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100% The Seidr / Chapter 25: Chapter 24

Chương 25: Chapter 24

As Thor, Harry, and Jane arrived back in Asgard, Jane's eyes widened as she took in the grandeur of the golden city. Everything sparkled — from the shimmering Bifrost to the towering palaces that looked like something straight out of a mythological Pinterest board. Jane was trying to process it all, but her mind kept drifting back to that floating, red liquid. What had Thor called it? Oh right, the Aether. Not exactly the most comforting name for something now swirling inside her body.

At the end of the Bifrost stood Harry's wives — Hermione, Tonks, Fleur, Susan, and Luna — along with Sersi, each of them looking curious, worried, or both. Oh, and Heimdall was there too, being his usual "I see everything" self, which, let's be honest, probably made everyone just a little uncomfortable.

Hermione, always ready to dive into problem-solving mode, stepped forward. She was the kind of person who would face an ancient cosmic threat like the Aether with the same determination she'd use to organize a library catalog. Her eyes flicked from Thor to Jane, her worry tempered by logic. "Dr. Foster, are you alright? Thor mentioned something unusual happened."

Jane attempted a brave smile. "Well, I'm not sure what counts as unusual in your world, but… there was this red, floating liquid. Thor said it was the Aether."

Hermione's brow furrowed. "The Aether. Of course, I've read about that. It's incredibly powerful and dangerous. It's good you're here. We'll need to research everything we can about its effects."

Tonks, clumsy as always, nearly tripped over her own feet as she bounced toward Jane, grinning. "Well, look on the bright side, Dr. Foster — at least your life's never boring! Welcome to the wild side of the universe. Wotcher!"

Jane blinked, trying to figure out how exactly she was supposed to react to that. Luna, however, with her usual dreamlike demeanor, floated closer, her eyes wide with fascination. "You're glowing, Dr. Foster. Like a piece of the universe stuck itself inside you. Maybe the stars wanted to keep you."

"That's… comforting?" Jane said, unsure if she should be alarmed or flattered.

Sersi, who was far more serious, studied Jane intensely. As an Eternal, she had a deep connection to ancient forces, and right now, she was getting some seriously strange vibes. "There's something… off about the energy around you," Sersi said, her voice low. "We'll need to investigate further."

While Jane was trying to digest all of this, Susan stood nearby, feeling a strange, inexplicable pull toward Jane. For some reason, she felt connected to the Aether, though she wasn't sure why. It was like a puzzle piece fitting into a spot she hadn't known was missing. For now, she kept her thoughts to herself, letting the others lead.

Heimdall, always the one with the calm, all-knowing demeanor, stepped forward. "Lady Jane, you've been touched by a great power — one not easily controlled. The Aether is ancient, and it brings darkness with it. We must be cautious."

Thor, who'd been keeping his cool (or at least trying), turned to his mother, Queen Frigga, who had just arrived with a warm, yet concerned smile. "Mother, Jane's in danger. The Aether is inside her, and we don't know how to remove it."

Frigga, always the nurturing type, gave Jane a reassuring smile. "Welcome to Asgard, Jane Foster. We'll take you to our healing chambers, where our best minds will examine you. The Aether is not to be underestimated, but you are among friends. We'll find a way."

With that, they began their journey toward the palace, Jane surrounded by a protective circle of magical beings, gods, and Eternals. Thor and Harry flanked her, while the others followed closely, each carrying their own thoughts. The air was thick with tension, but also determination.

Jane couldn't shake the feeling that something bigger was coming. She was just a human from Earth, right? So why did it feel like the universe had singled her out for something much more dangerous than she was prepared for?

Susan, still feeling that strange pull, kept her distance but watched Jane carefully. Something about all of this felt important. Maybe it wasn't just about the Aether. Maybe this was the beginning of something much, much larger.

And as they walked, Luna, who'd been silent for a while, turned to no one in particular and said, "I wonder if the Aether likes ice cream. Everyone likes ice cream."

Jane blinked again. Yup, she was definitely not in Kansas anymore.

