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Deku vs Kacchan

[All Might's POV]

As I watched the screens intently, I saw young Midoriya execute a perfect judo throw, slamming Bakugo into the ground with a resounding thud. The students around me gasped, their expressions showing astonishment.

"He knows judo?!" Ojiro exclaimed.

Sato added. "It's like he read him like a book."

I watched Midoriya dodge an explosion with a well-timed jump. This boy never ceased to amaze me with his quick thinking and adaptability.

Momo, chimed in. "His battle prowess is impressive."

Todoroki, who had been watching the fight with a calculating gaze, nodded in agreement. "Throughout that quick confrontation, he had no wasted movement."

As Midoriya and Bakugo started exchanging words, I listened to their conversation through my earpiece. The history between these two was clearly complicated.

"What are they saying?" Kirishima asked, "These cameras don't have any sound."

I tapped my earpiece, "Each person was given a micro transceiver to communicate with their teammates, and I have one to communicate with both teams, just in case."

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a roll of white tape, holding it up for the students to see. "Also, each person received capture tape! Tying this around your opponent is sufficient proof of capture."

Ashido glanced at one of the monitors. "So they only have 15 minutes, but the heroes don't know the location of the weapon, right?"


Uraraka's face fell. "That means the hero team has a huge disadvantage, huh?"

"It's like Aizawa said," I reminded them, my voice booming with enthusiasm. "Say it with me!"

"PLUS ULTRA!" the students chorused, their voices ringing out.

Aoyama, who had been watching the screens, suddenly pointed at one of the monitors. "Ah, Monsieur Bakugo is attacking!"

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

I braced myself as Bakugo launched towards me, his face twisted in a snarl. Explosions crackled in his palms as he closed the distance with incredible speed.

Suddenly, Bakugo's leg whipped out in a kick aimed at my face. I brought my arms up, blocking the blow with a grunt. Using the momentum, I grabbed his leg and slammed him into the wall. The concrete cracked under the impact, but Bakugo seemed unfazed.

"You think you're hot shit, Deku?" he spat, eyes blazing. "I'll show you real power!"

He launched at me again, fists ready. I sidestepped his punch, letting him stumble past. "You're predictable, Kacchan," I taunted. "Always going for the flashy moves."

But Bakugo was relentless, adapting his patterns on the fly. A feint to the left, a explosion to the right - he kept me on my toes, forcing me to stay sharp.

He managed to slip past my guard, his fist grazing my cheek. I felt the heat of his quirk, the sting of the impact. But I didn't let it shake me. I rolled with the punch, using the momentum to spin around and deliver a kick to his midsection.

Bakugo grunted, staggering back a step. But he was far from done. With a snarl, he launched himself at me again.

We traded blows, the corridor shaking with the force of our battle. Bakugo landed a few hits - a glancing blow to my shoulder, a knee to my gut that left me gasping. But for every strike he got in, I returned two.

"Damn it, Deku!" Bakugo roared. "Why won't you just stay down?"

I grinned, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of my mouth. "Not a chance, Kacchan. I can do this all day."

With a yell, Bakugo launched himself at me again. But this time, instead of a punch, his hand opened, a bright flash erupting from his palm. Momentarily blinded, I raised my arms to shield my eyes.

It was a feint. With a powerful blast, Bakugo propelled himself up and over me, aiming an explosion at my exposed back. I could feel the heat, the force threatening to knock me down.

But I refused to go down that easily. Dropping low, I let the explosion pass harmlessly overhead. Planting my hand on the ground, I twisted, launching a kick at Bakugo's midsection.

He blocked, but the force sent him skidding back. We faced each other, both breathing hard.

"Not bad, Deku," Bakugo panted, a feral grin on his face. "But not good enough."

He came at me again, low and fast, explosions crackling. I saw the move coming a split second before he made it - a feint to my legs, then an uppercut aimed at my chin. Classic Bakugo.

I leapt over his initial blast, twisting in midair. As his fist came up, I caught his wrist, using his own momentum to flip him over my shoulder. He slammed into the ground with a gasp, the air driven from his lungs.

I pounced, not giving him a chance to recover. A knee to the chest, an elbow to the face - I pressed my advantage, the Tandava's rhythm guiding my every move.

Bakugo fought back, his movements growing more desperate, more erratic. He managed to catch me with a explosion to the chest, sending me skidding back. But I could see him tiring, his attacks losing their sharpness.

Then I saw it. A pattern in his movements, a tell in his rhythm. Every time he went for a big right hook, he left himself open for just a split second.

