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80% Contra x Taimanin (Male Contra OC x Futa Harem) / Chapter 4: Saving A Childhood Friend

Chương 4: Saving A Childhood Friend

(Location: ??????)

The screen pans to woman currently panting and the only thing we see are her lips and what looks to be brown hair. Next, the screen then changes to that of another woman panting and the only thing we also see are her lips and what seems to be blue hair.

And then the screen then changes to that of a teenage boy with blue hair as we see a Futanari Cock shoved into his mouth and is currently going fast pace as he is being forced into a blowjob. The next thing we see is that his body is currently back 1st onto some kind of table as his own cock is hard while his @$$ is being rammed by a futanari cock at a fast pace with a bulge clearly seen on his stomach.

It is revealed that this boy is wearing a ninja outfit that is torn and is currently being rammed by 2 futanari cocks at a fast pace while tears are seen streaking down his face as he is currently being spitroasted by 2 futanari cocks with 1 in his mouth and the other in his @$$. The 2 women are revealed to be naked but the 1 who is currently plowing her cock into his mouth is blindfolded as well as having her arms tied to her back while the other is then seen smiling in sadistic glee.

The adult woman is revealed to be a tall and busty woman with black hair and a ribbon tied on her hair in a style of a rabbit's ear. This woman is none other Shiranui Mizuki, the Water Ninja Taimanin, who is currently plowing her cock into the poor boy.

The other is a teenage girl looking at least a year or so older than the poor teenage boy as she is seen with a long blue hair, with huge breasts almost comparable to that of Shiranui, and is currently plowing her cock into the poor boy while wearing a blindfold as well as what looks like a collar with chains. This is none other than Rinko Akiyama, a teenage Taimanin girl who is also the older sister of the boy she is being forced to rape.

A/N: I was writing this without internet and I also kinda forgot about Rinko's title so you guys can tell me by commenting in this paragraph.

Speaking of the boy, he is a teenage boy with short blue hair, a slim build due to him being a teenager, and wearing a torn ninja outfit as he is currently being spitroasted by the 2 futas at an even faster rate. This is none other Tatsurou Akiyama, the Wind Taimanin, and younger brother to Rinko Akiyama.

The 2 futas started going faster and faster as moans and muffled pained screams can be heard as the 2 plowed into Tatsurou as if he was a breeding slut for futas. Speaking of which, so many futas of different species were also gathered around jerking off as if they were wanting a turn as they watch on.

After a couple of pounding and plowing both futas then unloaded inside of Tatsurou making him scream in pain yet his pained screams were muffled while his stomach is seen inflating like a balloon. After a few more seconds, the 2 stopped cumming and pulled out of him to which caused their futanari sperm to flow out of him like a sprinkler as he vomits some in his mouth while his @$$ is seen flowing like a fast waterfall to which shrunk his stomach.

After that Shiranui then looks towards Tatsurou, who was supposed to be Yukikaze's boyfriend, covered in both her and his older sister's futanari spunk as she smirks at her handiwork. She could only say...

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Sultry tone) Not bad, Tatsurou. My daughter was a fool to think of not raping you to begin with. As much as I wanted to do this with Ryuuji, I think you would do for now. (Looks to Rinko) And besides, I could only imagine what your sister would look and react seeing you covered in her seed as well. But enough about that, let's continue... Shall we?~"

Tatsurou could not respond as he is currently panting from exhaustion but he is then wide eyed when Shiranui starts pulling the chain on Rinko's collar forcing her to obey and move so she could blindly level her cock into Tatsurou while Shiranui just levels her cock into Tatsurou's mouth.

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Sultry tone) I hope you don't mind having your sister plowing your @$$? But then again, it would be fun to see older sisters impregnating their little brothers after all~"

>Tatsurou Akiyama: "(Scared) No... Please! Rinko don't do--"

But he is then interjected as he screams in pain for as Rinko's cock now goes deep into his @$$ and started to blindly plow it fast until his screams is then silenced when Shiranui starts thrusting her cock into Tatsurou's mouth as another spitroast happens. Tatsurou was crying... He was mentally begging and wishing for all of this to stop, all he wanted was to help Yukikaze save her mother and it now leads to him being forcefully bred like a pig by Yukikaze's mother who is somehow on the evil side followed by his sister being forced to breed him as well.

As this whole thing went on and on the 2 would then finally finish up as they simultaneously cum inside of him causing his stomach to bulge yet again as he screams in a pained muffled scream as he is being bred by these 2 yet again. After the 2 pulled out he wasn't given any break when futas all started to gang up on him and start to rape him from there while Rinko is on her knees panting in exhaustion while Shiranui watches on in glee.

Heck, she even undid Rinko's blindfold as she is then forced to watch her brother getting raped like a pig and looking pregnant due to the cumflation as he gets raped infront of her while also realizing that she had been forced to unload her seed into her poor little brother. Tatsurou is currently seen taking on 2 futa cocks inside mouth and 2 more in his @$$ while also being forced to stroke the others as he is seen with tears flowing out of his eyes and mentally begs...

>Tatsurou Akiyama's Mind: "Please... Someone... Save me... Save us..."

The last thing we see were the sounds of moaning and then zooming out to reveal that they are in a brothel that also says "Under Eden" revealing their location. The screen then darkens as the intro ends there as the story then continues to where we are now.

(Location: Itami Igawa's New House)

An alarm is then heard and with it we see a hand turning it off by punching it hammer style quickly shutting it off but not destroying or damaging it as the hand then finally retracts back into the blanket. After that was done, Itami Igawa then rises from his bed, stretches his arms sidewards, and then happily gets up to which he does the same morning routine as usual as he is seen doing the same things he did in the last chapter.

After finishing off his training, he then finally takes a shower, puts on his clothes after shower, and then starts cooking breakfast that contains sunnyside up eggs, hotdogs, bacons, and some toasted bread despite already drinking eggs and eating coffee beans. After he finishes, he then sets them on the table and a few seconds later 2 doors then open and out came his sisters, Asagi and Sakura, both rubbing their eyes and smelling the delicious smell of breakfast.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Happily) Good morning, little sisters. Breakfast is ready."

You see it had been 6 days since the rescue mission and during those times the 3rd day consisted of burning the corpse of Kyousuke's body yet putting his ashes inside of an urn to which they all decided to bury and during those times Itami comforter Asagi and Sakura as the 2 were the most heartbroken as Asagi's husband is now dead. Also, after the rescue mission, he gave both of his sisters a place to stay in his house as either a temporary or permanent shelter for them to stay and after that the thanked him for everything and the 2 are currently living in Itami's house and fortunately it was rent free.

When both of them finally got their energies back up they both sat on the table with Itami following next as he watches his sisters happily as they pray and then eat as if he was expecting an answer to his cooking. Both were really amazed to the point that the taste made them feel like they both went heaven as they tastes Itami's cooking for the 1st time.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Happily curious) So, what do you girls think?"

>Sakura Igawa: "(While eating) It's... So good... I think I... Just went to heaven... Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom!"

>Asagi Igawa: "(Swallows) Sakura, stop eating while your mouth is fully. (Looks to Itami) But then again, I guess I can't blame her because this food is tasty. (Curious) How did you cook this?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Trust me, everyone in Contra had to learn culinary arts just in case if we ever need to make our own food to survive. And besides, it even amazed that of even Colonel Bahamut."

