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2. Reborn

-Mei's Workshop-

Mei made it home after one of the most exciting days of her life. The other was when one of her babies had decided to explode for no reason that she could find, landing Mei in the hospital for a week. But today… well, today was all kind of crazy. To a boy jumping off a roof, ashes disappearing, Mr. Yaoyorozu lying to her, Momo was lovely though, and what was intriguing most right now was the ashes were still warm in her pocket—the Infinity x69 also but not as much as these ashes.

Yes, she knew that Mr. Yaoyorozu was lying. She knew he was trying to get a statement when she started babbling about babies. Besides, he did not know her work. Large corporations had talent scouts for that kind of thing. The more important thing was putting her name in his head.

Momo, on the other hand, was a slightly different story. The way she had burst onto the street minus shoes was rather interesting. She was far more concerned that someone had jumped, not that it was off their building. While Mei didn't get along with most people due to her personality, she wanted to help society.

She enjoyed creating things, not only to help heroes, but she even made something for everyday people. While she would spout off about sponsors, contracts, and big money, that stuff was all nice. It was a means to an end. She needed all those people to get the material and research space so she could do what she wanted: change the world. How to change the world was an unanswered question. But if she could make it safer and a little more comfortable for everyone, that would be a good start. Honestly, this was part of the reason she liked Infinity so much.

He could charge much more for his processors and items, but they were incredibly affordable and durable. Yea, he was rich as fuck, but no one knew what he looked like. He still needs to graduate from U.A. He was from England; he had graduated from the University of the Black Dragon, and they had no photo of him listed. But that was neither here nor there.

She pulled the vial of ashes from her pocket and stared at them for a minute. She needed to have the proper tools to analyze them. But she could fix that. She chuckled. Now, this might have been easier if she had managed to catch Momo's interest enough. But if not, she could still do it on her own. Tomorrow, she could start hitting the scrap yards to dig up supplies. But that was tomorrow, Mei's problem. Tonight, Mei's concern was exploring all the wonders of the Infinity x69; she began to drool and found heat to flood her stomach and lower even. "I wonder if this is what it is like to be in love," she mused aloud.

She felt like this every time she worked on her babies. That is why she called them that. The act of designing them: Foreplay. Assembly: Sex. Hence making babies. She was worked up and ready to go. Sitting down at her workbench, she pulled the X69 out of its bag. "OH, you sexy bitch, you are going to get it. Now show Mama all your dirty secrets. We are going to do it all night."

Mei was true to her word, and they went all night through the next three days. Till Mei passed out from lack of sleep, the x69 was a naughty little minx and would not give up all her secrets so quickly. Mei knew this would be the most significant case of edging in history. But oh, she couldn't wait.

-Returning to the Castle-

Momo Yaoyorozu rode home in silence. She spoke with her mother briefly before heading to her room. Today was a day and a half. She stripped as she walked to her private bath. She sat and washed herself, replaying the surveillance video in her mind. There were so many questions. What happened to the video? Someone had some technology to disrupt the video, but the fact that it was mobile may be some quirk.

That was the obvious answer, though not the only answer. Then there was that weird distortion after the first. That one seems more obviously a quirk, but why only disrupt the top half? Well, it made it damn near impossible to identify them. How did what she could only assume the two people end up on the roof? One of them could fly. The second one could, as the first just walked away. But if the second could fly, why did he scale the fence?

She knew that there were immense pressures out there. Japan still had some very high suicide rates, especially among any quirkless that were born there. Out of the worldwide population, about 20% were quirkless, but in Japan, where the first quirk was ever recorded, that was more like 2%. In a nation where your quirk was used to judge so much and impacted your life, not having one was close to amounting to exile.

She knew Melissa had suffered some hardships, but she had her father and I-Island. Her mind was far too brilliant to be ignored. And she grew up in a safe spot for such a thing. She would have to call Melissa tomorrow and tell her about the whirlwind that had been the last few hours. Then there was Mei. That girl was complicated. She would invade personal space, but then there were moments when she was quiet. The comment about the ashes not dissipating but disappearing. What did that mean? She wanted to reach out to the girl. She could use the pretense of being interested in making "babies"—such an odd phrase. There was a lot to unpack.

Momo let her mind wander before exiting the bath, going through her nightly rituals, lotions, creams, combing her hair, slipping into a comfortable pair of silk pajamas, and reading a chapter or two of her encyclopedias. Tomorrow will be another day.

