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87.09% Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife / Chapter 27: 26

Chương 27: 26

Chapter 26


"Gaaaagh!" Vince slammed into a boulder by Yume who had her fist stretched out. He coughed a bit of blood and glanced at his demonic arms.

[Pay attention Vince. We're not finished yet.] Yume charged in and threw a punch at him.

Vince brought up his demonic claw and blocked the first attack flinching slightly from the force behind it. He cocked his second claw back and punched Yume in the face sending her right through a tree. "That better Yume?"

She got up relatively unharmed, barring the bruise on her cheek. [Yes. Don't hold back Vince. I'm not fragile.]

The continued to exchange powerful punches and kicks that echoed across the dark moonlit beach. The constant attacks were powerful enough to cause shockwaves across the beach with boulders slowly cracking and the trees being split in half.

[That's it Vince! You're getting the hang of this!] Yume shouted as she sent a barrage of punches at him.

Vince dodged most of the assault but got punched in the ribs he flinched in pain but grabbed Yume by the waist." Gotcha!" He slammed her face into the ground, making a small crater from the amount of force behind his power. Vince then kicked her into the air and followed up blasting her with a bolt of electricity, hitting Yume right in the back. With his demonic arms he yanked her from the air and slammed her back into the sand. Vince then shot out a dark water sphere from his mouth that rammed right into her stomach that sent her flying. Just before she slammed into the ground Vince grabbed Yume and tossed her into the air.

"Take this!" Multiple black ice shaped shuriken repeatedly crashed into Yume's body as Vince jumped into the air and delievered a brutal axe kick to the face, sending her into the sand.

Yume groaned in pain but got up relatively unharmed, barring a few noticeable bruises. [You're definitely getting better with your devil form Vince. But-]

[You've still got a lot to learn.] She disappeared from his sights and appeared right in front of him. Without warning Yume punched him right in the chest, sending him into a boulder with a jagged edge. The jagged piece of stone impaled Vince's heart causing a large amount of blood to fly everywhere. His body went limp as his eyes closed.

[Vince, you can stop playing dead now. That didn't work the first time it's not going to work the tenth time.] Yume spoke as she rolled her eyes.

"It was worth a try. I'm done sparing though." Vince said, completely unfazed by the stone that was sticking out of his chest. He kicked the jagged boulder, easily breaking right through it. Vince landed on the sand and yanked out the remaining shard from the inside of his heart. Upon closer inspection one could see the hole in his chest already closed up completely. "I wonder how many people would react to seeing something like this?"

[I don't know the exact reactions, but I'm sure a lot of people will be shocked.] She commented.

"Isn't that a typical response for someone that's not a Phenex?" Vince asked as his demonic claws disappeared.

[Yeah but still...]

He then turned towards her. "By the way Yume, can you explain more about my Sacred Gears? I want to know more about them."

Yume blinked twice but nodded. [Okay. What do you want to know more about?]

"I'm curious about what makes them tick. That and I want to know why you tell me from time to time it's very important for my body to be durable. The last time I checked the human body isn't exactly as durable as a Devil or an Angel's body." Vince stated seriously.

[Well, you'll understand a bit more after I explain more in-depth I'll start with Element Brand. While it is a rare type Sacred Gear, it's also weak because it allows to use magic of an element you have an affinity to, which in your case is three. Most Magicians already know magic of different elements, since they are taught that. Normally it takes a while for magicians to learn magic but you skipped a lot of steps and went straight into it. It's good for beginners but if the wielder is already learning magic it becomes pointless later on. But your Element Brand is a cut above the rest.] Yume explained with a smile.

"Does it have anything to do with it being to use the light and dark counterparts of the elements I can already use, via Angel/Devil?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

She nodded in response. [Yes, but there's also for another reason. Since it works well with Angel/Devil though with you, I believe Element Brand will become even more powerful in the future.]

"You know with your description you make it sound like Element Brand is like the Twice Critical of the rare class Sacred Gears." Vince commented.

[It kind of is unfortunately. Especially if the user only has an affinity to only one element.] She replied sounding a little sad.

"So what about Angel/Devil?" Vince questioned snapping Yume out of her thoughts.