In the grand medical wing of Asgard's Royal Palace, Jane Foster found herself under the Soul Forge, a piece of technology so advanced it looked like it belonged in a sci-fi movie rather than a fantasy realm. The device hummed with an ethereal glow, casting an otherworldly light on Jane's face as she lay there, staring at it with a mix of scientific fascination and apprehension.

"Wow, this is incredible!" Jane gushed, her voice a mix of awe and excitement. "It's like a Quantum Field Generator, but with some seriously advanced magical components. Are you sure it's not using quantum mechanics to analyze my physiology?"

Lady Eir, the chief healer and a beacon of calm amidst the chaos, gave Jane a patient smile. "It's called the Soul Forge. It allows us to perceive the essence of one's soul and the energies within. It's not just a machine, Dr. Foster."

Jane frowned slightly, her scientific mind struggling to reconcile with the mystical explanation. "Soul Forge? But it's all just energy, right?"

As Jane and Lady Eir delved into their scientific-mystical debate, Thor was busy having a hushed conversation with his mother, Queen Frigga. "Mother, Jane is giving off a strange energy. Is it dangerous?"

Frigga's face grew serious. "The energy within her is potent and potentially lethal to a mortal. The Aether is not something to be taken lightly."

Before the conversation could progress further, Odin, the All-Father, made his grand entrance. His presence filled the room with an undeniable sense of authority and concern. "Why has a Midgardian been brought to Asgard without my permission?"

Harry, flanked by his wives and Sersi, stepped forward, his tone a mix of frustration and urgency. "Why are you objecting to Jane's presence here? We were invited, and she's our friend."

Odin's gaze turned steely. "You and your companions are not mere mortals; your abilities and connections justify your presence here. But Dr. Foster is an ordinary mortal with no place in Asgard."

Thor interjected, his voice firm and unwavering. "Father, something has happened to Jane. She's not just a mortal; something has bonded with her. She needs our help."

Odin's expression remained resolute. "Midgardians have their own doctors for healing. This is not our concern."

But before the guards could take Jane back to Midgard, the Aether within her made its displeasure known. A burst of energy erupted from Jane, pushing the guards back and sending a shiver of raw power through the room. It was clear now: Jane was no longer an ordinary human; the Aether's presence was undeniable and dangerous.

Odin's eyes widened in realization. "The Aether... Now I understand. This is not just a human matter."

Turning to Thor, Jane, Harry, his wives, and Sersi, Odin's demeanor softened. "Follow me. We must discuss this further in the throne room."

As they navigated the opulent halls of the palace, the air was thick with tension and a sense of urgency. The Aether's presence in Jane presented a serious threat, not only to her but potentially to the entire realm. The group knew that whatever lay ahead, they would need to face it together, with the combined wisdom and strength of Asgard guiding their way.

In a quieter, shadowed corner of Asgard, where even the bravest souls would think twice about venturing, Sprite—the Eternal with a reputation for mischief and mastery of illusions—was sneaking her way into the dungeons. Picture this: a labyrinth of dimly lit corridors, heavily guarded and fortified against intruders, and then add Sprite, gliding through with the ease of a cat burglar. 

Sprite had a specific target in mind: Loki's cell. Loki, the God of Mischief, had been making himself at home in his cage of enchantments ever since his infamous New York escapade. His cell was a masterpiece of Asgardian security—think of it as a high-tech fortress but with more runes and less blinking lights. Yet Sprite had a knack for getting around such things.

With a flicker of her fingers, Sprite dropped her illusion of invisibility and sauntered into view. "Hello, Loki. Fancy seeing you in such an... exclusive location."

Loki, lounging like he was at a spa rather than a cell, looked up, his surprise quickly masked by a sly smile. "Well, well, if it isn't the Eternal herself. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

Sprite leaned against the bars, striking a pose as if she were at a meet-and-greet rather than a jailbreak. "I thought I'd pop in and see how the infamous God of Mischief is faring. It must be a tad dull down here without a good trickster to keep you entertained."

Loki's eyes sparkled with interest, and he rose with the grace of a dancer. "Dull, indeed. But surely a trickster like yourself isn't here just for a friendly chat?"

Sprite gave a playful shrug. "Let's just say I'm curious. I've heard all sorts of stories about you and thought I'd see if they're true."