>Asagi Igawa: "You really look up to him, don't you?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(With respect and admiration) I mean who doesn't? Heck, the man is a war hero and a great leader. Especially during his time in taking down those corrupted Commonwealth bastards in his prime."

A/N: Since this is fanfiction, I am instead making Bahamut and Colonel Bahamut the same character as my own fanfiction canon so there's that.

And Itami was right about that, not only was Colonel Bahamut an inspiration to many, but he was also a great mentor and father-figure to Itami. So much so that so many always see the 2 acting like father and son at times with Itami receiving special training from him. Everyone in Contra were not even mad or jealous but rather they were proud to see Itami succeeding to the point of being Colonel Bahamut's favorite and everyone in Contra saw why.

Not only that but he too secretly answers to The Triumvirate, AKA The Leaders of the Earth Federation Government, as he was also known for being Contra's best and everyone had even stated that during a battle royale simulation he not only dominated everyone in free for all but also in a 1 vs Many scenario with him being the best Contra could make. He was respected by many, especially Contra, as well as feared by many, both his peers and enemies alike.

Hence why Itami was known for also being perfect for Taimanin Missions acting as a backup just in case if situations are dire. Back to everyone we see them finally finished with everything in both eating and washing dishes as they are now currently seen doing whatever with Sakura suiting up into her school uniform so she could prepare as a Taimanin while Asagi is seen suiting up in her teacher's clothing for as she was finally out from retirement.

They see Itami wearing something different as they see him putting on his military combat uniform and vest as well as his cap rather than a formal attire all military personnel wear in ceremonies or in important matters and in his eyes they see him bearing what seems to be a serious facial expression. The 2 sisters could tell that Itami had gotten a call and is now suiting up after finishing since they were expecting him to come out with a formal military tuxedo than his combat uniform but they could tell that he had 1 thing next...

>Asagi Igawa: "(Curious) Let me guess, another mission?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Yeah, they have located Shiranui as well as 3 Taimanins in a place called Under Eden and currently they are all held captive are currently still in there enduring who knows what. Mr. Yamamoto sent me to help out in the matter and rescue them."

>Sakura Igawa: "(Excited) Cool! Can I come?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Sorry Sakura but Mr. Yamamoto told me to go there alone. Also, he said that you 2 need rest because after the shit you both had to go through 6 days ago, I think you both deserve a break."

>Sakura Igawa: "(Begging) But big brother, I wanna go!"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Sorry but I can't because those are his orders. In fact, he cancelled every Taimanin's missions because of the current missions I am assigned followed by me having to make sure training starts afterwards."

>Asagi Igawa: "(Concerned) So you're going alone!? But Itami, I lost Kyousuke and both of us just saw your back again since years! Going alone is suicide, as much as I need to follow orders I cannot just let you go and get yourself--"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Stern) And you think I'm just gonna let myself die like that and never see you again!? What if you both got captured and raped again, is that what you both want me to see like how I was raped when I was 9!?"

When he interjected Asagi and Sakura were wide eyed at his change in attitude as they see Itami with a more serious look. He then calms down and gives them both a reassuring promise with a reassuring tone...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Apologetically and reassuringly) Look, I know you're both worried about me, especially the shit that had happened 6 days ago. But know that I took am worried for your sakes I know how it feels. I just can't bare to see you both getting into trouble and not see you girls again when I just got you both back. But know that I need to do this. If I don't then who will? Look, I promise you both that I will return and I promise you that I'll bring back Shiranui and those other 3 Taimanins too. (Puts reassuring hands on Asagi and Sakura's respective shoulders) But don't worry, once I return I will make it up to both of you once this mission is over."

Hearing this the 2 could only look down before hugging him afterwards and due to their height being taller than Itami's he looked like he was getting crushed by their bosoms as he tries to get out but he knew that he had to give in and gave them a hug in return.

>Asagi Igawa: "(Begging while hugging Itami with a lone tear falling down from her eye) Please, promise that you will return."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Reassuringly while hugging his sisters) Don't worry, I will."

As he said this he then looks at a photo and from what he saw was an image of kid versions him, Asagi, and Shiranui and from the photo Itami didn't look afraid of Shiranui despite being 10 at that time. The reason for this was because like Asagi, he too was a childhood friend of Shiranui when both and his sister were 8 and the trio were like a team of their own as they had shared some good memories to the point that Itami's Gynophobia wouldn't kick by getting close to his sisters or Shiranui since he had built a bond with them to the point of them being okay with touching or getting near him.

You see, even though he had a tough guy and serious attitude in the last chapter, it was all because of how focused he was and also due to the adrenaline in his body to keep going forward and save those he cherished but even with the adrenaline he still felt fear on the inside as he was a shaking mess spiritually while he was mentally and physically tough and focused. If it wasn't for this drive and focus on every mission and fight he always had he would've been a scared and shaking mess infront of his female enemies and even though his Gynophobia isn't completely gone, it wouldn't easily kick in like it always did back then thanks to his training with Contra with Operator Tina and Lucia Zero helping him almost overcome this.

After the siblings separate from their group hug we then cut to Itami in the garage as he boards on his motorcycle, which is a Jet Motorcycle that Contra uses, while also packing some guns on his back but adding more modifications just in case of anything going wrong with some other weapons on the back of his Jet Motorcycle in case of needing more guns and a drone that will deliver the weapons to him (The same drones holding the Power Ups in Contra). The garage door also opens and from there he gave his sisters good lucks and farewells before finally riding off in his Jet Motorcycle and into where the given location would be which is Under Eden.

(Location: Streets)

In the streets we see Itami riding off on his Jet Motorcycle as the vehicle's hover technology helps out in letting him go faster than a Dodge Tomahawk motorcycle as he rides off into his destination. When the cops saw him last through they chased him at 1st due to breaking the speed limit as well as packing guns and wearing military grade armour rather than his Exo-Skeleton but they all pulled over when they saw Itami's face as if recognizing who he was and from what they think they think that he might be on a mission that they currently don't know about but knew that they were to not stand in his way.

As Itami was free to ride off he was also lucky that no other vehicle was rammed over as he already had gotten used to driving vehicles like these during Boot Camp as well as facing off The Aliens during The Alien Wars as he was riding with his comrades as well as shooting side by side with them. And so he then finally slows down and when he did he then looks at a building that says "Under Eden" as he has finally reached his destination so for that he then starts to prepare himself by parking his Jet Motorcycle, getting off, grabbing his Plasma Thrower on his back, prime it, cracks his neck, and then finally moving forward to lay waste on enemy hostiles and degenerates inside of the brothel and as he walks his back is also carrying a Crossbow and a Yari as he was ready for whatever comes next.

(Location: Under Eden, Interior)

In 1 part of Under Eden, we see a tall and busty girl with long hair in a 2 pigtails style and is also tanned skin and a cute face to back it up as we currently see her naked with sperm coming out of her Futa cock like as if she was peeing while male semen were dripping out of her cunt and @$$. This is none other than Yukikaze Mizuki, the daughter of Shiranui Mizuki and the Lightning Taimanin.

