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56.75% "Jujutsu Kaisen: The Cursed Lightning" / Chapter 21: Kyoto

Chương 21: Kyoto

Mai Zenin opened the door to her room, a playful smile dancing on her lips as she saw Hiro standing in the doorway. With a welcoming gesture, she invited him inside, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Thanks for letting me crash here tonight," Hiro said, his voice laced with a casual nonchalance as he stepped into the room, his gaze sweeping over the cozy space. "Had some business to take care of in Kyoto, and I've got more to handle tomorrow."

Mai closed the door behind him, her smile morphing into something more suggestive. "It's no trouble at all. It's always a pleasure to have someone as devastatingly handsome as you in my bedroom," she purred, her tone playful and seductive.

Hiro set his sansetsukon against the corner, the weapon resting against the wall. He turned to face Mai and said, "Just toss me a blanket. I'll sleep on the floor."

But Mai had other ideas. She sauntered over to him, draping her arms around his neck, pulling him close. Her lips met his in a searing kiss, her fingers deftly unbuttoning the collar of his shirt. "You know," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin, "it would be a damn shame for someone as sinfully gorgeous as you to merely sleep in my room. We could have some fun and make the most of it."

Hiro smirked, arching an eyebrow in a devilish manner. "Well then, what's a guy supposed to do now?" he asked, his voice dripping with wicked anticipation.

Mai's hands slid down Hiro's chest, her touch electric against his skin. "Let me show you," she purred, her voice low and alluring. She guided him towards the bed, her movements graceful and purposeful. As they tumbled onto the soft mattress, their bodies intertwined, Mai's fingers made quick work of the remaining buttons on Hiro's shirt, exposing his chiseled chest.

Hiro's hands roamed over Mai's curves, his touch igniting a fire within her. Their lips crashed together in a passionate kiss, tongues battling for dominance. Mai's hands tangled in Hiro's hair, tugging him closer, desperate to feel every inch of his body against hers.

Clothes were shed in a frenzied rush, scattered across the floor like discarded toys. Skin against skin, they moved together, their bodies in perfect sync. Mai's wanton moans filled the room, mingling with Hiro's ragged breaths, a symphony of lust and desire.

They explored each other's bodies, discovering sweet spots and secret places that elicited gasps of pleasure. Mai's nails raked down Hiro's back, leaving crimson trails in their wake, marking him as her conquest.

Hiro's hands cupped Mai's breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples until they hardened beneath his touch. He trailed hot kisses down her neck, his lips blazing a path of fire across her skin.

Mai arched her back, pressing herself against Hiro, desperate for more. She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him closer, deeper. They moved as one, their bodies slick with sweat, lost in the throes of carnal pleasure.

Wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over them, building to a shattering climax. Mai cried out, her voice echoing through the room, as she reached her peak, her body trembling with the force of her release.

Hiro followed closely behind, his own climax overtaking him, a primal growl tearing from his throat. They clung to each other, riding out the aftershocks, their bodies entwined in a tangle of limbs.

As they lay there, basking in the afterglow, Mai traced lazy patterns on Hiro's chest, a satisfied smirk on her face. "That was mind-blowing," she purred, her voice dripping with contentment.

Hiro grinned, his fingers playing with a strand of Mai's hair. "It certainly was a wild ride," he agreed, his eyes gleaming with a wicked glint.

They held each other close, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces, as the post-coital haze settled over them. In that moment, the world outside ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the heat of their bodies and the memory of the passion they had shared.

Mai nuzzled into the crook of Hiro's neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent. "We should do this more often," she murmured, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw.

Hiro chuckled, his hand caressing the smooth curve of Mai's back. "Careful what you wish for, sweetheart. I might just take you up on that offer."

They shared another searing kiss, a kiss that held the promise of more carnal delights to come. Then, wrapped in each other's arms, they drifted off to sleep, their hearts pounding with the thrill of their forbidden tryst.

The moonlight filtered through the curtains, bathing the lovers in a soft glow. In the stillness of the night, their breathing grew deep and even, their bodies relaxed in the embrace of the other.

Mai's eyes fluttered open, the morning sun streaming through her window, casting a warm glow across the room. Her hand instinctively reached out, searching for Hiro's presence beside her, but found only empty space. She sat up, her gaze sweeping the room, noting the absence of his sansetsukon that had once rested against the corner. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she murmured, "I should have known." Falling back onto the pillows, a smile played on her lips as memories of the previous night danced through her mind, the echoes of passion still lingering in the air.

