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57.14% HOTD: Targaryen Requiem / Chapter 6: Baby Aegon/Marriage

Chương 6: Baby Aegon/Marriage

-Location: Winterfell, The North- 

-Date: Early 113 AC- 

-POV: Daemon Targaryen- 

The thing about the north is it's always so dull. My wife and I traveled here so our children could see their family. 

Rickon and his wife hosted us. Currently we are teaching the children how to hunt. Rickon asked us to take his bastard daughter, Sara Snow. 

The girl looked just like Lyanna that it was scary. Apparently Rickon had slept with a worker that's here at Winterfell. 

He wanted to foster his daughter at Bear island with the Mormonts, but Lyanna interjected. 

One thing I love about my wife is she doesn't care about social status. Sara was her niece and that's all that mattered to her. 

Lady Stark wasn't too happy about Sara and just outright ignored the girl. And lord Rickon tried his best to be a good father. 

His heir, Cregan Stark. Is a young northerner. The wolf's blood runs thick in him. He and my son, Vaelor get along well. 

I think the young wolf cub has a thing for my daughter. It's too bad because she's already betrothed to Gerald's son. 

All of our children are betrothed to each other. Arthur will marry Alyssa, and Vaelor will marry Ashara. 


Vaelor has a bow and Lyanna is teaching him how to aim correctly. She's been teaching him for some time now, so he should be good with it. 

My son is already showing promise with the sword. So a bow should be child's play. 

"Keep your breath steady. Don't lose focus and aim true." Said Lyanna in her northern accent. 

"Muna, this is boring. The sword is much more fun." Said Vaelor, much to his mother's displeasure. 

Alyssa was much more interested in the bow than a sword. She takes after her no in that regard. But she acts like her namesake. 

My mother as I remembered her hated rules and tradition. She was the do what she wants type of woman. I guess I'am attracted to that type of woman. 

Seeing as my wife is the same way. Lyanna doesn't care about Nobel customs. She has it bad that she also a woman, so no one expects her to do anything.

"Kepa look, it's a big dog." Said Alyssa as she pointed in the opposite direction. 

Me and Lyanna turn around and see a huge wolf limping with four cubs behind her. The wolf noticed us and showed her teeth. 

But soon after she immediately collapsed. Lyanna ran over there and checked the mother wolf. 

I looked at her cubs and was surprised at their color. There was a pure white wolf with shining blue eyes. 

There was a pure black one with purple eye, a grey and white one with red eyes, and a black and white one with one gold eye and one silver eye. 

"These are fire wolves." Said Lyanna. 

"How do you know?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"For one their size, and their fur is thicker than regular wolves. They also have bigger teeth." Said Lyanna as she inspected the mother who is already dead. 

She pulled an arrow head out of the wolf's underside. Someone was hunting these animals. It is forbidden for anyone to hunt these creatures. 

Before the conqueror conquered Westeros, the kings in the north had dire wolves at their disposal. Now house stark sees them as sacred, and should not be killed of spotted. 

"Looks like our prey finally died." Said a man who appeared on a horse. 

"Oh? What do we have here?" Said another man. 

"Were you the ones who hunted these creatures?" Asked Lyanna. 

"Well yes I'am pretty lady. So how about you hand them over. We don't want any trouble now do we boys." Said the man as five more people came out. 

I just stood there with my hand on darksister. Lyanna is more than capable of handling herself. But just is case. Caraxes is already on his way here. 

"My name is Lyanna of House Stark. I will be taking you back to winterfell. There you will be sentenced by Lord Stark." Said Lyanna. 

The men's face fell and immediately the air changed. Mentioning her house wasn't a good idea. But she's stubborn and honorable, a trait that all Starks have. 

"House Stark you say? Now we can't let you leave pretty lady. After we get done killing those children and that man, me and the boys will have fun with you." Said the man with a grin. 

Immediately a smile formed on my face. Did he just say he'll have "fun" with my wife in front of my face? 