I waited, biding my time. Bakugo came in with another blast-boosted punch, his right arm cocked back. I ducked low, letting his fist sail over my head.

And then I struck. Surging, I drove my flamed fist into Bakugo's exposed side with all the force I could muster. I felt something give beneath my knuckles, heard the whoosh of air leaving Bakugo's lungs.

His eyes went wide as he staggered back, clutching his side.

I pressed my advantage. With a series of rapid-fire punches and kicks, I drove Bakugo back. He tried to counter, tried to blast me away, but I was always just out of reach.

Finally, with a spinning kick to the chest, I sent Bakugo crashing into the wall. He slumped to the ground, gasping for breath.

I stood over him, my own chest heaving. Slowly, I reached for the capture tape at my waist.

Bakugo's eyes flashed with rage, but I saw him slowly start to lose consciousness. "Don't you dare, Deku," he whispered, struggling to stay awake. "This... this isn't over."

I shook my head. "Yes, it is. At least for now."

Quickly, I wrapped the tape around Bakugo's body.

I stepped back, looking down at my oldest rival. "You're strong, Kacchan," I said, my voice steady despite my heaving breaths.

Just then, Jiro's voice crackled in my ear. "Midoriya, I found Iida and the bomb, they're on the top floor, in the main control room."

"Great work, Jiro, what's the situation up there?"

Jiro let out a soft chuckle, her amusement clear even through the tinny speaker. "Iida's really taking this villain thing seriously. It's actually kind of hilarious."

I smiled at the thought of the straight-laced Iida hamming it up as a dastardly villain. "That's good to hear," I replied, "I should be meeting you up there soon. Just hang tight and keep an eye on things."

I looked back at Bakugo one last time. "This was a good fight, Kacchan. Let's do it again sometime."

And then, as if on cue, All Might's voice boomed through the speakers. "Katsuki Bakugo has been captured! The hero team gains the advantage!"

I turned and walked towards the stairs, leaving Bakugo knocked out behind me. The battle had been hard-fought, the hardest 1 vs 1 I'd ever had in two lives. But in the end, my skills, my training, had won out.

[All Might's POV]

(4 minutes ago)

As I watched the intense battle unfold between young Midoriya and Bakugo. The raw power and combat intellect displayed by these two students was both awe-inspiring and humbling, a testament to the incredible potential that lay within the next generation of heroes.

Around me, the students of Class 1-A were in a state of shock and excitement, their eyes glued to the screens as they watched their classmates engage in a fierce display of combat prowess.

"Holy crap, are you seeing this?" Kaminari exclaimed, his eyes wide. "They're really going at it!"

"Bakugo's quirk is so powerful," Sero added, wincing as another explosion rocked the building. "But Midoriya's holding his own."

I nodded, my gaze never leaving the screens. It was clear that both young heroes were giving it their all, their skills and determination put to the ultimate test.

But there was something else, something that set young Midoriya apart. The way he moved, the fluidity and grace of his actions... it was like watching a dancer on the battlefield.

"Ribbit, Midoriya's movements are so smooth," Tsuyu commented, her finger pressed thoughtfully to her chin. "It's almost like he's performing a choreographed routine."

Todoroki, from the back of the room, commented on Bakugos move. "He used the first explosion to simultaneously feint, change his direction, and blind Midoriya. Then he followed up immediately with an attack. He doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy, but he's actually quite intelligent to come up with that on the fly.

Yaoyorozu added "But look at the way Midoriya adapted and instantly counterattacked, stopping Bakugo's momentum."

"Won't Bakugo still win?" Kirishima asked. "His quirk is just too strong in close quarters."

Tokoyami looked at the screen in wonder. "Damn those guys are talented, but what did they go through to get to this level?"

And then, in a moment that seemed to stretch for an eternity, young Midoriya saw his opening. With a move that was as graceful as it was devastating, he struck, his fist connecting with Bakugo's side in a perfect hook.

The class gasped as Bakugo staggered back, the force of the blow sending him sprawling.

The battle continued, but there was a shift in the tide. Midoriya's movements were more sure, more confident, while Bakugo's became increasingly erratic.

And then, with a final, decisive move, it was over. Midoriya had Bakugo wrapped in capture tape, the battle won.

The room was silent for a moment, the students seemingly stunned by what they had just witnessed. Then, a slow clap began, growing louder and louder until it was a thunderous applause.

"That was insane!" Ashido cheered, bouncing in her seat. "They totally kicked butt!"

"I can't believe he actually beat Bakugo," Kirishima said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I thought for sure Bakugo had him."

"Never underestimate the power of strategy and a cool head," Tokoyami said sagely, his arms crossed over his chest.

