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9.43% Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man. / Chapter 5: Teacher.

Chương 5: Teacher.

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"You really don't need to worry so much Tsumiki, I'm fine. The cursed spirit wasn't even able to so much as touch me." Megumi tried in vain to dissuade his elder sister from her worries.

"Of course I have to worry Megumi! You're only 7! I still can't believe you went through with this, I thought you knew better!" Tsumiki said as she kept looking around his body for any bruises and scrapes he got from the Curses. "You sure you never got hit by them? Not even a little?"

Shoko giggled at their antics from the side, it reminded her of her family back home. While as overbearing as Tsumiki was, it only showed how much she cared for her brother. She got up from where she was leaning on the table and went over to the two of them.

"It's alright Tsumiki-chan, I'll look over him and make sure he doesn't have any injuries he's hiding from you." The younger girl sighed a breath of relief as she backed off, allowing the Brown-haired woman to come close to Megumi.

Shoko leaned forwards, slightly exposing her ample bust as she grabbed the young boy by the shoulder and focusing slightly. Her Hazel Brown eyes started to subtly glow making her seem even more gorgeous than normal as she looked over Megumi's body.

The cursed energy in the surrounding area surged while Shoko was observing. Something that Megumi caught and took note of, making sure to remember the feeling. You never know when an enemy might be observing you and looking for weaknesses.

"I don't see anything out of the ordinary, but just to be safe I'll give him a dose of positive energy. Anything that I might've missed will be soothed right out. If nothing else it'll feel relaxing for him."

It was then that Megumi felt it, it wasn't the first time but it was only now that he's gotten the hang of sensing cursed energy that he could truly understand the miracle that the young healer was performing.

It was Cursed energy alright, way more of it but somehow it felt different. More dense than he usually felt passively dispersing from Shoko. But the main difference was the way it felt to be in the presence of. Cursed energy in its most base form is Negative Energy, energy created from the most base instincts of humanity; Fear, Hatred, Envy and more. But Reverse Cursed Technique is the exact opposite of that.

It utilised Positive energy, a type of energy that most wouldn't be able to channel or use for their entire lives. Instead of the usual oppressive pressure that came with Negative energy, Positive energy gave off a very welcoming aura. 

As it came into contact with his body, any fatigue or tiredness over the day had simply faded away, his mind felt refreshed. He almost felt like he just awakened from a long and restful sleep.

"There, anything that was there should be gone now." Shoko said as she pulled back and took her hand away.

"I'M BACK!" They turned around to look at the source of the sudden noise only to see Gojo throw open the door and take a pose with his arms spread wide.

"Oh it's just you." Megumi said with a deadpan expression on his face, not seeming all that impressed.

Gojo stumbled slightly from his place, slightly losing his cheshire grin, Shoko snickered at his failed entrance while Tsumiki looked more embarrassed for Gojo than the man was for himself.

The White-haired man didn't let himself stagger for long as he stood up and walked over to Megumi and said "Well I don't appreciate you ruining my entrance but you did earn this so here."

Gojo handed over a small ID card that had Megumi's face on it with some of his details, on the top it was named 'Sorcerer ID'. Most interestingly, it had Megumi's current Sorcerer Grade on it 'Grade 4 Sorcerer' in bold font.

"With that you can go in and out of Jujutsu Tech buildings without needing to ask us. You can also take some small missions but that comes later on when you're older and stronger."

"Now then, I have only one question for you Megumi. Now that you've seen what is to come, the true horror of our world, do you still want to be a sorcerer?" Gojo's grin told everyone in the room he already knew the answer and just wanted to hear it from the boy.

Shoko leaned back against the wall, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it up before taking a deep drag out of it. While she seemed nonchalant, in truth she was incredibly interested in the Raven-haired boy's answer.

Tsumiki looked between the two of them, seeming unsure of the situation before deciding to stay by her brother's side no matter what he chose.

Megumi's posture at first glance seemed relaxed but a more perspective gaze would notice the subtle tension in his body, hinting at his complete and utter attention. 

'If this was the me back in my old life, then I might've backed down and not been able to look him in the eyes but now..' He looked to the side at his elder sister who looked worried for him, at Shoko who was unable to hide her interest and intrigue in him. 

