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7% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 The Truth

Chương 7: Chapter 7 The Truth

Naruto sat on a small bed in the Doctors office. He held a small hand mirror to his face looking at his eyes. Not paying attention to the world around him. As time went by he noticed colors of sound emerging from the door. While not paying attention to it he knew the door had been opened.

He turned as the Doctor walked in.

"Good morning Uzumaki-san, how are you feeling", asks the Doctor.

"Creeped out, tired, and hungry. So what do you think these eyes can do?", asked Naruto.

The Doctor walked up to Naruto taking out a small flashlight shining the light in his eyes.

"Not sure yet. Other than your synesthesia, most Dojutsu allow some resistance against genjutsu, we will have a genjutsu expert come in to test that. Other than that we will check to see your field of vision, clarity, and enhancements. After that you can name this new Dojutsu if you want, there's no record of it", says the Doctor.

"They are called the Eyes of Azathoth", says Naruto.

"Interesting name, how do you know it", asks the Doctor.

"I don't know I just do", says Naruto.

The Doctor nods his head in understanding.

"Knowledge on the name might be given to those who possess it, I have heard stranger things. Anything else", asks the doctor.

"Only that they are eyes that see only truth, whatever that means", says Naruto.

"Hmmm, I see. Alright time for the first few tests, it won't be anything difficult just a normal eye examination", says the doctor.

Naruto nods before turning down to his stomach looking at the seal. While Naruto's knowledge in seals is minimal, he can guess what the seal is for. In truth his freak out the other day was not over just his new eyes, but this seal that from design alone could not come from the Necronomicon.

As the doctor does tests ranging from reading letters on a poster to examining his eyes thoroughly, Naruto went on with the test for little under 45 minutes.

"Well it seems as if the eyes give you superb vision, on top of that your visual radius extends to the side of your head. Not as good as the Byakugan but then again it is hard to beat full 360 degree vision, it is a little unusual your eyes are constantly active with no way to shut them off, perhaps that's just how this Dojutsu works. Either way we won't know if this is a good or bad thing. It really depends on how much chakra your eyes use to be active", says the doctor.

"Any idea on why my tears are black", asks Naruto.

"I sent a sample to the lab. So far they cant find anything unusual with them other than color. Probably just a quirk of your new eyes".

"I see, well at least it's not an acid", says Naruto.

"That would probably be painful", says the doctor with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, so while we wait for this genjutsu specialist, want to talk", asks Naruto.

"I don't see why not", says the doctor.

Naruto nods.

"So do I get a name from my doctor, I'd hate to just call you that", says Naruto.

"You can call me Nobutoshi. I may not be a medic-nin but I am one of the beat doctors in the village, Who do you think helps Hiruzen. I spent my youth helping research bloodlines. I think Hiruzen gave you one of my books".

"Really that was you, wow you got to study the Dead Bone Pulse before the purge didn't you?", asks Naruto.

"Yes I did, lets just say the Kaguya clan was not happy when that book came out. I didn't even reveal any of there techniques, just a few notes on the chemical makeup of there skeletal structure. In truth the only reason I wrote that book was for there to be better information on the Kaguya for medical treatment, that's why I even started researching bloodlines, when you're body is different from most you need specialized treatment. I was lucky to get what little I did."

"If they were still around they might find that information quite useful", says Naruto.

"Or they might flay me alive, they were on the savage side", says Nobutoshi.

As they continue to talk among each other a knock can be heard at the door. Nobutoshi walks to the door and opens it. Standing there is a tall woman with black hair and red eyes.

"Ah, Kurnai welcome", says Nobutoshi as he lets her in.

"The Hokage asked me to be here something about some kind of test", asks Kurnai.

She turns her head to look at Naruto before staring at his eyes for a moment.

"Kurnai this is Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto this is Kurnai Yuhi", says Nobutoshi.

"A pleasure to meet you Kurnai", says Naruto.

"Likewise", says Kurnai with a smile.

She continues to look at his eyes.

"So as you can probably tell Naruto here has developed a never before seen Dojutsu. Unlike most Dojutsu it is constantly active, Hiruzen asks you here to see it's level to detect Genjutsu", says Nobutoshi.

"I see, ok then", says Kurnai as she walks over to Naruto.

"I promise not to use anything to bad", says Kurnai.

Naruto nods. Kurnai looks at Naruto for a moment. Waiting to see if he notices anything. Naruto looks around the room.

"I don't see anything out of the ordinary", says Naruto.

"Really, tell me can you see flower pedals falling from the ceiling", asks Kurnai.

Naruto looks up.


"Ok I'm going to use more advanced Genjutsu until you see one of them, the moment you see anything let me know, ok"

"Sure", says Naruto as he sits up.

Time passes, Kurnai uses more complex illusion after illusion. Naruto scans the room looking for anything.

"Nothing", says Naruto.

