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18% Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path BY Temporal Knight / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Snakes and Anagrams

Chương 9: Chapter 9: Snakes and Anagrams

"That," Neville said his eyes wide, "is a very large piece of skin." He was pointing at a discarded molt which had presumably been left by the basilisk. It looked to be about 30-40 feet long.

Harry shrugged. "This thing was Salazar Slytherin's pet. It's over a thousand years old. Of course it's going to be big, Nev."

Daphne stared at Harry and shook her head. "How the bloody hell are you so calm about this?"

"Well, when you've fought a man with a face poking out of the back of his skull a big snake isn't quite as bad." Harry paused and sighed. "Also, I'm not calm – I'm terrified. I've just had a lot of practice with hiding some of my emotions." His eyes narrowed and a small storm of fury played over his features. "And this thing hurt Hermione. I'm going to kill it."

"Right...Remind me not to piss you off," Daphne muttered edging away from him slightly.

The small group walked a little further down the tunnel before Harry stopped and turned to Shiva. "Shiva? Can you transfigure a rooster? It would make this a lot less dangerous…"

Shiva rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Seriously? I can't transfigure glasses why would you think I can transfigure a rooster?"

"You could at least try," Daphne snarked. "You are a teacher."

"A Runes teacher," Shiva muttered. "Fine, it can't hurt to attempt it I suppose. You know even if I get manage to get a rooster it's not very likely to do much of anything beyond scare the thing? Transfigured animals aren't actual animals. A transfigured rooster won't have whatever properties allow real roosters to hurt the basilisk."

"It's a thousand year old snake," Harry replied dryly. "Any advantage is a good advantage."

Shiva crouched down aimed at a large rock in the tunnel about the size of a chicken and started muttering enchantments and flicked her wand at it. After a few seconds the rock, with a bit of a pop turned into a craggy rooster-like shape that gave a croak before flopping over onto the ground and not moving.

"I told you I suck at transfiguration," Shiva grumbled.

As she started to stand, Lockhart suddenly rushed her. Neville yelled attempting to fire a stunner at him but the shot went wild. Harry and Daphne drew their wands towards the man but he twisted back away from Shiva with his broken wand in hand before they could do anything. "Such a shame that you all were killed by the basilisk. This will make a perfect end to my newest book," Lockhart said with a manic grin. He started to slash his wand down.

Shiva yelled out, "Protego!"

At the same time as a luminous shield sprang into existence in front of the group, Lockhart screamed out, "Obliviate!" His spell shot out from both ends of his wand. One beam struck Lockhart sending him into the wall of tunnel. The second beam hit Shiva's shield and rebounded into the ceiling. A spreading crack was all the warning the group had before a large section of ceiling shattered and gigantic pieces of rock crashed into the corridor. Harry dove, knocking Daphne out of the way of the debris, both students holding their hands over their heads as the dust settled and the rumbling stopped.

Picking himself up, Harry turned back to the newly formed blockage. Daphne was the only other one he could see. "Shiva! Neville!" Harry yelled frantically throwing some of the smaller rocks back. 'Please let them be okay. Please let them be okay. Please let them be okay.' He didn't know who he was praying to, but prayed anyway.

"Harry!" a muffled voice yelled back. "Harry! Are you okay? Is Daphne alright?" Harry breathed a sigh of relief at hearing Shiva's voice. He looked over at Daphne who coughed and gave him a thumbs up.

"Yeah, we're fine, Shiva! Are you okay? Is Neville alright?"

"I'm fine, Harry!" Neville's reply was just as muffled as Shiva's. "Looks like Lockhart brought down the ceiling. One rock hit him in the crotch as it fell. Serves the bugger right." Now that Neville mentioned it...Harry could dimly make out a sort of muffled groan.

"Harry, stay there, I'm going to try to shift some of these rocks," Shiva said. A few moments later there was a soft crash as some of the boulders moved and the ceiling groaned. Harry could hear soft cursing coming from the other side of the barrier. "Bloody freaking hell! Okay guys, I'm going to have to shore up the ceiling as I shift this stuff. I'll add some runes into the supports to make sure it holds but it's still going to take close to hour to get through this shite."

Daphne snarled and grabbed Harry's arm. "We can't wait that long! Tracey could be dying!"

Harry looked between his…friend…and the cave-in. Eventually he sighed and nodded at her. "Shiva, Daphne and I will keep going. You guys catch up when you can."

"What the bloody hell!? Don't you bloody dare you git! You two stay right – "

"Shiva!" Harry yelled back cutting her off. "We came down here without waiting for the others because Tracey's in danger! We'll be careful but we can't afford to just sit here and wait!"

"I don't give a rat's arse about that you little shite! I have not been looking out for you for the past two years or fighting to get custody for the last year just for you to run off and get yourself killed and eaten by a BLOODY BASILISK! YOU HEAR ME HARRY! YOU STAY RIGHT THERE UNTIL I GET THROUGH THIS!"

"But Tracey could be - " Harry tried.

"I don't know Tracey! I know you! I care about you! It's bad enough I let you convince me to bring you down here! You can't run off on me like this, Harry! Not now! Not ever!"

Having someone yell at Harry because they cared about him was an entirely new experience to the boy. Even Hermione hadn't ever really raised her voice to him quite like this. He cringed a huge feeling of guilt settling onto his shoulders.

"Listen to me, Harry. This isn't a cerberus lulled by music or a troll you can hit with a club or an exploding rune. This is a bloody basilisk. A creature a thousand years old with venom strong enough to kill you with a single drop and a stare that spells instant death. If you and Daphne go forward without us in all likelihood you will die!"

Daphne grabbed his hand and drew his gaze into her eyes. "Please, Potter. I can't leave her there...please..."

Harry took a shuddering breath, squared his shoulders and turned back to the cave-in. "Shiva...what if it was me in there? Would you want someone to wait while they could maybe save me by going ahead?"

The stream of curses that followed greatly expanded Harry's vocabulary. He knew he'd won the argument. It didn't make him feel any better. "FINE! You are going to end up giving me a heart attack before I hit 25 you bloody bastard! I swear to the Goddess if either of you die in there before we get through than I am going to personally resurrect you just so I can kill you again!"

"Harry, make sure you're careful, mate!" Neville yelled also sounding rather frustrated and annoyed. "If you get hurt, Hermione's going to kill me for letting you go alone."

"He's not alone!" Daphne yelled. "Be careful with the tunnel and hurry up!" She started down the tunnel. "Come on, Potter. Let's get Tracey and get the hell out of this place."

Harry nodded and started after her. They had gotten a few dozen meters further down when he heard a soft crack and looked down at his feet. Lifting his boot, Harry saw he had stepped onto a pair of small glasses. "Daphne, hold up. I need a minute here."

Daphne came back and glared at him. "We have to keep moving, Potter." She stared at the glasses in his hands and froze. Reaching out a shaking hand she pointed at the lenses. "Those are Tracey's reading glasses…"

"Well at least we know she's definitely here," Harry said distractedly. He pulled out his etching tool and quickly added the markings to turn them into Reflector Lenses. Harry really wished he'd paid more attention to the charm Hermione had used the first time he met her. "Here," he said handing them over to her. "The left lens is a little cracked but I think the runes will mostly hold. Remember, I have absolutely no idea if these things will actually work to reflect its gaze. If either of us gets hit and petrified than we know it doesn't work. If the left lens, cracks then close your eye because that cluster will be broken."

