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73.84% The Temptation (RWBY) / Chapter 48: Chapter-48

Chương 48: Chapter-48

Aura poured off Cinder in waves, bright red and orange like a raging flame, swirling as if alive, all drawn down her arm and into the Relic of Knowledge that glowed ominously in her grasp. Jaune watched as she writhed in pain, her screams of torment ringing out and with a flicker of recognition, a memory surfaced – of Pyrrha in one of those pods, her cries piercing his heart as Ozpin attempted to transfer the last of Amber's power into his partner.

The Relic was stealing her aura. It was stealing her magic.

Neo wore a vicious expression as she turned to observe her handy work. Cinder swung her arm violently, staggering as she attempted to release the Relic but she couldn't. It was almost like her hand was fused around the handle. Even when she knelt and began slamming it against the floor, it didn't budge.

This could only be the work of one person.

Jaune wasn't sure how long they listened to Cinder's howling screams but eventually the well of power dried up. She fought and fought, but it was pointless. With a final, shuddering moan, she collapsed against the floor, body jerking as the last vestiges of her power were stripped away.

"What just happened...?" Ruby asked, visibly confused.

"The end of a threat," a deep voice replied and turning, they spotted General Ironwood walk out of the shadows that Neo previously occupied, his eyes darting down to observe the twitching form of Cinder Fall. "I apologize for the deceit. I didn't plan for it to go this way."

Jaune glanced down at the Relic, Cinder's fingers finally uncurling from around the golden loop. Her hand was smoking, the skin blistered. It rolled away from her, a beacon of roiling energy and he put all the pieces together.

"That's the fake you made," he said, frowning. "...if they'd stolen it from me, this is what would have happened..."

Ironwood nodded solemnly. "You are correct. This was the back up plan, should all else fail."

"We were told you weren't going to try to capture the Fall Maiden's power," Ren said uneasily.

"There was no guarantee that this would work," the General admitted. "This technology is experimental in this form. It has never been used on an unwilling subject, nor in the field. We had no way of knowing how effective it was."

Now they knew...

Jaune wasn't sure how he felt about it. As the adrenaline in his body calmed and his heart slowed, he stared down at the slumped form of Cinder Fall and felt... nothing. Capturing the magic of the Fall Maiden was good. It meant that it could not escape back into Salem's hands, further depriving the Queen of the Grimm. That could only ever be a win.

But being kept in the dark about this possible plan... it didn't sit well. Did Ironwood not trust them? Did he think they would object? He was right, they probably would have. It stank of opportunity, of consolidating the power of Atlas which would now control two Maiden's... but it wasn't necessarily wrong.

Neo had clearly known. She was the one that had presented Cinder with the fake relic and she had been the one to activate it.

"How did Neo end up with it?" he asked, meeting Ironwood's eyes.

"Cinder sent her to secure the Relic of Knowledge, which was in my possession," he said. "Of course, it wasn't the real one. Qrow and Oscar are keeping watch over the lamp, to ensure its safety."

And then they'd made a deal, no doubt. Her freedom for her cooperation, or something like that. Jaune had opened the door for it, and then they'd come to an agreement.

Ruby and Ren tensed as Neo pressed a button on the handle of her parasol, a long, slender blade snapping out the end with a metallic rasp. Ironwood frowned but didn't stop her as she approached Cinder and stood above her, head tilted as she considered her next move. Jaune moved forward and grasped her shoulder, and she turned her head to glare at him.

"Wait," he said.

Neo frowned at him.

What was he doing...? This was their chance to finish her off, once and for all. Even without the Maiden powers, Cinder Fall was an incredibly dangerous woman. She had orchestrated the fall of Beacon, outsmarting some of the brightest minds the kingdoms had to offer, including that of a man who had lived for countless lives. She was better off dead.

And this was the person who had killed Pyrrha.

Yet the thought of killing her like this left a sour taste in his mouth. It was the smart thing to do, he knew that. Letting her live was out of the question. They could imprison her like Tyrian and Arthur Watts, but there was always a chance she could escape. There was always a chance that Salem may come for her.

And they had no way of knowing how the Maiden powers would react with Cinder still alive, somewhere. If its containment ever failed, would they rush back to her? With Amber, stripping her of the powers was always a death sentence. Wounded, weakened, already missing half of her power, there was never a chance of survival. With a former mantle holder still around, stripped but otherwise alive and healthy, what would happen? No, the risk was much too high.

Jaune closed his eyes and released her, and he heard Ruby sigh behind him, a startled little gasp telling him that she'd been holding her breath. She was worried about him.

