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73.68% The Xenomorph on Pandora / Chapter 14: Chapter 10 - Not Alone

Chương 14: Chapter 10 - Not Alone


A month has passed since the incident at the school and much has happened. A second school was built next to the home tree that way the RDA won't be able to endanger the children again much to the relief of everyone. 

But the RDA had questions.

A lot of questions. 

They wanted to know why eight of their men were so brutally murdered outside Graces school. Grace had told them that the soldiers had chased some Na'vi to her school after they burned one of their bulldozers. 

They said they wanted the Na'vi responsible for destruction of their property but Grace refused immediately stating that their soldiers were about to open fire on her and the Na'vi children in her school if they weren't stopped. 

Which almost destroyed any peace amongst the Na'vi and the Human race but was luckily given a second chance but only if the school was built along side the home tree. 

The RDA were pissed that they couldn't get revenge for their fallen comrades but relented when they knew they almost screwed up big time. Making whatever leash they have on their soldiers smaller and tighter to prevent this from happening again. 

But they also wanted to know what killed their men. They retrieved the bodies so they know it wasn't the Na'vi that did it and they don't know what creature on Pandora could cause eight men to be killed in such ways. 

At this Grace struggled for an answer still trying to prevent the RDA finding out about Shadow. She told them that she didn't know what attacked the soldiers because she and the other Nakvi were in her school and only saw the aftermath of its attack and it disappeared before she could see it. 

It was convincing lie...

But not convincing enough.

Two men didn't believe her. 

One was her boss Parker Selfridge.

(Image Insert Here)

And the second was Colonel Miles Quaritch.

(Image Insert Here)

While Grace was the head scientist leading the Avatar Program, Selfridge was the one who supplied the money and resources to make the program work.

As for Quaritch he leads all of the RDA military personnel while answering to Selfridge due to him paying all the necessary funds for their protection.

Selfridge and Quaritch didn't believe Grace because she had studied the Na'vi and everything else on this planet so for her to say she didn't know what killed their soldiers was total bullshit

But because they didn't have any proof of her lying and because they too didn't know what sort of creature could do this they let her lie slide but kept a very close eye on her.

Grace was happy that her lie, whether they believed it or not, was able to keep Shadow hidden for a bit longer but she knew she could lie for only for a bit longer before they find him. 

But she was even more happy when her school was rebuilt along side the home tree, allowing her to have a second but final chance at teaching the Na'vi children again. And she had Shadow to thank for that. 

And as for her feelings for Shadow had grew massively after this and was glad to have shown it to him. When she had kissed Shadow she felt as though hundreds of butterflies were flying inside her stomach. 

She also saw the glare's directed at her when she did. She wasn't surprised when she saw Neytiri's as she already knew of her feelings towards Shadow when she had offered to help him with his heat cycle. 

Sylwanin was a surprise but not completely, she figured she would have a crush on him after all his help and his friendly nature. But after the incident she has a feeling that her crush was no more but instead she was now in love with him too. 

But Moat's glare was the most surprising to her as she was mated to Eytulkan but figured she might have had a crush on him too after saving her and her family. But she figured it also include that she had fucked Shadow already and she was also developing for Shadow as well.

Grace had thought about their feelings to Shadow but oddly enough she didn't mind too much. She actually likes the thought of sharing him with the others and was getting turned on when she thought about Shadow fucking all four of them.

She was still a little unsure what to think about sharing him so she decided to speak to the next woman Shadow would fuck or speak to them if he fucked her next. Either way they were going to have a long talk about it.

With Sylwanin she had helped her mother heal Shadow during his recovery and barely left his side due to her still blaming herself for what happened. 

Although Shadow never blamed her for what happened and was merely glad she and everyone else was ok. And though he didn't say this, he did hiss, growl or comforted her every time she had blamed herself.

She knew what he was trying to say and was very grateful for it and while it eased her mind it still broke her heart that her actions nearly killed her friend and probably everyone in the school. 