[Angel/Devil is a bit of a special case in a way. Remember when I said that when you turn into an angel or a devil it changes your body and soul?] Yume asked causing him to nod.

Vince crossed his arms with contemplative look. "Yeah, but how did Angel/Devil gain the ability to do that in the first place?"

Yume smiled. [So you finally noticed it. The reason why Angel/Devil can do that is because it uses the DNA of an actual angel and a devil in order for the transformation to work.]

His eyes widened at the information before he slowly nodded. "...Can you tell me any information on the DNA itself?"

[The DNA from your devil transformation comes from a pure blood Ultimate-Class Devil that died in the Great War. While the DNA of the angel came from an angel that also died in the Great war, who was also on par with an Ultimate-Class Devil.] She informed him, much to his surprise.

"...So that's mean I'm an ultimate class when I transform and did I get any traits from them?" He questioned still visibly surprised.

Yume shook her head in response. [No. Your body wouldn't have been able to handle the stress behind it. It's also why Angel/Devil has been very unstable from the beginning along with Element Brand. I was able to restrict it before it got out of control, thankfully the training made your body durable enough to use it by the time you came to Kuoh Academy. It's also how you unlocked the Sacred Gear in the first place. Also I made sure that their traits wouldn't affect you, so no you won't be getting any traits from them. The transformations are purely based on your desire with the DNA being material for the transformation.]

Vince blinked owlishly before nodding. "OK. So what class was I in before I transformed?"

[When you first unlocked Angel/Devil your human body was durable as a Middle-Class Devil. It was the best I could do because the two powers were very overwhelming, with your recent transformation your body is as durable as a High-Class Devil.] She explained to him.

Vince however frowned. "How exactly is my body that durable in the first place? I thought the human body had a lot of limitations."

[...I had to change your genetics a bit when you were a baby so you could eventually adapt to the power without dying. Don't worry, you're still related to Elena-san and you're still a human Vince.] Yume answered quickly upon seeing his expression.

Vince breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that. "...Wait, why didn't you change my genetics back then so I wasn't related to my father?"

[I only wanted to change your genetic structure to make you more durable Vince. Besides, considering how much he tried to avoid paying child support in the past I think it's safe to say it would have been a bad idea to do that.] She pointed out.

"...Point taken. He would have probably gotten off scot-free in the courtroom if that happened." He stated with a hint of anger in his tone.

Yume cleared her throat gaining his attention. [As of right now when you transform into either an angel or devil, it's on par with a High-Class Devil. When your body is durable enough, I'll undo the last restrain on Angel/Devil.]

"I see. Well this does explain why you always encouraged me to train everyday. So how rare is Angel/Devil in the rare class?" Vince asked looking thoughtful.

[Very rare. To my knowledge there's only one in existence. It's a forbidden Sacred Gear.] She answered sighing a little.

He shook his head and looked at her. "Wait. Why is it forbidden and why did I get it?"

[It goes against the belief of the Three Factions being able to turn into an Angel or a Devil at will isn't natural. When God died it caused a lot of chaos I can only guess that everyone was to busy trying to fix the problems and didn't notice until it was too late.] Yume explained shaking her head a little.

"Too late...? Then that means Gabriel and Shura were-" Before Vince could finish his sentence Yume interrupted him by holding on to his hand.

She looked at him seriously and shook her head. [I don't think Gabriel-san and Shura-san are those type of people Vince. Before you unlocked Angel/Devil I made sure to place a lot of restrictions on it to make sure nobody can notice until you were strong enough.]

"...And you're sure nobody could tell?" Vince asked sounding uncertain.

[I'm positive. Whenever Angel/Devil occasionally released excess energy I made sure to redirect to Element Brand to make it more noticeable and to make it stronger. Unfortunately that made it unstable as a result.] Yume explained sadly.

"I see. So that explains why I had to train all of those times to make sure it didn't mess me up. I guess that's the other reason you talked about earlier." He commented shaking his head.

[I'm sorry.]

"Don't apologize. If you didn't do that I would have been found out earlier than before and that would have been a pain in the ass to deal with." Vince reassured.

[Thank you Vince. That means a lot to me.] She spoke smiling.