When the applause died down, I announced, "Bakugo has been captured! The hero team gains the advantage!"

"It's not over yet," Todoroki said quietly, his eyes never leaving the screen. "There's still the matter of the bomb and the other villain."

"True," Yaoyorozu nodded. "But with Bakugo out of the picture, Midoriya and Jiro have a much better chance of securing victory."

"I wouldn't count Iida out either, Ribbit." Tsuyu said, tapping her finger against her chin. "He's very fast and strategic. It won't be an easy fight."

As the students continued to discuss the battle, I couldn't help but smile. The level of analysis and engagement from these young heroes was truly impressive.

They weren't just watching a fight - they were studying it, learning from it, using it to fuel their own growth and development.

It was moments like these that reminded me why I became a teacher. To witness the spark of potential in these young minds, and to help fan that spark into a brilliant flame.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

As I reached the fourth floor landing, Jiro turned to face me, a smile on her face. "Nice work with Bakugo, Midoriya," she said, giving me a quick thumbs up. "Now we just have to deal with Iida and secure the bomb."

I nodded, returning her smile. "Absolutely. You said Iida was really getting into his role as a villain, right?"

Jiro chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, you have no idea. He's monologuing and everything. It's actually pretty impressive how committed he is."

"Well, let's see if we can use that to our advantage, I'll create a distraction, draw Iida away from the bomb. While he's focused on me, you sneak in and secure the objective. If we can capture Iida in the process, even better, but the priority is the bomb."

Jiro nodded, "Got it. Let's show them what we're made of."

I pushed open the door to the main control room, my eyes scanning the space for any sign of Iida or the bomb. And there, standing in the center of the room with his arms crossed was our target.

"Ah, so the heroes have finally arrived!" Iida declared, his voice booming with theatrical bravado. "But you're too late! My plan is already in motion, and soon, the entire city will be at my mercy!"

I fought back a laugh, recognizing the perfect opportunity to play along with Iida's villainous persona. If I could keep him distracted, it would give Jiro the chance to get into position and take him down.

"You'll never get away with this, Iida!" I shouted, my voice filled with righteous indignation. "We're here to stop you and your twisted schemes once and for all!"

Iida threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing through the cavernous space. "Foolish heroes! You have no idea what you're up against. I am the mastermind behind this operation, the brilliant strategist who has accounted for every possible contingency!"

As he spoke, I caught Jiro's eye, giving her a subtle nod. She understood immediately, her face set as she began to creep along the edge of the room, her jacks at the ready.

"But why, Iida?" I pressed on. "Why would you turn to a life of crime? What could have driven you to such despicable depths?"

"You could never understand the pain I've endured, the sacrifices I've had to make. The world is a cruel and unjust place, and I am simply taking what I am owed!"

I nodded along, feigning sympathy as I kept a watchful eye on Jiro's progress. She was almost in position now, her jacks hovering just inches away from Iida's helmet.

"But there's always another way, Iida," I said, my voice soft and persuasive. "It's not too late to turn back, to make things right. If you surrender now, we can help you. We can show you a better path."

Iida hesitated, his body language showing a hint of uncertainty. For a moment, I thought I might have gotten through to him.

"No! I will not be swayed by your hollow words and empty promises. I will see my plan through to the end, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

At that moment, Jiro struck. Her jacks lashed out, piercing through the thin material of Iida's helmet and sending a vibrating pulse of sound directly into his ears.

Iida let out a cry of pain and surprise, his hands clutching at his head as he staggered backwards. "W-what have you done?" he stammered, his voice filled with confusion and disorientation.

I grinned, giving Jiro a quick thumbs up. "Nice work, partner. Now, go ahead and arrest this villain while I secure the bomb."

Jiro nodded, a fierce smile spreading across her face as she advanced on Iida, her capture tape at the ready.

As she went to work subduing our former foe, I made my way to the bomb. With a small smile, I reached out and placed my hand on the device. And then, All Might's voice rang out over the loudspeakers.

"Tenya Iida from the villain team has been captured! The bomb has been secured by the hero team! HERO TEAM WINS!!!"

XaviValentine XaviValentine

Valentine here! So damn, according to that vote you guys really want that harem route huh? I took the night to sleep on it and also had a conversation with Tensei about it and this is what I will do. For now, we are sticking with only one love interest with the possibility of it expanding to all three of them. The most important thing for me is making a good story first. If it works for the story and can be done without sacrificing quality, I'll do it. But if it does sacrifice quality, I will not. This story is meant to be semi realistic, not just a power fantasy so keep that in mind.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
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