And so she swore to only fight in defence of their home and would no longer seek it but if she did then she would make sure her actions would not endanger anyone else.

As for her feelings for Shadow they had sky rocketed and was sure she was in love with Shadow but knew that others were also in love with him too. 

Neytiri her youngest and only sister certainly was in love with him after all the time the two spent together and how much effort she was making to have her Ikran and first kill. 

Then there was her mother, she didn't think she had a crush on him but rather more of a great respect and was grateful to him for saving her and her daughters and wondered if she now had a crush on him.

She figured Grace had at least a crush on him after helping her school idea twice and she was sure of it after she had kissed him so boldly in front of her and her family.

Like Grace she too liked the thought of sharing Shadow and it was proven when Grace kissed him in front of them and while she was jealous she was also turned on by what she saw. 

Meanwhile with Neytiri she was terrified when she witnessed Shadow so badly injured and she was extremely thankful that he had survived. And now because of the incident she knew she needed to reach adulthood before she truly loses him. 

And so she trained harder while checking on Shadow frequently and improved her skills more and soon she will be able to have her first kill and finally her Ikran. 

It was obvious that Neytiri was in love with Shadow after everything he had done for her and everyone else but she knew the others had also grown feelings for him. 

She was sure her sister Sylwanin had at least a crush on him but wasn't sure if she had it before or after the school incident but after she kissed him she knew she was starting to develop feelings for him now. 

Grace had surprised her as she didn't think she would have a crush on him but when she kissed him she was sure she had a crush on him. 

Then there was her mother, she wasn't fully sure but she believed she had a crush on Shadow. After all it's not everyday someone is always saving you or your family from great danger and be able to get along with them so well. 

She thought about the idea of sharing Shadow and it turned her on greatly and would love to share her lover with others but she knew she would need to speak to the others about this. 

And finally Moat, she had tended to Shadow every need, from drinking to eating and most importantly... 

To pleasing his cock. 

When the two had any time alone in the hutt Moat would suck his cock. She had finally embraced her feelings for Shadow and she couldn't be happier. She did feel slightly guilty of betraying Eytulkan like this but that guilt had soon turned into pleasure.

And when she had learnt that Shadow wished to have her as his mate she was ecstatic and immediately accepted. She was surprised he also intended to have multiple mates, two of them included both her daughters but she didn't mind. 

In fact she wanted to help him get more mates for two reasons. One, his cock would be too much for her alone so she'll need help. Two, she gets turned on by the thought of others being pinned down and fucked by Shadow.

She knew the girls had feelings for him and she was thinking of a way to get them all together and talk to them about sharing Shadow.

(Note: I just wanted to show you all what all the girls were thinking and the progress on their feelings about Shadow. That's why I started the chapter like this. Anyway back to the story.)

In the present Moat and Shadow are currently going through another session...

(Warning: Smut)

Shadow is currently standing on his two feet while Moat is on her knees in front of him.

Moat bobs her head on Shadows cock swirling her tongue around. Shadow has a hand on her head and pushing her further trying to get her to take his whole cock. 

"Mm! Grrhk!" Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her saliva coating his rod before she lets go of his cock with a wet pop.

"I cannot wait to have your thick and meaty cock back inside my pussy" She says smirking lustfully while smacking her cheek with his cock before licking the head and taking it back in her mouth. 

Shadow groans as he feels his climax rising and so he grabs her head with both hands and starts thrusting into her mouth. 

"Grhhk! Urhk! Ghhk!" She gags as he feels his cock in her throat and tears start falling with her hands on his thighs.

After a few more thrusts he finally releases down her throat. Moat chokes as she swallows his hot cum but she doesn't spill a drop. After a few seconds of non stop cumming he pulls out of her mouth and she swallows the remaining cum before opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out.

"I didn't waste a drop my love" She says grinning before Shadow moves his semi hard cock near her face to show her the remaining cum on his cock.