Izuku was lying on his back, bleeding, and sure his ribs were broken. He looked up at the Silver man holding a surfboard, of all things, and the stupidly tall being behind him. The being spoke its voice hollow and full of power, "Is that all you have, little Phoenix? My herald barely used a fraction of his power."

Izuku swore under his breath as white flames erupted around him, healing his injuries. I promise I will beat the Herald's ass, take his surfboard and shove it up this Plant eating bastard's ass. "You kidding, you big stupid bastard. I'm just getting started." The battle started again.

-Melissa Shield-

Melissa Shield was pleased to receive a call from her bestest friend, Momo, not so much after she heard about her friend's night. However, she did get a good giggle out of Mei. She and Momo were close. They had even shared a kiss. It was more for Melissa as she felt down about who would ever want to kiss a quirkless loser like her.

It was nice, but it lacked a spark. So, it went as far as that. She did love Momo, but she had realized it was not that kind of love. She told Momo to get her a video copy, and Momo promised she would. It took a few days 4, but Momo secured a copy of the surveillance video. She was on a video chat with Momo after her friend sent her an encrypted copy of the video.

Melissa was only stunned at the first part. She was surprised at what she had seen. The first part troubled her as she was damn near positive that her father's tech caused the first disruption. But that tech was not to be off the island. She told Momo that she would have to let her father know if there was some unknown break-in or espionage. Momo wanted to protest, but she understood; Melissa told her she would run an analysis on the video and talk to her father and that she would speak to Momo after school tomorrow. Melissa paused to ask Momo why she wasn't leaving this to the security company.

"Honestly, Melissa, something is bothering me. I need to know if that kid was murdered or mind-controlled into jumping off the roof, and what Mei said is bothering me. The ash was still hot when I got down to the street. And her comment about it disappearing, not dissipating. I can't let this go. I don't know why."

Melissa smiled at her friend. "That's good enough for me, Momo. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

The chat disconnected; Melissa set the video to run through a program she had invented and left to track down her father. It took her a good 30 minutes to finally find him. He was concerned when she insisted on talking to him privately. Melissa activated the room's security before telling her father what Momo had said and showing him the video. Melissa noted that David was shocked and more interested in seeing the second half but not so much at the first.

"Is that your tech dad?"

"Yes, dear, it is. I gave a version to a dear friend of mine. I need to contact him and ensure this was him, or if not, we have a large problem."

"Ok, I understand." Melissa knew her dad wasn't about to say anything further about this mystery person running around with her dad's tech. "You will let me know if it was your friend so I can ease Momo's mind?"

"Yes, dear, I will. Please let me know what your analyses show up."

"Of course," with that Melissa left.

When his daughter exited the room, he immediately contacted his friend.


"Hello David, nice to hear from you. Why yes, I am in Musutafu. Yes, I do believe that I was on top of Yaoyorozu Tower. Was someone with me? Yes, David, how do you know all this…WHAT HE JUMPED. David, I have to go; yes, I understand. I will call you back."

"Do you think that I can be a hero too?"


He tried to overcorrect his mistake by mentioning the police, but he knew the damage was done. He noticed the pain in the boys' eyes. He didn't even make sure the boy was ok. The worst part was that it took him a minute to remember the boy's name: Izuku Midoriya. He immediately dialed a number on his phone.

"Hello Naomasa, sorry to bother you. Please look into something very quickly; it's important. Was there any report of someone jumping off the Yaoyorozu tower in Musutafu on Monday evening? Second, I need the home address of Izuku Midoriya, which is in the same prefecture. Yes, I'm sorry, old friend. I need it now. Yes, I will wait."

He sat in silence. After talking to the boy, he had been walking the streets, making his way home, when an explosion caught his attention. The sludge villain he had dealt with earlier in the day was loose again. He must have dropped the bottle when he was flying with the boy. He delayed his action, but that's when he saw a student from the U.A., Mirio Togata, run out and save Bakugo.

Yes, that was his name. Mirio had some issues, but seeing his heroics inspired All-Might and spurred him into action. He smoothed Mirio's problems with the heroes who were scolding him and trouble with U.A., a talk with Young-Bakugo about showing proper gratitude. Then he had left. He had started looking into Mirio using Nezu, the principal of U.A. It had even led to him talking with his one-time sidekick, Nighteye. It turned out Mirio caught Nighteye's attention, and he was about to come to All-Might about Mirio being his successor.