"Yume. Is there a way for me to use Angel/Devil faster?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

She blinked before nodding. [Yes there is. Why do you ask?]

Vince shrugged, "It'll only get in the way if I can't access it faster. Especially if it gets knocked out of my hand."

[Oh I see. I can change the form into something that requires less time. The only problem is that if I do that you'll have to wait twenty-four hours before using Angel/Devil. Are you okay with that?] Yume asked seriously.

A small nod was his response. "I'm okay with it. Tommorow is that treaty, I'd rather be as prepared as possible."

Yume sighed, [It's not healthy to be so pessimistic Vince.]

"I'm not. There's a chance that there might be a few people that might want the treaty to be a disaster. After all, what's stopping Kokabiel from being the only person that wants a war? Remember the Excalibur incident?" Vince asked with a wry smile.

She winced, recalling everything that happened during the incident. [Point taken. Vince take out Angel/Devil and place it on your wrist.]

Vince raised an eyebrow but nodded he took out the gray cellphone from his pocket and placed on his left wrist, a bit awkwardly. To his surprise however the cellphone melted into a metallic liquid. The liquid then coiled around his arm and began to form until it took the form of a gray metallic-looking bracelet with a white colored button on one side and black colored button on the other side. "...Well that's convenient."

[You can't use it for twenty-four hours Vince.] Yume pointed out.

"I suddenly feel like retracting my earlier statement." Vince stated sarcastically causing her to pout.

She then cleared her throat. [Even those this is a dream the change still happened.]

"Right." Vince turned around and closed his eyes. "You know about my secret right?"

[I do. I watched your memories when you gave me permission. I understand why though, it's better to keep that secret until the time is right.] Yume responded with a small smile.

"I never intended for it to become a secret but I didn't want many people to know that." Vince replied with a shrug.

[Still it is helpful that you know how to do that especially with your shortcomings.] She commented.

He looked at the tattoo on his hand and sighed. "Yeah. It was the best thing I can do at the time. As you saw from my memories I can't learn or use any type of magic outside of Element Brand I could only create two new spells for my respective elements at the time and refine the other two spells I created. Though in order for me to do even that I had to have base off of something and more or less copy it. Which came from the anime and videogames I play."

Yume shook her head in disagreement. [I think you sell yourself short Vince. You were able to quickly refine your spells and was able to create a new one and refine it in half a year even if it was based off of something you saw.]

"...Thanks. After that I gave up learning any new spells and solely focused on training with the weapon I use to spar with Rena." Vince spoke smirking a little at recalling the memory.

She giggled. [It was usually a tie but when she won and tried to gloat you would either yawn or fall asleep right next to a tree.]

"Yeah. Well I'm tired, later Yume." He said closing his eyes.


Vince yawned loudly as his body lied down on the sand. Yume picked up his body and smiled, she placed his head on her lap and gently stroked his hair.


A groan escaped from Vince's lips as he opened his eyes. His blanket covering most of his body. He glared at the sunlight that penetrated the window before shaking his head. (Fucking sun. This is why I like the moon better.)

After feeling a weight press down on him Vince looked down and a saw young blonde woman with long blonde hair and pointed ears clinging on to his chest, wearing a moderate looking black nightgown that hugged her curves, all the while sleeping peacefully.

(Why is Rena sleeping on top of me?) He looked around the room and saw a few photos on top of his wooden dresser.

(Oh wait. I remember now she snuck in through the window when everyone else was asleep. ...That takes me back.) Vince tried to move but couldn't because of Rena still clinging on to him. He sighed and decided to squint his eyes in order to better see the photos. Upon closer inspection he saw that the first photo had a small young blonde girl with pointed ears, smiling right next to a young girl with silvery-white hair who also smiled. The next photo had a teenage blond girl with a noticeable bust with pointed ears, laughing in the photo along with a slivery-white haired teenager who was also laughing.

The third photo showed a slightly younger Vince blushing a little while Rena affectionately held on to his arm with a loving smile. The fourth photo showed a large lake in the background with Vince giving Rena a piggyback ride as she held on to him with a smile.

(Those two photos are of her and Rossweisse. The two are of us together, Rena defintely had fun recalling those memories last night.) He thought to himself before looking at the fifth photo.

