***In Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans'..
***In the Upper Outskirts..
***In the Second floor of the Guesthouse..
Lord Beleth is quick to stands up.
He holds Eleanora by her waist and positions her unconscious body against his own. Looking at her face, Lord Beleth uses his mana to control the surrounding air in and out of Eleanora's lungs in order to keep her breathing then,.. he Cøldly looks towards the wall through which Eleanora has been stabbed through.
He tilts his head and pauses for a second then..
With a small but anger filled clench of Lord Beleth's fist, the surrounding air and mana in the room explodes forward with such an intense magnitude that the wooden wall in front of him gets blasted forward into utter pieces.
The shockwave of the blast overturns the table behind him as the door to his current guest-room gets blown off its hinges!.
Even the floor get scarred by Lord Beleth's fury but all of this does not affect him nor Eleanora in his arms by one bit.
Wearing a now chilly but emotionless expression, Lord Beleth takes a single step forward while crossing through the line of the utter destroyed wall before him.
With flames of fury in his expression, he observe the situation on the other side..
Properly armoured Guard are seen by the open door of the new guest-room and they look ready to enter though they immediately hit the brakes the moment they heard the sound of a wall exploding as well as look towards Lord Beleth figure that's holding onto Eleanora's unconscious body by the waist.
At the far end of the destroyed wall of the current guest-room is two bruised men (Cultivators).
These men can be seen slowly getting back to their feet with their robes torn and bloodied(Obviously as a result of the shockwave of the destroyed wall).
One of the two men can be seen with a katana in his hand and the other cultivator wields a lance.
Coughing out bloodstains, the first amongst the two cultivators finally moves to his feet as he slowly raises his head at Lord Beleth's position.
Recognising Lord Beleth, the injured Cultivator eyes widens in shock. He immediately begins trembles in fear as he drops the katana in his hands before bowing towards Lord Beleth with both his palms, knees and fore-head on the ground.
The other Cultivator reacts a bit slower but soon, he gets in the same kneeling position as cold sweat starts to cover his body.
"Greetings Lord Beleth, I-l.. didn't notice.. *!¡¡Choke¡¡!*.", One of the two cultivators tries to talk only to choke in between words as the air flowing into his lungs suddenly stagnates.
The bowing man's body trembles even harder as his sweat freely flows out his skin with his body not daring to make another move from his kneeling position despite already choking.
The kneeling Cultivator can already foresee a future of his life coming to an end.. brutall.. if he does as much as move a finger.
Still looking around, Lord Beleth does not make a move with his bearings being completely rigid and cold.
He does not even look down at the two people kneeling only about two meters away from his feet as he keeps his gaze straight and forward.
A couple more seconds passes by with tension drowning the room and then Lord Beleth finally makes a move. He turns his chilling gaze towards the armoured Guards and a few other Geishas standing on the outside of the room and then he slowly parts his lips.
"Look away, it won't be a pretty sight. ", Lord Beleth says in a voice cold as ice yet his words seems to originate from the depths of hell.
Immediately the men kneeling hears Lord Beleth's cold voice, one of them immediately makes a swift decision as he attempt to rise and flee but his limbs and movement immediately gets anchored by the air in the surrounding.
The two offenders soon finds themselves rising up into the air while being under the cold gaze of the infamously ruthless Air mage,.. Lord Beleth!.
Lord Beleth coldly looks at them and then slowly, a visible air bubble sustained by mana begins to form around them with both of the already sentenced offenders positioned in it's middle.
They seem to want to struggle!.
They tried to talk, to beg, to flee but they could not even control the air in their lungs even with the help of their pathetic Peak Level Rank One cultivation mana.
Indifferent to their emotions, the air bubble completely forms around the duo then slowly, all the air within it is forcefully leaked out with an intense pressure.
The leaking of air outwards blows wind everywhere softly though this leaves the inside of the air bubble with an extremely low pressure that's gradually decreasing much to the horror of both people trapped within the bubble.
They struggle even more desperately as they feel the pull on their skin and insides but then, all of the sudden.. one of the duo makes an inaudible screaming motion. Moving with desperation, he manages to forcefully press one of his hand against his eyes in absolute horror.
The other guy is obviously not so lucky. He struggles but all of a sudden, his eyes pops out of its socket due to the low pressure.
Through his hollowed eye-socket, a wave of floating blood and brain matter soon follows as the low air pressure quickly and horrifically hollows out his skull with a mess of black and red blood.