A/N: I am using a fanart of busty Yukikaze to reference her as a futanari since in every futanari stories futas are commonly hung, tall, and busty ladies who are all packing and are also hot as well but if I can't find some for the rest then know that they're females. I can't post it here because I don't know if they Webnovel would go as far as show something as revealing as the picture, check it in Google instead. But if it isn't a problem, then tell me in the comments below so I would know that I can post something like it. Also, take note that all futa cocks looks similar to horse cocks but bigger.

Right now she is currently crawling forward trying to get away from 2 fat dudes wearing a tuxedo and a priest outfit respectively followed by orcs and other creatures chasing after her with perverted lust in their eyes as she crawls away with tears as she didn't want anymore of this. All she wanted was to save her mother, hence why she disobeyed orders and went into the mission herself alongside Tatsurou and his sister, Rinko.

But now here they are kept as captives and are being treated like cattles for these degenerates to be used for as she was even forced to watch futas followed by Rinko rape her boyfriend, Tatsurou, while also not knowing her mother's defection yet, followed by her being violated by males since she was a someone that they all desire to fuck (Also, know that no Homosexuality will be present because Futa On Male isn't gay since it's only just females with extra parts and that's that while Male On Male is gay and will not be incorporated into my future works... Ever.). As Rinko was crawling away and hearing the lustful laughter's of the degenerates behind her she the suddenly stops in her track when a pair of military boots and military pants is seen standing infront of her and when she looks up she sees Itami holding his Plasma Thrower while his Crossbow is on his back and he is currently looking at every degenerates with a serious and deadly look.

So many of them were slowly backing away for a bit as some were whispering about him as if they know who he was yet all of them were ready to kill him if necessary. The 2 fat dudes couldn't move even if they wanted to as if fear is preventing them from ever running away while Itami then eyes them and he was clearly pissed as he looks at 2 corrupted politicians infront of him while Yukikaze took this time to crawl away and a few feet behind Itami to get to safety so she can also watch this unfold.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Pissed yet not in a loud tone) It's time to kick @$$ and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum."

As he said this he quickly points to the 2 Fatties and with quick reaction he blasted the 1st 1's head off reducing it into brain matter before quickly priming his Plasma Thrower and blowing the head of the other while so many prostitutes either run away to the exit or into the sides for safety after hearing gunfire and seeing him kill 2 fat dudes. This made the degenerates to quickly react and from there everyone started running towards him and as they do so Itami quickly primes his gun and started opening fire but only this time each shot takes out 2 or more degenerate bastards due to his Plasma Thrower acting like something similar to a shotgun as it fires a wide spread plasma shot like that of a dragon's breath shotgun shell yet in a more stream like shot since it's plasma as each shot decimates groups of enemy hostiles.

He aims his gun to the right and then blows up 2 orcs, he aims to the left and blows up 3 humans, he aims straight and sends at least 4 demons flying backwards killing them in the process, he ducks a swing from an orc to his right and then blows the orc's gut, he then aims to the left and blows the knee off of a demon before blowing its head off, he aims straight at an incoming human who covered its face thinking he will die but only for the gun to click meaning that Itami was out making the human hopeful as he was about to swing but only for Itami to use the butt of his gun as a weapon and hits the human's face staggering his opponent before jumping and landing a critical Muay Thai elbow drop on the dude's head cracking his skull and killing him. He then turns to see at least 7 people coming out of a door to his right but only for Itami to quickly waste them when he pulls his right hand away from his Plasma Thrower while his left hand holds its primer as Itami then pulls quickly out his crossbow with his free hand and starts to fire a barrage of arrows killing the 7 guys in the process.

After that was done, Itami quickly puts his crossbow back to his back and starts to loads up his Plasma Thrower by switching its empty plasma magazine with a full ammo 1 and from there he resumes back to killing for as the door to his left opens and from there he didn't waste any time as he shoots, primes, kills, and repeat as each shot killed more guns to which either blow off or send guys flying with each shot. Yukikaze was amazed seeing this and when she did she was seeing how Itami was killing off these degenerates without mercy as he shoots off more and more guys before running out of ammo when he was about to kill the last demon making said demon laugh but only to be met by an elbow to the face and is then met by combos as Itami sends a combo of punches and kicks before decapitating the demon via a spinning roundhouse kick to the face as the kick was so powerful it ripped off the head of the demon and is sent flying to a prostitute who also caught it and made her faint.

After that was done, Itami then loads up his gun yet again and when he did Yukikaze then goes to him and she was able to get his attention after that. She did it by calling him as she says...

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Calling to Itami) Hey wait!"

Itami turns around and when he did Yukikaze then ask...

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Curious) Who are you?"

>GySgt Itami Igawa: "(Gives friendly smile) Let's just say I'm both extraction and an old friend to woman named Shiranui."

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Begging) If so, then my mother, best friend, and boyfriend are still here and I can help you find them."

Itami thinks this over and as much as he hated to bring someone like Yukikaze into danger, especially in her current state besides being naked, he knew that with her help he could get there faster. And so Yukikaze started leading the way while Itami was also protecting her as he keeps firing and firing more shots from either his Plasma Thrower or from his Crossbow as blood, guts, and other remains litter the brothel's interior from the walls, to the floors, to the rooms, and in the entire hallways as they both trekked their way in the brothel. As they keep on going and going Itami ran out of bullets from his Plasma Thrower but not before clearing out a last guy who was going to be in their way until finally making it to the door to which Yukikaze tells him of it so for that he readies his Crossbow and then finally kick the door and when he did he was more than horrified while Yukikaze was also as horrified but mostly just 1 scene...

For Yukikaze, it's the forced incestuous part that horrified her now feeling what Tatsurou felt when he was cucked while she was fucked and now it's the other way around as if Rinko is hornily raping her brother's @$$ in a mating press and it's clear in her body and eyes that some kind of aphrodisiac or other supplement was put into her while Tatsurou was gagged and begging his sister to stop as his stomach is filled with his sister's cum making him look like 9 Months Pregnant. But for Itami, his was much worse as he was horrified at the entirety of debauchery around him as he sees futas raping males of all ages from kids to teens as so many were begging for the futas to stop and seeing this rape scene he then suddenly remembers his own voice yet younger...


>Itami Igawa (Kid Voice): "(Begging in pain) NO! STOP! PLEASE I BEG YOU MISS! STOP IT HURTS!"

A 9 Year Old Itami is seen being fucked in the @$$ as he lays on the ground back 1st while the unknown Futa is seen with only her torso but not her head, hair, or face as all 3 are covered in shadow as she was laughing seductively and hornily raping Itami. And instead of listening to Itami she went on and on until she suddenly started cumming into his stomach making him scream in pain and cry but only for all of it to be muffled by the Futa suddenly kissing him without care of his consent making him wide eyed.

After she pulled her cock out of Itami's @$$ and pulling away from the kiss she just whispers...

>??????: "(Hornily) Oh~ I can't wait to breed you once you get older~ And luck for you, my seed and my saliva is filled with magic so for that you will no longer age again in your 18th Birthday~"

The Futa could only laugh evilly while Itami was crying in pain as the futanari semen inside his @$$ flows out slowly."

(Flashback Ends)

What's worse is that due to the scene everything just flashes to him and the same futa and back to real life as he was horrified of the scene as it flashes from past to present making him shake in what seems to be fear. What's even worse is that a Futa notices him as she calls the others and all started to slowly approach the now horrified Itami and thanks to this Itami snapped out when he saw the but he was still shaking in fear and aiming his Crossbow with 1 hand yet that too was shaking while demanding the futanari women of different races to stay back while Yukikaze was only standing there immobile watching Rinko and Tatsurou.