He then looked back into Gojo's eyes, he wasn't wearing his sunglasses revealing his eyes. They were beautiful, the colour of the Sky, a breathtaking Ocean Blue. His eyes like Lapis galaxies gazing at him expectantly.

'Now it is different, I have someone to protect and a goal to reach. I will surpass not only the original Megumi but my previous self and become..'

"...The Strongest. I will become the Strongest Sorcerer and surpass you. I will let Tsumiki live an easy life and push back the Cursed Spirit threat." It was not merely a statement of pride or hubris. It was a declaration of his all encompassing ambitions to not only become great, but the Greatest to ever live.

The very Heavens above responded to the boy's sincere vow with a bargain. His latent potential will be unlocked as he will have a future like no other, as long as he lives his life, in every living moment moving to fulfil the vow. 

Tsumiki blushed at her brother's declaration, Shoko chuckled slightly, not in disbelief but because against her better judgement, the tone in his voice makes her feel like he was actually capable of doing so. 

Most affected of all was Gojo Satoru, The Honoured One and current Strongest Sorcerer. His Grin expanded as he let out deep belly laughs at the boy, not at his confidence but because he finally found someone worthy surpassing himself. 

"HAHA GOOD! I've decided! You will become the next Strongest Sorcerer alive, I'll make sure of it and one day you'll surpass even myself!" Gojo's hands flew out to the sides as he all but declared him his successor.

"Your training will start tomorrow!" Megumi grinned wildly at that.

The next morning:

"First of all, allow me to explain in detail everything about cursed techniques." Gojo said in front of a portable whiteboard in the backyard of the Fushiguro Household. Tsumiki and Shoko could be seen sitting on the porch with lawn chairs enjoying some cool lemonade.

Blizzard and Nyx were summoned out of the shadow and enjoying the sun together, running after each other and playing, putting a smile on everyone around.

Shoko and Tsumiki were both wearing sundresses, they were relaxing, enjoying the sun and cool air. 

Shoko was wearing a white and brown sundress with pink Sakura patterns that showed off her ample bust and was wearing a large sunhat, her outfit showing off her aloof and exotic appeal. Tsumiki wore a beige sundress with yellow sunflower patterns and a smaller sun hat that just enhanced her cuteness.

Gojo had a white shirt with the top few buttons opened and black pants with a black belt finishing off his outfit with a pair of sunglasses, no doubt that if any interested women were nearby, they would fall to their knees in love. Megumi was wearing a black T-shirt that had the words T-shirt on it in white kanji and some beige shorts, showing off his youthful and indifferent demeanour, which no doubt would be found attractive by young women eager to fall in love.

Gojo started writing on the whiteboard while explaining the ins and outs of cursed energy, beginning with the basics.

"Cursed Energy Manipulation is the ability to control the flow of one's cursed energy and channel it to carry out certain functions. It is the foundation for all jujutsu and the first step towards becoming a jujutsu sorcerer. There is a world of difference between being able to sense jujutsu and being able to use it. A good thing to note is that your ability to use Jujutsu is dependent on being able to keep a straight head and focused mind as any disruptions in that will remove your ability to control your Jujutsu techniques."

Megumi was quite attendant to the lesson, taking lessons as he observed Gojo's demonstrations of Cursed Energy Manipulation.

Gojo continued explaining as Megumi took notes " I could compare cursed energy to electricity, it's volatile in nature and difficult to use in its rawest form. While raw cursed energy can be used for its blunt force, it's best used by sorcerers to power their techniques in the same way electricity is best used to fuel electronics. In this case, cursed energy is flowed into a technique to activate a sorcerer's unique abilities, however, cursed energy does not flow on its own. Control over cursed energy requires innate skill and vigorous training."

Gojo finished and then called out to Shoko "Shoko, the Katana!"

Shoko pulled up her sunhat, looked him in the eye and told him "Get it yourself." Even though it was right next to her.

Tsumiki reached out to grab it and give it to Gojo but Shoko stopped her and told her the same thing "He's the strongest isn't he? He can get it himself.".

And then proceeded to take a sip of her Lemonade. "Good job on the Lemonade, by the way Tsumiki-chan."

Tsumiki blushed a little before thanking and sipping some for herself.

"UGH, can you Please throw me the Katana Skoko-san?" Gojo said unwillingly.

Shoko chuckled a little at that before grabbing the katana and throwing it over to him, "There you go Satoru-kun~!". In the background Megumi snickered at The Honoured One.