Loki studied her, his grin widening. "And what's your verdict so far?"

Sprite put on a mock thinking face. "Well, you certainly have the charm nailed down. But I'm more interested in what makes your brain tick. Maybe I can pick up a few tricks from you."

Loki's smile turned into a knowing smirk. "Ah, a fellow enthusiast of mischief. How delightful. But beware, little Eternal; dabbling with the likes of me might burn you more than you'd expect."

Sprite's grin widened, as if she'd just heard the best punchline ever. "I wouldn't have it any other way. But for now, I'm just here to enjoy the performance."

As they bantered back and forth, their shared love for deception and trickery created a palpable connection. It was clear that this meeting—between Loki and Sprite, two masters of illusion—was more than just idle conversation. It was the start of something that could either spark an epic collaboration or set off a chain of mischief that would leave everyone reeling. Either way, it promised to be anything but boring.

In the shadowy ruins of Svartalfheim, where darkness had its own shadowy presence, Malekith the Accursed was brooding like a supervillain straight out of an epic fantasy. The room crackled with dark energy—think of it as nature's way of reminding you that things are about to get really, really serious. Malekith's eyes were glowing with the kind of sinister resolve that could give even the bravest hero second thoughts.

He turned to his most trusted lieutenant, Algrim the Strong, who was essentially the Dark Elves' equivalent of a walking muscle advertisement. "Algrim," Malekith said in his coldest, most commanding voice, "the Aether has been spotted in Asgard. This is our golden ticket. We have to infiltrate their realm and snatch it back before they know what hit them."

Algrim, towering and as intimidating as a bouncer at an exclusive nightclub, nodded with the kind of solemnity that only comes from having very little choice. "I'm ready for whatever it takes, my lord."

Malekith's gaze turned steely. "To pull this off, we need to be sneaky. I need you to get captured by the Asgardians. Disguise yourself as one of the marauders from Alfheim. Let them lock you up. Once you're inside, you can make your move."

Algrim stepped forward, his resolve as firm as a boulder. "I will make the ultimate sacrifice for our cause."

Malekith smirked, pulling out the Dark Matter Dagger. This wasn't your ordinary kitchen knife; it was shimmering with a dark energy that looked like it was borrowed from a horror movie. With a swift, almost theatrical motion, Malekith plunged the dagger into Algrim's abdomen. Algrim flinched but kept his cool, a real testament to his toughness. The dagger's dark energy surged through him like a bad case of cosmic indigestion.

Next came the Kurse Stone—a small, pulsating gem that looked like it was straight out of a mystical jewelry collection. Malekith embedded it deep into Algrim's wound. The stone was a power amplifier, turning Algrim into a super soldier with a serious upgrade. His muscles bulged, his skin turned inky black, and his eyes glowed with an ominous fire. Talk about a makeover!

Malekith stepped back, admiring his work. "You're ready. Blend in with the marauders, get yourself captured, and let the Asgardians do the rest. Once you're inside, we'll be ready to make our move."

Algrim, now sporting a horned, beastly helmet that would make even the most terrifying creatures look twice, nodded. He slipped into the marauders' ranks, his new look blending seamlessly. 

As Algrim headed for Alfheim, blending in with his new crew and preparing for his grand entrance into Asgard, Malekith watched with a smirk. The pieces were falling into place, and the game was about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Odin strode through the grand halls of the Asgardian Palace like he was the king of everything he surveyed—and, well, he kind of was. The walls were lined with intricate carvings and golden accents that practically screamed "Look at how fancy we are!" The group—Jane, Thor, Harry, and his companions—trailed behind him, trying to look serious but probably failing at least a little.

They arrived at the Archive Room, which was basically the geeky equivalent of an ancient library crossed with a museum. Scrolls, tomes, and artifacts from across the Nine Realms filled the vast space. In the middle was a massive, ornate table holding a glowing orb that looked like something out of a sci-fi flick. The orb whirred to life, projecting a holographic display that showcased Asgard's epic history, like a never-ending highlight reel.

