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71.42% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 14: Chapter 12 - Night Prowl Part 2

Chương 14: Chapter 12 - Night Prowl Part 2


Stiles and i followed Derek's scent to a clearing, he was leaning against a tree and breathing heavily when we found him,

"Derek!" Stiles called and ran to check him, he had a little blood dripping down the side of his mouth,

"You ok?" I asked as i walked towards him, "Yeah, the alpha's claws cut deep, but i'll heal up by morning" he stated, i grabbed his arm and took away some of his pain, helping him heal faster, "Good because Stiles here has just made you public enemy number one" i said and looked at Stiles,

"I-ah-i-it wasn't my fault, Scott said you were dead, so we had to come up with a suspect for the cops to go after or they wouldn't have stopped a-asking questions" Stiles said and took a step back as Derek looked like he wanted to kill him,

"*Sigh* Stiles, your my beta, not Scott's, if something like this happens again and you don't tell me before acting, i will rip off your ear" i said and flashed my red eyes at him,

"*GULP*Ah-i-i-i'll definitely ask you first" Stiles said after swallowing his saliva hard, "You idiots.. I'm gonna kick your asses after i heal" Derek said and his eyes glowed ice blue before flickering out,

"Alright, let's get you out of here" i said and stood up, Stiles came over and carried Derek, drapping an arm around him, and supported him to stand, *GRRRRR* a growl came from behind us,

causing all three of us to turn, Peter in his alpha beast form was staring at us from within the darkness of the treelines, "Hahaha, very brave of you to show yourself infront of me" i said in an eerily low voice, my eyes glowed bright red and the fog set in,

"Stiles take Derek and go, i'll come once i'm done here" i said and took a step foward, the fog had gotten thick, "_COME!_" i growled out in a beastly voice before vanishing from where i was and arriving infront of Peter giving him an uppercut that sent him flying towards a tree 5 metres away, *CRAUCH**Whimper* "_WEAK!_,TOO_PITIFULLY_WEAK,_YOU_KILLED_LAURA_JUST_TO_BE_THIS_WEAK?_" i asked and took a step forward,

Peter turned and ran, not before growling at me, "_WHERE_DO_YOU_THINK_YOUR_GOING?" i asked and ran to him, i was infront of him before he could fully understand where i went,

my left arm shifted into my full alpha form, black fur and tightened muscles emerged making my arm look oversized for my body, and i swiped at Peter's chest, he reacted on instinct and blocked my slash,

*SHHPHIT* my claws dug deep into his arm, revealing the bone inside of it, the flesh on his arm was removed by half, as Peter was sent flying to the opposit direction that he was tryna run in,

"ARRRMF" he whined before running away, i ran after him for about a mile before flashbangs started going off around us, fog lights and torchlights lit up the forest and assault rifles started being blasted,

i was hit a dozen times before i hid behind a tree, "That's right you monsters, eat lead and die!" the hunters shouted,

my body was burning , my shirt and jacket were ruined with blood and riddled with bullet holes, i tore them off of me, i manipulated the fog to cover the entire forest, my eyes glowed deep crimson, as i looked upon each and every hunter before me,

Peter had long run away, 'lucky bastard' i thought with anger, with the fog being so thick and heavy, the hunters had no visibily what-so-ever, *GRRR* i growled and willed my body to eject the bullets that were still lodged in me,

the bullets were pushed out of my skin, as my muscles flexed and healed, the wolfsbane affected me a little but not enough to kill me, or slow me down,

my body was pushing it and the bullets out of me, blood and wolfsbane mixed together as they flowed out of the bullet wounds, the holes started healing visibly,

and within a minute, i was back to normal, but now pissed beyond measure, without even thinking i moved with haste, there were 17 hunters in total, they had lights and all, but they couldn't penetrate the thick fog blocking their sight,

i took out the hunters at the back, the ones operating the fog lights, the first one was looking intently infront of him and didn't see me coming, with one yank, i peeled off half his face, revealing the skull and meat underneath,

he didn't cry out or yell, he just dropped, the second guy, heard the 1st one drop since they were close, so he turned to see my shadow just in time before my clawed hand wrapped around his neck and lifted him up, i stared up at him in the eyes, before i squeezed his neck so hard his head popped off his body, blood washed my arm and face,

