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31.57% New life as Naruto Uzumaki / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Chương 6: Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Kakashi felt like a headache was coming. And here things were going so smoothly. His job was almost done.

But how!?

He wanted to shout at the smiling blonde. Was he too lax? Did he really let go of his guard so much? So much so without him knowing one of the bells got swapped.

His plan was simple. To show them the difference between a newly graduated genin and a jonin. Make them work together to pass the test. Or even make them realise working together is an option.

Then he will still fail them.

That was the plan. A plan where his Kohai getting the job of babysitting these not so cute genins and him getting out of it . He even agreed to take care of Team Ro for the duration.

"Well done Naruto. You passed the test." Well now. He was not that petty but..

"You still failed." Seeing the smile vanish he felt the satisfaction he wanted. He was definitely petty.

"None of you were able to see through the real objective. Working together. Teamwork. Is it really that hard." Kakashi felt like snorting. Things were back into track.

"Now that you all failed the main objective, bye bye." With that Kakashi vanished from his spot. They were no longer his problem and Tenzo would have to handle them.

But even with all that Kakashi was annoyed at the fact that a genin was able to one up him. He decided to at least sharpen himself a little.

When Kakashi left the training ground 7 was still silent. Each of them looked at eachother.

They had failed.

They had failed the genin test given by their Jonin sensei.

Sakura was on the verge of crying as tears started to appear. In the entire exam the only thing she was able to do was getting caught trying to help Sasuke.

On the other hand Sasuke's face was dark. His anger and frustration palpable. He looked like he was going to murder someone.


Next Sasuke stormed out of the training ground leaving crying Sakura behind. Naruto was also a little confused.

Naruto was pretty sure about having the same team. But now a big thing changed. In a way he was happy. But it would be a lie and say he was not disappointed.

His plan was to make Kakashi teach them and sparring with Kakashi to improve faster.

'And here I am.' He knew future was not set on stone and could change. It was a big change. And it's results. He looked at crying Sakura.

He went to her and hesitated. He was sure Sakura hated him. But thinking about future Sakura he put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Sakura, it's not like everything ends here. I heard from Iruka sensei without going back to the academy we can join genin corp." He said. His comforting hand made her look at him.

Sakura who wanted to be angry saw Naruto's comforting smile, and listened to his words. She calmed down a little.

"Thanks, Naruto." She also tried to get herself together.

"We should go to Iruka sensei and talk to him about the entire thing." Naruto's words gave more hope to Sakura as she stood up.

Both of them started to walk out of the training group. Sakura following Naruto. One of the reason Sakura was not shouting at Naruto was because her world view got shattered.

For Sakura, Sasuke Uchiha was everything. He was her dream. He was her future as well as the final goal of her life. He was her inspiration to become a shinobi. In her eyes Sasuke was the biggest and brightest genius with great future.


But now what. She was getting comforted by the dead last that she looked down on all the time. The same dead last did something even her Sasuke couldn't do. All that not even mentioning the fact she was useless.

It stung.

It stung her pride and shattered her world view. Now her only hope was becoming a genin and join the genin corp. After that she was not sure...

Even Naruto had to admit he felt a little weird looking at subdued Sakura. But he didn't let that distract him as both of them walked toward the shinobi academy.

They soon reached the shinobi academy and walked toward the teachers office.

When they were about to enter the office they heard talking inside.

"-for the files."

Naruto knocked on the office door. Sakura stood behind him.

"Enter." Iruka told them to enter.

Opening the door Naruto saw someone he did not expect. It was Yamato from Shippuden.

"Naruto, Sakura both of you ar here. Where is Sasuke?" Iruka asked them.

"Kakashi jonin failed us. Because we lacked teamwork." Naruto bluntly said entering the room and taking a seat.

"That is not really that unexpected." Iruka said as he put a file in front of him. Even Sakura was curious enough to look into it. It was information about all the teams Kakashi failed. While Sakura was shocked to see it, Naruto just widened his eyes.

"Meet Yamato. He is a jonin. And he will be the jonin sensei of Team 7." Iruka said.

