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8.33% MHA: The Green Blur / Chapter 4: 3 Years Later

Chương 4: 3 Years Later

Now 14 years old Izuku was living a somewhat normal life. He was currently in middle school, sitting in his class with his head down. Everyone else around him was loud and talking to one another. "Hey Deku, are you alive?" Asked someone tapping on his shoulder.

Getting up Izuku turned around to find Bakugo, "Kachan? What's up?"

Over the years and the fact that they were living together the two once again grew a bond. Yes Bakugo would still pick on him but it was more in a playful manner. "Didn't get much sleep, up all night again with your girlfriend?" Asked Bakugo with a smirk on his face.

Izuku blushed slightly, "She's not my girlfriend, but yes we stayed up all night again working on stuff."

Throwing his arm around Izuku, Bakugo began to tease, "You sure the two of you weren't making babies?"

"Y-You know that's just her way of saying building stuff! Don't misunderstand!" Said Izuku as he pushed Bakugo's arm off.

"Alright alright, just wanted to make sure." Explained Bakugo.

"Sure about what?" Asked Izuku.

Bakugo's face turned serious, "Still want to go to UA to be a hero?"

Izuku looked Bakugo in the eyes, "Yes."

"Even though you have no quirk?" Asked Bakugo.

"Yes, I've been training every day you know. My stamina is amazing thanks to all the running I've done and thanks to all the junk at the lab I've been gaining some muscle." Explained Izuku.

"You're going to get hurt." Said Bakugo.

"I don't care," said Izuku.

Bakugo clicked his tongue, "Damn it Deku! You know you can't be a hero, why even try? You are like the smartest guy I know, you can join the support department or something."

Izuku balled his fists, "It's what mom would have wanted! Besides, if I become a hero I can find out who killed her and finally get my dad out of jail!"

In the months following Inko's death Hisashi was tried and found guilty of killing his own wife. Izuku even spoke to the jury and told them that his father only ever loved them. But alas the circumstantial evidence was piled against him. Eventually he was found guilty and sentenced to 35 to life in prison.

After the trial Izuku would be fully under the Bakugo family care. Making sure to not let Izuku forget his father Mitsuki would go down to the prison once a week with Izuku to visit his father. Their time was limited and the only way they could see each other was through a glass panel, but it would do for now. Every week on a Saturday, at 12 pm, Izuku would visit his father and talk about the week. And every time Izuku went to visit his father he would always say this right before he left, "I promise you, I'll get you out one day and then we'll be a family again."

Bakugo sighed, "Please, just think about what I said. I don't want you to end up like…"

However before Bakugo could finish Izuku snapped, "Like who Bakugo?"

Seeing Izuku mad scared Bakugo, "Never mind, just try to get home before it's dark okay. See ya."

Izuku watched Bakugo leave the classroom, soon Izuku would also leave but he wouldn't go home yet. Instead Izuku ran down to the beach, but it wasn't any normal one, this one was covered in trash and metal. Climbing over the piles of metal he eventually came upon a makeshift hut with a glass roof, going inside he found several beakers of liquid along with several prototype gear. "Hey Hatsume! Are you here?" Izuku called out.

As Izuku looked around, a hand suddenly appeared from a pile of scrap metal, "I'm here!" said a voice. "Can you help me out, I'm a bit stuck here."

Izuku sighed as he walked over to the pile and grabbed the person's hand, pulling he managed to free the person. "How many times do I have to tell you to be careful? This is the 4th time I have found you like this."

A girl with pink colored thick dreadlocks and green-yellow eyes appeared. She wore a black tank top, had a workshop overalls wrapped around her waist, and goggles on her head. "Sorry about that, I was taking apart a fridge when the pile fell over."

"Wait…I just noticed, how did you get here before I did?" Izuku narrowed his eyes, "Did you ditch school again?"

Hatsume froze up, "W-What, nooo…"

"Hatsume, did you ditch school?" asked Izuku.

"I-I called in sick. So no harm no foul." said Hatsume with a grin.

Izuku sighed, "Whatever, as long as you get into UA it's fine. So, what are you working on?"

"I'm working on a chemical compound that will super harden in an instant!" said Hatsume excitedly. "Although, most of my attempts have failed."