Gojo grumbled at her for a moment before going back to his lesson "ANYWAYS, from today you're going to keep feeding your cursed energy into this Katana, this will turn it into a Cursed Weapon that has an incredible affinity to your technique, you might even be able to channel your shadows or something through it. Although it hasn't been recorded as a possibility in the Encyclopedia." 

Megumi took the Katana into his hands and unsheathed it, the blade was a pure White with a Golden guard and Black and White woven handle.

[Image (In Discord)]

"I will name it, Kage" Megumi then sheathed it.

"Ok, we still have a bit more theory to finish up on and we can start your physical training!" Because like it or not Theory is just as, if not more important to Jujutsu than Physicality.

"So, you've already started doing this reflexively as all talented Jujutsu Sorcerers do but Cursed Energy Manipulation and Reinforcement are the most important things a sorcerer must learn, it is what allows you to fight even without access to a cursed technique!" 

Gojo flipped the whiteboard before starting to write on it, Megumi Diligently listening in and taking notes sometimes.

"Applying cursed energy to physical attacks can be as effective as a cursed technique when it comes to gifted combatants who specialise in hand-to-hand combat. So much so that you could be able to contend with low level Special Grade Curses with that alone, especially if you're as good as me in it.

The amount of cursed energy released by an individual is referred to as their Cursed Energy Output. This applies to both how it's used offensively and defensively. Some can even utilise raw cursed energy as an explosive energy beam to attack. For example, Finger Bearers are special grade curses born of a Special Grade Cursed Object that can launch their energy as a projectile and erect cursed energy barriers."

Gojo demonstrated this by projecting some cursed energy from his hands in the form of a small Blue ball of concentrated energy that he aimed at a small boulder in the backyard. It shot forward with a speed that rivalled a gun. 


An explosion reverberated throughout the yard, as even though he had held back immensely the pressure created from The Honoured One's demonstration frightened the twin Divine Dogs and Tsumiki while the pressure of it ruffled Megumi's hair and blew back Shoko's skirt, briefly showing a slice of heaven.

"HEY! Watch it, jackass! You're gonna scare the neighbours!" Shoko angrily exclaimed at Gojo's reckless demonstration.

Ignoring her, Gojo continued his explanation by going into another aspect of Cursed Energy Reinforcement. "Defensively, you can coat your skin in cursed energy to harden your body and increase its ability to block incoming curse related attacks. The same application can be used offensively, imbuing physical attacks with cursed energy to increase your destructive power to superhuman levels.

Conventional weapons can also be infused with cursed energy to increase their strength. Although you have to be careful as imbuing too much cursed energy at one time to a normal weapon can compromise its integrity and destroy it, so a sorcerer must only infuse small amounts of energy at a time. Imbuing moderate amounts of cursed energy over time can transform a normal weapon into a cursed tool, which is what I want you to do with Kage!"

Megumi responded by nodding his head.

Gojo concluded by mentioning a rather curious aspect of cursed energy. 

"And finally we have a rare part of Cursed Energy that normally I would skip over since most Sorcerers, including myself, don't have access to. There are rare cases where cursed energy carries a special property unique to its user. When applied to their fighting techniques, it can grant them a special texture or effect that gives them an advantage in battle. These special traits cannot be defended by simple reinforcement techniques."

Gojo pulled out an old book from his back, its pages were well worn and aged, they had even turned a shade of yellow. "I did some research into it and found the biggest recorded case from ancient history. The Strongest Sorcerer from 400 years ago, during the Edo period, had this special case." Gojo flipped until he found the page with the sorcerer's information, stopping before turning the book to face Megumi.

"His name was Kashimo Hajime, his Innate Cursed Technique 'Mythical Beast Amber' gave him a special kind of cursed energy, Kashimo's cursed energy has the properties of electricity, which keeps his body in a constant state of electrification and makes all of his attacks impossible to defend against. That along with his Innate Technique, hand to hand combat, incredible tactical mind and overall skill level made him the Strongest of his Era."

Tsumiki who was listening in showed her awe with Kashimo's description. Megumi seemed less impressed but quite attentive to Gojo's explanation as he must have a reason for bringing him up.

"I'm saying this because as you are now, it's still in its infancy before it develops but your Curse Energy looks different to these eyes of mine" Gojo declared as he pointed to his Six Eyes. "You will develop a special trait in your cursed energy, of that I'm sure."