Daphne nodded slipping the glasses onto her face with a small grimace. "Well at least her eyes are mostly good. This is still going to give me a headache though."

"Better a headache than dead," Harry retorted standing up. "You can see though right?"

"Well enough. Can we go now?"

"Yeah, let's go." The two proceeded a bit further into the tunnel before stopping in front of a large door covered with snake motifs around a central circular seal.

"Guess this is it," Daphne said barely above a whisper. "Potter…Harry, thanks for this…"

"We'll save her, Daphne," Harry replied. He turned to the door. ~Open.~ The snake carvings slithered away from the central seal and the door swung open. "Be careful," Harry said stepping through the door, wand and rune held high in each hand.

Harry and Daphne padded cautiously into the Chamber of Secrets covering both sides as they walked forward. When they were halfway through the cavernous room the torches along the walls lit up illuminating the rest of the space. Blinking from the sudden light, Daphne's eyes widened when she centered on the figures near the base of a statue of the front of the room.

"Tracey!" Daphne ran forwards with Harry cursing and following after her. "Tracey!" she yelled skidding to a halt next to her friend. Daphne grabbed her sweaty, pale hand and checked for a pulse.

Harry meanwhile had pulled up and held his wand on the transparent figure standing nearby on top of a vaguely familiar ratty old book. "So," Harry said with forced calm, "you're the one who's been doing all this?"

"Technically, Tracey Davis has been, but yes, I've been whispering to her and forcing her hand," the spirit said with a small nod.

"She's alive." Daphne carefully let her friend's hand drop back to her chest then stood and pointed her wand and the figure with a snarl. "What the hell have you done to her, arsehole?!"

"She did it to herself," the figure shrugged. "She poured her heart and soul out into me. Quite literally at that." He chuckled. "Being in love with one's own best friend is apparently enough to upset one quite dearly. Times certainly have changed since I first prowled these halls."

Daphne visibly flinched at that comment and her wand hand shook. Harry grimaced but resolved to deal with the issue later after everyone was still breathing. "I'm going to kill you, you bastard," Daphne whispered to the spirit.

"Who the hell are you? And how do we save her?" Harry asked.

"You must be Harry Potter," the spirit said raising its eyebrows. "I have to say I'm a little disappointed that you're not more intimidating. However you did reach this place so I suppose you're not a total disappointment. Tell me, how did you kill me? I am ever so curious."

"What?" Harry and Daphne both exclaimed.

"How did you kill me? Do you remember? Tracey said you were just a baby at the time so I doubt it was intentional but still you never really know with things like this."

A growing horror seeped through Harry at the figure's words. "That's not possible…"

"Oh I assure you it is. I took great steps to ensure my longevity after all."

Daphne looked between Harry and the spirit. "What the hell is going on, Potter? Can you kill it? Will that help Tracey?"

"Oh, he can't kill me," the spirit laughed again. "I am not the physical. Not yet."

"You look a lot different than you did last year," Harry said. 'Stall. Worked last time. Maybe I can keep him talking long enough for Shiva and Neville to get here. Maybe they'll know how to kill a…ghost…thing.'

"Ah so that was true? Tracey wasn't certain if those rumors had substance. Well, it's good to know my later efforts weren't entirely wasted. Even if he has been rather pathetic overall. Really, 10 years to make a play? I will do far better once I regain form."

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Daphne whispered.

"You haven't figured it out yet? Shame. I thought you were supposed to be intelligent. I was actually planning to give you a high place in my society. Well, perhaps a bit of help I suppose?" He took a wand out from behind his back.

Daphne's eyes narrowed and her lips curled into a snarl. "That's Tracey's."

"Yes. I am draining her after all. It's not like she can use it at the moment." He drew a series of glowing letters in the air: TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. "Now watch closely here. I thought this a rather ingenious anagram myself." The words rearranged themselves into: I AM LORD VOLDEMORT.

Daphne's face emptied of color. "That's impossible…"

"Why did you think that was a smart anagram, Riddle?" Harry asked swallowing a lump of dread. "Doesn't seem all that hard."

"Well, Harry, 'Vol de mort' means 'flight of death' in French. I have become immortal. Well, parts of me have anyway. It is quite appropriate."

"All I saw last year was a pathetic ghost parasite that could barely exist on its own," Harry taunted. "And all I see now is another little pathetic leech." Harry heard Daphne's mouth snap closed and she her face take on a slight grin at his words. 'Good, stand up to him. It's just a shadow or something. Keep focused, Daph.'

"Little pathetic leech?" Riddle snarled. "Fine. You want to play games, Harry Potter? Let's play." His sneer broke into a wide, predatory smile. ~Bessy! Kill these two!~

Harry saw movement in the mouth of the statue behind Riddle and his eyes widened. "Oh, shite! Come on, Daphne, he's called the basilisk!" Harry grabbed her arm and pulled, running towards the closest pillar and ducking behind it as a large weight crashed to floor behind them.

"Plan?" Daphne asked holding her wand and rune stone tight enough for her knuckles to turn white.

"Well I've got a plan A," Harry said peeking around the side of the pillar. The basilisk wasn't quite looking at them thankfully, but it was close enough Harry could shout to it. ~Hey, Bessy! I'm, Harry! That guy you're talking with isn't on your side. Help me and my friends instead and we'll give you all the food you want and get you some better living quarters!~

The snake froze and turned towards Harry. He quickly lowered his eyes before he could meet its gaze – no point in testing the Reflector Lenses if it wasn't needed. ~You may be a Speaker child but you are not the Master. Bessy will not fall for tricks. Bessy has been waiting eons for a Master to return. For food larger than rats. Bessy will not follow you!~ A loud hiss followed the small speech and the snake started towards the pillar.

"Plan A failed," Harry said ducking back and paling.

"Plan B?" Daphne asked.

"Shoot it until it dies?" Harry said with a slight hesitation.

"Works for me!" Daphne jumped out and started tossing diffindos, reductos, and confrigos at the snake from her wand while letting loose with the Reductor from her off hand. Harry jumped out of the other side of the pillar also tossing spells and rune powered shots. He tried adding a few disarming and stunning shots into his volley. Bessy just hissed in what Harry dimly realized was laughter.

Their spells weren't even making a scratch on the hide of the beast.

The giant tail of the serpent came around aiming at Harry's head. He ducked and rolled. As he regained his feet he made the critical mistake of looking up. Harry met the basilisk's eyes and time seemed to stop. Riddle laughed in the distance. Harry almost laughed in return as he could still feel his muscles twitching in fear. He wasn't petrified!

But then, neither was the basilisk. It shook its head after a few seconds and opened its hissing mouth wide doing an extremely good impression of a pissed off lion's roar. Harry took the opportunity to run.

He got to Daphne's side and they ducked behind a pillar further back down the chamber. "Plan B isn't working so well," she grunted trying to catch her breath.

"I noticed," responded dryly. "Reflector Lenses work though. I think I stunned it for a few seconds."

"Yeah maybe for you. My left lens busted the first time it looked at me. It seems only one eye reflection doesn't affect it. And I'm half blind now." Harry flinched and quickly looked her face over. Breathing out a quick breath of relief Harry saw her eye wasn't actually injured, she just had it screwed shut since the left rune cluster hadn't held up under the strain of the magic.