Across the Shcool, Hiro found himself in the cafeteria, his mind already focused on the tasks that lay ahead. Miwa, a fellow student, approached him, her curiosity piqued by his presence. "Weren't you from Tokyo?" she asked, her head tilted slightly to the side.

Hiro nodded, his eyes never leaving his food. "That's right."

Miwa pressed further, her voice laced with confusion. "So, what brings you here?"

"It's none of your concern," Hiro replied, his tone cool and dismissive.

A faint blush crept onto Miwa's cheeks as she stammered, "I-I'm sorry for intruding."

Hiro sighed, his patience wearing thin. "I'm trying to eat."

Miwa, realizing her mistake, apologized once more. "I'm sorry for interrupting your meal."

"You're still interrupting," Hiro pointed out, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Miwa, her smile sheepish, admitted, "I have this bad habit of putting my foot in my mouth."

Hiro, resigned to her presence, gestured to the seat across from him. "Just sit down and eat in silence."

Miwa's face lit up as she took her place at the table, her eyes falling on Hiro's plate. "Why aren't you eating your vegetables?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Hiro, his gaze fixed on his meal, replied, "I don't like them."

Miwa, her voice taking on a motherly tone, advised, "It's important to eat your veggies, so you can grow up strong and healthy."

Hiro, his knowledge on the subject evident, explained, "I don't eat them because these vegetables are canned, meaning they have little nutritional value."

Miwa's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, really? I had no idea."

"Of course you didn't," Hiro muttered under his breath.

Miwa, seizing the opportunity, leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with hope. "Hey, you're smart. Could you help me with my homework?"

Hiro, his mind already occupied with other matters, declined. "No, thanks. I have some business to attend to."

Miwa's face fell, disappointment evident in her features. "Oh, I see. That's a shame."

Hiro, his curiosity piqued, inquired, "Do you know where Presa is?"

Miwa, a mischievous glint in her eye, offered a deal. "If you help me with my homework, I'll tell you where he is."

Hiro, his patience wearing thin, countered, "I can just Google it."

Miwa, her voice taking on a pleading tone, bargained, "Please? I promise I'll owe you a favor."

Hiro, relenting with a sigh, agreed. "Fine, fine. Let's just get this over with quickly."

They finished their meal, Miwa's chatter filling the air as Hiro listened in contemplative silence. As the minutes ticked by, they left the cafeteria behind and made their way to Miwa's room. She settled into her desk chair, her homework spread out before her. "I have to write an essay on philosophy," she explained, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Hiro, his eyebrow arched in surprise, questioned, "You study that here?"

Miwa, her voice matter-of-fact, replied, "Well, of course. It's a high school, after all, even if it's for sorcerers."

Hiro, a hint of longing in his voice, confessed, "Back in Tokyo, we only focused on training."

Miwa, her face softening with sympathy, remarked, "That must be sad."

Hiro, brushing off the sentiment, inquired, "So, what's the essay supposed to be about?"

Miwa, a sheepish grin on her face, admitted, "It's about a philosophy of life, but to be honest, I haven't read any of the books. Any ideas?"

Hiro, his mind drifting to his favorite philosopher, suggested, "Here's my favorite: Albert Camus. He believed in the inherent goodness of humanity and the indomitable human spirit. Despite the absurdity and suffering in the world, Camus argued that we must always strive to find meaning and purpose in our lives. He championed the idea of rebellion against oppression and injustice, urging individuals to stand up for their beliefs and fight for a better world. Camus believed that even in the face of overwhelming odds, the human spirit could prevail, and that through our actions and choices, we could create our own meaning and purpose."

Miwa, her eyes wide with surprise, asked, "Do you follow that philosophy of life?"

Hiro fell silent for a moment, his mind flashing back to the blood-soaked memories of the past few days. With a heavy sigh, he replied, "No, I don't."

A silence settled over the room, the weight of Hiro's words hanging in the air. Miwa, her voice gentle and understanding, offered a glimmer of hope. "Well, everyone is free to choose their own path in life, and they can always change it if they want to."

Hiro, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips, agreed. "You're right."

In that moment, a flicker of understanding passed between them, a recognition of the choices they had made and the paths they had chosen. Hiro, his heart still heavy with the burden of his past, found a small measure of comfort in Miwa's words, a reminder that change was always possible, that redemption was never out of reach.

As they delved into the essay, their minds focused on the task at hand, Hiro couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Miwa's presence, for the brief respite she offered from the darkness that threatened to consume him. And though he knew that his path was far from clear, that the road ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, he clung to the hope that somewhere along the way, he might find the strength to choose a different path, to embrace the goodness and resilience that Camus had championed.