Vince sighed and squinted his eyes even harder to better see the photo, which showed him sitting next to Rossweisse and Rena whom both had smiles. (The three of us were really good friends back then. I remember being sad when Rossweisse left. ...Not that I would ever admit that aloud.)

"Mmm..." Rena moaned out sensually, that made a small blush appear on Vince's face.

"Rena get up." He said nudging her gently.

"...Okay." Rena opened her eyes and smiled. "Good morning Vince."

"Morning." Vince blinked as soon as he saw her eye color green. "You're not wearing your contacts Rena?"

Rena shook her head in response. "No, I don't sleep with my contacts on."

"Oh." Vince took a glance at his arm and blinked when he saw a gray bracelet on his wrist. (I guess this means I really can't use Angel/Devil for twenty-four hours. Eh, I don't mind. It's not like I need to use it today.)

Rena stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes. "It's nice to be like this again Vince. You're very warm."

"Likewise. But don't get used to it I'm not going to this often." Vince stated crossing his arms.


"I want my privacy. That and Rias along with Akari would bagger me again about them sleeping with me and Kasumi would probably lecture me or something." He said dryly.

"I don't see why you don't tell them to back off. Or just flat out ignore them." Rena said sighing.

"Kasumi is my childhood friend and I've been waiting to see her for years, Akari and Rias act a bit annoying from time to time but they are my friends. I can't leave them just like that." Vince answered frowning.

To his surprise however Rena smiled. "I'm glad you think like that Vince. Coming here has changed you a bit. You're starting to care and consider for other people without thinking about only the negatives."

"Pffft. You're reading way too much into it Rena." He said looking away.

Rena giggled in response causing Vince's eye to twitch violently.

(Tch. ...Huh, I'm feeling a little nostalgic. Is it because of what's been happening lately?) Vince pondered as he let his mind drift off.


Rena struggled as she walked up a set of stairs in the school while holding two larges boxes. "G-Geez, if I knew the boxes were this heavy I would have asked for some help."

At the same moment Vince walked down the stairs with a cold expression. He noticed Rena struggling but shrugged a little, not really caring. (It's not my problem.)

She continued to struggle but her foot slipped on the stairs. "A-Aaaaahhhh!"

Vince's eyes widened when he saw her foot slipped. He quickly channeled lightning throughout his body and jumped on the stair railing. Vince bended his kness to gain more momentum and jumped out of the rail. He scooped her up bridal style and jumped away as the boxes fell to the stairs.

Rena's eyes widened when she felt someone picking her up. She looked up and saw sparks rising from him as if like they were like azure feathers. The sparks danced around Vince's body and around her's. To her surprise, instead of getting shocked she felt a small spark go throughout her body and a small warmth.

Vince gently placed her on the floor. "...Be more careful next time."

"W-What?" Rena's expression turned from confused into shock as she tried to process what just happened. She turned around to and her eyes widened when she saw Vince already carrying the two boxes up the stairs. "Fast... hey, wait!"

Vince placed the boxes on a small corner right next to a door that was just up the stairs. He heard her voice and turned towards her. "...What?"

"What's your name?" Rena asked, wanting to know.

"...Vince. Forget that you saw me." He disappeared from her sights again, leaving a small trail of blue sparks.

"Is he a magician? I better ask mother and father about this." She said more to herself.

(Flashback End)

"Reminiscing of when we first met Vince?" Rena asked with an amused smile, snapping Vince out his thoughts.

"Maybe." He noticed Rena wrapping the blanket around them and sighed. "You gonna get out of bed? We do have to get ready for school and you have to leave early if you don't wanna get caught."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I know. But I want to stay here for a few more minutes, you feel very warm."

"What about your disguise-" The door opened and Kasumi's eyes widened greatly at seeing Vince in bed with a young woman with blonde hair, green eyes and pointed ears. She noticed them being completely covered by a blanket unaware of both of them wearing clothes.

"I'm sorry for interrupting!" Kasumi shouted with a blush, she quickly slammed the door shut and ran away.

"Oh. We were caught." Rena stated in a tone that showed she didn't really care.

"You're taking responsibility for this." Vince said dryly.

