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86.66% Wayfarer — Multiverse / Chapter 26: Pain

Chương 26: Pain

Jon crumpled to the ground as Her Majesty's fist pounded into his side, his breath escaped him and he couldn't find it as he keeled over clutching his sides the Queen's words filling his mind as it desperately sought to recover from the blow, "Your Enemy knows no Honor."

Her shin plowed into his hunched side, the padding and chainmail doing little to soften the impact of the Queen's blows, "You Enemy cares not for your Name."

Jon had barely managed to take control of his body as he rolled to the side, "Your Enemy cares not for your Pain."

Jon couldn't react as the Queen seemed to appear atop him in a blink, her fist filled his vision before her palm introduced a new sense of darkness to his mind, "Your Enemy cares not for your life," it was a whisper right next to his ear that sent a chill down his spine as his body refuse to move, frozen when faced with death…

Then that cold, foul taste began to fade as light returned, and he found the Queen straddling him with a smile, "Good," was all that left her lips before she rose off of his frame and clapped her hands seemingly to knock the dust and dirt from them as she made her way over to the shade, allowing Jon a moment to relax as he found that the spar had come to an end.

It was hard to tell with Her Majesty, but he had learned that if he stayed laying down acting as if he was dead he could catch his breath, and the Queen wouldn't pummel him back onto the brink of unconsciousness. It was an odd thing…

However, a Dornish Man—At—Arms had once said that Her Majesty trained them like hounds, and Jon wouldn't dare allow such a thought to linger. The Queen was kind, yet terrifying…

Jon knew better than to earn her ire, he was only thankful that the Queen looked down upon him Favorably…

A clatter brought Jon away from his thoughts, as a blunted metal longsword was at his side, Helena stood across from him with a thick bundle of leather and padding in the shape of an axe, an assortment of other weapons laid in the stone behind the Queen. 

"Stand, your training has yet to come to an end."


Jon's fingers bled down the string of the bow as he unleashed the last arrow of the tenth quiver that he had shot today under the Queen's guidance, his arms fell slack at his side yet he didn't drop the bow despite his hand screaming for release, he caught the Queen nod from the side of his eyes she didn't speak for a moment as she gazed at the broken arrows that had hit the wall, those that had stuck into the targets, and those that had called freed by the impacts of the arrows that followed, "Quite accurate, that's all for today, don't expect archery training to return for a while but I expect to see you improve when it comes once more. I hope you listened to my advice, as next moon I'll be taking you to the Kingswood. There you will fend for yourself for two moons, I'll be watching but don't expect any help unless you're about to die…" 

Jon hardened his expression, having momentarily forgotten his exhaustion as his mind churned the Queen's words, "I understand, Y— Lady Helena."

"Go get some rest, you'll have a day of rest tomorrow make the best of it… Sleep well, Jon."

Jon nearly dipped his head, but restrained himself to a True smile, "To you as well, Lady Helena…"


Sullivan hurried to the chambers Mother had called him to; using Ser Lannister as a messenger, and as he opened the door he found his whole family present, a hardened look upon his Mother's face that filled him with worry…

"I'm leaving," Helena's impassive yet gentle, pleasant voice filled the chamber, Sullivan closed his eyes for a long moment, Laenah at his side clasping his hand as Brandon fell still staring and Aria held an expression that didn't befit her age.

"Aye," Robert heaved a long breath, looking as if he had aged rapidly, "I had begun to think this day would never come…"

"Sully, Aria, Brandon…" Helena started but her voice fell quiet as Sullivan spoke—

"I'm staying… I have Seven Kingdoms to look after…" Hisgaze washed towards Laenah; who had arrived before him, but not another word fell from his lips, as Brandon stared at the table, his voice never finding the chamber yet his stance was clear.

Helena heaved a breath, as she looked at her little girl, finding Aria forcing a smile, "I love you."

Helena choked as tears began to pool in her eyes, her voice soft, sincere, warm, "I love you too…"

Helena rose from her seat only for something to spread out from underneath, strange markings laid within various shapes contained within a circle, before it flashed with a blinding light…

Helena was gone, spirited away by powers beyond Mortal Comprehension…


With a sudden crack of untold power, and a brilliant flash of light Helena stumbled to the ground, her mind reeling from the experience of being cut into a thousand pieces and shoved through a small hole as it plague her mind with a surreal sensation akin to the weightlessness of falling, only for her stomach to upturn with a sickening retch that spilled its contents across the floor…

Her mind was a mess, her thoughts rampaging with no clear direction and as her eyes began to focus, recovering from the blindingly bright flash, she found something superimposed over her vision—

