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13.04% Fantasy May Cry: The Red Demon / Chapter 3: a monster...

Chương 3: a monster...

"Lunaria...?" I said, confusion lacing my voice as I surveyed the alley around us. "Where exactly is this place...?" I kept my sword pointed at the man in front of me, maintaining my guard. This guy is weird...

"A city in the country of Arkadia," he replied nonchalantly. "You're a foreigner, right? And with that hair color, you're probably of noble birth. Am I wrong...?"

I, of noble birth...?? I sighed. "No, I was born with this hair color. Satisfied...?"

He shook his head slightly, a hint of surprise in his voice. "Oh... Well, I'm a commoner, and I've only seen nobles with that kind of hair color... But let's leave that aside for now."

Suddenly, the guy disappeared like a blur. I spun, my sword clashing with his dagger. The force of the impact surprised me. He locked eyes with me and remarked, "Not bad for someone your age... Although, it's strange. Only people with enormous talent could match me like this, and I've only seen students from Cristaia with that level of skill, and even then, they're usually the children of dukes..."

I tightened my grip on my sword. I took a cautious step back, warily eyeing my opponent.

"Cristaia...?" I admitted, "I've never heard of it." I gripped my sword, Rebellion, preparing for the next exchange.

The dark-haired boy before me held his dagger casually and offered a small smile. "It's a prestigious academy here in Lunaria. Only the most talented or children of noble families attend. But tell me, where are you from?"

"Oh... I think I understand now," I said, my smile fading. "Besides, I couldn't tell you exactly where I'm from, and I wouldn't even if I could." I had no intention of revealing my origins, especially to someone who might be associated with that place or its people.

The guy disappeared in a blur, and I swiftly dodged a cut from his dagger. It appeared to be a normal dagger, but it was completely black with purple accents. He moved with incredible speed, his strikes precise. I felt a slight cut on my cheek, a warm trickle of blood running down my skin. I countered with a swift strike from Rebellion, and our weapons clashed again and again.

I stepped back, assessing the situation. "You're fast... quite fast..." I noted. Suddenly, I felt several cuts on my body, and I sighed. "Really fast..." This guy was as fast as me, or maybe even faster...

He acknowledged my skill as well. "You... You're also very good. Incredibly skilled and strong. A 15-year-old boy with your abilities is only seen among the children of the most powerful nobles..."

He paused, closing his eyes and stroking his chin as if deep in thought. Then, his eyes snapped open, and he smiled broadly. "Hey, how about working with me?"

I looked at him, a mix of curiosity and skepticism on my face. "Hey... Are you serious?"

He nodded, his expression turning serious. "But... Don't you already have a team?" I asked, a hint of confusion in my voice.

He hesitated, a slight embarrassment creeping into his tone. "Well... it's... complicated. I'll explain later, okay?"

I sighed, the offer not tempting me just yet. "Hey, how exactly did you find me...?"

He replied casually, "Ah, I just followed the Mana signature in the area. Not many people use space magic these days, and the Mana here was particularly rare."

Space magic...? Ah, perhaps that blue wave that brought me here... I glanced up at the sky, taking in the blue expanse.

The guy smiled, sheathing his dagger. "I can offer you food and accommodation. It's not a bad deal, right? It's better than wandering aimlessly, and I can introduce you to the rest of the team if you'd like."

I scratched my head, considering the proposal. "Good food, free accommodation... It's definitely better than having nothing. But I want something more."

"Okey, tell me," he urged.

I sighed. "I want you to teach me about the world and other things. I was in... a secluded place for a long time..."

Damn, if only I had memories of this body... But I remember nothing before the day I appeared in this form.

"Well, that sounds easy," he said, his smile returning. "Deal?"

I looked him in the eyes, searching for any sign of deception. "You're not going to make me do weird stuff, are you?"

He waved away my concern. "Nah, just simple missions, nothing strange. What do you think...?"

I held his gaze, his brown eyes steady. "What exactly do you do?"

