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9.8% Lord of the Seas (rewrite) / Chapter 1: Ch 1: The basics

Chương 1: Ch 1: The basics

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'Where am I'. as I look around 'Are those floating islands? I also don't seem to have legs anymore which for some reason doesn't bother me, well it is what it is. Let's explore and I'm also hungry so I will hopefully find food'.

while I start to slowly swim around the island I'm over. 'I'm having a Deja Vu moment right now, like I know where I'm at and that I've been here before'.

as I then look to the side and see a fish. 'I know where I'm at now'. while I stare directly into the eye of what is obviously a peeper. 'I feel like a normal person in this scenario would panic or something but I feel so calm and really hungry so let's just follow instincts'.

while I think over how I got here I quickly swim towards the peeper and eat it and one swift bite. 'it tastes like salmon almost though a little rougher and I think its eye just popped in my mouth'. as I finish the peeper and swallow it.

[System unlocked]

Peeper DNA

Mutations Gained: Propulsion Tubes and 360 Vision

as I finish swallowing the peeper I feel a slight burn on my eyes and around my sides, I feel small tubes grow out of my body letting me release air to launch me forward with greater speed and my eyes get a better view of my body and surroundings.

'I wasn't expecting a system or mutations if I eat something'. as I look intently at the floating black and purple screen in front of me. 'well this should at least make me living here a lot more fun. this should also mean I have other functions. Status?'


Species: Boneshark

Titles: N/A

Length: 4m (13ft)

DNA Assimilated: 1

Mutations: Propulsion Tubes, 360 vision, thickly-armored exoskeleton, and sensitive eyes.

'plain and simple I like it I'm also assuming that thickly-armored exoskeleton and sensitive eyes are part of my natural DNA since that wasn't part of what I gained from the Peeper'.

'this also means that the more I eat the stronger I get but that also doesn't mean I should eat everything I come across unless I haven't eaten it yet or it has an obvious difference to others of the same species'.

'let's see what else the system can do. Shop? Gacha? Travel?'.

[World Travel Locked]

'So I have a world-traveling system that could lead to lots of fun but I should be smart on how I use it I don't want to go straight to Marvel after this or something'. 

'well, I need to start going around looking for more stuff to eat and hopefully more than just peepers. so let's just go a random direction and hopefully not end up in the void'.

as I started swimming in any direction the current took me which took me to a forest full of kelp and stone crevices filled with holes and small life. 'so I really am in subnautica. it's so beautiful the game really didn't do it justice.'

I then quickly swim into the kelp forest weaving around kelp stalks and slapping the occasional kelp sac with my tail making it split open. 'it's so gorgeous but I'm hungry and here I can just hear and feel the movements of everything around here'.

I then swiftly propel myself forward swimming around kelp stalks and sneak up behind a stalker and aim for its dorsal fins but see it quickly swim away and turn around after turning behind a small rock cluster.

'this is going to be fun and so very new'. I quickly follow the Stalker to get a chunk of it as I almost nip its tail but then another stalker rams into my body from the side from inside a cave knocking me to the side showing my underbelly.

'well that wasn't nice and now I need to deal with two of them but I guess I did start it.' While I quickly use my new propulsion tubes to get out of the way of a Stalker going for my stomach and nip its fin with my teeth.

I also start to periodically use my propulsion tubes to give me more speed around the two stalkers making it look like a dance of underwater beauty though the Stalkers slowly get covered in wounds from both my teeth and the sharp tips of my fins.

'I'm surprised they are still alive as I have covered them in so many scratches and bite marks though I think I should finally just kill them'. as I rush forward and bite down on the neck of one of the Stalkers and propel myself towards the other one and slice its underbelly open with my fin.

'well let's quickly eat these two before more stalkers come over because of the scent of blood. Now let's see what Stalker tastes like'. as I take a bite of the one I ripped the throat out of.

'it tastes like crocodile which is honestly a little unexpected though it is really good like that one time I went to Florida weird place but great food'.

[DNA Absorption]

Stalker DNA

Mutations Gained: Dorsal Ridges, Night Vision, and Regrowable Teeth.

as I take the last bite out of the Stalker. I start to feel my back tingle and slightly burn as individual ridges grow, letting me make tighter turns and easier movements within currents.

my eyes also started to burn as well making the dark cave that one of the Stalkers attacked me from seem as bright as everything else around me. as well as a scratchy feeling in my mouth as teeth started to grow in as the previous ones were part of my exoskeleton.

'wow that's a great haul, especially from a stalker I was expecting less if I'm going to be honest but I should probably get out of here before more Stalkers get here'.

I quickly start to swim away from where I killed the Stalkers as I start to weave between rock formations and around kelp clusters making sure to stay away from Stalkers but making sure to snag the occasional Hoopfish or Hoverfish.

