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88.23% In Marvel as a Skeleton / Chapter 30: Ch-29: Bizzare Adventure

Chương 30: Ch-29: Bizzare Adventure

The residual momentum of the attack flung Ethan back into the crates. Seeing the damage notification, he looked down and saw a hole in his [Slime] suit, exposing his black ribs in which darkness swirled in waves. 

The slime around the damaged area wiggled, trying to reattach itself. 

Ethan knew from his experiments that he could heal the damage with mana, but with the attacker ready to fire another shot and James battling the horde of rats, he didn't have the luxury of time.

So, without wasting any of it, Ethan activated {Dash}, targeting a position behind the woman. His vision blurred as he flew forward, crushing rats and mice beneath his feet. 

In an instant, he reached his destination, his momentum flinging the woman backward into the wall. The energy gun clattered to the floor, and the woman tried to stand, but her dented chest and the blood she vomited made it impossible. 

Up close, Ethan noticed the vampire bite mark on her neck, realizing she was hypnotized. Her desperate attempts to stand despite her lethal injuries confirmed it.

From everything that had happened, Ethan deduced that if Hydra had been working with vampires earlier, that alliance was over. The vampires had bitten and hypnotized every single one of them, even their group leader. 

He bent down and picked up the energy pistol, focusing his mana on healing his suit. After expending eighty points of mana in a few seconds, the [Slime] suit was restored.

Ethan then aimed the gun at the woman and fired. A blue bolt of energy shot out, disintegrating her to dust.

[You killed a Level 6 human. You gained 420 Exp.]

Turning back to help James, Ethan saw him climbing atop the metallic cases, kicking away any rats and mice that tried to climb up behind him. His torn dress revealed the Union Jack costume underneath, which seemed stab-proof, considering it had stopped the knife from the Hydra spy earlier. 

'I can finally call him Union Jack and not get interrogated for it. Thankfully, he exposed himself before I accidentally slipped up ' 

Ethan focus then shifted onto the rats trying to climb the cases and slipping off. 

Thinking for a second about the best way to get rid of them, he released his Aura of Fear, letting it wash over the horde and stopping it just before it reached James. 

The squeaking rats stopped in their tracks, shivering in place. The fear was too overwhelming as some even died of heart attacks. Seeing this, Ethan quickly retracted his aura. 

He didn't want to answer questions about how a horde of rats suddenly died, although he could make up some reason. Still, he didn't want to kill them unnecessarily. It wasn't the poor little bugger's fault they were controlled by a vampire.

His thoughts wandered. 'So was the case with those spies, but you didn't hesitate to kill them,' a voice in his mind remarked. Ethan argued back internally, 'Even the worst animal is better than humans. Humans are fair game.' 

As the aura of fear receded, the horde of rats scattered, leaving behind a few dead rodents as a trace of the earlier struggle. The room, once filled with the cacophony of battle, now fell into an uneasy silence. 

James sighed as he jumped down from the crates, landing with the grace of a seasoned warrior.

He brushed off his tattered clothes, his expression laced with determination and sorrow. "I'm gonna find John, Ethan. I don't care how long it takes or how hard it is. I'll beat some sense into him if I have to. He's my brother, and I can't just give up on him."

Ethan, seeing the cliche emotions James was going through, stepped forward. And tried his best to emulate what the secondary lead did in these situations. "James, I understand your drive. But you need to consider the possibility that John might not be the man you remember. He may have always been different, even before all this. Sometimes, we have to face the truth about those we care for, no matter how painful it is."

James's eyes flickered with a momentary hesitation, but he quickly masked it with a nod. "Aye, maybe you're right. But I owe it to him to try. I can't let him stay this way, hurting people."

Ethan, seeing that the cliche was too strong in James, shifted the conversation. "By the way, about your uniform. Are you... Union Jack? The British superhero?"

James glanced down at his exposed costume, the Union Jack emblem standing out boldly against the remnants of his disguise. He sighed, a weary smile forming. "Aye, that's me. Didn't think I'd be outing myself like this, but I suppose it can't be helped."

Ethan smiled, seeing that he was successful in distracting James, "Your uniform's impressive, and your skills even more so. On that note, since you shared your secret, albeit unintentionally, you can ask me a few questions. I might answer them."