"Um, okay I have a Plan C but I'm going to need a minute to get it ready. Can you distract it?" Harry asked holding the Blastor against the pillar and palming his etching tool.

"Maybe. What are you doing?"

"Setting a feedback loop into the Blastor. Basically a somewhat controlled explosive failure."

"You're making a magical bomb?"

"More like magical grenade. Also it might blow me up once I charge it." Harry grimaced. "There's a reason I've been staying away from volatile clusters you know."

Daphne stared at him with wide eyes. "You are either the bravest or stupidest boy I've ever met."

"Just distract the bloody snake please."

"Don't die, Harry." Daphne jumped out from behind the pillar as the basilisk closed in on them. She yelled at it and started tossed out more spells leading it towards the next pillar in line.

Harry finished his modifications uttered another short prayer to whoever was listening and then yelled out, ~Bessy! Your mother was a chicken and your father was a toad!~

The basilisk turned from Daphne to hiss menacingly at Harry. ~I should kill you simply for thinking that was a worthy insult hatchling.~ As soon as the snake opened its mouth, Harry charged the altered Blastor and tossed it at the snake. It ended up exploding a foot or so from the mouth. The stone shards pelted the monster and but didn't seem to do any noticeable damage.

"Bloody hell!" Harry ducked back behind the pillar swearing. "If anyone's listening up there, I could really use some help about now!" Not expecting any actual answer Harry nearly dropped his wand and Concussor as the air above the basilisk blazed into a burst of fire. A song Harry remembered Fawkes trilling resounded throughout the Chamber before turning into a screech. Harry twisted to look around the pillar in shock noticing Daphne doing the same around her own.

The beautiful avenging phoenix dived towards the group. It tossed a large hat clutched in its talons towards Harry before twisting and attempting to dive bomb the eyes of the basilisk. Bessy was faster though and managed to stare at Fawkes just before he impacted. The phoenix dissolved into a burst of feathers and Harry's stomach plummeted again. 'I'm sorry Fawkes…Thank you so much for trying buddy.'

"Harry! Look out!" Daphne screamed.

Harry glanced up and saw the basilisk striking towards him with its fangs bared. 'Since when does a snake have more than two teeth?' Harry idly found himself wondering as he dove out of the way. He tumbled down near the hat that Fawkes had brought.

"What are you waiting for, boy? Put me on!" the Hat yelled. Harry stared dumbfounded before realizing it was the Sorting Hat. Harry hurriedly grabbed the Hat and jammed it onto his head as he ran from the basilisk towards Daphne. The Hat had barely touched his hair before a weight settled onto the top of Harry's head.

Dashing behind the pillar, Harry pulled the Hat off and handed it to Daphne. A sword fell out of the top and clattered to the ground at Harry's feet. "That's the sword of Godric Gryffindor," Daphne said her mouth gaping.

"I would've preferred powerful staff or energy lance rune cluster myself. Or anything long range," Harry said picking the sword up.

"Beggars can't be choosers, Harry Potter!" the Hat said before falling silent.

"Okay new plan," Harry said glaring at the Hat.

"Your other plans have sucked."

"Yeah and this one sucks more."

"Not instilling a lot of confidence here." Daphne said.

"I'm going to stun it with the Reflector Lenses then I'm going to stab it with the sword."

"That's a horrible plan!"

"Do you have a better one?" Harry asked glaring at her.

Daphne ground her teeth. The basilisk was almost on them again. "Don't die, Harry. I'm just starting to like you."

"Likewise, Daphne." Harry took a deep breath and leaped out. This time instead of running away he ran towards the giant snake. Bessy opened her mouth baring her fangs at him and pulled back readying a strike. Harry came closer hoping his horrible brand of luck would hold long enough to finish this. Bessy struck forward. Harry finally managed to catch a glimpse of the basilisk's eyes and it froze in place as he jumped forward. The stun was just starting to wear off as Harry leaped into its mouth and thrust the sword up through the top plate of its jaw.

The sword pierced through like a hot knife through butter and Bessy made a horrible screeching sound. Harry was flung out of the snake's mouth as it thrashed. He flew through the air and landed on Daphne who just barely managed to cast a cushion charm on them both. Bessy screeched again and snapped her jaw shut. That was apparently the exact wrong move. The top of Gryffindor's sword pierced up through the snake's head and the basilisk flopped down to the chamber completely still.

"Merlin," Daphne whispered the awe evident in her voice and the trembling of her arms around his waist. "You killed a 60 foot basilisk with a bloody sword."

"We still have to kill Riddle," Harry whispered back as he glanced towards the figure at the front of the room. The spirit of young Voldemort was much more solid now and Tracey seemed far paler.

"He said she was pouring out herself out to him right? She's been writing in a diary since the year started."

"He was standing over a small book. Was that the diary?"

"Yeah." Daphne nodded letting her arms go and shifting Harry so that they could both get up. "Look exhausted and beaten."

"Not going to have to fake that," Harry muttered. "I'll grab the sword and we try stabbing the book?"

"Hell, it worked on the monster snake – why shouldn't we be able to kill a book with a sword?" Daphne paused and giggled. "That sounds so stupid."

Harry's eyes widened at the manic sounds coming from his friend. "Hold it together another minute Daph then you can break down. Help me open its mouth."

Together the two students managed to pry the mouth of the dead basilisk open enough for Harry to reach in and grasp the sword. "Careful, don't touch the fangs. Basilisk venom is some of the deadliest stuff there is," Daphne said.

"Really? I didn't know that. Thanks, Daph," Harry replied dryly.

"No need to be a jerk about it, Harry."

Harry got the sword free finally though it was accompanied by a small amount of black liquid dripping from the wound in the mouth. Holding onto the sword in one hand Harry and Daphne supported each other as they stumbled back over towards Tracey and Riddle.

"You two are far more impressive than I initially assumed," Riddle said with narrowed eyes as they drew close. "You would do well under me. I could lead you both to greatness."

Harry spied the diary still lying under Riddle's foot. He walked a bit closer. "You know what I have to say to that, Riddle?"

"What we both have to say to that," Daphne chimed in.

Riddle cocked his head. "Go to hell, arsehole!" Harry yelled. He raised the sword and stabbed it forward spearing the diary.

"No! What have you done!?" Riddle screamed first in astonishment and angry. The scream quickly shifted to pain as ink began to spurt out of the diary. As the ink drained, the spirit lost its substance. Tracey's wand clattered to the ground from insubstantial fingers. Tom Riddle gave one final roar of pain and defiance before fading completely, the diary falling completely dormant under Harry's sword.

"Tracey!" Daphne exclaimed falling to the ground beside her friend. "Tracey! Please wake up! Please don't let us have been too late! Please wake up, Tracey!"

Tracey moaned and a bit of color started to return to her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open and locked onto Daphne. "Daph?" She glanced around the room. "Potter? Wha-what?"

"Oh Goddess, Tracey!" Daphne flung her arms around the girl and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. "I thought you were going to die. I thought – " She broke off and just clung to her friend.

"You alright, Tracey?" Harry asked leaning on the sword for support. It probably wasn't the most respectful way to treat a priceless artifact from one of the founders but then he had just killed the pet of one of the other founders and casually tossed aside their enchanted Hat. Leaning on the sword was probably the least disrespectful thing he had done that day.

