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82.69% Harry Potter: A New Battlefield / Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Fate of an Angel

Chương 43: Chapter 43: Fate of an Angel

The sun shined over New York City, it was a bright day in the middle of June. It was not too hot, not too cold, the temperature was right. It was a good day for a nice outing in the city, an outing with friends. A day to get out of the indoors and into the outdoors, that was the type of day that this one was. It was hard to say that it was a perfect day because that was a term that was thrown around a bit too much but the day was in fact pretty good.

At least that's what Harry Potter thought when he walked outside in the bright sun in New York City, alongside his good friend Gwen Stacy and his girlfriend, Kitty Pryde. The trio of them decided to make a day out of hanging out in the city.

"It's good to get out of the Mansion and get some peace and quiet after everything that's happened," Kitty stated when she closed her eyes and got in a good whiff of the summer breeze. It really ensnared the mind and caused her heart to beat faster.

Gwen smiled when she thought about it. "Yeah I couldn't agree more. This has been a hectic last couple of weeks. We've got through most of Sinister's data but there's so much of it missing."

"Well I don't think he strikes me as an all of his eggs in one basket kind of guy," Harry remarked with a shrug, but much to his disappointment, there was nothing on that drive to help him with Sirius's condition.

The good news is that Sirius had not worsened any from when Harry last left him. That was pretty promising all things considered. The bad thing was that he sure was not getting any better that was the thing that drove Harry the most nuts of all. He stood on the ground deep in contemplation, carefully figuring out what he had to do and where he had to go from this point forward.

"Our mysterious angel saved another person."

Kitty and Harry exchanged a tense look, they heard about the mysterious angel a few times in the past, although they brushed it off to some kind of urban legend. Xavier knew more about it than he was letting on but then again, they could say that about a lot of things about Xavier. There was something about an authority figure and his desire to keep important information that Harry could not deny.

"So what do you think about the angel?" Gwen asked them both, trying to gauge their reaction and Harry and Kitty took a moment to think it before, before it was Kitty who responded.

"I don't know, it could be anyone or anything," Kitty stated when she shrugged her shoulders. "He's been around for months and months but I think now people are going to stop and take notice. Maybe he's a mutant that would get us some good pub."

Harry hoped so but he doubted that he was the only one who made the connection to the fact that their angel was a mutant. He kept himself standing tall for a moment, hoping to find out more about this but this was not the top priority. If this angel did not want to reveal himself to the public, then it was his business and the magical mutant felt like it would be prudent for them to respect those wishes.

"He could be some kind of government experiment that escaped," Gwen commented with a shrug. "Or he could be some kind of alien."

Harry scoffed, that was kind of absurd, being an alien, but he shook his head to clear those thoughts. Given the weird nature of his dreams, perhaps Harry could be considered a bit more premature. He got another weird flicker about a planet exploding but that was absurd. Planets didn't explode, after all.

"There are some people who say that he's a modern day miracle, some kind of heavenly gift, hence the moniker of Angel," Harry responded but he looked to be very skeptical of this notion. He tended to nod politely when people talked about religion, any religion. It was a long story why he was rather skeptical about the entire business. It had to involve the Dursleys and that was all the people needed to know.

Harry heard a scream that caused his ears to perk up and he saw a child who was dangling from the edge of the bridge. He had been fooling around like children tended to do and lost his balance, about to plummet to his doom.

"We better..." Kitty started before she trailed off and turned around, her eyes widening when she watched the white blur in the air. "Or not."

For the angel arrived, swooping in from high in the air and scooped up the child. It was hard to see him in the glint of the sun and by the time the child was in safety, he was gone.

"Wow," Gwen stated trying to get a closer look. "He moves pretty fast, his wings must have a heavy level of resistance that can propel him faster than almost anyone on Earth."

"Yeah, something like that," Harry agreed, before he looked at the two girls and made a decision of what he wanted to do. "I'll be taking a closer look."

"Okay, I figured as much," Kitty answered when Harry gave her a hug and a kiss and he hugged Gwen as well.

"No kiss for me?" Gwen asked in a teasing manner, and Harry smiled when he grabbed her and tilted her back, before kissing her on the lips. Gwen's eyes widened before Harry flew off.

