Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 6: Chapter: 6

Chapter: 6

"Sigh this is not going to be fun."

I was sitting on the roof of my house checking over my stats and skills.

Name: Sung Ji-Yoon

Level: 42

Class: None

Title: reincarnate

Hp: 7500

Mp: 8000


Strength: 74

Vitality: 66

Agility: 70

Intelligence: 80

Sense: 60


Passive skill: 

-(Unknown) Lv. Max

Active skills

-Creation Lv. 4

- Skill creation Lv. 4

-Mana manipulation Lv. 6

- Dominators touch Lv. 4

- ShadowFlare Lv. 4

- The Gates of Babylon lv. 3

- Mana reactor lv. 2

- Mana cultivator lv. 2

- High-speed regeneration lv.1

- Healing magic lv.1

"Sigh whatever happens happens alright let's get somewhere secluded. Open Gates Babylon."

A large golden ripple appeared behind me, emerging from it was a large golden construct. It looked like a ship with a golden throne at its center and wings made of emerald from its sides.

"Vimana my favorite weapon from the Gates of Babylon I've been dying to use this."

Hopping onto Vimana I sat on the throne that was the pilot's seat the moment I sat down Vimana floated off the roof into the air.

"Alright let's go."

Then Vimana shot off in a streak of light (fun fact Vimana is light speed or higher). It didn't take me long to find an empty area it was a large forest with no one around to be fair I was in a rainforest on the other side of the planet. Jumping out of Vimana I landed on the ground and It returned to the treasury.

"Alright, a better chance than any."

Quest info

You have received a [Job Change quest]

Quest Info

Accept this quest


I clicked yes and a large gate appeared in front of me but unlike the typical dungeon gates, it was white and gold in color.

"What a way to set yourself apart."

I wanted to save time I walked into the gate. Appearing on the other side I was met with a massive white hallway that was made of what seemed like marble. Looking around the hall one would have assumed it was heaven, of course, I knew better. Sensing two presences behind me turning around I saw what those presences were. In front of me were two large beings that wore silver armor with two pairs of silver wings one wielding a sword and one without.

"You're joking Rulers." my tone deadpan

Then in a blink, the ruler with the sword was already before me its sword was already swung at me I barely had enough time to take a sword from the Gates of Babylon to block, and even then the force of the strike broke the sword and sent me into a wall indenting the wall. 

"Cough cough!"

Coughing up blood I fell off the wall and before I could get to my feet the ruler with a weapon shot multiple bolts of lightning at me causing an explosion. The dust cleared and there was a transparent golden circular disk in front of me.

"Cough! Is he trying to kill me, Rulers really what does he really expect me to do about these normally."

Throwing away the broken sword I pulled out a very familiar black katana from the Gates of Babylon but different.

Item Name: Amaterasu

Type: Katana

Rank: SSS

Description: Amaterasu is a mystical black katana with a unique octogram guard. Its dark blade absorbs light, whispering with otherworldly energy.


- Black Flame Emission: The blade can unleash a black flame capable of consuming anything it touches, without producing heat.

- Shadowmeld: Grants the user the ability to merge with shadows for stealth attacks.

- Flame Resonance: The black flame intensifies in the presence of other fires

"Burn it black Amaterasu."

The sword ignites with black flames. 

"Unfortunately for you two, I will not be going down that easily."

I started to walk forward then started jogging then broke out into a full sprint I rushed at the magic using Ruler simply because it has range something I don't want to deal with while fighting the blade-wielding Ruler. Of course, the sword-using Ruler intercepted me. Clashing with the sword using ruler I flipped over its blade and grabbed its face and black lightning crackled to life in my palm. I activated the mana manipulator skill alongside the mana cultivator and mana reactor skills supercharging the attack.

[Skill: Mana manipulation leveled up]

[Skill: Mana cultivator leveled up]

[Skill: Mana cultivator leveled up]

[Skill: Mana reactor leveled up]

[Skill: Mana reactor leveled up]

[Skill: ShadowFlare leveled up]


A bolt of black lightning that looked more like a beam fired off from my palm enveloping the Ruler's head. When the beam died down it revealed that the attack had erased the Ruler's head. Jumping off the falling Ruler's body I landed a few feet away from the body.

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

"Ok, so he's not that evil."

Looking up at the other Ruler who fired off another volley of lightning I had to jump away from. 

"Alright let's continue this dance."

I rushed at the Ruler as I jumped into the air and swung Amaterasu to unleash an arc of flames I was suddenly caught in mid-air by an unknown force.

"Crap Ruler's Arthority."

I was then flung into a wall. Forcing my way out of the wall I decided to stop playing nice. Returning Amaterasu back to the treasury I pulled a new weapon from the Gates of Babylon. It was a sword with a golden blade The hilt of the sword was intricately designed with ornate patterns and symbols, with a cross-shaped guard.

"I have had enough I cannot waste time on you since I know this is going to get so much harder so I'm ending this."

A golden burst of energy was released from the sword jumping off the wall I was on I raised the sword high in the air and the energy increased.


I swung down the sword and a flash of gold blinded me.

Chapter 6: End

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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