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95.57% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2485: 3.1

Chương 2485: 3.1

I stare at the 'amethyst' shard I'm holding, trying to divine -anything- from it. The ant-men continue to move around in waves covering the ground all the way to the horizon, the only place free of them is the safe zone I've spent the last several hours in.

Finally I glare at the stupid not-rock, "What the -hell- are you!? You're not -really- an amethyst, hell, you're not a rock at all, as far as I can tell you're made of something similar to mana, but that doesn't make any sense! You should either be mana, or not."

I grumble for a bit more before I finally give up and slip the stupid thing back into my pocket. During some experimentation with summoning, I had felt the gem in my pants pocket. The same one Mr. Chains had dropped and I had grabbed before the pocket dimension had degraded into chaotic energies.

I sigh, "At least we made some progress on summoning."

I turn and look at the unmoving winged ant-man inside the safe zone. I managed to capture a few and copied the information of their structure by infusing the body with mana. After that, Shard and I had built a spell which shaped and influenced the energy between dimensions to match the structure we had copied. It wasn't something we could use though. It was completely mindless.

I cringe when I see the edges of the summon start to change colors and crack. Apparently the nature of the chaotic energy it's made from has already eaten through the mana influencing it, meaning it's changing back to its natural state. And from previous experience, chaotic energy in a plane of existence ends wit-



I'm really glad I get to experiment in a place where death is only -inconvenient-.

A moment after my 'respawn', the world suddenly turns black, and I feel a sort of vertigo as my senses twist around... And now there's a god -awful- noise blaring.

"Snerg hrk *snort*" What was... oh, thats me. That also explains the darkness. With a massive effort of willpower, I manage to crack one of my eyes open and groan, then I reach around to pat at my pockets in search of my damn phone. Who calls a teenager at... I blink my eye to clear it as I glance at my newly discovered phone... 9a.m. on a Sunday?

Shard supplies... a large number of answers. Sophia has done it during the middle of the night, mom has done it any day of the week, anyone related to the PRT would do it... Do I not have any friends that would just let me sleep?

Shard helpfully sends me an image of Armsy with a tranq dart. Thanks.

I glance at the caller ID to see the answer to who is waking me up -this- time. Apparently Taylor. I snap the phone open at the same time I cough, because that's what you do to let everyone know it's your turn to talk. It also helps with clearing your throat of 'sleep voice', "Hey T. Just letting you know now, I promise revenge. What's up?"

I can hear her nervousness, "Hey Will, I-... wait, what? Revenge?"

I clear my throat again to try to get that 'sleepy' sound out of it, "Yeah, you woke me up. Watch your back, I'm gonna return the favor one day."

Shard suggests some ideas, one of which involves robotic ninja toasters. I file that one away, could be fun later.

Her tone goes flat, "Oh boo hoo. Get cleaned and suited up 'Oblivium'. The PRT called me this morning, apparently they need you to give a report, and Piggot requested you -specifically- for opinions on the new villains. I think you've managed to convince them of 'Fuckin' Magic' and now they think you have all the answers..." She trails off for a moment, then her tone turns a bit more sheepish now, "Aaaand... about my dad?... When the PRT's done, could-"

I interrupt, "Yeah, screw those guys. I'll be at your place in a bit so we can set your dad up first, -then- I'll visit Piggot."

I can almost hear her smile, "Heh, I should've expected that. Sure. We'll be waiting for you."

"Alright T, I'll see you in ten or so."

I hang up and stretch, feeling a few joints pop. Luckily I can use Filter to clean up. It's not as relaxing as a shower, but it's -much- faster. A few small bursts of teal light and both my clothes and I are clean, though we don't have any of that scented nonsense. Guess I need to at least grab some mouthwash and deoderant.

Shard reminds me to comb my hair too, apparently it's a mess. Ugh, I hate being woken up.

I drop close to the ground and hover toward the bathroom only to remember -why- I was sleeping in the air. My eyes catch on Noelle sprawled on my bed, one leg sticking out from under the sheet and she's drooling a bit.

I aim my phone to get a bit of blackmail material, only for Shard to get upset with me. Something about 'that's bad, and you shouldn't do bad things!'. *Click* Now that I have a couple of pictures, I move on to take care of the rest of my morning routine.


It took me a little longer than I planned, but Taylor shouldn't be able to blame me, I made the plan while I was still practically asleep. I'm suited up in my full costume, leather pauldrons and all. I'm building up all my shields en route though, bound, as normal, to my talismans. I tack on my typical 'decoy' orbs too, three orbs trailing behind me as 'fake' battery orbs, since the talismans act as batteries now.

It only takes a few minutes at top speed to reach Taylor's place, and I float down, then press the button for the doorbell... which apparently doesn't work. It doesn't seem to matter though, I can see the tendrils of Taylor's secondary aura attached to tons of bugs all around her house.

A few moments later and the door opens, revealing Taylor with an older guy behind her who is glaring at me. I toss him a wave, "Hey Taylor's dad." And I drop my masked gaze to Taylor, "And T. Nice weather we're having."

