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CH 9 Kung Fu Panda!

(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)

Thought or think

[digital or robot or digital communication voice]


Big or loud echoing voice

(Author: sorry this took a while and thank you for still reading (◕ᴗ◕✿))













"Kung Fu Panda?" Mei inquired, her eyes shifting toward Bronya's phone screen in curiosity.

Excitedly, Kiana responded, leaping onto the couch, "Yes, that's the one! It's set to hit theatres in just two weeks! We absolutely have to catch it as soon as it premieres!"

Mei, trying to maintain order in her home, gently restrained Kiana, saying, "Kiana, please stop jumping on the couch. Remember, this is my house, let's keep it tidy. Have any of you had a chance to watch the trailer yet?"

"Da, it's all about a Panda, clearly, who embarks on a journey to become a kung fu master... It's quite self-explanatory, don't you think?" Bronya pondered aloud, looking down as she contemplated her words, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Well, let's make a plan to all watch that movie together once it's released in about 2 weeks, I guess," Mei says with a bright smile and a casual shrug, expressing anticipation and excitement about enjoying the movie as a group.






Meanwhile, in the mesmerising golden courtyard, Elysia captivates the group by unveiling the trailer of the much-anticipated "Kung Fu Panda." The trailer features the lovable panda, Po, the indisputable main character, showcasing his impressive Kung Fu skills and training regimen. However, amidst the action, Po's endearing clumsiness shines through, eliciting laughter from the onlookers. Elysia, beaming with excitement, turns to her companions and eagerly inquires, "So, what are your thoughts on the new movie?"

Su, Kevin, Fuhua, Aponia, Eden, and Kosma are all visibly intrigued, their eyes reflecting a mixture of interest and curiosity.

"Actually... I find it interesting," Fu hua remarks, her passion for martial arts evident in her voice.

Smiling knowingly, Elysia responds, "I had a feeling you'd say that, Fu hua."

Su, with a glint of excitement in his closed eyes, chimes in, "I too am intrigued by it."

Aponia contemplates for a moment before sharing her perspective, "I must admit, it does look interesting. Little Griseo would definitely enjoy watching it as well," she adds, imagining the joy the movie would bring her young companion. Kosma nods in agreement, finding the concept of animals mastering Kung Fu to be quite charming.

On the other hand, Kalpass, showing minimal interest, shrugs and offers, "Meh. The fight scenes seem decent at best to me."

"Mhm, indeed Elysia," Eden began thoughtfully, her brow furrowed in concern. "Though, I must admit, I am feeling a bit apprehensive. Do you think the movie will turn out to be a good one?" Eden mused, her knowledge of the HelloKitty Industry prompting her to ponder. The company was known for its video games, but recently they had been gaining recognition not only for their innovative game concepts but also for their cutting-edge AI technology in one of their games. On top of that, rumors were swirling about a new card game release, adding to their already impressive portfolio.

Curious, Kevin interjected, "Like what, Eden?"

"Well, think about it," Eden replied, her voice tinged with skepticism. "It hasn't even been a year, and they've already churned out numerous games and toys, with a movie in the works. It all seems a bit too fast-paced, almost as if someone is providing substantial backing. Not that I have any concrete suspicions, but it does strike me as rather peculiar," she elaborated.

Elysia, ever optimistic, chimed in reassuringly, "Oh, it's fine. It might actually turn out to be quite interesting!"

"Then we should definitely plan to watch it once it hits the cinemas in two weeks!" Elysia suggested enthusiastically.

"I agree, it could be an enjoyable outing for all of us," Eden concurred.

Sakura, who had been immersed in her laptop, interjected, "Indeed, it would be nice to have another group outing. Don't you think?"

Elysia turned to Vill-V and Mobius, asking, "Vill-V, Mobius, are you both joining us?"

"Yoosh!" Vill-V responded in the distance, accompanied by the sounds of fireworks and mechanical whirring.

Mobius, with a hint of sarcasm, retorted, "Even if I declined, you'd probably drag me along anyway," her tone laced with a hiss.

"Right let's go!" Elysia said in excitement to go in the cinema in 2 weeks.







As more and more individuals gradually discover the movie trailer of HelloKitty, the growing audience is beginning to realize that HelloKitty's influence expands beyond the big screen. Not only has HelloKitty ventured into the realm of filmmaking, but it has also left its mark in various other platforms such as games - including video games and card games. This diverse portfolio showcases the industry's flexibility and creative prowess, captivating audiences with its innovative and distinctive approach. Many are recognizing the uniqueness of these games, appreciating the ingenious designs and concepts that have been brought to life in both card games and video games. The industry's ability to continuously evolve and adapt is not only evident in the captivating experiences offered by these games but also serves as a testament to the boundless creativity within the industry.

