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16.66% Eternal winter(League of Legends) / Chapter 5: Hunting the Beast of Freljord 1

Chương 5: Hunting the Beast of Freljord 1

The most powerful beings in Freljord were the gods, but Kailen wouldn't dare to touch them. Countless legends and stories were told among the people about these beings. It was as if the mountains themselves had been raised by the gods who then settled there. They were said to have the power to turn the world upside down when angered. Yet, what exactly those powers entailed remained largely unknown to mortals.

Kailen knew of only a few of the strongest beings. He had heard of the troll tribe and their king, who could shake the earth with his blows. Such an opponent was extremely dangerous, but if there was a chance to increase his own strength, Kailen would take it. First, he needed to find out the king's exact location and determine if it was worth the risk. With a plan forming in his mind, he headed to the longhouse where all the clan's gatherings and small celebrations took place.

The building he needed was located at the highest point of the village, and to reach it, he had to pass through the entire settlement. Along the way, all the villagers greeted him and congratulated him on a successful hunt. Someone had already spread the news. Kailen returned their greetings, more out of courtesy as a strong warrior than because they truly knew him or wanted to engage with him.

When he reached the longhouse, a pair of burly men stood at the entrance, wielding massive two-handed axes and casting stern glances at everyone who passed.

"Kailen, the meeting will start in a few minutes. You're just in time," Bjorn, a clan warrior and one of the most experienced, nodded at him.

"Bjorn, Ulfric," Kailen nodded back and entered the longhouse.

The longhouse's interior was a vast space, with fires burning along the walls, serving as the main source of light. The building, constructed from stone, had served the clan for hundreds of years. Against one wall stood a throne, where the clan leader, Hrolf Thorbergsson, who had ruled the settlement for twenty years, usually sat. Along the walls were common halls and a long table, which was laden with feasts during celebrations. Now, it was empty, serving as a place for the gathering. Hrolf had already taken his seat at the head of the table, surrounded by other warriors, including Kailen's father. After greeting everyone, Kailen found his place and sat down.


The warriors were murmuring among themselves about the upcoming event; some mentioned recent rumors or other matters.

"Quiet, please. Let's begin the meeting," the leader called out, raising his right hand. "Our hunters have tracked down the trail of the Drovask boar, and they've managed to locate its den, where it resides with a female," Hrolf continued.

"And where is this?" someone asked.

"Beyond the Dragon's Spine, between the Whiteleaf Forest and the coastal area. They dwell in one of the caves," the leader responded. This caused a stir among the gathered warriors. The Whiteleaf Forest was named for its trees with leaves of an unmatched white color, and it was several days' journey from the village.

"Forgive me, leader. If they pose no threat to us, why are we hunting them?" someone voiced their question.

"Yes, we could have left it at that, marking the area as a place to avoid. But they've had offspring, and these are the first we've been able to detect. If we can tame such beasts, our clan will thrive," the leader declared. This news sparked another round of murmuring. The Drovask boar was notoriously difficult to tame, and it was only possible by capturing them as infants. A mistake in their training would turn them into dangerous enemies for their handler. After all, they were large and very dangerous creatures. The last tamed Drovask boars had been seen a hundred years ago.

"This is madness!" someone shouted from the crowd.

"We will become masters of beasts once again!" another voice called out.

"The journey is too perilous!" added another.

"Silence!" the leader commanded loudly, striking the table with his fist. The noise ceased, and the room calmed. "That's why we're holding this meeting—we need to discuss if the risk is worth it."

"Leader, this makes no sense. We don't need them, and how many of us could we lose because of this idea?" came a voice from the crowd.

"Actually, it could be very profitable for us. They could be used to carry heavy loads easily and move quickly to the southern territories. We could trade goods there and sell them to our neighbors," someone else suggested.

"We're not some stupid merchants, we're warriors," someone challenged the previous viewpoint.

"When you've got nothing to eat, let's see what you have to say then," his opponent retorted. The man didn't hold back and started hurling insults at him. A heated argument broke out between them, almost escalating into a fight.

"Quiet, you fools! Stop them already!" the leader ordered. The troublemakers were quickly separated and given a few light slaps to calm them down. "What do you think, Thorvid?"

Thorvid was the settlement's steward, responsible for overseeing construction, resolving conflicts, and handling many other duties.

"I can say that this option is necessary for us. The game is becoming scarcer, the population is growing, and in a few years, we could face winter famine again," Thorvid replied as he stood up.

"What other solutions do we have besides this?" the leader asked.

"Our region isn't wealthy, and we don't have enough people to build a settlement closer to the warmer regions. That leaves only war to seize what we need," Thorvid suggested. This statement caused another stir among the people.

"Silence! We will not go to war; that is not up for discussion," Hrolf commanded. During his reign, the Bearclaw clan had only fought defensively, protecting their lands from invaders. "Then, it's decided—we will hunt. It will take time to raise the animals. By then, we may need as much food as possible."