Kitty laughed in hysterics with the shocked look in Gwen's face.

"You should have seen the look on your face," Kitty answered when she turned around to hide her amusement.

"I was only kidding...well kind of," Gwen answered with a shrug when she looked at Kitty.

"Look, you can do far worse than Harry," Kitty answered when she smiled. "And that would mean that you have the same good taste that I do and I don't mean to brag, but my taste is pretty good."

Gwen smirked. "Well I'm sure you have a pretty high opinion of yourself."

Kitty threw her hands on a little bit and sighed, rolling her eyes. "You know what I mean Gwen."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Kitty agreed when she turned her head a little bit and smiled towards Gwen before the two walked. "Hey isn't that Peter?"

Gwen sized up and saw her best friend walking towards them with a hot redhead wearing a black jacket, a purple top, and blue jeans. She had flowing red hair and green eyes, and paused.

'Oh boy, this could get kind of awkward,' Gwen thought when she looked at the two of them laughing and carrying on.

Peter stopped when he stood beside his blind date, Mary Jane Watson, and saw Gwen.

'Oh boy this could get kind of awkward,' Peter thought to himself but he stood up straight and tried to play it cool.

"Hey, Gwen, fancy meeting you here," Peter stated when he turned to Mary Jane. "This is Mary Jane Watson."

"Oh, the one with the wonderful personality," Gwen stated in a polite voice when she looked at her and extended her hand with a bright smile on her face. "It's finally nice to meet you in person."

"Nice to meet you too," Mary Jane stated in a tentative voice, she heard Peter talk about Gwen but meeting her, that was an entirely different thing. When your date had a female friend and one that attractive, it caused one to be on the edge. "So you and Peter are friends?"

"We've been friends for a very long time," Gwen stated when she looked at Peter and Mary Jane.

"Right, almost like brother and sister," Peter answered when he looked at Gwen.

'Yeah, that was worse than being friendship zoned,' Gwen thought to herself but she remained bright and cheerful. 'Look on the bright side Gwen, you got ship wrecked, but you washed up in paradise if this Harry thing lines up right.'

Kitty sensed the awkwardness meter hitting about a twenty, so she decided to chime in with a cheerful statement of her own. "Hey, Mary Jane, I'm Kitty Pryde."

"Oh, please to meet you," Mary Jane answered, she could have sworn that she saw this girl somewhere before but could not place her.

Mary Jane thought that this blind date business was rather fun, even if she did it to keep her aunt from harping on her. She had a series of bad relationships over the past couple of years. The bad boy might seem charming until one really got a look at them and what a relationship with them really entailed. Of course, what was life without a little bit of danger? Or at least any danger that would allow her to walk forward.

"Are you alright Gwen?" Peter asked when he looked at his friend.

"Pete, I'm doing fine, I've spent all day hanging out with Kitty and Harry," Gwen stated, offering a special emphasis on Harry when she spoke.

Peter nodded, he only went through with this blind date business to get Aunt May off of his back about the entire thing. It was hard to explain to someone who did not know any better than the Spider-Man thing made dating anyone a bad idea. In fact, Peter wondered if he was going to be stuck in a permanent relationship with the web head and for some reason, he felt that it was a rather stormy one at best.

At least Mary Jane was easy on the eyes and was rather fun loving.

"Did you see that angel around here?" Mary Jane asked, trying to break the ice.

"Yeah, he's a real hero," Gwen answered when she looked at Mary Jane and Peter. "Nothing like Spider-Man."

Peter could not resist. "I don't know, Spider-Man's a bit overrated."

"Nah, he's fine, he's more of a work in progress," Mary Jane stated, trying to gauge Peter's reaction but he remained stoic and said nothing more.

Gwen smiled knowingly as the group of four walked, waiting for Harry to get back.

'Now if I was a bird man where would I be?' Harry thought to himself, when he flied in the air, using an invisibility spell to keep people from seeing him. 'This entire angel business yeah it's...'




'Oh boy, that can't be good,' Harry thought to himself when he hovered in the air and he inclined his head watching the group of protestors move forward. 'The Friends of Humanity, well heard of them, but never actually saw them in action. They are quite the vocal lot, aren't they?'

