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60.41% MHA: The Green Blur / Chapter 29: WHY?!

Chương 29: WHY?!

Izuku stood shocked at the sight of Melissa, "You were the person in the red lightning!?"

Melissa laughed, "Yes."

"H-How? You're my age, and if you killed her you must have been a kid." Said Izuku.

"You make a valid point, but time tends to mess with you when you mess with it." Said Melissa. "My body has been altered thanks to my trips in and out of the time stream. I may not look it, but I'm a bit older than you." As Melissa explained Izuku came rushing at her with his fist drawn back.

Izuku's fist was inches from hitting when Melissa looked up and smiled. With red lightning jumping off her body Melissa dodged under the punch and then palm striked Izuku in the stomach.

Izuku didn't even see it, but after a few seconds the pain of her hit registered. Melissa's hand was small and normally wouldn't do much damage. But it was the speed at which she punched that made her dangerous. And it's that speed that knocked Izuku off the tower.

Izuku went falling off the tower gasping for air as Melissa knocked the wind out of him. At the top Melissa looked over the ledge to see Izuku, "Here's a little science lesson Izuku. The faster an object travels, the more its mass increases. Meaning if I can hit you fast enough, it will feel like a train slammed into you."

Taking off Melissa ran down the side of the building. The citizens below watched as a red streak of electricity flashed past them.

Still stumbling to the ground Izuku finally got his air and composed himself. Twisting his body he made it so that he could see the ground. It was getting closer, "Shit! Come on Izuku think! There's nowhere to run and no building for friction…."

Just then Izuku noticed he was just a few stories off the ground. At lightning speeds Izuku braced for the hit with the ground, only to find it never came. "Sorry Izuku, I can't have you dying on me just yet." Said Melissa as she caught and ran with Izuku.

Stopping in the city, Izuku was thrown to a nearby car and slammed against it. Caving the car in Izuku groaned in pain, "D-Damn that hurt."

"What's wrong Izuku? Done already?" Mocked Melissa as she stood a few meters away. "To think you will become the fastest man alive. The world's greatest hero."

Izuku pushed himself off the car, "I'm nowhere near done. Come on," That's when green lightning began to jump off Izuku's body.

Melissa laughed, "Yes! You're just like the museum said you were! Never backing down from a fight."

Izuku ran at Melissa only to have her turn and run. Izuku quickly gave chase, within seconds they had already travelled around Japan and were now running on water.

Izuku tried to reach out and grab Melissa but she would just increase her speed and pull ahead. Now they were back on land but this time they were in China. The two ran across the entire country before making it to the great wall.

As they ran along it Melissa suddenly stopped, Izuku's eyes widened as he didn't have time to stop. Slamming against her elbow, Izuku's body went bouncing off the ground.

As he was, however, Melissa jumped up and grabbed Izuku. "You don't deserve your powers!" She yelled out slamming him against the great wall with so much force that it cracked.

She then proceeded to punch Izuku rapidly in the torso before grabbing him and slamming him back into the wall.

Getting frustrated, Izuku threw a wild punch that managed to connect. He then followed it up with another right hook, then a left, and then finished it with an uppercut. As Melissa grunted in pain, Izuku began to charge up his arm with green lightning, "You'll pay for what you did to me!"

Throwing his arm forward Izuku threw a bolt of lightning at Melissa. But as it moved closer to her she simply smiled, "I won't, but you on the other hand, will."

At the last second Melissa managed to move out of the way. Seeing a chance Melissa grabbed Izuku in the air and ran. Using him as a shield, Izuku was slammed against mountains and forests.

With each hit parts of his costume would tear off. Finally Melissa made it back to UA where she threw Izuku's body on the ground in front of the USJ.

With blood dripping onto the floor and his costume ripped to shreds Izuku slowly began to pick himself up. "W-Why? What did I ever do to you?"

