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34.37% Jörmungandr / Chapter 8: Diverging Timeline

Chương 8: Diverging Timeline

I have been in the MCU for a few months now and I was genuinely enjoying being in the modern era again. The first thing I did was buy the latest smartphone that I enchanted to hell and back. I made it run on magic while also making it impervious to magic so that it didn't malfunction when I brought it back with me to the DxD/HP world. 


People recognized me in the streets which was annoying at first but then I realized that these people seemed to actually respect personal boundaries. I didn't know if it was because they had seen the scope of my powers or the fact that Ophis glared at them whenever they got too close. 


Ophis got mistaken for my daughter once, I had to bribe her with a lot of sweets so that she didn't vaporize the overly excited 'fan'. My appearance in the various videos saving people and repairing building also caused a resurgence in the Christian faith. Gabriel reinforced this with her own appearances in these videos as she healed people. 


So far SHIELD has left me alone for the most part. I still spotted the odd agent here and there keeping an eye on me but they didn't bother me. My trip to Italy had been entertaining since I visited the Vatican with Gabriel. A priest had called us pretenders and blasphemers but revealing our wings and exposing that priest's shady dealing had them eating out of my palms rather quickly. 


The pope bowed to me when I appeared before him during a mass. I even blessed a few people, not with power of course, couldn't have superpowered humans running around. Mainly I just recited some scripture and made my wings glow a brighter when I touched their heads or shoulders. 


Why I was doing this was because I wanted to see how much more powerful I could get with more faithful people praying to me. The changes were negligible unfortunately but I wasn't too bothered. I was already powerful enough as is with my full power slowly returning. 


Gabriel, Ophis, and I were wandering around London since I wanted to see if there was a wizarding community here. While we walked around the streets I remembered a rather important plot detail in the MCU. 


'Wonder if I can take the Infinity Stones before they become a threat? Time to find out.' 


"Gabriel, Ophis, head back to the hotel. I'm going to check something out." 


"Okay daddy." Gabriel replied while teleporting away with a magic circle. 


Ophis looked at me hesitantly and tighten her hood around my shoulder. 


"I want to come with you." She pouted. 


Her vocabulary had gotten much better during the time she spent with Gabriel and I. I patted her head, handing her a bag of sour patch kids I replied. 


"I'll only be gone for a little bit. Go on, we'll go get some ice cream when I get back." 


"Promise?" She asked. 


"I promise." 


She nodded and disappeared. Her teleportation was different from all the other variations I had seen. Apparating silently or not still had the swirling thing, divine teleportation had the distinct flash of light, the sorcerers had the swirly fire thing, and magical teleportation from DxD used magic circles. Ophis just simply vanished without any lights or noise. I asked her how she did it once and she just shrugged. 


Taking a moment to focus I closed my eyes and pictured the first stone that was closest to me. The Reality Stone, it was supposed to be in a dark spot on earth hidden away by some spells. Picturing where it was from the memories I had of the movie I teleported and felt my surrounding change drastically. 


The cool London air was replaced by a damp feeling atmosphere coupled with the smell of stale air. Opening my eyes to look around I was glad to see that it had worked. Ahead of me was the strange rock formation with the ominous red glow that the Aether gave off. Walking forward I observed the crimson liquid state of the Infinity Stone. 


Reaching a hand out I pulled the liquid towards me with a bit of telekinesis. The Aether flowed out of the stone structure and condensed into a ball floating above my hand. With a bit more power the Infinity Stone solidified into a red gem that landed in my palm. 


It was surprisingly light, I had expected it to be a bit weighty. It was also warm to the touch as if giving off some heat. I knew that it was just the sheer power the stone contained though. I held the reality warping stone in my hand for a moment studying it. I could feel the stone trying to connect to me as well as the connection it had to the other five stones. 