"I – I – No. Not really. But I'm…better. I think…Daph, Potter…I think I'm the one who was opening the Chamber!" She leaned her head against Daphne and started to sob.

"Shh, shh, it's okay Trace," Daphne whispered running her hands in circles along the other girl's back. "It wasn't you. That diary was a trap that V-Vol-Voldemort left. It possessed you. You didn't do anything, Trace."

"You-Know-Who? What? No, I was writing to Tom…I knew something was wrong but I couldn't stop…"

"It was Voldemort, Tracey," Harry said. "A memory or spirit or something from when he was teenager. He showed us his name and it's an anagram for 'I am Lord Voldemort'. You got tricked. It's not your fault. You aren't like Quirrell. You didn't invite the arsehole in."

"It was really him?" The other two nodded. "I can't believe it…I – I don't even know where I got that stupid diary from. It was in my stuff when I got back from the bookstore before school started. I must have picked it up but I don't remember it…Wait!" she pulled back from Daphne's grip and stared between the two. "If that was You-Know-Who and if he was possessing me to control the monster then where are we and how are we going to kill it?!"

"Trace," Daphne said clearing her throat. She pointed towards the dead basilisk. "We killed the diary already so Volde-Voldemort is dead. And Harry killed the basilisk." Tracey's eyes followed Daphne's arm and widened before turning back to the other two and gaping. "With a sword." Tracey's eyes flowed down to rest on the sword in Harry's grip. She looked back at his face and Harry just nodded.

Tracey slumped into Daphne's arms again and groaned. "Can this day get any weirder?"

"Trust me you don't want to ask that," Harry sighed. "It's better not to tempt the universe. Can you walk? We should get back to Shiva and Neville."

"Who the bloody hell is Shiva?" Tracey asked as she accepted their arms to pull her to her somewhat shaky feet.

Harry winced. "Err, Professor Babbling. I'd appreciate it if you both kept it quiet until next year that I call her by her nickname."

"Well considering you both saved my life I think I can do that…" Tracey looked at him like he was crazy. Daphne just shook her head and nodded. "And wait, since when do you call him 'Harry', Daph?" Tracey got an odd look as she stared at the two of them.

"Somewhere in the middle of getting down here and killing the basilisk. I think that qualifies as a bonding experience don't you? At least enough to bump him up from 'Potter' to 'Harry' I would say." Daphne said looking amused.

"Well I was hoping for 'friends' myself," Harry grumbled good-naturedly.

"Eh, trial basis." Daphne said before all three of them broke into laughter.

The trio of students got themselves under control and walked back down the middle of the Chamber. Daphne stopped to pick up the Sorting Hat which stayed resolutely silent even when she placed it on her head so she could keep supporting Tracey with one arm and hold her wand with the other. Harry stopped as they approached the pile of feathers where Fawkes had given his life to try and help them.

"I'm so sorry, Fawkes…I never wanted…" Harry trailed off and stared in astonishment as a tiny nearly featherless bird poked its head out of the feathers and ashes. It looked at Harry and squawked happily. Harry's mouth just dropped open and scooped the baby phoenix up in his hand. "What the…?"

"That's a phoenix, Harry," Daphne said with an arched eyebrow. "They're reborn when they die."

"Oh." Harry just nodded still dumbstruck as the phoenix cuddled into his hand.

"Come on. Let's go." Daphne started leading the group back up the corridor again pausing only long enough for Harry to again open the door out.

It seemed like forever before the tired group made their way to the caved-in section of tunnel. There was now a large hole opening in the center. Shiva was standing in the center finishing an inscription of a rune Harry recognized as Stability. It flashed as she finished it and she turned back. "Neville, come on. I'm done. Let's go!"

"Good timing," Harry said with a soft chuckle. Shiva twisted so fast he thought she would fall over. Her mouth dropped and Harry just lifted his arm from under Tracey's side and waved tiredly at his friend. "We won."

"Harry!" Shiva lunged forward and wrapped him in a hug that rivaled one of Hermione's. He hugged her back laughing as Fawkes chortled from his shoulder. Shiva heard that and pulled back in astonishment. "Is that a baby phoenix? Daphne, Tracey are you two alright? What are you three covered in? Is that the Sorting Hat? Is that a sword?!"

"In order, Professor Babbling," Daphne said, "yes, it is a baby phoenix. Fawkes to be precise. I am okay though bruised over quite a lot of my body with several small cuts in addition. Tracey is physically more okay than me but spiritually/emotionally less okay...Her lifeforce was being sucked out but we stopped it so now's she's just weak, but she should get a full examination as soon as possible. We are covered in an absolutely horrendous mix of sludge, dirt, grime, blood and ink. Yes, it is the Sorting Hat. And yes that is a sword. Godric Gryffindor's sword actually."

"I…whatever goddess you seduced Harry I don't think she has anything to do with logic…" Shiva managed to get out after trying to process that. "Are you okay?"

"Just tired, Shiva. The short version is that nothing we were doing worked, Fawkes came to help bringing along the Sorting Hat but got killed and reborn during the fight. The Hat gave me the Sword which I used to kill the basilisk. The ink is from an enchanted diary made by Voldemort – when he was a teenager still going by Tom Marvolo Riddle – that was possessing Tracey. I stabbed the diary with the sword, killing Memorymort and spraying the three of us with what passed for its blood. That about covers it."

Neville laughed. "Man, Harry, you really have some of the worst good luck I've ever heard of!"

"You can say that again, Nev. Can we go now? I'd really like to sit down for a few minutes," Harry pleaded. Shiva just nodded numbly.

"Neville, switch with Harry. Harry, let me help you," Harry handed Tracey's left side over to Neville who supported the girl while Harry leaned against Shiva for support as the group slowly started to trudge back towards the slide up to the castle.

"So where's Lockhart?" Harry asked. As they left the makeshift tunnel under the cave-in though Harry's question was answered. The 'Professor' was bound in ropes with a bandage around his groin and staring off into space with a happy grin on his face.

"Lockhart's quite out of it. His spell was powerful enough to hit all of us at once and that full force blasted right into him." Shiva flicked her wand and the man floated ahead of them. "He doesn't even remember his own name. I'm actually not entirely sure he remembers how to speak at all…we only bound him up because he kept wandering off down the tunnel and I got…rather annoyed with him."

"Ah. Well if it makes you feel better, I cursed out Memorymort while I was annoyed with him."

"And you called him a pathetic leech. Don't forget that. That was funny," Daphne chimed in.

"Man I miss all the fun," Neville complained.

"You can kill the next iteration of Voldemort, okay, Nev?"

"Okay. Now you can't complain when I get him before you do, Harry."

Tracey looked between the three of them, shaking her head. "You people are all insane."

The group stopped at the bottom of the section of tunnel leading back up to Hogwarts proper. Shiva was about to try transfiguring little steps when Daphne snorted. Everyone looked over at her and she shrugged. "Do you really think Salazar Slytherin would simply jump into a dank hole? Especially with no easy way back out?"

Harry laughed and got her meaning while Neville, Tracey and Shiva just squinted at Daphne with furrowed brows. Harry turned to the tunnel and breathed out, {Stairs.} Nothing happened. {Steps.} A dull thump resounded as a staircase extended out from the floor of the tunnel spiraling away into the darkness. Harry raised his eyebrows at Daphne.