"Because you didn't want me. As a child I grew up learning about Izuku Midoriya and all his great achievements. I guess you could say I was your biggest fan. And one day, as fate would have it, I was working on an experiment when I was struck by lightning and fell into a batch of chemicals. Before I knew it I too had speed based powers. Finally I thought, this was a chance to become who I admired the most in the world." Explained Melissa.

"So I became you, I became a hero. I even wore one of your old costumes. I ran around stopping threats and eliminating them. But the people, they didn't like me. They would call me a fake, a fraud, a copy. They made it clear that I could never be you. But all that didn't matter to me, as long as I can do what you did it wouldn't matter." Melissa's face then turned stern.

"But that all changed when you arrived. Another version of you came to my time, at first you were happy to see your name live on. We even fought together on multiple occasions but I could see it in your eyes. You looked at me with contempt and hate. So I asked you about it, and do you know what you said?" Melissa laughed. "You said that there was only one true Izuku, and it would never be me. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I fought, no matter how fast I ran, I would never be a true speeder. You even went so far as to rip the lightning bolt off my chest. That broke me, all I ever wanted was to be like you, but that wouldn't be possible with you in the picture. There was just not enough room for two speeders."

Izuku stood horrified at the story, "But it's fine, I soon realized that you were just jealous. That I became a better speedster than you ever could. After you took my symbol I went and got a new one. Want to guess where I got it from?" Asked Melissa pointing to the chest piece.

Izuku's eyes widened, "From the other me."

Melissa nodded, "Yes. From that day on I made it my sole purpose in life to make sure you felt the same way I felt. You ruined my life, Izuku, so I decided to ruin yours. So I traveled back in time to make sure that happened. So everything, every small inconvenience in your life since your mother died, that was me."

"That time I broke my arm?" Asked Izuku.

"That was me," explained Melissa. "Everything in your life has been dictated by me and me alone. If I could have just made it so that you never became a hero, I would be the real speedster. So I went to the past with the intention to kill you but….But as I was going to kill you my body began to fade out of existence. That's when I realised that I couldn't kill you then since dying would mean I cease to exist. So I did the next best thing and killed your mother" Said Melissa with a smile.

Izuku gritted his teeth, "T-There was another, I remember seeing you but I also saw a green streak of lightning running by. Who was that?"

Melissa raised her finger and waved it, "Sorry but I can't tell you everything. But I will tell you this, you were involved."

Izuku stood in complete shock but as he processed everything Melissa came in and punched him across the face. "Get your head in the game Izuku! It would be a shame if you died before you could save Hatsume."

Staggering back, Izuku had blood running down his nose, "YOU BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!"

As Izuku wiped away the blood his eyes began to spark green with power, "This ends today!" he yelled out as he took off. Izuku didn't know it at the time but he was now moving faster than he had ever gone before.

The sudden increase in speed caught Melissa off guard, but as she activated her speed Izuku came up and kneed her in the stomach. As Melissa reeled forward in pain she let a smile appear on her face, that's when Izuku raised his arm and elbowed her in the back causing her to smack against the concrete floor.

As she laid there Izuku grabbed her by the back of the costume and began to spin around. With every passing moment Izuku increased his speed, soon a massive tornado appeared in front of the USJ. The wind gusts it was generating was comparable to that of an EF5 tornado. The entire USJ building began to shake as it was the closest building but even with it's massive size cracks began to appear around the building.

Knowing that if he kept going Izuku would destroy the building and hurt his classmates inside he finally stopped, simultaneously throwing Melissa towards the USJ.

Melissa was thrown into the building, she would have broken through the boulder Shigaraki placed but it seemed All Might had already done that.

Flying past the students at the entrance they watched as red lightning struck around them. They all quickly threw themselves onto the ground, "What the hell was that!?" Asked Uraraka. That's when she saw a trail of green lightning pass her. "Midoriya?"

Melissa then came tumbling to a stop in the middle of the plaza. She landed in front of All Might, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tsu, and Mineta. "Hey are you alright?" Asked Kirishima.

He slowly approached her but as he reached out Izuku came in and kneed her into the mountain zone. "Don't touch her, she's mine." Said Izuku in a cold and dark voice as lightning sparked around him.