"Huh?" That was the reply he got.

"Let me tell you." This time Yamato walked up to them.

"Kakashi is my senior. And he said your team is a disaster in making.He didn't want to put that much effort into maintaining your team. And so I will be your jonin sensei." He said as he looked at them.

"All you have to do is to follow my instructions and we are good. I hope I will not have to waste my time. Otherwise..." He said nothing but his dead fish eyes gave a creepy feeling.

"Follow me. We will have to get your last teammate ." With that both of them started to follow Yamato.

"Naruto, Sakura take care." Iruka said goodbye to both of them. But there was worry hidden in his look.

It was not long before they were inside a Uchiha training ground. Where sound of smashing something could be heard. They saw Sasuke smashing his fist in anger at a half destroyed tree.

"Sasuke Uchiha." Yamato called him, making Sasuke stop and look at them.

"Come here and join us." Sasuke walked to them.

"What is going on?" He asked a frown on his face.

"My name is Yamato. I will be the jonin sense of Team 7.... If you three listen to my instructions that is." He added the last part making it pretty clear to all of them.

"I don't need your introductions. All you have to do is join me at 5 in the morning for the next six months. And I will see." He said as he looked at Sasuke's fist that was bleeding a little.

"For now give this back to me after filling the answers." He gave each of them few papers each. There were a lot of information that he wanted to ask them. In a way it was a test to see if they would lie or cooperate with him.

Those questions were mostly about their training, eating and habits. Some part even on how they feel about eachother.


"Well done Tenzo, you did a pretty good job." Kakashi praised Yamato with an eye smile.

"You think so too? I am just going to train them like ANBU trainees. Hope they will be able to maintain it." Yamato said with a smile.

"And call me Yamato. For this mission I am Yamato." He said to Kakashi reminding him.

"Right, Tenzo."

"Nevermind." Yamato gave up.

Both of them walked into Hokage's office. Where they saw Hiruzen and one of his shadow clone busy with paperwork.

He put down his pen as he looked at them entering the office.

"So, let's hear the report." Hiruzen said to them.


"And that's all." Yamato ended his part of the report.

"Young Naruto sure is growing fast." Hiruzen had a smile on his face.

"And I fully agree with Yamato's plan. Getting a shock like that will hopefully make them more calm and listen to instructions easily."

"Are you sure you can handle them?" This time Hiruzen asked Yamato about it. The entire thing was like a mission. But even Hiruzen could see how problematic Team 7 could be.

"Hokage-sama, you don't have to worry about it. I have decided to train them like ANBU trainees. It will help them improve faster and some breaks to make them feel good with it." Yamato said to Hiruzen respectfully.

"I feel like Sakura Haruno will be more of a burden to the team." Kakashi added. "She is weak. Far too weak compare to even a newly graduated genin. Not to mention she even diets."

This time even Yamato looked at Kakashi with a little surprise, though it didn't show on his face.

"There was nothing like that on the reports." Yamato hummed thinking about it.

"The academy instructors doesn't really look into that much. Her parents told us all about her daily habits." Kakashi said.

"That's really not something to be proud of." Yamato was right about that.

"There is a reason civilian and shinobi view things differently." Hiruzen said as he took out his smoking pipe from somewhere.

"She doesn't have the advantages like her other two teammates. And now I am hearing she is even holding herself back!" Yamato was looking at Kakashi for more answers.

"Her plan for ninja life is I quote 'Protected by Sasuke kun like a princess' even Pakken said all that to me with weird a look." Kakashi said.

"Sempai, I think because you made him spy on an academy student." Yamato commented.

Cough cough

This time both Hiruzen and Kakashi coughed. One because of his spying habit. The other realising it. Hiruzen even stopped smoking and decided to end the meeting.

"Well, that's all good and all. I still have a lot of work to do." With that meeting ended.


"I think it's a good thing that Kakashi Hatake is not your jonin sensei. Not only he is extremely lazy. His reputation is also not that good." Iruka said. "Talk about reading books like that in public."