"Much better. That is far more appropriate," the girl responded with an entertaining regal huff.

Shiva shook her head in exasperation. "Haha very funny. Up we go people. Harry, you and me first so you can open the door up top too." Lockhart floated along ahead of them as the small group of battered students and teachers limped their way up the stairs. When they reached the top Lockhart made a quiet mewl of protest as he bumped into the sealed doorway out before Shiva moved him back. "Whoops," she deadpanned. Harry couldn't blame her for being rough on the man. Besides…better for her to take her ire out on Flophart than on him.

~Open.~ The sink and trapdoor slid open at Harry's command.

Walking back up into Myrtle's bathroom Harry and Shiva were immediately swamped by Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick and Pomfrey. Snape hung back until Daphne, Neville and Tracey climbed out then he swooped down on his own students.

"My boy, what happened to you?" Dumbledore asked immediately with his mouth set in a frown. Harry glared at the man but didn't reply. Dumbledore cast a swift glance at the others and stared at the Sorting Hat still perched on Daphne's head. "Flopsy?"

"Give them room, Albus," McGonagall said pushing her superior back slightly and waving Pomfrey forward.

"Babbling, injuries?" the Healer asked cutting straight to the point.

"Potter and Greengrass have multiple cuts and abrasions as well as exhaustion likely both magical and physical," Shiva reported in a tired but calm voice. "Davis has been spiritually drained but the process was halted partway through. She's coherent and without obvious physical injuries but also exhausted. Longbottom has minor abrasions. Lockhart had a major groin injury as well as abrasions on his left arm. He is experiencing extreme trauma from a backfired memory charm. I have no idea if he can even speak anymore." Pomfrey began uttering several charms under her breath with wand directed at Tracey.

"What did you do to my students, woman?" Snape said checking over Daphne and Tracey. His last word was uttered almost like a curse as it was directed at Shiva. Nearly everyone in the small bathroom bristled at that. Daphne, Neville, and Harry all stood up straighter and glared at the man.

"She helped us to rescue my best friend, Sir," Daphne said, her mouth set in a thin line. "She saved the three of us from being hit by an obliviate powerful enough to render Lockhart functionally deceased. She did not hesitate a moment to proceed into a long lost section of the castle expecting to confront a thousand year old basilisk simply because a student was in danger. Please do not deride her character in front of me, Professor. Professor Babbling deserves a great amount of respect."

Harry's eyes widened as he witnessed something he never expected to see: Snape glanced between Daphne and Shiva and his scowl noticeably lessened before nodding at the older woman in a show of respect.

"Perhaps we should take this discussion to the infirmary?" Flitwick said stepping forward from where he had been examining Lockhart.

"Yes, I think that might be best," Dumbledore said softly as he gazed sorrowfully at the assembled students. As he turned back from Harry he froze midstep, cocked his head and then his jaw dropped open. "Fawkes?"

After everyone had been arrayed onto their separate cots the story of how they came to be down in the Chamber was delivered to those assembled. Fawkes remained on Harry's shoulder the entire time occasionally letting out a trill and headbutting Harry's neck. Hedwig appeared in the window to the infirmary a few minutes in and stared at the baby phoenix before giving a hoot of approval and turning her head, to all appearances looking like she was settling in to hear the story as well as the humans. Harry could only chuckle at his familiar.

"And so we ended up stabbing the diary with the sword," he finished with a shrug.

"I find this all very hard to believe, Potter," Snape said with narrowed eyes. "Surely you exaggerate. There is certainly no way a mere child such as yourself could destroy a creature such as a basilisk."

Before Harry, Shiva, Neville or Tracey could say anything a low growl floated through the room. Daphne stood from her bed and walked over to stand in front of Snape with her fists clenched. "You pathetic, spiteful, hate-filled cretin. Harry Potter and I just faced down a creature a thousand years old and 60 feet long. A creature that was intelligent enough to taunt us when Harry tried to reason with it. A creature whose fangs were longer than my forearm. A creature whose gaze we only survived because Harry was smart enough to come up with an effective counter. A creature that could've swallowed us whole. We nearly died at least six times in under two minutes by my count. We faced down an apparition of Voldemort himself. Do. Not. Insult. Us. Professor Snape. Do not insult the struggle we just walked away from. Do not insult that danger we were in or the risks we took to help my friend. Make no mistake, Professor. Harry performed something that nearly every adult witch or wizard I know would run from screaming with soiled pants. Do not deride him in my presence sir!"

Daphne finished her speech with her features twisted somewhere between resignation and fury but she got in one further jibe. "It is common knowledge that you praise Slytherins and disparage Gryffindors, as it is common knowledge that you bear some sort of grudge against Harry Potter. Do not let your hatred blind you to facts, Professor." Snape looked completely dumbstruck. His hand was clenched hard enough to turn the knuckles white, eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open.

"Daph…" Tracey said quietly. Daphne sighed and turned to pad back to her bed, giving Tracey's hand a short squeeze on the way.

"Be that as it may," Dumbledore said filling the sudden silence, "I am still uncertain how Fawkes was able to come and assist you, Harry."

Harry shrugged. "Search me. The Feedback Blastor didn't do squat, I asked for help and then, boom," he waved his arms wide, "he showed up in a burst of flame with the Sorting Hat. Thanks again, buddy." Fawkes headbutted him again and gave a short trill of approval. Hedwig bobbed her head and hooted in reply.

"Most curious…"

"Headmaster," Shiva asked sitting on the edge of her own bed, "do you have any idea what that diary thing that Riddle created was? I know Voldemort is stupid powerful but I've never even heard of binding a spirit memory to an object before. At least not one that could both think for itself and attempt a full possession."

"I…am unsure," Dumbledore replied slowly. Both Harry and Shiva narrowed their eyes at the old man. Harry couldn't help but think back to Dumbledore's responses to his questions from last year with Quirrell. The Headmaster knew far more than he was letting on. "Voldemort was certainly familiar with arcane branches of magic. I will have to do research on this subject to ascertain the extent of what was done." Dumbledore turned and met Harry's gaze with his twinkling eyes. A moment later the man held a hand to his forehead with a groan and slumped down in his chair.

Pomfrey rushed to the Headmaster while Snape turned on Harry. "What did you do, boy?" As Harry glared at Snape intending to tell him off the potions master also yelled out in pain and fell backwards. His hands clutched his head and he twisted towards Harry though he kept his eyes clenched shut. "Potter!" the man roared.

"I didn't do anything!" Harry yelled back.

Most of the residents of the infirmary just stared between the three completely lost. Only McGonagall and Shiva seemed to figure out what had just happened. The Deputy Headmistress scowled and stalked towards Dumbledore while Shiva wore a furious expression and put herself in-between Harry and Snape. As Pomfrey moved from Dumbledore to Snape, McGonagall hauled the older man to his feet. "What has the boy done to warrant that attempted intrusion, Albus? Save the life of a classmate? Slay a danger to the entire student body? Gain the favor of a Founder? Question one too many things? Never attempt to read a student or any minor without cause in front of me again, Albus, or I will see you run out of here before you can say 'lemon drop'! I would expect such foolhardy behavior from Severus but not from you! And you, Severus!" McGonagall turned to the potions master who simply glared back at her. "You are a fool. If Albus Dumbledore was summarily rebuffed what makes you think you could get through. Go do something productive and make a healing draught! Get out!"