[Error Reincarnation Systems Offline—Transmigration Systems Misfired—Transmigration System Offline—Connection to Fire and Ice Lost—Error]

Helena tried to find her feet, yet only found herself stumbling blind, unable to hear even the slightest of her surroundings…

[Beginning Diagnostic Scan— Error Soul inconsistent with Physical Vessel. Continuing Diagnostic Scan—Diagnostic Scan Complete. Two faults diagnosed. 97,673,420,672 Processes Scanned. Attempting connection to Unknown World Will—Error Attempt Redirected—Disconnecting to Unknown World Will—Attempting Correction of Faults—Complete]

Helena squirmed as she felt her body changing, and slowly a sense of comfort she had never known seeped through her body, before darkness claimed her mind…

[Veiling Protocols Re—Engaging. System Punishment Protocol Engaging. System Apologizes for Misfire.]

In the very depths of Helena's soul, nestled between two fragments and deep within the core of her being, a silent scream tore through the paradoxically ginormous, yet miniscule space…


Two figures leapt from branch to branch, their dark clothed figures a mere blur to the common eye, as they moved at speeds that no Human should be capable of…

Having been pulled away from the Border Patrol duties, to investigate that brilliant flash of light that momentarily brought day to darkness as they drew closer the two figures began to slow a wordless exchange of light taps against their porcelain masks—

'One—Fifty Meters—Unconscious'

'Clear Surroundings—Will Detain—Return 10'

The two figures broke away from each other, one moving to draw a wide circle around the area, while the other approached the unconscious figure laid amongst the trees…

Laid in an unfamiliar fashion of dress, more than a few sizes too large was a young girl seemingly no older than himself. Adjusting the dog—shaped mask upon his face, activating a seal bound to its porcelain frame causing a pair of metal manacles to appear with a puff of smoke…

Binding the young teen, Inu clasped his hands together and sent out a pulse of chakra, informing his teammate that he was to return…


Helena found herself awakening, yet the familiar sensation of physicality was lost upon her mind, for a moment she was dazed, lost, unfocused and didn't realize the pale blond haired man stood before her in this pure white space with shock evident upon his face…

Though, that didn't last for long as her mind began to recover from all that had happened, the White Space churning as a torrent of thought washed through, and for a moment darkness conquered everything—

Before the clouds seemed to part, and Helena looked down upon the Red Keep from a position she could have never known, as if she was a raven high in the sky Helena looked down upon the Castle which held all her children, and so many memories…

Just as those memories were about to surface, a voice pulled Helena's attention to the side, a language she'd never heard before one that was surprisingly pleasant upon the ears, perhaps it was simply the man's manner of speaking, or his tone of voice but she felt herself drawn to his words—

Helena's expression hardened, as her brows furrowed as her mind reeled back, her gaze returning to the Birds Eye View of the Red Keep and Kingslanding… The man seemed to be absorbed by the sight as well, but his voice continued to call out to her… Yet, she paid him little mind, as she tried to understand where she was, and how she was looking down upon the Castle her children called home…

The man approached, his movements slow, intentful, deliberate, calming…


Why wouldn't Helena be calm—

Then it all came back…

She had been torn from her children, and her mind instantly blamed the Gods whether Old or New… She cursed them all with a intensity that shook the surroundings, the clouds rolled as they darkened lightning flickering between them with thunderous cracks as it began to rain, to pour down upon Kingslanding—Helena left out a scream of rage, of sorrow, of pain that resonated through this odd, familiar yet unfamiliar space…


Hizuren watched as Inochi's nose began to bleed, his skin paling marking the evident signs of Chakra Exhaustion as his body recoiled, his eyes shot to open as he devolved into a coughing fit his eyes portrayed his pain and confusion, as one of the Medi—Nin rushed to his side, supplementing the Blond Shinobi with neutral chakra whilst tending to the wounds and stress brought upon by Chakra Exhaustion, "Inochi, Report."

Inochi coughed to clear his throat, as his eyes fell upon the heavily bound teen, whose mind was far stronger than expected, "She is not from the Elemental Nations, her language is something I've never heard…"

He took a moment to collect himself, before continuing, "She seemed aware in her own mind though distant, and when I had attempted to probe deeper, she seemed to have awakened…" As if to find his words, Inochi paused, "She showed me a Nation—No, a singular castle stood tall upon a mountain laid next to the shore…Looking over a city larger than even the Capital…" He had to pause once more as he found the image slipping from his mind, as his focus settled he found the image drawing clear once more, "A castle, made wholly of pale red stone as if it was faded blood…"

Hizuren furrowed his brows, as his gaze settled into the young teen, who's features made it clear that she was not of the Elemental Nations. He didn't even know how to describe it, as she simply 'looked different' , a difference he couldn't immediately place…

"…She felt angry, but it wasn't because of my intrusion, it was directed elsewhere…" Inochi went on fo painfully attempt to recall and flush out his report with more detailed information, but that was a long, drawn out and difficult process.