For now, however, he would focus on the present, on the simple act of helping a friend, of finding a moment of normalcy amidst the chaos of his life. And as the words flowed from his pen, as the essay took shape beneath his fingers, Hiro allowed himself to believe, if only for a moment, that a brighter future lay ahead, that the indomitable human spirit might yet prevail.

Hiro's eyes fluttered open, the gentle touch of Miwa's hand rousing him from his unexpected slumber. He blinked, momentarily disoriented, as he realized he had fallen asleep in the chair, the hours slipping away unnoticed. Miwa's voice, laced with concern, broke through his hazy thoughts. "Hiro, didn't you have something to do?"

Realization dawned on Hiro's face as he sat up, his muscles protesting the sudden movement. "You're right," he muttered, stretching his arms above his head, feeling the satisfying pop of his joints.

Miwa's smile was warm and genuine as she said, "Thank you for helping me with my homework, even if it was just the beginning."

Hiro shrugged, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "No problem, but now you owe me a favor."

Miwa's eyes sparkled with mirth as she nodded. "Okay, I'll remember that."

With a final nod, Hiro pushed himself to his feet and made his way out of the room, his mind already racing with the tasks that lay ahead.

Across Kyoto, in a dimly lit room, Kokichi Muta lay submerged in a bathtub filled with blood, his body wrapped in tattered bandages. The doors burst open, the sudden intrusion shattering the eerie silence. Hanzo and Mahito strode into the room, their presence commanding and ominous.

Kokichi's voice, weak and raspy, broke the tension. "I was starting to worry that you had forgotten our deal."

Mahito's eyes gleamed with malice as he turned to Hanzo. "Can I kill him now?"

Hanzo, his voice cold and calculating, replied, "No, remember that we have a binding with him. First, repair his body, and then you can kill him."

Mahito's lips curled into a wicked grin. "Fine, fine."

He approached Kokichi, his hand outstretched, and as his fingers brushed against Kokichi's skin, a surge of cursed energy enveloped them. Kokichi's once broken and battered body began to mend, the bandages falling away to reveal smooth, unblemished skin. Kokichi sat up, his hands exploring his newly restored form, marveling at the power of Mahito's touch.

Mahito's smile was predatory as he said, "Well, now I can kill you."

Kokichi ignored him, too focused on the sensation of his rejuvenated body. Hanzo, his eyebrow arched in suspicion, murmured, "We have a visitor."

As if on cue, Hiro stepped through the doorway, his presence filling the room with a palpable tension. Kokichi, his voice tinged with surprise, said, "I thought you wouldn't show up."

Hiro, his tone casual and nonchalant, replied, "Well, I was quite lost. After all, this is a secret hideout."

Mahito's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Perfect. I've been itching to face off against Hiro Miller."

Hanzo, his gaze sharp and accusing, turned to Kokichi. "Why did you bring Hiro here? We're supposed to have a binding."

Kokichi, a sly smile playing on his lips, explained, "I didn't tell Hiro anything about the plan. In fact, I invited him to play, so technically, I didn't break our deal."

Hanzo, a hint of admiration in his voice, mused, "A loophole? Interesting."

Hiro, his hand already reaching for his sansetsukon, declared, "Well, you're saving me time in taking out the trash."

With a swift motion, Hiro swung his weapon at Hanzo, who ducked just in time. But Hiro, anticipating the move, twisted his sansetsukon and landed a solid blow. Mahito, seizing the opportunity, lunged at Hiro, his cursed energy crackling around him.

Hiro, his fingers outstretched, shouted, "Red Lightning!"

The attack hit Mahito squarely in the chest, tearing a gaping hole through his body. Hanzo, staggering to his feet, questioned, "Is this okay, Hiro? Do you know why we're here?"

Kokichi, his voice urgent and pleading, interjected, "Don't listen to them, Hiro. I'll explain everything later."

Hiro, his brow furrowed in confusion, asked, "What are you talking about?"

Hanzo, a wicked grin spreading across his face, revealed, "Kokichi allied himself with us. He allowed us to enter the Tokyo school, provided us with information about you, all in exchange for healing his body."

Hiro, his expression unreadable, said, "And what does that have to do with me?"

Hanzo, his voice dripping with malice, continued, "Well... technically, he also played a part in Momo's death."

Hiro fell silent, his mind processing the revelation. After a moment, he spoke, his voice firm and unwavering. "He had nothing to do with it."

Mahito, his body fully regenerated, turned to Hanzo. "Let's kill them now."