Odin gestured grandly at the display, which landed on a particularly grim image from a time long forgotten. "This," he intoned, his voice deep and authoritative, "is the story of the Dark Elves. Eons ago, before anyone knew how to say 'sunscreen,' the Dark Elves ruled the cosmos, spreading darkness and chaos like it was going out of style. Their leader, Malekith the Accursed, wanted to plunge the universe back into permanent night using a weapon called the Aether."

The orb flashed an image of Malekith, who looked like he'd lost a bet with the universe and was now forced to wear a permanent scowl. The Aether swirled around him in a way that made everyone want to take a step back. Odin continued, "My father, King Bor, led a great army against Malekith. It was a battle for the ages, but Bor came out on top. The Dark Elves were thought to be toast, and the Aether was believed to have been obliterated."

Harry, ever the one to poke at the obvious, raised a hand. "But if the Aether wasn't destroyed, then it's not out of the question that some of the Dark Elves survived too, right?"

Odin's face tightened like he'd just bitten into a lemon. "Bor was convinced he had destroyed both the Aether and the Dark Elves. He sealed the Aether away, and it was lost to history. What has brought it back now is a mystery."

Harry, not one to back down from a challenge, pressed on. "If the Aether survived, what's to say that some Dark Elves didn't? I mean, it's not like they'd just be chilling in retirement, right?"

Odin's jaw clenched with the kind of finality that suggested he wasn't about to entertain any more questions. "Bor's word was law. The Dark Elves were vanquished, and the Aether was made harmless. Whatever's happening now is an anomaly."

Thor, sensing his father's patience was wearing thin, stepped in with his trademark blend of diplomacy and subtle power. "Father, we can't ignore the present. The Aether is inside Jane, and if there are any Dark Elves left, they could be a real problem."

Odin nodded, though his expression was as unyielding as a stone wall. "Indeed. The Aether's presence indicates great danger. We must be on high alert and prepare for whatever comes next."

The group exchanged glances, the weight of Odin's words sinking in like a stone in a pond. The Dark Elves weren't just a piece of ancient history—they were a potential threat with the power to upend everything. Jane, still processing the gravity of the situation, looked to Thor, who gave her a reassuring nod that barely masked his own concern.

The Archive Room was now thick with tension and unanswered questions. The Aether's return wasn't just a blast from the past—it was a sign that things were about to get seriously complicated. As they contemplated their next moves, it was clear that their upcoming challenges would test their strength and courage in ways they'd never imagined.

On Alfheim, the aftermath of the battle was like a cosmic mess-up. Sif and the Warriors Three—Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun—stood amidst the wreckage, which looked like a scene from a really bad day at a magical demolition derby. The once-green fields now bore the scars of conflict, with defeated marauders scattered like confetti at a really grim party.

Sif, always the professional, was making sure no more surprises were hiding in the wreckage. Her sword was still out, as if she expected one of the defeated marauders to suddenly spring up and start a sequel to the battle. Meanwhile, Fandral was playing the charming swashbuckler, tossing out jokes and quips as if he were on stage at a comedy club. Volstagg, ever the hungry warrior, was already planning his post-battle feast, clearly more interested in what's for dinner than the prisoners. And Hogun? Well, Hogun was doing his usual thing—standing silently and looking around with the intensity of someone who just saw a suspiciously large number of people carrying suspiciously large bags.

"That was quite the ruckus," Fandral said, sheathing his sword with a flourish that probably looked better than it felt. "These marauders really knew how to throw a party, but nothing we couldn't handle."

Volstagg's laughter boomed like thunder. "Indeed! And now we cart them off to Asgard for their well-deserved reckoning. Perhaps after a feast, of course."

Sif, ever the pragmatist, glanced over the prisoners. Her gaze lingered on one in particular, a towering figure with a horned mask. "These ones will face justice in Asgard," she declared. "Make sure they're securely bound."

Kurse, the prisoner with the horned mask, kept his head bowed like he was trying to look inconspicuous at a high school dance. The Kurse Stone inside him was like an evil energy drink, pulsing with dark promises of chaos. He knew patience was key; his plan was all about waiting for the right moment to pounce.

The Warriors Three busied themselves with the prisoners, completely clueless about the sneaky danger lurking among them. To them, Kurse was just another criminal to be dealt with by Asgardian justice—a minor detail in their otherwise victorious day.