The release of Mindustry v5 has been a monumental success, captivating and engaging thousands upon thousands of enthusiastic players as the player community continues to swell in numbers. Excitement abounds as more and more players are drawn in, particularly drawn to the vibrant world of mods that offer endless customization opportunities and the thrilling realm of multiplayer where battles rage, and strategies clash in spectacular fashion. The appeal of piloting both big and small robots, each equipped with advanced AI capabilities, has players marveling at their ability to seamlessly execute commands while displaying remarkable adaptability in navigating the ever-changing game terrain. The allure of Mindustry's 2D world lies not only in the riveting robot battles but also in the strategic brilliance of the AI, which astounds players with its military precision and tactical acumen, all while faithfully executing player commands.

Moreover, the game's meteoric rise to fame is further evidenced by its impressive sales figures, with a staggering 40,000 copies flying off the virtual shelves within a single day meaning $800,000. The allure of Mindustry's compelling gameplay and innovative mechanics has players enraptured, drawn not only by its engaging factory-building elements but also by the immersive colony management features it offers. The game's popularity continues to soar, solidifying its status as a must-play title in the genre and cementing its reputation as a beloved factory-building game with a devoted following.

Despite encountering significant criticism, Among Us has managed to amass a large player base, leading to many individuals within the community developing trust issues solely within the game environment. Consequently, even amidst disdain for certain players, betrayers are pardoned due to the game's nature where deceit is a central component. 

Having sold over 20,000 copies within just a single day making $400,000, Among Us has propelled itself into the upper echelons of the gaming world, solidifying its position as one of the most popular science fiction games. While it may not hold the top spot, it undeniably secures a place among the top ten most played games, garnering immense popularity and engagement.

Moving on to another exciting addition, we cannot overlook Helldivers 1, the latest creation from HelloKitty.ind. This game is a breath of fresh air in the gaming world, especially considering the predominant shooter game trend. While many games out there rely heavily on shooting mechanics, Helldivers 1 manages to stand out by offering a unique approach - it's not based on a pay-to-win model. Instead, it is a completely free game that requires only the initial purchase, without any premium features, VIP memberships, or paid battle passes. There are some optional components like a battle pass, but rest assured, it's not mandatory or paid - everything is accessible without additional costs. Furthermore, the in-game currency can be easily obtained through regular gameplay, ensuring that players do not need to spend extra money on starter packs, weapon bundles, or exclusive currencies targeted towards high-spending players. In contrast to other game developers, Helldivers 1 promotes a pure gaming experience solely focused on enjoying the gameplay itself. While many comparable titles, such as those from Ubisoft, bombard players with in-game purchase prompts as soon as the game loads, Helldivers 1 stays true to its promise by offering reasonably priced skins and emphasising player enjoyment over profit margins.

But Helldivers 1 isn't simply a one-time purchase that provides entertainment; it extends further than that. The beauty of Helldivers lies in its versatility: purchase, install, and play on your PC or mobile device right away. It caters to both individuals looking for a solitary gaming experience as well as those who prefer to team up in squads. This flexibility stems from the fact that Helldivers operates on one expansive server. Players have the freedom to choose their preferred playing style, whether alone or with friends, without any imposed restrictions. Upon joining the game, players are swiftly immersed in the action by dropping into battle from a pod, letting them seamlessly become part of the ongoing conflict. The collaborative spirit that Helldivers embodies is a testament to the developers' passion for creating an inclusive and immersive multiplayer experience. Despite initial misconceptions that it may follow a pay-to-win model, players quickly realize that success in Helldivers is based on skill and dedication, not financial investment. Through gameplay, individuals amass currency that allows for customization options, fostering a sense of progression and accomplishment. The growing community surrounding Helldivers attests to its appeal and the sheer enjoyment it offers. This game knows no bounds when it comes to player capacity, enabling massive battles to unfold dynamically within its virtual world. Furthermore, the challenge escalates as players encounter formidable foes, adding an extra layer of excitement and requiring strategic cooperation to emerge victorious. Helldivers breaks away from conventional gaming constraints to deliver an exhilarating and boundless gaming experience that continues to captivate and engage players across the globe.

Due to its widespread popularity, a significant number of players actively engage with the games and are eager to share the thrilling experience of playing Helldivers. The reputation of this game has spread far and wide, capturing the attention of individuals from various walks of life, whether they are avid gamers or simply curious observers. With impressive sales figures reaching over 162,300 copies, resulting in a substantial revenue of $16,230,000, the success of Helldivers is undeniable. The unexpected emergence of the HelloKitty industry and its venture into the world of cinema served as a catalyst for further growth, as people's curiosity about this new entity led them to discover the game. The subsequent release of a movie related to HelloKitty only served to bolster the game's popularity, creating a symbiotic relationship between the two entertainment mediums. As a result, Helldivers experienced a surge in interest and engagement, providing a unique and exciting experience for both existing and new players.