Shard doesn't want to be left out, so creates her construct body and dives at Taylor to give her a hug.

Taylor smiles and hugs Shard back, then steps back into the house, clearing the doorway, "Come on Will, get in here before you make a scene."

Taylor's dad raises an eyebrow at her casual use of my name... and the hug fairy attached to Taylor's face. Everyone knows my name anyway, so it's not that big of a deal, and he'll warm up to Shard in no time. She's good like that.

I hover forward and slip a small chunk of the tungsten carbide I had cut off from my brick of it at the hotel, "So Mr. Taylor's dad, any thoughts of what you want?"

Taylor grimaces a bit, "Um, Will, I couldn't really explain it well. He's insisting that he doesn't need protection."

Mr. Taylor's dad tries to speak up, but I take control of the conversation and take a scolding tone, "Mr, Taylor's dad, you should -always- have protection, there's less of a mess that way."

Taylor chokes for a moment and her eyes widen with a 'What are you doing!?' look

Mr. Taylor's dad, however, stares at me for a moment, but I see his lip twitch up a bit as he tries not to laugh at Taylor's discomfort. He manages to get himself under control and places a hand on my shoulder, giving me a serious look, "Will. Making a mess is the best part."

A strangled squeak makes its way out of our resident bug controller, who is now staring in open disbelief at her father, who is doing his best not to laugh.

Mr. Taylor's dad continues, "And call me Danny. 'Mr. Taylor's dad' makes me feel old."

I grin. I like him!

Danny seems slightly unnerved at how my mask moves with my expressions, but doesn't comment on it.

Taylor changes her shock to a glare and shakes her head, muttering "Boys." earning a laugh from Danny, before she walks into the living room and takes a seat on the couch with a huff.

I follow Taylor, only to see Shard flitting around inspecting -everything- in the room. Some things two or three times. She's acting like a hummingbird who drank an energy drink. I take a seat on the couch too since there's only one other chair, and it just -looks- like it's Danny's.

Danny just stands in the entryway, his eyes flicking to follow Shard as she flits about. He starts to open his mouth, reconsiders, then just shakes his head and closes it with a snap.

He takes a seat in his recliner before glancing over to me, "So, Will. What's this ab-"

Shard -slams- into Danny's face in a tackle-hug causing him to splutter and try to peal the fairy off.

Taylor speaks up with a grin, "Dad, Shard says 'Hi'."

Danny has managed to grab Shards foot and is -trying- to pull her off his face, but... I -think- she's created suction cups on her hands because his cheeks just stretch as he pulls at her, until there's a sudden *Pop!* and she 'struggles' against his grip on her ankle.

Danny sighs and it seems he can't hold back anymore. He holds Shard up, dangling her upside down, "Okay, what -is- this?"

I point at Shard who is trying her best to don the puppy eyed look, "-That- is a drama queen. She's also my sister, Shard."

Danny blinks for a moment then shakes his head, "Well, Taylor -did- say you were 'unique'." He lets go of Shard, who decides to stand on his shoulder and pace around, ignoring gravity.

Taylor speaks up, "Alright, so, Will, explain to dad the thing about Astral shields and powers."

Danny nods and points at his daughter, "Yes. That, and why I need a ring?"


It took twenty minutes, lots of construct imagery and a vague explanation on the new villain group in town. They kill capes and civilians alike using pocket dimensions to both 'kidnap' the victim in plain sight and to dispose of any evidence.

I also had to explain to -both- Taylor and Danny that I -refuse- to spend the next several months of my life making rings for everyone. Taylor had expected it, but it was a chance for her to try again, and she needed to stay 'in character'. I could tell my stance bothered Danny though. However, in the end he understood where I was coming from.

Having just finished the Astral Shield ring for Danny, and explaining all the details about it such as not taking it off and why, etc., I turn to Taylor, "Hey T, The PRT wanted me to come in and give a report, you mind if I leave Shard with you until I finish? The meetings take a while and you know how she gets when she gets bored."

Taylor gives me a look that says 'Like you're any better', then nods, "Sure, I don't mind watching her for a while."

We spend a short time moving Shard from my aura to Taylor's while Danny watches in fascination as Shard changes color from teal to green.

Danny speaks up, "Um... So, what just happened?"

I sigh, then glance at Taylor and grin, "Sorry, the PRT needs to speak with me. It's your turn to explain complex stuff."

I don't give her a chance to respond as I wave, then fly out the door. When I look back I can see Taylor in the doorway glaring at me, before she lets it close to go explain things to her dad.

I decide to take my time and fly lazily and only -generally- in the direction of the PRT building. However my flight is interrupted by my phone ringing. Stupid PRT, why are they in such a rush?

I take the phone out and answer, "Heya, you have reached the phone of Oblivium, the most oblivous of- *Click*" I hang up and count the seconds to see how long it'll take Hutchison to call back.

It was seven. "Heya, you have rea-"

Hutchison yells through the phone, "Damnit Oblivium! This isn't some game, people are missing!"

I hold the phone away from my ear until he's done, "People are always missing. It's almost like we have a gang problem in Brockton Bay."

