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40% Dragon's Heir : Revival of Valyria / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Journey

Chương 4: Chapter 4: Journey

Jon Snow/Aenar Targaryen

Kings road.

As they rode across the King's Road for about a mile, Aenar suddenly stopped. "Sorry, Allyn, but we must turn to the right quickly. I have to pick something up," he explained to Allyn, who looked confused but trusted Jon's command as his superior.

They rode a little further, moving around a hundred meters until they reached a large boulder near a group of trees. "Come, let's dismount. We have some things to discuss, and it's not something to be done while on horseback," He said to Allyn, who furrowed his brow but nodded and dismounted from his horse.

Aenar walked to the back of the boulder and removed some stones, revealing the hidden sword underneath. He unwrapped the cloth around the blade and stepped back, walking over to Allyn. Allyn's eyes widened as he looked at the magnificent sword. "Jon, how did you get that sword?" Allyn asked, unsure of what he was seeing.

"Well, there is something I must tell you. Have you ever wondered why I suddenly decided to go to Greywater Watch?" He inquired, to which Allyn nodded. "I have speculated on it, Jon. I always thought it was because of Lady Stark," Allyn replied, still unsure.

"No, it's not because of that. The reason is the same: I have this Valyrian steel sword. Do you know what this sword is called?" He asked, and Allyn shook his head in response. 'Hmm, it seems he doesn't. Then again, he is only a Household guard, so that it wouldn't be too surprising.' He thought, "Well, this sword is the ancestral blade of House Targaryen, called Blackfyre," He revealed. Allyn's eyes widened even further at this revelation. "How do you have it?" Allyn asked, his curiosity piqued. He reached into his pocket and handed Allyn an unbroken letter from Lord Stark. "Here, read this, and afterward, I'll answer any questions you have."

Allyn broke the seal, unrolled the letter, and started reading. Gasping a couple of times, he looked at him with wide eyes. Then, unexpectedly, he drew his sword, surprising Jon, who initially thought he might be attacked. But instead, Allyn knelt before him. "I, Allyn, Householdguard of House Stark, pledge myself and my sword to the true king, Aenar Targaryen, the first of his name," Allyn proclaimed.

He gulped, unsure of how to respond, but quickly gathered his thoughts. "I, Aenar of House Targaryen, rightful lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Pledge you will always have a place by my hearth. Meat and mead at my table, and I pledge to ask no service of you which would bring you dishonor. I swear it by the old Gods and the new." He replied with a smile on his face. "Now, please rise, Allyn, and thank you, although you did startle me a bit when you drew your sword," he added, chuckling.

"Yes, I understand, your grace," Allyn said, 'although it felt odd for Allyn to address him as "your grace." He thought for a moment and then clarified, "Not 'your grace' just yet. You can call me Jon or Snow for now. Once I have an official title like ser, lord, or prince, then you can call me that if you wish, or Aenar." he chuckled.

"Sure, Jon, it all makes much more sense now. I always found it odd that Lord Stark fathered a bastard, and rumors were circulating in Winterfell about Lady Stark's love for another woman, Ashara Dayne, who was believed to be your mother. But at some point, Lord Stark stopped those rumors," Allyn mused.

"Well, you read it in the letter, Lord Stark is my uncle, my mother, Lyanna Stark. According to him, I bear the closest resemblance to her, except for my purple-grey eyes and voice. My father, Prince Rhaegar, didn't see her often, only at Harrenhal. Perhaps Howland Reed will have more information, but I have proof of their marriage and other heirlooms my true father left with my mother before he left for war," he explained, gesturing toward the chest on the third horse.

"Ahh, that explains a lot. I never really understood why you carried certain things or had them with you," Allyn responded, his uncertainty evident in his voice. "Allyn, I understand. Before, I didn't have many belongings. Just a few things, as in the eyes of the world, I am only a bastard, not a trueborn son of Lord Stark," he said, the pain of his past still occasionally seeping through as he spoke.

"Well, considering we'll be on the road for a while, I suppose I can catch you up on everything. It will be useful to have someone I can trust, someone with whom I can unburden myself from time to time," he suggested, to which Allyn nodded in agreement.