Having recognized the popularity of UNO cards, individuals were drawn to them after watching the Kung Fu Panda movie trailer as well and delving into the Hello Kitty industry profile. Their discovery went beyond just video games, as they stumbled upon the engaging UNO card game. This fun and family-friendly game quickly became a favorite for everyone. Ultimately, the success of UNO cards led to an impressive $400,000 in earnings, thanks to the sale of 40,000 copies of this popular deck.










Victor, sitting comfortably in his large otaku room, leisurely sips on his orange juice soda can as a multitude of notifications start popping up on his screen. With each incoming notification, his laughter becomes more erratic and maniacal, reflecting the increasing popularity of the movie trailer that is boosting his game's success. Delighted by the continuous flow of money coming in, Victor revels in the expansion of his gaming empire. Players are now delving into the HelloKitty industry, exploring the depths of his game profile and witnessing the innovative creations he has brought to life. Immersed in the thrill of this achievement, he remains seated in his chair, consumed by laughter and excitement.


He is still laughing.

"Great!" Victor exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face. "With this strategy, once the movie is released, a significant increase in revenue can be expected, especially since I have set the ticket price at $100, which is... by the standards in my previous world that should be around $15" Leaning back in his chair, he let out a contented sigh, envisioning the profits that were sure to follow.

Victor, brimming with excitement, suddenly bursts out with another brilliant idea, exclaiming, "oh I know!" 

With a newfound spark of creativity, he swiftly returns to his computer, feeling the rush of inspiration guiding his actions. Deliberately, he starts to make subtle adjustments, meticulously tweaking certain elements before diving into the editing process. As he refines his work, Victor's mind churns with thoughts and considerations, contemplating the implications of his decisions. Eventually, he decides to publish the updated version, all the while muttering to himself, "with this option, viewers can conveniently download the content instead of visiting theatres, albeit at a cost of $150 per download. But does this not raise the issue of potential sharing among audiences without paying? Oh well, perhaps it will suffice; after all, I am already rich. More entertainment for everyone!"









After a few more days had passed, the highly anticipated time for the release of Kung Fu Panda had finally arrived, with numerous eager fans lining up at the cinemas for the much-awaited screening.

Kiana, accompanied by her family, Mei and her family, and Bronya and her family, excitedly headed towards the theater for a delightful family outing to watch the movie together.

"Come on, Mama! Papa! We need to hurry or we'll be late!" Kiana exclaimed as she dashed ahead, filled with enthusiasm.

On the other hand, her twin sister Celine scolded her, "Stop running, you reckless one!"

Bronya, observing the playful interaction, couldn't help but chuckle at Kiana's energetic antics, affectionately referring to her as the "idiot tuna girl."

Mei expressed her gratitude to her father, Raiden Ryoma, for joining them despite his busy schedule, to which he tenderly replied, "I wouldn't miss this for the world. Taking care of you and your mother is my top priority."

Meanwhile, Bronya pulled her mother, Alexandra Pavlovna Zaychik, along, urging her to move faster to avoid waiting in line for tickets.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Alexandra fondly gazed at Cecilia, Kiana's mother, and remarked, "It's truly delightful to have such a lively outing like this, don't you think, Miss Cecilia?"

Cecilia nodded in agreement, savoring the joyful atmosphere surrounding their family outing.

Curious about Cecilia's husband's whereabouts, Alexandra inquired, "Where is your husband, by the way?"

Exuding a mischievous grin, Cecilia playfully disclosed, "Oh, I sent him ahead to secure our tickets in line," she giggled softly, adding a touch of amusement to their day.







Elysia inquired, "Eden, do you have the tickets?" to which Eden confidently affirmed,"'Of course," flaunting her 'richness' by revealing that she had secured the tickets for the entire group well in advance.

Pardofelis expressed admiration by playfully exclaiming, "As expected of Eden!" in an innocent yet enthusiastic manner.

Sensing the urgency, Su urged, "Let's not miss the movie," despite the fact that he still had his eyes closed, emphasizing the importance of not delaying the outing.

Kevin agreed, "Yes, let's get going," while bringing his girlfriend, Dr. MEI, along for the cinematic experience.

With a hint of reluctance, Kalpass resisted removing his motorcycle helmet, prompting Aponia to gently coax him to take it off, a situation that showcased their dynamic.

