Delilah took a deep breath to calm herself and just as she opened her mouth to respond, Hunter's phone vibrated on the table and he picked it up casually, his eyes flicking over the screen.
"Hmm. An email from Quinn Enterprise," Hunter drawled, his gaze lifting to meet Delilah's, who was now staring at him with wide curious eyes, all pretense of nonchalance vanishing. "I wonder what it says."
"What does it say?" She blurted out, her voice a touch too eager as she threw all her reservations to the wind and shifted closer to him, excited to see the email for herself.
"Hey! No unnecessary proximity or contact, remember?" he reminded her with a grin as he shifted slightly away.
Delilah's cheeks flushed a warm pink. "This is necessary proximity and contact," she countered, glaring at him as she moved even closer.
She couldn't believe that he had not bothered to acknowledge that he had seen the list until now.
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