Opening his eyes, he nodded at Neo and stepped back. Blake shuffled closer, helping Yang walk, her limbs still numb and trembling from being electrocuted. Weiss was being helped by her sister, Winter, having recovered from Cinder's brutality. Marrow was also up, but the rest of the Ace-Ops were in bad shape, still down. Penny was out of commission but she wasn't dead. Her mind would live on, just like it had after the Vytal Festival.

With nothing stopping her, Neo turned her full attention to Cinder and without warning, without much fanfare, she stabbed at her back, angled straight at her heart. It was a pure kill shot, plain and simple, elegant in nature. The thin, slender blade pierced through her clothing but to everyone's surprise, it was stopped short of her skin, clanging loudly. It wasn't aura that blocked it.

It was bone.

Jaune saw something shift.

"Watch out!" he shouted, rushing forward.

Before anyone else could react, black, oily strands latched onto Neo's parasol, erupting from Cinder's back in a flood. Neo was struck in the face by a powerful limb, the wing-shaped appendage swatting her aside with tremendous force. Ironwood unholstered his gun, managing to fire a single shot into the black, grotesque extremity, blowing a massive hole through it before another erupted from her body and slammed into his chest.

Ironwood cried out, the wind forced from his lungs as he was blown back, tumbling across the floor as Jaune hastily retreated, nearly catching a swipe in the face. It was so close that he felt the rushing wind on his skin.

What the hell was happening...?

Cinder's body stretched and contorted, a sudden scream of agony passing her lips. Arching up onto her knees, Jaune saw in horror as black, pulsating veins crawled beneath her skin, across her face, her eye turning a deep, burning crimson. Her mouth fell open, teeth gnashed, her jaw dislocating with sickening cracks. An oppressive aura fell upon them, a feeling of dread brought upon not just by fear but by magic, slamming into them like a wave as Cinder transformed into Grimm.

Salem's punishment for failing to protect the Maiden's power.

"No~!" she screamed, delirious. "No, no, no, no~! NO! "

Her human arm twisted, sharp bone punching through skin. Her other arm, the one already partially Grimm grew longer, the claws curving and sharpening. Ruby slammed her scythe into the ground, anchoring it before letting loose, firing her rifle into the creature Cinder was becoming. Black flesh was blown free in chunks, blood splashing across the ground as round after round punched into her body but it seemingly had little effect. Cinder continued to transform, another appendage erupting from her lower back, a long tail covered in bony protrusions.

"What the fuck," Yang swore, eyes wide in disbelief.

Cinder roared and the sound slammed into them, through them. Jaune covered his ears, feeling his brain tremble at the primal sound, his body urging him to flee in terror. It tapped into his primal instinct – flee, flee now! He held his ground, gritting his teeth as she rose up to her new terrible height, towering above them as a pair of horns contorted her face, stretching the skin tight across her face, making her look gaunt.

Wings flared, making her appear even larger. Jaune saw a deep red membrane stretching between the black skeletal structure, almost translucent at the ends, reminding him of the wyvern that attacked Beacon. The eyepatch that covered her other eye snapped and fell away, revealing a black eye with a white center, bulging as it darted around erratically. It was disturbing, moving independently from her other eye, almost crazed.

They'd taken her Maiden powers but now Cinder was something else entirely. Inhuman, she stood nine feet tall, her torso protected with that bone plating so typical of all Grimm. Red etchings covered the surface like an eldritch tattoo, glowing with a vile power none of them understood. The damage Ruby and Ironwood had wrought healed before their eyes, black skin stitching itself rapidly and leaving behind flawless, undamaged flesh.

Jaune only had a moment to summon his semblance. He was closest to her and she charged without a hint of warning, appearing in front of him in an instant. Cinder slammed into him, and there was a loud gong as his aura flared in protection. Jaune grunted as he staggered, Cinder recoiling from the backlash. It didn't stop her for long, her wicked claws slashing at his face.

His shield shrieked, sparks flying as he deflected the blow, her strength overwhelming. Even amplified as he was, his arm trembled from the force, pain racing up his forearm, elbow and shoulder. Seeing his chance, Ren darted in, slicing a vicious rend into her leg, spinning to inflict as much damage as he could but he was forced to retreat as that long, whip-like tail snapped around and lashed out, almost striking him in the neck.

Loud, roaring bangs sounded as Ironwood unloaded both of his revolvers, Due Process. They bucked in his hands, deafening as their bullets tore into her back. Spinning around to confront him, Cinder screamed. Ironwood grimaced, the sound pausing his advance. Then she was upon him like a rabid animal. Ironwood ducked her first swipe, flipping his white revolver over and gripping it by the barrel and swinging. The grip slammed into the underside of her jaw with force, steel on bone, and Cinder reeled.

