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80% Modern Family: Living After a Life of Regret / Chapter 4: Four(no ideas)

Chương 4: Four(no ideas)

Chapter 4

December 7, 1999.

The sun hadn't fully risen yet, Tony was already awake, walking around his room, carefully picking up his clothes and essential items, folding everything and packing them correctly in his suitcase. On the side, he had a detailed list to ensure nothing was forgotten. Each item was important for a comfortable stay, especially considering the activities their godfather had planned for the two of them. He paused for a moment, thinking about Jay's words: "We're going to have so much fun! Fishing, football, jiu-jitsu and building various model airplanes."

Tony knew his cousin Paige couldn't stay with him this time. She had embarked on an exciting learning adventure in Switzerland, a three-month program she couldn't miss. Although he loved Paige's company, he was looking forward to spending time with John differently.

Downstairs, his mother, Irina, was preparing a hearty breakfast for him. She knew it would be a difficult farewell, even if temporary. Her father, Howard, was in the room, checking the last details of the trip.

Although the idea of ​​fishing was peaceful and relaxing, Tony was particularly excited about the prospect of training with others. He had been practicing martial arts for some time and the opportunity to train in a new environment was exciting. And football? Well, before it wasn't exactly my thing, but after my 8th birthday it became, hahahaha, the promise of a lot of fun.

After finishing packing his clothes, Tony moved on to his books and study materials. Even with all the fun planned, he knew he couldn't neglect his studies. He carefully placed an advanced physics textbook, his notebook, and some articles on recent theories.

Irina entered the room, interrupting his thoughts. "Are you ready, darling?" (Ты готов, дорогой?)

"Almost, Mom," Tony replied, closing the suitcase and taking one last check around the room. "I was just thinking about what else I might need."

Irina smiled, knowing that Tony was always prepared. "Remember to bring your thickest coat. It can get cold at night." (Не забудь взять своё самое тёплое пальто. Ночью может стать холодн o.)

Tony nodded, taking the coat that was hanging on the closet door and putting it in his suitcase. "Of course, Mom. I'm excited to see Godfather Jay. He always has something interesting to do." - то интересное.)

After a few minutes, the suitcase was finally packed and Tony sat on the bed, looking around his room. Irina walked over and sat down next to him. "You're going to have fun, Tony. And we'll be back before you know it." (You're welcome, Tony. ь.)

"I know, Mom. I'm just going to miss you guys." (Я знаю, мама. Я просто буду скучать по вам.)

Irina hugged Tony tight. "We'll miss you too. I'm sure you'll enjoy these few weeks with Jay. He'll take good care of you." (Мы тоже будем скучать. Но я уверена, что ти (deli с Джоном. Он позаботится о тебе.)

A short time later, Jay arrived to pick up Tony. He was a sturdy man, with a warm smile that always made Tony feel at ease. "Ready for adventure, boy?"

"Yes, godfather!"

In the car on the way to the airport

"So Tony, are you excited for our adventure?" (smiling)

"So much! I can't wait to fish and practice jiu-jitsu with other people. I heard you have funny fishing stories."

"Ah, I have several! Let me tell you about the time I went fishing with a friend. We were in a small boat and he was convinced he would catch the biggest fish in the lake. Guess what? He ended up hooking... his own hat !" (laughing)

"Serious?" (laughing) "How did he do that?"

"He was trying to cast the line really far, but the hook got caught in the brim of his hat. When he pulled it out, there was the hat dangling on the line like it was the biggest trophy in the world. It was hilarious!"

"That must have been really funny. Maybe it will happen when we're fishing."

"Only if it's with you, I still know how to fish very well and I'll show you."

"What about jiu-jitsu? How long ago did you start training?"

"Ah, that was many years ago. I was looking for a way to stay in shape and learn something new. I joined a local gym and fell in love with the sport. There is something very rewarding about mastering a technique and challenging yourself physically despite your age ."

"It looks really cool. I'm looking forward to taking classes at your jiu-jitsu academy."

"It's very interesting, Tony. You'll love it! I'll talk to Sensei Gracie to teach you some more difficult movements and you can try it. It's a great exercise and also a lot of fun, you'll like it."

At the airport, waiting for the flight

"So, you mentioned something about golf. Have you been playing long?"

"I've been playing for about twenty years, more or less. It's a sport that requires a lot of patience and concentration. I remember one time, I was in a friendly tournament and, by a miracle, I hit a hole in the first shot. I was together with Mitchell, since so they call me Rey."

"Wow! How did you manage to do that?"