Itami couldn't fire until he trips on his feet and lands on the ground @$$ 1st causing him to accidentally shot a Crossbow Bolt into the Futa infront of him that was about to pounce on him and thanks to this he reacted out of panic as he starts to rapidly and recklessly fire more Crossbow Bolts while screaming in fear and as he does so his eyes were closed and from there the bolts somehow made contact with the incoming enemies' heads and thanks to this they all die until all of them were now annihilated but yet Itami is still firing which nearly killed Yukikaze, Rinko, and Tatsurou to which made Yukikaze finally snap out and dodge every bolt until Itami ran out of bolts and yet he was still screaming.

After that was done, Yukikaze then stands up and when she did she goes towards Itami and slaps him and shouts...

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Loudly) Snap out already, they're all dead!"

After that was done Itami was finally snapped out when he opens his eyes and looks around him and he was surprised himself and as he looks around the raped male victims were all finally getting out of cover since they all had to also take cover from the bolts. This caused Itami to calm down and when he did he then starts to pant a little until Yukikaze had to help him up and let him breathe in and out 1st before finally calming down.

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "Let's go, my boyfriend is being raped by his sister!"

And so Itami then finally snapped out and went back to his normal and serious attitude and from there he loads his Crossbow and puts it on his back while walking with Yukikaze and from what they see the 2 were still at it so for that it forced Itami to knock out Rinko making her stop but ejaculated in time into Tatsurou again. Yukikaze looks at Itami with a questioning look for how he knocked out Rinko.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Sorry, I hope I didn't hit her too much?"

After that Tatsurou was finally out of his confines yet he was still weak and unable to talk due to exhaustion while Rinko is laying down on the floor unconscious while the male raped victims all ran away after thanking Itami a bit since even though he nearly killed everyone he still saved them. But Yukikaze was wondering 1 thing...

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Looks around worried) Wait, where's my mom!?"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Found her!"

And when Yukikaze heard this she look towards a door to her right that Itami opened and inside is none other than a naked Shiranui Mizuki looking like she was unconscious and on the bed back 1st. Yukikaze quickly rushes in and says...

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Tearful yet happy) Mom!"

And as she said this Itami gave way to Yukikaze as he smiles not only seeing mother and daughter about to be reunited but also because he gets to see his and his sister's childhood friend after so long. But then suddenly he heard a thump behind him and looks to see Tatsurou no longer on his feet and now chest 1st on the floor as he tries to reach a warning hand and weakly say...

>Tatsurou Akiyama: "(Weakly) Yuki... Wait..."

Hearing this Itami was now worried, looks to Yukikaze and shout...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Warning) Get out of there now!"

This caught Yukikaze's attention and looks to behind her to looks t Itami and thanks to this Shiranui's eyes then opens and when she did she then quickly sits up straight and launches a stream of water to Yukikaze sending her and Itami flying out of the room and blowing a hole to where the door would be but fortunately when Yukikaze and Itami were in mid-air he was able to catch her and use his body as a shield as his back slides on the wet floor after crashing on his back while the water that blasted out of the room didn't go through or destroy the wall behind them or else they might've been swept away. When the water starts to disappear as it wets the floor, both quickly stood up and when they did they then see a naked Shiranui Mizuki walking to them with a spear on her hand indicating that this is her weapon and as she walks towards them menacingly and emotionlessly making them both clueless as to what is going on until she then stops in her track with her spear on her hand as if she was ready to fight while naked.

When Yukikaze saw this she tried to slowly approach her mother as she is currently clueless as to what's going on while Itami stands there not believing what's going on either yet he readies himself just in case. So for that Yukikaze ask...

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Worried and concern) Mom, what are you doing!? It's me, Yuki--"

Before she could finish however, Shiranui then delivers a slash aiming for Yukikaze's neck about to decapitate her but she was surprised when she only slashed at nothing but air as Itami had reacted just in time to grab Yukikaze back and away from danger but it did however left a cut on his cheek. When Itami grabbed Yukikaze and jumped back from danger, he then lands on his feet and puts her down gently and ask...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Concern) You okay?"

Yukikaze only nodded before both then looks back at Shiranui and when they did she then eyes Itami and smirks. When she did she then says...

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Sultry tone) Itami~ Glad you could join us, especially how cute you've gotten~ I won't hurt you, just come here and give your old friend a big warm hug and make up for old times. (Seductively) I promise I will make it worth your while~ Better than that whore who raped you that is."

This made no sense to Yukikaze, not only was she being ignored and nearly killed by her own mother, but she was also talking to Itami as if she had a history with him, the same guy who is currently here to rescue everyone. Tatsurou may be weak and exhausted but he was still conscious enough to hear everything and looks at Itami with wonder not knowing what's going on.

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(To Itami, curiously) What is she talking about? Is that the reason why you also panicked?"

Itami couldn't form words as he couldn't believe what he is seeing. Here she is, Shiranui Mizuki, all naked yet uncaring about it and holding a spear ready to kill her own daughter and seductively talking to him. This was not the Shiranui he knew as he knew her as an honorable woman with a great sense of justice and now here she is acting like an evil succubus.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Curious and concern) Shiranui, what happened to you!? What's going on and why did you try to kill your daughter!?"

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Uncaring) What else? To show my loyalty to my new husband, Ryuuji."

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Confused) Husband!? Mother you're not making any sense!"

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Ignoring Yukikaze) (Disappointed) Unfortunately that wasn't enough to get his attention for me to actually do what I want and feel pleasure that I had wanted. Sure his cock felt good inside me too but even that won't be enough to satisfy my needs, especially my cock. Hence why I am trying to kill my daughter, so he could do it... But I doubt that even if I do he won't do it because he is only interested pussy and @$$. (Points to Itami, excitedly seductive) But you, Itami! My my you are more than perfect! I was a fool to think of even joining the Taimanin and fighting for justice when my late husband also couldn't give me the pleasure I wanted... Until you finally came back, Itami. Did you know that I had always had a crush on you during our childhood together as friends?~"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Confused) Hold on, what!? You had a thing for me!? I thought you said you loved your husband!?"

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Seductive tone) And yet I realized that I was wrong and chose poorly in love and gave birth to my failure of a daughter who couldn't even have sex with her boyfriend once. The same can be said towards Ryuuji for as he never even tried to also pleasure me. Joining the Taimanin and being patient with you was the worse mistake I had ever made, hence why I gave this life a try and unfortunately it still wasn't enough to satisfy my need, even after raping Tatsurou's @$$ with my cock. But now that you're here, we can finally be together and I can even put a baby in you and make a family I always dreamed us to be~ And besides, Ryuuji was a fool to think I had been affected by his brainwashing or had been broken because in truth I just acted that way so I can finally have power and find you again, Itami. Now come to me and we can make the family that should've been~"

Hearing this broke Yukikaze's heart hearing all this while Itami was getting pissed at this, especially to what she is saying and how she sees her daughter and her late husband as well as her current husband. He couldn't believe that just because of her crush towards him was the reason for turning into this evil succubus she is now and thanks to this Itami had no choice because as much as it would hurt him due to him being a childhood friend to Shiranui and also Yukikaze since she is Yukikaze's mother, he had no choice but to do the most sensible thing to do... Bring her dead or alive.