"Then let's continue our journey. It will take at least a moon of riding to reach Greywater Watch," he said, smiling, and they rode back towards the Kingsroad. They talked about everything and what it meant for their future. Being a commoner, Allyn was valuable to him, and he needed perspectives from all corners of society to understand the wrongs and rights of the world. It would give him a broader outlook on the world and its problems.

In the evening, they stopped and set up their tents. Having already ridden past Castle Cerwyn, with no other castles in close proximity, they had to rely on their own resources. Allyn attempted to help Jon with his tent, but Jon refused, saying, "No, I can set up my own bloody tent. I'm not an imbecile who needs his arse wiped. I might be a royal, but I can do it myself." Allyn responded hesitantly, "Yes, Jon."

Afterward, they ate and began singing "The Bear and the Maiden Fair," with Allyn joining in. They had a great time, enjoying each other's company and engaging in further conversation. He genuinely liked Allyn, especially his lighthearted nature, good heart, and sense of humor. Eventually, they both went to sleep.

As he woke up, he immediately realized that he wasn't where he had fallen asleep. His surroundings revealed the black walls and dragon-shaped gargoyles of Dragonstone. The castle, the ancestral seat of his house, was familiar to him from the books he had read. Jon stood there, taking in the sight of Dragonstone and looking out towards the vast expanse of the eastern sea.

Dragonstone felt like a second home to him, much like Winterfell, especially after learning about his dual Stark and Targaryen heritage. However, he was abruptly interrupted from his thoughts as he noticed two black figures on the battlements of the castle's black walls. Curiosity piqued, he approached cautiously and called out to them but received no response.

Suddenly, a loud roar filled the air, and everything went black. A voice then addressed him, saying, "Hello, Aenar. It has been a while. It seems you have encountered the other two heads of the dragon, but their inner dragons have yet to awaken as yours did. For now, you can enjoy the last remaining home of the dragons.

Additionally, I have sent you a companion from Dragonstone, who is waiting for you in a land described by his name." The voice said, damn the thing he thought after that answer. 'Don't get me wrong, it was all nice. The thing helped him discover the truth about himself. But the thing wasn't clear at all, speaking metaphors or riddles.' He thought with a groan.

"Hmm, thanks for sending me to Dragonstone. It felt like home. But why must you speak in riddles? Why not just tell me the whole truth?" he questioned.

The voice explained, "I can guide you and set certain things in motion, but I cannot make choices for you. Doing so would disrupt the balance of the world. I have waited because bringing the prophecies forward prematurely. It would upset that delicate balance. The Great Other is similar to his champion, who can only be guided and set on a path that is not entirely controlled. As for you, a significant part of ancient power resides within you, but I cannot reveal or unlock it all at once, as it would be overwhelming. Your journey will gradually unveil your true potential. The other two heads of the dragon and your pack mates will help you stay grounded."

He pondered the response and then asked, "Very, well, I rather not break, so, are the shades I saw on the battlements not yet twelve years old? Do you have any insight into their nature, or is it unclear even to you?"

The voice replied, "I sense nine dragons in total, three of which are true, while the rest have taken paths that lead them away from being true dragons. The true dragons will reveal themselves in time, while the false ones will never do so, as they lack true dragon essence. It seems age plays a role, as I could only connect with you when you turned twelve."

"Fair enough. I am intrigued by this companion you have mentioned. Considering I already possess dragon eggs, perhaps it is connected to the roar I heard," He mused to himself.

"Now, rest, my dragonwolf. We will speak again in the future," the voice reassured him. He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of dragons and witnessing Aegon the Conqueror's triumph at the Battle of the Field of Fire.

Eddard Stark


A week after Jon's departure.

He sat in his solar, reviewing a marriage contract for one of his daughters. 'It was necessary to secure the North's support for Jon's cause. The North would not readily accept Jon without a Northern queen by his side. Although the idea of Jon having multiple wives and partners unsettled him, he couldn't deny the weight of Jon's dreams and the potential merit in his words. A Northern rule on the Iron Throne held great significance for the North. While his father may have desired a grandson by Lyanna and Robert, there was a real possibility that his own father's vision would come true. However, he vowed not to repeat his father's mistake of forcing his children into unwanted marriages. Starks were too stubborn to simply do as they were told, especially when their wolf's blood ran strong.' He thought firmly, as he layed the contract down.