The Infinity Stones were powerful artifacts, capable of matching gods with their bullshit abilities. They were so powerful that normal people couldn't hold them bare handed without dying some gnarly looking death. At least that's what the MCU movies showed. Then again the MCU movies downplayed just how powerful the stones were. They made it seem like nuclear bombs were just sticks of dynamite. 


Using a technique taught to me by natives in a small island off the coast of Australia, I reached out to the stone with my soul. I felt the stone accept the connection and smiled. The red gem began to melt into my palm and I felt a new level of power settle into my being. 


Harry Potter magic was already pretty cracked, altering reality around me with transfiguration and charms wasn't that hard. Those effects were temporary though and couldn't be done on a world wide scale. I could feel that with the Reality Stone absorbed by my soul, that I could theoretically change an aspect of the world around me. Such as making all the women buxom redheads with Scottish accents. 


I giggled at the thought of forming my own harem of redheaded big titty babes. Shaking my head to clear my mind I tested the stones power on a fist sized rock. A wave of red smoke like particles covered the rock before dissipating into nothing. A large diamond was left in place of the rock. Taking out my wand I cast a few spells on the rock turned diamond. First a Revelio to check for illusions, then a few obscure transfiguration reversal spells. The diamond stayed in place completely unchanged. I smirked and picked up the fist sized diamond. 


"Looks like money won't be an issue for me in this world anymore." 


I chucked the stone into my hammerspace and teleported back to the hotel I was renting out. Gabriel and Ophis were snuggled on the bed with Ophis laying over Gabriel's face. Taking my phone out I took a picture of the incredibly adorable sight. Deciding to let them sleep a little bit longer I left them a note that said I'd gone out to look for a jeweler before teleporting out again. 


I found myself at a bank an hour later when the jeweler I went to told me that he didn't have the funds to purchase such a large diamond. He did give me a certificate after examining the diamond though. He was shocked to learn that the ridiculously sized diamond was actually real and of the highest quality. He had reckoned that the diamond that was a couple hundred carats and was perfectly clear was worth at least a few million. 


I didn't really know a thing about gems so I wasn't sure if he was full of shit, not that I cared. I could make an unlimited number of ridiculously sized diamonds with a wave of my hand. Hell, I already had the stones that Nicolas Flamel and I worked on that made gold and a bunch of other metals. I wondered how the wacky alchemist was doing. 


I was eventually led into an office in the bank where I spoke with the director. I was wearing a glamor on my face so I didn't draw any crowds so I couldn't blame the man for trying to scam me. He tried to pass off that the diamond was low quality and thus only worth a few thousand dollars. His tune changed when I dropped the glamor and slapped the certificate the jeweler gave me onto the table. I smirked at the stuttering man as he apologized trying to make it all seem like a joke. 


"Listen you fucking donut. I'm literally God, I know when you're lying to me and boy are you full of shit." 


"I-I'm sorry, please my Lord, f-for-


"Since I'm such a merciful god," I cut him off, "I'll let you off the hook this time. Buy the diamond from me at 200% it's value and I'll look past this." 


The man gulped, "200%?"


"Yes… unless 500% is what you're looking for?" 


"N-no! I mean- uh, of course not my Lord, 200% is fine." The man replied with a nervous smile. 


Was I extorting the man for an obscene amount of money? Definitely. Did he absolutely deserve it? One hundred fucking percent he did. I watched him take out a note and scribble on some instructions before handing it to a secretary he called in. I glared at him the whole time, making him sweat. 


The secretary returned with a small case making raise my eyebrows at the container. The bank director gulped when I turned my cold stare at him. 


"I-it's our most exclusive card for our most prestigious members. I swear." 


"Hmm, so it's a credit card? I wanted cash."


"It's more like a debit card sir." The secretary responded. 


I looked at the woman who looked at me with no fear. She was really good at containing her emotions it seems. I could feel the mass of fear she was keeping back as she looked back at me. 


"Fine then," I turned to the director, "if for some reason some fuckery happens and I can't access my money. I will fucking vaporize this entire place off the fucking map, understand." 


