All eyes in the room, from the party guests to the residents of Deadbay, were fixed on Ivana. She radiated a captivating beauty that night; her stunning dress and graceful presence made her the undeniable center of attention.
"Damn, she's absolutely gorgeous," someone murmured in awe.
"That Broken must feel lucky, being right between Elincia and Ivana."
"That lucky bastard! I'd do anything to be in his place."
"Ivana's not only powerful in battle; she's so beautiful, she looks like a princess."
"I wish I could marry her. I can't stop looking at her."
"Just look at that smile. It's so… calming."
"She's so kind yet so strong."
"She really is the perfect girl."
A figure in a magnificent blue suit approached Broken and his companions—it was Orion, Viscount Sean's eldest son and Oriana's older brother. He moved with a confident stride and a benevolent smile, though his thoughts were fixed on one thing: Ivana must be mine.
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