"I have every right to – "

"GET OUT!" McGonagall screamed, pointing at the door. Snape snarled but stalked out of the room.

McGonagall turned back to Dumbledore rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Perhaps you should leave as well, Headmaster."

"Minerva, I – "

Whatever Dumbledore was going to protest was interrupted as the doors to the infirmary swung open again with Lucius Malfoy waltzing in, cane in hand. Harry's eyes widened as he saw Dobby trailing behind. 'Of course…of course it'd be Malfoy…Tracey said she had the diary when she got back from the bookstore. Malfoy was there at the same time I first saw Tracey and Daphne. He planned all of this,' Harry thought his surprise fading away and being replaced by fiery anger.

"Ah, Dumbledore," Malfoy said, his voice like silk. "I was informed you were here. As the head of the Board of Governors it is my duty to inform you that the death of Tracey Davis has led us to remove you from – "

"Eh, I'm not dead," Tracey said waving her hand from the nearby bed.

Malfoy's head snapped to Tracey so fast his silvery hair whipped his face. "What?! You are…"

Harry's world dissolved into red. 'Head of the Board of Governors' the man had said. The board that had prevented Harry from getting the mandrake potion. This man had set Tracey up to let loose a basilisk. He had prevented the healing of the victims. He had nearly gotten Shiva and his friends killed. He had hurt Hermione. 'Where's the Reductor,' Harry thought searching the table for his rune stone. From his shoulder Fawkes started to quietly trill and a feeling of calm settled over Harry. Breathing deeply he left the table alone and turned to Fawkes. "Thanks," Harry whispered to the bird quietly. Fawkes' song stopped and Harry breathed deep. 'New plan. I'm not the only one who wants to beat Malfoy.'

While Harry had been wrestling with his control Malfoy had been carrying on a short conversation with Dumbledore and McGonagall. "…well I suppose that concludes my business here. Good day." As Malfoy swept out of the room, Harry leaped out of his bed and jumped past Shiva to Daphne's side.

"Daph, I need a glove!"

"What?" the girl stared up at him like he'd gone crazy. Maybe he had, this wasn't exactly the best of plans.

"Harry…?" Shiva came up behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"I have an idea! That was Dobby. Please, I need a glove!" Harry admitted he did sound a bit frantic but there wasn't much time to get back to Malfoy and Dobby before the man left the castle.

"Here…" Daphne pulled out a glove from her bag on the side table. "How did you know that I – "

"Tell you later! Thanks! Shiva, I'll be right back!" Harry sprinted out of the infirmary and bounded down the stairs two a time. He caught up to Malfoy and Dobby as they walked into the Entrance Hall. "Hey, Malfoy!" As the man turned Harry tossed him the glove while eyeing Dobby and jerking his head to the side.

"What is this, Potter?"

"You Purebloods follow the old rules don't you? A tossed glove is supposed to signify a duel. Since you weren't man enough to do it when you started this round I figured I should toss my own now at the end. I won this fight Malfoy. Stay away from my friends in future."

Malfoy sneered and threw the glove over his shoulder. Harry smirked as Dobby made a flying leap for the sailing clothing item snatching it out of mid air before it could hit the ground. "Do not play above your station, boy. You are not prepared to fight in the circles I travel in. Come, Dobby!" Malfoy had walked about ten paces before he realized his servant was no longer following and he turned to glare at the house elf. Harry had the pleasure of watching the man's eyes as he realized exactly what Harry had just done.

"YOU! You cost me my servant, Potter!" Lucius Malfoy tried to draw his wand on Harry but was immediately flung back into the wall of the Hall with a crack. Dobby lowered his hand and glared at Malfoy.

"You will not harm The Great Master Harry Potter Sir!" the little house elf said, fury evident.

'Oh, my name's gotten even longer,' Harry thought with a chuckle as he watched Dobby walk toward Malfoy. The man was laying crumpled on his side against the wall groaning. Before he could move to sit up, Dobby reached him and lashed out with a vicious little kick. 'Don't mess with the little guy!' Harry cheered as Dobby continued to lay into Malfoy. After a few more kicks Harry sighed and walked over laying a hand on Dobby's shoulder. "As fun and justified as this is, Dobby, you really should stop. No need to get into trouble over this guy. Let's head back to the infirmary yeah?" Dobby cast one last vicious glare at Malfoy before nodding at Harry and following along.

The two walked back into the room greeted by stares of confusion. Dumbledore seemed to have left with the Sorting Hat and Fawkes before Harry had returned though all the other teachers and Hedwig were still present.

"Harry? Care to explain?" Shiva said the anger in her voice barely controlled.

"Had to free Dobby," Harry said cocking a thumb at the little elf who nodded enthusiastically.

"The Great Master Harry Potter Sir has freed Dobby from Bad Master. The Great Master Harry Potter Sir declared a completed duel and tricked Bad Master into setting Dobby free! Then Dobby protected him from Bad Master. The Great Master Harry Potter Sir is the greatest wizard to ever live!"

Harry groaned as the rest of the room just turned to him. "Hey, I've tried to get him to stop with names. Dobby, how about you head off to enjoy your freedom for a bit and you can come back to chat sometime later after you get settled yeah?" Dobby nodded, hugged his leg and then popped away. Harry trudged back to his bed and hopped up.

"Do I even want to know?" Shiva asked letting out an explosive sigh.

Harry just shrugged. "Honestly, probably not. I'll tell you later though."

"How did you know I carried gloves?" Daphne asked.

"You're a Pureblood heiress. I've picked up a few things from Neville."

Neville blushed but didn't respond.

"So…Professor McGonagall, Professor Babbling, what the heck happened before Malfoy barged in that got you both riled up and knocked Professors Snape and Dumbledore on their asses?" Tracey asked.

Shiva rubbed the bridge of her nose again and sat down looking exhausted. "Both tried to perform legilimency on Harry. It's basically mind reading. Very few people can do it well but they're one of the group. It's not supposed to be done except with very good reason or consent. Their reasons weren't very good and neither asked Harry hence why we were angry. Dumbledore probably wanted to know what Harry was thinking about the diary while Snape likely just wanted to see how Harry had ejected Dumbledore."

"And both were fools!" McGonagall spat. Harry's eyebrows rose at that. His Head of House was continuing to impress him this year. "Honestly, you all just finished a tale where Harry's glasses were used to effectively reflect a basilisk stare! What idiot would think a simple legilimency spell would break through that sort of protection?!"

The students looked at each other. Every one of them started to laugh hysterically while McGonagall, Flitwick, Shiva and Pomfrey just shook their heads in exasperation.

Two days later, Harry was sitting in the chair beside Hermione as Madame Pomfrey dripped the mandrake draught into his friend's throat. The ones that Neville and himself had ordered finally came in a few hours ago and Hermione was the last one to be revived. Pomfrey moved off giving them some privacy as the potion began to take effect.

Hermione blinked a few times, lowered her arm and glanced about the room. Her eyes settled on Harry and barely a half second later, Hermione had surged off the bed and wrapped him in a hug. Harry chuckled. "It's good to see you too, Hermione."

"Harry! It's a basilisk! The monster, it's a basilisk!" she said pulling back and frantically starting to move away to find a teacher.

Harry pulled her back and hugged her again. "We know it was a basilisk."