Kurnai looks at Naruto impressed.

"Ok I didn't want to do this but I am going to use my most powerful Genjutsu, just let me know when to stop ok", says Kurnai.

"You sound reluctant, is this illusion that bad", asked Naruto.

"The last person I used it on became brain-dead after only a minute, it affects all senses simultaneously", says Kurnai.

Naruto stares at her if a confused fear before thinking it over.

"Ok, I'm good with that, just don't let it last more than a few seconds, I like my brain", says Naruto.

Kurnai smiles applying the Genjutsu. Naruto again seems unfazed.

"Did you cast it yet", asks Naruto.

Kurnai flinches looking at Naruto with a face of surprise and shock.

"You didn't see anything, feel anything, hear anything, nothing", asks Kurnai.

"No", says Naruto.

Kurnai Turns to Nobutoshi. His eyebrow raised as he inspects Naruto.

"I have never heard of anything like this, the boy is immune to even my most powerful Genjutsu", says Kurnai.

"No not immune, he is physically unable to be deceived by them. Naruto you say that the only thing you know about the Eyes of Azathoth is they see only truth correct", asks Nobutoshi.

Naruto nods.

"I see, can you make a clone for me Naruto", asks Nobutoshi.

Naruto complies. After feeling the chakra leave him He looks around the room for it. Nobutoshi and Kurnai stare at an empty spot on the floor, comical looks on there face.

"Your clone looks dead", says Kurnai.

"What clone?", asks Naruto.

Kurnai points to an empty spot on the floor.

"I can't see it", says Naruto.

"As I thought, He can not even see his own illusions, he can cast them but nothing more. This might be a problem, isn't the Clone and Transformation technique needed to pass the academy", asks Nobutoshi.

"They are", says Naruto a small bit of dread in his voice.

Nobutoshi nods.

"Naruto try the transformation Jutsu", asks Nobutoshi.

Naruto complies Turning into a copy of Nobutoshi.

"I can see this one", says Naruto.

Kurnai's eyes widen. She walks up to Naruto and touches his head.

"It's not an illusion", she says in disbelief.

"What really", says Nobutoshi as he runs to Naruto touching his shoulder.

They both stare at him for a moment.

"An actual transformation, remarkable", says Nobutoshi.

Naruto turns back to himself. Looking at the two. He takes a seat as the two compose themselves.

"You're just full of surprises aren't you Naruto", says Kurnai.

He smiles.

"Indeed, in any event there are still some tests that need to be done, thank you Kurnai", says Nobutoshi.

She gives him a small bow before leaving, looking at Naruto one last time in mild concern and confusion as she leaves.

"Well, it looks as if your eyes are quite useful, I am not yet sure if your physical transformation is related to your eyes but I will continue to study your eyes. I have to give my report to Hiruzen. Until the tests are done you will stay here with him."

Naruto looks up at the man about to complain before slowly lowering his head.

"I understand", says Naruto.

In truth Naruto had no problem staying with his surrogate grandfather, but he wanted to use his eyes to read from the Necronomicon. He lays in his bed looking up at the ceiling. He makes noises with his mouth and watches waves of color come out to pass the time. As he lays he feels himself slowly drift into sleep.

The days pass by as test after test is done to see how the eyes work. So far the only other thing of interest his eyes did was allow Naruto to read any language. Even codes and ciphers. An entire new secret code was created to test Naruto's abilities. He could understand the secret message as soon as he was handed the paper.

Naruto's mind continued to wonder to the seal on his stomach. As he went over the possibilities as to it's purpose he came to the same conclusion, but he could not be entirely sure. He decided to ask the Hokage on the subject tomorrow after the next test.

Naruto stared at the eyes of Nobutoshi. the looks of disbelief and shock painted on his face.

"I don't believe it, your Dojutsu uses absolutely no Chakra. I don't even know how that is possible", says Nobutoshi.

"What do you think that means", asks Naruto.

Nobutoshi shakes his head.

"I don't know Naruto, but it does explain why your eyes are constantly activated. Other Dojutsu can be activated on a whim and deactivated just as much to conserve chakra. Since your eyes do not consume any chakra there is no need to be deactivated ever, the disadvantage there seems to be, is being distracted by the colors of sound, but apparently they do not distract you unless you want them to."

"Well that's good, these eyes are still a little creepy, but hey what Dojutsu isn't", says Naruto.

Nobutoshi shrugs.

"I have to say the Eyes of Azathoth are quite amazing. Everything about them revolves around seeing through deception, people can still lie to you, but a lot of the time you can tell you are being lied to. They are quite remarkable", says Nobutoshi.

"I still think the Byakugan and Sharringan are much more useful, the ability to copy any move you see is cool, and 360 X-ray vision is awesome. Still I wish there was something I can do a little something extra", says Naruto.

