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—→ 〈The Scion Train Baby Situation Is Insane... 〉
Views: 1.2 M — Likes: 86% — Dislikes: 14%
Tags: #Heroics #Cape #Scion #Superman #Journalism #BreakingNews #Mutant #Rescue #ScionTrainBaby
As you may have heard, the craziest shit just happened this evening.
A 27-year-old woman by the name of Cathleen Actias threw her 2-month-old baby, Carl Actias, into the train tracks of a subway station!
Click here for my full breakdown and summary of the situation (each second analyzed) on MySpace.
We still don't really know why she decided to do this, but I have managed to piece a together a rough outline of the story from all the footage and my own investigation:
1. The still-unidentified father of Carl Actias was a Mutant who may not have revealed this fact before sleeping with Cathleen.
2. Cathleen believes that her child will also be a Mutant due to his father being one. Although, that's not really a guaranteed thing, research does indeed show that the children of Mutants are more likely to be Mutants themselves.
3. She was likely a part of a Human Purist group who viewed those like Superman and the Scion, rumoured to be aliens not from Earth or an even more advanced form of Mutantkind, as Abominations.
4. Cathleen was already suicidal when she had planned to do this, and that she wanted to be remembered after her death.
Whatever her motivations might, we all as a society can collectively agree that trying to give your baby a gruesome death for some fame is a dick move.
I hope Carl gets the family that he deserves, and according to some sources, he is currently in custody of the Goverment and to be transferred to a foster home.
As for Cathleen, may the judge give her the appropriate punishment for her deed, and if not, then I hopes she rots in hell.
Let's move on to the main topic of the conversation, the newly-debuted Cape———The Superb Scion!
...Yes, I made-up the Superb part. But I think it's better than what the internet has been calling him lately.
The Sadistic Scion.
If you haven't seen my full breakdown, basically, what happened was that Scion, after saving Carl, had given his mother some trauma by forcing her on the train tracks and making her watch a train come at her.
Of course, he saved her at the last second...
That, coupled with what he initially did to The Wrecker, calling him the Sadistic Scion doesn't seems to be completely incorrect.
Well, to be fair to the guy. He's probably not sadistic, he is just not Superman.
If I had Superman's powers and I saw Cathleen do her thing, I'd probably have an even worse reaction than subjecting her to same fate.
Forget the train, I'll do it myself!
...Oh, and Scion, if you are reading this, then know that the title is actually meant to be complimentary, cause you're very cool! Yeah, haha, please don't wipe us humans out...
For real though, you have some restraint for not killing her or something.
In the subject of Scion, it looks like today was a good day since we got to know more of this guy's powers.
Since Superman consistently uses his laser vision on a daily basis and Scion doesn't, we can reasonably deduce that he probably just doesn't have it.
It also looks like Scion doesn't have adrenaline for some reason? I tried looking into the condition, and the closest thing was Addrenaline Insuffeciency, which is basically when the body can't produce enough Adrenaline.
However, it seems that Scion is completely unable to produce it, according to his own words.
Although, what Scion has that the big Cape doesn't have seems to be stealth. Supes is pretty loud, whilst literally no one saw or heard Scion before he moved to save Carl.
There's also his 'mask', which is just darkness... how does that even make sense, can he just control light and darkness?
Sounds a lot like Magic, and with the recent Santa Clause allegations, maybe Scion is actually the Scion of Christmast???
Well, I'll let you decide on that.
---— Comments —---
◇ <Enjilaw754>: Wild theory, lmao. *Laughing-to-tears.gif*
◇ <WeblordParker>: Scion is not a sadist, he is just like a soldier, I think. I am actually not sure, he is really scary at times and makes me uncomfortable.
◇ <ScottyTheD>: Scion having Magic might actually make sense. We have seen from numerous cases that he doesn't seem familiar with "human" culture, could he be part of a Hermit Sorcerer society or something?
◇ <AbyssalHunger>: @ScottyTheD bro thinks people not from America are Magicians... *Bruh.gif* *Facepalm.gif* *Laughing-to-tears.gif*
◇ <No_One_Like_Me>: Batman solos.
◇ <RodanDaGreatest>: Not having Adrenaline must suck. Although, it probably won't make much of a difference for people like Scion and Superman.
◇ <JulesArrafi>: I thought Scion was like the Robin of Superman. But seeing as big Cape isn't there, I guess he isn't just some sidekick.
◇ <Luis_Salinas>: Next article.
◇ <PriamusTheBright>: Its times like this do I wonder if we should kill those two Alien Abominations, aren't they an even larger threat than the Mutants?
◇ <THE_LIVING_PARADOX>: @PriamusTheBright man, if you don't stfu *Knuckles-cracks-his-knuckles.gif*
◇ <Atrox_ashborn>: @PriamusTheBright forget about the guy above me, I'll take care of you myself.
◇ <YoungMonarch>: @PriamusTheBright 5123657669
◇ <LeChatNoir>: Why does Scion kind of turn me on...
◇ <PranksterKingOfGotham>: @LeChatNoir Literally same. I want to impregnate his dog.
[<PranksterKingOfGotham> has been permanently suspended for deviancy by an Administrator]
I gazed up from the screen with a complicated expression before tossing in a potato chip into my mouth.
The distinct crispy taste was something that I yearned for. It wasn't too dissimiliar to the taste of an Astrocetus's tail membrane—just way more delicious due to this planet's unique set of flavouring.