[DNA Absorption]

Hoverfish DNA Hoopfish DNA

Mutations Gained: Charged Fins and Heighted Spatial Awareness.

while I finish chewing on the last hoverfish I feel my fins and ridges grow a small and thin membrane letting me stay still within a current without struggling as well as my sense of awareness spikes as I can feel water currents brushing against my sides.

'well, that was a nice quick gain, especially since Heighted Spatial Awareness will help immensely'. At the same time, I start to move easier around kelp and rocks without having to turn as drastically.

'back to the floating islands I guess this will be my permanent home for now until I figure out how to leave this world and go to the next'. as I start to swim down the cliff and find an island close to it.

'this island should work for now it's nice and big and should help with my growing size so I won't have to get a new home every day, now what should I do tomorrow I already went to the kelp forest and I live in the underwater islands I should head to the grass plateaus since they are nearby. well for now I should go to sleep after I check my status'.


Species: Boneshark

Titles: N/A

Length: 5m (16ft)

DNA Assimilated: 4

Mutations: Charged Fins, Heighted Spatial Awareness, Dorsal Ridges, Night Vision, Regrowable Teeth, Propulsion Tubes, 360 vision, thickly-armored exoskeleton, and sensitive eyes.

'well that is good gain for the first day though there is much to be desired as my status is already getting clunky it would be nice if my mutations had their own tab'. 


Species: Boneshark

Titles: N/A

Length: 5m (16ft)

DNA Assimilated: 4

'damn, I wasn't expecting the system to immediately change to my wishes this is nice now it won't be cluttered for the future maybe the system can please give me a map'. 

as the black and purple screen in front of me gets a new tab I then open it and see that it shows the parts I have explored with four grayed-out layers under it with the first showing a little color.

'this is so convenient but these aren't the most game-changing things so it doesn't surprise me that the system is just giving it to me but maybe I can be lucky enough to get an inventory so I can store the food I can't immediately eat'.

the screen then fluctuates again but shows a locked symbol with text underneath saying must complete tutorial world. 'I was expecting as much honestly I was pushing my luck a bit but I had to try as nothing comes free though I do need to try this last thing and hope it works so please quest tab for everything please'.

the screen then shows again but it shows 1 quest that is labeled tutorial as I then click on it mentally.



1: Help The Sea Empress

2: Become Leviathan Class

3: Explore


1: Added system function

2: unique mutation

3: ?

'Not the most difficult tasks especially since I was planning on doing them anyways but now I just get a reward with it as well now which is a plus though I wonder if I can make self-made quests'. as another small tab appeared under the tutorial.

[King of Bones]


1: Become the ruler of the floating islands


1: random mutation

'now things are getting more interesting but I should sleep so I can do this quest tomorrow'. as I swim to a dark corner of the cave and nestle myself in the dirt and drift to sleep.

'that was a great nap, now let's get started with today's activities'. as I swim out of the cave and start to swim around some of the islands floating closer to the surface.

'it looks like most of the guys live lower down so I guess I'm going to be saying hi to some cousins and uncles'. as I then swiftly propel myself down looking for any sign of movement to chase after.

'What's that it looks purple and like an eel I don't remember anything like that from the games'. as I swiftly swim over to the eel-like creature to see what it is as I get closer it quickly tries to bite me but I swiftly move back and slice it with my fin.

'what in God's name is that? This thing wasn't in the games though I guess that makes sense since this is real life now though I do wonder what I can get from it.

I then start to move around the eel-like creature and litter its body with bite marks and scratches from my fins leaving red gashes along its body. 'I should just kill it now besides I always wanted to know what eel tasted like'.

I then swiftly move forward and leave one finally biting on the back of its head and taking a giant bite out of it, putting the eel-like creature to rest as I start to slowly swallow the eel.

[DNA Absorption]

Peel DNA

Mutations Gained: Bioluminescence, Two Sets of Eyes, and corrosive saliva.

while I take the final bite of the eel realizing there were actually two I start to feel my mouth burn slightly and release yellowish saliva which melts the rocks next to me as my eyes start to tingle again as I grow another set right next to the ones I already have letting me focus on more things easier. in contrast, my body starts to glow dark blue and purple.

'wow I look nice with this new glow and my vision was already good but I can focus on so much more now and this corrosive saliva is awesome I could eat a rock and it would melt before it touches my esophagus'.

'now let's get back to exploring this place but that guy's species had a weird name though I guess it's a little fitting since it was two in one'. While I think over the eel I just ate I swim around the islands looking for anything new and special.

'well I don't seem to see anything new just some plain Bonesharks and the occasional fish but that Boneshark has four eyes which is weird but DNA evolves so it's not that strange though it seems a little bigger than others and the Boneshark next to him is small'.

'realization is a thing I wish didn't exist right now because that Boneshark is Leviathan class and he is huge. He looks like he would be my genetic ancestor but considering that the empresses lived for like a millennium it can't be said that these guys can live really long'.

