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Chương 38: [DD]: 38

"Alright, since there are no issues, let's not discuss it further."

Guangling took the initiative to end the relatively heavy topic and looked at the three people.

"I'll head back to Heaven Dou City this afternoon to see if there's any news about the soul beast Xiao Li wanted earlier."

"You stay here to protect them and take the opportunity to stabilize your cultivation. Also, provide some psychological counseling for your granddaughter, so you won't be caught off guard later."

At this point, he paused, glanced at Han Li without showing any emotion, and continued:

"By the way, her soul ring secret medicine should have arrived. Let Xiao Li guide her in taking it. Enhancing it as much as possible before her martial soul evolves will increase the success rate."

Han Li understood Guangling's intentions and nodded. He had been planning to bring up this matter, and since his master mentioned it, he readily agreed.

"Thank you. Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen to the two kids."

A flash of gratitude appeared on Dugu Bo's face.

Guangling waved his hand to end the topic. He had heard such words so many times these days that he was almost immune.

In the afternoon, watching Han Li re-enter his cultivation state, Guangling greeted Dugu Bo and then soared into the sky, heading towards Heaven Dou City.

Heaven Dou City Spirit Hall.

Guangling donned a disguise and, holding Salas' token, passed unimpeded into his office.

"Fifth Worship, we have some leads on the information you asked us to investigate."

Upon seeing Guangling, Salas immediately stood up to greet him, promptly delivering the news Guangling wanted to hear.

"Oh? Tell me, what is the soul beast and what are the details?"

Guangling, not bothering with formalities, found a seat and asked directly.

"The soul beast that meets your criteria is indeed hard to find, but I mobilized all our personnel to search for relevant information. As luck would have it, just yesterday, I came across a soul beast that fits your requirements while going through the records."

Salas quickly explained the difficulty of the task, then respectfully took out a piece of paper and handed it over.

"This is the information on the soul beast. See if it meets your satisfaction."

Guangling casually nodded, disregarding Salas' account of the hardships, and took the paper to read.

"Green Shadow Divine Eagle? Sounds familiar, where have I heard of it before?"

He muttered to himself, then continued reading.

"The Greenshadow Godly Eagle, the fastest flying entity among eagles, possesses high-speed flight and sharp claws capable of delivering a lethal strike. Additionally, it can alter its mass to fly even faster. Furthermore, the Greenshadow Godly Eagle has skills that can track targets. Once its tracking skill is activated, no matter how fast the target is, it's difficult to escape the pursuit of this formidable predator."

"Extremely fast speed, ability to change its mass, wind attribute, huh."

Guangling slapped his forehead as he finally remembered where he had heard about it. A long time ago, Azure Luan had told him that he encountered a Green Shadow Godly Eagle while hunting for soul beasts. However, since he didn't recognize it immediately, it escaped, and he regretted it for a long time afterward.

Whether it's speed or the ability to change its mass, these characteristics are very suitable for Xiao Li.

The wind attribute isn't a problem; it doesn't conflict with his attributes. However, it's unlikely to overcome the repulsion of the ice and fire elements.

"Excellent, we'll go with this one. By the way, have you confirmed its range of activity?" Guangling put away the paper and nodded satisfactorily at Salas, asking.

"Uh, not yet," Salas answered cautiously. Seeing that Guangling wasn't upset, he quickly added, "However, I've already sent a message notifying them. Last time, our people encountered the Green Shadow Godly Eagle in the Star Dou Forest, about half a month ago. But because it's extremely fast, it quickly disappeared. If we're just confirming the general area, ten days, no, a week should be enough."

Salas proactively shortened the search time, planning to send a message soon, heavily incentivizing the intelligence personnel to diligently investigate.

Guangling knew from his reaction that this guy was going to exploit the lower-level personnel again. He immediately waved his hand. "No rush, as long as we have news within half a month. Don't let the intelligence personnel go deep on my account; unnecessary casualties are not needed."

"Yes, Fifth Worship."

Hearing Guangling's words, Salas secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If possible, he didn't want to handle it that way either, as the losses would be his subordinates.

"By the way, any recent movements from Her Highness?" Guangling suddenly changed the topic.

"Movements? Not much. If anything, she missed a day of official duties, claiming illness. However, I found out that it was just a breakthrough, and she used it as an excuse. This has happened before, it's nothing significant, and she was back to normal the next day."

Salas wasn't surprised by Guangling's inquiry. The frequency of their interactions indicated a close relationship, so he reported truthfully.