Ironwood moved with experience and purpose, planting his feet as he lashed out. His fists pounded into her chest, his prosthetic arm punching between bone plating and sinking between her ribs. She howled as he fired inside her, blowing massive holes in her back but it didn't stop her. It only made her even angrier.

In such a position, he couldn't retreat, her clawed hands seizing him. Ironwood struggled but her strength was absolute, tearing his arm out of her chest before holding him up and squeezing him between clasped claws.

"Arrrgggh!" Ironwood bucked, threatened with being crushed.

"General!" Winter called, releasing Weiss and spinning her blade. White glyphs appeared and summons poured forth; Beowolves, Ursa, Nevermore, countless Grimm rushing forward. They slammed into Cinder and began tearing at her. Shrieking in displeasure, she swung Ironwood like a bat, dispersing the summons with wide, cleaving swings.

"Ruby, Ren, go!" Jaune ordered, rushing over to Weiss and Yang, the most damaged of their group. "Blake – help them."

"Got it," she said.

Grabbing Weiss' hand, he pumped his aura into her while reinforcing his own, feeling the strain as his aura drained and replenished at the same time. Reaching for Yang, he grabbed her arm.

"It keeps healing," Weiss observed, perking up as her strength was restored. Their tremors lessened as his semblance chased away fatigue, and helped heal any damage caused by being struck by lightning.

"Then we are going to have to keep killing the bitch until she stops," Yang scowled, her hair reigniting.

"Come on," Jaune finished them off with a final push – and then they charged into the fray.

Cinder was using Ironwood as a club, swinging him around by his leg. Whenever Winter got close, she was forced away. Even Ruby couldn't get a clear cut at her arm, she was moving so erratically. She slammed him into the floor again and again, his aura flaring with each impact, growing weaker each time. Blake launched her weapon, the blade spinning through the air. Ren caught and looped it around her neck, pulling it tight in an attempt at choking her.

It worked, Cinder thrashing. They tried to keep their footing but she was too strong, Blake lifted off her feet. Ironwood slammed into her, smashing her away as the last of Ironwood's aura shattered.

Cinder reared back to drive him into the floor one final time when a massive white blade carved through her chest. The Arma Gigas almost bisected her completely, carving out a massive section of her torso, her innards spilling out across the ground. Cinder released the General, tossing him aside and Jaune leapt, catching him with a grunt as Weiss' summon went to war.

Even with her insides spilled across the floor, she didn't slow down. The armored giant swung again, this time aiming to decapitate her completely. Cinder moved with an unnatural swiftness, claws raking through the white plate of the summon before slamming it aside with a shoulder charge. It tried to correct itself, not quite destroyed but then she flapped her wings in a single harsh sweep and a powerful shockwave of pressurized air blasted it across the room.

Yang hit her with a vicious uppercut, unloading a shot directly into her jaw. Cinder rocked back, wide open as Ren fired an endless stream of bullets into her ruined torso. Ruby darted in and sliced great furrows across her body, Crescent Rose flashing. Flipping over her reeling body, Ruby hooked her scythe around Cinder's neck, about to pull the trigger and remove her head when that whip-like tail lashed up and slammed into Ruby's back. She shouted in pain, flung away.

"Ruby!" Yang called out, her knuckles punching Cinder's kneecap. Blood and bone blasted out the back of her leg.

Black flesh crawled and distorted, a bone spike shooting out at Yang's face. Jaune slipped between and tanked the blow on his shield before dashing forward and with a yell, finished Yang's work. Crocea Mors cut through the damaged joint, removing the bottom half of her leg in a spray of blood. Cinder fell back, scuttling across the ground as she shrieked, her voice rising higher than before.

"Argh," Jaune flinched, his ears ringing. Yang couldn't follow up, clutching at her head as the sound pierced her brain.

"Stay!" a voice commanded and Cinder froze, the sound cut off. Marrow panted, whatever aura he'd managed to recover rapidly draining as she fought against his semblance. "Quick! I can't hold her much longer!"

Weiss flew in, bouncing off hastily summoned glyphs, twirling through the air. Positioned right above her, she flourished her blade and fire poured forth, a molten stream engulfing the downed Grimm-hybrid. Marrow wavered and then collapsed to a knee, his aura shattering as Cinder thrashed in agony, howling.

One of her arms shot out, stretching far beyond its normal means, swatting Weiss aside with a crack. Weiss hit the ground with a shout.

Flesh melted, body carved out and hollow, Jaune watched Cinder attempt to stand. He'd never seen a Grimm take so much damage before and still struggle. Any normal Grimm would be long dead.