Some time later in a forest just outside Tokyo

"Are you sure you want to do it already? You could train a bit more before trying to subjugate the next Shikigami you know?" Gojo asked Megumi, wanting to make sure he's ready for what's to come next.

The Raven-haired boy he was talking to had already summoned both his Divine Dogs and Gamma Toad.

"That's true. I could wait and train much longer before this and it would be much safer but…" Megumi raised his hand up to his shoulder, his index and pinky finger bent towards the rest of the fingers making the shape of snake eyes with his thumb hidden under his palm.

"But that's how Losers think!" Megumi declared before starting the subjugation ritual.

"Great Serpent!" 

In Front of him an Abyssal void opened as from it a Gargantuan Serpent rose, it was white with a tan yellow underbelly, the serpent had black markings all over its body, including a symbol on its forehead.

The Serpent hissed wildly at the summoner before lunging forward to bite at them. Megumi dodged out of the way before unsheathing his Katana 'Kage' while ordering his Divine Dogs to attack.

Nyx was first, he ran forwards and swiped a paw at the serpent, the attack marking the side of it before running ahead to the opposite side of it and waiting in attention. This simple action forces the Serpent to keep its attention at 2 places at once in the battlefield, lest it leaves itself open to an attack from behind.

Blizzard, not to be outdone by his brother, ran ahead and jumped on top of the serpent while it was looking away at his brother and swiped a paw at the Serpent's hide, leaving a mark but not injuring it. 

The Serpent rewarded the wolf by slamming into him with its tail throwing him away and into a nearby tree breaking it. Bringing the white-haired wolf out of the fight for a moment while it recovers.

Megumi was analysing the fight looking for a way to get through the Serpent's defences as he thought.

'This is annoying, this damn Serpent's hide is too thick for the dogs or Gamma to do any damage and it's too big for the dogs to just bite. I could probably get deep enough with Kage but that would leave me open for a counter attack, just like Blizzard… Wait!' 

Megumi looked back at where Blizzard was sent through a tree. 'This can work!' 

"Gamma! Grab the broken tree and throw it at the weakened part of the Serpent's hide!" Megumi ordered with urgency.

Gamma Toad jumped into the air and latched onto a nearby rock before grabbing the tree that the Serpent had broken with Blizzard and throwing it at it. The action which was completely unexpected by the Serpent did some damage to its side, breaking into the hide that had already been weakened by Nyx's attack and stunning it for a moment.

Taking advantage of the Great Serpent's moment of weakness both Megumi and Nyx rushed forward ready to land a critical blow to the Serpent.

Kage glowed in the moonlight as a dark energy surrounded it, Gojo's lesson earlier in the day paying off immensely already as Megumi's cursed energy reinforcement had strengthened the blade to a realm it hadn't reached before.

Megumi stabbed into the Serpent's weakened hide as he sprinted along its length, cutting through it like a hot knife through butter. The serpent cried out in pain as its insides were revealed to the outside world, pain shooting through it like lightning.

Taking advantage of the serpent's plight Nyx jumped up to its head and bit at its eyes, successfully grabbing hold, his snout deep within the serpent's eye socket and then slamming the head into the ground as he pulled back to rip the eye out. His brother who had just recovered ran forward to do the same thing biting into the other eye and viciously pulling. While Gamma made sure that the serpent couldn't get up from the ground by wrapping it with his tongue and holding its tail down to stop it from moving to save itself.

Megumi sprinted till he reached between the Divine Dogs at the head of the serpent, bringing Kage into the sky, filling the blade with as much cursed energy as he could muster before bringing it down into the serpent's head with a satisfying "Shik!"

The Serpent stopped moving instantly at that, its body going limp as it faded away as dust into the Moonlit Sky. 

A fight that would have been much harder and required more effort if he didn't outsmart the Shikigami and take it down effectively, ended in a matter of mere moments.

Megumi panted as he unsummoned all his Shikigami, leaving Blizzard who came up to him and licked at his face. "Haha, yeah we did it boy!" Megumi laughed out as he petted the wolf. Gojo comes up to him offering a small towel and a bottle of water with a grin matching his own.

"You did well."

HeliosTheDepressed HeliosTheDepressed

Here's to the future!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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