Before she could retort the door immediately slammed open with Rias and Akari looking at them.

A tickmark appeared Rias' face as she glared at the two. "...Vince. Who is this?"

"You two already met each other the same goes for you Akari." He replied shurgging.

"I haven't met her before." Akari said frowning.

Vince shook his head and turned towards Rena who looked amused at the scene. "You mind showing them?"

"I will if you kiss me." Rena replied innocently.

Much to the ire of Akari and Rias, Vince kissed her on the cheek and grinned a little. "You didn't say where."

"Ha ha, very funny Vince." Rena flicked her fingers and to Rias and Akari's surprise her hair color changed from blonde to brunette. She then took a pair of hazel eye contacts and placed them on her eyes.

"...Rena?" Akari asked with a surprised expression.

"Yes, it's me Akari." Rena said with a small smile.

"So it was disguise." Rias pointed out with a frown.

"Yeah, and for the record we didn't have sex." Vince removed the blanket from the futon showing them that while shirtless, he is wearing a pair of gray sweatpants.

Akari and Rias blushed from seeing his muscular upperbody. He got up from the futon and turned towards Rena who smiled from seeing him shirtless. "Rena, are you going to explain to the others about the disguise?"

"Yeah, I sort of walked myself into that one." Rena replied smiling sheephisly.

Vince nodded and headed towards the hallway. "Hey Kasumi."

"Yes Vince-" Kasumi immediately saw Vince shirtless and blushed.

"I didn't have sex and for the record Rena is the blonde girl you saw." He stated as he walked towards the bathroom, leaving a confused and slightly dazzed Kasumi.


Everyone sat around a small table in the living room as Rias took a sip of tea that was made by Kasumi.

Vince and Rena also took a sip of tea while Kasumi sat on a small chair. "Why do wear a disguise Rena?"

Rena finished drinking her tea and placed on the table. "My mother and father recommended this and it would be hard to cover up this-" She pointed towards her ears. "That and I wanted change my appearance."

"Change your appearance? Then that means..." Rias looked back and forth between Vince and Rena.

The two noticed the look in her eyes. Rena sighed while Vince shrugged. "Well, it did spice things up a bit during gym class."

Rena face turned crimson red from embarrassment she shoved Vince nearly making him fall off the couch. "Vince you dummy!"

The other girls in the room gave Rena a jealous look while Vince balanced himself on the couch. He rolled his eyes and spoke. "To put it bluntly, Florida pretty much has little to no interaction with anything out of the ordinary and is mostly just a vacation spot. That's the reason for the disguise."

Everyone looked to Rena for a confirmation to which she did by nodding. "Vince is right. It would be hard to cover up anything that happens. ...Though that didn't stop Vince from causing a few chaotic moments."

"I didn't do much." He replied shrugging.

Rena deadpanned. "You used caused the toilet water to come out of the toilet and made a mess in the hallway and the kitchen in your grandparent's house."

Rias, Akari and Kasumi's eyes widened as Vince shrugged again. "In my defense, they were both pricks at the time and I wanted cause pain and misery."

"We should go to school now. We're going to be late." Kasumi spoke as she glanced at the clock.

"Yeah, you're right." Rias said getting up from her seat.

Before Vince could walk away Akari grabbed him by the shoulder. "Where are you going Vince?"

"I'm going to walk on my own to school today." He replied dryly.

Rena hooked her arm around Vince's. "Nope. You're walking with me."

Rias glared at Rena and held on to Vince with her breast pressing against his other arm. "Vince is walking with me."

"I don't think so Vince is going with me." Akari declared as she teleported in between them and hugged him.

A tickmark appeared on Rias and Rena as they glared at her. Kasumi dragged Akari away and held Vince's hand. "I'll be walking with Vince to school."

Vince pinched the bridge of his nose while the four young woman glared at each other with sparks coming out of their eyes, much to his disbelief. (Ugh... what did I do to deserve this...? At least Yasaka and Gabriel aren't here. That would give me a bigger headache. Or god forbidden Shura.)


Issei noticed Vince walking down the hallway and approached him. "Oi Vince."

"Oh hey Issei. ...You're not with Asia or your other friends?" Vince asked raising an eyebrow.