And then he watched in horror as the leg he'd cut off regenerated with a sickening squelch, a new foot slamming into the ground. Her ruined torso began stitching itself back together, ribs closing around new innards before skin and bone plating covered them up. Gritting his teeth, he rushed in before she could complete her healing.

She met him with a powerful strike, Jaune hissing through his clenched jaw as his arm threatened to buckle. Aura pouring off his body in a blinding light, he attacked in a flurry, his sword whipping through the air, whistling. Crocea Mors bit deep, slicing long rends up and down her arms. Every time she swung at him, he felt like all the bones in his body were about to turn to dust, muscles screaming for relief.

Why wouldn't she just die?

The next time she struck his shield, ice dust flash froze her hand, those long, spindly fingers cracking. Cycling to fire, he blasted her in the face with a red hot stream before switching to lightning. Cinder roared as lightning lanced through her body, tearing her apart internally. Next was gravity, pounding her back with a solid blast.

Blake swooped in, landing on his shield face and he blasted her away with even more gravity dust, firing her off at high velocity. Flipping around, she lashed out and buried her blade in Cinder's red eye to the hilt, tearing it free as she flew further beyond. Ruby then appeared in a hail of rose petals, unloading point blank into her black eye, the rounds punching out the back of her skull.

"Move!" Yang called and rushed in, fists pistoning with loud booming cracks. Each punch cracked the protective bone plating on her chest until her furious fists sunk through black flesh. Shotgun blasts tore Cinder's chest apart.

A flash of white and her body was frozen, encased in a block of ice. It came from Winter and Weiss together, their blades crossed.

"Here I come~!"

Nora announced loudly, hammer at the ready, body still surging with the remnants of electricity. Planting her feet, she swung with every ounce of strength she had. Magnhild hit the icy prison – and with a loud crack, it shattered, Cinder's body along with it. She scattered across the floor, ice and pieces of Grimm, completely blown apart.

There was a moment of silence, the atmosphere tense. After several long moments when nothing happened, Jaune felt his body begin to relax. Everyone else shared uncertain looks.

Was it over?

Had they won?

A slow clapping filled the void and turning, he saw Neo standing nearby with an amused smirk on her face. Had she been watching this entire time?

"You could have fucking helped," Yang directed at her, red eyes narrowed.

Neo smirked even wider, wiggling her fingers mockingly.

"This bitch," Yang bit out.

'This bitch' had played a massive part in their victory, something even Yang couldn't deny. It was probably the only reason she didn't march over and start throwing hands, though maybe it was also because Neo was more than capable of handing her ass back to her if she tried.

Jaune glanced down at the floor. A single piece of ice had stopped by his boots, a piece of Grimm encased within.

"She's dead," Blake said – and it was like the floodgates opened from those simple words. Jaune felt a great swell of relief wash over him, staggering in its intensity. Closing his eyes, he basked in the feeling.

It was done. Cinder was no more.


Emotions long thought buried and dealt with surged through him, and he felt his eyes sting behind closed lids. Sheathing his sword, he covered his face, palm against his brow. Swallowing thickly, he thought of his partner then. Her flowing crimson hair, those gorgeous emerald eyes like a pair of gems glinting beneath the midday sun, her beautiful face, always happy, always smiling. Her genuine warmth. He carried her, always; her weapons within his, her memory in his heart.


This was real.

"Jaune?" Weiss asked gently and he felt a slender hand rest on his arm. "Are you okay?"

He nodded slowly, removing his hand from his face. Blinking his eyes open, a tear escaped. He quickly wiped it away.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Yeah. I'm fine. How are you?" he looked her over, noticing the cuts and rough patches on her clothing. "You aren't hurt?"

Weiss shook her head, her braid swinging behind her. "No. Your semblance is highly effective," she smiled at him. "We did it."

They did.

He found Ren and Nora with his eyes, and they stared back at him almost in disbelief. He could see his own relief reflected in their eyes, and he held out a hand. Nora skipped over and launched herself into his arms, and he embraced her strongly. He pulled her off the ground, spinning once before setting her down and then hugging Ren just as fiercely.

Ren returned the gesture, arms squeezing him as if he never wanted to let go.

"For her," he said.

Jaune nodded. "For her."

"General Ironwood, sir," Winter cried out, drawing everyone's attention. Weiss' sister helped the man stand, arm slung around his waist shoulder his weight. "Are you well?"

He nodded, a grim smile on his face. He looked a little worse for wear, his uniform rumpled and covered in dirt, torn in places and even stained with a little blood, but overall, he seemed uninjured. "I am. It appears... that our task is complete."