Naruto was thinking about something else. His shadow clones were busy getting informations. He even found out about the bar Kakashi and other jonins visit. He was gonna make sure his shadow clones would get all the juicy informations from there.

"Still it felt like he doesn't even want to pass us." Naruto said as he helped Iruka make supper.

"Teamwork is important. But expecting newly graduated genins to work together is a tall order. Especially when the objective your jonin gave. It is like expecting the impossible." Iruka was also comforting Naruto.

Iruka glanced at Naruto's shadow clone busy filling in papers.

"Is it really okay to let your shadow clone fill that." Iruka asked Naruto. He was thinking Naruto was depending too much on the shadow clones.

"You don't have to worry. I know. And it will not be a problem." Naruto was thinking about something else. Using weights.

Naruto was improving fast. But even after changing his diet it would take time to see the complete changes. Because of that Naruto was not using weights.

"You know anything about our new jonin sensei Yamato?" Naruto asked.

"Not much, I am afraid. The only thing I know he is a new jonin. But nothing about his past." Naruto figured about that long before asking the question.

'But taking out Yamato in front of public is risky. He depends too much on wood release.' Naruto did not say that out loud.

While Naruto was talking with Iruka and making foods things were different with his classmates.

Sasuke carefully read each questions and answered them same with Sakura. Both of them were still worried. They did not wish to get failed again.

But the questions were problem on its own. They were making them question things. Especially for Sakura who's dream was Sasuke this Sasuke that and such.

But all three of them it was beginning of a new chapter that would decide their fate. A new different future.


"Okay it seems all three of you are here at the right time." All three of them Naruto Sasuke and Sakura looked at their new Sensei waiting for them. It was a happy surprise. They half expected they would have to wait for hours.

"Give me the papers. And pick one of the logs and start by running ten laps around the training ground." Yamato did not waste any time ordering them.

Yamato's plan was to see where they were standing. What were the strength and weaknesses. And after that he would make plans to help them.

None of them complained as they each picked up a log on their shoulder and started running. Well that was the case for Naruto and Sasuke. For Sakura she was having hard time walking with it.

All that happened in front of Yamato's watchful eyes. He even saw how Sakura started to move faster by enhancing herself using chakra. Though he didn't stop her.

"Stop. And come here." Yamato said as Naruto and Sasuke completed ten laps. Where Sasuke looked a little tired Naruto was still full of energy. But Sakura.

Sakura looked like she was going to fall over anytime. She didn't even complete four laps.

"Use kunai and shurikens to hit the targets." As Yamato said there were a lot of targets, most of them were not moving targets.

From that Yamato made them go through one after another challenge. Obstacle run, Fighting against him in Taijutsu, trap making, tracking, trap dismantle and a lot. So much so that even Naruto felt a little tired after all that.

And it was almost noon.

"I have seen everything I need to see and know." Yamato said looking at all three of them. Sakura was so tired she couldn't even able to stand up.

"Well we will do a D rank mission in the afternoon. For now follow me."

All of them were sitting around a table in one of the popular restaurants of Konoha.

"This is my treat. But it is also a reminder to you three. You will have to work much harder." He looked at all three of them. "So, no dieting. Not eating too much ramen. And Tomato is not the only vegetable." He said while looking at each of them in their eyes.

None of them showed any protest. Sakura was even grateful that Yamato did not scold her. Her performance was just shameful. Not being able to perform most of the tasks.

"Shinobi life is not a game. A small mistake can become the reason for your death. " Yamato said.

"I will end taking for now. " As they all started to eat all of them felt happy. The foods were delicious. And with how hungry they were all of them devoured all the foods.

At the end of it all, they were all satisfied. So much so none of them were dissatisfied with the D rank mission they got in the afternoon.

They had to find missing cattles for a farm.

But one thing for sure they were happy with their new Sensei. Even Naruto was happy about it.

Naruto was so happy that he did not care about discarding his plans to make Kakashi train them harder or even trying to get Kakashi as a Sensei.

Authors note: I don't think this chapter was good.

It will be great if you help me by donating. But don't worry those chapters will get public release soon.

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