"I agree with the leader. We need to think of our children; otherwise, they'll be like us, tearing each other's throats out over a handful of seeds," one of the men stood up. Many there had survived the coldest and hungriest times. Others began to rise in agreement as well.

"Kailen, I trust that with your help, we will succeed. Your magic will be of great assistance," the leader addressed the young man who had remained silent, not interfering in the discussions. Despite being the strongest, he respected his elders and preferred to let them speak first.

"My strength and skills are with you," Kailen replied, placing his palm against his fist.

"You've raised a good son, Ernmund," the leader said to Kailen's father. Ernmund only gave a slight nod in response. Although the relationship between father and son was far from loving, after certain events, he had dutifully taken on the role of a parent, passing down all his knowledge and experience to his child.

"Then we prepare for the hunt. Know that our journey will be sung of in songs, and Volibear himself will bless us with success," Hrolf shouted. The others echoed his cry.

Kailen only thought that he would have to postpone his journey in search of a powerful opponent.

The Bearclaw clan began preparations for the expedition in earnest. Numerous routes to the target were mapped out. The best traps were crafted by the hunters, and provisions were thoroughly stocked. Meanwhile, Kailen was training in a cave located lower down the mountain slope. It was peaceful there, with frost flowers growing and emitting a faint blue glow, filling the darkness with a magical aura.


Not far from the cave was a small lake where several poros lay with their tongues sticking out.


Magical creatures were a common sight in Freljord, but these harmless little beasts stood out among them. Legends among the people said that these creatures represented the souls of the departed, so no one ever harmed them. They never attacked anyone and couldn't cause any harm.

The villagers often brought offerings to these creatures, hoping that they would help their deceased relatives. Poros were mysterious beings, always surrounded by an aura of enigma. They always settled near human dwellings.

Now, in this peaceful setting, Kailen was meditating, trying to achieve a stronger connection with the elements. Lately, he had been hearing a voice calling out to him, as if Mother Nature herself was speaking to him. He often walked through the forest, and his body could be enveloped by cold air, but within it, he felt warmth and tenderness, as if nature was embracing him.

He was startled by a small rustle and a girl's scream, followed by the splash of water. Opening his eyes, he saw Ingunn, who had fallen into the water, her clothes completely soaked, with poros circling around her.

With a sigh, he got up and approached her. She looked at him with embarrassment, as he was only wearing pants. He extended his hand, and she took hold of it.

"How did you manage that, Ingunn?" Kailen commented on the situation.

"Well, it just happened, it's dark here, and it was slippery, so...," she mumbled. She wasn't about to admit that she had been staring at him and hadn't noticed where she was stepping.

"You're all wet," Kailen remarked as he carefully examined Ingunn's attire.

"Ugh, how am I supposed to go back now?" she said sadly.

Kailen simply extended his hand, and a glow formed around it. Moisture began to evaporate from her clothes, freezing immediately. Although he couldn't control water or perform more complex tasks with it, he could concentrate his power and channel several times more energy into his magic, allowing him to partially manipulate it.

"Amazing, thank you," Ingunn said, watching as her clothes dried completely.

"Be more careful," Kailen smiled at her. "So, why did you come?"

"Well, I just heard you were here for a long time, so I decided to bring you something to eat," she confessed shyly, glancing at the food now floating in the water. The poros didn't refuse the treat and began munching on the food that had fallen into the lake.

"No worries, I was about to head back anyway," Kailen said.

"Then let's go together," Ingunn suggested.

"I don't mind," the young man replied.

Kailen headed to get his clothes, and after putting them on, he left the cave with Ingunn. Having made up her mind about something, the girl grabbed his hand, pressing it between her chest, and held onto him tightly.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Ingunn asked.

"Yes, we depart at dawn. Our journey should take about a week," Kailen replied.

"Take care of yourself, I hope Anivia protects you along the way," said Ingunn. Anivia was the goddess of Freljord, caring for all its inhabitants, and in times of need, she could come to their aid, though she wasn't all-powerful. She could only control aspects of cold and weather.

"Don't worry, I'm confident we'll manage," Kailen responded. He wasn't afraid; his belief in success was strong, and he never doubted for a second that they might fail.

"I've been meaning to ask you, what are your plans for the future?" she asked timidly.

"Hmm, after the journey, I want to go after the troll king and defeat him in battle," he answered. Ingunn's eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at him. She, too, had heard the legends of the monster that shook the earth.

She placed her hand on Kailen's forehead and looked into his eyes with concern.

"Are you alright? Why go to certain death?" she asked, worried.

"Calm down, I'm not crazy. This is necessary; I've reached the limit of my power, and now I need strong opponents," Kailen said confidently.

"You're definitely delirious. I'll tell your mother," Ingunn decided to use her ultimate argument. She didn't want him to leave and risk his life.

Kailen sighed, knowing that he really couldn't argue with his mother. He loved her too much and didn't want to worry her. But he felt hurt that Ingunn didn't believe in his strength. Many in the village didn't even suspect the potential that lay within him.