He replied matter-of-factly, "I'm a mercenary. Kind of like an adventurer, but we take on various jobs. Some of them are... unusual, but hey, the pay is good."

A mercenary... maybe it's not so bad. I could earn money, have food, find a place to rest, and explore this world. It's tempting, and well...

I looked at him and said, "Well, it doesn't sound bad at all. Okay, I'll work with you." I hoped I wouldn't regret this decision.

The guy stepped closer and introduced himself. "My name is Arthur. What's yours?"

I smiled and replied, "My name is..." My previous name was left behind, along with my old life. "My name is Dante."

Arthur smiled at me and said, "Well, welcome to the team, Dante."

Well, I don't think this will turn out too badly... I hope.

Arthur continued, "I think it's time to head back to our base." He turned and gestured for me to follow. "Come on, let's go meet the team." He leaped toward a nearby building, landing on the roof. He peered down and called out, "Hey, let's go this way, it's faster!"

I sighed, a mix of excitement and apprehension washing over me. "I hope I don't regret this..." I jumped and joined him on the roof.

Arthur exclaimed, "Ohh, that was fast!" He took off running across the rooftops, and I squeezed my legs, matching his pace. As we ran, I asked, "Where are we going?"

Arthur replied, "We're close!"

After a few minutes of sprinting across the rooftops, I paused to take in the cityscape. It was massive, and I even spotted trains floating in the air, supported by invisible rails. This is an advanced fantasy world, not the classic medieval setting. I hoped there was internet...

I also needed to check my system and explore my abilities, something I hadn't been able to do in my previous location.

Arthur jumped into an alley, and I followed, landing on the ground. The area seemed fairly ordinary.

Arthur approached a door and knocked four times. I stood beside him and asked, "So... where's your team?"

"First, let's get you a mercenary ID," Arthur explained. "Otherwise, things might get annoying." Suddenly, a blue light enveloped us, scanning our bodies from head to toe.

"Let's go in," Arthur said, pushing open the door. Except it wasn't a door—it was a solid wall. I sighed and followed him through, finding myself in a hallway with purple walls and a wooden floor. "What the hell...?" I mumbled, confused by the illusion.

Arthur led the way down the hallway, explaining, "Being a mercenary is complicated. It's different from being an adventurer. Adventurers have specific missions like hunting monsters, exploring places, or achieving certain goals. Mercenaries, on the other hand, do almost everything—kill people, gather information, achieve objectives... We're not limited in the types of missions we can take or choose. Adventurers are more restricted in that sense."

So, mercenaries have a "freer and less restricted" job, so to speak. It seemed better than being an adventurer. Arthur continued, "However, the government and the Adventurer's Guild dislike us. Some of our missions involve meddling with government affairs or the guild, so they're not exactly our biggest fans. In short, keep your mercenary status a secret from the government and the Adventurer's Guild, or things could get dangerous. Trust me, it's personal experience talking."

I sighed, processing this information. "But the pay is good, right?"

Arthur smiled. "Yes, quite good. Some jobs are very well-paid, especially the most dangerous ones..."

"What is the name of the currency used here?" I asked, wanting to familiarize myself with the local economy.

"Solar," Arthur replied casually. "It's easy to remember."

Solar, easy to remember. Now, I needed to understand what was expensive and what wasn't.

"Give me some examples of expensive and cheap things so I can get a better sense of the economy," I requested.

Arthur sighed, considering. "A nobleman's mansion is worth about 10 million solar or even more. That's just an average noble mansion. Renting a normal apartment costs 50,000 solar per month, and prices vary depending on the area and the seller."

Okay... I think I'm starting to get a handle on it. After a few minutes of running, Arthur and I arrived at a large door, but he hesitated. "Oh, right, damn..."

He turned to me and added, "Your clothes... they look like hospital clothes. Ah... Well, let's just go in. Maybe there are other weirdly dressed people inside. Once we get your mercenary license, we can get you some new clothes. With your strength, it shouldn't be a problem."