"Oh I guess I did miss some" She says before licking his shaft and tip until every drop of cum is cleaned off him. 

"There you go all clean" She says smirking up at him who in turn grinned at her.

(Smut is now over)

Moat stands up and fixes her poncho. 

"Another fun session my love. And now we no longer have to do it within the healing hutt" She says smiling as he chirps excitedly. 

"Come. We can-" She doesn't get to finish as he raises his head quickly and his body tenses once more. This scares Moat because last time he acted like this her daughters were in danger and he ended up being shot. 

He flicks his head left and right trying to find the source before he takes a few steps outside the hutt with Moat following him. Everyone outside sees Shadow finally healed and cheer for his recovery but the he ignores them and keeps taking small slow steps. 

Sylwanin, Neytiri and Grace were having a small conversation and Eytulkan was inspecting his bow before they heard the commotion and looked to see Shadow finally healed and they come up to the two with wide smiles. 

"Shadow! It's so good to see-" Neytiri doesn't finish as Moat raises a hand to her and she goes silent as does everyone else and they all make a confused face. 

"Shadow? What's wrong?" Moat asks and that's when everyone sees how tense he looks and they soon think one of their own is in danger. 

He then goes still for a second but then suddenly bolts to a bow and grabs it with his mouth and throws it at Neytiris feet and looks at the forest and back to them repeatedly until Eytulkan understands. 

"Weapons! Grab your weapons! Follow Shadow!" He yells and soon a small group of warriors are at their side and begin running into the forest with Shadow leading them.

They run through the forest for hours before reaching their destination and what they find shocks them…

It was an RDA base. 

Hidden by the trees the group crouch down to see Sky-people guarding all over the base. Moat looks to Grace to see her shocked and confused. 

"What is this? Why are they here?" She asks but Grace shakes her head.

"I...I don't know this base" She says still extremely confused and what she says surprises the group. 

"How did Shadow know of this place?" Neytiri asks but no one could answer so they looked to Shadow... 

Who was gone. 

The group looks around trying to spot him but he vanished. 

"Where did he go?" She asks but was answered when they heard screams and gunshots.

Their heads snap towards the base and see Shadow was already on the base walls and ripping apart any and all soldiers near him. The group was astounded at how Shadow was already at the base and wiping out the Sky-people with such rage. 

They recognised this rage. It happened when Grace first showed herself to the Na'vi and where Shadow had slaughtered the soldiers and brutally killed the scientist. 

But why would he be this angry? 

The group shakes themselves out of their shock and race down to the base but Shadow had already ripped open the door to the base and ran in. 

They rush in shortly after but are astounded and disturbed by what they see. 

Bodies lay almost everywhere on the ground in the hallways, blood has painted the walls red and they can hear more gunshots and screams only louder, much louder than the alarms going off. 

Following the screams and dead bodies they pass more halls and they look exactly like the first, they had even encountered some soldiers but they were quickly shot by their arrows and pinning them to the walls. 

After another minute the screams and gunshots stop and they finally find Shadow ramming into a door. 

"Shadow!" Grace yells and he stops and looks back at the group to see their horrified faces. 

"Shadow I don't know what is wrong or why we are here but please stop. Let us help" Grace says and he looks back to the door then back to Grace. She understands and walks over and opens the door. 

Shadow walks through but doesn't run off like before and stays with the group. They encounter a few more soldiers but they kill them quickly until they reach one final door. Grace walks over and opens it and what's inside shocks them. 

Inside they find two scientists on a console in front of a large window which shows two water tanks with something inside them. 

The scientist were shocked to see Na'vi here but that shock turned to fear when they saw Shadow. One scientist reached into a drawer and pulled out a pistol but Shadow pounced on him and smashed his head on the console, crushing his skull. 

The second scientist tries to run but Shadow uses his tail to trip him. Before he can get up Grace grabs him. 

"Wait! No! Please don't kill me!" He screams but Shadow hisses and he shuts up. 