'Jon had been gone for a week, and he could already sense the changes within his family. Arya, in particular, had been outspoken in her defense of Jon against those who spoke ill of him, though she remained unaware of their true relation. Maege's arrival had brought about further changes. She took charge of the household duties, and her daughters, Lyra and little Lyanna, quickly became welcomed additions. Lyanna and Arya formed a close bond, bringing warmth to Eddard's heart, considering Arya's difficulty connecting with other girls in the castle. The Mormonts would undoubtedly be a valuable support for his daughter, and He couldn't help but feel relieved that they did not adhere strictly to the teachings of the septa.

Sansa appeared to feel ashamed for her previous actions, though a part of her mother still lingered within her. He understood that children often emulated their parents, and he couldn't fault her entirely. However, he was glad to see her embracing her Northern roots more wholeheartedly.

On the other hand, Robb remained solemn and uncertain about how to proceed in Jon's absence. He still maintained a friendship with Theon, which he didn't mind, but he knew he needed to watch his son closely. Maege had already expressed concerns about Robb associating with the Ironborn. He contemplated whether it would be wise to have some of the northern lords' sons foster at Winterfell to assist Robb and foster necessary bonds. He decided to discuss this idea with Maege and his wife to see if it was a plan worth considering.' As, he thought of three eldest childeren.

'Catelyn had seemingly accepted the changes for now, but he feared it was mainly because Jon was gone. He hoped she could change her perspective and truly embrace the shifting dynamics within their family.' With those thoughts weighing on his mind, he ended his contemplation and started to look for lands for his two other sons on the maps of the North. With Jon having the Moat for the foreseeable future, if he agreed, then his two other sons would need keeps, but Bran was only five, and Rickon was not yet one.

'I will leave the North better than I found it.' He thought as he looked back at the past 14 years since he became lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North.

Ser Arthur Dayne

Greywatcher Watch.

Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, stat in anticipation within the halls of Greywater Watch. The news he had just heard from Howland filled him with excitement. His King, Aenar Targaryen, was on his way to Greywater Watch. After twelve long years of waiting and training, the moment was finally approaching.

As he paced back and forth, Ser Arthur's thoughts drifted to his sister Ashara, who had joined him at Greywater Watch. She had brought with her the bastard daughter of Eddard Stark, Alysanne Sand. The revelation of Jon's true parentage had surprised them all, but it only solidified their loyalty to the true King.

He found Ashara and Howland Reed engaged in a conversation in the courtyard of Greywater Watch. He approached them, a mix of curiosity and anticipation in his eyes.

"Howland, Ashara," he greeted them with a respectful nod. "Have there been any further updates on our king's journey?"

Howland Reed, a man of few words, looked at him and replied, "The latest reports indicate that Aenar Targaryen is making steady progress towards Moat Cailin. He should arrive within the next few days."

Ashara's violet eyes, shining with determination, added, "I have been speaking with Alysanne about her role in supporting our King. Despite her status as a bastard, she understands the importance of her loyalty and is eager to stand by his side."

He nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him. "Alysanne may be a bastard, but her devotion to Jon, or should I say Aenar, is a testament to her character. We will ensure she is treated with the respect she deserves for her unwavering loyalty."

Howland Reed's gaze shifted towards the horizon. His voice filled with a mix of anticipation and caution. "We must ensure that everything is for Aenar's arrival. Greywater Watch will serve as his sanctuary, a place where he can learn, grow, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead."

His grip tightened on the hilt of his sword. "Indeed, Howland. We must make certain that nothing compromises his safety or his rightful claim. The destiny of ruling the Seven Kingdoms rests upon his shoulders."

As they continued their conversation, He couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. After years of waiting and preparing, the moment was finally approaching. 'Aenar Targaryen, the true King, would soon arrive at Greywater Watch, where Ser Arthur, Ashara, Howland, and Alysanne would stand as his unwavering supporters and protectors.