"No Yes Naomasa I am still here. No report, huh? It was just a 911 call that was cut short. Can you follow up on that for me? No, I will explain over dinner on Sunday. Yes, please send that info over."

The call ended a short while later, and there was a beep with the info he wanted. He was glad there was no report, so maybe David was mistaken, but he had mentioned the video. He would have to look at that later, but first, he had to check on the young man. And apologize for his harsh words. He walked out to his truck and drove to the boy's home. After the short drive, he exited and went up to the apartment. It's a good neighborhood but not the greatest All-Might noted. What he needed to prepare for was the woman that opened the door.

-Jean Gray-

Standing there was a beautiful Red-headed woman in her early 20s, American, with Green eyes, smooth pale skin, relatively tiny green shorts, bare legs, and a very form-fitting black tank top with the words "Burn" looking to be written in fire across her noticeable chest. All-Might was used to encountering rather beautiful women in the hero business. He was friends with Midnight. But something about this woman screamed life, vibrancy, and sex; she was fire, and he was a moth. All his years of hero training kicked in before he spoke.

"Hello, Miss. My name is Toshinori Yagi, and I apologize for dropping in so unexpectedly. I was looking for Izuku Midoriya. Is this his home?"

"Yes, but I'm sorry Izuku can't come to the door right now. He is very sick. He caught a terrible cold a few days ago. I'm a friend of the family visiting from America, so I am taking care of him till he feels better. How do you know him? And what brings you by so suddenly."

"Of course, Ms.?'


"Ms. Gray, you see, I bumped into Young Midoriya a few days ago, and I'm afraid I may have said something that injured the young man. It has been heavy on my mind, so I wanted to come apologize to him."

"Oh, you are the asshole that told him he couldn't be a hero, right."

All-Might was taken back. "Y-Yes, Ms. Gray, I wanted to come by and apologize for that."

"Well, I will let him know. But you can just fuck right off."

"Now, Ms. Gray, I know I was harsh, but I don't think."

Jean cut him off. "That's true you didn't think, now Mr. Yagi was it. I don't care, Izuku is very important to me, and you hurt him. I will pass your message, and if you have a card, I will let him decide if he wants to call you. But other than that, I would rather you remove yourself from the doorway and give your platitudes to someone who might give a shit." She held out her hand, and All-Might handed over one of his cards.

Before he could say anything, the door was closed in his face. He turned and made his way back downstairs. "Well, that could have gone better." I hope he calls so I can apologize.

In the apartment, Jean burned the card in her hand before disappearing.

Izuku was breathing hard and bleeding. How the fuck was this short hairy guy with claws giving him so much damn trouble. He had defeated an eater of worlds, and now this guy was giving him all sorts of difficulty.

"Well, Bub, you going to stand there and bleed or come get some."

He was going to pluck every piece of hair off this bastard.


Momo was glad to hear from Melissa that it was, in fact, her father's tech, so that was some relief for the first part of the video. The problem was that her dad would need to provide details on who that person was. The only reassurance was that they were a friend of her father. Melissa's program had been running for a week, and she still couldn't make heads or tails of distortion in the second part. Nothing was cleaning up the image. Her company needed more success, too. So here was Momo sitting in her room at the end of another week of school. Having had to deal with three confessions and one attempted serenade at her gates. She was looking at her phone and chewing on her thumb; a single thought came to mind: Mei Hatsume. Taking a breath, she fired off a text.

Momo: Hey Mei, this is Momo Yaoyorozu. Do you want to get together tomorrow? I would like to see some of your inventions.

Mei: Momo? Momo, tomorrow is fine; come over whenever we can make some babies together. The user has sent their location.

Momo: I am unsure about making "babies," but I would like to meet with you nonetheless.

Mei: Sure, tomorrow is fine.

Momo sighed. The trip had gone easier than she expected. Her parents were flying to America to meet Sylvia from Infinite Arcana so that no one could stop her.

-David Shield-

Meanwhile, on I-Island, Melissa's computer had finished running its program, but I did not alert Melissa. It instead alerted David, her father.

David was awakened by the sound of his alert message going off. He grabbed his phone and was stunned for a moment. COSMIC RADIATION DETECTED. He sat up quickly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Oh, shit.

