One of the wizards, a former Death Eater named Mulciber, speaks up. "We should also consider magical conditioning. With the right spells and potions, we can ensure his loyalty to HYDRA and suppress any memories of his former life."

Another scientist, Dr. Lang, adds, "Combining magical conditioning with our advanced psychological techniques will maximize his indoctrination. We should also explore integrating Super-Soldier enhancements and possibly Vibranium augmentation to his skeleton, like we've done in the past."

Whitehall's eyes gleam with satisfaction. "Excellent. Proceed with these measures, but remember, subtlety is key. Any sign that we've been compromised will bring the full force of the wizarding world upon us."

The room buzzes with activity as assignments are delegated. Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Lang will oversee the physical and psychological enhancements, while Mulciber and his team of wizards will handle the magical conditioning.

Whitehall concludes the meeting with a final directive. "This boy has the potential to become HYDRA's most powerful weapon. Failure is not an option. Monitor his progress closely and report any anomalies immediately. Together, we will reshape him into the ultimate agent of HYDRA."

As the attendees disperse to begin their work, Whitehall remains, contemplating the immense power they now hold. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, will soon be transformed into HYDRA's greatest asset, a symbol of their ultimate domination over both the magical and non-magical worlds.

Alone with his best wizard operative, Whitehall stands in the dimly lit room, the weight of their conversation heavy in the air. He looks intently at the wizard, a man known only by his codename, "Specter," and speaks in a low, commanding voice.

"Specter, I have a new mission for you," Whitehall begins, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "We need to break Gellert Grindelwald out of Nurmengard. He is crucial to our plans. Grindelwald's knowledge and experience will be invaluable in training Harry Potter."

Specter nods, understanding the magnitude of the task. "I understand, sir. How should I proceed?"

Whitehall's expression is resolute. "This mission requires utmost precision and secrecy. You must infiltrate Nurmengard, bypass its defenses, and ensure Grindelwald's escape without raising any alarms. Once freed, he will be brought to our secure location where he can begin Harry's training."

Specter bows slightly, his loyalty unwavering. "It will be done, sir."

Whitehall watches as Specter departs, confident in his operative's abilities. The plan to mold Harry Potter into a weapon for HYDRA is unfolding perfectly, and with Grindelwald's expertise, their ambitions edge closer to reality.

The night is moonless and cold as Specter approaches the looming fortress of Nurmengard, its high walls and dark towers standing as a testament to the power of Gellert Grindelwald. Specter, HYDRA's best wizard operative, is cloaked in shadows, moving with silent precision. He casts a Disillusionment Charm upon himself, blending into the surroundings as he nears the fortress's formidable defenses.

Nurmengard is protected by powerful enchantments and guarded by the most loyal and vigilant of wardens. Specter carefully navigates the intricate web of protective spells, using his deep knowledge of dark magic and his extensive training to disable each barrier without setting off any alarms. His movements are calculated, his wand flicking in precise, controlled motions.

Reaching the outer wall, Specter mutters a spell under his breath, causing the stone to ripple and part just enough for him to slip through. He finds himself in a narrow corridor, the air thick with the oppressive aura of the fortress. Specter knows the layout well, having studied it meticulously for weeks. He moves swiftly, encountering no one, as he heads towards the highest tower where Grindelwald is imprisoned.

In the deepest part of the tower, behind multiple layers of enchantments, lies Grindelwald's cell. Specter stands before the final barrier, a complex and ancient ward. He takes a deep breath, steadies his hand, and begins the delicate task of unraveling it. Sweat beads on his forehead as he works, the minutes stretching into what feels like hours.

At last, the ward dissolves, and Specter pushes open the heavy door. Inside, Gellert Grindelwald sits, his once-powerful presence diminished but not extinguished. He looks up, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes as he beholds his rescuer.

"Who are you?" Grindelwald asks, his voice rough from years of disuse.

"Specter, an operative of HYDRA," the wizard replies. "Daniel Whitehall has need of your skills. We are here to free you and offer you a chance to train a new protégé."

Grindelwald rises slowly, his movements deliberate. "Whitehall... I remember him. And this protégé?"

"Harry Potter," Specter answers. "A boy with extraordinary potential, waiting to be molded."

A slow smile spreads across Grindelwald's face. "Interesting. Lead the way."

Specter leads Grindelwald through the same path he came, the escape as silent and precise as the infiltration. They move through the shadows, bypassing guards and slipping through the walls. The fortress remains undisturbed, unaware of the monumental event occurring within its walls.