James's curiosity piqued, he looked at Ethan with a raised eyebrow. "Aye, I've been meaning to ask. That gun—never seen anything like it. Where'd you get that?"

Ethan nodded, appreciating the shift in focus. "The gun was modified by the same scientist who made my suit. As for where they come from, well, my shadow powers let me store some stuff temporarily in the shadows. It's a handy trick, but it's got its limitations."

James whistled softly, clearly impressed. "Blimey, that's a neat trick. Makes my kit feel a bit old-fashioned. But it's good to know we've got such powerful allies on our side."

Ethan chuckled. "Old-fashioned or not, James, your skills and determination are what make you a true hero. And heroes like you are exactly what we need right now."

James nodded, a renewed sense of purpose in his eyes. Then, he turned back to the room filled with metallic cases, his expression pensive. "Mate, what d'you reckon might be in these?" he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

Ethan glanced at the cases, then at James. "Based on what John said, my guess is that they're filled with corpses. Probably exposed to something dangerous. If we open them, we could be unleashing something we can't control."

James's eyes widened slightly, then he nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Right, that makes sense. Best not to poke the beast if we don't have to."

Ethan looked around, considering their next move. "So, what do we do now?"

James set his jaw, determination clear in his eyes. "First, we check the ship for any signs of John or any more enemies. Then we protect the ship till it reaches England. Once there, I'll hand these caskets over to the government. Let them deal with it."

Ethan paused, a frown creasing his mask's forehead. "That might not be the best idea, James. I trust you because of your values and determination, but I don't feel the same about the British government or any other government, for that matter. They're faceless and often valueless. Do you really want to risk these caskets falling into the wrong hands?"

James's eyes narrowed as he processed Ethan's words. Then he sighed, " Yeah mate, I guess you're right. So, what are you suggesting?"

Ethan looked at the room. "I'll store the caskets in my shadows and stay with you until we reach England. That way, we can keep an eye on them to make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands. Once we're there, we'll find a safe place to hide them together."

James hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, mate. I guess, I'll trust you. Let's do it your way."




[Southampton, England]

A stream of passengers walked down the gangplank of the infamous RMS Queen Mary. Some carried briefcases while older ones were assisted by the ship personnel. 

Among them, a man carrying a briefcase walked out. He didn't stand out much except for the fact that his shadow wiggled from time to time, unseen by the people around him.

In the last six days, Ethan had trained and learned how to keep using {Shadow Meld} to stay in the shadows. And right now, he was hidden in James's shadow, according to their prior planning.

Leaving the bustle of the crowd, James made his way to the nearby parking lot where his car was parked. As he entered the car, Ethan popped out of the shadows and into the backseat, wearing formal attire with the same mask he wore the first time.

James glanced back at Ethan and started the engine. "I'll just give a letter to the intelligence about what happened on the ship. According to the plan, I'll keep the mention of vampires and the corpses out of it. And I'll mention about a trusted helper while keeping your powers secret."

Ethan nodded. "Sounds like a good plan."

James continued, "Let's go home for now."

Ethan raised an non-existent eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Are you sure, you can trust me?"

James smiled a little, "Of course I can. Unless you're telling me you saved my life all those times just to kill me at my home." He raised an eyebrow "Are you that kind of a pervert?"

A small chuckle escaped Ethan's non existent throat. It seemed like he had finally cultivated the trust he had longed for. 

'I guess Charisma is a pretty effective stat. I wanna see what I get when it reaches twenty.'




After nearly 20 minutes of driving, they reached Winchester, Hampshire, and after another minute of driving, the manor came into view. 

Falsworth Manor stood grand and imposing, a stately home with tall, ivy-clad stone walls, large mullioned windows, and ornate gables. 

Manicured gardens spread out in front, with a gravel driveway winding up to the main entrance. The house exuded an air of old-world charm and nobility, a proof to centuries of history and tradition.

As they neared the entrance, the gate was opened by the guards after confirming James's identity. The guards looked peculiarly at Ethan, especially due to his mask, but James waved them off. "No worries, lads. He's with me."