Harry hovered in for a closer look, as the Friends of Humanity marched around. There was a group of eight of them but they were eight of the most obnoxious people that Harry ever had the misfortune of meeting and believe him, Harry had the misfortune of meeting many obnoxious people. He turned his head, twisting it around.

"Get him out of town, he's no good!"

There was an explosion when a car started to spiral out of control. Someone suffered a blow out and they were careening towards the wall. Harry waited and wondered if he should interfere but a swooping in the air indicated that there was no need for him to interfere.

The angel swooped in from the air, gripping onto the side of the runaway car and Harry watched, eyes narrowed, to say he was impressed would be the understatement of the century. He was extremely impressed and he watched the flying figure put his hands on the car to try and steady it.

The door opened but he got a stun gun in the ribs for his trouble.

"We've got him, we've got the mutie!" the man in the car stated and Harry realized that this was a diversion for the Friends of Humanity to attack and get themselves some of this mutant.

Angel got to his feet, struggling, with his knees knuckling together. When he was on the ground, he felt awkward and bumbling as the next person. These men shackled huge cinderblocks around his ankles while they circled around him, one of them carrying an axe in his hand.

"Hey, let's clip the angel's wings!"

They never had a chance for two bolts of light shot out of the air and impacted them across the back of the head. The other members spun around but a bright light blinded them. There was a loud smack, a loud crack, and a loud thump, in that order, when Harry zoomed around, taking them out. The shattering of many bones could be heard. A humane death would be something that they might beg for and the men rolled over, panting and grimacing from the impact of the shots.

Harry turned up, raising an eyebrow, before he cut the chains, holding this Angel down. He pushed himself up and Harry took the last idiot standing, before the wizard levitated him above the ground and draped him high above the waters over the side of a bridge.

"Let go of me, you can't do this to me!" he yelled, dangling over the side of the bridge.

"Who were you working for?" Harry asked when he appeared but only as a shapeless shadow with glowing red eyes that caused many to back away in fear.

"What are you some kind of freak?" the man stammered but he hoped that warm fluid rolling down his leg was sweat.

"I'm losing my patience with you," Harry stated, using another magical spell to make his voice echo creepily and his eyes glow. He thought he looked intimidating.

"Alright, alright, let me go," the man stammered and Harry caused the threads on his shirt to slowly tear aware when he was suspended in the air. "I work for someone, Creed, his name is Creed, he runs this entire thing. I joined this...I don't...I don't have a problem with mutants, not really."

The man screamed when he was thrown onto the bridge and he landed on the pavement with a force that broke his nose.

Angel hovered in the air and Harry joined him.

"The angel and the demon, who knew that could be a combination that would happen?" Angel stated in a calm voice, breaking the silence.

"Not a demon, merely a parlor trick to make people talk," Harry stated when the shadow retracted, with Harry hovering before him in a white jacket, a black top, and black jeans, but his face was still a blur. "My name is Arcane."

"Arcane, fitting," Angle muttered before he spoke up out loud. "I've trust you heard what's happened in the papers."

"Yeah, I've read about it, what are you?" Harry asked when he looked at Angel.

Angle paused before he tried to figure that out.

"Well if you listen to them or my father, I would be considered an abomination. My wings were grown when I was young. At first I freaked out, what seven year old wouldn't if he had a pair of wings on his back? My father tried to hide my abnormality but I embraced it over time. He's been obsessed with curing mutants ever since. You're not public yet but he knows about you, he even went to Charles Xavier. You know him?"

"Yes, I'm a student at his school," Harry confirmed and Angel inclined his head with a slight nod.

"I was part of his first team of X-Men, the original X-Men, the team that all of the members but me, Storm, and Logan died," Angel stated when he looked at them.

Harry frowned, he was under the impression that Jean and Scott were the members original members of the team, along with Storm and Logan.

"There was Wolverine, there was Storm, Angel, Morph, Vulcan, Darwin, Thunderbird, and Sunfire," Angel remembered when he looked at them. "And a couple of others, but we didn't fair too well against Sinister and his Marauders."

"They all died," Harry answered when he blinked.

"All of us except myself, Storm, and Wolverine, those two stayed on with Xavier, I didn't," Angel remarked before he added as an afterthought. "And there was also one more, Magneto."