He immediately pulled up the report and began to read it. This is the video that Melissa was analyzing for that Momo girl. He immediately activated the security in his room with a button. And he pulled a separate phone from a secret compartment on the nightstand next to his bed, dialing the only number in the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Freadom. We have a problem. Cosmic Radiation has been detected. Yes, Sir, from a video that was recorded in Musutafu. Yes, sir. I am aware. I will send the file right away. No, sir. No, Sir. No one else knows. Yes, I will make sure." Hanging up the phone, David was sweating. An Omega-level threat had made contact on Earth, and his daughter and her friend were trying to chase it down.


A beautiful woman's voice responded from the ceiling. "Yes, David."

"Full Containment protocol. Please send me all the messages from my daughter and her friend Momo Yaoyorozu for the last two weeks. Falsify her scan on the video. Alert Infinity. And give me all the feeds you can around Yaoyorozu Tower Musutafu. Track and correlate with All-Might's Blur unit. Send a Message to King as well."

"Yes, David. Messages are ready for viewing. A false report has been sent. Feeds will be ready in one hour. Infinity and King have been alerted."

"Thank You, Veronica; continue monitoring Melissa and alert me to any conversations."

"Yes, David," then artificial intelligence went silent.

-The Inventor and the Heiress-

Mei was staring at the reading from her Ashes sample. What the hell is the radiation signature? I have never seen anything like this. I could dive into the international database.

Momo: Hello Mei, I am outside.

Mei looked at her phone and skipped to the door to let Momo in.

"Hello Mei, I brought you some cookies."

"Cool, come on in, let's make some babies," as she shoved a cookie in her mouth. "This is good," as crumbs fell everywhere.

Momo blushed slightly as Mei approached the gate to let her in, wearing overalls with no top or bra. "Mei, maybe you should put on a top."

"Why? Yours are bigger than mine; we are girls with the same equipment."

Momo just sighed and entered the "workshop." It was dirty, and burnt metal smelled in the air. There were scorch marks everywhere—several, I mean several empty fire extinguishers.

"So, why are you here if you're not here to make babies?" Mei said with no hint of playfulness.

Momo's head snapped to attention at Mei's sudden shift in tone. She looked at the girl with her overalls hanging down and slipped a red tank top on.

"I just thought I would come over to see your inventions. You know, for your meeting with my father so I could give you some pointers."

"You mean for the meeting that's not going to happen?"

"What makes you say that?" Momo responded with just the smallest crack in her voice.

"One, there is no way in hell the CEO of Yaoyorozu Corporation would meet with some unknown inventor. He wanted to get me inside so I could fill out that statement. Nice non-disclosure hidden there at the bottom, by the way. You are here for another reason."

Momo was taken back slightly. This girl was no joke. There was no pulling the wool over her eyes. Momo sighed.

"Yes, Mei, you are right. I'm not here for that. It's what you said about the ashes. I apologize for trying to mislead you. If you like, I can show myself out."

"Fuck no. Look, you'll take over the company someday, right?"

"That's the plan."

"Then I can just show off to you. But first, I want to make a deal."

"What is it that you want?"

"I need you to make some materials; I have been trying to analyze those ashes and know what I need. I don't have the right equipment to do it, and I can't salvage what I need, so that's where you come in. You help me, I share my results, and when you take over, IF I have impressed you enough, you hire me, and I get to make the greatest babies the world has ever seen."

Momo thought about it. It was essentially what Momo wanted, aside from supplying the materials part. "Fine, but tell me what you use the materials for. And if I disagree with their purpose, I am not obligated to supply them."

"That works."

"Now, what do you need and why."

Mei began to lay out her plans for the spectrometer she would need to continue analyzing the ashes. She showed Momo her notes and what she come across so far, including the strange radiation readings and the fact that they were still radiating heat. Also, she would need a better microscope because, despite her quirk, she couldn't get in deep enough to see the ashes on a cellular level. She also needs some material to upgrade her computers because trying to run the analysis also killed those.

Momo thought about it. Then she pulled out her phone and gave orders to someone for massive amounts of food.

"What's that about?"

"As I told you, I use the lipids in my body to make things. Some of the things you are asking for are complicated to make, so I will need food if we do this."

"Oh, yeah, Momo, let's make some babies."

They started going over Mei's notes more in-depth about the ashes and bouncing ideas off one another as Momo began to make some of the simpler components for Mei. Momo had to ask, however. "What did you mean that they didn't dissipate the disappeared.?"