"Hey you mongrel scum. Say that again and you gut you like that pig you are you fat cunt." I said as he unsheathed Darksister. 

They finally seem to notice me and look at me with horror in their eyes. Oh, do they recognize me? 

"Y-you're a Targaryen?" Asked one of the men in that back. 

"Wow, what gave it away? It's certainly not the white hair, and three headed dragon sigil on my chest." I said as I joked with these dumb mongrels. 

(A/n: Idk why, but I feel like Daemon is the type to call someone a mongrel.) 

Just in time, Caraxes landed behind them and stared at them like they were a meal ready to be feasted upon. 

"My love, don't scare them too much. They still need to answer to my brother." Said Lyanna as she came to my side. 

I planted Darksister in the dirt and stood firm. 

"Will you come quietly? Or would you like to be dragon food?" I gave them two options. 

They agreed to give up and come quietly. 

-POV: End- 

Daemon and the rest arrive back at Winterfell with the criminals in hand. 

After the mother wolf died, each child took one of the pups. Vaelor took the grey, black, and white Direwolf and named him Ash. 

Alyssa took the pure white direwolf and named her Luna. Cregan took the pure black wolf and named him Night. 

Lastly Sara took the last direwolf and named her Moon. As soon as they returned and smell white reptile fly and landed on Vaelors shoulder. 

This was his dragon, Winter. She was a dragon born from one of Haedes eggs. 

Lyanna went and called her brother to the courtyard to pass judgment on these people. 

Lord Rickon Stark along with his lady wife came to the courtyard after Lyanna informed him of the news. 

Lady Stark, Gillian Stark. Was carrying a babe. Torrhen Stark, their youngest son. He was born two years ago in 111 AC. 

Following Lord Stark was his younger brother, Bernnard Stark. 

"Are these the men who hunted the direwolves sister?" Asked Rickon. 

"Yes brother. These scum killed the mother of those four cubs." Said Lyanna with anger. 

"I understand, get a stump. I will do the beheading." Said Rickon as Bernnard hand him House Starks ancestral sword, Ice. 

Ice was a great sword. It was big but it was light. Daemon looked at the sword with interest. He wanted while it would stand against Darksister. 

The first man was brought to his knees and held over the stump. Rickon held ice and started speaking. 

"In the name of Viserys of house Targaryen, the first of his name, king of the andals and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Rickon of house Stark, lord of winterfell and warden of the north, sentence you to die." Said Rickon as he lifted Ice and removed the man head. 

Daemon looked on as his children look away. His daughter hid her face in his cloak. She grabbed and rubbed her head. 

"Don't look away children. Burn the image into your minds. Especially you Cregan, you will be the lord of WInterfell, so watching this is your duty." Said Daemon as he comforted his daughter. 

Cregan immediately braced himself for the next moment. And watched as all of the men get beheaded. 

Daemon's daughter couldn't take it and turned around. He wasn't man, but she would have to get used to it eventually. 

Hopefully nothing happens and she could live a peaceful life. 

-Location: Kingswood, Crownlands- 

-Date: Late 113 Ac- 

King Viserys had invited some lords to celebrate his son Aegon. He was the child between he and Alicent. 

Viserys also used this as a place for Rhaenyra to find her future husband. Since she was now of age to marry, he wanted to find the right partner for her. 

Much to Rhaenyra's dismay. Rhaegar didn't say anything about it, but told his sister that marrying Laenor would be the best option. 

Even though he doesn't like women, she could still get children from him. They would be the next generation of Velaryon's. 

She agreed but said she didn't see for a husband. She would only do it for looks and to shut their father up. 

Currently, Rhaegar and Rhaenyra went hunting. Ser Criston followed them, as he is Rhaenyra's sworn shield. 

Rhaegar didn't say anything because the man is stubborn and he didn't feel like caving his face in when he speaks. 