"Magneto was an X-Men?" Harry asked when he looked at Angel in surprise.

"And so was Mystique, but they left out of blame when Xavier let the team die, Magneto felt they should have struck harder against Sinister," Angel explained to Arcane, and the young magical mutant stated in a calm voice. "Asking Mystique about her time as an X-Men would get some violent reactions I'd imagine. Magneto prefers not to mention it either."

Harry could only imagine but he did not say much more of anything.

He could also tell one thing, the Friends of Humanity would not be taking this one lying down, even if most of these guys that Harry took out would have to lie down for some form of medical attention. He could not resist smiling about that.

The Friends of Humanity were not about to take what happened lying down. Creed was on the phone.

"I don't care if there's some kind of spooky shadow mutie creeping around, I want you to take that angel and clip his wings," Creed stated when he cracked his knuckles. "People might start to think that there some kind of symbol they can get behind and we don't want these mutants to think that they are any better than humans. We want to prove...we want to prove that no mutant can push us around, no matter what."

The Friends of Humanity prepared for the battle, even though there was a chance that they might not come back from this one. Still regardless of that one, they watched and crowded around.

Not too far from where they stood, Gwen, Kitty, Mary Jane, and Peter stood around, waiting for Harry to return.

"I'm sure he'll be back in a little bit," Mary Jane responded in an optimistic voice.

"Providing he hasn't run into trouble," Gwen responded when she watched.

"What kind of trouble can he get into?" Peter asked but he was silenced from a look from Gwen. "Right New York, city that never sleeps, including the crime, all sorts."

Mary Jane knew that Peter knew all about this but he did not know what she knew at all, which was something that she wanted to keep under wraps carefully for the time being. She tapped her fingers, drumming them patiently, and carefully waiting for Peter to make his next move.

"So, is there anything to eat nearby?" Mary Jane asked when she looked at Gwen. "I mean, I was here when I was young but I've been in Philly for most of the past eight years until a few months ago, so..."

There was an explosion and Peter got that look in his eyes. Gwen understood, it was time for her to run interference.

"Come on, I'll show you something...Peter your aunt called me earlier when she missed you, she wanted you to pick up her slacks," Gwen responded when she pointed her eyes.

"I'll go with him," Kitty answered, before she turned her wrist band and her costume appeared on her, along with a charm that obscured her face. Harry had them made for all of his girls; he figured that they would not want to be all exposed in public.

Peter, on the other hand, had to change in the old fashion way.

'Hopefully no one sees me,' Peter thought in amusement but he ducked into an alleyway. 'The last thing I need is Spider-Man exposed on the Internet.'

Less than a moment later, everyone's favorite web slinging hero, the friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man swung out, ready to go. He kept up a steady pace, swinging forward a little bit.

'And Arcane doesn't mess around,' Spider-Man thought when he paused and stopped, when he saw the Friends of Humanity members move forward with rocket launchers that were armed. 'And neither do these guys.'

"We're not going to let you muties endanger innocent people any longer."

"So sayeth the people who are firing rocket launchers in the middle of a populated area," Spider-Man responded when he shot a line of webbing out and yanked it out of the hand of his enemy. "Give me that, you'll shoot your eye out kid!"

Spider-Man twisted and turned in every direction that he could but he saw all the rocket launchers levitated out of the hands.

One of the Friends of Humanity members screamed when he was pulled beneath the ground. He popped back up, knocked unconscious. The Friends of Humanity members felt themselves pulled back underneath the ground one at a time, when Kitty popped back.

"Stay away from me, you freaks!" the Friend of Humanity member stated when lobbed a hand grenade at him, but the hand grenade was encased in a glowing shield, when he blowing it up and causing the broken pieces of metal to impale into the chest of the hapless man.

He dropped down to the ground, blood splattering from his chest.

Several bystanders tried to stand at the edge of the bridge but found themselves slipping and sliding. It was obvious that they were moments away from falling to their grisly demise but one figure in particular swooped in to save the day and levitate them back up before they fell to that grisly demise and lost their balance.

They cheered and the last two members of the Friends of Humanity ran off, trying to get back to base but one of them was shot in the kneecaps with a well placed charm, his bones shattering when he fell on his face. The other one slipped away, a tracking charm placed on him. With any luck, he'd be led back to base.