Mei thought for a moment. "When something dissipated, I could see its breakdown, but the ashes simply blinked like a spark going out. It was small, but I could see it."

"Have you seen it since?"

"No, but I have been cautious about containing the ashes. I have only lost about 20% in testing so far. It's not a big sample, so I want to ensure I have the right stuff this time."

The two talked as the food arrived, and then things went into overdrive, making material while Mei started working and assembling the needed equipment. It was long and tiresome work. They still need to get 10% done today. Momo agreed to come by on Sunday. This continued for the next few weeks. Eventually, they had all they needed. Momo had introduced Mei to Melissa, and those two hit it off like crazy. Soon, they had a group text and everything. Momo had covered with her mom by telling her how she had hit off with Mei and was essentially scouting her for the company in the future.

The time had finally come. It has been almost a month since the whole incident started. With Melissa remoting in, they began firing up the tests and were excited. The Radiation that this stuff was giving off was entirely off the spectrum. It was new, and they had discovered it. Then they saw the sample begin to fade and disappear; they saw it blink out. Mei had been right. It was more akin to the flicker of a flame.

The final test took almost a week to run; it would have taken longer if they hadn't hooked up the supercomputer on I-Island. There was some DNA sequence in the ashes. The girls were giddy with all this could mean. Momo decided to take Mei out to celebrate, as the final tests still needed to be run.

Momo was relatively happy. She felt she was making a new friend. Mei was excited about something other than making babies. Maybe this friend thing was all right, and Melissa was fantastic. Mei couldn't wait to meet Melissa and all the babies they could make. She was giddy. They had a nice dinner. Momo had a car pick her up while Mei had decided to walk home since they were only a few blocks away.

When she approached her home, she saw the gate open and immediately knew something was wrong. She ran to the gate and could see the workshop garage open. Everything was gone—the computers, the gadgets, the notes, the links, everything. Her apartment had been tossed. Everything had just disappeared, almost like a fire consumed it.

Momo hit the door and went for the laptop to check over the files that Melissa and Mei had sent, and the video and everything else were gone.

Melissa accessed the mainframe and tried to check on the DNA sequencing, only to find the program wasn't running, and no sample was found; she studied, and all the files were gone. The video, everything, and her email showed no communication between her and Momo or Mei regarding the subject.

The girls called each other. It took them a moment to calm down and hear everything from the other. Mei was almost distraught. It would take her months to figure out everything that was gone. Melissa was terrified that someone had managed to hack into I-Island. Momo was upset, but then an unsettling thought crossed her mind.

"What if it was an inside job, Melissa?"

"What do you mean no one else knew what we were doing?"

"Are you sure?" responded Mei.

"Yes, I am positive."

"But you told your dad," added Momo.

"I did… but why would he?"

"I bet you it had something to do with the radiation," Mei said.

All three girls were silent. Mei broke the silence. "Look, I got to go; I have to clean up and figure out everything missing. If these jack-booted thugs think this will slow me down, they don't know Mei Hatsume."

"I'll be by when I can help," added Momo.

"Maybe I can figure something out on my end, but I should probably go if it were an inside job; then we have no idea who might be listening."

The three girls all hung up, and a sense of dread crept over them as they knew they were being watched.

Mei Hatsume began the process of cleaning everything. It was several hours into the process that she noticed something. Everything taken so far was installed with Infinity x69, even the reversed engineering ones. "Of fuck that," she seethed.

Izuku stood on the battlefield of his mind. Vanquished foes littered all around him.

"Who the fuck is next."

A portal opened before him, and a tall man with purple skin and strange armor stepped out. He held up a gloved hand with strange stones embedded in it. With a snap of his fingers, hundreds of portals opened everywhere, spewing strange creatures onto the battlefield.

"I'm next, boy."

Oh, for fucks sake.

-The First Official Meeting-

Mei, Momo, and Melissa were all sitting at a café in town. Melissa was in town with her father. She held out some unusual-looking phones to the girls.

"Ok, I got these all set up. Nothing is foolproof, but we should be able to talk on them without getting easily hacked."

The other two took them and slipped them into their pockets. They had been trying to figure things out for months. Melissa figured out that whoever had accessed the mainframe was definitely smarter than her, and it had to be an inside job. She had talked to her dad, and she knew. She just knew he had lied to her face. Something in the pit of her stomach told her something wasn't right. A hacker was found on the island and arrested.