"What are you doing here? Why is this place like the other one?" Grace demands and the scientist speaks quickly. 

"It's a weapons lab! We are here to create weapons and sell them or use them for other world threats!" He admits and Grace translates for everyone before looking at the the two water tanks. 

"What's in there?" Eytulkan asks and Grace translates but the scientist doesn't answer only glancing to Shadow. The group notice his glances and put two and two together and their eyes go wide... 

There were more like Shadow. 

"How do we get in there?" Grace asks but was answered when Shadow grabbed the dead scientist and threw him through the window shattering it. The group were surprised but shrugged it off and went through. 

The group looks around to look at all the strange equipment and if there were anymore soldiers here. They walk up to the two tanks and see the two creatures curled up into balls and floating in the water. 

"Marvellous aren't they?" Someone says in Na'vi and the group spins around to see five soldiers and another scientist looking at them. 

"The perfect weapons for humanity" The scientist says smiling and steps forward and Grace is shocked to see him. 

"Doctor Johnson? Your working here?" She says in disbelief and the group look at Grace in surprise that she knows this man but Dr Johnson only smiles wider at seeing Grace. 

"Dr Augustine. What a lovely surprise to see you here but yes I work here by instructing my team what to do" He says nonchalant and Graces eyes widen further. 

"Lead them? Your the head scientist?" She asks and Johnson places his hands behind his back. 

"Indeed I am and I must ask how did you do it?" He asks slightly leaning forward with an eyebrow raised but everyone is confused at the question. 

"Do what?" Grace asks and Johnson rolls his eyes. 

"You know what, him how did you tame him?" He says pointing to Shadow and ever is more confused. 

"We didn't he saved me and my daughters years ago" Moat tells him and he cocks his head to the side. 

"Save you? Odd they aren't suppose to do that. Hmm must be another flaw with their creation. Ah well we could always fix that" He says cupping his chin and grins. 

"Nevertheless thank you for bringing asset 6 back to us and you shall be rewarded for your deed now please leave so we may begin more tests on it alongside asset 12 and 13" He says waving his hand and the group is confused and astounded by what Johnson is saying.

"Excuse me? We are not giving our friend to you" Neytiri says sternly but Johnson just laughs. 

"Friend? Friend!?" He laughs more, infuriating the group before he calms down. 

"Oh please you can't be friends with monsters. And besides why would you be here if you-" He stops then looks at Shadow with wide eyes then a huge smile is stretched across his face. 

"You heard them. You can hear them. They called out and you answered" He says practically bouncing on his feet and confusing everyone but he continues. 

"We can't hear them but they can hear each other. We added ants and bees in their DNA so they could be able to speak telepathically. We placed it in them so they could communicate on the battlefield. I wasn't sure if it worked but thanks to you all we now know it does" He explains while laughing. 

This surprises the group and they look at Shadow to see him looking at the water tanks then back to the crazy scientist. 

"Oooo this is perfect! Another success. After we finally break them into submission and fix up the last mistakes we can start producing an army and nothing could stop us!" He exclaims spreading his arms out. 

The group looks at him shocked and appalled by what he is suggesting. 

"Are you insane!? You aren't turning Shadow into some weapon!" Sylwanin yells but Johnson keeps grinning. 

"Just think about it. Thousands of monsters like... 'Shadow' oh I like the name for it. They could crush all our enemies. I mean just look at it" He says gesturing to Shadow. 

"I saw what he did to almost everyone else in the base and he did it all on his lonesome. Now just imagine what an army can do" He says as his eyes shine in anticipation but the group pale at what could happen if they create an army of Shadow. 

"So let us begin. Quickly now give us our property back so we can get started on producing more assets" He says waving Shadow over but Neytiri stands in front of him and glares at Johnson. 

"You will not take him. And he is no monster. He is Omatikaya. He is my friend and I will die for my friends" She says and raises her bow at Johnson who looks at her with a bored expression. 