Hanzo, his eyes narrowed in calculation, said, "No, we're retreating."

Mahito, incredulous, exclaimed, "What? Why?"

Hanzo, his voice filled with a grim determination, explained, "We won't be able to defeat Hiro, at least not now."

Mahito, his frustration evident, argued, "Kokichi will reveal our entire plan."

Hanzo, his tone resolute, said, "It's better than you and I dying here."

Turning to Hiro, Hanzo declared, "I'll see you in Shibuya."

With those parting words, Mahito and Hanzo fled the room, their footsteps echoing in the hollow silence. Hiro, his hand enveloped in crackling blue lightning, prepared to give chase.

Kokichi, his voice urgent and pleading, said, "Let them go. Save your energy instead."

Hiro hesitated, the lightning dissipating from his hand as he considered Kokichi's words. The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, the implications of Kokichi's alleged betrayal swirling in Hiro's mind.

Kokichi and Hiro walked through the dark streets of Kyoto, their footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. The silence between them was heavy, laden with unspoken questions and lingering doubts. The journey back had been marked by a distinct absence of words, each of them lost in their own thoughts, grappling with the implications of the night's shocking revelations.

Finally, Kokichi broke the suffocating silence, his voice tentative and uncertain, barely above a whisper. "Aren't you going to ask me why I allied myself with them?"

Hiro, his gaze fixed on the path ahead, his hands shoved deep into his pockets, replied with a matter-of-fact tone, "To have a body, I imagine."

Kokichi nodded slowly, a rueful smile playing on his lips, his eyes glinting with a touch of sadness. "Yes, that's why."

Another pause followed, the weight of the confession hanging in the air between them like a tangible presence, thick and oppressive.

Kokichi, his voice laced with a hint of apprehension, a slight tremor betraying his nerves, asked, "Aren't you angry with me?"

Hiro, his mind drifting back to the chaotic events of the exchange event, the memories flashing before his eyes, mused aloud, "I remembered Hanzo's words during the tournament. He couldn't kill anyone on your orders, and when he killed Momo... Well, it seems like you didn't have control over that particular situation."

Kokichi lowered his head, his shoulders sagging under the burden of guilt and regret, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him like a gentle wave. "Thanks, I guess... For understanding."

Hiro shrugged, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, his eyes glinting with a hint of self-deprecation. "Well, it's not like I'm free of sin myself. I've got my own demons to wrestle with."

Turning to Kokichi, his gaze piercing and intense, Hiro asked, "So, what's our next move?"

Kokichi, his voice growing serious, his brow furrowed in concentration, explained, "In 10 days, something big is going to happen in Shibuya. We need to inform Gojo as soon as possible."

Hiro yawned, the exhaustion of the day's events finally catching up with him, his body craving rest and respite. "Well, let's head to Tokyo tomorrow and discuss it with him. Right now, I just want to crash and get some sleep."

Kokichi, a hint of admiration coloring his voice, a newfound respect gleaming in his eyes, remarked, "You know, when I first met you, I didn't peg you for the empathetic type."

Hiro grinned, glancing over his shoulder, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm not. It's just that I can't really judge when I'm carrying my own sins, right?"

Kokichi chuckled, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them, a shared understanding of the burdens they carried. "Who knows? At the end of the day, we're all human. Judging others comes naturally to us, even when we're far from perfect ourselves."

They continued their walk in comfortable silence, the streets of Kyoto gradually giving way to the familiar sight of the school, its imposing structure looming ahead. As they approached the entrance, Kokichi turned to Hiro, a hint of concern etched on his face. "Do you want to crash in my room for the night? I imagine you don't have a place to stay."

Hiro smiled, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Actually, I've got that covered." With a casual wave of his hand, he turned and walked away, leaving Kokichi standing there, his mouth agape, incredulity written all over his face.

A slow grin spread across Kokichi's face as realization dawned on him, the pieces falling into place. "Well, I should have guessed he's a first-class womanizer," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head in amused disbelief.

In her room, Mai was about to change out of her school uniform and slip into her comfortable pajamas when a sudden knock at the door interrupted her nightly routine. Wondering who could be visiting at such a late hour, she padded softly across the room, her bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. Opening the door, she found Hiro standing there, a roguish smile curving his lips, his eyes glinting with barely contained desire.

Mai's own smile turned suggestive, a seductive purr escaping her throat as she leaned against the doorframe, her body language open and inviting. "Well, well, are you here for another round of fun?"

Hiro stepped inside, his movements fluid and graceful, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down Mai's spine. "Actually, I just came to get some shut-eye."