At least he would have led Harry and his crew back to base, had someone not shot the goon in the back of the head. The blood splattered in the air and the people on the ground gave a rather pained grasp when the man dropped to his knees on the ground, he was not moving, oh boy was he not moving at all. The young man had his brain matter splattered on the ground and rolled over, taking a pained breath, before he passed out.

"You were so close to getting us exposed to...to this...this...this thing!" Creed spat, not happy about the fact that the one known as Arcane decided to interfere in his business. "He's not your normal mutie, I don't know what he is, but he should be at the top of our list of things to take out."

"And a disaster was averted today, thanks to Spider-Man, but the real hero today is the hero known as Arcane .Where has this mysterious hero come from and what is his purpose here? Hopefully we'll find out more in the coming weeks but he stopped a group of terrorists from blowing up a bridge today to kill our mysterious savior from the sky."

Creed looked on the verge of having a stroke when he saw what happened. Now he knew that he was on Arcane's radar.

"He's not like them, he's worse, he's far worse," Creed stammered when he looked on with blood shot eyes, angry that his fellow humans would make this Arcane into some kind of symbol. He would be some kind of hero. He hid his face in the shadows, so what kind of hero was that. "We've got to destroy him."

Creed realized that he ranted to no one but the walls but he lost all sense of himself and his mind, he crossed his arms over and sighed deeply. He gritted his teeth when he realized what was on the line.

'Unbelievable,' Creed thought to himself when he cracked his knuckles and mentally counted to a hundred but he would need more than that to shield the fact that he was pretty pissed off all things considered.

It was bad enough that Spider-Man was out there, it was bad enough that the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and all of the rest were out there. Now, he had to deal with Arcane and if he got branded as some kind of hero, the rest of the X-Men could follow, and people would support the hated mutants, tolerating them.

Creed refused to allow that to happen; he worked too far and too long for anything like that to happen. His mind pulsed and his eyes shot in blood, but he refused to go down without a fight. Arcane would be the next one on his list, the Friends of Humanity would triple their efforts to go after him, he must be made an example out of.

Little did Graydon Creed know that he was about to get himself into a situation that he could not get himself out of. Yet given his hatred and anger, he refused to admit how much he dug his own grave and it would be a matter of time for Arcane would seal his tomb.

"Well it was nice to meet you, even though I barely met you," Mary Jane joked when she looked at Harry before she smiled and cleared her throat, to continue to speak. "It's...well it's good to meet you, but I think it's time we got back. When Gwen and I ran off, we missed a lot of the excitement."

Harry looked at Mary Jane, a quizzical expression in his eyes, when he decided to feign what passed for ignorance. "Excitement, in what way?"

"Spider-Man was here," Gwen offered when she had a knowing glint in her eye and smiled. "And so was Arcane, it was amazing, wasn't it?"

"Wish I would have seen it," Peter responded when he looked back. He also wished he would have gotten some pictures but by the time he really did anything, Arcane and Shadowcat were taking them down with expert fury and teamwork beyond anything that was exhibited. He sighed, he would have to get another opportunity when it came, that much was for sure.

Gwen shook her head, when she heard snatches of the conversation regarding the attack today. That group called themselves the Friends of Humanity, they were your average nutjob group who hoped to show their superiority over the mutants or something along those lines. Gwen kind of drowned out what they were saying after a while to be honest. It was one of those things where they rambled and ranted on and on. All she knew was that these people, they were no friends of hers and that's all that mattered.

Gwen, Kitty, and Harry went their separate ways a little bit, before Gwen turned around, looking over her shoulder. A bright smile crossed her face when she waited.

"So, you're starting to get a name for yourself," Gwen remarked when she looked at Harry with a bit of a teasing glint in her eyes. "It's the type of name that could get you a lot of fans, both wanted and unwanted."

Gwen paused, but she could not resist saying even more than that.

"It's one of those things where you fight some of the most dangerous people out there. It's not hard but it's going to be one of those things that is going to be tough. Then you realize that you have to deal with your legions of fans and you almost wish for the murder schemes. Now that Arcane is a bit more know...well I'm sure the Human Torch could tell you some stories about some psychotic fangirls."