"Are you finished? Very well then. If you will not return him... then we will take him" He raises his hand and the soldiers raise their guns. 

"Kill the animals, spare the asset if you can" He says throwing his arm down. 

Shadow pushes Neytiri out the way and charges at the soldiers. They open fire on him but he jumps to the roof and then pounces on the second left soldier and slices open his throat. He grabs a soldier to his left and moves him in front of him. The three soldiers open fire but they hit their fellow soldier who is now a dead human shield. Still holding his shield he runs to the three and lifts the body up before throwing it at them. Two go down but Shadow spits his acid at the third and he screams as his neck and chest start to sizzle and melt. The two remaining men manage to push their friend off them and open fire on Shadow but their gun click instead. Dropping their guns they pull out their combat knives and charge at him. One goes to stab him but Shadow jumps out the way and bites down on his arm and crushes it. The second swings down behind him but Shadow uses his tail to wrap around his neck and snaps it before dropping him. Still holding the last screaming soldier in his mouth he stabs him in the chest before letting go. 

As soon as the last soldier falls dead the room is suddenly filled with laughter and clapping. Everyone turns to Johnson to see a wide crazy smile on his face. 

"Yes! Yes! That's it! Kill them! Be what you are! A monster!" He keeps laughing and does some weird small dance. The scientist that is still being held by Grace looks at him in disbelief as does everyone else. 

"Are you mad!? He killed our men! Now he's gonna kill us!" He yells. 

Before anyone could stop him, Johnson pulls out a pistol and shoots his fellow scientist in the head, shocking everyone. 

"Idiot, he doesn't see it. But I do. I see worlds conquered by my creations. Oh it is glorious" He says smiling wide while looking up at the ceiling. 

Then Shadow hisses before pouncing on Johnson but he keeps smiling at Shadows snarling face. 

"Yes! Do it! Kill me! Come on!" He begs but surprising everyone he reaches into his lab coat and pulls out a syringe with some weird green liquid and plunges it into Shadows head. 

Shadow rears back and claws the syringe off but it's too late.

The syringe is empty. 

"Shadow! What did you do!?" Grace yells and Johnson smiles. 

"Something that will make it greater" He says and Shadow pounces on him again.

He opens his mouth for his second jaw and strikes... 

But stops right before he hits the mask. 

Johnson and everyone else is confused and surprised by Shadow sparing him. Shadow pushes him down before standing up and walking to the water tanks.

Everyone watches as Shadow stands in front of one of the water tanks and looks at it for a few seconds before bringing his head back and smashing it on the glass cracking it. He repeats again and again before it breaks and water gushes out the tank and he walks over to the second and breaks it open as well. 

Everyone watches as the two asset's are now laying curled up on the bottom of the empty tanks before they start to move. Then they stand up and everyone is finally able to see them properly. 

(Image Insert Here)

Asset 12 steps out of the tank and looks at the second tank to see Asset 13 step out of theirs.

(Image Insert Here)

The two asset's look at each other before running up to each other and start rubbing their heads together and purring for a moment. Everyone, minus Johnson, smiles at the interaction but then the two stop and look at the Na'vi and hiss. 

The group worries for a second but then the two stop and snap their heads to Shadow. The three walk up to each other, the two sniff Shadow and he sniffs them before they rub heads together and purr. 

After a moment they stop and look at each other. No sounds are made from the three but everyone understands what is happening but they are still surprised they can speak through their minds. 

They 'talk' for a moment but then they look back to the group and 13 walks up to them. She stands before Neytiri then leans down to her and purrs and rubs her head on her and gives her a lick just like how Shadow did when they first met.

Neytiri smiles and pets her head causing her to purr louder and 12 also comes up and does the same with Sylwanin. Everyone is relieved and happy to see them being friendly with the girls.

However Johnson who was still sitting on the ground stares astounded at the sight then he becomes infuriated. 