"A breakthrough, huh?"

Guangling smiled, thinking that the immortal herb must have been successfully absorbed by Qian Renxue.

"Alright, I'm leaving now. Just keep an eye out for news on the Green Shadow Godly Eagle. I'll be back in half a month."

Guangling stood up and walked towards the door.

"Oh, right, remember to instruct the intelligence personnel just to monitor it. Don't alert the target."

As he was about to leave, Guangling turned back and reminded him.

"Yes, Fifth Worship, I'll make sure the message is conveyed."

Salas bowed, not minding that Guangling quickly left after speaking.

This trip back to Heaven Dou City yielded the news of the soul beast Han Li needed, putting Guangling in a great mood. On his way back to Sunset Forest, he flew faster than usual.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Li, come out quickly, there's news about your third soul ring."

As soon as Guangling landed in the basin where the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well was located, he loudly shouted toward the direction of Han Li's cultivation stone chamber.

Han Li heard the familiar voice, exited his cultivation state, stood up, lifted the vines at the cave entrance, and walked out, his face showing a hint of helplessness.

This is because, in the Douluo Continent, there's no concern about going mad from cultivation; the routes of soul power are relatively fixed and they're broad meridians that can be stopped at will. Otherwise, with his master's actions, in another world, the outcome would be qi deviation, meridian rupture, and bleeding from the seven orifices leading to death.

"Master, what kind of soul beast is it?" Han Li took the initiative to approach and, looking at Guangling who was beaming with joy, asked aloud.

"Here, it's all on this. Take a look for yourself. I think it's very suitable for you. Even your Uncle Azure Luan couldn't catch this guy back then." Guangling took out the paper he had previously stored from his storage belt and handed it over.

"Green Shadow Godly Eagle?"

Just by seeing the name, Han Li had a vague impression. He kept his composure and continued reading until he finished all the information. Then he nodded. He remembered now; in future generations, there seemed to be a Greenshadow Douluo, known for having speed comparable to a level ninety-nine soul master at just level ninety-seven.[: This is Elder Song from Douluo Dalu 2]

He just hadn't seen the follow-up, so the impression wasn't deep. However, just from the data recorded on the paper, he felt quite tempted.

"How about it? Pretty good, right? When we return to Wuhun City, you can even show off to your uncle. This is the soul beast that escaped from him back then." Guangling saw his disciple's interest and teased him a bit.

"Mm, thank you, Master. I also think the Green Shadow Godly Eagle suits me well. I might even obtain its wings. If that's the case, my flying speed would significantly increase, and the noise and energy consumption would be much less, temporarily covering my shortcoming." Han Li put away the paper and responded with a smile.

"Uh, as long as you're happy." Guangling involuntarily rolled his eyes at his words. Shortcoming? What soul master at the same level could be this monstrous? Could his older brother at the same level beat Xiao Li? Guangling hesitated, comparing them in his mind.

Hiss, better stop thinking about it. This seems disrespectful to his older brother, especially since Xiao Xue is so adorable. Forget it, Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong certainly aren't as good as Xiao Li. After changing the comparison targets, Guangling felt much better.

"By the way, Xiao Li, once things here are settled, it looks like we'll need to make a trip to the Star Dou Forest. The Green Shadow Godly Eagle was spotted there. It'll take about half a month for them to confirm the range. By then, you should have recovered." Guangling remembered something and mentioned it to Han Li.

The Star Dou Forest, huh? Fine, let's do it this time, then head straight back to Wuhun City. Han Li adjusted his previous plans in his mind, pondering how to broach the subject with Dugu Bo and his granddaughter afterwards

"What do you plan to do with the two of them?" Guangling lowered his voice, bending down to ask.

"I'm planning to take Dugu Yan back to Wuhun City. What do you think, Master?" Han Li looked up at Guangling, seeking his opinion.

"I don't have any objections, but aren't you afraid that Xiu'er will get angry if you bring her back?"

Guangling looked at Han Li with a teasing smile.

"What are you talking about, Master?" Han Li glanced helplessly at his master, who seemed eager for some drama. "I'm planning to bring her back for training. With the foundation of the Nine-Rank Dragon Ganoderma, she will become a powerful ally in the future."

Of course, there were things Han Li hadn't told Guangling. He also intended to give her a prepared external soul bone. With such a substantial gift, no matter what, she would have to stay by his side for a while, and even Dugu Bo wouldn't have any objections.

