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77% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2002: 13

Chương 2002: 13

Brave 3.2


"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

-Happy Mask Salesman


-March 29, 2011, Downtown Brockton Bay-


"Okay, you ginger cunt. Get ready to have your insides remade by my mighty boot! Nobody messes with my crew!" Skidmark yelled, my eye twitched, and I replied,


"Skiddy, you worthless piece of shit, how are you? Missing your wife so you could beat her? Missing your drugs so you can get your malfunctioning dick up? Missing your gang that used to make you feel special? Don't worry; I'm sure that the birdcage will be happy to accommodate your dumb ass." The man snarled and shouted,


"Fuck you bitch! The merchants own the streets!" 


"Maybe in monopoly, you'll own something." I retorted while making another spear from the ground and taking a stance. His power was annoying but could be overcome.


"Maeve, stand down and leave this to the professionals." Arms stated, his tone dismissive of me. I arced my brow and said,


"Armsy, I'm going to pretend that you're ignoring the fact that I helped take down Lung. Now, how many containment foam bombs do you have?"


"Three. Can you follow my lead?" He said, giving up too easily for my taste, but I won't look at a gift horse in the mouth.


"Yeah." We each approached Skidmark from opposite sides. He took the left while I took the right. Skidmark sent more shards of glass our way while running away. They moved slowly, at least from my perspective, and I swung my spear; each shard was knocked aside while Armsmaster just ran through it. His armor was not even scratched by the attack; 


"Now you cocksuckers!" Skidmark screamed as I heard the sound of gunfire. My body moves even before my brain finishes registering the incoming bullets. Skidmark had managed to arm his junkies with goddamned submachine guns and had them fire at us from behind some buildings. Armsmaster covered his face with his armor and continued forward. If I had brought my shield, I would've been able to do the same, but I left it in the basement. Taking a deep breath, I ran towards Skidmark, barely dodging the bullets with my enhanced speed. The spear never left my hand as I pierced Skidmark's left leg. He screamed, and using his power he tossed me and I was launched backward. The spear left my hand as I threw it to one of the gunmen; it dug deep into his arm. Splitting it open, blood flowed like a river.


Armsmaster took advantage of my distraction, knocking down one of the gunmen, the crunch as his body hit the pavement was satisfying, throwing a containment foam bomb in the direction of the one that was missing his arm, and punching Skidmark hard enough to break his nose and dropping another foam bomb on him.


He still had one left, and I didn't feel like taking my chances with him. Taking advantage of the fact that he was receiving orders, I said,


"Armsy, good work. I'll be seeing you." I started moving away when the street expanded. " Fuck me, Missy is here! Why? "


"Maeve, I have to insist on you joining the wards now," Armsmaster says in a barely calm voice; it was tainted by disgust towards something. Me? Unlikely, he must've been ordered. I need to ask,


"And why would I do that?"


"Because the Empire was just informed that you were responsible for taking down Hookwolf." My truth sense didn't trigger. Either he was telling the truth, or he was being fed fake information. I looked straight at him, at the small camera in his helmet. Coil…


"Let me guess, only you can protect me, my family, and my friends?" I ask while adjusting my position; my eyes darting all over the place since if I could find Missy, I could get out easily.


"Yes. Being a ward will be crucial in keeping you alive and safe." Huh, he believes it. I'm impressed. What's his angle, though? Hmmm… Maybe he's figured out the sheer advantage I have in terms of construction. Regardless of his reasoning, I have too much to lose if I join. I put both of my hands behind my head, gently and subtly clapping them together and touching the back of my head as I slowly pulled my domino mask off.


The pain? Like a million ants crawling beneath my skin, biting and pulling everything, but it works. My face changes, my cheekbones become more pronounced, my sclera goes deep black as my eyes glow blue, a scar surfaces on my nose, small but noticeable, and my skin darkens to a nice tan.