"No no no No! No! NO!" He whispers but then shouts causing everyone to look at him. 

"This isn't what you were built for! Kill them! Kill! You are monsters not some friendly guard dog!" He screeches and the two asset's look back to Shadow who nods and they nod back before looking back at the delusional scientist. 

They then advance on him and his eyes widen. 

"No! Not me! I'm your creator! Your master! You must obey me! Not these animals! Obey-" He tries to order them but the two pounce on him and start clawing at him. He screams as the two work together but then they stop before they could kill him. 

12 grabs his shoulders and 13 grabs his legs and pull. He screams louder until he is finally silenced when he is torn in half and both body parts are thrown across the room. 

The two look at what they did and give out two large victory screeches. 

Everyone stares at the two surprised at their small teamwork but then Shadow walks up to them and they seem to talk for a moment before he looks back and he gestures to the exit with his head. 

Everyone understands and they leave the base. When they walk out they see the two asset's looking up at the sky and their surroundings. They then give out another loud screech. Everyone was a little confused until Grace explains. 

"This is probably the first time they've been outside. They're celebrating" She says and everyone understands and smile at the celebrating duo. 

When they are done Neytiri looks down in thought before looking back up. 

"What now? They have no home now" She says and Shadow walks up to the duo and talk before turning back to the group and Eytulkan seems to know what he'll ask. 

"You wish to ask if they can come with us?" He asks and Shadow nods and Eytulkan smiles. 

"I have no objection to this. Do any of you object?" He asks the group who smile and shake their heads and he turns back to them. 

"Then it is settled. But first I believe names are needed for you two" He says gesturing to the two but Shadow starts scratching the concrete. Grace walks over and sees what he wrote. 

"Willow? Xena?" She says and 13 steps forward then 12 after. 

"Willow" She repeats but points to 13 before pointing at 12. 

"Xena" And the two nod and she smiles. 

"Well it's very nice to meet you Willow and Xena" She says and the two chirp. 

"I believe it is time we returned home now. I believe our new friends would like to see their new home" Eytulkan says and the two chirp happily and ever follows Shadow into the forest. 

Some time later it is nighttime. 

When the group returned everyone was shocked to see two more like Shadow but they had welcomed them with open arms. 

The two made the same webbing Shadow had created and slept next to Shadow.

The girls all had thoughts on the two new additions. 

Grace was happy that Shadow wouldn't be alone in being the only kind but was also worried that the one of the two would catch his attention and steal him away from her but wondered if they would be open to the idea of sharing him. 

Sylwanin was glad that there were more like Shadow but was also jealous that they already seemed so close to Shadow. 

Neytiri while ecstatic at having the chance of more friends like Shadow she was scared that now they were here she would no longer be able to mate with him when his cycle came again. 

Moat was happy to see the two free from their prison but she remembered her conversation with Shadow and her core started to heat up at the thought of Shadow fucking them both. 

But they all did have one similar thought though. 

The two have very nice bodies. 

With Shadow we see him curled up into a ball laying in his nest. Next to him were Willow and Xena are also curled up into balls in their nests.

So you wish to mate with all four of them? Willow asks Shadow. 

Yes. You yourselves saw them and their bodies. He replies with some smugness. 

Mmm true. Though I do like the look of the one known as Neytiri. Xena says lustfully. 

Indeed. She has grown quite well over the years I've known her. Just like her sister. He says. 

I also noticed you had marked the one known as Moat. Willow says.

Marked and fucked. It happened once during my 'heat cycle' but now she wishes to mate with me again. He explains.

One down. Three more to go. Willow says smirking.

Yes. And I know a way we can help you. As long as you fuck us as well. Xena purrs and the three grin as they continue to talk and plan before they go to sleep.

But then Shadow shifts uncomfortably before finally sleeping.

(Note: Alright! Finally done. I will start the next part soon but regardless I hope you enjoyed yourselves with todays chapter. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day.)

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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