"I'm sure you'll get it soon enough. In the meantime you should probably start cleaning up. Especially these chemicals over here. Why are these even out here?" Asked Izuku. The chemicals he was talking about were in clear glass containers and on a shelf.

"Oh those are the chemicals I'm using for anything I have planned." Explained Hatsume. "I'll clean it up later, promise."

Izuku sighed, "Alright fine, come on them let's head out. I'll buy you something to eat on the way back."

Hatsume frowned, "But my babies."

"They will be here tomorrow, you need a break and I'm hungry so let's go." Pouting Hatsume cleaned herself off and headed out.

Several minutes later Izuku and Hatsume walked out of the convenience store with meat buns in hand. "Thanks for the food Midoriya." Said Hatsume as he took a bite out of her bun.

"No problem, this is probably the first thing you've eaten in a couple of days right?" Hatsume stayed silent. "Thought so, I swear one day you'll work yourself to death."

"But before that I will go down as the world's greatest support gear maker in UA!" Said Hatsume with a smile.

Izuku's eyes softened, "Right, UA."

Seeing that Izuku's mood changed, Hatsume thought of a way to distract him. "Hey want to take a shortcut home?" She asked, pointing down an alley.

"I mean, sure? I don't see why we don't take our normal route though." Izuku shrugged but followed Hatsume down the alley.

As they were walking however they didn't know that something was watching them. "Well what do we have here? Two fresh bodies for me to pick. Hmm, I think I'll go with the guy." Said as a villain made of sludge as he stuck to the wall.

"I'm telling you Midoriya it's going to work." Said Hatsume, slightly frustrated.

"I'm telling you it's not, the amount of tensile strength you'll need to make that is off the charts. And even if you made something like that you'll never be able to incorporate it properly. The machine will break from the stress." Said Izuku as he argued with Hatsume.

Hatsume groaned, "My babies won't break! I know my babies since I created them."

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? What about baby number 34?" Hatsume's face scrunched up, "Oh and 41, 52, 56, want me to keep going?"

"Alright alright, geeze, no need to kick me while I'm down." Said Hatsume.

Izuku laughed, "Just trying to tell you to slow down, enjoy life, and try not to blow yourself up. It's like my dad told me, one step at a time and don't ever look back."

"Your dad sounds wise kid, too bad for you. You'll never see him again." Turning around Izuku was suddenly snatched up by the sludge villain.

"Midoriya!" Yelled out Hatsume. The villain then began to try to invade Izuku's body.

As he did Izuku began to move around trying to fight back, "Hey kid stay still, you'll only make things worse for yourself. I just need your body, I don't really need you awake."

Feeling his airway starting to be blocked, Izuku's vision began to fade. 'Sorry dad, mom, I couldn't do anything in my life. Even now I'm so helpless.'

Hatsume was about to jump in to do something but before she could a booming voice was heard behind them. "Hahaha, your time is up villain. Why? Because I am here!"

Turning around Hatsume smiled, "No way."

There standing at the end of the alley was a tall and muscular man with yellow hair, this was All Might the number one hero. The sludge villain's eyes widened, "Ahh hell, I thought I got away from you!"

All Might laughed. "No one can escape me. Now, let's finish this shall we?" Pulling back his massive fist All Might dashed towards the villain, now in close All Might threw his fist forward. He didn't even make contact, the sheer wind pressure from his fist was enough to send the villain splattering towards the wall and get Izuku free from his grasp.

Catching Izuku before All Might put the boy down, "Hey kid you alright?"

Coughing out pieces of sludge, Izuku looked up, instantly he recognised who it was, "A-All Might!?"

"Yeah that's me! So are you alright?" asked All Might.

"Midoriya! Are you hurt? Please say no, we wouldn't want your ideas going to waste." said Hatsume running up to him and checking if he was alright.

Izuku rolled his eyes, "My head is fine, and I'm fine too. Thanks All Might."

"It's what I do kid," said All Might with a smile.

Izuku then reached into his backpack and pulled out a notebook, "If it's not too much trouble, can you sign my notebook?"