"Armsy, you couldn't keep me alive or safe even if you had Eidolon as my bodyguard. My face, my voice, my very blood, everything about me I can change. I am Maeve!" I force my voice to deepen, "And I bow to no fool! " He throws the foam grenade, the distance is a lie, and a flash of silver falls from the sky intercepting the bomb and making it explode uselessly. A staff pierced the grenade and landed on the ground, cracking the asphalt as if it was nothing.


"Sorry, I am late, Maeve," Belle says wearing an assortment of clothes, she looked like a jester. Her silver face was adorned with a very familiar mask. Harlequin's mask and voice, was she mimicking me? I blushed with embarrassment even as I asked,




"It was in the database and also I brought these." She replied while handing me some red stones, my gloves, and a set of knives. Armsmaster took advantage of the exchange between Belle and me to close the distance, I could see him preparing to swing his halberd at Belle. In an instant, she turned, dashed towards Armsmaster, and grabbed his weapon midswing. He looked shocked at the fact that she could overpower him.


"You could've hurt Maeve with that." Her voice took a steely tone, "I'm surprised that a hero would do something like that. Or perhaps are you more of a dog than a hero? If I throw a piece of meat towards you, would you pick it up with your teeth?" She taunted him, he grimaced as electricity arced around his halberd. Her grip seemed to tighten as her voice took a colder tone.


"That stung, my turn." Her foot cracked the pavement, and Armsmaster's body was pulled towards her as she yanked the halberd out of his hand with one of hers, while the other landed a hit that crumpled his armor. I stared blankly at the scene for a second before saying,


"Let's go Harlequin." I snap my fingers and fire blooms all around us, one small tap on the ground and we fall beneath. The stench of the sewer hits my nose and I burn a stone essentially cleaning out the sewage. Brockton now has the cleanest sewers in America. Not the best advertisement, but better than nothing.


"Creator, do you wish for me to guide you?" Belle says in a calm voice, the halberd still in her hand. The mask is soon discarded as she lets me see her face, it hasn't changed much, she added some freckles to her face, small ones under her eyes. I wonder if she's aware that she's becoming cuter… Wait, no focus on the important things, first Marie!


"You do realize that it's probably tracking us, right?" I replied pointing at the weapon. She grabs it with both hands and I see the metal flowing into the halberd, like play dough and then it flows out. Belle smiles and says,


"It was, and it had a recording device as well. I disabled it, and several of its more esoteric features. I wish to keep it."


"Like a trophy?" I asked, curious to see where it led,


"Yes. It fits my theme of being a jester, a trickster, or a thief. However, you've yet to answer my question."


"Yes, take me home. I'll leave some notes with you so you can begin preparing the workshop. Also, I know you made a PHO account, could you send a list of demands to the PRT?" I reply using alchemy to change back my face and hair to normal. Belle nods and says,


"Understood, let us move before the PRT arrives."


It took me around a couple of hours with Belle to go back home, we had to take it slow to avoid being followed. I could see the kitchen light and a single person there. Either Taylor or Danny and… Oh fuck Danny saw me.


"Hey…" I said, opening the door. Danny Hebert towers over me, his face looks stormy even as he asks,


"Are you hurt?" 


I blink in surprise. I looked at where Belle was supposed to be and she seemed to have gone upstairs, the traitor! Leaving me alone with Danny.


"Well, not really. Let me explain and give you some context." I start saying, his gaze hardening for a second before relaxing by a bit. "I'm what you would refer to as a Tinker. I make things, my specialty is a bit weird. Every few weeks it kinda changes. So far I've had some specialties that allow for some biological manipulation. So I dabbled a bit in them and can survive a lot. While I can get hurt, I can heal from it." He nodded and closed his eyes, I could see the pressure building just beneath his skin, when he opened his eyes he asked in a tired voice,


"So you got hurt?" I shrugged and said,


"Yes, but that was my fault for rushing out. I didn't know how much time I had so I just ran. So I'm guessing that I'm grounded?"