Bakugo felt a shiver run down his spine, he could tell Izuku was pissed. "Hey nerd, what are you doing? Who was that?"

Izuku didn't even turn around, "It was her. She's the one who did it."

Bakugo raised an eyebrow, "Did what?"

Slowly turning to Bakugo, Izuku's eyes sparked green with power. "She killed mom."

Bakugo's eyes couldn't believe it, "W-What?"

That's when red lightning appeared and went straight for the students. Izuku reacted quickly enough to get Bakugo out of the way but the rest were knocked out. "Well well well, if it isn't Katsuki Bakugo. One of the 5 greatest heroes of all time. It's an honor to meet you." Said Melissa as he held Kirishima by the costume.

"Melissa Shield? She's the one who killed Aunty Inko!?" Asked Bakugo surprised. Izuku nodded, "That doesn't make any sense."

"To a simple minded idiot like you it doesn't. But my goals are beyond your understanding." said Melissa.

"W-What…. Melissa? Is that you?" Everyone turned to find All Might "what are you doing, and how did you get that costume?"

Melissa sighed, "Why is everyone so slow on the uptake? Hey uncle Might you might not believe this, but I'm not who you think I am."

"A girl? The mystery person who contacted us was a girl?" Asked Shigaraki surprised.

Himself, along with Kurogiri and the Nomu stood at the ready. Melissa turned to the villains, "Right, I forgot about you guys. Nice job being the distraction by the way."

"Distraction! We aren't some distraction, we are the main show! And you girly are just a pawn I play with. Now watch as Nomu kills the symbol of peace! Nomu! Kill him!" Ordered Shigaraki.

The Nomu let out a roar that caused All Might to flinch but as the monster took a step it stopped. "Nomu! What are you doing? Kill him!" But still the monster wouldn't move.

"Yeah it won't listen to you anymore, or rather it can't. It's missing something very important. See." Said Melissa holding up what appeared to be a heart.

Everyone turned to find the Nomu swaying before falling backwards without a scratch on him. "What did you do!?" Asked Shigaraki enraged.

Melissa then began to vibrate her hand causing the heart to pop. "I ripped it's heart out by vibrating my hand through its chest. It's a simple trick but quite effective. Now if you two don't mind, I'd like it if you two leave."

"W-Why you! You think I'd just let you go after killing Nomu? That was a present from my master!" Said Shigaraki.

That's when Melissa appeared in front of the villain, her face vibrating and her eyes burning red. "I'm not asking you to go, I'm telling you. You may think you're all that but let me tell you something, you become nothing but a forgotten stain in the fabric of history. No one will remember who you are or what you did. Now get the hell out of here before I end your sad pathetic life."

Shigaraki took a step back, his legs were shaking uncontrollably. For the first time Shigaraki felt something, fear. 'S-She's actually going to kill me.'

Just then Kurogiri wrapped Shigaraki in his mist and began to teleport away. "We'll leave, but know this heroes. The league will be back and we will be the ones to kill you All Might." With that the two villains disappeared through the portal.

Now gone Melissa stopped vibrating, "Now, where were we? Ah yes, I believe we had some unfinished business Izuku. But before that go ahead, ask again."

Izuku clenched his fist, "Why? Why did my mom have to die? Why did you kill her!"

"Because I hate you Izuku." Said Melissa. "Plain and simple, I want to see you suffer! I want to see you reeling in pain and agony."

"That's why? That's why aunty had to die?" Izuku and Melissa turned to find Bakugo standing back up. "What the fuck! I'll blow you to pieces!"

Using his explosions Bakugo launched himself at Melissa. Izuku's eyes widened, "No! Kachan don't!"

Izuku tried to stop Bakugo but it was too late, Melissa was already in front of him. "It's a shame really, to think his hero career would end so soon." Melissa then grabbed Bakugo's legs while in mid air and began to vibrate her hands at supersonic speeds.