Hermione's mind froze solid as she realized Harry had hugged her instead of the other way around. She hurriedly pushed that revelation aside to be examined later though in order to focus on the more immediate concern. "Oh, so you found the scrap."

"We did. Great job there figuring that out!" Harry said nodding as he let her go and Hermione settled on his lap. Her gaze widened again.

"But wait! It's likely moving through enlarged pipes or conduits running behind the walls! It's quite possible the Chamber's entrance has been hidden somewhere in one of the bathrooms!"

"Yup, it was. Moaning Myrtle's ironically enough," Harry said smiling at her. His friend had figured out the second half of the centuries old mystery in moments. She truly was amazing.

"Myrtle's…" Hermione gaped at him. She shut her mouth and continued slowly, "How long have I been petrified Harry?"

"About five days," he said shrugging.


"Yeah. Five days. We killed the basilisk two days after you were attacked and it took another three for the mandrakes to arrive. There was a bit of an import problem but between the Senior Abbotts, Bones and Greengrasses we got the new law repealed and the mature mandrakes in pretty fast."

"You killed the…" Hermione was feeling her brain lock up again. Harry's complete nonchalance was certainly not helping her blood pressure.

"Don't be modest, Harry," Tracey chimed in from across the room. She was sitting up in her bed and grinning at the two. "Granger, he killed the basilisk all on his own. With a sword!"


"Daphne was there too!" Harry protested.

"Yeah but you're the one who ran straight at it screaming and stabbing it through the roof of its mouth." Tracey's grin widened as she saw Hermione's features twist from shock to frustration.

"Haaarrrry?" Hermione drawled looking at her friend.

Warning bells were going off in Harry's mind but it was too late. Hermione was already sitting on his lap. He was trapped – though it was a rather pleasant trap. "Yes, Hermione?"


"Professor Babbling? Do you have a moment?" Hermione asked peeking around the door into Shiva's office.

"Come on in, Hermione," Shiva said waving the younger girl inside and smiling warmly at her. "It's good to see you up and about."

"Thank you. It's good to be about." Hermione sat in one of the chairs. She didn't look nearly as uncomfortable as she had the first time they had done this.

"So what can I help you with?"

"Can I assume that you yelled at him enough it's rather pointless and counterproductive for me to do so as well?" Hermione asked getting right to the point.

"Well that depends, I suppose," Shiva grinned. "What would you be yelling at him for?"

"His stupid recklessness and his frustratingly annoying nobility mostly," Hermione huffed.

"In that case, yeah I already yelled at him enough for the both of us. You could probably get away with a bit though," Shiva said laughing.

"Well," Hermione shifted a bit in her seat, "I may have hit him a bit already when he told me the story."

Shiva kept laughing imagining Hermione slapping Harry's chest for nearly getting himself killed multiple times over. "He tell you about afterwards with freeing that crazy little house elf and the poor thing breaking Malfoy's ribs?"

"Yes he did. He also mentioned Dobby's penchant for overly long names and to not be too surprised should he show up and start spouting off how Harry is the greatest thing since sliced bread."

"Muggle expression?"

Hermione nodded. "On a related note…" The girl adopted a stern, mildly frightening look as she leaned forward and fixed a stare on Shiva. "He also mentioned that you were finishing up the paperwork to become his legal guardian."

"Ah," Shiva leaned back into her chair. She met the young witch's gaze and nodded. "He told you that huh?"

"It came up when I tried to convince him to come to my parents' instead of the Dursleys."

"Yeah that would do it," Shiva said thoughtfully. "Thank you for offering by the way."

Hermione nodded never once letting go of Shiva's eyes. "Of course. I will protect that boy in every way I can. Bathsheda Babbling, aka Shiva, allow me to make myself perfectly clear." Hermione paused long enough for Shiva to nod. "I believe we care deeply about Harry in our own ways. I also know that Harry looks to you as the sister he never had. You have been good to and for him." Hermione took a moment to breathe in deep and intensify her glare calmly folding her hands into her lap. "I am not in the habit of threatening authority figures. But if you hurt him – if you dangle this in front of him and then rip it away – I will make your life a living hell. Professor Snape is an arse, Ronald Weasley is an idiot and Headmaster Dumbledore is foolish to an extreme, but you can hurt Harry in a way none of them can. You can cut him through the heart and that is not something I will allow. I may only be 13 and I may not be a fully accomplished or accredited witch, but if you hurt Harry make no mistake; I will end you."

Shiva gulped and nodded. She could see why Neville said Hermione was scary. Hermione Granger would be fearsome when she had received her full education, of that Shiva had zero doubt. "I'm getting him away from those people, Hermione. And short of dying on him, I'm going to try my best – for as long he'll have me – to keep him from getting hurt like that again. I doubt Harry can ever have a normal childhood but I can certainly try to at least make it more loving then it has been until now."

"Good." Hermione leaned back and let out a breath. Her demeanor instantly lightened and a smile spread across her face.

"You know, you two can both be scary as hell when you get all protective," Shiva mused.

"What? Harry? Harry's not any more protective of me than anyone else," Hermione said with a laugh.

Shiva just shook her head and grinned at the younger girl. "Hermione ask Neville sometime about how Harry went ballistic on nearly the entire senior staff when you were attacked then tell me he's not protective of you. And of course then there was the time when we were waltzing through the bones of the basilisk's victims and Harry calmly stated, in no uncertain terms, that he was going to kill the basilisk because it had the audacity to harm you."

Hermione gaped for a moment before replying, "Well, err, I'm sure he would've said that about any of his friends."

"You keep telling yourself that, girl."

"Yes, well, anyway, about next year's classes…"

Severus Snape sat in his office drinking. His bottle of firewhiskey was nearly half empty. It just wasn't fair. He wasn't supposed to be able to respect the boy. The Potter spawn looked nearly identical to James. How could he not be exactly like his father? Never mind the eyes. Never mind the genius he'd inherited from Lily. Harry Potter was the son of James Potter. That was all there was supposed to be to the matter. That was all the boy would ever be. Just some arrogant little shite that waltzed all over the school like he owned it. Like no one else mattered. A tiny little boy who only cared about his friends and would do things simply for the glory and the adulation. Harry Potter was nothing to be respected!

And yet…Harry Potter had saved two Slytherins' lives. Harry Potter had killed an ancient basilisk. Harry Potter had done this not for fame but because he wanted to protect an acquaintance. Harry Potter had earned the gratitude and protection of Daphne Greengrass, Ice Queen. And Harry Potter was actively rebelling against Albus Bloody Dumbledore.

Harry Potter was not James Potter. So…what did that make him?

Snape scowled and downed another glass of firewhiskey. That was not a thought train he wished to follow this night.

While Snape was draining his liqueur, an old man was sitting in his office chair thinking. Albus Dumbledore was staring at his phoenix but not seeing the small bird. He was lost in thought, his lemon drop bowl long since emptied of all sweets.

"Why did you go to him? Why would you take that initiative all on your own? Why take Flopsy?" Dumbledore turned to the Sorting Hat laying dormant on the shelf. He knew the Hat wasn't a fan of the name but as far as he knew there was no official designation for the relic. It wasn't even supposed to be truly active beyond the start of the year. That Fawkes had brought the Hat to Harry without any input was worrisome enough. That the Hat had then delivered the Sword of Gryffindor to the boy was…frankly frightening.