So long, in fact, that their unwilling guest had awoken, the sleeping agent that had been slowly and precisely feeding into her blood vein; thanks to an I.V., having failed to keep the young teen sedated… Her eyelids snapped open to reveal a pair of cold, piercing blue eyes that stared at them barely concealing a storm within their depths, "?????? ??."

Two words… Three syllables, but the words could be generally inferred, as a calm impassiveness washed across the teen's face, through her eyes one could see contained the storm of emotion that was poorly hidden within that impassive expression.

Silence stretched for a long moment as all eyes fell upon the teen, Hizuren was the first to speak, "Can you understand us…?" A simple question, but one that was needed to move forward.

The teen furrowed her brows, her head tilting slightly as she stared at them, "??? ???, ? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ????????…"

Silence dominated as the two parties tried to make sense of each other, though it was clear that it would be difficult moving forward, and the fact that even in her mind she spoke the same language she spoke before them now, and paired with the lack of defenses upon her mind; despite its strength, alongside the Memory/Image of a place unheard of in the Elemental Nations…

From Inochi's description of the Castle and the City that surrounds it, it was clear that such a place was nowhere in the world that they knew…

So…? Some unknown Forbidden Summoning Jutsu…? It wasn't unheard of to use Summoning Jutsu to ambush an Enemy, but the preparation needed wasn't worth the time nor Ryo spent, let alone a Sealing Master would would be capable of such things since the fall of the Uzumaki such things were not as commonplace. Yet, that would mean Humans had settled in a 'Summoning Land', if there was a Castle that meant there was a daimyo, a king, an emperor…

Hizuren stifled a sigh as he looked down upon the youth, and she met his gaze, in an almost challenging manner with an sense of experience laden in her pupils that did not befit her age… Though, such things were common with the young who have experienced war…

"Release her, she isn't a threat. Let's see how she reacts. Inochi, I'll be giving your Clan a Mission."

"I understand Lord Hokage."

The teen couldn't hide the shock from her face as an Inu appeared at Hizuren's side bringing a number of thoughts to his mind, that eventually settled on the fact that the young teen probably new little of Shinobi. Which slightly subverted the expectations he had formed from the experience she held in her eyes, though that seemed to be crumbling replaced by doubt, confusion, fear, despair… then rage.

An unwieldy rage that contorted her face into something inhuman, and for a moment Inu stiffened a kunai flashing into his hand, only for the teen to calm seemingly come to terms with something that left her melancholic. Hizuren gestured for Inu to continue, and the dog—masked Anbu -- produced a key and began undoing the stiff shackles that bound the teen. 

For a moment the teen stood there free of the binding that weighed on her body, her gaze drifting around the room before her blue eyes fell to her state of dress, finding the oversized dress hanging from her form and bundling on the floor.

Her blue eyes shot up, and held her hand out towards Inu, who furrowed his brows under his mask, the teen furrowed her brows and clasped her hand and handled the air as if it was a kunai, before offering her empty hand once more.

Inu looked towards Hizuren, and he nodded his head while those in the surroundings readied themselves, reluctantly Inu offered the Kunai he had stashed into a pouch, and she took it without a hint of hesitation. The room grew tense, but the teen didn't seem to notice as  grabbed her dress and dragged the kunai across its cloth revealing links of chain beneath, Hizuren's brows rose as the teen took the cut cloth and bunched up her dress before tying the cut cloth around her waist keeping the dress from dragging, before doing the same with the long sleeves causing her dress to ride higher on her frame, no longer precariously handging.

The teen flipped the Kunai in her hand, before holding it up to show Hizuren, "??????"

It took a moment, but Hizuren seemed to understand, "Kunai."

The teen fell into thought for a moment before her voice left her lips once more, "Keuhnei…?"

It was a butchered pronunciation, a mere butchered echo of what Hizuren had mangled by the teen's accent, but it was a step forward as Hizuren pointed at himself, "Sarutobi Hizuren."

The teen pointed at Hizuren, "SaeruDobi Heazureen…?"