"No. Asia is with Kiryuu and Motohama and Matsuda are spreading rumors probably about us." Issei explained with a sigh.

His eye twitched violently. "...Remind me again why they're your friends?"

Issei thens suddenly got a little closer to Vince and whispered. "Hey Vince, I'm gonna go sneak in the girl's locker room and take a peek. You wanna join?"

"No, I rather not get caught sneaking in-" Issei deflated at his answer. "However there is more than one way to get a peek without getting caught."

Issei immediately perked up and looked at Vince with excitement in his eyes. "Really, how!?"

"Shh. Not so loud Issei. Do you want people to get suspicious?" Vince asked frowning.

Issei quickly closed his mouth and nodded while the other students around them looked at them weirdly but kept walking.

"Meet me near locker rooms after gym class." Vince stated.

"Why what are you gonna do?" He asked completely confused.

Vince however chuckled and walked away. "You'll see. Just be sure to be near me when it's after gym class otherwise you won't be safe."

Issei shivered a little. "I can't help but be excited and scared at the same time..."


Vince stood in between the hallways with a smirk while Issei was next to him looking confused. "What's going to happen Vince?"

A bunch of male students paid no attention to the two as he held up three fingers and slowly brought his fingers down. "Three... two... one..."


Everyone turned to see the girl's locker room bursting out with water as many of the female students were naked and drenched with water.

All of the male students minus Vince who chuckled, all gained a massive nosebleed. Issei stood there stunned as a massive amount of blood dripped from his nose as both he and Vince took in the scenary of all of the female student's naked and wet bodies. "This is awesome-"

Vince immediately covered Issei's mouth as his expression turned serious. "Follow me and don't make any noise. We'll have to leave quickly, you'll see why after we do."

He grabbed a confused and dazzed Issei and quickly ran out of the locker room as the female students got up and tried to cover their private parts with their hands. They noticed the male students ogling them and released an enormous amount of killing intent.

"Y-You perverts!" A female student said slapping a male student across the face.

Sounds of painful screaming and shouts of mercy echoed through the hallway as Vince and Issei looked from a safe distance. The two gave each other a high-five while Issei grinned pervertedly. "That was so awesome. How did you do that Vince?"

"Being able to control water helps. All you have to do is flood the place and redirect the flow." Vince answered with a small smirk.


"Thankfully there wasn't anyone in there who was aware of the water control not be natural. Otherwise we would be leaving for a different reason." He said with a small smirk.

"We should do this again." Issei said still grinning.

"Maybe in the future but not for now. This incident will be all over the school so it's better to lay low for a little bit. Besides, we got enough eye candy to last us for a while right?" Vince questioned with his smirk slightly widening.

Issei nodded and wiped the blood off of his nose. "Yeah."

He then looked at Issei seriously. "If anybody asks, we left early for before this happened."

"Right. So, is anybody gonna know it's you?" Issei questioned.

"Oh please. I'm too good to leave any traces behind. Somebody will probably suspect is me but without any evidence they can't back up their claims besides, I've been in gym class in the entire time with the teacher seeing me. I have an alibi." He stated.

Issei looked at Vince with an uncertain look. "...Did you do this before?"

"A few times. When Rena was absent from school that is." Vince answered with a shrug.


"She can sense things a good distance when she's focused. It's a good thing the college branch has little to no interaction with the highschool one aside from having a similar lunch period. Rena's kicks are just as strong Koneko's punches." He replied sighing causing Issei to pale considerably.

Vince looked up into sky and let out a sigh. (I probably shouldn't have let the weapon I spar with Rena behind after all, her mother did make it...)


A fifthteen year old Vince followed an older women who looked like an older version of Rena without her disguise, having long blonde hair that reacher to her hips, green eyes and pointed ears, wearing a simple black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans that hugged her curves nicely. "Where are we going?"

The older woman giggled at his curiosty and ruffled his hair causing him to frown. "Don't worry Vince we're going to pick out a weapon so that you can spar with Rena."


"Because you're the only one who can spar equally with Rena, that and she really loves to spar with you." She said smiling.

Vince snorted in response. "Rena only likes it because she get away with hitting me."