And so he looks towards Yukikaze and say...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Stoically yet darkly) Yukikaze, take your friends with you and go. I'll deal with her."

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Surprised) Hold on, you can't be serious!? She's my mother and your childhood friend! We can't just--"

Itami then slaps Yukikaze to the face and when he did he then shouts...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Sternly) My mission was to rescue everyone else here! But now that your mother has turned into this, I will have to turn her in even if I were to use force! Now take your friends with you and get to safety! That's an order!"

And with that Yukikaze wanted to argue back but she couldn't do so when Itami looked like he was surrounded by what seems to be a dark aura that could scare even the most bravest soldier and for that she had no choice but to comply so for that she tried to help out Tatsurou stay up while Rinko had to be dragged since she was currently unconscious and make her way to the door that the 2 came in to. But before she could leave, she glances back at Itami and say...

>Yukikaze Mizuki: "(Begging) Please, bring her back alive."

Itami also glances back and gives a serious yet reassuring nod and thanks to this she finally leaves the room and make her way to the exit. Back to Itami, he looks towards his former childhood friend and when he did the 2 stood there in a stand off waiting for the other to strike 1st and as they wait they both stare at each other as this music starts playing in the background...

(Music: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Stranger I Remain SLAD3 Remix)

And as the 2 stood there for a while Itami then draws 1st by quickly grabbing his Crossbow and starts to rapidly fire several bolts towards Shiranui but only for them to be blocked when the latter started twirling her spear to block the bolts as well as quickly deflecting them to the side while getting closer to the former. As Shiranui got close Itami then jumps back and avoids a incoming spear thrust and when he did he then lands on his feet and quickly aims his Crossbow but only for Shiranui to get close and use this opportunity to swing her spear and swat Itami's crossbow away and then do a jab for his left leg.

Even though Itami lost his weapon, he was fortunate to move his left leg to the side to dodge the attack and when he did he then delivers a knee to Shiranui's gut making her keep over and stagger back a few feet away from Itami before stopping in her tracks. Itami then finally draws his Yari sheathed on his back and with it he then starts to swing and twirl it around as he brandishes it before doing a battle stance ready to fight.

And so Shiranui then charges with her spear aiming forward while Itami then does the same and as their spears got close they both then starts to swing then around as they parry each other's attacks from a distance while trying to poke or jab at the other yet both are shown to be equally match with their respective pole arm weapons as they poke, jab, parry, and dodge at a rapid pace until Itami then jumps up to dodge an incoming jab and then thrust his Yari towards Shiranui's head mid-air but only for Shiranui to move her head and dodge the incoming thrust and then swings her spear to redirect Itami's Yari away from her face and was able to anticipate where Itami will land so for that she thrust her spear forward. But when Itami landed, he quickly leans backward with his arms sidewards holding his Yari one-handed and dodged the incoming attack and thanks to that it gave him an opportunity to hold the spear's pole with his free hand and pull Shiranui forward giving Itami the perfect chance to send a push kick to Shiranui's gut and send her skidding back a few meters away from him while keeling over at the same time.

Shiranui was fortunate to stop in her tracks and recover while Itami quickly straightens himself and does another fighting stance with his Yari. He didn't train in the ways of using a pole arm weapon for nothing as he trained from the best Silat Masters known and learned every style there was in Silat, especially in the use of pole arm weapons.

And so the 2 then start to run and circle each other and when they do they were looking at each other with Shiranui giving a seductive and sadistic smirk while Itami looks at her with a serious and deliberate stare as they circle 1 another ready to continue. As they do this they are then seen twirling their pole arm weapons at the same time while still circling until both then finally got close and swing their respective weapons towards the other with a slash and when both weapons made contact they bounced off afterwards.

But it didn't end their as in slow motion they then try again and swing their weapons at the other as their weapons only bounced off away from the other due to the parries and collisions while twirling their weapons when away from the other before parrying again. In a fast way not only do we see them fighting by parrying pole arm weapons at a rapid pace, we also see them twirling their weapons at blurring speeds and with each collision from their weapon caused sparks to fly as they both fight on without care as they do all this while slowly circling 1 another as they move from 1 small spot to another.

But even clashes like these don't always stay long as the 2 would then skid to a halt, face each other, and simultaneously swing their weapons with a powerful and devastating swing to which not only made a spark that flies but also causing wind to blow everywhere as the 2 are now in a blade lock using their pole arm weapons respectively. They tried to overpower the other and despite the height and size differences none could overpower the other as they try to push each other away but fail.

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(While in a blade lock) Oh this is so lovely~ Especially when we used to play sticks when we were kids!"

Itami didn't say anything as he was just focused and as the lock goes on he then glances at Shiranui's futanari cock and when he did he then remembered that both Krav Maga and Silat also includes targeting eyes, groins, and some other vital parts of the body. And with that he then does a low kick towards Shiranui's cock thrice causing her to keel, groan, and then scream from each respective kicks weakening her to which gave Itami the opportunity to push Shiranui's spear away from him and then perform a somersault kick to which hits Shiranui's head making her stagger back.

But Itami wasn't done for as when he landed he did so by doing a split rather than landing on his feet and when he did he quickly punches Shiranui's cock with his free hand while the other holds his Yari as the punch made his opponent feel even more pain. This left Shiranui weakened and so Itami then stands back up and when he did he then charges at her, jumps up, and then lands a dual kick to Shiranui's chest making her fly into a wall and cracking it in a spider web shaped crack.

When Shiranui was about to recover she then sees Itami charging at her with his Yari in hand but instead of that he was actually doing a flying knee to Shiranui to which made her panic and then turn into water narrowly avoiding the knee as said knee then shatters the wall. When Itami landed he then quickly turns around and blocks an incoming spear hack, pushes it back, and then deliver a spear thrust as he stabs Shiranui's gut but only for her to turn into water and it reveals that behind the water Shiranui are 9 more Shiranuis all still naked and are giving seductive and sadistic smirks with the middle 1 as the leader.

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Sternly) I knew you were always known for this trickery, Shiranui, especially since your abilities are still familiar in my mind. But I guess the only thing that change is your attitude."

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Sultry tone) Ara Ara~ It looks like your military training roughened you up a bit~ But even so you can't hide who you truly are and I will make sure that you will feel pleasure as I fuck you hard and knock you up~ I might even give you a daughter or a son... No, I think more children will be better~"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Sternly) Look at you, you were once a pure and honorable woman who fought for justice, now here you are acting like a sadistic toth who cares not of her own daughter. Why go through all this, anyway!? If you did have a crush on me then why fight for an evil cause!? Why side with a bunch of rapists!?"

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Sultry tone) Oh Itami, still naive even to this day, that's why I like you~ You should have known by now that futas are the superior gender and males like you should be bowing down to us, especially when we can give you love better than any woman ever could~ I accepted that fact and seeing you again after so long just makes me so happy, especially when I had been sexually frustrated due to how my late husband and my current husband never even gave my cock the pleasure it deserved, not even once. Not even Tatsurou's mouth and @$$ were enough to satisfy it. But with your return, I can finally fulfill my fantasy and even if I have to rape and break you then so be it~ I shouldn't have waited, I should've just taken you the moment we 1st met, and now I am going to make sure you never leave me again~"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Sternly) Then you are lost!"