'though I also know who to stay away from as well as defeat to become the ruler of the floating islands but for now I will need some more strength so back to the kelp forest and then the plateaus'.

I quickly swim back towards the cave I slept at to remember where to go I then start riding the wall of the crater and see the beautiful sight of the kelp forest and swim through its magnificence now aware of new creatures that weren't in the game and see something lurking in the grass.

'I wonder what that is after all the more the merrier'. As I propel myself towards where I saw the movement with my mouth wide ready to quickly kill my prey and see what I found.

when I reached the place where I saw the movement I take a bite of the creature's dorsal fin and twisted myself around after swallowing it causing my saliva to burn into its skin and my fins to cause scratches around its body.

'it tastes like mushrooms I like it'. As I finish my twist and swiftly finish killing what I found barely giving it time to even register what happened as I immediately start eating its body to see what it was and gain its perks.

[DNA Absorption]

Barbed Orarribilis DNA

Mutations Gained: Dorsal Spines and Six Eyes

As I finish swallowing the last bit of the Barbed Orarribilis I feel my dorsal ridges start to burn and grow sharp edges that would let me cut something if they got too close. While a new pair of eyes starts to grow right in front of my main two letting my eyes get a better view of my surroundings.

at this point, I might end up with more eyes than body though they are useful though I probably won't get any more so I should be fine and I like the new improvement to my dorsal ridges'.

'Now let's finish exploring this kelp forest to see if I can find some more interesting stuff like that guy'. as I start swimming in random directions but using my map to make sure that I don't get lost or go over the same areas more then twice. 'well I found a couple of snacks' as I finish swallowing a couple of finish.

[DNA Absorption]

Boomerang DNA Rabbit Ray DNA Eyeye DNA Grabomoprh DNA

Mutations Gained: Serrated Teeth, Vibration-sensitive ears, and Inner mouth.

My mouth starts to burn slightly as my previous teeth fall out and new ones grow in with serrated edges letting me make my prey bleed more as well as what feels like another mouth inside of mine which I feel like I can extend forward at any time I want. while the top of my head burns as well while small flat ears grow letting me sense vibrations in the water.

'That was a pretty good gain for just some random fish I decided to eat especially that last one as I just randomly stumbled upon him while he was eating a peeper'.

but behind me, there is a sudden movement in the water as something rockets towards me as it blends into the kelp around me letting him bite into the side of my tail but only chipping my exoskeleton.

'where did he come from'. as I swiftly turned around to see a fish with a spiny barbed back with kelp-colored scales letting it blend in as its eyes seemed to see the slightest change in color in its surroundings letting it easily discern where I'm at and the surrounding fish.

I then rush towards the fish that sneaked up to get a bite out of it but it swiftly moves out of the way by getting under me and cutting my stomach with its barbs as I then swiftly twist myself around to try and get its tail which I succeeded in getting a chunk out of slowing him down a bit.

though it didn't slow him down all too much as it turned around some rocks and kelp blending back into its surroundings to try and sneak up on me again. 

though I can still tell where it is due to my ears letting me sense the smallest vibration letting me rocket towards him and slice his face with my fin and bite his fin off making him incapacitated and letting me get the kill.

'I wasn't expecting this to happen'. as I finish biting his throat out and swallowing it and dig into the rest of his body to eat. 'This guy tastes good though like Onigiri which I was only able to try once sadly'.

[DNA Absorption]

Larkiera DNA

Mutations Gained: Barbed Spines and crescent-shaped pupils

as I take the final bite of the Larkiera and swallow I feel my back grow barbs around my back letting me be defended from attacks from above as well as none of them getting in the way of my dorsal ridges. 

while my eyes also start to burn as my pupils turn crescent shaped letting me see the smallest color change letting me tell if it is an animal using camouflage.

'that was a good fight and he tasted amazing as well which sounds really gay but it is what it is but I should probably stop for today as this kelp forest is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be'.

as I quickly swim towards a cave that seems not to have anything in it as I get comfortable and start to relax so I can continue my exploration before I head to the grassy plateaus.


{ A/N Well I hope you guys enjoyed the rewrite of the book as it's obviously a little different as the system is going to be a bit more involved as well as there being new and unexpected things for our character to eat.

I will also do what I did in the old book by putting his status under this as well as his current quests. also please give a suggestion on the MC's name as the old one was good but I want this to feel new and better written so I hope you guys enjoyed it.


Species: Mutated Boneshark

Titles: N/A

Length: 7m (23ft)

DNA Assimilated: 11




1: Help The Sea Empress

2: Become Leviathan Class

3: Explore


1: Added system function

2: unique mutation

3: ?

[King of Bones]


1: Become the ruler of the Floating Islands


1: random mutation

[King of the Forest] *


1: Become the ruler of the Kelp Forests


1: random mutation

Load failed, please RETRY

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