"Alright, don't tell her, or I might reconsider marrying you," Kailen joked, countering her argument.

"Who said I want to marry you?" Ingunn said, letting go of his hand. She turned away from him to hide the embarrassment and joy that appeared on her face.

"So, you don't want to? Then I'll have to find someone else," Kailen muttered sadly, walking ahead. Ingunn immediately turned around in alarm and quickly caught up with the young man, grabbing his arm again.

"Why someone else? I didn't say I was against it," she quickly replied. Although Kailen only needed to pay the bride price, and any girl could be given to him regardless of her opinion, those were the customs. But as things stood, Ingunn had no father, and her mother wanted her to find happiness.

And so they reached the village. It was already evening, and they needed to get a good night's sleep before the long journey. That night, magical lights danced over Freljord. The northern lights adorned the sky, like a path laid out across the heavens by celestial beings.

Soon the sun began to rise, illuminating the dark gloom with its rays. With the first light of day, the settlement began to stir. Numerous warriors emerged from their homes, armed with weapons, supplies, and all the necessary tools. Ten elite hunters set out on their journey—the best of the best. They faced a difficult task: to traverse the Abyssal Collapse and the Dragon's Ridge.

The group was divided into five pairs, walking in a single file. The most experienced hunter led the way, followed by Kailen, who was the first to respond to any threats and neutralize them. The initial path posed no difficulties; it was familiar and had been traveled many times before.

By midday, the group reached the first dangerous point—the Abyssal Collapse. This region was named not without reason—it had claimed many lives. Under a thick layer of snow, chasms tens of meters deep could be hidden, and if you survived the fall, there was no way back, only a slow death in the freezing depths.

Before moving forward, the groups tied themselves together with ropes. This way, if one of them fell, the others could hold them. If that failed and the entire group fell, the other group could help them, or if the fallen group perished, it would give the others a chance to bypass the dangerous area.

Once gathered, they began to move forward, keeping a considerable distance from each other. Kailen wasn't afraid of this route, knowing he could create a platform at any moment to prevent himself from falling.

The dangerous section took three hours to cross. During this time, the hunters were tense, carefully choosing their path. Suddenly, in the second group, one of the hunters' legs broke through the snow. This caused the entire group to halt. The fallen hunter struggled to get out, but the snow gave way, and he sank waist-deep. This only worsened the situation, making it impossible for him to escape on his own. The other members of his group moved closer to help.

"Stop, you fools! Everyone, get back!" shouted Bjorn, noticing the delay in the second group. They turned, seeing the problem, and started back toward them.

The wind was strong, so his words didn't reach them. They approached their comrade and began to pull him out, but suddenly the snow began to rapidly sink. Everyone nearby started sliding downward.

Kailen acted quickly and decisively. His ice-covered hands cut the rope connecting him to the others. Sprinting forward, he started freezing an ice path before him, trying to reach them in time.

A massive chasm opened in the middle of the snowy wasteland. Three men were pulled into it, while the others, still tied to them, struggled to hold their comrades and avoid being dragged down themselves. But they were losing the battle, gradually sliding toward the edge of the abyss.

Kailen reached the edge of the chasm, but they were on the opposite side. Stopping at the brink, he began to concentrate ice magic in his hands. Gathering the necessary strength, he released a beam of icy energy, creating an ice bridge across the chasm. Picking up speed, he slid to the comrades holding the rope.

The young man arrived just in time—another hunter was about to fall, and behind him, the last one, which would have caused the entire group to plunge to their deaths. Grabbing the rope, he started pulling them up. Creating an ice ledge to brace against, the three of them managed to pull their comrades up. One by one, they began to ascend, until the last one was finally safe.

The faces of the fallen hunters were pale—they had nearly said goodbye to their lives. They thanked the two who had held on to the rope until the very end, not cutting it and saving their lives.

The first group stood on the other side of the ice bridge, shouting something at them, but the wind drowned out all the words. Catching their breath, the lucky ones began crossing the ice bridge. Kailen took up the rear, ready to intervene if anything happened. He paused briefly and glanced down. The chasm was incredibly deep, with no light penetrating far enough to reveal the bottom.


When everyone was reunited, Bjorn lost his temper. The oldest and most experienced hunter yelled at the others for attempting to help their comrade, nearly getting themselves killed in the process. When they approached the fallen hunter, the combined weight at that spot was too much, causing the snow to collapse and triggering a chain reaction that brought the entire snow mass down.

They understood that they had made a foolish mistake and accepted all the reprimands without protest. Bjorn also turned his ire on Kailen for cutting the rope.

"You really took a risk there—what if we'd fallen and you hadn't been able to help them? You might have gotten us all killed. But you know what, Kailen? You did good. Thanks for saving these blockheads' lives," he added at the end.

There was no more time to linger, and they moved forward. They needed to reach the Dragon's Ridge by nightfall and set up camp to rest and gather strength for the journey ahead.

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