The sweating man nodded his head furiously, reminding me of a bobbled head inside of a car that was going down a bumpy road. 


"Also, this woman deserves a raise. Maybe even a promotion, see that it's done." I pointed at the secretary whose eyes widened in shock before she schooled her expression again. 


The secretary opened the small case revealing a metallic black card. There were no numbers, only a chip and a magnetic strip. 


"It can be used anywhere in any country, there will be no fees at ATMs and the first time you use it will prompt you to set up a security pin." The secretary informed me without me having to ask. 


"Promotion." I pointed at her again while glaring at the director. 


"It will be done!" He exclaimed. 


"Good, I'll be back to check." 


He paled at the thought of me returning. The secretary hid a smirk behind her hand. I walked out of his office and found my way over to an ATM. Inserting the card I set a four digit pin and clicked on a few things. Navigating to the menu I opened the balance tab and goggled at the obscene number displayed on the screen. 


'I may have underestimated just how much that diamond was worth.' 


I now had nearly two billion dollars to throw around, with this kind of money I could spend stupid amounts of cash on whatever I wanted every day and never run out for a long while. 


I teleported back to the hotel just as a call came on my phone. Knowing who it was already I grinned before answering it. 


"Fury… how goes the eye?" 


"Still missing, though you could probably fix it. What's this I hear about you getting a large amount of money in one day?" 


"Nothing big, just sold a fist sized diamond." 


"Uh-huh, I'm sure your powers had nothing to do with that." 


"Nicky, you wound me. Now, what do you need?" 


"The Avengers need help, Hydra isn't as dead as we thought it was." 


'Huh, a shift in the timeline… was this because of my intervention or is this really just a different universe from the canon MCU?' 


"I was getting bored playing tourist anyway, I'll help. Oh and Nicky… don't ever fucking spy on me unless you want this world to burn." 


I hung up the phone and let out a breath. My emotions raged as I reigned them in. Normally I wouldn't even be angry but I was God, and some mortal had the audacity to spy on me. I calmed myself with a few more deep breaths. Gabriel and Ophis had woken up due to my flaring aura. They looked at me with concern in their faces. Smiling at the two of them. 


"How would you like to go and fight some bad guys?" 


[Scene Break]


We teleported onto the helicarrier, shocking a few agents with our sudden appearance. Maria Hill approached us with pursed lips. 


"Follow me, the director is waiting." 


"The Avengers?" 


"They're on their way, Thor had to bring Loki back to Asgard but he said he was going to return right after." 


I pondered the changes to the timeline as we followed the senior agent. Ophis was fast asleep lightly drooling on my shoulder while Gabriel looked around in interest at the various electronic devices and mechanical equipment on the carrier. Sometimes I forgot that she hadn't seen modern tech before. 


"Nicky, how have you been?" I called out to the pirate looking director of SHIELD. 


"Can you not call me that?" He sighed in resignation. 


"Sure sure, anyways. What's the deal Nicky?" 


The eyepatch wearing spy led me to a conference room after dismissing Maria. I nodded to Gabriel who took Ophis off my shoulders and wandered off. I figured Fury wanted to speak to me alone. He pressed a few buttons on a panel embedded in the wall making the room darken slightly. 


"What I tell you can not leave this room." 


"Sure, you said on the phone that HYDRA isn't as dead as you hoped?" 


The dark skinned spy nodded, "The Captain overheard some agents saying the HYDRA catchphrase and came to me with the information. With a little digging I uncovered some shady things." 


"So you suspect that SHIELD has been compromised?" 


"Not suspect, no. I know that SHIELD has been compromised. The WSC has always had me on edge with how they ran things. It only makes sense that they're either all in on the whole damn thing or some of them are HYDRA." 


"What do you want me to do about it?" 


"I've called in the Avengers on a supposed mission to investigate something in Sokovia. It's mainly a cover to root out some bad eggs but also to recover Loki's scepter."


"Someone stole it?"


"It never arrived to where it was headed." 


