The steam billowed, and with it came the distinctive aroma of flattened noodles.
"Gao's Beef Flattened Noodles, absolutely authentic!"
The owner shouted proudly, then, seeing someone flipping a table, hurriedly went to clean up, single-handedly managing a thirty square meter shop.
Tang Shu imitated the people at the next table, taking a pair of disposable chopsticks from the wooden tub and snapping them apart, pinching them in her hand to pick up the noodles for a bite. She immediately felt the flavor lingering on her lips and teeth, and the broth was rich and hearty.
This taste, it really was like what she had eaten before in the Wan Region.
The muscular owner, turning with leftover dishes in hand, caught sight of Tang Shu in the corner and was instantly attracted.
"Hey, this girl... very pretty, and even her eating is nice to watch!"
The bowls for serving the flattened noodles came in two sizes, one large and one small.
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