James drove the car into a slow park where an old butler was waiting. The butler bowed slightly, his demeanor respectful. "Welcome back, Master Falsworth."

James nodded. "Thank you, Edward. This is my friend, Ethan Blackett."

Edward gave a small bow to Ethan. "Welcome, Mr. Blackett."

James handed Edward the keys. "We'll be inside. Please see to the car."

"Of course, Master James," Edward replied.

As they entered the manor, the grandeur of the exterior was matched by the opulence within. The entrance hall was vast, with a high ceiling adorned with a grand chandelier. 

Rich wood paneling lined the walls, and portraits of Falsworth ancestors looked down upon them. The floor was made of polished marble, and a sweeping staircase led to the upper floors. Antique furniture and exquisite decor filled the rooms, each piece telling a story of its own.

James gestured to a plush armchair in the sitting room. "Grab a seat, Ethan. I'll be back shortly. I'm going to meet my sister."

Ethan nodded and sat down, taking in the grandeur of the manor. "Take your time."

As James was about to go up the stairs, a blonde girl in a delicate floral dress, her expressions slightly scared and her eyes puffy as if she had just cried, appeared at the top. 

James looked up at her and concern etched his features. "Jacqueline, what happened?" He started quickly walking up the stairs when she suddenly screamed for him to stop.

"Don't come up, James! It's dangerous!" she yelled, her voice trembling.

James halted in his tracks, his face a mixture of confusion and worry. "What's going on, Jackie?"

Ethan rose from his seat, alert and ready, in case of any sign of trouble. That's when a chilling voice emanated from the darkness behind Jacqueline.

"Hello, brother. It's been some time since we met. Did you like my parting gift?" John emerged from the shadows, his hand falling on Jacqueline's shoulder as she shivered from the feeling of his cold, dead hand.

James gritted his teeth, his anger barely contained. "John, if you've hurt her—"

Seeing James's agitation, John continued, "Seeing that you're here without a scratch, I guess it was a little underwhelming. No need to worry though, this time it will be far better." His hand slid to Jacqueline's neck, causing her to shiver more violently. Yet, her expression was not that of a helpless maiden but of a woman ready to fight.

"If you do anything to Jacqueline," James bellowed, "I'll forget you were ever my brother and kill you myself." He took a step forward.

John snickered at his words. A claw extended from his finger, and he lightly scratched her neck, drawing a little blood. "Don't even think about moving, you or that mutant friend of yours. Before you can touch me, I can break her neck in half."

James paused, his fists clenched so tightly that his palms bled. 

Ethan knew it was impossible to save Jacqueline with his current speed and skills without risking her life. And he didn't wish to make a hasty move, in case she was killed. Then, along with John, he will also be blamed.

John's voice was laced with mischief. "You know, I thought about what you said, brother, about our dear sister missing me. And I had a thought: what if I came back for a visit? It has been too long, after all." 

He turned to look at Jacqueline, his tone filled with a twisted glee. "So, how about it? Do you like it now that I'm here, dear sister?"

Jacqueline's tone was bold as she spat, "Do not call me sister, you bastard. My brother died, and you are just a monster in his skin. Even with all his faults, my brother wasn't a cold-blooded killer. He had ambitions but he would have never killed for them."

John chuckled at her defiance. "You were always the brave one, weren't you, dear sister?" His voice then turned sharp, venom dripping from each word. "You know, in this whole fucking family, you were the only one I liked. You were better than our incompetent father, better than our always holier-than-thou brother."

His tone softened as he continued, "You were the only one who… cared for me." His voice dimmed as he looked at the ceiling, lost in memory.

Then his gaze snapped back to Jacqueline. "And that's why I've decided you'll be coming with me. We will be together, for eternity!" Without warning, John bit down on Jacqueline's neck.

James roared in anger and desperation. "No!" He surged forward, but it was too late. Ethan, seeing his chance to act, leaped forward, but the brutal reality of John's speed and strength meant they were both too slow to prevent the attack.

Jacqueline's scream pierced the air, a heart-wrenching sound that seemed to echo through the very walls of Falsworth Manor…



Sorry for the late, was quite busy with life and studies.

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