"A lot of practice and a little bit of luck, I guess. It was a beautiful day, I was with Mitchell, the wind was completely in my favor, and the moment I hit the ball, I felt like it was going to be a special shot. And it was. But, of course, after that, I hit the ball into a lake on my next attempt." (laughing)

"It seems like you have a lot of funny sports stories."

"Yes, I do. I don't know if I've already told you, but I was a quarterback at my university. I was considered to play with the professionals, but I broke my leg and ended the story. I'm sure we'll create some more during your stay. We'll do lots of fun activities and, who knows, you'll become an expert at golf and football."

"Jay, one thing I'm thinking... Will Dede, Claire or Mitchell be jealous of the time I get to spend with you? Especially Mitchell." Tony said worriedly

"Don't worry, Tony. Dedé doesn't mind at all. Claire is busy taking care of Haley's birthday and Mitchell, well, he doesn't mind."

"Hmm, I'm sure Mitchell will possibly care. He's always been kind of sensitive about these things." Tony thought

"Mitchell has always been a little more emotional, but he'll understand. We can spend time with him too. It'll be good for everyone."

"So every time we go out, I'm going to invite Mitchell. That way he won't feel left out."

On the flight, on the way to Jay's house

"You know, Tony, one of the best things about these trips is the time we get to spend together. I love sharing my passions and hobbies with you."

"Me too, Jay. You always have something interesting to teach and the stories are fun."

"And you're a great person. Always curious and ready to learn. Let's make this time together one of the best we've ever had."

"Let's go! I can't wait to get started."

Arriving at Jay's house

"Welcome to my house, Tony. Make yourself at home. Let's unpack your things and then how about we start with a little tour of the neighborhood?"

"Sounds great. Let's do it."

At dinner, same day at night

Jay's house was full of life. The aroma of the spaghetti that Dede was cooking filled the air, bringing a comfortable feeling. Claire and Phil arrived with their three children: Haley, who was going to turn six in two days, Alex, who was three, and Luke, who had recently turned one. As soon as she saw Tony, Haley shyly hid behind her mother.

"Hey, champ! Ready for an epic dinner?" Said Phil greeting Tony in a funny way

"Of course, Phil. Always prepared!" Tony said laughing.

Minutes later, Mitchell arrived unaccompanied and greeted everyone with a warm smile.

Mitchell: "Hi, everyone! How is everyone?"

At the dinner table

Everyone sat at the table, ready to enjoy the meal prepared by Dede. Varied conversations arose while everyone served themselves.

"So Tony, how are your classes going?" Claire said looking at Tony

"Well, actually, I'm not going to school. Because of my intelligence, I have private tutors. I'm waiting until I'm 14 or 15 to go to college."

Everyone was surprised by Tony's answer, a curious silence fell over the table. Trying to change the subject, Tony looked at Mitchell.

"Mitchell, what's it like being a lawyer? It must be interesting, right?"

"Ah, it's challenging and rewarding at the same time. Each case is an adventure and a learning experience. It's rewarding to be able to help people solve their problems." Mitchell said smiling

After everyone has had dinner

"So, Tony, did you like the food?" Said Dede looking expectantly at Tony

"Yes, it was very good. Thank you, Tia."

Jay, who was sitting next to Tony, leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"You don't have to lie, you know?" Jay said whispering

Dede, hearing Jay's comment, began to become visibly irritated. Claire and Mitchell looked at each other and decided to move away from the table a little, trying to avoid a possible argument.

"Jay, he was being polite! No need to be so rude." Dede said angrily

"Well, the food was great, Mom. We all loved it." Mitchell said trying to defuse a possible war

"Yes, Dede, it was delicious. Let's all calm down and enjoy our time together." Phil said agreeing

Tony, sensing the tension in the air, tried to shift his focus.

"You know, Auntie, I really enjoyed it. And I'm looking forward to spending more time with all of you during these weeks."

"It's okay, Tony. Let's forget about this." Dede said, still a little irritated, but softening

The night continued with more conversations and laughter, everyone doing their best to keep the atmosphere more pleasant. Jay, realizing the impact of his comment, made an extra effort to keep the mood light by telling more funny stories from his adventures.

"Remember the time I tried to cook fish and almost burned down the kitchen?"

Everyone laughed, the tension gradually easing as Jay's stories and humor helped to restore harmony at the table.

Two days later, on Haley's birthday

It was Haley's sixth birthday, and Claire and Phil's house was busy from early morning. Tony had arrived early to help organize the party along with Claire and Phil, especially Phil, who seemed more excited about the preparation. The party's theme was all about princesses, with pink decorations, sparkly crowns, and enchanting dresses everywhere.