Together, they would guide Aenar on his path to the Iron Throne, ensuring that justice and honor would prevail in the realm once more. The future of Westeros depended on their actions, and they were determined to fulfill their duties with unwavering loyalty and devotion.' He thought.

As his thoughts wander back to that day twelve years ago.

He watches as lord Stark approaches on a horse with seven companions. He sighs. 'let's hope they can be reasonable.' He thought.

"Lord Stark," He greeted them.

"I looked for you on the Trident," Lord Stark said with determination on his face. Ah, this is going to be difficult. "We weren't there," He had said.

"Why weren't you there to protect your prince." Lord Stark continued.

"Our prince wanted us here, and if we had, your usurper friend would be dead, rotting in the ground," Lord Commander Ser Gerold Hightower had said.

"Well, the mad King is dead, killed by Ser Jaime Lannister's golden sword. Rhaegar fell on the trident and his children, "Lord Stark paused then, and a grimace formed across his face.

"Mudered, by Tywin Lannister dogs." Lord Stark finished. 'Damm, all I will make sure they will die slowly,' He thought venomously.

"Well, then we stand more true than our other traitors, brother, and your friend is just as bad as Aerys," Ser Oswell Whent had growled and spit towards the ground.

At the stark party, they drew their swords. "Wait, it will a begin here, a chance for peace," he had said. A cry then came from the tower. 'Very wrong moment to cry out, not he blamed her being childbirth.' He thought sadly.

"Where is my sister?" Lord Stark snarled.

"She is in the tower. Lay down your arms, and we let you in." Ser Gerold had said.

"No, we come too far to lay down now. You lay down your arms, and we let you go to Essos." Lord Stark counter.

"No, Kingsguard serves for life. I wish you good fortune in the wars to come. Now it begins." He countered as he drew his sword, knowing that with that cry from Lyanna, there wasn't a chance of conversation.

"No, now it ends," Lord Stark declared, his voice filled with determination and a hint of sorrow. The air crackled with anticipation as the combatants prepared for the final clash that would decide their fates.

With a fierce charge, our adversaries collided. Howland Reed launched himself at him, but his skill with the blade allowed for a seamless parry, his sword finding its mark and slicing through Lord Reed's leather armor, inflicting a grievous wound that sent him tumbling to the ground.

The clash of swords echoed through the air as warriors fought with unwavering strength and determination. I heard the anguished cries of combatants Lord Willam Dustin, Ethan Glover, Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, and Ser Mark Ryswell, and his fellow kingsguard Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Oswell Whent—as they met there on the battlefield. Each strike reverberated urgently, steel meeting steel in a relentless dance of life and death.

Ser Oswell Whent fell under the weight of Lord Stark's longsword, a decisive blow that ended his life. Yet, before Lord Stark could savor his triumph, Ethan Glover charged forward, and his relentless assault met with a swift response. I intercepted his blade, causing him to stumble and fall.

He turned attention to Ser Gerold, and Lord Dustin engaged him in a furious exchange. Both combatants fought with remarkable speed, but Ser Gerold's strength proved formidable. Lord Stark appeared poised to intervene as I engaged him. The movements became a spectacle of swordplay, effortlessly parrying Lord Stark's powerful strikes. The clash of our blades sparked with intensity, revealing the determination etched upon our faces.

The symphony of steel and unwavering resolve echoed across the battlefield as the battle raged on. Fatigue weighed upon us, our movements slowing, breaths growing labored, and wounds adorning our bodies. Ser Gerold deflected Lord Dustin's attack and swiftly slit his throat. However, Lord Dustin summoned a final surge of strength, landing a blow to Ser Gerold's exposed elbow pit—a vulnerability within the formidable Kingsguard armor.

Surveying the grim aftermath, uncertainty clouded my mind. Lord Stark charged forth in that pivotal moment, accompanied by Theo Wull. Swiftly, I dispatched Theo, severing his head with a powerful swing of Dawn, shattering his inferior steel weapon. Finally, I overpowered Lord Stark, forcing him down onto the ground.