As the Asgardian warriors began prepping for their journey back, the mood was light. Sif and the Warriors Three coordinated with the Einherjar, Asgard's elite soldiers, who were about as organized as a line at a pop concert, ensuring the prisoners were safely bound and ready for transport.

Little did they realize, among their captured foes was a threat waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Kurse, hidden in plain sight, remained patient, knowing that the fate of Asgard and beyond was just a heartbeat away from chaos. The cosmic game of hide-and-seek was far from over, and Kurse was ready for the next move.

As Frigga guided Jane through the enchanting gardens of Idunn, her serene voice offered both comfort and a hint of magic. The gardens, with their rejuvenating aura and stunning beauty, were a testament to the grace of Asgard. "Come, Jane," Frigga said with a warm smile, "a stroll through these gardens might help clear your mind and offer you a new perspective on our world." Thor, eager for a peaceful outing with Jane, accompanied them, relieved to leave the tensions of the day behind.

Meanwhile, in a quieter part of the palace, Susan gathered Harry and the rest of the crew for a quick debrief. "It's not the Aether itself," Susan said, her forehead creased in concentration. "It's something within it. It feels like... like a whisper in my mind."

Harry raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Are you sure it's not the Aether?"

Susan shook her head decisively. "No, it's different. It's more focused, almost like there's a presence trying to get my attention."

Hermione, who had been analyzing Susan's every word with the meticulousness of a librarian deciphering an ancient manuscript, chimed in. "That sounds eerily similar to the subtle allure of the Mind Stone when it was hidden in the Sceptre. It had this way of reaching out, calling to me."

Harry's eyes widened in realization. "Of course! The Aether must contain an Infinity Stone. It's the Reality Stone. It's reaching out to you because you have an affinity for it."

The gravity of their discovery hit the group like a tidal wave. The Aether wasn't just a relic of cosmic power; it was one of the six Infinity Stones, each embodying a unique aspect of the universe. The Reality Stone's influence was now making itself known, calling out to Susan in a way that mirrored Hermione's experience with the Mind Stone.

"This is serious," Tonks said, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a hint of anxiety. "If the Aether is indeed an Infinity Stone, then we're dealing with a level of danger that just went from zero to sixty."

Luna, with her dreamy disposition and flair for the whimsical, offered a glimmer of hope. "At least now we know what we're up against. Maybe we can find a way to help Jane and keep the Stone secure."

Fleur, who had been mostly silent but was now visibly concerned, nodded thoughtfully. "And if the Stone is calling to Susan, perhaps her connection could help us understand its power better."

Sersi, who had been taking in the conversation with a contemplative silence, finally spoke up. "Infinity Stones are ancient and immensely powerful. If the Reality Stone is reaching out to Susan, we need to handle this with extreme caution. Its power to reshape reality itself is not something to be taken lightly."

Harry took a deep breath, the weight of their discovery settling in like a dense fog. "We need to proceed carefully. The Reality Stone cannot fall into the wrong hands. For now, let's keep this between us and figure out our next steps."

The group nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of concern and resolve. As Frigga, Thor, and Jane enjoyed the peaceful beauty of the gardens, the rest of the crew was on the brink of unearthing one of the universe's greatest secrets—and facing the immense dangers that came with it. The stakes had just risen dramatically, and their journey was far from over.

Back in Asgard, Sif and the Warriors Three—Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun—marched through the grand halls, dragging along their latest catch: a bunch of Marauders from Alfheim. Among them was Algrim, now transformed into the hulking menace known as Kurse. He was doing a spectacular job at hiding his identity beneath a horned, bestial mask. The guy could have given a scarecrow a run for its money.

As they made their way to the dungeons, which were about as inviting as a black hole, Sif couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "We need to stay sharp. There's something unsettling about this lot," she said, her voice carrying a note of caution.

Fandral, ever the swashbuckling optimist, tried to ease the tension. "Oh, come on, Sif. They were just marauders. And besides, our dungeons are about as secure as a vault at Gringotts. Even Loki couldn't pull a fast one without some serious help."

Volstagg, never one to miss a chance for a feast, grumbled, "I agree with Fandral, but it's a bit odd that they hit Alfheim so boldly. Almost like they were asking to be caught."