Outside, a concealed portkey awaits them. Specter activates it, and in an instant, they are transported to a secure HYDRA location. Grindelwald breathes in the fresh air of freedom for the first time in years, his eyes alight with renewed purpose.

In a secluded, heavily guarded HYDRA safe house, Daniel Whitehall stands face to face with the recently freed Gellert Grindelwald. The tension in the air is palpable as two men, each with a history of power and manipulation, negotiate the terms of an uneasy alliance.

Whitehall, ever the meticulous planner, lays out his offer. "Mr. Grindelwald, I propose a mutually beneficial arrangement. In return for your assistance in training Harry Potter, I will provide you with the Infinity Formula—a serum that grants extended life and vitality. Think of what you could accomplish with more time."

Grindelwald, masking his true intentions behind a calm exterior, studies Whitehall carefully. He knows the dark path HYDRA treads and the suffering they bring. His thoughts turn to Harry, an innocent child caught in the crossfire of power and ambition. Grinding his resolve, Grindelwald responds with measured composure.

"I accept your offer," Grindelwald says, his tone seemingly aligned with Whitehall's plan. "I will train Harry to harness his potential. The Infinity Formula will certainly be useful."

Whitehall's expression remains stoic, though a flicker of satisfaction crosses his eyes. "Very well, Mr. Grindelwald. As long as you fulfill your end of the bargain, the formula is yours."

Grindelwald nods, hiding his true intentions. He knows this is a delicate game of deception and strategy, one where he must tread carefully to shield the boy from the darkness that seeks to consume him.

As they finalize their agreement, Grindelwald's mind races with plans. He will use his time with Harry to teach him not just magic and combat, but also the importance of free will and moral integrity. Harry must understand the true nature of power and the responsibility that comes with it.

Whitehall, satisfied with the arrangement, feels confident in his plan. He believes Grindelwald's expertise will shape Harry into the perfect weapon for HYDRA, unaware of Grindelwald's true intentions.

In the weeks that follow, Grindelwald begins Harry's training, using every opportunity to instill in him the values of compassion, courage, and independence. He carefully balances the harsh realities of their situation with the hope that Harry can one day rise above it.

As Grindelwald watches Harry grow stronger and more capable, he remains determined to guide him away from HYDRA's malevolent grasp. The boy who lived must become the beacon of hope the world needs, not the weapon Whitehall envisions.

The struggle for Harry's future intensifies, with Grindelwald and Dumbledore both working from different angles to protect him from the looming threat of HYDRA, each unaware of the other's involvement. The battle lines are drawn, and the fate of the wizarding world hangs in the balance.

Meanwhile, in the tranquil surroundings of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore devotes his time to Rose Potter, the five-year-old girl under his care. Rose, adored and doted upon, enjoys the warmth and protection Dumbledore offers, her life filled with magical wonders and affection.

One afternoon, as Rose plays with enchanted toys in Dumbledore's office, a Patronus bursts through the door—a silver owl. Dumbledore's eyes widen as he receives the urgent message from the Ministry of Magic. Gellert Grindelwald has escaped from Nurmengard.

The serene atmosphere in the office shifts immediately. Dumbledore's face grows stern as he processes the gravity of the situation. Grindelwald's escape could spell disaster, especially if he falls into the hands of those who seek to misuse his dark knowledge.


He turns to Rose, who looks up at him with innocent curiosity. Hiding his concern, he gently says, "Rose, my dear, I need to attend to something important. Stay here and be good, alright?"

Rose nods, her green eyes wide with trust. "Okay, Grandpa Dumbledore. I'll stay here."

With a reassuring smile to Rose, Dumbledore swiftly leaves his office, his mind racing. The thought of Grindelwald out in the world again fills him with dread. He knows he must act quickly to counter this new threat and protect both Rose and Harry, who remains vulnerable at the Dursleys' home.

As he steps into the hallway, Dumbledore encounters Minerva McGonagall. Her expression mirrors his concern. "Albus, is it true? Has Grindelwald escaped?"

Dumbledore nods gravely. "Yes, Minerva. The Ministry has confirmed it. This is troubling news indeed."

McGonagall's face pales. "What are we going to do, Albus?"

"We must ensure the safety of Rose here at Hogwarts," Dumbledore replies firmly. "I will contact our allies and gather as much information as possible about Grindelwald's escape. We must also ensure Harry's safety at Privet Drive. He is more vulnerable than ever."

As Dumbledore mobilizes his allies and formulates a plan to address Grindelwald's escape, the stakes grow ever higher. The wizarding world faces a renewed threat, with Dumbledore resolved to protect his beloved Rose and ensure the safety of young Harry Potter.


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