With each vibration Bakugo's bone began to crack and splinter. Izuku was just a few feet away when he heard two loud cracks. "No!" Yelled Izuku as he pushed Melissa away and caught Bakugo.

Bakugo's legs were now broken and completely bruised. So much so that they limped unnaturally. But thanks to the shock Bakugo didn't even feel a thing. Now passed out on his arms Izuku glared at Melissa, "No no no, why! Your problem is with me! Do it to me, leave everyone else alone."

Melissa scoffed, "You should be thanking me. He's not dead, but I could have killed him. Remember that."

"Melissa! I don't know what's gotten into you but you have to stop!" Said All Might. "I'm taking you in to answer some questions."

"Please, do you honestly believe you can stop me?" Faster than All Might could see Melissa suddenly appeared in front of him. The next thing the hero heard was a piercing sound. Looking down, All Might could see Melissa had dug her hand into his side and vibrated it rapidly. "I slow for even slightly and your insides become nothing but mush."

Moving her hand slightly, All Might let out an agonising scream. But with Izuku he was still concerned with Bakugo, "Wake up Kachan! Come in wake up!"

Suddenly Bakugo opened one eye, "T-Take her down."

"I-I can't, she's too fast." Said Izuku as All Might's yells were heard in the background.

Bakugo smiled, "Don't give me that shit nerd. Are you really going to let yourself down now? You finally have the perfect chance to get revenge. Take it! Now go nerd run, run!"

"Alright, but first I have to get you guys out of the way." in a flash Izuku carried Bakugo to the entrance of the USJ. "Stay here, I'll bring the rest of the class."

Within a matter of 5 seconds Izuku ran around the entirety of the USJ and grabbed everyone and got them to the entrance. As he had the last student Izuku turned and looked at All Might still getting beat up by Melissa. 'Let that be a lesson All Might, don't just say words if you don't really mean it.'

As he put down Momo he then looked at the class and counted that everyone was there, "Alright go, head to the main campus. The teachers won't be far behind."

"What about you Midoriya?" asked Jiro.

Izuku turned towards the plaza, "I'm going to bring in the person who killed my mom."

With a loud boom Izuku took off towards the plaza. With Melissa she was still beating on him while smiling at the same time, "You were always the one who never died All Might! Even in the future your name lives on as one of the greatest heroes that ever lived. But you'll prove too much of a problem down the line, so this is where I bid you farewell." Pulling back her arm Melissa began to vibrate it, ready to tear out his heart.

But just as she was inches from his chest Izuku came in and punched Melissa across the face, sending her flying. "As much as I dislike him, All Might has to live. He's too important to other people." said Izuku standing in front of the number one hero.

All Might was stunned, "Midoriya! Does that mean you remember…"

"Not now All Might, you have to get out of here. I won't be able to go all out with you guys here." said Izuku.

Melissa laughed, "Finally decided to take me seriously Izuku? But aren't you forgetting something, or rather someone?" That's when Melissa tossed something at Izuku.

Catching it Izuku's eyes widened, it was the necklace he gave Hatsume, "...Hatsume...Where is she!?"

"Do you want to know to save her? Or do you want to kill me? You can't do both Izuku." said Melissa.

Izuku gritted his teeth, "Tell me!"

"Here's a hint, she's at the place where it all started." Izuku thought about it for a second and then had his answer.

"The hut! She's at the beach." Izuku began to run towards the exit but as he was Melissa came in and tackled him onto the stairs.

"And who said you could leave? I thought you wanted to kill me?" asked Melissa as she held him down. "Maybe you're not mad enough, alright how about this. Your mom said something just before she died."

Izuku stopped struggling, "W-What?"

"It was quite sad, she pleaded for her life, she even asked me to spare you. But in the end I dug my hand into her chest and ruptured her heart like a balloon." Melissa then leaned in, "Pop. The best part is that people are still aware for a few seconds after it happens. Which means she felt everything."

Izuku's anger began to swell, "Y-You…"

"Don't worry Izuku I won't kill you in the same way. First I'll kill your friends, Bakugo, Hatsume, Uraraka, and everyone in your class. Next will be Bakugo's parents, then your dad. And last but not least, after everything is said and done, you."

