The forest, trees, and everything in the surrounding area were engulfed in a massive explosion, with debris torn from the ground and hurled far into the air. Even the cameras struggled to capture the scene as it truly was, overpowered by the sheer scale of the destruction.
Tora shielded his eyes as the blast wave forced him back a few steps. "Damn, this is a truly devastating attack—it's insane to witness it firsthand."
"I can't even see what's happening anymore," Tora told his viewers. "What you're seeing is a blend of monster attacks—and I think it's safe to say that this time, Morel is facing true monsters in the form of humans."
Check some teaser on the comment.
If you’re ready for the next round of this epic showdown, hit that Golden Ticket! There’s no way Broken’s backing down now.
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