After both his eyeballs pops out, his eardrums falls out of the guys ears then bits and pieces of organs and clouds of blood begins to leak from both his nostrils and mouth.
As for the other guy, blood begins from his skin. Brain matter soon begins to leak from his ears and behind his palms, blood flows out his eyes.
All of this torment is soon followed by blood from his skin and every pore of the body. The duo visibly struggle from the torments but they do not have the chance to beg as fragments of their organs slowly gets pulled out of their chests then suspended and ripped apart in the air bubble just like a scene straight out of a nightmare!.
With one of them barely conscious and the other already dead, bits of their skin slowly gets teared off their bones as their anatomy is destroyed and brutally turned inside out.
It only takes a minute before both of the offenders are completely and utterly dead and they definitely died very painfully and badly.
Under the cruel and cold gaze of Lord Beleth, the air bubble of absurdly low pressure suddenly starts to suck in large quantities of air!.
This new change in activities instantly creates such insanely high pressure within the air bubble.
The bits and pieces of the already mangled corpses at the center of the bubble gets enveloped and compressed by this extremely high pressure.
Pieces of flying flesh and blood are squashes together by this new pressure thus grinds the already shredded pieces blood, organs, tissues, bones and clothes into what can only be described as an half-done human paste at the center of the bubble.
Under the terrified and petrified gaze of spectators outside, the air bubble of doom and torment finally pops while splashing the bloody paste within it on the wooden floor below.
Lord Beleth coldly gives a light sighs after his act of torture is done. Eleanora is now breathing once again by herself and with his waves of mana washing over her, her body is not icy cold anymore.
Glancing towards the Entance, Lord Beleth's gaze lands on a farmiliar figure.
"Come.", Lord Beleth calmly demands to the now present Head Geisha Alicia who's standing by the door with a quiet, powerful yet calm posture.
With her head held high and her expression slightly displeased and enraged, Head Geisha Alicia immediately moves forward and towards Lord Beleth.
She walks calmly across the small room as she completely ignores the bloody human and cloth paste on the ground before she stops her steps in front of Lord Beleth.
Head Geisha Alicia lowers her head politely as a form of greeting before calmly collecting Eleanora's injured body from the man's embrace as she holds onto Eleanora's unconcious body against her own while warming he up with the influence of her mana.
"She must live.", Lord Beleth says calmly and coldly. His words are clearly not a request but rather he is giving a marching order.
"You have my word.", Head Geisha Alicia says calmly yet seriously while tipping her jaw dowards once more.
Lord Beleth nods twice at her understanding before swiftly making an exit with domineering and wide steps that seem even more terrifying to those who have just witnessed what just happened.
As soon as he's out of sight, One Geisha outside immediately falls on her butt before letting out all the content in her stomach as she creates another mess on the wooden floor though she is completely ignored.
Turning to the guards who are standing helplessly outside, Head Geisha Alicia expression is completely cold and with a trace of anger as she gives orders.
"Clean this up and after you are done, you would need to grant me an explanation as to why two morons had the guts and time to draw weapons against each other in this guesthouse!. Fail to give me a reasonable explanation then you'll all be sent to the streets.. dead¡.".
"Ye.. yes ma..ma'am." – A trembling guard responds from terror with his body hurriedly folding into a ninety degree bow.
"Get the medics.", Head Geisha Alicia order to another one of the other standing Geishas.
"Y-yes ma'am.", The Geisha responds as she immediately swings into motion by walking out with stumbling steps.
Looking away from the morons outside, Head Geisha Alicia takes in a deep trembling breath as she holds Eleanora close to her body with varying emotions running through her head. She pats the elf's blonde hair in motherly worry while warming Eleanora's body with a bit of her mana.
Looking at the pile of bloody flesh and grinded clothes on the ground, some of the Head Giesha's emotions of rolling fury changes to passive anger as the offenders have been rightfully punished yet still, the worry in the older woman's heart only gets heavier as she holds on tightly to the unconscious Eleanora who she has subconsciously began to see in the light of a.. daughter?.
None of the emotions in Head Geisha Alicia's head gets to her face qnd if only takes a couple dozen seconds for the the medics to find their way over.
'She will be fine. Eleanora is the strongest person I know. She'll be fine,.. she'll be fine!.'. Head Geisha Alicia repeats the same thing in her head over and over again if for anything but to slow down her racing(raging) heart filled with anxiety.
Thank you all for reading once more, I truly appreciate comments, reviews as well as votes of powerstones.