"Yup. Big time." He replied with a grim smile adorning his face. Damn, I should've known that there was no escape from this. I sighed and sat down on the chair across from him, looking into his eyes I ask,


"And what did Taylor tell you?"


"That you and she have powers, that the person who shoved her in the locker is likely a ward, and that you had helped defeat Lung. I… shit, I'm not angry at you. Nor Taylor for that matter. Ever since Annette died I felt lost; part of me died with her." He started saying, when he mentioned Auntie Annette I could've sworn that he was going to shed a tear given the raw pain in his voice but he pushed through it, "That's no excuse, but it is a reason for my negligence. But that all ends now. I can't let you be capes on your own. I can't lose either one of you."


"Uncle…" Damn, not a single lie. I feel sorry for him but he continues,


"Marie, please. I'm not going to pretend as if I know everything, however, this isn't a game. I don't want to stay worrying if you'll come back, I don't want to wonder if that fight will be your last."


"You told Taylor the same thing, didn't you?" I asked after a few tense seconds. He nodded and said in a tone that mixed some pride with pain,


"Yeah. I'm guessing your answer is the same?"


"Yup. Can't stop, won't stop. We're making a difference, it isn't the fastest but it's tangible. The gangs are losing members, the PRT has room to breathe and Taylor is happy." I rambled off all the things we had achieved, which in a way felt good.


"..." He didn't answer, he just stared blankly at me, breathing deeply in and out as if trying to calm himself down.


"Uncle, you can still help us. It may not be in the front lines, but every bit counts. I-I think that what you can do is support us. Be someone we can trust and listen to." An image floats in my mind, a shattered glass jar, a purple light reviving the body. " I'm not creating a sentient being only to use them as a battery! Besides, a shield and a decent communicator will do. " I think back to my shard even as I tell Danny, "There are two things I want to do, one is give you a shield. It'll protect you from everything that's fast and not a laser. And also something to heal you should things go wrong."


"Go wrong?" He didn't sound worried, instead, he sounded curious. Did he think that I was that callous? Well if he did I'm going to mess with him.


"Yeah, life can surprise even the prescient. Now, Taylor, I know you're listening in. Come down so we can have a family talk and bring my kid with you." I said as I started heading to the basement


"..." He stared at me, words stuck in his mouth as he processed what I said.


3, 2, 1…


"Marie… since when did you have a kid?" Like father, like daughter.


-March 30, after school, Hebert Household-


"Welcome home creator," Belle said from the kitchen, she was wearing a simple t-shirt and pajama pants. It was still a bit disconcerting to see someone who looked like me, but shiny and bald. I could smell something extremely sweet in the air, there was a piece of bread on the table, it had several jams, sugar, and honey dripping on top of it. Just from the smell alone, I could feel my blood sugar rising. Oh God, she's picking up the syrup…


"How's your taste testing going?" I asked while placing my bag on the sofa. Belle tossed me a bottle of water and said,


"Very well, I believe that I'm close to understanding what is sweet. I also cleaned the house, and fixed several structural problems in addition to expanding the floor in the main workshop and the basement workshop. Are you sure you wish to do this creator? We can always sneak around Brockton Bay." She does have a point, however since I no longer have to stealth around Danny I can afford to do more riskier things, and teleportation across foldspace is as dangerous as they come. Even if we're using a mix of spice and computation.


"Yeah, fold space travel is an advantage. Besides, I also need to access different dimensions in order to make some of the stuff in my mind and this is the fastest and safest way. At least without creating superstructures and powering them with several stones." I replied as the blueprints for making the temple of time fill my mind; it was still tempting to build one if only for the style. Belle takes a bite out of her sweetened bread, looks me in the eyes, and says,


"I understand. Creator, I have a question."


"What is it?" I replied, taking a seat across her from the table.