"Of course!" Grabbing the notebook All Might took up two pages signing his name. He then handed it back to Izuku, walking over to the villain. All Might found an empty bottle and put the villain inside, "There you are, now if you'd excuse me, I must go. Farewell!"

Turning around All Might was about to jump into the air, "Wait! I have a question!" yelled out Izuku as he jumped at All Might at the last second.

Hatsume watched as Izuku grabbed onto All Might's leg and disappeared into the sky. "Midoriya, what the heck are you doing? Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. I should probably head home, I'll call Midoriya later. Still though, it looks like it's going to rain." High above her dark clouds began to roll in.

Now in mid air All Might felt something grabbing his leg, looking down he was shocked to see Izuku latched on, "What the hell kid, are you crazy!? Let me go!"

"I-If I do that I'll fall!" said Izuku as he held on for dear life.

"Oh right, alright hold on I'll land." Sliding atop of a roof the two landed safely. "Never do that again kid, again sorry but I have to go."

Izuku reached out, "Wait, all I want is to ask you a question."

All Might began to cough, "I don't have much time kid…"

Closing his eyes Izuku mustered up the courage to ask, "Please I just want to know if I can become a hero without a quirk?"

But that's when it happened, All Might ran out of time, "Shit…" suddenly a puff of white smoke appeared around the hero.

Izuku opened his eyes to see a very thin, frail looking man, "Who the heck are you!?"

Fanning the smoke away the man spoke, "It's me All Might." Izuku couldn't believe it. "Man I didn't expect for someone to find out about this."

"W-What happened to you? The All Might I know is strong." said Izuku.

All Might sighed, "Well since you already know this much might as well show you." Raising his shirt All Might showed Izuku a horrendous wound on his side. "Pretty nasty right, I got in a fight with a villain years ago. My entire respiratory and digestive tracts are in shambles, not to mention that my stomach is all but gone. As of now I can only be a hero for a few hours at most."

Izuku couldn't believe it, the image of the invincible All Might he had in his head was now shattered. "Listen kid, don't go around telling people this, it's a pretty well kept secret." All Might then began to walk toward a door on the roof. "As for your question, no, I don't think you can be a hero without a quirk. It's too dangerous, you can be a cop or something. It's not as glamorous as a hero but they do good work also. Anyway I'll see you kid."

Now alone on the roof and with dark clouds covering the city Izuku clenched his fist, "Not again,"

Walking down the building Izuku decided to go, not home, but rather back to the beach. As he walked down the streets it suddenly began to rain, but Izuku didn't care. Finally making it to the beach he went straight into the makeshift hut, grabbing a towel on one of the workbenches he dried himself off.

That's when Izuku's phone suddenly began to ring, reaching into his pocket, he noticed that it was Hatsume. Sighing, he decided to pick it up, "Hello."

"Midoriya! Where are you? The rain suddenly came down, did you make it home?" asked Hatsume.

"No, I'm back at the beach. I'm taking shelter inside the hut right now." explained Izuku.

Hatsume noticed something in Izuku's voice, "Midoriya, are you alright? You sound kind of down."

Izuku stayed silent for a couple of seconds before forcing himself to smile, "It's nothing really."

Hatsume didn't believe him, "I don't believe you. I'm going down to the beach now."

"No don't!" said Izuku a little too quickly. "I mean, it's raining and I wouldn't want you to get sick. Besides, if you come here, I'll make you clean up."

Hatsume groaned, "Fine, but if anything is bothering you, you know you can talk to me right?"

"I know, I just need time, that's all. Thanks Hatsume, really thank you." said Izuku.

"Of course! I'll always be on your side Midoriya no matter what." said Hatsume, which made Izuku smile.

But just as he was going to respond Izuku looked towards the containers of chemicals and noticed that they were floating? The liquid inside the beakers looked like they just lost their gravity and were floating in the air. "What the?"

That's when it happened, looking up Izuku's eyes widened when he could see something crash through the glass roof shattering it. Whatever it was, it managed to hit Izuku and throw him into the batch of chemicals. Glass and metal pieces scattered the floor as Izuku lay seemingly unconscious and with cuts over his body.

The last thing Hatsume heard was a loud boom followed by crashing, " Midoriya! Hey Midoriya! Are you there! Oh no..."

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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