I looked down at my hospital clothes, grateful that they at least covered everything, including my butt. Still, I really needed new clothes, preferably without dried blood on them...

Arthur glanced at me and said, "Well... Your hair might be a bit conspicuous. Here, take this." He removed his jacket and handed it to me. I put it on, pulling the hood up to conceal my white hair. "Nobles aren't well-regarded in these parts," Arthur explained. "It's better if you keep your hair hidden for now."

"Well, that sounds better," I said, slinging Rebellion over my shoulder.

Arthur opened the large door, and we stepped inside. The place seemed fairly normal, with people in strange costumes, armor, and even regular clothing. There was a large reception area with several women working as receptionists.

Arthur approached one of the receptionists, a woman with black hair, and greeted her. "Hey, hello, Elisa. I'm here today to help a friend get his mercenary license."

The woman, Elisa, rolled her eyes. "Haa... You again? Well, let's see..." She glanced at me and smiled. "Ohh, not bad." She looked back at Arthur. "Wait a minute."

Arthur motioned for me to follow him, and we sat down in a couple of chairs. I surveyed the room, noting its simplicity.

"This place looks... normal," I commented, my hand resting on Rebellion's hilt.

Arthur explained, "The reception area is intentionally plain. Later, you'll see more interesting places. Mercenaries aren't well-regarded by society, especially in this country. We do crazy and sometimes questionable things—kill, gather information, kidnap, sometimes even save people. Our missions vary widely. You could say we're the gray of society—not the black or the white, but somewhere in between. We're the ones who take out the trash or help the garbage..."

I sighed, understanding the implications. "What was your most dangerous mission?" I asked, curious about his experiences.

Arthur sighed. "Killing a noble. I had to kill a lot of people and destroy the building. People thought it was a terrorist attack... but money is money. I had to do it to survive..."

I looked down, my thoughts swirling. It seemed that I, too, would become a part of this gray world...

Well, I'll just do what I want.

Changing the subject, I asked, "Hey Arthur, are there other races besides humans?"

"Yep, dwarves, elves, beastmen, and more," Arthur replied casually.

I sighed in relief, eager to explore this world and its diverse races.

Our conversation was interrupted by approaching footsteps. I looked up to see Elisa approaching. "Well, let's go get your license. Follow me."

She turned and walked away, and Arthur and I followed her. We walked toward a white wall, which she touched, causing it to open like an automatic door. We entered a long white hallway and approached a double door that glowed faintly.

Elisa touched the door, and it opened to reveal what appeared to be a large portal. The portal resembled flowing, dark blue water, constantly in motion. Without hesitation, Elisa stepped through, and Arthur followed suit. I sighed and stepped through the portal, finding myself in a different place—a large room filled with shelves containing various weapons—swords, spears, axes, hammers, bows, and more.

Elisa addressed Arthur. "Well, Arthur, do you want me to do the tests or go straight to the fight? You recommended him, after all."

"The tests," Arthur replied. "Let him take the mana test first. I've already tested his physical abilities."

Elisa sighed. "Okay, let's get this over with quickly." She touched a ring on her finger, and a small crystal sphere appeared in her hand, illuminated by a light blue light. "I'll perform the Mana test. Come, boy, show me your potential."

I approached and placed my hand on the sphere. "Ah... What now?"

"Close your eyes and imagine a sea inside your head," Elisa instructed. "Try to make the sea move and flow toward your hands."

"You and your bad examples, Elisa..." Arthur teased, a smile on his face.

Elisa shot him a cold look, and Arthur quickly averted his gaze. I closed my eyes and tried to do as Elisa instructed.

A sea... flowing toward my hands...


{POV: Elisa}

The white-haired boy before me is strange... I don't sense any mana from him at all. It's as if he has none, or at least none that I can detect. Even a person with the smallest amount of mana would have a tiny pinch of it. But this boy... it's as if he doesn't exist in the mana spectrum.

The boy placed his hand on the glass sphere and closed his eyes. I saw Arthur wander over to the weapon racks, his curiosity piqued.