"Once Dragon is freed, if I so desired, could I join the guild?" Her tone is neutral, but her expression tells me that she gave it some thought. I never considered her choosing to leave so early, yet if that is her choice, I need to respect it. Nodding to myself I reply,


"If that's what you want, sure." Her eyes widen slightly and she asks,


"Are you not bothered?" Same tone, yet the face is different. " Maybe I sounded too callous in my words… Hmm, this would be easy if I could read her, but I suppose that it's better this way. Time to go with plan B, be honest. "


"That's a difficult question to answer. I want you to stay with me, to help me. But I won't force you or order you. I made you with free will, I gave you the mathematical equivalent to prescience immunity. You can walk whatever path you want." I say while staring into her eyes. I can see minute expressions on her face as she thinks. 


"And if I seek to destroy humanity?" She asks, again. A variant to be sure, but still the same question. What if I decide to attack humans? Will you stop me? Yet my answer remains the same.


"Then I'll do my best to stop you." I extend my hand toward hers and she stops for a moment. I can almost feel the conflict in her mind, what does she think? How and why she does do so? And what will she decide? All these questions are the ones I wish to find the answer to.


"And if I seek to kill you?" She asks, shocking me out of my reverie. This is somewhat new, an indirect threat. Yet it's an easy one,


"I'll stop you, if only for your sake," I reply honestly. She stares at me dumbfounded, her hands shaking slightly as she asks,




"Fratricide is a sin, one that you shouldn't bear." My answer makes her gasp and removes her hand from my own. I think that she would be crying if she was able to do so. Her eyes close and she takes a calming breath. One, or two seconds pass and she says,


"I understand, M… Marie." Huh, didn't call me creator, I'm guessing this means that we're closer.


Brave 3.2, end.


Interlude- Hess


-March 30, 2011, Rig-


Sophia Hess wasn't patient at the best of times, or rather it is more accurate to say that she wasn't patient when it came to certain things. Staking out a place, waiting for the opportune time to strike? Sure, it might be something annoying but the thrill of the hunt was more than enough to soothe her. Waiting an hour for the local crackpot tinker to get his ass out of the hospital bed for a briefing? She had better uses for her time. Like target practice.


Not that she would say it out loud, but ever since that meeting against that rogue cape, everything had been put under scrutiny. " Fucking Battery! " Sophia thought as she remembered that she had lost most of the freedom she enjoyed thanks to her various reports. Thankfully she still had some broadheads hidden away, not that she could get to them anytime soon, especially since Militia had been adamant about keeping an eye on her. " Can't even put that bitch Hebert in her place, " Sophia grumbled inside her mind.


The door of the meeting room opened and for the first time, Sophia saw Armsmaster without his armor. He had several bandages across his abdomen and chest and was walking with a noticeable limp.


"Wards, listen up. For obvious reasons, I will be brief. The rogue or vigilante known as Harlequin has resurfaced and has been made into a priority capture alongside Maeve and Weaver." Armsmaster started saying before being interrupted,


"Wasn't it thought that Harlequin was Maeve?" Clockblocker asked.


"Yes, but it seems we were wrong." Armsmaster admitted, his tone somewhat bitter. Sophia herself smirked at that since he championed that idea. Still, the capture order irked her so she asked,


"Why do we need to capture them?" Armsmaster breathed deeply and said,


"What I'm about to say shouldn't be repeated at all. As you know a while back Legend brought a highly weakened Hookwolf to the base. Officially speaking, Legend defeated him. Unofficially Legend saved him from being killed by Maeve. Maeve had not only stripped Hookwolf of his armor repeatedly but was in the middle of cutting him open and freezing his blood so he wouldn't die from blood loss. In addition, she not only healed him but somehow removed his powers permanently. A while later Maeve showed new abilities when she helped hold off Lung and more recently she showed even more powers during the takedown of the merchants.