"The blue cube?" 


"Thor took it back with Loki." 


"That's good, can't have both in enemy hands." I muttered. 


Fury raised an eyebrow, "You know something?" 


"Obviously I know everything. I'm God." 


Fury grumbled something under his breath that sounded like 'fucking deities and their bullshit.' Smirking at the man I continued to speak. 


"Since you're already on the case, I guess I can tell you to keep an eye out on Peirce," I paused, "no pun intended of course." 


Fury sighed, "I figured he was involved in this somehow." 


"Obviously… man looks like a smarmy car salesman." 


The corner of Fury's mouth twitched, "Any other revelations?" 


I hummed, "Not at the moment no, I don't want to spoil anything." 


"Lives could be at stake." He deadpanned. 


"I'm God, I can just bring people back from the dead…"


Fury actually rolled his eye, grinning at the clearly exasperated man I continued to talk. "Relax will you, I'm here. I'll help out in any way I can." 


He nodded, "Fine, there's a room set aside for you and your… companions, I'll have someone get you when we get close." 


"Right o'. By the way, has anyone ever told you that you look like a pirate." 


Fury's eye twitched and he reached for his sidearm. Laughing I teleport out of the room over to where I felt Gabriel and Ophis were. The Seraph was holding pack the jailbait dragon as she tried to bust into a vending machine. Chuckling at the sight I approached the two and put a hand on Ophis' head making her go still. She looked up at me and pointed at the sweets in the vending machine. 


Waving a hand I created a larger than normal Mars bar and handed it to the Dragon God. She snatched it out of my hand and began eating it wrapper and all. 


"You know… why is there even a vending machine on this thing?" I thought out loud. 


"We're human, we get hungry sometimes." A voice replied. 


Turning around I spotted Natasha who was wearing workout clothes. She was covered in a light sheen of sweat and had a towel in her hand. 


"Good workout?" 


"Actually just started." 


I eyed her up and down appreciating her curves. 


"You're rather… forward for being God." She said with a neutral expression. 


"That's the point, I'm God. I can do whatever I want and if I want to ogle a fine piece of ass, I'm gonna ogle a fine piece of ass." 


"Crass, I'm starting to think you're not really God." 


"Oh I am, I can prove it too." I wiggled my eyebrows at the sexy redhead. 


"Doubt it, other than your magic I haven't seen you do much else." 


"Oh really?" 


She smirks "Yes really." 


"Challenging me to a spar?" 


"If you're up for it?" 


"For you baby girl I'm always up." 


"All this sexual tension." A new voice interrupted. 


I glanced over to Tony who stepped out of his suit.


"Tony, don't interrupt me. I'm trying to bag the hot spy lady." 


He raised his hands in surrender, "Whatever, I'm going to go find Fury." 


I looked back over to Natasha, "So where were we?" 


"The spar?" 


"Oh yeah! Then the wild monkey sex right after?" 


She grinned, "If you can beat me." 


"Oh I'll beat you alright."


[Scene Break]


Natasha glared at him across the training mat. She still carried some doubt that he was truly a god much less The God. She had seen humans perform incredible feats that seemed like magic before. She knew about the mutants and the abilities they had to practically warp reality to their whims. What he had done so far had been nothing that couldn't be explained with mutant abilities. The wings, the 'magic', even the teleportation. 


"Are you not going to take your stance?" She called out to him. 


He gave her an infuriating smirk, "This is my stance, come at me whenever you're ready babe." 


Glowering under her breath she shifted her weight and moved. She wasn't going to hold back, she may not have been superhuman like Thor or Captain America but the Red Room had given her strength beyond the norm.


Natasha threw a right hook at his annoyingly smug face expecting it to connect. Only for him to slap her hand away and give her a hard smack on the ass. Growling she swept her leg out to take him down but he was no longer where he once stood. She felt him push her forward when her leg was still extended making her stumble forward to catch herself. 