"Maybe they can. While this is the last test, chances are that your eyes have one or two surprises for you in the future, only time will tell" says Nobutoshi.

Naruto shrugs.

" suppose, but I'd much rather know there full capabilities before I become a ninja, I'd hate to go into my first mission blind. Pardon the pun", says Naruto.

Nobutoshi laughs.

"yes I can see that reasoning, still I hope if you find out anything interesting I'd love to hear about it", says Nobutoshi.

"Tell you what. Let me read a few more of your books on Kekkei Genkai and you have my word", says Naruto.

"All you have to do is ask", says Nobutoshi as he reaches into his doctor's bad pulling out a book and handing it to Naruto.

"That book is one of mine, I have been using it while dealing with your Dojutsu. It is specifically on Dojutsu. Considering the circumstances I thought you would like to have it. Since These are the last tests I don't need it anymore, and I have a few extra at my house".

"Thanks Nobutoshi, I learn anything interesting you'd be the first to hear about it", says Naruto.

He pockets the book as he gets ready for the final tests.

Later that day after the test Naruto walks through the Hokage estate searching for the old man. As he searches the grounds he finds Hiruzen at his study writing on notes.

"Hey old man", says Naruto.

Hiruzen looks up and smiles.

"Oh hello Naruto what can I do for you", asks Hiruzen.

"There is something I wanted to ask you about", says Naruto.

Hiruzen puts down his pen.

"Very well, I'm here. What is it you wish to talk about", asks Hiruzen.

Naruto sits down at a nearby chair and inhales deeply.

"Ever since I got these eyes I have been able to see this seal on my stomach", says Naruto.

Hiruzen Straightens his spine.

"I see, and you came to ask me what it is", asks Hiruzen.

"I think I know what it is, and what it holds", says Naruto.

Hiruzen puts down his pipe.

"Then I suppose I should tell you the story, I was going to wait until you were older but I believe you are responsible enough to handle this information", says Hiruzen.

Naruto focuses his attention to the Hokage.

"When the None tailed Fox attacked the Fourth Hokage fought it valiantly, this you already know. What is not so well known outside Konoha is he could not kill the beast. He created a seal, the very seal on your stomach to contain the Fox. After the battle I forbade it from talking about this, It was my wish that you have a normal childhood. In the end I was already to late. The damage had already been done. Everyone around at that time seen him seal the fox in you. Maybe I was foolish to believe the citizens of Konoha would look past that but I did all I could Naruto. I am sorry you have to bear this burden", says Hiruzen.

Naruto absorbs the information.

"So that's it huh. I have to say I have known for years that the citizens have thought I was the fox, I never knew why. It never occurred to me living things could be sealed.", says Naruto.

"You are smart for your age Naruto, no one can say otherwise. There is some other information I have it is also a secret that not many know, but If you prefer I can tell you what it is. I trust you are mature enough to be let known", says Hiruzen.

"Before I ask what that information is, can you answer one thing for me", asks Naruto.

"Anything Naruto, just ask", says Hirozen.

Naruto looks at the man for a moment.

"Why did the Fourth choose me", asks Naruto.

"That is related to the other bit of information I had", says Hiruzen.

Naruto nods.

"I see. I'd like to hear the secret", says Naruto.

Hiruzen takes in a deep breath. He reaches into his desk and pulls out an envelope.

"This was to be given to you when you made 18 or , the answer to your question is in this envelope."

Naruto takes the Envelope. He stares at it for a moment before slowly opening it. Inside are several documents. One of which is a picture. Naruto pulls it out first. He stares at the picture of the Fourth Hokage standing next to a bed where a woman with long red hair lays holding a newborn with spiky blond hair. Naruto stares at the picture before black tears fall from his eyes. He carefully puts the picture aside before removing a birth certificate.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Father: Minato Namikaze. Mother: Kushina Uzumaki", says Naruto outload.

Hiruzen looks on with sad eyes as the black tears stain the certificate. Naruto looks up at the old man smiling as the tears flow.

"Thanks old man", says Naruto as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

Hiruzen gets up and walks up to Naruto. He places a hand on his shoulder. Naruto looks up again before jumping up sobbing into his robe. After a few seconds he backs away.

"You know, I actually feel better. I thought that when I came here this conversation would go differently. I'm glad I was wrong. I don't care about the Kyubi. It's just good to know who they were", says Naruto.

He picks up the picture staring at it.

"The contents of that envelope are yours to keep Naruto, As for Kyubi. The rule applies only to the citizens of Konoha, it does not apply to you. You may tell who you wish", says Hiruzen.

Naruto nods. He takes a deep breath putting the contents back into the envelope. He begins to leave the office before turning around.

"I'm glad you told me Hiruzen, I know why you kept this information from me, and I understand. No hard feeling", says Naruto as he leaves the room.

Hiruzen looks at Naruto and smiles before turning back to his desk.

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