Hearing that Izuku snapped, vibrating his entire body, Izuku managed to push Melissa away. "No you won't, I'm going to kill you before you get the chance!"

"You're welcome to try but you'll fail!" Said Melissa as red lightning sparked off of her body.

Izuku's green lightning crashed into hers causing bolts to fall around them. Some were dangerously close to the class who were currently evacuating.

The two then ran at each other but now Izuku was done playing games, he was going to kill Melissa once and for all. The two clashed in the middle causing a massive lightning bolt to come crashing down to the center plaza. The roof exploded open as the bolt struck the two speedsters.

All Might who was standing at the top of the stairs couldn't even see them. All he saw was a streak of light followed by loud booms. "T-This is insane! Wait, Melissa said something about a beach and Midoriya said something about a girl named Hatsume…" not wasting any time All Might took off.

Izuku fought hard, he even got a few hits in but in the end he was still inexperienced, while Melissa had so many unknown years behind her.

Grabbing Izuku, she pinned him against the mountain and began to punch him rapidly, over and over again. With each hit the mountain behind her began to crack from the shear impact.

With each hit Izuku could feel his bones breaking, his organs bruising or rupturing. He tried to fight back but everytime he threw a punch Melissa would dodge and counter.

By the end of it Izuku had blood running down his mouth, his body and face were a complete mess from the punches. "This is so boring!" Said Melissa. "You're not even as fast as the other Izuku! You're so slow, it's no wonder you couldn't save your mom."

Izuku fell to the floor, "And now you won't even be able to save your little girlfriend. Losing two people you care about Izuku? That's just sad. Oh well, time to kill you."

Zooming away, Melissa quickly returned with what appeared to be a piece of Todoroki's ice. Spinning her hand she turned it into a spike, perfect for killing. "Good,"

Izuku slowly lifted his head, "I-I thought you couldn't kill me."

"I thought as much, but time is a fragile thing. You even change the slightest of things and it causes multiple worlds and timelines. And seeing that I'm not fading out of existence could only mean one thing, I've become a living paradox. I no longer need you to become a hero to create me. Time has changed Izuku, and it's changed in my favor." Melissa then raised her spike.

"No!" In a sudden burst of energy Izuku managed to stand up.

Melissa raised an eyebrow, "Are you going to fight me? I've just mopped the floor with you."

Without saying a word Izuku ran away from Melissa. "Running away Izuku? You're spineless coward! Fine, I'll just kill your little friends and then I'll…"

However as Melissa was talking the wall from behind her exploded and out came Izuku running. "What!?" Taken by surprise Melissa was then suddenly grabbed by the arm and taken away.

Izuku was running around the world getting Melissa away from his friends and building up speed. As he ran Melissa began to try to break free of his grasp but Izuku wasn't going to let her go. "You've taken everything from me, and now I'm going to make sure you don't do it ever again." With green lightning trailing behind him Izuku once again increased his speed.

He was now running so fast that it looked like Earth now had a green line cutting it in two parts. That's when Melissa smirked, "Should you really be wasting your time with me? Hatsume's life is in danger you know."

That made Izuku snap out of his rage, he quickly put the brakes and threw Melissa against one of the pyramids of giza. "If you did anything to her I will make you suffer!"

Melissa smirked, "I haven't done anything yet, but you now have less than 30 seconds to get to her before she goes boom along with the entire coastline of the city."

Izuku's eyes widened, "Now choose Izuku, me or Hatsume? The person who killed your mother? Or the person you have feelings for? Choose." Izuku's mind was going wild thinking about everything, "25 seconds Izuku."

Hearing that Izuku made a decision, punching Melissa across the face he turned around, "I'll be back for you." With green lightning sparking off his body Izuku took off towards the hut.

Melissa wiped the blood off of her as she watched Izuku leave, "That's it Izuku run! In the end you won't be able to save her! You're too slow!"

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