Meanwhile, Griseo and Kosma stood patiently hand in hand, eagerly waiting for Griseo's parents to arrive, their anticipation palpable in the air.

Vill-V, known for his reserved demeanor, simply smiled, her contentment apparent despite her subdued reaction.

In contrast, Mobius, visibly disgruntled, clicked her tongue in annoyance, clearly preferring to stay home and tend to her own matters rather than venture out.

Sakura took charge by bringing her younger sister, Rin, with her to the movie, ensuring a family-oriented outing.

Fu Hua had already gotten in line as she was eager to see the film, which was about Kung Fu, or martial arts, which originated in her nation. Whether or if it truly depicts fighting techniques or forms, she is eager to see what it can do in terms of action.

Of course, they were not the only ones watching the movie. As Keqing sat in her seat inside the theater, she crossed her arms, waiting in anticipation. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out her name, and when she turned, to her surprise, she saw Ganyu holding a large bucket of popcorn. "Keqing? Is that you?" Ganyu exclaimed, a wide smile on her face.

"Oh, Ganyu, hello!" Keqing responded with a slight amazement in her voice at the unexpected encounter.

"Can I sit beside you?" Ganyu asked as she gestured towards the empty seat next to Keqing.

"Of course, please do," Keqing replied graciously, signaling Ganyu to take the seat next to her.

"So, are you here for the new movie as well?" Ganyu inquired as she settled in next to Keqing, her eyes reflecting excitement.

Keqing responded with a knowing smile, "Hah... well, how would I not be? After all, this movie seems quite different, and the fact that it's set in our country adds a unique touch to it."

"Exactly! I can just feel that this movie will be exceptional," Ganyu gushed with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, to which Keqing simply nodded in agreement, sharing the excitement for what was about to unfold on the big screen.

Another place where the scene unfolds is inside the vibrant abode of Fischl. She moves about purposefully, setting up her camera with meticulous attention to detail. With a flick of a switch, the camera whirs to life, and she checks its status with an exclamation, "alright... is it on? Oh, it's on! Ah! Wait, hold on, ahem, ahem."

Poised before the camera, she strikes a dramatic pose and addresses her imaginary audience, her words dripping with a theatrical flair, "Hark, esteemed comrades! Gather 'round, for the hour is nigh to partake in a most wondrous venture within the realm of entertainment. Behold, as we embark upon a cinematic odyssey alongside my esteemed companions, Bennet and Razor. Together, we shall delve into the depths of cinematic mastery with the latest opus entitled 'Kung Fu Panda.' Let the journey commence, and may the silver screen enchant us all!" Her tone rings with a profound sense of chuunibyou, accompanied by exaggerated gestures that paint a vivid picture of her enthusiasm.

Following her grand declaration, she swiftly turns her attention to setting up the TV screen where the enchanting Oz the raven awaits. "Got the popcorn! Come on, Razor, we're going to miss it!" Bennet's voice rings out from the couch, a bowl of popcorn cradled in his hands.

Agreeing with a simple 'mhm,' Razor joins the group, settling into a chair as Fischl takes the central position on the couch, armed with the remote control. Completing the ensemble, Oz the raven perches delicately on Fischl's shoulder, a silent sentinel ready to partake in the cinematic feast about to unfold.











As a plethora of individuals from various corners of the globe get ready to indulge in the experience of watching the movie, whether from the comfort of their homes or in the captivating ambience of cinemas or theaters, the excitement and anticipation surrounding the release of this new film are palpable as it now graces the big screen, drawing in audiences from far and wide.

The movie is about to start as the screen brightens, creating a foreboding light. The suspense grows with every second that goes by until, at last, the countdown begins in unison: 5...4...3...2...1.

[A mysterious warrior, with his identity hidden beneath a flowing robe and wide-brimmed hat, treks with his staff across a bridge above a huge lake.]

["Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. He traveled the land in search of worthy foes."]

Celine (HOV) was about to eat her popcorn, feeling a sudden pang of disappointment as she noticed her box of popcorn was now empty. She turned her head to find her twin, Kiana, already crunching on the last bits of it. With a bitter click of her tongue, Celine glanced back at the movie screen, her eyes reflecting annoyance at her sister's quick snack raid.

Meanwhile, Bella and Sirin were both wide-eyed and filled with awe, their mouths slightly agape as they were completely engrossed in the movie playing before them.

Fu Hua, on the other hand, was completely immersed in the intricate art style of the movie, recognizing its distinct Chinese influence. She marvelled at the detailed designs and was especially intrigued by the mysterious warrior character that graced the screen. As the movie unfolded, Fu Hua found herself drawn deeper into the mesmerising world on display before her, appreciating every aspect of the film's unique visual aesthetic.