Hutchison is almost growling, "Get in here you little shi-"

The phone is taken from Hutchison and a deeper voice speaks up, "Oblivium, we have Piggot, Miss Militia and of course agent Hutchison here. When you arrive we'll be able to begin the meeting."

I blink for a moment. That's surprising, he's normally a lot more grating to deal with, "Hey, Armsy, it's almost like you're being civil with me. Is it my birthday?"

I hear the grinding of teeth on the other end of the phone. That's better. "Oblivium. We're waiting on you. *Click*"

For Armsy to act like that... this must be fairly big. I put away my phone and aim at the PRT building, then use a series of high powered Boosts, burning about half my mana to rocket there. I was already somewhat close, but I get there in a little under a minute with my wasteful use of mana. When I arrive I have to burn a good bit more mana to counter my inertia but, unless they've been mastered since last night, I should have plenty of time to recover it.

There's an agent standing at the doors waiting for me. They really just need to put in some windows that can open. So much easier than dealing with hallways, stairs and elevators.

The agent gives me a 'professional nod', "Oblivium, this way." and proceeds to lead me into the building.

It ends up taking a couple of minutes to get to the office where the meeting is being held. The agent points out the appropriate door, then heads back downstairs.

I shrug, open the door and step inside to catch the ass end of whatever nice things Armsy was saying about me, "-ficient and unprofessional."

I nod, "Agreed, It's really a good thing I'm not doing this professionally."

I close the door behind me and kick my feet up and lean back in the air as if I'm in an invisible recliner. Wow, there's a lot of hostility here. Piggot, Hutchison and Armsy are all pretty upset with me particularly and Miss Militia's aura is radiating her emotions in waves, she's incredibly tense, restless and worried...

Piggot frowns and slams a folder down on the table, "Thank you for -finally- joining us Oblivium." She pauses for a moment, "What do you mean you're not doing this 'professionally'?"

I shrug, "I plan on going to college, then getting a job, which I will do 'professionally'."

Piggot and Hutchison seem a little confused, Armsy actually seems -happy- at that news, though it's dulled by whatever is going on, Miss Militia just remains tense, but I feel a wave of anger start to build in her aura. It's not directed at me, it's more of a rage without a target. That's... bothersome, she's normally pretty calm.

Piggot settles on a glare, "So, this is all just a game to you?"

I turn my head to look Piggot in the eyes, "I'm doing this because I want to. I won't always want to. I don't -owe- the world anything."

She holds my gaze, her voice gets louder and she growls, "So you'll just let innocent people get hurt?"

I turn my eyes to the ceiling, bored, "I've had this conversation before. Are you going to keep wasting my time, or do I need to start charging a consultation fee?"

She leans back in her chair, her voice holds the tone of authority and command that she had used on me the last time she had tried to subtly threaten me, "You have to give a report. If anything -you're- wasting -our- time."

I grin, "Technically I'm supposed to give a report to Agent Hutchison, but there isn't a specified time that it needs to be given, and without knowing what security level my information is I obviously can't go about giving my report when other people are around."

I feel Miss Militia -snap- as her aura -spikes- with anger, this time directed at both Piggot and me. Her tone isn't quite a 'yell', but there's authority and righteous fury behind it, "Stop trying to see who has the bigger stick!" She snaps at me, "Oblivium, we need to know what this new villain group is capable of! Please, give your report."

I feel her piercing gaze digging into me... Eh... She's right, I'm just wasting my time being an asshole, but I can't help it. I don't -like- Piggot, Hutchison or Armsy.

I nod, "Alright, I only saw two guys, Mr. Chains was the one who attacked our transport, Mr. Cheapmask showed up later. Here's the big points; Mr. Chains can make pocket dimensions at the drop of a hat, he can pick a target, possibly multiple targets, at range and drag said target into the pocket dimension with him. It's how he kidnapped Lung. He was able to make a shield similar to my own and he 'created' an indestructible metal centipede he used to kill Lung. I almost managed to stop him from escaping, but Mr. Cheapmask showed up and... basically shot a stream of energy at me that exploded. I escaped the pocket dimension shortly after that, both to avoid getting blasted again, and due to the dimension collapsing and likely destroying everything left inside."

I glance around at them as they mull over the new-ish information, "After some additional research last night, they seem to be members of a gang called the Frozen Lotus."

Armsy says something to himself then a moment later shakes his head, "Impossible. This one can't be them. The only thing they've managed of note is to kidnap Lung with unknown powers, then kill him while he was still heavily sedated. They've only shown up twice before with large gaps of time between. They're small time and happened too soon after the ambush last night. Whoever's behind this is bigger than that."

He turns and looks to Piggot, "Oni Lee was there last night and had some men with him in power armor. The design was similar to what was discovered in the bunker Oblivium -destroyed- last week. It's more likely the man behind Oblivium's abduction hired Oni Lee. They probably don't know that Lung is dead, we're probably looking at an exchange."

I tilt my head, "What is 'this' anyway? You said a couple of people are missing."

Piggot glances up at my floating form, "Kid Win and Shadow Stalker never reported in this morning."


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