And so Itami, Shiranui, and Shiranui clones all charges and when they did Itami dodges a spear thrust from a clone and then hit it in the face with blunt pole of his Yari staggering her. Itami then ducks from 2 spear thrust and at the same time delivers a sweep kick making the 2 clones fall to the ground back 1st.

Itami gets up and swats away an incoming spear thrust with his Yari and when he did he then delivers an elbow to the clone's face staggering her and for Itami to then do a slash as he decapitates the water clone before it liquify back to into water. Itami then twist his body to the side to dodge a spear hack and when he did he then disarms the clone with a hack of his own and quickly thrusts into the water clone's heart killing her and turning her back to water.

He then straightens himself, turns around, and quickly parries against 4 clones as said clones jabs and thrust their spears but thanks to Itami's skills he kept up as he parried each attack coming for him. The clones then did a thrust at the same time and when they all did Itami quickly turns around, jumps into the air backflipping at the same time, lands on his feet behind the clones, and slashes his spear as he decapitates 4 clones at once leaving Shiranui with 2 more clones who all had already gotten up after being taken down and herself.

The clones then charges at Itami and when they did he blocks and parries incoming attacks at his sides as he switches from side to side when blocking and parrying as the clones didn't let up showing their skills and proficiency to Itami as they fight. But Itami was able to change the game when he knocks a clone off of him with a kick, swats a spear thrust coming towards his right from the other clone, jump in the air, deliver a falling knee to the clone's cranial dome stunning the clone, and then push kicks her away from him as the clone hits the wall.

Itami quickly turns around and sees the other clone now recovered and charging at him but Itami then remembers his training and uses Lua. With Lua, Itami wields his spear with great efficiency and he parries with the clone but he was also landing hits and cuts here and there as the clone gets injured and injured until Itami then disarms the clone by giving a cut to her hand and stabs her head killing her.

Itami then looks towards the other clone and when he did he then throws his Yari like a javelin to which then impales the water clone's head and through a wall as the clone sticks there finally dead. After that was done Itami then turns around and when he did a thrust from Shiranui goes through his waist and to the back of his waist as he has been stabbed by Shiranui's spear.

But Itami was strong and so for that he pulls the spear into his body with the use of his hand causing Shiranui to try and pull out her weapon to get away but when he got close enough he then delivers a headbutt that stunned Shiranui making her let go of her spear and thanks to this Itami then delivers a knee to Shiranui's gut making her keel over and another knee to her face sending her flying back a few feet and landing hard back 1st on the floor. Itami then pulls the spear out of his body and groaned a little in pain but after yanking it out and throwing it away and later on his body is seen bleeding but he didn't gave it much worry as he looks back at Shiranui who is trying to stand up so for that Itami did a Krav Maga fighting stance ready for anything.

And as he does so, Shiranui was impressed at Itami's tenacity and determination to keep on going but Shiranui knew that she had to put Itami in his place and claim him as her own so for that she uses her powers to construct a spear made of water to which then quickly hardened for her to use as a weapon and does a stance. As the 2 waited for the other to make a move, Shiranui was the 1st to attack by doing a thrust but only for Itami to block with his wrist as he swats it away to the side and thrust himself forward with his free hand aiming forward and hitting Shiranui in the chest making her skid backwards a bit before stopping in her tracks and does her stance again.

And so Shiranui then charges and start to deliver thrusts and swings at Itami but only for the latter the dodge every attack the former made by either twisting his body to the side, ducking, sidestepping, jumping backwards, and so on. But as he continues to dodge he then finds an opening and when he did he then twist his body to the left to dodge a spear thrust, lands a hard downwards elbow strike to Shiranui's right wrist making her let go of her spear due to her now pained right hand while holding the spear with her left hand still, continues it with a headbutt to Shiranui's head stunning and staggering her back a little, and then jumps up as his back faces the ground in mid-air and lands a Drop Kick to Shiranui's gut sending her flying into a wall hard causing said wall to crack a spider web crack before sliding back down and fall face 1st to the ground while her water spear liquify back into water.

After Itami bounces back up to his feet, he then takes this chance to charge forward and jump high in the air with his right knee forward and when he did Shiranui gets back up but was too late to block an incoming flying knee causing her to crash into the same wall so hard said wall broke as Shiranui is sent flying into a different room and finally crash into a new wall causing her flight to stop. When she got up, she sees Itami approaching her slowly with a deliberate and serious look and at the same time she licks the blood off of her lips and smirks before finally getting up.

Shiranui materializes a new water spear and when she did she does a stance while Itami kept moving forward and when both got close Itami charges at her this time but is then suddenly met by a sidekick to the gut by Shiranui causing him to stagger a little and keel forward but eventually recovered which was short lived when Shiranui starts to fire a huge stream of water to which forces Itami to lean backward and dodge the attack with his feet still on the ground but that is until the stream somehow disappeared and before reacting he was too late for as Shiranui appeared behind him at the same time and swings the blunt part of her spear down causing Itami to go down to the ground back 1st making him close his eyes as he groans in pain. When he opens his eyes, he is then lifted up by a whirlpool in the shape of a tornado and he struggles from there for as several water tentacles wraps around his limbs while spinning uncomfortably for a few minutes before the whole thing disappeared causing him to be thrown into a wall to his left.

What's worst is that the remaining water from the ground quickly turned into tentacles to which then restrains Itami's wrists and feet like cuffs as he is currently restrained to the wall with Shiranui now looking at him and approaching him slowly and seductively while her futa cock hardens causing her to jerk it at the same time with her other hand still holding her water spear while Itami is trying to struggle his way out of the restraints. Itami had to think quickly because if he doesn't then who knows what his former childhood friend would do to him and thankfully he did as he closes his eyes.

>Shiranui Mizuki: "(Sultry Tone) (Approaching Itami while stroking her cock) You know, Itami I always wondered how everything would've been if I had been the 1 to have taken your precious cherry... Especially when you have the male body type meant to be a bottom bitch boy~ As disappointed as I was with your virginity being loss to some middle aged whore, doesn't mean I still can't have a taste of you myself~ However, I would love it if you opened your eyes for this sweety~ Especially when you're going to be raped by me, your childhood friend and crush~"

She was ready to rape Itami, especially when she is currently inches closer and is about to grab his clothes to rip it off but before she could Itami then opens his eyes quickly and his said eyes are glowing purple and at the same time his eyes opens he suddenly disappears out of sight making Shiranui surprised and confused by this until suddenly she is then met by a flying knee when she faced to her right causing her to fly into the room the 2 originally fought in which also made her let go of her water spear and rolls a few times before stopping when she was face 1st. She then gets up and when she did she then sees Itami covered in a purple black aura of smoke and energy with his eyes glowing purple and is currently hovering a few inches above the ground and is hovering forward before stopping when he is now at least 6 feet infront from Shiranui.

But as Shiranui sees this she was amazed not only at looking at Itami now but also the powerful aura around him as he has entered into a form she's never seen. However, Itami then suddenly returns back to normal as his feet gently touches the ground and his aura finally gone as well as his eyes returning to normal as he can only mentally say...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa's Mind: "No... Not yet... I could control my Alien Cells to activate that form again... But not today."