[Approaching a towering tavern that cast a shadow over the path ahead, the warrior's arrival disrupted a gang of unruly bandits tormenting the rabbit staff within. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards the mysterious figure whose presence commanded a primal hush among the motley crew. Unperturbed, he took a seat at a humble table, a sense of calm exuding from his poised demeanour even as the gang encircled him, their hostile intentions palpable in the charged atmosphere.]

[The warrior approaches a large tavern towering in front of him. A gang of bandits harassing the rabbit staff inside are startled when the warrior enters abruptly, and stare silently as he passes them and sits at a table. As he eats, the gang surrounds him.]

["I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew ON MY FIST!"]

The gang boss, his bravado on display, attempted to display dominance with a menacing gesture, but the warrior remained unfazed, his focus unwavering as he savoured his meal.]

[The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. Then he swallowed. And then he spoke.]

[With impeccable timing, he addressed the impending confrontation, dispelling the tension with a succinct declaration, "Enough talk. Let's fight! SHA-SHA-BOOEY!"]

[The master fighter cuts across the battlefield with lightning speed, launching a ceaseless hail of punches and kicks that send the whole group flying in confusing spirals.]

["He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness!"]

["MY EYES!"]


["And attractive!"]

["How can we repay you?"]

["There is no charge for awesomeness... or attractiveness."]

["Aah~..." the bunny faints from pure attractiveness]

[One hundred assassins appear and surround the warrior. The entire bar swells, packed to the rafters with ninjas.]


[The roof explodes and the warrior with a cloud of ninjas erupts into the sky. Like a tornado, the warrior twists and kicks them away rapidly.]

["It mattered not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his bodacity."]

[Two groups of thousands of foes leap at the warrior while in the air, but with a single flashy move he sends them flying. The beaten warriors plummet into the lake like rain as the warrior treks back across the bridge.]

["Never before had a panda been so feared... and so loved"]

[He gazes upwards, his eyes fixed on the majestic Jade Palace towering in the distance. Within its grandeur, a formidable group of five warriors, each striking a unique pose, commands attention and admiration, showcasing their prowess and strength.]

["Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, the Furious Five, bowed in respect to this great master"]

Fu Huang was growing more like of the film after realizing how much of it was in martial arts and Chinese. "Hmm, interesting, five animals for the five martial forms in Kung Fu, mhm, mhm," she said.

Su remarked, "Looks like someone is going to be a fan," observing her serious and dazzling stare on the movie screen.

Kosma exclaimed, "Waaah, amazing. I want to try that." He wanted to attempt it just like the panda, the movie's main character.

"Panda, fluffy, fluffy, strong panda," Griseo murmured while nestled in her mother's arms.

[The Five leap down from the palace, land in front of the warrior, and bow respectfully, before flanking in positions on both sides of him.]

["We should hang out." Monkey Said.]

["Agreed." said Po]

[The Five strike an attack pose, as they face an army of thousands of bandits.]

["But hanging out would have to wait. 'Cause when you're facing the ten thousand demons of Demon Mountain-"]

 [He slices off the heads of the bandits' spears with a shiny green sword and leaps into battle with the Five.] 

Although Kalpass is still crossing his arms, he is humming beneath the helmet. No one knows the idea of why or how he manages to wear the helmet inside the theatre, but he did.

It appears like the movie is about to end because of how engrossed the audience is. Even though they have just recently begun, there is one small thing that they are unsure of that will unfold...

["... there's only one thing that matters. And that's-"]

[Freezing in mid-air, the Five talk to the warrior in a strange voice.]"

["Po! Get up!"]

["You'll be late for work!"]


[The warrior suddenly falls, and Po lands hard on a wooden floor of his own room, revealing that the whole battle was actually a dream. He tries to clear his head and wake up.]

["Po! Get up!"]

[Po looks around his room and see that it's filled with various kung fu posters (including a poster featuring all of the Five) and souvenirs, and a wooden version of the Sword of Heroes (the green sword). Po sighs and attempts to kick himself to his feet, but finds his belly too worthy a foe.]

Most of the audience was enthralled and in awe of the film at first, but as the tale developed, they were increasingly confused and taken aback by the abrupt turns and turns of the narrative.

Fu Hua had a poker face in the group of people in the golden courtyard, reflecting the confused looks on everyone else's faces. The people around her blinked in disbelief as she remained motionless, trying to read the emotions concealed behind her expressionless exterior. There was a noticeable sense of anxiety in the air, which created a tense and unsure mood.

"... That's it?" Kalpass was actually disappointed, well... More so then he was.