Spinning around she threw a combination of jabs and kicks trying as hard as she could to land even just one hit. She grew frustrated as he continued to redirect her blows while still grinning at her. Seeing an opening she jumped at him and attempted a takedown. She was surprised at first when it connected and her legs wrapped around his midsection. Twisting her hips she tried to bring him down.


His grin grew wider and she realized her mistake far too late. He grabbed her hips and in a blink of an eye had her pinned to the mat. Throwing the notion of a clean spar out of the window she tried to claw his face only for him to pin her hands over her head. 


Chest heaving with exertion she glared at him and tried to head butt him seeing that his face was really close to hers. She didn't expect him to move at the last second and catch her lips with his. Her eyes widened in shock as his tongue teased her lower lip. 


He jumped away before she could try to head butt him again. He smirked at her while licking his lips. She kipped up to her feet and rushed at him again. 


[Scene Break]


I couldn't help but to grin at Natasha's determination to punch me in the face. I admit I had been rather forceful with my flirting, but she made it really easy to get a reaction out of her. The usually cool and collected spy rushed at me faster than she did before. I admired her tenacity to not give up even though she knew she was outmatched. Whether she admitted it or not I had already won the spar. Now I was just toying with her much to her frustration. 


She threw caution to the wind and tackled me down to the mat. She cocked an arm back to punch me in the face but before she could I bucked my hips throwing her off. In a flash I was on top of her again pinning her arms over her head. I had expected to see her glaring at me again but was shocked to see her eyes glazed over with want. Her legs wrapped around me pulling me closer. 


Kissing her deeply she let out a surprised yelp as I probed her mouth with my tongue. Smirking against her lips I ran my hands down her body while sending out small bursts of magic through my fingertips. She moaned into my mouth and returned my kiss with fervor. Much to my surprise she managed to flip up over so that I was on my back and she was straddling me. I reached up to pull her sports bra off her but froze when I felt cold steel press against my throat. 


Natasha had pulled out a knife from somewhere and was now holding it up to my neck with a victorious smile on her face. I raised an eyebrow and attempted to get up only for her to press the knife down a bit more. 


"Where did you even get that knife?" 


She leaned down until I felt her breath on my ear. "A girl has to have her secrets…" she whispered. 


"Well if you're going to use underhanded tactics I guess so will I." 


I vanished the knife with a mere thought making her blink in shock. With her distracted I flipped us over again and began kissing her throat. She let out a moan and ripped at my shirt. Just as I was about to rip her top off an alert came from her comms device making me sigh in disappointment. 


She smirked at me and pushed me off as she walked over to her neatly folded gear. I could have sworn she swayed her hips more than usual to get a reaction out of me. 


'Two can play at that game.' 


I waited until she picked up the call and used some magic to stimulate every nerve ending in her body that regulated pleasure. She clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle the loud moan that involuntarily left her lips as she picked up the call. Smirking at her I walked out of the room ignoring the angry look she gave me. 


"Fuck I love redheads." I chuckled to myself as I walked towards the bridge of the carrier. 


The rest of the Avengers had gathered around the bridge. Fury stood in front of the command console seemingly preparing to give a briefing. Steve gave me a smile and a nod while Tony shot me a knowing smirk seeing that Natasha was late. 


I returned the billionaire's grin and turned my attention to the rest of the team. Clint was fiddling with his arrows, Thor had arrived and was seemingly back to his normal self. Natasha finally caught up and gave me a half hearted glare. 


"Good, we're all here." Fury started speaking. 


He gave a run down on what was going on. Apparently the scepter with the Mind Stone had been detected with some sort of device after it had gone missing after New York. SHIELD tracked it down to Sokovia and the Fury volunteered the Avengers as a recovery team. 


It was sort of overkill to use a bunch of superpowered people as repossossors. I also didn't know how Fury got the green light for this since the WSC had their own spec ops teams but I wasn't going to complain about the timeline moving forward a bit faster. It was to be expected with how much I had already changed by simply helping the Avengers. 