"Believe me, they exist," Harry stated when he looked forward, with a wistful smile and a nod, but Kitty grabbed his hand before she focused on him.

He missed very little about the world he came from but the psychotic fangirls were something that he could do without. Unless they were hot, then perhaps they could come to an understanding. Harry felt he had his priorities firmly in place with that thought.

"Not that you need any protection but I so totally have your back," Kitty answered when she looked at Harry.

"As long as you're not driving me anywhere, I feel safe enough with you," Harry answered and Kitty had a cross expression fill her face, before Gwen smiled. She heard tales of Kitty's driving exploits. The girl was creative, although she might want to dial back the creativity a little bit if she was hoping to ever pass her driver's test.

Harry stretched a little bit, with a girl on either side of him. He saw the storm clouds rolling in a little bit and smiled. Despite the run in with the psycho racists, today was a good day. Angel disappeared into the night, and Harry let him because he could tell that this young man did not want to be bothered. Harry respected that completely.

He walked off into the night, as did Harry, Kitty, and Gwen, heading home before the storm hit them hard.

Harry stepped out to use the facilities for a moment, which allowed Kitty and Gwen to have a moment alone with each other.

"So, you're the latest girl that had been ensnared in Harry's web," Kitty stated when she looked at Gwen.

"It's weird that he's with that many girls and anyone else, I wouldn't believe it," Gwen admitted before she snapped her eyes up. "But considering that it's Harry..."

"It's perfectly natural," Kitty responded when she paused for a second. "He comes from a world where multi0partner relationships are more common, although he tends go that extra mile ."

"So, Harry's...from another planet?" Gwen asked, this was a revelation that smacked her in the face.

"Well kind of, it's complicated, Harry isn't someone who tells much of anything, unless he really gains your trust and I've known enough to know enough, that he doesn't like talking about his past or where he's come from at all," Kitty stated when she looked at Gwen. "I do know enough to know that if he kisses you, there's something behind it. And how was your kiss?"

"Pardon the cheesy reference, but it was simply magical," Gwen answered when she turned around and looked off with a smile. "I guess I've had a bit of a crush on him since I met him but it's intensified. Unless I guess I've been holding out my hopes for someone else but I can't wait around forever."

Kitty smiled when she looked at Gwen. "Harry's coming back any moment and you can do far worse than him like I said. Give him a test, and see what you like. Although you may be ruined for life if you get one taste of him."

Gwen smiled, that was an endearment if she ever heard one but she supposed that it was now time to figure out what was going to happen. If something was meant to happen it would but if nothing was meant to happen, part friends. Gwen was willing to take a risk because she was kind of sick of playing it safe.

"I'll leave you two alone," Kitty stated, feeling that the first time should be one on one, although she'd come back later for more.

Harry arrived and Kitty passed him.

"She's ready," Kitty whispered to Harry, who nodded before he walked over.

"Gwen," Harry stated when he looked at her. He saw that she wore a black tank top that stretched over her breasts and rode up when she stretched, showing her toned midsection. Her legs were covered by a pair of short jean shorts and her feet were currently bare. Her blonde hair hung down her back.

"Harry, you kissed me today," Gwen stated when she looked at him and offered him to sit down. She snuggled in close to him. "I was thinking about you a lot lately, in my dreams and in other ways. I was wondering, if you wanted me as badly as I wanted you."

Harry raised an eyebrow, and he felt her hand move up his leg, towards his lap, and decided that there was only one answer.

"You're an extremely hot girl Gwen, who wouldn't want you?" Harry asked when he cupped her face in his hands. "You're beautiful."

Gwen, pleased with that response, threw legs over Harry's lap and straddled him, before she attacked his mouth with a passionate kiss. Every single kiss was more intense when she peppered Harry's mouth with them and Harry held her in straight, pulling her onto his lap. She ground against his bulge.

She closed her eyes when Harry kissed her back, in a heated fashion. She sighed when his hands worked his way underneath her shirt, feeling the underside of her breasts.

'Best...idea ever,' Gwen thought, feeling herself grow wet from his touches underneath her breasts and she flickered a little bit, her eyes going shut when she breathed heavily.