"So, will there be clowns at the party?" Tony asked, curious.

Phil, who had a secret fear of clowns, covered his discomfort and responded with a nervous smile.

"Ah, about that... I even talked to Claire, but... she's scared, so we decided not to have clowns..." he said quickly, trying to change the subject.

"And you, Tony, do you like playing?" he asked, diverting the conversation.

"I think it's interesting, but I still prefer to use my computer to program" Tony replied enthusiastically.

"What computer are you using" Phil asked, curious.

"Well, it's not that it's a specific brand... I put it together with my cousin..."

Phil found this fascinating and asked...

"Wow, that's amazing! Can you teach me how to ride one too?"

Tony laughed and replied...

"It's a very long process, but I can help..."

At the beginning of Haley's birthday

At 2:00 pm, the party was ready to start. The house was full of children dressed as princesses and princes, and there was an atmosphere of joy. Tony approached Haley, who was wearing her princess dress, and handed her a small gift wrapped with a sparkly bow.

"Happy birthday, Haley! I hope you like it..." he said, smiling.

Haley opened the box and found a silver bracelet with small stones forming the letters of her name, "HALEY". On the back, Tony's contact information was engraved, so she could call him if he needed help in the future. Haley smiled from ear to ear and hugged Tony tightly.

"Thank you, Tony! It's beautiful..." she exclaimed.

Claire, seeing the interaction, approached curiously...

"What is this, Haley? Why are you so happy?" she asked.

Haley showed the bracelet to her mother, all proud...

"Look, mom! Tony gave me a bracelet with my name and his number..." she said excitedly.

"Oh, Tony, you didn't have to..." Claire began, but Tony interrupted her.

"I insist, Claire... I couldn't come without bringing a gift..." he replied.

Claire smiled and accepted the gesture...

"Okay, then... Thanks, Tony..." she said, satisfied.

As the conversation ended, Haley picked up her mother's phone and dialed the number engraved on the bracelet. Tony watched, confused, but answered the call.

"Hello?" he said, still trying to understand.

"Tony, I need a prince for my birthday... You can't deny it, you said you would help me if I called..." Haley said with childlike seriousness.

Tony and Claire gasped, while Phil tried to hold back his laughter.

"I... well... of course, Haley..." Tony replied, not knowing what else to say.

Phil, trying to maintain his composure, couldn't help but comment...

"Well, it looks like you've been promoted to prince, Tony..." he said with a playful smile.

Claire shot a sharp look at Phil, who quickly fell silent.

At the end of the party, while everyone was saying goodbye, Tony approached Jay and commented...

"I think I should have given the bracelet after the party ended..."

Jay laughed and patted Tony on the back...

"You did the right thing, Tony... Haley will never forget this..." he said, proudly.

And so, Haley's birthday ended with everyone happy and full of unforgettable memories... Tony learned that sometimes the simplest gestures can create the most special moments...

The following days continued to be full of activities and new experiences. The next morning, Tony and Jay left for the lake before dawn, Mitchell said he wouldn't go as he had an appointment. On the lake the cold air bit their faces as they paddled to a quiet spot.

The tranquility of the water, the silence interrupted only by the sound of nature, was an invigorating experience.

In the afternoon, they headed to the local gym. Jay was well-known there, and the instructors welcomed him warmly. Tony, although initially nervous, soon felt at ease. Jay asked the gym's master to demonstrate some more advanced movements to Tony and helped him understand the family's Jiu Jitsu philosophy. The discipline and focus required was something Tony truly appreciated, reminding him of the complex concepts he enjoyed studying.

On Sunday, after the Sunday barbecue, Jay took Tony to the field, to practice football with him, Phil and Mitchell were invited, who didn't know how to play, after a 40-yard throw despite his age, he became the center of attention . After the launch, a family that was organizing a match invited everyone to play a friendly match, but there was still competitiveness in the air. Jay, despite his age, was an experienced player, he proved to be a strategist, making Tony stand out.

The next day, still in the morning, I asked to accompany my godfather Jay to work and he taught me a few things about closets and business.

Every night, before bed, Tony wrote in his diary, recording every detail of his day. He knew his parents would love to read about his experiences when they got back. And most importantly, he was having so much fun, learning lessons and creating unforgettable memories with his Uncle Jay.

Tony was sitting on the couch in front of the television, anxiously waiting for his family to come home. He flipped through the channels, looking for something interesting to watch, when suddenly the TV automatically switched to a news channel. He frowned, confused, and at that exact moment, his cell phone vibrated with a voice message from his mother's contact.