Without hesitation Shiranui charges at Itami making him do the same and as Shiranui materializes a new water spear she was not able to complete for as Itami suddenly jumps up and repositions himself mid-air to land a powerful Flying Drop Kick that sent Shiranui flying back and her nearly complete water spear to liquefy (Turns out it's E not I). Shiranui lands hard on her back to the floor and slides a little before finally slowing down and stopping when her head lightly hits a table.

Shiranui then tried to stand up but is then met by a Flying Knee to the face putting her back down on the ground before Itami then suddenly lifts her up, turns around, and throws her into the stage to where Rinko was forced to rape Tatsurou and Shiranui lands hard and spins until her back hits a wall while still on the ground. Itami then rushes to her by running and doing a front flip to get on the stage and when he did he doesn't hesitate to approach her but as he gotten close Shiranui liquefies and disappears from sight making Itami stop and be cautious on where she would appear.

And so Itami then turns to his right and dodges an incoming water spear headed for him and when he did he grips on the hand of Shiranui with 1 hand and strikes her face with an elbow uppercut causing her to stagger back a bit but Itami still held on to Shiranui's wrist and thanks to it he pulls her forward and lands a headbutt to which put her down back 1st to the ground as Itami lets go of her wrist at the same time. Shiranui the liquefies as she disappears again only to reappear behind Itami but unfortunately for her Itami was able to quickly duck a spear thrust by leaning forward and also sending a kick to her stomach at the same time causing her to skid back a bit before turning himself back around to face her and do a fighting stance with both arms facing forward and hands open to show his palm similar to George Chambers' stance in Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing.

Shiranui then charges at Itami with her spear in the front and when she got within range she does a thrust Itami quickly sidesteps and got within range to land a sidekick to Shiranui's gut and then gets close to follow up his kick with punch to the face to stagger her back and then finally jumping up and delivering a downwards elbow strike above Shiranui's head making her hold her head in pain as she staggers back even more. When Shiranui got her bearings back, she was too late to react when Itami sends a right spinning knee hook to the left of her face making her spinning to her right mid-air before landing on the floor hard back 1st.

Itami then follows it up by straddling over Shiranui and from there Itami non-hesitantly beats Shiranui's face attempting to knock her out to bring her in. Shiranui tried to defend her face trying to get out but shortly she thought of 1 and with 1 hand she was able to fire a stream of water and send Itami flying to the ceiling to stop his relentless assault and thanks to this Itami was now stuck on the ceiling with a spider web crack while Shiranui gets back up.

When Itami falls off the ceiling Shiranui then fires another water stream at Itami while he was mid-air causing him to fly but he was fortunate to land back 1st to the same bed Shiranui was previously found as the bed cushioned his fall but caused a lot of damage to it as its legs gave out. Shiranui then rushes over to Itami and as she does so she then jumps up with her spear above her head but knowing where to aim but unfortunately Itami recovered and when he did he then rolls over to his left and falls off the bed dodging an incoming downwards spear thrust to the gut since Shiranui kinda knew Itami's resilience.

Itami bounces back up to his feet and his legs then glow blue when he saw his Yari from the same wall it was still embedded on and with quick thinking he runs to it with great speed since his speed makes everything slow down in time as he makes it to the Yari, yanks it out of the wall, and does a fighting stance towards Shiranui after deactivating his super speed. Shiranui then turns around and notices Itami far away from her and doing a fighting stance with his Yari as she was both surprised and impressed by Itami's speed but she knew she had to fight him so for that she yanks her water spear out of the now destroyed bed and does a fighting stance of her own.

And with that both then charges at each other with their respective pole arm weapons pointing forwards and when they got close this is where both would then do a respective right swing causing not only a shockwave when both weapons collided but also putting them both in a lock. But said lock is cut short when both of them started swinging at 1 another as they swing and thrust their spears with great speed as they trade attacks at 1 another as they parry, counter, block, and dodge as both of them suffer a few cuts as they engage into this fast pace of exchanges with their pole arm weapons as they continue this with great speed.

They continued this for a while until finally both then stopped and prepared for an even more powerful swing of their weapons and when they both did Itami was able to cleverly think this through as his swing was a feint and with it he quickly ducks down on his knee and slide under the incoming spear strike and when he did succeed he then quickly turns around and turns back via sliding due to him finally being behind Shiranui and with it he stands swings his Yari upwards causing a cut to be made behind Shiranui to which gave her a big gash on her back due to the swing as it made her reel back and scream in pain. After this Shiranui then falls forward face 1st with a big gash on her back but she was fortunate that she was still alive yet very weak at the moment as Itami then stands up and points his Yari to Shiranui's face asking for her surrender.

(Music Ends)

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Threateningly points his Yari to Shiranui's face) Give up, Shiranui, it's over."

As Itami said this, Shiranui looks at him weakly with as she internally curses for not being able to get Itami. But she then smirks as if she knew something was about to happen and Itami quickly caught wind if this and when he did he quickly turns around and throws his Yari but only for it to be swatted away to the side by a tall darker skinned pretty young man with white hair wearing suit and tie currently running at Itami with what looks to be fury in his eyes.

When the man got close both he and Itami engages in hand-to-hand combat as the man delivers punches and kicks from all angles but for Itami to block, dodge, and counter with both suffering a few minor damages then and there. Itami quickly caught a punch and with his free hand he then suddenly pulls out a kunai out of his sleeves as it falls to his hands and with the kunai he then starts to slash the man from his waist, to his armpit, and then ends it to his cheek gashing a small cut to the man's pretty face forcing him to back away by rolling backwards before stopping on his feet.

The man he is facing is none other than the Incubus King himself... Kuroi Ryuuji. The 1 responsible for kidnapping his former childhood friend and the other 3 Taimanins.

>Kuroi Ryuuji: "(Pissed) You fool, how dare you hurt my dear Shiranui and her beauty!"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Stoically angry) Me!? You're the 1 who kidnapped her, and she's married for crying out loud!"

>Kuroi Ryuuji: "(Pissed) I tried so hard getting her in my hands, and now you will die for trying to take her away from me you Taimanin Fool!"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Laughs a bit) You really are a dumb@$$ simp aren't you?"

And so Ryuuji then points a finger to Itami and fires a small laser beam that Itami was able to quickly dodge by rolling to the side and when he stopped to his knee he then throws the same kunai in his hand hitting Ryuuji to his shoulder hurting him a little and making him call off his laser beam to hold his now injured shoulder. Itami took this opportunity to rush to Ryuuji and perfectly lands a Drop Kick sending him staggering back a bit while Itami falls to the floor back 1st before bouncing back up.

Ryuuji then recovers and when he did he pulls out the kunai from his shoulder and said shoulder heals up. Both of them would then charge at each other and from there they start trading punches and kicks with both either dodging, blocking, or countering as both uses their skills to the best of their abilities as they continue. This goes on for a little bit until Ryuuji then does a push kick to which Itami sidesteps to dodge, catch the leg while it was still forward on the air, and land a powerful elbow strike towards Ryuuji's knee twisting the Incubus' leg much to said Incubus' surprise as he screams in pain.