Marrow, the only other member of the Ace-Ops still conscious snapped to attention, wobbling on unsteady feet, "What are your orders, sir?"

Jaune had never seen him look so professional.

"The others are in need of medical attention," Ironwood looked to him, then. "Jaune – can you help with that?"

He nodded. "Yeah, of course."

"What about Penny?" Ruby asked worriedly.

"We can return her body to Pietro. I'm sure he would appreciate it," Ironwood said in assurance. "Her mind – her soul is safe, of that I have no doubt."

Ironwood then directed his attention towards Neo.

"You held up your end of the bargain," he said gravely, voice deepening, conveying his seriousness. "You have until tomorrow to leave my kingdom and never return."

Neo arched an eyebrow, eyes darting to Jaune before finally resting on Ruby. An uneasy feeling filled him as she continued to stare Ruby down, and Yang stepped forward when she refused to look away.

"You got a problem?" the blonde asked, hostile.

Neo blinked, her eyes changing color – and then with a sound of breaking glass, her body shattered.

She was gone.

"Good fucking riddance," Yang muttered, scowling. "I hope we never see her again."

Something tapped against his boot. Confused, he looked down and saw that same piece of ice – only this time, it was moving. Jaune blinked, startled – and before he could raise the alarm, he saw it split, and black oily tendrils shot out.

His mouth opened and it struck him in the throat, latching onto him. His aura quaked as it squeezed, threatening to break his neck but the protection of his soul held. Even so, he couldn't breathe, his hands reaching for his throat and attempting to pry the Grimm off his neck.

"Jaune!" Weiss screamed before something slammed into her from behind, wrapping around her arms and body. She hit the ground with a grunt, thrashing as it tried to crush her within its hold.

"Hey!" Yang roared but she was set upon, as were the others. Ice shattered all around them, pieces of Cinder's body launching themselves in a desperate bid. Blake avoided the first grasping tendril only for a second to grab hold of her wrist. Face twisting in pain, another struck her in the back of the head, wrapping around her face.

"Blake!" Nora tried to reach her but she was forced to the ground, a deformed claw tying up her legs. "Get off me!"

The black flesh moved unnaturally, almost like liquid, ensnaring them. Ren, Winter, Ironwood. By a stroke of luck, it attacked his metal prosthetic arm, crushing it with a horrible shriek of steel tearing. Without aura, if it got to his flesh and blood body, he would be pulverized. Only Ruby managed to escape, her semblance making her too fast, but even she was clipped. Rose petals scattered before reforming, her face panicked.

"What is going on?"

Jaune collapsed to his knees, arms bulging as he tore at the black ring of oily flesh wrapped around his throat. It stretched but refused to break, tightening even further in an attempt to suffocate him.

It wouldn't come off. He couldn't get it off!

And then he saw – Cinder's head, whole and undamaged as her body began to rebuild itself beneath her. First a neck, and then shoulders, a body, arms and more. It was a horrible sight, a thing straight out of a nightmare. Blood and bone, muscle and sinew, latching together in a grotesque display. Jaune felt his vision dim, lungs burning as he gasped desperately.

She laughed. A distorted, inhuman sound, gurgling and erupting from her throat wetly. A chilling sound, crazed, nothing of the woman she used to be remaining. She was nothing but Grimm now.

Even with his semblance active, his strength amplified to the max, the ring of flesh wouldn't budge. It flowed around his fingers and tightened, locking them in place, threatening to break them.

He was going to die.

...Cinder Fall... not again.


Ruby screamed – and a blinding flash of silver light washed over them. The Grimm flesh writhed in agony, cracking as it was blasted by the power of the Silver Eyed Warrior. Cinder recoiled with a howl, trying to escape as Ruby unleashed the full power of her birthright.


Why did he feel so much pain?

Jaune twisted and fell onto his back, body arching as pure fire raced through his veins. Anguish the likes of which he had never felt before, tearing at his mind as the Grimm around his neck crumbled to dust. Free to breathe and free to scream, Jaune roared, eyes rolling in madness.

It hurt. It hurt. It hurt . Everywhere. His skin felt like it was melting from his body, his blood boiling within. A deep, pounding throb of agony in his mind, in his heart, hands and feet curling hard enough to break. He could taste blood, his mouth filled with it. His lungs were bursting. His spine was snapping.

He was coming apart. Torn to shreds from the inside. Tiny little knives, hacking and slashing. Where was he? Who was he? Why did he exist? His mind shut down.

And he screamed – and screamed, and screamed until he could scream no more.

Blissful darkness welcomed him into its embrace.

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