Though Eden and Elysia thought it's cute.

But when the scene played out in front of them, Keqing and Ganyu both blinked in confused amazement. It turned out that the war that was supposed to be epic was only a passing dream. When they looked at the image on the cinema screen and realized that the exciting expectation they had built up was destroyed by the unexpected twist, their expressions echoed disbelief. It took a moment for the situation to become genuine, leaving them wondering about the delusion that had drawn them in.

Fischl watched in shock as the once-ferocious panda was reduced to the size of a plump huge bear, blinking in bewilderment. She began to wonder if this plump panda was really the main character supposed to steer the entire movie's plot after this unexpected turn of events.

As he watched the film on TV, Bennet was also a little confused because he could really relate to the lead character. He felt great resonance in the protagonist's handling of obstacles, which caused him to consider his own feelings and experiences. This led to a meaningful link that persisted in his mind.

Like the others, Razor was left feeling confused and at a loss for words after seeing the film. There were so many unexpected turns and twists that he was unable to articulate since his mind was so overcome with shock.

Kiana finds the film funny despite the main character's seeming stupidity, and she frequently breaks out in laughter. Celine, on the other hand, reacts negatively to the character's stupidity by sighing. They yet choose to keep watching the film in spite of this.

Rita and Bianka giggle together in the darkened theater, their voices softly blending with the movie's soundtrack. As they watch a scenario on screen with a cute gigantic panda character who personifies the soul of a quintessential geek, their chuckles become contagious. 

The movie's protagonist is charmingly childlike, and the parents laughed at this with a knowing smile. Cecilia snuggled up close to Siegfried, chatting merrily about their first meeting and making light of his sporadic awkwardness. Amidst the laughs and playful conversation, it was a carefree time that felt warm and nostalgic.

As all of this was going on, Bronya's poker face betrayed a touch of amusement as she observed the anticlimactic moment of the main character play out on TV. Her parents stood next to her, exchanging a knowing glance and holding back their amusement until just soft giggles escaped their lips as a sign of disbelief at what was happening.

As Mei watches the movie, she can't help but notice the main character's clumsiness, which oddly reminds her of Kiana. She shrugs, attributing it to their similar personalities. Continuing to gaze at the movie screen, Mei observed her parents' lack of comments but noticed their smiles, which were subtle yet warm, indicating their enjoyment of the film and the family time spent together.

A lot of the audience are delighted and entertained by the main character's humorous debut as they watch the film in its entirety. They follow his transformational journey as he trains to become the renowned "Dragon Warrior," learning important lessons about life in the process. When Po, the main character, gets irritated because he is hungry, the audience is progressively dragged into the moment where Po displays his vulnerable side. They pay close attention to this scene, taking in all of the information and feelings that are presented to them.

[A little later, a dejected Po is standing under a peach tree on a hill. Oogway approaches with a glowing lantern.]

["I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom."]

[Po spins around, his arms full of peaches and his mouth equally stuffed. He drops the peaches in shock.]

Celine turns to face Kiana, who is clearly showing off how stuffed her mouth is with food, Mei also glances at Kiana, Even Bronya, actually everyone that they know glances at her, even Bianka, despite she too, is a foodie.

[with his mouth full, he speaks "Is that what this is? I am so sorry. I thought it was just a regular peach tree."]

[Oogway then nodded "I understand. You eat when you are upset."]

[Spits out the remaining peaches and slurs words together. "Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset?"]

[Oohwsy then leans his long neck in curiosity "So why are you upset?"]

[Po pauses, then sighs, There's no use trying to lie to Oogway.]

["I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking."]


["And the Five... man, you should have seen them, they totally hate me."]


["How's Shifu ever gonna turn me into the Dragon Warrior?"]

 [He lifts his large stomach and drops it, causing it to bounce until he stops with his his paw. He sighs. "I mean, I'm not like the Five. I've got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those..." imitating a mantis's front legs "...thingies. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles."]

[Po sits down, his back to Oogway. Oogway look at him for a moment.]

["Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles." Po looks back at him, confused. "You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There's a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."]

[Oogway hits the tree with his staff as he walks away, and a peach falls into Po's open paw. Po smiles as he watches the tortoise leave.]

"Mhm. Quote an interesting words of wisdom it gives to the main character." A familiar voice said as he sipped his wine. It tastes the same as before, although his gaze wished that he could make memories with it.

Hey, but I'm here," says the young-looking boy, with alcohol in his bottle, as the older, more handsome man then sighs.

"I didn't say anything, but how did you come here with a bottle of wine anyway?" The man says.

"But you have one too, you know..." 