Fury didn't mention HYDRA's involvement, likely because he didn't know who to trust. This mission was also probably a test to see where people's allegiances lay. Once Fury ended the briefing everyone went off to gear up. The veteran spy approached me with Maria Hill at his side. 


"Keep an eye out on them. This will be their first real mission as a team." 


"Aye aye Captain Nicky!" I smirked and gave him a mock salute. 


He walked off with his signature scowl and I chuckled, he had seemingly given up in regards to what I called him. I reckoned that I could transfigure a parrot onto his shoulder and a hook on his hand and he wouldn't even care anymore. 


Gabriel and Ophis looked at me for instructions when I took them to the runway where a Quinjet was being fueled for the mission. 


"Right, you two can stay if you want. You have no obligations to fight. If you do decide to come with me though, just provide aerial support. The enemies won't have much in the way of air units but they'll most likely have people in the trees." 


"I'll go with you daddy." Gabriel replied with a smile. 


I turned to Ophis waiting for her answer. She gave me a thumbs up and I patted her head. She closed her eyes and hummed in approval.


Thirty minutes later we were flying towards the HYDRA base with Natasha and Clint flying the jet. Tony, Thor, Bruce and Steve were sitting in the back checking over their equipment. Tony glanced over at Gabriel before speaking. 


"Gabriel right?" He asked. 


"That right." She replied with a small smile. 


"I thought you'd be a man." He added. 


Steve shot him a glare, "Tony, that's not something you should be asking." 




Gabriel giggles, "It's alright Mister Rogers." 


"The Bible, the original one at least, never actually says whether Gabriel is a man or a woman." I added. 


Steve looked thoughtful while Tony shrugged. 


"Fair enough, that thing has been translated so many times that there's bound to be some discrepancies and mistranslated things." 


"What is this Bible you speak of?" Thor asked. 


"It's a book written by my followers." I replied. "Though, some of them have taken liberties in their interpretations of my words." 


"Really?" Tony had a look of interest in his eyes. 


"Yeah, an example would be a passage stating that short people won't get into heaven or that working on Sundays will get you a one way ticket straight to hell." 


"Makes sense." Tony mused. 


"What about the Old Testament?" Steve asked. 


"Same thing," I crossed my arms, "extensive creative liberties were taken in describing things." 


Thor seemed to have a question in his mind so I answered him before he could voice it. "Heaven is basically Valhalla but for people who follow my faith." 


"I see." The Pseudo-god nodded at my answer to his unasked question. 


"We're nearly there, everyone ready to drop in?" Clint asked over the PA system. 


"You can bet your ass we are." I called out.




Everyone turned to Steve who just realized what he had said. 


"Did you really just…" Tony trailed off while looking at the blushing Avenger.


"It's just slipped out?" Steve mumbled while rubbing the back of his head.


"It's alright Captain America, I won't condemn you to eternal damnation for cursing." I replied with a grin. 


"Thank God." Tony glared at me seemingly knowing what I was going to say. 


"You're welcome Anthony." I smirked. 


Tony rolled his eyes, making Gabriel giggle. Ophis got off my lap and put down the bag of jellybeans she was munching on. With a snap of my fingers I made armor materialized on Gabriel and I. Thor nodded in appreciation at the golden armor while Tony examined it. Steve was still recovering from his verbal blunder. 


"Is that real gold?" Tony asked. 


"Yeah, it's enchanted though. Nothing short of another god blasting it at full power would damage it." I replied. 


The ramp slowly opened buffeting everyone with cold air. Tony's helmet closed over his face with a metallic clang, Steve put on his half helmet while Thor twirled Mjölnir. Natasha joined us in the back while Clint began to descend below the trees. 


"Let's get this done folks, and please… watch your language." Tony said before jumping out and flying off. 


Steve groaned and got on the bike that we had brought with us. 


"I'm never gonna live that down am I?" 

Vargr_the_Skald Vargr_the_Skald

“Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...”

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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