Wiping the crumbs away with the back of my fingers, I set my sights back upon the open laptop that Add had intuitively bought and hacked for me.
Yes, bought, not stolen. Superman doesn't approve of me stealing, and whilst I couldn't give a shit about what he thought, I realized that it wouldn't really look goon on my future 'Cape image' to be a genuine kleptomaniac.
Add's drones simply weren't equipped with the same level of Cloacking as the main ship. So it wouldn't surprise me if someome managed to detect them.
As for the money, I was already filthy rich—courtesy of all the raw minerals I had stored in my cargo.
Although I couldn't just recklessly introduce alien minerals into Terra's economony, there was nothing wrong in dumping a few dozen tonnes of gold and other such precious minerals into circulation.
Gold was a precious mineral that symbolized wealth here, I was not entirely sure why. It was actually quite common in the rest of the Universe.
My eyes scanned the words on the screen. Although Terra hadn't yet fallen to the Extronet's sphere of influence, it had something similliar that was apparently called the Internet.
'HAVEN' was what its name suggested, a site dedicated to those rejected by the rest of normal society. Mutants, Supes, even Aliens... It was a Haven designed for them.
Of course, in reality, it was actually just spyware for the American Goverment. But that doesn't sound as appealing in paper.
I took another potato chip and ate it.
Suddenly, the doors to 'my room' were opened by a pair of masculine hands. There was no caution on my face as I had already known who it was from his footsteps.
Clark Kent entered as he leaned his arm against the door frame.
"Enjoying your new room?" He asked curiously, his eyes scanning the intricate details of my new room.
It was simple, a bit boring, with the main colour scheme dominated by grey and the slighest of blue.
There was a twin-sized bed, comfortable enough but nothing luxurious, a mini-fridge with the local delights, a wardrobe with clothes that Add bought for me, a table and its brother chair...
And then there was something called a Playstation 3...? There was also a TV to go along with it.
Enough time has already passed for my human alibi to make sense. With the papers and legal documents having already been forged by Add, I was now an official cousin of Clark Kent, the Kryptonian being my new legal guardian.
Clark's residence in Metropolis was a 2-bedroom apartment, one being his and the other a guest bedroom for visitors. But with my presence, it had been repurposed into my bedroom.
Of course, I didn't actually sleep here. I much preferred the Captain's Quarters up in my ship—this meagre bedroom was simply so that no one would think I slept on the fridge or something.
"It isn't the worst." I commented with a shrug. "Certainly more comfortable than the acidic wastelands of Junith."
"There's a planet called Junith?" Clark chuckled. "Sounds like the name of a cranky old librarian from the 60's..."
"You're literally named Clark." I voiced out with a frown.
"Hey, what's wrong with Clark?" Clark rebuked, looking faintly offended.
"It sounds like the husband of a Margaret." I remarked heartlessly.
"Uh..." It was as if he got stabbed in the abdomen as Clark reeled back from that statement.
It was weird that they saw Margeret as 'old person' name. It hasn't even been a century here since it became prevalent, which in of itself, wasn't even a substantial amount of time.
My Father was already thousands of years old when he had me. Yet, he was not really that old if you compared him to old monsters like Conquest or Thula.
Clark shook his head before gazing into my eyes.
"Right, then. Let's go, I'll show you around the city." Clark suggested with a smile.
I frowned.
"You know... I have things to do, Kal-El." I said as I turned of the laptop and tossed it to the bed.
"Like what?" He asked curiously.
"Training." Wasn't it obvious? "The pursuit of strength is all that should matter to a young man like me."
"Hey, you're literally still a boy." Clark remarked with a silly smile. "I am the one who's older than 18, I think being a 'young man' starts at that age."
"I mature faster than Humans." I righteously lied, but it wasn't like there were any other Viltrumites that could correct me.
"...But you look like a teenager, anyway..." Clark remarked with narrowed eyelids. "Nevermind that, let's go." He waved his hand in a 'Come on!' gesture.
"I told you I'm busy..." I muttered in annoyance as I ate another potato chip.
"It's not like I'm asking you go to school..." Clark shook his head.
Of course, although Humans that were around my age typically enrolled in some educational institute called 'Hig bghschool', both I and Clark had agreed that it would be too much of a bother.
After all, I was already more knowledgeable than most college professors.
Legally speaking, I was bring 'homeschooled' by Clark—though, he wasn't really going to teach me math or anything like that.
"Smart that you didn't." I commented before a sudden idea erupted in my mind. "Kal-El, do you have Adrenal glands...?"
Clark blinked, somewhat confused from the sudden inquiry.
"Well..." He glanced down at his own body, searching for the organs as his eyes pierced through the skin.
"It seems so." He said with a nod. "Why do you ask?"
I went silent as I gazed at his stomach.
One might expect that I wouldn't be able to see through the Kryptonian's body, or the other way around, but that was simply not the case.
In this department, Clark couldn't see through concentrated lead, among other things. As for me, it was much more straightforward.
I couldn't see past through objects that were too dense in mass, like a compressed star, among other things.
"I see, does it produce Adrenaline?" I asked.
"Of course, I mean, it's called the Adrenal Glands..." He gazed at my body. "You have them too."
I nodded. "But I am not sure how Adrenaline works..." I then pointed at my abdomen, precisely where the Adrenal Glands were loacted. "They're a new instalment."
== AN)
Powerstones, please. One Powerstone can really assist in my cultivation, a dozen will lead me to a breakthrough, a hundred will enlighten me.