By 2035, a whopping 70% of vehicles across the country were electric. Stringent government rules had driven up the cost of fuel-powered engines, pushing most folks to switch. But, funnily enough, the wealthy clung to their gas guzzlers, finding them more stylish and prestigious.
These gasoline-powered cars, now rare, became even more desirable, emblematic of luxury. Yet, that same year, electric cars saw an incredible rise in popularity. Their cutting-edge AI features had everyone talking and wanting one.
"So, Leon, have you decided on the type of car you want?" Lars inquired. "If not, I can give you a tour of the models we have here. I assure you, we'll find exactly what you're looking for. Perhaps I could suggest some sports cars you might be interested in."
"Ah... Yes," Leon responded thoughtfully. "I don't need a sports car at the moment, so I'll pass on that. I'm looking for the most advanced electric vehicle that fits within the budget."
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