A somber silence descended upon the scene of carnage. All lay dead—Lord Willam Dustin, Ethan Glover, Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, Ser Mark Ryswell, Ser Gerold Hightower, and Ser Oswell Whent. Their sacrifices will forever be remembered. Fueled by a surge of rage, Lord Stark lunged forward, but I swiftly disarmed him with a decisive maneuver. Defenseless and vulnerable, he stood before me. Yet, in that crucial moment, I realized, 'no more bloodshed or lives lost. This man was my beloved niece's father and the uncle of my King.'

"No more," He whispered to himself, resolve to solidify in his heart. "I cannot spill the blood of my King's uncle," He said towards the fallen lord.

"What?!" Lord Stark uttered in surprise.

"Yes, that's why we couldn't allow you entry. Oaths are sacred, and your nephew, the King, is inside along with your sister, the crown prince's wife," he said, my voice weary and strained.

"Damn, your brother, for his impetuous actions. All this bloodshed, all in vain. She was never taken against her will. Now, let us go and see your sister now that you have been disarmed," he said grimly, leading Lord Stark up the stairs to the room where Lyanna lay. I already knew her condition was dire.

Lord Stark rushed to his sister's side, clasping her hand tightly. "Is that you, Ned?" Lyanna whispered weakly, lying amidst a pool of blood. "This isn't a dream, is it?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

"No, it's not a dream, Lyanna. I'm here," Lord Stark replied, his voice filled with sorrow as he cradled her head gently. "Ned, I need you to promise me something. Promise me that you will protect him, both you and Arthur. You must. Robert would show him no mercy if he ever knew," Lyanna pleaded, her voice infused with the last remnants of her strength.

"Please, Ned, promise me. Promise me you will keep him safe," Lyanna implored once more, her voice filled with love as the wed-nurse carefully placed Aenar in his uncle's arms. "I loved him Rhaegar, Ned. He is the boy's father. I will join him soon. Protect our little Aenar," she whispered, her voice filled with an overwhelming tenderness.

"No, don't leave us, dear sister. I have only just found you again," Lord Stark's voice trembled with grief. He held her close, tears welling up in his eyes, mingling with my own.

"Promise you to protect him, Ned," Lyanna asked him a final time with all her strength left in her.

"I promise you, Lyanna. I will protect him as if he were my own. I swear it, little sister," Lord Stark vowed, his lips pressing gently against her forehead. A serene smile crossed Lyanna's face, and then she closed her eyes, releasing her final breath. He stood there silently, unsure of how much time had passed, enveloped by the weight of our shared loss.

'Rhaegar, Lyanna, Aegon, Rhaenys, Elia, and my fallen brothers of the Kingsguard are all gone.' He thought with heartache. "Arthur, we must devise a plan. I will take my nephew to Winterfell, where he will be raised as my bastard. It is the safest course of action for now," Lord Stark said, his voice heavy with grief and determination.

Though the thought pained him, he understood the necessity. 'We had to protect the young prince at all costs. Winterfell would provide the sanctuary he needed, shielded by loyal subjects and the might of House Stark. It was a bitter reality, raising him as a bastard, but it was a sacrifice we were willing to make to ensure his survival.'

"I will take care of Howland, ensuring his recovery and nursing him back to health at Starfall. Afterward, I will await news of the King's actions. I am far too recognizable, even in the North. The truth must be told to him, and there can be no debate. When he reaches his sixteenth nameday, you will inform him and send him to Greywater Watch, where I will remain. It is close enough to still come to my King's aid if needed, yet remote enough to provide seclusion and tell people I was killed here," He stated firmly, outlining his plan.

"I promise, Arthur. I will fulfill my part, even if I have to lie. For my family, I do anything." Lord Stark replied. "On, your head be it if you don't. I swear I might have spared you now, but if you break that promise, I will kill you myself. If it will be the last thing I do in my life."His tone grew stern as he made sure Lord Stark understood the treat.

'That conversation took place almost thirteen years ago. His King was approaching, ready to reclaim his rightful place.' His thoughts turned fondly toward that moment, filled with hope and anticipation.

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Thanks for reading the chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Also, our first Arthur Pov.

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