but i didn't care, they shot me, that shit hurt. I flicked the blood of my hand and sped up, within 5 seconds, 4 more hunters had lost their throats, and died drowning in their own blood, the hunters might have felt that something was wrong because the next moment they started shooting wildly, i stalked them in the dark and under cover of the fog,

a hunter holding a pistol was creeping along the trunk of a tree, i climbed the tree quietly and grabbed him by the head and shoulder, pulling him up into the branches "AAAARHHH!" he screamed,

i impaled him, and left him hanging on a tree branch before jumping down between two others and slicing off one of their legs each "Wha-AAAAAARRHHH!" they screamed and held onto their stumps, i left them there, and climbed up another tree to watch, this was starting to get fun, the hunters started gathering around the two i had sliced, trying to stop their bleeding,

5 hunters surrounded the two wounded while three tried to apply first aid, with the fog so heavily masking my presence i dropped right on top of the three good summaritans and slashed their throats, the two legless from before were already losing conciousness,

with a swift move i swung my arms and ran at the 5 remaining hunters, slicing one of the hunters faces off, before ripping out the throats of every last one of them, the forest became eerily silent, only the smell of blood was in the thick foggy air,

i looked around making sure there were no survivors, to be certain they were dead, i walked over and stomped each of their heads turning it to meat paste, before i walked slowly to a tree that was facing all the dead bodies, and drew a spiral on it's trunk using 4 of my claws,

the werewolf symbol for 'Vendetta', to frame Peter, and make the hunters think it was him, after that i vanished and the fog receded from the area, revealing a bloody massacre.

(MC POV End)

Timeskip - Sunday night two days after massacre

(Stiles POV)

"What are we doing here?" Scott asked Stiles as they trekked towards the old quarry in the woods, "Well, when your best friend gets dumped-""I didn't get dumped.. we're just taking a break", Scott interrupted him, he still hadn't accepted the fact that Allison had broken up with him, after he left her and their friends to go play hero, and face the alpha,

"Well when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that their taking a break... You get your bestfriend drunk" Stiles said removing a bottle of Jack Daniels from his jacket, "Where'd you get that?" Scott asked bewildered,

"Jake, he bought it for me when i asked him" Stiles said and looked at Scott like an idiot, "How?" Scott asked even more confused than he already was,

"Fake I.D, he has one, and used it" Stiles said with a cocky smile, "Is Allison with him?" Scott asked in a low voice,

"Nope, she's just been spending time with Sarah and Erica, Jake and Danny are usually on their computers, or playing Play Station, it's the weekend dude, their unwinding" Stiles said and rolled his eyes at Scott,

"Look i get your angry, but you only got yourself to blame, Jake wasn't the one who told you to run off and leave Allison" he added which seemed to only piss Scott off, "Come on let's drink".

An hour later, Stiles was sprawled out next to a rock, whilst Scott was sat on said rock, the Jack Daniels bottle was below half,

"Dude, she's just one-one girl, you know, like there-there's so many girls out there in-in the sea" Stiles said groggily, "Fish in the sea" Scott corrected,

"Fish? why are talking about fish? i'm talking bout girls, *sigh* i love girls, i love-i lov-i love, especially ones with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, 5 ft 3""Like Lydia?" Scott asked interrupting Stile's rant,

"Yes exactly, why's she with a douchebag like Jackson, she's way smarter than him, she always has to play dumb just to be on his level, why does she do that? God i'm in love with her-""Oh? good to know, i might bring her into the pack than, just for you" A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind them, making Stiles and Scott jump, Scott was ok, since he directly stood up, Stiles on the other hand,

was lying on his back, so when he heard the voice, he tried to push himself off the ground only to have his hand slip causing him to stumble and sit before he was able to stand up, "J-Jake!?, you scared the be-jesus out of us" Stiles said and took a deep breath in relief,

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked with a little venom in his voice, "Oh just checking up on one of my zetas" Jake said with a smile while walking out of the tree's shadow,

"Heartbreak drinking, alittle cliche, but ok, i respect it" Jake added and took the Jack Daniels bottle and took a sip before handing it to Stiles, "So ah-""~Well, look at the three little bitches getting their drink on" a black guy said as he took the bottle of Jack from Stiles's hand,

