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100% Reincarnate in Classroom of the Elite / Chapter 6: Going South...?

Chương 6: Going South...?

Looking at her screen, she saw the amount of 168,000 points, in which she had no choice but to use some points on groceries and essentials

'With the genetic difference between male and females, it would have made more sense if those type of products were free instead, but there's nothing I can do except complain about it to the student council, which feels like even more of a pain.'

Getting out of bed to get ready, she leisurely took off her clothing and took a quick shower.

'At least the school provides free electricity and water...' Tsukihime thought while drying herself off.

After making herself some toast, and eating it, she was ready to go to class.

'Of course with the existence of my photographic memory taking notes is unnecessary,' Tsukihime thought, carrying her mostly empty bags with the exception of a few pencils and some notebook paper.

Closing the door, Tsukihime was about to start walking over to the elevator, before the door to the right started opening up, revealing Ichinose, who seemed to have the same idea as her.

"Oh hello, Honami-san, what a coincidence that we meet again,"

"Y-yep, good morning, Tsukihime," Ichinose responded, not expecting Tsukihime either.

"Would you like to walk with me to class?"

"Oh, I was about to make my way to the student council room," Ichinose apologetically said, clasping her hands together as a gesture of apology.

'Was she related to the student council in the anime? I should just start relying on general information instead,' Tsukihime thought, before remembering what she was complaining about earlier in the morning.

"Perfect timing, Honami-san, I remembered that I also have to go to the student council room to do something."

"Oh, then should we go together?"

"Sure, Honami-san, I won't know where the room is anyways."

Walking to the student council, they made a little bit of small talk, looking forward to what classes they would have before quieting down into a comfortable silence, accompanied by the cool spring breeze.

Arriving at the Student Council Room, they knocked on the door and with the muffled response of "Come in," they slid open the door, to see 3 people in the room.

"What is your business with the Student Council?" The man that she saw at the opening ceremony, Horikita Manabu.

"I just came in here for a paper to send a formal complaint to the school," Tsukihime said.

Excuse, me but I was wondering if I could find a paper to send a formal complaint to the school.

Tsukihime said, looking at the questioning looks of the 3 students who were already in the room.

"What would you like to complain about, Tsukihime san?" Ichinose asked, thinking that Tsukihime's reasoning for going to the Student Council was similar to hers.

"Oh nothing too important, just something personal to me," Tsukihime assured, waiting for Horikita's response.

"It is on the left, the first stack," He responded.

Walking over to the stack Tsukihime got one, before thinking about it a little more.

'Ain't this the perfect opportunity to report the pedophile?' The thought, before looking back to Horikita.

"Do I just take another complaint paper if I want to report a staff member?" Tsukihime innocently asked, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"What staff member?" Horikita asked, along with the curious looks of Nagumo and Akane.

"Oh the store clerk of the camera store in Keyaki Mall, I caught him catching inappropriate stares at multiple students walking by and myself, which I don't believe should happen, kind of inappropriate in a setting where a majority of the population could be considered underage," Tsukihime explained, garnering looks of disgust from Ichinose and Secretary Akane.

"I see… I will send a teacher to investigate that soon after the club introduction assembly, rest assured," President Horikita said, writing it down.

"Oh okay, thanks President, that's all I needed, thank you for your hospitality, President.

"Are you alright, Tsukihime-san, it must have been a horrible experience," Ichinose said, with nods from Akane.

"It's fine Honami san, I'm used to it, I'm just glad no one else is going to get subjected to that," Tsukihime, garnering looks of concern.

'I'm not lying, even if I am technically older at heart, getting stares back in middle school from a gender I originally was is quite unsettling, even more so if they were older.' Tsukihime shivered inwardly, before smiling and bowing before leaving.

"I'll see you in the classroom later, Honami-san," Waving to Ichinose.

"Uh yeah, see you soon!" Ichinose said, inwardly feeling a little bit guilty after hearing a little bit of Tsukihime's past.

After sliding the door shut, she made her way back, looking around the empty courtyards.

'On that note, there is only time to tell if the pedophile is going to get fired, there's still a few minutes before time runs out so let's go to the library to read some textbooks to see if anything is missing from my brain.'

Making her way to the library, she went to the textbook section to see if she saw any new versions of the textbooks were out, as combining her photographic memory with her thought acceleration made reading a fast endeavor.

'With thought acceleration even if I don't understand the information, I have all the time to create patterns of the things I don't know anyways.'

Picking up a new edition of a mathematics textbook regarding Calculus she went to the closest bean bag before sitting down and opening her book.

'Now that I think about it these perks do complement each other extremely well,' Tsukihime thought.

She was correct, as in terms of anything regarding pattern recognition and thought acceleration made everything more simplistic because even if she didn't know anything, her pattern recognition would put the puzzle pieces together.

Regards to her perk of good genetics she felt that it was excessively broken to the point where she was wondering if she was in Baki.

Her control of bodily functions was carefully monitored by comparing actors through photographic memory of their actions and her pattern recognition to match the scenario. With the finishing touch of thought acceleration, she could adapt to scenarios almost instantly, with only the keenest eye being able to distinguish the change.

Even right now, while she was comparing the current textbook to its previous edition through pattern recognition she was having a brainstorming session.

'Having to take precautionary measures against Ayanokoji's attempts at going to Class A has to be made subtly, with emphasis on subtle,'

'Also, For the next special exam, Sakayanagi's priority is placed on lowering Katsuragi's authority in the class, so during those exams, it is the easiest to get above Class A during that time.'

'But if Katsuragi has a decent amount of power it reduces the amount of power Sakayanagi can exert on the class, so his exerting some influence through merits could weaken his fall later in the series.'