After the emotional and touching scene that occurred just past the one-third mark of the movie, the subsequent unfolding scene continues to captivate the audience with its compelling storyline and character development, seamlessly building upon the narrative and keeping viewers engaged in the unfolding events.

In the riveting and action-packed sequence at Chor-Gom Prison, the intensity escalates as Tai Lung executes a daring escape plan. With unwavering determination, Tai Lung manipulates Zeng's feather to unlock his shackles, enabling his freedom from the armor that once imprisoned him. The release of the acupuncture needles grants Tai Lung renewed strength and agility, culminating in a powerful burst of liberation from his captivity. As chaos erupts, the Commander and guards are thrown into a frenzy, realizing the imminent threat of Tai Lung's escape.

Strategically evading the guards' spears and sabotaging his restraints, Tai Lung's defiance intensifies, evoking both fear and awe among the onlookers. A sense of urgency grips the scene as Zeng attempts to flee to warn Shifu but is apprehended by the relentless Commander, fueling the escalating tension. The ensuing clash between Tai Lung and the guards unfolds with striking prowess and acrobatics, showcasing the antagonist's formidable martial arts skills.

With each deft move and calculated leap, Tai Lung outmaneuvers his adversaries, setting the stage for a heart-pounding showdown at the pinnacle of the prison. The impending confrontation reaches a climactic peak as explosive devices are engaged, resulting in a breathtaking display of destruction and narrow escapes. Despite the overwhelming odds, Tai Lung's unwavering resolve and cunning tactics underscore his relentless pursuit of freedom and vengeance.

The intricate choreography and visual spectacle of the battle resonate deeply with the audience, eliciting a range of emotions from shock and intensity to admiration for the artistry of the combat sequences. The exaggerated yet captivating portrayal of Tai Lung's strength and martial arts prowess mesmerizes viewers, drawing them into a world where skill and power collide in a mesmerizing dance of combat. The scene lingers in the minds of spectators, leaving an indelible impression of the film's ability to captivate with its blend of action, emotion, and visual storytelling.

In the scene, a myriad of emotions ripples through the audience, each individual experiencing a unique reaction. Many find themselves enveloped in shock, their expressions mirroring the intensity unfolding before them. Others adopt a serious demeanor, fully engaged in the gravity of the moment. Some are captivated by the intricate martial arts display, marveling at its ability to encapsulate a specific style even as it exaggerates the villain's strength. Despite this exaggeration, the artistry remains faithful to the form, striking a delicate balance between realism and theatrical flair.

As the scene continues, Po's persistence shines through even in the face of adversity. With every tumble and fall, he bounces back up with unwavering determination, much to the surprise and sometimes amusement of the Furious Five. It becomes evident that Po's spirit is unbreakable, his resolve unshakable as he refuses to give in to the challenges set before him. Despite the physical toll and comical mishaps along the way, Po constantly displays a sense of eagerness and willingness to learn, proving that his journey towards becoming the Dragon Warrior is not just about physical strength but also about resilience and perseverance. The bond between Po and his fellow warriors strengthens as they witness his unwavering commitment to keep getting back up, showing them that true strength lies not only in winning battles but also in the courage to never back down, no matter how tough the challenges may be. And as the sun sets on this tumultuous day of training, Po's determination remains a beacon of hope and inspiration, lighting the way for what lies ahead in his quest to fulfill his destiny as the Dragon Warrior.

As the scene transitions into the next captivating moment, we witness the characters' interactions unfold in a series of events that shed light on the complex relationships and histories entwined within the narrative. From Po's comical struggles during acupuncture treatment to the anecdotes shared about the formidable Tai Lung, each revelation deepens the emotional and storytelling layers, adding depth to the storyline and building anticipation for what lies ahead. The dynamics between the characters, their shared experiences, and the shadow of past betrayals paint a rich tapestry of themes such as redemption, mentorship, and the weight of one's legacy. With each interaction and flashback, the audience is drawn further into the intricate web of emotions and motivations driving the characters, setting the stage for the challenges and growth they are bound to face. In this evolving narrative tapestry, the significance of trust, perseverance, and self-discovery resonates strongly, hinting at the transformative journeys that await the protagonists as they navigate the obstacles and revelations on their path towards destiny and self-realization.

"Oh, I see, so that's how it goes," Barbara exclaimed softly, her eyes shimmering with a hint of sadness as the events of the movie unfolded before her. She turned to her older sister Jean, who sat beside her in the dimly lit theater, captivated by the screen. The emotional weight of Tai Lung's story tugged at Barbara's heartstrings, making her feel a pang of melancholy for the villian, but still doesn't like that this is the path he choose though.