To make matters worse Dumbledore had been profoundly rebuffed from his attempts to claim the Sword afterwards. The Greengrass and Longbottom Heirs had both starting stating Right of Conquest and Right of Bequeathment allowing Harry Potter to wiggle around and maintain control of such a dangerous weapon…

The boy was treading a dangerous path. Dumbledore could see all the signs he had missed with Tom Riddle. Harry had been sent to the Dursleys in an effort to both ensure the boy's safety and to lower his confidence. As long as Dumbledore could influence the boy and direct him, Harry could be steered away from the Dark. Yet now he was slipping through Dumbledore's fingers. Harry Potter was gaining allies and friends at an alarming rate. Bathsheda Babbling was making inquiries into his past and trying to remove him from the environment Dumbledore had so careful engendered for the boy. He knew the Dursleys weren't loving but they weren't as bad as other options. Taking care of the few people who looked too closely was trivial. The boy had simply been acting out as children were wont to do. But he could not simply obliviate or compulse Babbling. As frustrating as she was, she was extremely skilled and resourceful.

Somehow Harry had managed to win over Dumbledore's oldest supporter as well. Minerva had been berating him in public! In public! Why could she not see that he needed to be the one to show the boy the correct path?

The Longbottom scion had been a good choice of friends. Even the Granger girl appeared to quite useful if frustratingly superior and resourceful. The Bones heiress could have been a problem if young Susan was closer, though on the periphery it left Amelia still removed from the boy so the situation was not untenable. Dumbledore still lamented that young Ronald Weasley continued to destroy any hope of befriending the boy. The Weasleys were a firm light side family and he had promised Molly long ago that Harry would be Ginevra's intended. At least the girl and the older members of the family were not pushing Harry away as Ronald was determined to do.

Saving the Davis girl was unforeseen. Dumbledore had known of course about the basilisk. It was rather hard to truly hide information about the goings on in the castle when many of the portraits reported to him. A 60 foot snake – even one that primarily stayed in the walls – was not particularly stealthy. He hadn't known for certain just who had been controlling the serpent but it hadn't managed to take out anyone of importance prior to Granger. And even when it had, that had certainly worked as sufficient motivation for Harry. Dumbledore was a little disappointed he had run straight to Babbling with his discovery rather than someone like Minerva or Severus or himself but…the boy had figured it out and still showed the determination to assist. That was a good sign.

Greengrass though…Greengrass was a problem. Dumbledore was not fooled by the "Grey" veneer. The "Neutral" family. There was no such thing as "Neutral" or "Grey", there was only Light and Dark. The Good and the Bad. That Harry was now closely associating with the Dark was…problematic. Worrisome. Harry was already being corrupted. He had killed with no true remorse shown. Quirrell had been understandable. That poor man had been utterly corrupted by Voldemort's shade. But the basilisk was intelligent and desperate. Surely Harry could have reasoned with it? Surely he could have taken the time to make the creature see. Even after the stress of the situation was diminishing Harry had allowed the house elf to assault Lucius! That the elf likely had legitimate grievances was irrelevant – such violence was evidence that Harry was starting to slip.

And the diary. The Horcrux. The indisputable proof that he had been correct. That Voldemort had survived utilizing these items. And that Harry Potter would have to die.

The residual scans of the diary were clear. They matched those Dumbledore had taken long ago of Harry's scar. The boy was a Horcrux. Of that there was no doubt. Greengrass' involvement may have jump started the corruption of the horrid remnant or it may have become more active on its own. Either way, it was clear that Harry was being influenced by the spirit sheltering within him.

If Dumbledore could not pull Harry back to the Light and convince him of the rightness of the path he must tread…then Albus Dumbledore would make certain that Harry Potter did not walk the easier route. When Gellert fell to the Dark Dumbledore had lost his lover. He had lost his friend. He had lost his sister. When Riddle fell he had lost his remaining faith and hope.

Dumbledore would not allow a third Dark Lord to arise because of his lack of action. Harry Potter would return to the Light and rid himself of the Horcrux willingly…or Harry Potter would meet his next great adventure before his ascendance to power.

Tonks Whose First Name Is Not To Be Spoken,

Hi, Tonks. You had said I could write if I wanted so I figured I'd send you a short letter. I imagine by now Susan has told her Aunt Amelia (great job letting me know that your partner that day was the big boss by the way...) about the Chamber of Secrets and the monster. In case word didn't filter back down to you though I wanted to give you a head's up that the monster was a basilisk. It's dead now. My friends and I killed the thing. I don't think it was entirely sane at the end which is a bit sad. I might not have had to kill it if it had listened to me. (I can talk to snakes by the way. You're a metamorphmagus, I'm a parseltongue. We each have rare gifts!)

Anyway, you were right, Hagrid couldn't have done anything either this time or the last time when Moaning Myrtle was killed. It actually turned out to be the same person both times ironically enough though that's a bit of a long story to put in a letter. For the moment, let's just say that it was a very scary memory that was at fault along with a ponce who horribly mistreats his house elves. I know that Hagrid's not in Azkaban anymore but…if you wanted to clear Hagrid's name from his first conviction too then feel free to use this memory of my talk with Myrtle about how she died. (Shiva told me how to extract the thing and that you'd have a court pensieve able to play it. I still think this is weird but then again I think a lot about the Wizarding World is weird.) I can't believe nobody ever actually asked her! This should be more than enough to clear Hagrid.

And yeah in case you're wondering, I did see you when he was arrested. I know you seemed pretty happy about the Aurors when we met and Amelia seemed somewhat reasonable but if being an Auror is going to beat you up inside like it did that day maybe you should reconsider? It was fun seeing you with your hair spiked and colored and bouncing around like the devil couldn't care. But watching you in Hagrid's hut didn't feel right. You should do what makes you happy and keeps your hair lively Tonks.

So this letter is getting longer than I had planned. Hope you're good.


P.S. Just to make sure you get some color today: Nymphadora.

Harry finished off his letter with a smirk and tied it to Hedwig's leg. He gave his owl a pet and fed her a few slices of bacon. She hooted at him in thanks. "Remember, Hedwig, after you drop this off with Tonks hang around Shiva. She'll take care of you until things are done. No point in annoying the Dursleys more than we have to." Hedwig nipped at his fingers and bobbed her head. "Good girl. One more slice of bacon for the road?" The owl eagerly gobbled the proffered treat, hooted a quick goodbye and took to the air.

"Who were you writing to, Harry?" Neville asked.

"Tonks," Harry said. "I wasn't sure how much Susan told her Aunt and I rather doubt Dumbledore will do anything to help Hagrid so I figured I'd let Tonks know at least."

"That was a good idea, Harry." Hermione flashed a smile at her friend. "I suppose we should get on the train."

"Probably, yeah."

"Well this summer should be better than the last one at least, right?" Hermione said as they walked onto the platform.

"Hopefully," Harry nodded.

"Harry, remember," Neville said, "If you need anything at all send for me or Hermione. And if we don't hear anything after two weeks then we're coming on a rescue mission ourselves this time."

"We've already let the twins know as well," Hermione chimed in.

Harry laughed. "Thanks guys. You know, for the first time I'm actually looking forward to going back there." He gave one last glance at the castle smiling. With any luck, this would be one of the best summers he had ever had.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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