"I don't think it's because of that Vince. You'll understand soon." The older woman stopped in front of a door and smiled. "We're here you can open the door Vince."

"Okay?" Vince opened the door and entered the room with a confused look.

His eyes widened upon entering the room. The entire room looked like an armory filled with multiple weapons. Vince looked around and saw various weapons ranging from lances, glaves, swords, claymores, axes, bows, daggers, guns and other unique weapons. "This is... different."

"This is where I put the weapons I've made. As you know from Rena and her father making weapons is my hobby when I'm not designing new clothes." The older woman answered smiling sheepishly.

Vince let out a low whistle. "That's some hobby."

"Thank you. Now go ahead and pick a weapon so you can have a proper spar with Rena." She said.

"Thanks." His eyes quickly darted towards the various weapons in the room.

The older woman however pouted. "It's a shame you don't share the same enthusiasm when I try to design you some new clothes from the ones you're wearing."

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Vince asked feeling a little self-conscious.

"Vince, those clothes are very old and ragged. Even your mother thinks you should wear some new clothes." She pointed out.


"Well, she does feel bad that you're only putting old clothes. You know, I could probably design a new set of clothes that'll get Rena's attention..." The older blonde said grinning a little.

"...I'll think about it." Vince looked at a weapon and picked up. He examined it and did a few practice swings. "I think I found a weapon to use."

(Flashback End)

Vince shook his head but smiled a little from the memory. (Good times.)

He then looked behind and saw a bunch of janitors going into the locker rooms with the female students walking out wearing the school uniforms and his smiled widened a little. (I don't regret doing that to them. They all deserved it for continuing those rumors about Issei, Kiba and I being in a BL relationship. Especially when those rumors just died down.)

Kasumi and Akari looked down from the roof of the school where they saw Vince and smiled.

"It's a rare to see Vince smile like that." Kasumi said smiling.

"Yeah, though he did smile a lot more when you were a kid." Akari spoke.

"But you-" Kasumi was interrupted by Akari who shook her head. "You were there when that happened. I wasn't. I only have the memories of it."

Kasumi nodded sadly and held her hand. "But even so, Vince thinks it's apart of you. Even if you weren't present at the time he still considers you as a childhood friend. I myself think that those memories are apart of you Akari, no matter where they came from."

Akari smiled brightly much to her surprise. "Thanks Kasumi that means a lot."

"Your welcome."

Her smiled then turned into a mischievous one putting Kasumi on alert. "Hey Kasumi, how about a little deal?"

"...What type of deal, Akari?" She asked cautiously.

"It's simple really. I'll keep Rias and Rena occupied while you give Vince your first time." Akari said grinning.

Kasumi's face redden considerably. "W-What!?"

Akari rolled her eyes. "Oh don't be like that. You know as well as I do you want Vince to be your first. Especially after you found out about Rena and Yasaka."

"...Why would you suggest this? What's in it for you?" Kasumi asked after she calmed down her blush.

"It's a simple exchange. You have your first time with Vince and when I want to have my first time with Vince you keep Rias and Rena busy. Yasaka is in Kyoto and Akeno isn't living with Vince or near Rena so it's easy to distract them." She explained.

Kasumi hesitantly nodded at her reasoning Akari however shrugged. "I could have asked Rena, Rias or Akeno about doing this. I'm pretty sure they would have agreed quickly."

"Okay! I understand. I accept your offer Akari-" Kasumi's expression then turned serious. "If this is a trick..."

"This is no trick. I do not joke around with this type of subject especially when Vince is involved." Akari said her expression matching Kasumi's current expression.

"Very well."

"Try not to faint from seeing Vince naked Kasumi." She said teasingly.

"I won't. I'll make sure everything goes without a problem." Kasumi answered crossing her arms, causing her breasts to rise.

Akari then laughed a little. "Oh right. The kunoichi seduction and the Mugen Tenshin teachings. "Always be prepared for every situation" right?"

A blush appeared on Kasumi's face as a result. "Hey don't bring our clan or my profession into this!"

"But are you gonna use those kunoichi seduction techniques to seduce Vince. If I recall correctly you bought two spares of every kunoichi outfit you own. One for a spare and the other one is for Vince." Akari stated with an all knowning smirk.