Momo had the same experience with her father when she told him someone had hacked her laptop.

Mei could file a police report, but no one was ever caught and charged. Her parents offered to have her relocate to be closer to them in Tokyo, but she declined. Sighting she was closer to U.A. this way and was making connections. She upgraded her security with the help of Momo, who provided materials where she could.

Through this, all the girls became great friends, and now, with the new phones, they can talk more freely. They would use their regular phones to keep up appearances when they wanted to talk nonsense. They started talking about where they would be applying next year, and they all agreed on U.A. Even Melissa was on board. She needed to get out of her father's shadow, and even more, it hurt her that she couldn't trust him. She knew he would fight her on this, but she was more determined than ever. Mei and Melissa would apply for the support course and Momo for the hero course. Once Momo and Melissa were out from under their parents, they vowed to discover what was happening. Till then, they would try to enjoy each other's company. They were all happy to have found each other and to have friends.

Izuku sat in the white room, meditating. He slowly opened his eyes and was met face-to-face with Jean.

"Are you ready?"

"I don't think I can learn anything else in here. How much time has passed on the outside."

"6 months"

"Shit, have I been kicked out of school yet"

"No, I took care of it."


"Um, Hello, Phoenix, remember."

Izuku chuckled. "Is my body ready?"

"Yup, just finished putting on the spinning rims and installing the sound system."

"Well, let us kick the tires and light the fire."

In a nondescript apartment in Musutafu. A cocoon began to flake away, being slowly consumed by fire. As it faded out stepped a young man. Not a boy but a man. He was 6'3 and had a fantastic build that was broad in a good way, not like a muscle freak but enough that his shoulders tapered nicely into his waist. His muscles were cut and defined even without flexing—friendly tone to his legs. And well, he was proportionate. His long green hair was no longer this curly mop on his head; instead, it was straight with a slight curl down to the small of his back. He felt a light flush to his cheeks, the room's coolness, his feet touching the floor. He took a deep breath; the air was familiar, almost comforting. He took a few minutes just standing there and breathing. The world felt new. He was new. No longer Deku: he was the Phoenix.

"So are you going to stand there free-balling it or put on some clothes stud muffin?"

Izuku turned around quickly, seeing Jean. He almost covered himself, but then he realized that she had seen him naked tons of times during training, and she had been the one to sculpt this body. That thought gave him a slight blush that he could push away. He looked at her and realized he could see through her that she wasn't there.

"Did you think I would leave all alone?"

" I hoped you wouldn't, but I figured it would be on me."

"Oh, it is. And I hate to tell you this, but soon I will leave you. This is your journey. You can always find me in the white room, though. I'm just here to guide you a little."

She would leave, he knew, but he was glad she was around for now. At least she was the closest thing he had to a friend.

"I highly doubt that any of my clothes will fit."

Jean chuckled and pointed to piles of Amazon boxes in the living room. "I got you. Besides, I saw your wardrobe, and yikes."

"Hey, I had a style of a sort."

"A shirt that says the shirt is not a style, you know."

"What day is it?"

"Why, it's July 15th. Happy birthday, Izuku."

He smiled and went to the kitchen, where Jean telepathically described what had happened over the last six months.

All-Might had come by, and Jean had told him off. She had called the school and taken control of a Dr. to get a note sent to the school excusing his absence as he rehabbed from an accident. She had responded to some emails his parents had sent; they had half-heartedly asked if they needed to come home and help him. She dealt with them. She showed him that the U.A. would be instituting a dorm system. So when he got in, he wouldn't have to come back here again. There was also a scholarship program they could try and get into, so he could just tell them to fuck off. He liked that thought.

He was thinking when his phone rang, and sure as shit, it was his mother. She told him that she had decided to make her visit with his father permanent. They needed to be together. She also told him that once he turned 18, they would sell the apartment, so he needed to prepare to make his way. He could tell she was shocked when he responded with a "figured as much. Thanks for letting me stay till I am 18."

He would ensure that everything was in order in a year as long as he received a small percentage. His father came on the line and said he would give him a small portion of the sale, but they were done. Izuku said Deal and hung up the phone.

That went according to plan. What to do now? Checking that it was, in fact, a Saturday, he figured he would get everything unpacked, clean up some, and head out. Monday, he would go to school and test out so he wouldn't have to return. With any luck, he wouldn't have to see Bakugo again. That should be fun.

Load failed, please RETRY

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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