[3 Days Later]

Hizuren once more found himself looking over the report considering the teen, who took to grasping their language quickly, holding a conversation with her was difficult, but there was beginning to be progress.

She seemed to be willing to cooperate, and seemed to enjoy the location they had moved her to; An old mostly forgotten estate now overgrown by dense foliage, a hidden Anbu safe house, and due to the Teen's easy participation she had been allowed to roam the yard of the estate. 

The Yamanaka that had been assigned to the Teen has reported a number of times that the teen's mind was while a simple endeavor to enter, attempting to actually roam the depths of the mind and to escape the forefront was akin to trying to resist Storm Release; written in far more words, thus other when the Teen laid to sleep, the Yamanaka didn't dare enter the Teens mind solely in an effort not to soil relations… As due to the difficulty of conversation, gaining consent was more difficult than once would believe…

Hizuren didn't believe lingering in the outskirts of the mind, catching glimpses of emotions was something in need of intent Inochi had only delved so deep to gain deeper insight into the teen when she was still a mystery.

The teen was still one, but one that could be slowly deciphered, it was heavily doubted that she was a spy from another village, to the point that not even Danzo was all that interested. Though, even he kept an eye on the reports that found his hands…

A Hyuga had been tasked with gauging the Teen's Chakra, and it was pitifully thin, barely even presenting a mere wisp while her tenketsu were all sealed. A condition that plagued a few of those in the Village as well and left most with a stunted lifespan, but even then they could live deep into their 6th generation as a civilian if they took care of their health.

Slowly, the teen was devolving into a mere passing report, that would occasionally catch Hizuren's eye, while being seen as an easy A—Ranked mission by Anbu. 


Hizuren arrived at his office to find it once more stacked with paperwork, a sigh slipped his lips as she began looking through the reports to start his day, finding one that was nearly guaranteed to not soil his mood..


Or so it was said, an interesting subject that teen was…

The report in his hands only solidified that fact, as the Yamanaka reported that the teen had begun training some form of Taijutsu, and despite marking down what seemed to be its Katas, Hizuren couldn't recall anything that seemed all that similar, certain movements he could find something that sort of resembled, but it was clear whatever Taijutsu the Teen had been showcasing had raised her threat level to a similar level as Small Clan Children when they start the academy. The fact that she couldn't access her Chakra was the only reason she wasn't seen as a serious threat nonetheless, and with a Hyuga stationed at the location, even if her Chakra unsealed it wouldn't be able to catch the Anbu present off guard…

Hizuren furrowed his brow when he read that the Teen had beaten her arms and legs bloody all through the night with only a few moments of rest, and had yet to stop at the moment of the report being sent in… He wondered what person had brought her such emotion that Inochi was overwhelmed and thrust from her mind.

A pity… To be inflicted with such a disease, despite having such drive…


Helena pulled away from the beaten post, welcoming the blonde haired woman who brought a bowl of small white grain and pork alongside a glass of water…

To have such clear glass, and use it so freely…

Helena kept her gaze focused as she quickly ate her food, supplementing her meal with small roots and bulbs she found in the surrounding overgrown courtyard, she cared not if they poisoned her as whatever Theobald had done to her body would do well in keeping her alive through all but concentrated poisons. 

The woman watched Helena closely as she ate, not that Helena cared, having grown used to such gazes during her time as Queen. It was easy to tell that the woman was here to keep an eye on her, though Helena couldn't care about that either as Helena's mind was plagued with finding a way to return to her children, and she needed to learn where she was to even begin figuring out how to reach their side again…

The people here seemed to use Magicks to move so swiftly, as Helena could barely follow their shadow when they moved… She felt gazes upon her form, but couldn't place them and even that had begun to fade…

Either she was growing used to them or whomever was watching her had gotten better…

Helena shook the trailing thoughts from her mind, and found herself in a staring contest with the blonde woman, "Westeros."

No visible reaction of recognition, "Essos."

No visible reaction of recognition, "Yiti."

"Asshai," Helena had begun to grow frustrated, but did well to keep it from focusing on the woman before her, when the woman was innocent of the crime.

A sigh tore Helena's lips, as the woman began to mimic her words, with a shake of her head, Helena finger thrust into the table, as she most definitely butchered their language, "Table."

The woman nodded, a smile plastered across her face as if Helena had done something significant… All she had done was point at a table and sat it aloud, figuring she might as well keep at it, Helena pointed at the grass and butchered their language once more, "Grass."

Once more Helena was practically applauded for doing something so… 'simple'…

This time, Helena tried to wander the line of comfort, as she pointed in the general area of a familiar gaze, "Inu."