Kasumi pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation as she tried not to strangle Akari in front of her. "This also applies to you, you know."

"I know. But unlike you I'm more open about it." Akari said nonchantly in a tone that reminded Kasumi of Vince. "Besides at this point, I wouldn't mind sharing Vince with you."

Kasumi's eyes widened as she continued. "I would rather share Vince then not to be with him at all."

"I see. So when do you want to start with the plan Akari?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

"Today after Vince comes from Akeno's house. We both know there'll be little chance tomorrow because Hayate and the others will be here because of the treaty that happens the day after." Akari spoke with a frown.

"Right. We should go to our classroom soon our break is almost over." Kasumi answered.


(School: Lunchtime)

Vince walked into the cafeteria sighing a little. He noticed Kasumi and Akari that were surronded by male students in the college branch. Kasumi tried to politely engage in small talk with them while Akari flat out ignored them. Vince held back chuckling at their dilemma and walked up to them. "Hey Kasumi, Akari."

"Hello Vince." The spoke in unison, they glanced at each other annoyed.

Kasumi cleared her throat before she turned towards him. "Do you need something Vince?"

The other male college students glared at Vince for grabbing their attention as one spoke up. "Shouldn't you be in the highschool section kid?"

"I don't know. Didn't anyone ever teach you to not interrupt a conversation?" He shot back in a sarcastic tone.

"So what do you need Vince?" Akari asked trying to change the topic.

"I want to talk to you two in private. It's important." Vince said much to their surprise.

The two nodded and follow Vince much to the college students, ire. Akari then kissed Vince on the cheek much to Kasumi's annoyance and the student's shock. "Thanks Vince."

"No problem."

"Where are we going Vince?" Kasumi asked with a slightly forced smile.

"The roof."

After a few minutes of walking the three were on the roof of the school. Vince looked at both of them. "I know about Ayane. Ayame-san told me about her past and about what happened to Raidou."

Both of their eyes widened as he continued. "I want to know what happened during the DOA tournaments. Especially when Hayate appeared on T.V. in one of the tournaments with amnesia."

Kasumi sighed but nodded. "Very well. I'll tell you Vince, you deserve to know."

"I'll fill in the other parts for Kasumi." Akari spoke with a smile.

Vince nodded and turned to Kasumi. "Thanks. Oh and Kasumi."


"Despite you killing Raidou, I still think you're softer than a marshmellow." He said grinning.

Akari giggled while Kasumi pouted and slapped his shoulder.


Author's Notes: I'm finally done with the chapter. It was pretty hard writting this chapter in a old computer. Originally, this chapter was supposed to be longer but because I'm waiting for my other computer to be fixed I won't be posting a chapter for a while. So I thought I would in the meantime write this chapter. Thankfully it didn't take as long as I thought it would have and hey, this chapter is at least over 5,000 words now for the explanations.

Vince and Yume do usually have spars in his dreams so I thought I would show one off and to show Vince's devil form a little. Like I stated in a earlier chapter while Vince fights like Nero from DMC4 he does have other options for attacking so he doesn't fight like a clone.

I planned the backstory of Vince's Sacred Gears for a while but I was waiting for a good time to bring it in. While Vince may seem OP with his Sacred Gears there is a reason for that and I wanted to reveal something very important to him. Also please do note that the discussion between Vince's body being as durable as a specific devil class, it does not apply to Vince's skills.

I decided to make the scene with Vince and Issei because I wanted Vince to interact with more people. Vince will have other scenes with other people that he normally doesn't talk to on his own like Kiba or Koneko for example.

The weapon Vince used in his spar with Rena is completely different and will be revealed in the next chapter just note that is not the weapon that will replace Crescent Rose.

I made that scene between Kasumi and Akari to give some interaction between them when Vince isn't around. I'm still debating whether I should write a lemon or keep it as implied let me know what you think about it.

That's all I have to say for the explanations. I do want to say again that I apologize for the late upload but I can't do much at the moment. Hopefully this chapter isn't too bad. Now I have a question everyone. What did you think of the backstory for the Sacred Gears and Vince's shortcoming with magic? Let me know what you think about it in the reviews and take care.

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