He picked up his cell phone, hesitating for a moment before opening the message. The news anchor's familiar voice filled the room, freezing Tony in place.

"Latest news... A private plane carrying the CEO of AeroXSpace, Howard Specter, and his wife, the Duchess of Physics, Irina Specter, disappeared from radar after encountering an unexpected storm. According to first reports, the couple leaves an 8 year old son..."

Tony felt the ground disappear beneath his feet as his mother's voicemail began to play.

"My dear Tony... we love you very much. We got into a storm that wasn't in the plans... the plane is having trouble and we are losing control. I want you to take care of yourself, be the man we created you to be... .Stay away from drinking and drugs, because otherwise you will be in trouble when we meet again in the afterlife..."

Tony's father's voice, normally so firm and assured, now sounded fragile.

"Son, I left you my legacy... know that it's not the company, but you, Tony... Be strong, my boy..."

The message ended, leaving a heavy, crushing silence in the room.

Jay, Mitchell, Claire and Phil, who were also watching the news, immediately got up and walked over to Tony. Jay was the first to wrap him in a tight hug.

Tony was stunned...his mind was spinning as he tried to process the devastating news. He had never felt so vulnerable and lost. His mother's words echoed in his mind... "We got into a storm that wasn't in the plans... the plane is having trouble and we're losing control." He could hear the concern and love in her voice, even in her last moments.

As Jay hugged him, Tony felt a mixture of pain and gratitude. He knew Jay was trying to be strong for him…trying to be the anchor he needed in that moment.

"We're going to get through this, Tony... together. You have a family here who loves you very much..."

Mitchell, as he held Tony's hand, felt the depth of the boy's loss. He remembered the times when his own parents were a pillar of support for him.

"Tony...your parents were amazing, and they raised you to be an amazing person. No matter what happens, you will always have their love and legacy inside of you."

Claire, ever the protector, held Tony tightly. She knew that words might fail at that moment, but human touch... the warmth of a hug, could offer the comfort Tony needed so much.

"We're going to help you get through this... step by step. You're strong, Tony... stronger than you know. And we're here for you... all of us."

Phil, trying to find the right words, thought about the countless conversations he'd had with his own children about loss and hope.

"Tony... you are a vital part of this family. We will support you every step of the way. And remember... your parents will always be with you, in spirit and in the memories you hold in your heart."

The room was filled with palpable sadness, but also with immense love. Each family member did their best to comfort Tony... to make sure he knew he wasn't alone in this time of unimaginable pain.

Jay, Mitchell, Claire, and Phil continued to talk to Tony... taking turns sharing memories, offering advice, and most of all, being present. Jay told stories from times gone by, recalling funny and touching moments with Howard and Irina.

"I remember one time your dad and I went fishing and he fell into the lake? He was so determined to catch that huge fish...he ended up catching a cold instead!" - he laughed lightly, trying to ease the tension.

Mitchell, in his soft voice, shared a memory of when Irina helped him with a science project in high school.

"She had so much passion for what she did... and she passed that on to you, Tony. You have that same sparkle in your eyes when you talk about your inventions and projects."

Claire remembered the conversations she had with Irina about being a mother and raising strong, independent children.

"Your mother always spoke so proudly of you, Tony. She knew you were special...that you would do great things. And we know that too."

Phil, always trying to find a way to liven up the atmosphere, made a light joke about the crazy inventions he and Tony could create together.

"Who knows, Tony… maybe we can build a robot that helps us remember all those good times. Do you think it's possible?" he smiled, trying to bring some light to the dark moment.

Tony, although devastated, began to feel a small comfort in the presence of his aunt and uncle. He knew that even in the face of such a great loss, he was not completely alone. He had a new family that would support him unconditionally. And that, in itself, offered a spark of hope amidst the darkness.

The rest of the night was spent with Tony's aunt and uncle offering a shoulder... sharing stories... and making sure he knew that no matter what, he was loved and would never be alone.

Hitdover Hitdover

Hello beautiful people of my heart

Thank you very much for reading my story! I apologize for the delay in posting, but I'm working on another Webnovel account with a story that's also very interesting. Also, I'm a little undecided about the couple in the plot.

I was surprised by the increase in views from one chapter to the next, and that made me very happy! If you liked it, please comment what you thought. If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to share. Like so I know if you like it.

I would also like to know what you think could be added to the story. Which series characters would you like to see appear and what new skills (other than OP) would you like Tony to develop?

Your opinion is very important to me!

Hugs and until next time!

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