"Stay calm Rhaenyra. Lead your shot and aim for the heart." Rhaegar said as he taught his sister how to shoot a bow. 

Rhaenyra focused and aimed at the wild hog. She released the arrow, as seen it cut through the air and hit its target. 

The hog ran away while making a lot of noise. Not far from their position, Rhaegar seen the hog fall to the ground. 

"Good shot. Now I'll teach you how to skin and gut the hog." Said Rhaegar.

(A/n: Do any readers go hunting? If so what was your biggest catch?) 

Rhaenyra face scrunched up in disgust. Rhaegar just smiled and took her hand. 

"Do I have to skin it? I don't want to get all the blood on me." Said Rhaenyra. 

"You're a Targaryen and you're afraid of blood? You will be fine sister, you just have to watch me." Said Rhaegar. 

Rhaenyra just punched her brother's arm and sat down and watch him gut and skin the hog. 

Ser Criston just watched and didn't say anything. But one thing he took note of was the prince's ability to hunt. 

Ser Criston thought that due to him being a prince he would be a spoiled brat, and talk down on everyone. 

But after hearing about his victory in the stepstones and his fighting ability. He wanted to spar against him and see where he stacked up. 

After gutting and skinning, Rhaegar wrapped the meat up in cloth and placed them on Rhaenyra's horse. 

They all mounted their horses and went back to camp where the king and the party is. While on their way, they ran into something magical. 

A white hart appeared before Rhaegar staring at him. Rhaegar slowly got off of his horse and walked towards the huge buck. 

As he drew closer he could see the buck ready to run. Rhaegar lowered his guard and dropped his posture. 

He made himself not seem like a threat as he continued to walk towards the buck. He and the buck soon touched and Rhaegar stared at it with awe. 

Ser Criston and Rhaenyra were shocked because they both knew what this meant. Rhaegar was the true king of the seven kingdoms. 

After a while the buck left and Rhaegar went back to camp. As they returned, they could see the lords skinning their animals they caught. 

Rhaenyra walked with her horse in hand, while everyone looked at her and her hog. Many lords were disgusted because a woman was out hunting. 

But they were met with a chilling gaze from the prince. Viserys along with Alicent and baby Aegon awaited their return. 

Rhaegar walked up to his father and took his brother out of his hands. Alicent's heart dropped and she went to take Aegon back, but her father stopped her. 

Rhaegar just played with the babe and nothing else. Much to Viserys enjoyment. Alicent was still sad over the fact the  Rhaenyra wouldn't talk to her. 

Rhaegar already ignored her, even before she married their father. Now it was as if she was air. He never even acknowledged she existed. 

This mad her sad because she grew up loving Rhaegar and wishing to marry him. After his marriage with Laena she grew to hold resentment for her. 

-Some Time later- 

Rhaegar was with his wife while watching lords of all ages try and win his sister's hand. He and his uncle watched and laughed as they failed. 

Lady Lyanna just sighed. She then coughed into her hand. After she looked at her hand and seen blood. 

She looked at her husband and hid her hand underneath the table. Daemon, seeing her checked if she was okay. 

"Are you well my love?" Asked Daemon. 

"I'm fine, just a little cough. I'm tired so me and Alyssa will head back. Don't be late." Said Lyanna as she kissed him and left. 

Rhaegar looked at Lyanna and sighed in frustration. He could smell the blood on her hand. And he knew she was sick. 

(A/n: Yall are gonna hate me. I'm pretty sure you can guess what's gonna happen to her.) 

Rhaegar went back to making fun of the lords. 

-Location: Driftmark, Crownlands- 

-Date: Early 114 AC- 

-POV: Laena Velaryon- 

I'm here at my home to talk with my brother and parents. Rhaegar had came up with a plan that involves both of our siblings. 

Rhaenyra and Laenor will marry each other and have children. But knowing my brother's open secret, he may not want to do it. 