Itami then follows it up with him letting the broken leg fall to the ground and from there Itami repeatedly kicks Ryuuji's left waist making him painfully walk backwards into a corner with each kick before Itami then suddenly sends a powerful Flying Knee to Ryuuji's face, lands on his feet again to punch the Incubus King in the face with his fists and elbows, and ends it a powerful headbutt making the back of Ryuuji's head hit the wall really hard causing a spider web crack to it. But after a few seconds Ryuuji disappears from sight and Itami could only turn around quickly and sees Ryuuji somehow recovered and is currently flying towards him via a Flying Kick so for that Itami responds by jumping up and spinning in mid-air as he counters the incoming attack with a 360 Helicopter Kick to the right to Ryuuji's torso sending him flying to the right.

When Ryuuji flies in mid-air he slow makes contact with the ground and when he did he rolls a bit before stopping and quickly repositioning himself back up before rushing to Itami. Itami then pulls out 2 Tomahawks from his sleeves and when he did he then swings them around before both he and Ryuuji got close enough and the 2 immediately engages in close quarters combat with Itami using his Eskrima Style Martial Arts to land several hits towards Ryuuji, who is trying his best to dodge and heal, as Itami hits Ryuuji with several Tomahawk slashes from every direction.

Ryuuji had enough and with this he quickly catches an incoming slash and disarms Itami of his left Tomahawk by grabbing the latter's wrist and then using his free hand to send to punch said wrist causing it to let go of the left Tomahawk in pain falling to the ground before being kicked a way to the side as the former then follows it up with a push kick staggering his opponent back a little. Ryuuji then looks towards the downed Tomahawk and when he did he then rolls to it and grabs the Tomahawk as he brandishes it a bit before doing a stance while Itami recovered, cracks his neck a bit, and then slowly approaches Ryuuji with his right Tomahawk in his hand.

When both got close the stooped a few inches away from each other as they cautiously circle each other while also swinging at each other as their weapons collide with each strike causing clangs and sparks to fly when both then suddenly stopped circling and started slashing from up and down at a fast pace while keeping their distances. But as this goes on and on Itami then dodges an incoming slash by jumping back a bit, lands on his feet to quickly deliver a spinning roundhouse kick to Ryuuji's face to stun him, disarm him of his weapon by using his Tomahawk to hit the Tomahawk Ryuuji is holding, and then jump up high and sends a powerful Tomahawk hack to Ryuuji's head causing him to stagger in pain while the Tomahawk then sticks on Ryuuji's head as his head bleeds.

Itami wasn't finish and with that he notices the same Tomahawk that was disarmed now on the ground and quickly grabs it and throws it to Ryuuji's crotch causing the Incubus King to scream in pain causing him to be weakened. Itami just sadistically and jokingly says...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Sadistically and jokingly) Good luck raping gurls now, motherfucker!"

Itami then looks to his right and sees his Crossbow still on the ground while Ryuuji was still trying to recover. As Ryuuji heals up a bit, he points 1 finger and fires a laser towards Itami but only for the latter to quickly run to his right dodging laser blasts before finally doing. 1 last dodge by rolling forward, grabbing the crossbow, stops on his knee, and firing a volley of shots towards the former hitting the eyes, joints, and groin emptying everything.

When Itami did this, Ryuuji screamed in pain and before he could quickly heal from this Itami quickly sends a Flying Knee to Ryuuji's face causing him to fly to another wall with a huge spider web crack as he crashes on his back. Itami then throws the empty Crossbow as he slowly approaches Ryuuji.

As he does so, he is then stopped when a new enemy comes out of nowhere to his left and kicks him to his waist sending him skidding back a little before stopping while still on his feet as he then eyes the new enemy. The new enemy is a succubus as she has dark brown skin, red eyes, wings, two horns and tail followed by wearing what seems to be a provocative outfit of some kind as she eyes Itami with interest.

While Itami eyes this new enemy, is focus then shifts to Shiranui quickly rushing to Ryuuji's aid and the Succubus doing the same thing too as Shiranui goes to the downed Ryuuji and say...

>Mizuki Shiranui: "(Concerned) Ryuuji, are you alright darling?"

Ryuuji could not speak due to both the pain caused to his crotch and a crossbow bolt that was on his throat as he could not respond before fainting. Itami then ask...

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Confused) Seriously!? You were literally hitting on me and talking smack on him, you cheating whore of a childhood friend of mine!"

As much as Itami didn't like saying bad things to women, today was an exception due to how Shiranui was acting right now. Speaking of Shiranui, we see her smirk, looks at Itami, and winks at him with Itami now realizing all that concern in Shiranui's eyes were a lie to make it convincing as she still aims to take Itami in her own accords by betraying the Taimanin.

>Mizuki Shiranui: "(Sultry) As much as I want to have fun, Itami~ but I think it's time for me to leave. Regardless, I'll be coming back for you but maybe she can have some fun too~"

Itami tries to rush towards Shiranui but only for them to disappear when Shiranui uses her powers to disappear together with the downer Ryuuji leaving Itami with the interloper.

>GySgt Itami Igawa: "(Cautiously) I don't know who you are but since you aided in Ryuuji's escape, I won't hesitate to end you. (Cautiously curious) Now who are you and what are you to Ryuuji?"

>Succubus: "(Giggles). (Sultry) I am Foria, a Succubus just looking for some fun~ As much as I prefer girls but there's nothing bad for exceptions, especially to cuties like you~ And to answer your other question, I don't work for that fool. I have been eyeing you for a long time, Itami Igawa~"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "I don't care how you gotten my name or how you know it, I'm still taking you out."

>Foria: "Oh please, I know all about your fears, and I can't wait to knock you up myself~ I really wished I had been the 1 to have fucked you but I guess that will have to wait."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "Like I'd let you. (Cautiously curious) So, are we gonna talk or we gonna fight?"

>Foria: "As much as I would love to do so, but I don't think now's the time. And besides I just came here to send a message."

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "And that is?"

>Foria: "(Sultry) An ally of mine from a new group being currently established said that you should be prepared, because soon you'll be in our hands and when you do fall to our hands, we'll breed you over and over until you can't think anymore~"

>GySgt. Itami Igawa: "(Cautiously confused and curious) New group? Who are they!?"

>Foria: "(Sultry) You'll find out soon~"

Foria then suddenly flaps her wings and flies towards a wall and destroys it with 1 kick and from there she leaves the building while Itami follows and stops to the broken wall as he looks up to Foria flying away while still looking at him and doing a flying kiss gesture before turning around to fly away. Itami could only look up at her with a cautious and menacingly look. But what made him curious was a new group being formed and it was something that wasn't in either Itami's, Contra's, or the Taimanin's radar... But then again, he knew that this was a new group being formed and if he resorts this bot Contra and The Taimanin could figure this out and maybe find out why this new group wants him so bad.

(Location: ??????)

Meanwhile, we see the same mysterious woman and the supposed rapist who had raped Itami when he was young looking at everything that occurred, licking her lips, and smirking evilly and seductively as she finally eyes Itami after Foria was now out of sight.

>Mysterious Woman's Mind: "(Sultry) Soon you'll be in my hands again, my cute little Itami~ And when I do, me and my allies will fuck you so hard you'll be the raped little boy you once we're again~ (Pondering) Now that I have Foria convinced to join me in claiming Itami again... I wonder whom I should recruit next?"

To Be Continued

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