He had initially planned to stay in Heaven Dou for a while to build a relationship, but he didn't expect to spend all his time purifying his martial soul, leaving no time to think about anything else. Plus, with the third soul ring requiring a trip to the Star Dou Forest, the journey back and forth would take a considerable amount of time. Even he felt a bit pained by the wasted time.

Given this, once things here were settled, Dugu Yan would soon become a Soul Elder. To maximize benefits, he had to get the external soul bone first, delaying the relationship building for later. Bringing her back to Wuhun City was the best choice.

Moreover, he had always planned to take this girl away. This was the Douluo Continent, and he didn't want to set up someone else for success.

"Alright, we'll do as you say." Guangling saw the logic in his words and nodded in agreement, though he sighed inwardly. It looked tough for Xiao Xue, but whatever, we'll see how things go. They haven't even had a chance to meet yet. It's all because of Qian Xunji. Why did you have to come up with that ridiculous plan to seize the kingdom on your deathbed?

Now, not only did you waste Xiao Xue's cultivation talent, but even my disciple's potential wife is at risk. And that crazy woman, Bibi Dong, just wait. I'll have Xiao Li beat up your disciple to vent my anger when we get back.

"By the way, Master, there's one more thing I need your help with," Han Li looked at Guangling.

"What is it?"

"Ask Bishop Salas to prepare a few criminals or fallen soul masters who need soul rings to ascend. The more heinous, the better. They can be either Soul Elders or Soul Ancestors, but preferably Soul Ancestors. When we go to the Star Dou Forest, bring them along," Han Li said, a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Hmm? Xiao Li, why are you suddenly mentioning these people?" Guangling frowned, looking at him with some concern. He wondered if the recent martial soul erosion had left some hidden danger, causing a negative change in Han Li.

"It's all guided by fate. Just after deciding to go to the Star Dou Forest, I felt an inexplicable urge to do this." Han Li sighed inwardly, unable to look Guangling in the eyes. He couldn't directly tell his master that he needed these people as sacrifices to absorb soul rings and external soul bones and then perform a secondary seizure.

"Don't worry, Master. I don't have a habit of taking lives lightly. This time, it's likely for some fortuitous opportunity that requires their use. When we come out of the Star Dou Forest, these people will be returned to the local Spirit Hall," Han Li added, bracing himself.

"Forget it, they're just scum. If they die, they die. But, Xiao Li, are you not affected in any way?"

Guangling looked at Han Li for a long while before cautiously probing.

"Absolutely not, Master. I can swear on my martial soul. When we get back, I will voluntarily undergo an examination by the Grand Worship."

Han Li could feel Guangling's concern for him. He raised his head and met his master's gaze.

"No need, I believe you."

Guangling shook his head and smiled after a brief eye contact.

"I know you have secrets. Just keep them well hidden. As long as you don't cross the line, I'll pretend I didn't see anything. But remember, you must never fall. Understand? Otherwise, I will personally kill you."

Guangling's tone turned serious, and this was the first time Han Li saw his master so stern.

"Understood, Master," Han Li replied solemnly with a nod.

"Alright, then. I'll take care of this matter for you."

Guangling's expression softened again.

"Now, go back to your cultivation. And actually, you can talk to Dugu Bo about this."

Guangling casually added as if it was an afterthought.

"Master, I'm fine."

Han Li, who had taken a few steps away, turned back to Guangling, helplessly defending himself.

"Alright, go and cultivate. I'll be keeping an eye on you, you rascal."

Guangling chuckled, waving off Han Li who seemed like he still wanted to say something.

It wasn't until Han Li re-entered the stone chamber that Guangling turned around, looking towards the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, his eyes flickering with a cold light, deep in thought.

Han Li sat back down cross-legged and sighed.

It wasn't surprising that Guangling had doubts; there were things he simply couldn't explain. The tricky part about external soul bones is that they must absorb soul rings to synchronize. Otherwise, he wouldn't have resorted to such measures.

As for Guangling's suggestion to let Dugu Bo handle it, Han Li didn't doubt that Dugu Bo could manage it. But knowing his methods, who knows who the soul masters serving as sacrifices would be?

Although Han Li could be ruthless, it didn't mean he was willing to let innocent people suffer for him. Compared to that, bearing some pressure and choosing those who deserved to die was more acceptable to him.

Perhaps this was hypocrisy.

Han Li smiled, emptied his mind, and re-entered his cultivation state.


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