The woman feel stiff, her pupils stretched as her gaze grew a sense of weight that Helena had never experienced before, and Helena's torrent of a mind leapt at the sensation devouring—dissecting it in an attempt to understand that left Helena rigid as her mind fell into a singular line of thought that allowed naught else by the cycle of breath, as the beating of the heart, not even a blink passed Helena as she stood there…


The focus of her mind reflecting in her eyes, a weight of it own, not one that could be felt, but one that could be seen, a weight of pure undivided focus that unsettled the woman before her, not that Helena was paying an attention to the woman, nor the distant threat upon her life as the Anbu awaited orders.


Something deep within…

A slumbering beast awoke, the fragile cage that kept it contained shattered, never to contain it once more…

It's silent roar echoed—resonated through her whole body, and the warmth that had laid within her body since Theobald's shitty Maester Work bloomed becoming a radiant flame, a fire that filled her whole body…

No… To call it a flame was to disrespect the Great Fire that churned within… Hopefully, one day it will be capable of choosing a name, for how could she see it other than a child of her own…? It had been birthed from her body after all… and what was Helena if not a loving mother…?


(A/NStats -

Main Level: 80  - 

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Indepth First Aid]

 • Synthetic Mutation [False Immortal's Brew]

 • Basic Awakened [Chakra]

Strength: 25    [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

 • Exquisite Knowledge [Leverage]

 • Basic Knowledge [Chakra Saturation]


Agility: 25       [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

  • Greater Knowledge [Breathing]

  • Moderate Knowledge [Flexibility] 

Vitality: 30      [||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

 • Moderate Uncommon Illness Resistance

 • Heightened Physique

 • Basic Poison Resistance

 • Basic Chakra Resistance

  Combat -

Defense: 14             [|||||||||||||||||||||||--] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Parry]

Warfare: 9              [||||||||||||||||||-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [One V. Many]

Axe: 10                   [||||||||||||————] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Bow: 2                    [|||||||—————] +

Hammer/Mace: 6    [|||||||||||||———-] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Blunt Alignment]

Spear: 4                 [|||||||||||||||||||||||||-] +

Sword: 7                 [||||||||||||||———] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Unarmed: 20            [|||||||||||—-——] -

  • Exquisite Knowledge [Stance]

  Skills -

Alchemy: 16         [||||||||||||||||||||||-—] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Natural Remedies]

 • Moderate Knowledge [Distilled Remedies]

Blacksmithing: 20 [|||||||||||-——-—] -

 • Greater Knowledge [Steel]

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Damascus]

Bowery: 0           [———————] +

Carpentry: 8      [|||||||||||||||—-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Rough Building]

Drinking: 8         [||||||||||||||||||||||—] -

  • Tempered Gut

Herbalism: 14       [||||||||—-—-—-] +

 • Moderate Herbology Knowledge [Riverlands]

 • Meticulous Picker

Horsemanship: 5 [|||————-—] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Rhythm]

Houndmaster: 0  [———————] +

Hunting: 4           [|||||||||||||||||||||||—] +

Lockpicking: 0    [———————] +

Maintenance: 27  [|||||||||||||———] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Tools]

 • Basic Knowledge [Weapons]

 • Greater Knowledge [Armor]

Pickpocketing: 0 [———————] +

Reading: 29        [||||||||||||||||||||||—] -

 • Greater Westerosi Language 

 • Moderate Calligraphy

 • Mindless Reader

Tailoring: 22          [||||———-——--] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Linen]

 • Moderate Knowledge [Leather]

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Armored Clothes]

Stealth: 18            [|||||||||————] -

 • Moderate Habit [Light Footed]

 • Basic Knowledge [Camouflage]

Total Level: 328


(A/N: [39?? Words] Uh… A lot to unpack here…

Yes, Helena didn't slaughter a horde of White Walkers.

Yes, System made an appearance.

No, Helena did not plan this.

No, Helena does not know where she is, but has come to terms that she is much farther than she could ever dread from her adorable little babies…

Yes, this is 'Naruto'.

No, I will not tell you the current place on the Timeline, I've already given a hint.

No, there are no new skill descriptions… You'll have to find those next time.

If you've enjoyed, good for you.

If you haven't, you must be bored to make it this far… You've read nearly 80k words; if you count A/N…

Anyways, Until Next Time,



White_Dog White_Dog

Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pie. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pan. Pain. Konan. Pain. Pain. Is. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. The. Pain. Pain. Pain. Best. Pain. Pain.Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pein. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Panini. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. You’ve really looked all the way down here…? What did you expect from a wall of text.

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