Hogun, the quiet observer who seemed to have a knack for appearing out of nowhere, added, "We should probably inform Thor and Odin. Better safe than sorry."

They reached the dungeons, a gloomy maze of cells designed to hold even the most dangerous of villains. The guards took charge of the prisoners, and Algrim, in his Kurse getup, stayed silent but alert. His plan was clear: infiltrate Asgard, locate the Aether, and bust Malekith out of his gloomy prison. His resolve was as cold as the ice in Jotunheim, and he knew his time would come.

As the guards escorted the prisoners through the dark corridors, passing cells that housed previous Asgardian misfits, the air grew heavier with foreboding. Sif, feeling that uneasy twinge again, cast one last wary glance at Kurse. There was something about him that didn't sit right, but she couldn't quite place it.

"Keep an extra close watch on them," Sif instructed the guards, her tone leaving no room for debate. "Especially that one," she added, pointing out Kurse.

The guard, who looked as though he'd rather be anywhere else, nodded vigorously. "Absolutely, Lady Sif. We'll make sure they don't cause any trouble."

With a final clang of the dungeon doors sealing the prisoners inside, Sif and her comrades headed back to the palace to debrief Odin and Thor. Little did they realize that Algrim, or Kurse, was already plotting his next move. He was biding his time, waiting for just the right moment to unleash the chaos he had brought with him from Svartalfheim.

Meanwhile, up in the palace, the air was thick with tension. Jane, Thor, and Harry's gang were still grappling with the revelation about the Aether's true nature. As Sif and the Warriors Three returned with their prisoners, the intersection of these two events promised to stir up even more trouble. The stakes had never been higher, and the game was only just beginning.

In the dim, dreary confines of an Asgardian dungeon, Loki and Sprite were holding what might be the strangest conversation of their lives. Loki, despite being behind bars, exuded his usual air of mischief and charm, while Sprite, the eternal stuck in a child's body, listened with a curiosity that betrayed her youthful façade.

Loki leaned in, eyes glinting with that oh-so-familiar glimmer of trouble. "You know, Sprite, your predicament is rather intriguing. An immortal trapped in a perpetual childhood. That's got to be... frustrating, right?"

Sprite's expression was as unreadable as a brick wall, though her voice was cool and composed. "It's not exactly my favorite topic."

Loki grinned, clearly seeing an opening. "I get it. But what if I told you there's a way to change all that? To harness your Celestial energy and tap into some serious magic?"

Sprite raised an eyebrow, looking both intrigued and cautious. "Magic? Like your illusions?"

"Not exactly," Loki said, casually leaning back as if he were lounging in a royal throne rather than a cell. "What I'm talking about is real magic. The kind that could let you reshape your form, become an adult if you wanted. It's all about unlocking your true potential."

Sprite weighed the offer in her mind. It was tempting, no doubt, but trusting Loki was like inviting a fox into the henhouse. "What's in it for you?" she asked, her tone dripping with suspicion. "Why would you help me?"

Loki chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that seemed to echo off the dungeon walls. "Ah, the classic 'what's in it for me' question. Let's just say I like sharing knowledge with those who might appreciate it. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll remember this little chat fondly."

Sprite's eyes narrowed. She knew better than to take Loki's words at face value—the God of Lies had a reputation for a reason. "You're not called the 'God of Lies' for nothing," she said. "How do I know this isn't just another one of your tricks?"

Loki shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk dancing on his lips. "You don't. But if you're interested, the offer is there. If not, you're free to stay as you are. The choice is yours."

Sprite mulled over his words. The thought of changing her form was tempting, but she knew better than to rush into anything with Loki. "I'll think about it," she said, standing up. "But don't think I'll just take your word for it. I'll verify everything you say."

Loki's eyes twinkled with mischief. "By all means, do your research. You might find I'm more honest than you think... when it suits me."

Sprite smirked, acknowledging the truth in his words. "I'll ask Harry. If there's any truth to what you're saying, he'll know."

As she turned to leave, Loki's voice followed her. "Remember, Sprite, even gods have their own constraints. But sometimes, the greatest trick is breaking free from them."