"I need you Harry," Gwen breathed heatedly in his ear when she grabbed him around the neck and began to nibble on his ear. "I want you."

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry pulled Gwen's shirt up over her head, to reveal her firm breasts encased in a bra. She bent her back and kissed on her neck a little bit, causing her to moan heavily. Her eyes fluttered shut when his kisses trailed down her neck slowly, one at a time, his hands cupping the small of her back, when he rubbed circles around the soft flesh around her back, cupping her cute little rear in his hands when she ground up and down on him.

"Yeah, fuck yeah," Gwen moaned when he teased her breasts with his fingers and she felt moisture pool between her legs. She unbuttoned Harry's shirt to reveal his muscular chest and abs. She appreciatively rubbed his chest with her hands, when she ground on his bulge, rubbing her ass into it.

Harry grabbed her bra strap and pulled it off, to allow her breasts to pop up. They were C-Cups, close to a D but they looked wonderful on a human teenage girl with her frame. He grabbed her breasts, squeezing her, causing Gwen to moan lustfully.

"You must be so wet now," Harry stated when he grabbed her breasts.

"Yes, yes," Gwen panted, feeling good that Harry touched her in all of the right spots and caused the heat to rise up from her body.

Harry slid Gwen's jean short's off, to reveal the black panties that Gwen wore stuck to her pussy, dripping with her fluids. He offered a smile, before she slid down, and his shorts slid down his legs. Then Gwen squeezed his bulge in his pants, teasing him with her firm grip.

Gwen felt his cock, she thought that it was huge and she pulled down Harry's boxers. Sure enough, it was huge, his cock was eleven inches, maybe more, and sprung out in front of her face.

"I think I'm going to suck you off," Gwen managed when she went down between his legs and started to lick his balls, before she ran her tongue up and down his cock.

"Oh yeah, do that," Harry panted heavily, when Gwen offered a few kisses up and down him, it felt so good, she knew what she was doing.

Gwen thought she did well for the first time that she did something like that. Harry enjoyed it and given that Harry enjoyed the talents of both Black Widow and Black Cat, Gwen took that as an achievement that she would take to the bank. Her tongue licked down his cock, taking more and more of it, running it on the underside of him.

Without any warning, Gwen popped his cock into her mouth, going down on it and deep throating him with all of her might. Harry placed his hands on the back of her head, pushing him down, when she bobbed her head back and forth. She felt him grunt and groan, as the back of his large cock went down her throat.

Gwen stayed the course, sucking him off and Harry sat back, enjoying the blowjob.

"Good, you're great, awesome," Harry panted when he cupped her healthy tits in his hand when she speared his pole down her throat. "Fuck, yeah."

Gwen continued to speed up the motions, moving down on him, and making sure he had the best time. She moved her fingers down and diddled herself when she went down on Harry even more. Her eyes flickered shut a little bit when she panted and continued to rub her lips through her panties. The fluid dripped down from her thighs.

Harry thought she was doing a wonderful job; it was magnificent to see her on her knees with his cock down her throat. Gwen Stacy sped up her motions, sucking him down her throat, willing to get all of the essences out.

He could hold back no longer and he let down all of it down her throat. His cock spewed its seed down her, pumping into her mouth.

Gwen made a popping noise when she slid back and licked the cum off of her lips. She pulled herself back onto her legs and pealed off her panties. Her puffy sex was shown before Harry, wet, pink, and inviting with a small strip of blonde hair.

"Want a taste?" Gwen asked in near purr and Harry rose to the challenge, going between her legs, before he began to lick Gwen out with all of his might. "Oh...yes, fuck yes."

Gwen panted heavily when Harry's talented tongue did its work. She could not believe this...something that amazing should be illegal, it felt too good to be real. His tongue worked patterns into her, licking and working her over with fluid motions. The blonde panted heavily when he moved into her center, lapping up her juices.

Harry tasted her, slowly at first, to build up the anticipation in her mind. His tongue worked circles around her center, before it started to vibrate in her center, and Gwen's eyes glazed over with the pleasure when her heart began to skip several beats.

"Oh good god!" Gwen breathed when Harry's tongue vibrated inside her. She had her first experience of Harry's talented oral skills and it caused her to lose her mind. "More, please, more, yes!"