"Give it back" Scott said and took a step forward, "What's that little man?" the wanna be thug said as he and his friend stepped forward tryna look intimidating,

"*Clap clap clap* haha it's come around full circle, the cliche of drinking in the woods, and a wannabe-tough guy comes up and looks for trouble, only to get sent to the hospital, so good" Jake said in amusement and smirked,

"So my two deadbeat friends, right now you have two options in front of you, option 1, you get your asses beat so bad you spend a couple months in the hospital, eating through a straw, and option 2, you walk out of here, and keep walking" Jake said still smiling and got right infront of the wannabe thug black guy,

"You have three seconds to decide how you will live the rest of your life, because i'm gonna start counting to three, and if your still here by the time i've reached three, well, it'll be bye-bye to a normal life" Jake said in a threateningly low voice,

"1.....2..... Well damn, i thought i'd get to break a few bones" Jake said and shrugged as he watched the two thugs run into the woods like they were on fire,

"You know Jake, sometimes your just too damn scary" Stiles said and shook his head, "What? i wasn't really gonna break their bones, just dislocate a few joints, that's all" Jake said innocently tryna defend himself, Stiles just rolled his eyes,

"Well i gotta get back, see ya guys tomorrow at school" Jake remarked before vanishing in front of them, "How is he so fast? i could barely see his shadow" Scott asked with shock, "I don't know, alpha shit i think, come on let's finish this and get home, tomorrow's my first full moon, i'm really excited" Stiles said giddily,

and he picked up the Jack Daniels bottle the thugs dropped and drank it while he and Scott walked to his new jeep, well his old jeep, but Jake helped him fix it up and added a few upgrades and now it looked brand new.

(Stiles POV End)

Monday-Next morning


Sarah, Erica and Danny had taken my car to school today, whilst i had decided to ride a bicycle today, why you might ask?, because i just wanted to try it out,

it didn't disappoint, nothing like the feel of the wind as it passes you by, when i arrived at school there were deputies everywhere, keeping an eye out for Derek, who by the way had already healed and went into hiding on saturday and we hadn't seen him since,

I got off my bicycle as Allison got out of her dad's car, i could see she wasn't very happy for some reason, she saw me and gave me sweet smile and waved before heading into school, i could spot Kate in the car with Chris, they were looking at me, and talking, so i decided to listen in,

(Will use "<>" for when werewovles use super hearing), "<Who's that boy Allison just waved to?>" Kate asked, "<Him? His Jacob Hale, Derek's younger brother, i haven't had the chance to talk to him properly yet>" Chris replied, "<Oh? shall we pay him a 'friendly' visit? he might know where Derek's hiding>" Kate suggested in a intrigued voice,

"<NO!, we stick to the code, as far as i can tell he hasn't spilt innocent blood and he stays clear of the nightly activities Derek does>" Chris said firmly, "<You say that but he's friends with Allison, are you willing to bet her life that he's just her friend? What if he's tryna get to us through her?>" Kate said and got out the car, "<Kate, what are you doing?>" Chris asked angrily,

"<Just gonna introduce myself, he is friends with my niece, i atleast got the right to act as an over protective aunt don't i?>" Kate replied to Chris before walking my way smugly, 'It seems this bitch forgot the fear i put in her a week ago' i thought inwardly before she arrived standing infront of me,

"You Derek Hale's brother?" she asked me pointedly, i ignored her and unwrapped a chewing gum before placing it in my mouth and chewing, classes would start in the next 10 minutes, so i had time to spare, i looked up at Kate without saying anything,

"Hey i'm not tryna jam you up or anything, i'm just asking if your related that's all" she said innocently tryna act friendly, "You know what happened to your sister Laura?" she added,

as soon as those words left her mouth i stood up and smacked her *SMACK*, she couldn't react at all, and she fell on the ground hard on her side *BADAM*, i took her off her feet with that smack,

she held her cheek and looked up at me with hate, anger and shock in her eyes, i spit the chewing gum that was in my mouth at her face and walked towards the school building, Kate got up and wanted to reach for her gun, but stopped when she saw 3 deputies looking at her,

i ignored her and walked up to the school doors, i turned and looked Chris right in the eyes as he got out of his car, and winked at him with a smile, i saw the look of utter disbelief on his face, 'That's right i just owned your sister' i thought inwardly with a smirk and entered the school.

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