Mai's eyes sparkled with mischief, a wicked gleam dancing in their depths as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers toying with the soft hair at his nape. She rose on her tiptoes, her lips brushing against his ear, her warm breath tickling his skin as she whispered, "That's a shame because we'll be doing everything but sleeping tonight."

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, a clash of tongues and teeth, a dance of desire and need. Hands roamed and explored, mapping out the contours of each other's bodies, leaving trails of fire in their wake. They stumbled towards the bed, a tangle of limbs and heated flesh, their movements fueled by an insatiable hunger.

Clothing was shed in a frenzy, buttons popping and zippers sliding as garments were hastily discarded, scattered across the floor like fallen leaves. Skin met skin, the contact electric, igniting a blaze of passion that threatened to consume them both.

Hiro's touch was maddening, his fingers skimming over Mai's curves, teasing and tormenting, drawing breathy moans and gasps from her parted lips. She arched into him, her body a canvas for his ministrations, every nerve ending alive and singing with pleasure.

The room filled with the symphony of their mingled breaths, the creaking of the bed beneath their writhing forms, the rustle of sheets as they moved in perfect sync. Mai's nails raked down Hiro's back, leaving crimson trails in their wake, urging him on, deeper, harder, faster.

Hiro obliged, his thrusts becoming more forceful, more demanding, driving Mai to the brink of ecstasy. They moved as one, lost in the throes of passion, chasing the elusive promise of release, their bodies slick with sweat and desire.

As they neared the precipice, teetering on the edge of oblivion, Hiro's gaze locked with Mai's, their eyes meeting in a moment of startling clarity. Through the haze of pleasure, through the fog of lust, he saw not Mai's face, but Maki's, her features superimposed over her twin's, a ghostly reminder of the past he had tried so hard to forget.

Maki. His ex-girlfriend, the one he had left behind, the one whose memory still haunted him, even in the arms of another. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut, a sobering moment amidst the chaos of their coupling.

He had thought he had moved on, that he had buried his feelings for Maki deep within the recesses of his heart, never to be unearthed again. But here, in the heat of passion with her sister, the truth came crashing down around him, shattering the illusion he had so carefully constructed.

He had never truly let her go, never fully escaped the hold she had on his soul. The love he had once felt for her, the connection they had shared, still lingered, a phantom presence that refused to be banished.

The revelation was bittersweet, a harsh reminder of the choices he had made, the bridges he had burned, the hearts he had broken. But there was no turning back now, no way to undo the damage that had been done. He could only move forward, carrying the weight of his actions, the guilt of his betrayal, the burden of his past.

With a final, shuddering gasp, they reached the peak together, their bodies convulsing in a tsunami of pleasure, wave after wave crashing over them, washing away the world outside, leaving only the two of them, lost in the aftermath of their climax.

Mai cried out, her voice a keening wail of ecstasy, her fingers digging into Hiro's shoulders, anchoring herself to him as she rode out the storm. Hiro followed close behind, his own release tearing through him like a wildfire, consuming him from the inside out, leaving him spent and breathless.

As they lay there, tangled in the sheets, their bodies still joined, Hiro's mind raced with conflicting emotions, a maelstrom of guilt and regret, of longing and despair. The satisfaction of the moment was tainted by the knowledge of what he had lost, of the love he had so carelessly discarded.

He had sought solace in Mai's embrace, a temporary escape from the ghosts that haunted him, from the memories that plagued his waking hours. But even in the throes of passion, even in the heat of the moment, he couldn't outrun the truth, couldn't escape the reality of his own heart.

Maki was still there, a part of him, a piece of his soul that he could never truly let go, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many other women he sought comfort in. She was the one that got away, the one that he had foolishly pushed away, and now, he was left to bear the consequences of his actions.

As Mai snuggled closer, her body molding perfectly to his, her soft breaths tickling his skin, Hiro's heart was heavy with the weight of his realization, the burden of his guilt. He had come here seeking a momentary respite, a fleeting escape from the pain that consumed him, but instead, he had found only a reminder of what he had lost, of the love he had so recklessly thrown away.

In the stillness of the night, with Mai's warmth enveloping him, Hiro made a silent vow, a promise to himself, to the memory of Maki, to the love they had once shared. He would face his demons, confront the choices he had made, and find a way to make peace with his past, to atone for his sins, to earn the forgiveness he so desperately craved.

For only then could he truly move forward, only then could he hope to find the redemption he sought, the absolution he needed to heal his shattered soul. Only then could he face the future, face the challenges that lay ahead, with a clear conscience and a heart unburdened by regret.

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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