So my husband came up with a plan to take and store my brother's sperm and use it for Rhaenyra when the time comes. 

I reached the main room where both my parents and brother are waiting for me. 

"Hello mother, father, brother." I said as my mother hugs me. 

Father comes and kissed me on my head while my brother hugs me. 

"So why did you want to see us Laena?" Asked My father. 

"It's about Laenor. Rhaegar has suggested he marry Rhaenyra. He and her will produce the next generation of Velaryons." I said as I sat down. 

Mother looked at me with a surprised expression, while father nodded and looked to be in thought. 

Laenor looked confused and also angry. I can understand his anger, but he had to produce heirs for house Velaryon. As much as it pains me to do, it must be done. 

"Well you know your brother doesn't like the opposite sex. So how will we do this?" Asked My mother. 

"Rhaegar suggested Laenor shoot his sperm into a small cut and store it in a very cold place. That will ensure the sperm is fresh." I said with uncertainty. 

I don't know what my husband talks about most of the time. But I know he's smart and is usually right. So I trust him wholeheartedly. 

"That's something, but how does he know it will work? There's no way to know." Said Father. 

"He said just have faith that it will work. He also said he always delivers so it will work." I said once again with uncertainty. 

"You're doubting it yourself?" Asked my mother. 

"I don't want to, but it sounds crazy. My husband is many things, but a liar isn't one of them." I said with upmost certainty. 

"Okay, we will do this. But first we need to tell the king." Said My father. 

It's okay and all but the person who it's about needs a say in the matter. 

"Laenor, Do you want to do this? I know you must feel uncomfortable, but it will all work out." I said as I comforted my brother. 

"I will trust Rhaegar. He's always been there for me when the lords talked about me. So I'll trust him." Said my brother. 

This made me smile. Rhaegar does have that effect on people. It's rare to see a man so noble and kind. 

As much as Rhaegar likes to deny it, he's a big bear when it comes to people who are powerless. He can't stand it when someone who can't defend themselves gets in trouble. 

Hopefully he stays that way. 

"My husband is currently talking with King   Viserys and Princess Rhaenyra. 

-Location: Kings Landing, Crownlands- 

-POV: Viserys Targaryen- 

Marry Rhaenyra to Laenor? 

Is my son serious? 

"I know it sounds crazy father, knowing Laenors preferences. But with this union it will make the bond between House Targaryen and House Velaryon even more stronger. I already have a plan on how to proceed." Said my son with confidence. 

"Okay, but this can't get out. No one can hear about this. I will hold a feast and invite the important houses to celebrate Rhaenyra's betrothal." I said. 

One thing about my son that I love is his confidence. He's so confident in everything he does. It's the trait of a king. 

He was born to be king. Otto has already been in my ear telling me Aegon should be heir. But he's just blowing smoke. 

I will not change my mind about who is heir. Rhaegar is the perfect fit. 

"I think this plan is good. We will secure house Velaryon for generations. They are the riches house in the seven kingdoms." Said my grandmother, former queen Alysanne. 

"Rhaenyra I know you may not like this, but please do it. This is for the future. And if you fall in love with someone else, make sure to tell me so I can come up with another plan." Said my son as he held his sister's hands. 

"It's okay brother. This is something that has to be done. I will see things through." Said Rhaenyra with determination. 

Rhaegar smiled and stood up. 

"Laena should be back. She flew to Driftmark to inform Lord Corlys." 

It seems he's thought of everything. He will be a fine king. 

-POV: End- 

Viserys sent our ravens all across the realm. Lords of all the important houses were invited to the feast. 

Within the month all lords had arrived to pay their respects to the newly betrothed couple. 

To be continued


Next chapter the greens will form, with Alicent coming to the feast with her green dress. 

And since I teased it in the chapter, Lyanna is sick. Next chapter we will find how she got sick. 

Are yall watching the new season of Hotd? If so tell me your thoughts. 

Thanks for reading? 

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