Sprite didn't respond, but Loki's words lingered in her mind like a catchy tune you can't quite forget. As she made her way back to the surface, she was already plotting her next move. The Aether, the Reality Stone, and Loki's cryptic offer were all swirling in her thoughts, promising more intrigue and danger ahead.

Kurse, disguised as a common marauder and looking like a particularly grumpy minotaur, was being paraded through the grand halls of Asgard. His horned mask made him look like he'd lost a fight with a ram, but underneath that grim façade was a whole lot more trouble than anyone could guess. The Asgardian guards, blissfully unaware of the powerhouse they were escorting, treated him with the usual blend of indifference and overzealousness. 

As they reached the cell block, Kurse was shoved into a solitary cell, the heavy door clanging shut with all the subtlety of a cosmic drum solo. The clinking of chains and distant murmurs from other prisoners filled the air, while Kurse—imposing as a mountain of muscle and dark magic—just stood there, soaking it all in. To anyone watching, he was just another unfortunate soul who'd crossed the wrong path. In reality, he was a ticking time bomb, just waiting for Malekith's signal to turn Asgard's day into night.

With a quiet grace that was completely at odds with his bulk, Kurse settled in, his eyes darting around the cell. He might have looked like a statue, but his senses were sharper than ever. He could practically hear the guard's footsteps echoing down the hall, feel the faint hum of Asgardian tech, and sense the uneasy energy of his fellow prisoners. Patience was his game now, and he played it with the kind of calm that only comes from knowing you're about to upend the universe.

His thoughts wandered back to Malekith's parting words before the mission: "When the time is right, we strike, and Asgard will fall." It was the kind of motivational speech that makes for great villain monologues, but for Kurse, it was just another reminder of why he was here—waiting for the cosmic right moment when the Convergence would make the universe more like a bad soap opera and less like a well-oiled machine.

So, there he was, a massive, silent sentinel of destruction, playing the long game with the patience of a cat watching a mouse hole. The Convergence was coming, and Kurse knew that soon enough, the boundaries between worlds would be as thin as a paper-thin excuse for a bad decision. Until then, he'd bide his time, maintaining the guise of a hapless marauder while waiting for the moment when his true colors would finally come out to play.


Author's Note: In Memoriam - Dame Maggie Smith

Well, folks, we've lost a true legend: Dame Maggie Smith has taken her final bow, and let's just say the world feels a little dimmer without her. Best known for her role as the formidable Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter films, Dame Maggie was that rare kind of wizard: one who could command the room with just a look, a raised eyebrow, or a perfectly timed quip. Seriously, if you ever wanted a mentor who could teach you magic while also schooling you on how to throw some serious shade, she was your gal.

Her career spanned more decades than most of us can count (seriously, check your math), and she dazzled us in everything from The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. With each performance, she didn't just act; she transformed, diving into characters with the kind of depth that made you question whether she was actually a magical being. We half-expected her to pull out a wand and start casting spells on the side!

But here's the kicker: despite her towering talent, she remained as down-to-earth as a favorite aunt who could dish out both cookies and life advice. Dame Maggie had a wit sharper than a Gryffindor sword, and her humor was the kind that could light up even the darkest of dungeons—like a Patronus, but much more stylish.

So, as we gather our collective tissues and reminisce about her unforgettable roles, let's celebrate the magic she brought to our screens and stages. Dame Maggie Smith's legacy will continue to inspire and entertain, reminding us all that true stars never really leave us; they just twinkle a little brighter in our memories. Thank you, Dame Maggie, for the laughter, the wisdom, and the unforgettable performances. The world is a little less magical without you, but we promise to carry your spirit in our hearts—and maybe in our spells, too.


Hey fellow fanfic enthusiasts!

I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you!

If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling!

Click the link below to join the conversation:


Can't wait to see you there!

If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here:


Or through my Buy Me a Coffee page:


Thank you for your support!

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Chương tiếp theo sắp ra mắt Viết đánh giá

Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

Mục lục

Cài đặt hiển thị



Kích thước

Việc quản lý bình luận chương

Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C25
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  • Bối cảnh thế giới

Tổng điểm 0.0

Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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lỗi Mẹo

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