Suddenly, my eyes widened in shock as the glass sphere turned black and red simultaneously. Fire element...? No... It doesn't have the same essence... What is this...?

Dark element...? No... It's different... Very different...

An unknown element in the world... An unprecedented event. An unknown element defies classification because its capabilities are unknown.

Suddenly, I felt an immense pressure bearing down on me. I tried to shield myself with mana, but my legs shook, and I couldn't muster any defense. I gritted my teeth, blood trickling from my nose.

Shit... The pressure suddenly subsided, and I sighed in relief. This boy... He has immense potential... Arthur, what have you brought here...?

I watched as the anomaly faded, the sphere returning to normal.

I quickly wiped the blood from my nose and addressed Dante, "Not bad. You have an incredible amount of mana, and you're undoubtedly an S-class talent." I hoped he hadn't noticed the unusual occurrence.

Dante opened his eyes and asked, "So... What's my element...?"

"For now, it seems your element is still latent," I replied, smiling. "Oh, and what's your name?"

"My name is Dante," he answered.

"Dante, huh?" I repeated, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, just Dante," he confirmed.


After a while, I took Dante to a training room to assess his physical strength. "Just kill the five robots quickly," I instructed him through a microphone, observing him through a screen.

Arthur sat next to me, watching the same screen with a smile on his face. I sighed and asked, "Hey Arthur, where did you find Dante...?"

"A portal," Arthur replied casually. "He came out of a portal..."

"Are you fucking stupid!? Dante has an unknown potential, an unknown element!! Do you realize what you've brought here!?" I exclaimed, my voice laced with anger. "You could have put the entire mercenary guild in danger! What were you thinking?!"

Arthur's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow... An unknown element...? Great..."

I couldn't help but smack him on the head, and he crumpled to the ground, clutching his head in pain. "What the hell!? Why did you hit me!?"

I gritted my teeth, my frustration evident. "Are you serious!? You brought something incredibly dangerous here, asshole!"

Arthur protested, "Hey! I only brought him here because he's strong and has potential, and I want him on my team! He doesn't seem crazy or anything!"

Arthur pleaded, his hands clasped. "Could you keep this a secret, Elisa? We're friends, right...?"

I looked at the ceiling, closed my eyes, and sighed. "Just this once... If you do something stupid again, you're screwed. You're lucky the boss is on vacation on that island..."

Arthur stood up, rubbing his head in pain. "Yes! Thanks, Elisa!!"

I sighed and looked back at the screen, noticing something peculiar. "Oh... I thought so..." The five robots lay destroyed, and the timer read thirty seconds. Unbelievably fast...

I sighed and asked, "So, he's going to be on your team, right...?"

Arthur, now standing, nodded. "Yes... and it hurts. He'll be on my team, plus I already promised him food and lodging. He has nothing, and he gave me a good fight..."

So he fought an S-rank opponent... His potential is absurd...

Arthur turned to me and asked, "Hey Elisa, is the potential rating you gave him real or not?"

"No... I can't pinpoint his potential," I admitted. "If he were SSS-Rank, I could at least confirm it, but I can't read this guy. It's as if he doesn't even have mana... Plus, he has an unknown element. His potential feels... dark... very dark..."

"He's a monster..." I muttered, observing Dante on the screen, striking a strange pose in front of the camera. It looked like he was making a 'T' with his arms and body, but I couldn't be sure.

It seems I'll have to keep this information hidden... This boy is a monster, and revealing his true potential could cause chaos in the country or even the world. I must keep this knowledge to myself for now... This boy is a damn monster...

I sighed and said, "The boy seems intelligent. Will you tell him about his potential? I don't think he strikes me as someone who craves attention, and it would be foolish to reveal his true strength. Many people would target him if they knew."

Arthur nodded. "He's intelligent, and he mentioned coming from a remote place. He seems ignorant about the world... Well... Maybe I'll tell him, but I don't think he's stupid."

I sighed again. "Well... I hope that boy isn't an idiot..."

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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