As the scene unfolded more, and time was skipping towards the very close at the end of the movie, the intensity of the battle between Shifu and Tai Lung escalated dramatically. The momentum of the fight carried them through a series of swift and acrobatic maneuvers, with Shifu showcasing his agile moves as he dodged and countered Tai Lung's powerful strikes. The tension between the master and student culminated in a heart-wrenching moment as Shifu, amidst the chaos and destruction, revealed his inner conflict and the deep regret over his past blindness to Tai Lung's descent into darkness.

As the physical confrontation reached its peak, Shifu's emotional turmoil unfolded in parallel with the physical blows exchanged between the two warriors. Each punch, each kick, carried the weight of their complex relationship, with words unspoken echoing loudly in the thunderous clash of their bodies. Tai Lung's ferocity contrasted sharply with Shifu's introspective sorrow, creating a poignant juxtaposition of raw power and underlying pain.

The fight choreography reflected the internal struggle of both characters, with each movement symbolizing a different facet of their connection. From Shifu's graceful evasions to Tai Lung's brute force, every moment served to deepen the narrative of mentorship, betrayal, and ultimately, redemption.

As the cinematic sequence unfolded with breathtaking choreography and visual symbolism, the audience was drawn into the emotional turmoil of the characters. The thunderous soundtrack underscored the intensity of the confrontation, while the dynamic camera angles captured every twist and turn of the battle. The setting itself seemed to mirror the internal conflict playing out between Shifu and Tai Lung, with each shattered column and crashing roof tile symbolizing the fractured bond between master and student.

In the midst of the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged as Po, the unassuming hero, appeared on the scene. His intervention not only shifted the tide of the battle but also provided a ray of light in the darkness that had descended upon the combatants. Po's unexpected presence injected a note of humor and humanity into the clash, reminding everyone that courage and compassion can triumph over even the fiercest of adversaries.

Overall, the culmination of the scene encapsulated the central themes of the movie: the power of redemption, the strength of inner peace, and the transformative nature of acceptance. As Shifu and Tai Lung's final confrontation played out, it became clear that true victory lay not in physical prowess but in the courage to confront one's own demons and forge a path towards forgiveness and understanding.

The audience erupted in deafening ovation when the film came to an end, expressing their enthusiasm and gratitude. The admiration of the crowd for Kung Fu Panda's themes-forgiveness, self-belief struggles, the perils of pursuing revenge, and power wrongfully claimed as one's own-was clear to observe. The main character, Po, shed light on the main theme of the narrative by demonstrating that true strength comes from having an unwavering trust in oneself rather than from knowing exceptional skills or secrets. His portrayal resonated powerfully with those who watched, serving as a beacon of guidance and proof that self-belief and honesty are the ultimate keys to success.

The movie, as documented, stands out as one of the most exceptional cinematic pieces, surpassing all others to potentially become the best worldwide. Its unique style, coupled with its child-friendly appeal, sets it apart from the rest. Featuring thrilling Kung Fu fights and packed with action, the film not only entertains but also imparts valuable life lessons. With its remarkable blend of entertainment and moral teachings, this movie is destined to make a lasting impact on audiences for years to come.

The movie achieved an extraordinary feat by raking in a staggering $1,713,000,000 within a mere 24-hour period, solidifying its place as one of the most successful films ever seen in this alternate dimension. This commendable box office performance has undoubtedly set new standards for success in the realm of parallel world cinema.

The HelloKitty industry rose to widespread fame, largely propelled by the tremendous success of the movie. This success highlighted the industry's unique characteristics. It emerged as a mysterious and unexpected Indie industry, straying from the conventional associations with major record or film companies. Initially shrouded in obscurity and supported by a small yet dedicated following, it predominantly focused on game production before delving into the creation of toys and eventually branching out into movie production. The recent surge in popularity, spurred on by the movie release, has attracted a broader audience, prompting many to question the identity of this enigmatic group. Its ability to rival established major companies within the industry has piqued curiosity and admiration, leaving many wondering about the origins and motivations of these innovative creators.









Victor is sleeping in his room, snoring loudly, and gripping his pillow, "zzzzzzzzzzzz...."

He wakes up as he considers an idea... "I should probably build an actual studio." He then falls back asleep.


As the tale for this chapter comes to an end, the following chapter will delve into the characters' various responses and innermost thoughts about the film. It will also reveal Victor's thoughts on how he intends to use the large earnings from his successful enterprises in the film, video game, and toy sectors. Readers will see Victor struggle with the pressures of managing unexpected wealth and negotiating the complexity of his developing career, providing insight into his changing thinking as he stands on the verge of financial affluence and creative fulfillment.













To be continued....

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