Due to said actions, Maeve's official rankings are now:

Trump: 9 due to her power to remove parahuman powers. Disregarding that, her rating falls to Trump: 7 with the following subcategories attached-Brute: 3Thinker: 4Tinker: 2Shaker: 5Changer: 2Blaster: 4Mover: 5Striker: 8

As to why we need to capture them, Maeve and Harlequin are both healers and we cannot allow the gangs to have access to either one of them. Harlequin's ratings are also being revised with a brute 7, so she's a high-value potential asset. Maeve in particular is a priority target for the empire since someone leaked her takedown of Hookwolf. "


"And Weaver?" Gallant asked interrupting Armsmaster, who responded with a dry tone,


"She has access to a tinker-tech weapon that pierced Lung's natural armor and healing. In addition to her potential for information gathering. While we're not sure if she's the Tinker of the group, she has been given Tinker: 2 as a rating tentatively. Your new orders are to try to recruit them, if not stall until a member of the protectorate arrives and aid in their capture." 


"So you're telling us to distract a cape that can remove powers? Anything else? Like, say, arm wrestle with Lung when he's a giant dragon? Punch Leviathan in the jaw?" Clockblocker asked Sophia could almost smell the fear rolling off of him.


"Oh come on, she's not that tough." Sophia said, ignoring the fact that somehow the girl had nullified her powers once. 


"Shadow, I was there when she fought Mush. One moment it's only Armsmaster and the next she appears and single handedly turns the tide of the battle. She turned Mush into a lightning rod before frying him out of his armor. She then took a blast from Skidmark before helping take him down. Don't underestimate her." Vista pointed out.


"I ain't you shortstop." Sophia responded, she smiled as Vista glared at her.


"Both of you, stop your bickering!" Miss Militia ordered before the two could actually begin to fight. Sophia glared at her only to find that the cape not only returned the glare, but her fight or flight instinct kicked in. And the thought of fighting Miss Militia was making her consider running very far away. Armsmaster continued talking but Sophia ignored him, she was now curious as to why Militia would be this angry. The meeting itself concluded soon after and the wards all left, while Militia and Armsmaster stayed behind.


So Sophia decided to try and eavesdrop on them, she went straight for the lockers and into the showers. After waiting a few seconds she slipped out and phased through several walls, until she came to the room next to where Militia and Armsmaster were having a shouting match.


"She's a kid, Collin! Strong-arming her into joining will not work!" Militia shouted at full volume, Sophia heard something akin to metal being crunched punctuating her statement.


"We don't have much choice Hannah. Thanks to Smith's loose tongue Empire 88 has a hit put on her. Either she joins or she's hunted down. Director Piggot agreed with me and I convinced Dragon to come and help us. If my theory on her powers is right then she could surpass Dauntless. With the right guidance of course and even if I'm wrong it's still taking a pawn off the board for the gangs." Armsmaster replied, his voice sounded tired. There was a moment of silence before Militia responded in a tone that made Sophia shiver,


"Collin, let me be clear about this: I will not allow you to make her into a child soldier." Sophia's eyes widened at the implications of that, to her it meant that the girl was significantly more dangerous than she initially thought. 


"She already is, Hannah. You saw the footage, she clearly knows how to use various weapons, her tactics are shown to be practical and ruthless. She killed 5 men and proceeded to break down Hookwolf. Then instead of killing him removed his powers and manhood in such a way that not even Panacea could heal him. It is a simple but very effective message, one that even Kaiser cannot ignore: I can do worse than kill you. Then she proceeds to brutalize Mush, almost kills a man and you saw how quickly she helped take down Skidmark." Sophia barely suppressed the grin on her face and the laughter in her throat as she imagined Hookwolf's suffering.


"Furthermore, the child is escalating. Hannah, I know that you aren't a fan of this idea, but it's her best shot. I asked for her to be put under your supervision, precisely because you wont turn her into a child soldier." Armsmaster replied unfazed by Militia's tone. There was the sound of the door opening and Sophia barely heard Militia say,


"Dammit Collin." One, two, three steps and the door closed. She heard the sound of Armsmaster sitting, a loud sigh and he said to the empty room.


"She'll come around, she has to."


Sophia smiled, she believed she had found a kindred soul. Meanwhile in the Hebert residence Marie shivered.


Interlude- Hess, end.

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