Gwen felt herself rock back and forth with a powerful orgasm, her hips buckled up into Harry's face and she thought that she would lose herself. Harry pulled away and he slowly rubbed her clit, causing the warmth to fill her body once again.

"I need it, inside me," Gwen breathed when she looked at him, spreading her legs, her juices rolling down her legs.

Harry knew not to pass up an invite like this and he lined up his cock with her dripping slit before he pushed inside her. He felt Gwen's barrier and she bit her lip, shutting up the pain.

Then the pain stopped and it was placed by nothing but pleasure, the pleasure of this thick cock spearing in and out of her. Gwen bucked her hips upwards, feeling rather heavy.

"Faster," Gwen stated when she locked her legs around Harry and he continued to push inside her, feeling her silken walls caress his cock. It felt so good.

"So tight," Harry grunted when he pushed into Gwen and sped up at her insistence. He thrust deep into her.

"Harry...please, more," Gwen panted heavily.

She lost all sense of herself when his cock entered and exited her, pushing in and out of her dripping slit. She rocked her head back and offered a hearty moan to the heavens. She grabbed her hands around him, when he bent down and devoured her breasts, sucking on them. He greedily feasted on the buffet of flesh offered before him and Gwen panted, slowly but surely she was about ready to lose her mind when she arched her hips forward, when he worked his cock into her.

Harry sped up the motions, increasing the intensity of his thrusts. He pulled out of her a little bit, teasing her, before he pushed himself back in. This caused her to moan.

"More, pound me, yeah!"

Gwen felt herself rocked to another orgasm and she came down with a pause. She was disappointed that Harry slowed down a little bit but she did not have time to register her disappointed. He filled her hungry pussy with more thrusts yet, when he pushed into her.

Her moist walls hugged and tugged on his cock and Harry rocked himself back and forth, keeping a steady pace, when his balls slapped against her thighs a little bit. He would not slow down, not in the slightest. His heart beat more steadily when he speared into her a little bit, feeling the burn when the blonde squeezed him with her inner walls.

"Oh, such a hot pussy," Harry grunted when he cupped his hands around her ass, feeling it and squeezing it in his hands and Gwen moaned hungrily, feeling his cock bury into her.

"Fuck me, never stop," Gwen stated when she panted heavily.

Harry agreed never to stop, this pussy was so nice, and he could hardly believe it. She squeezed him and their positions were reversed after a time so she could ride him like there was no tomorrow.

Gwen started to rock her hips back and forth across Harry's throbbing prick when she bounced up and down on him. She already came several times and was determined to get a load of her lover's cum between her legs.

Harry felt her ride him, with Gwen using everything she could think of. He could go for very long time but despite her determination, Gwen was still a human girl, with human limitations. So while he pushed her towards the edge, giving her mind blowing orgasm after mind blowing orgasm, he did not want to fuck her into a coma.

"Cum, please, I need it," Gwen panted when she rocked back, screaming her head off. She was very vocal but then again, Harry suspected that the smartest ones were always among the most vocal.

After an amount of time, Gwen finished riding Harry into an orgasm, rocking herself back and forth on him, squeezing him around him his prick, when she felt him about at the edge, ready to pop. She bounced up and down on him and after a time, she decided to throw her head back and scream at the top of her lungs.

Harry exploded, sending jet after jet of his warm cum into her body. He splattered his juices into her, and rocked his hips up, splattering it into her. Gwen felt good when he unloaded into her, sending jet after jet of cum into her. Both lovers saw stars before they collapsed into each other's arms.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Gwen collapsed next to Harry, feeling the pleasure and she snuggled into his shoulder.

"This should make these get together's a bit more memorable," Harry breathed when he wrapped his arms tightly around her and Gwen nodded, when she snuggled into Harry's chest.

"Give me a few minutes, maybe an hour or two, and I think I'll be ready to go again," Gwen answered when she rested next to him, and kissed him on the lips, wrapping her arms around him. "All of those girls, they'll never be the same again once you got a hold of them. I know I won't."

Harry smiled; he could not help but feel happy because of that.

Kitty watched, once Gwen was rested, she would make her move, and the real fun would begin.

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