'But how would I do that?' Tsukihime thought, before noticing something from the corner of her eye.

'Is that Katsuragi?' She thought looking at him observe the library in search of something.


Walking up to Katsuragi, Tsukihime walks in front of him, blocking his path.

"What do you want?" He asked, looking down.

"I have information for you." Immediately putting on her info broker persona, Tsukihime looked up at him with an emotionless gaze.

"What information do you think I would need?" He asked, dubious of her intentions.

"To gain influence."

After a few seconds of silence, Katsuragi asked the price.


"18,000 Private points."


After exchanging their contacts he sent her the points before she gave him information.

"You aren't guaranteed 100,000 points every month, it's why Class Points and Private Points exist," Tsukihime said, before looking at her watch and looking away.

'He can probably get enough from that information, and he probably assumes that the information is accurate, probably because it confirms his already existing theories on how the points work,' Tsukihime thought before making her way back to class after returning the textbook.

'It's better to make it cheap enough for him to spend the points and get the info rather than not getting the information and giving Sakayanagi more power.' Tsukihime reasoned, arriving at her classroom and looking through the window to see a decent amount of people, but not too much to be noticeable if she walked in.

Walking in and taking her seat, she started on her written complaint form, knowing that she had around 20 minutes before classes started and could hand it over to President Manabu during the Club Assembly after school today.

She started writing her complaint regarding the quality of menstrual products being subpar when it shouldn't particularly be considered a luxury.

Women and men in recent years have become more equal in different aspects of life, with pay, job opportunities, etc. But the differences in their biological makeup obviously cannot be ignored. After all, the difference in physical makeup was noticeable, along with their differences during puberty and adolescence.

But regarding menstrual products she thought at the very least they had to be better quality, for simultaneously the satisfaction of the school and the overall mood of the female population at the school.

Bad pads and tampons could be comparable to extremely itchy underwear for men, sometimes causing rashes and allergic reactions. Along with the painful period cramps, women are physically not created equal to men.

So Tsukihime proposed a change regarding the quality of Menstrual Products, which was a noticeable inequality, as even if they were free their quality counteracts the school's attempt at being considerate to gender equality standards.

By proposing a different brand that could fix this issue, multiple benefits could arise from this solution.

First of all, introducing products that the student would use could reduce waste produced by the school making their budget not go to waste.

It would indirectly increase women's productivity through accommodation of their issues and directly increase women's satisfaction.

'Finally, it would make buying menstrual products free for me, but no one needs to know that.'

Finishing her form satisfied, she put it in her bag and looked outside of the window.

'This is the main character spot for a reason… bliss,' She commented in her head watching the flowing sakura petals, and the waving of the trees.

5 minutes before class started, she heard the door slide open, causing her to look in the direction of the noise to find Ichinose looking slightly dejected.

'What happened to her?' Tsukihime thought, before sending a concerned look toward Ichinose in which she caught it and looked back with a look of assurance.

'Judging by her expression it probably wasn't that bad…' Tsukihime assumed, passing it off when Hoshinomiya entered the room.

"Hello class~ Today's the first day of actual classes, aren't you excited?"

After a silence, she continued.

"I guess we are~ Don't forget after school there is a Club Interest Assembly, it isn't mandatory but if you want to join a club it's the easiest way to get acquainted with the club~."

After a few murmurs which quieted down relatively quickly, the classes started.

Of course, while Tsukihime had the look of someone who was focusing on the class, she was rather just trying to remember a little more about the story from spoilers and the first season of the anime.

'There has to be some more… if only the photographic memory applied to my old life, this would have been much easier, did anything even happen in the Club Interest Thing in the anime?'

'I don't even know the benefits of joining a club, I just remember from the Entrance Ceremony that clubs get a budget from the school, and the more membered they had the more you got, except the Student Council's pay.'

'But if I'm not the leader of a club the possibility of being able to embezzle the school's funds is near zero, and they have to be related to a club's activities…'

'But making a club requires more work, which is something that I cannot be bothered with unless I have a valid reason.'

'Hah, God damn how annoying is this, how am I supposed to live a relatively peaceful life while also interfering with the story a little bit and avoiding something too annoying is that too much to ask for?' Tsukihime thought, ignoring the paradoxical aspect of her complaint.

While she was thinking, Ichinose was taking glances at Tsukihime. After all, just telling people your dark past was hard, she could attest to that.

Observing Tsukihime's blank face, giving the impression that she was in the clouds, she couldn't help but giggle a little inside.


"Nagano!" The mathematics teacher yelled, apparently having observed the state of his student, and called her out.


"Could you please solve this problem in front of the class?"

'How cliche,' Tsukihime thought, sighing.

'If I say no, we lose points for a student not paying attention and for talking back to a teacher, fuck.'

Reluctantly getting out of her seat, she looked at the board to see a simplistic Difference in Cubes factoring equation.

'Simple Algebra,' She thought, writing down the answer before walking back to her seat, ignoring the looks of awe from her classmates.

'What are you all surprised for?' She thought, sitting down.

'I haven't even explained the concept yet…' The teacher thought, (add in the teacher's name after I know who teaches math) before continuing with his lesson.

'Class B could have a lot of potential this year…' He thought, with no more issues until lunchtime.

When the bell rang, Tsukihime was getting ready to leave to go to the lunchroom before getting interrupted by Ichinose.

"Wait everyone before classes resume I got some information from a classmate!" She said, giving Tsukihime a side glance, before continuing.

'How considerate for her to remember that I "Get nervous in front of strangers," ' Tsukihime thought, before stopping to listen.

"I know that as a class, we aren't far from Class A, because I asked to see the average scores between the two classes before and we were only 2 points away," Ichinose started on a high note, garnering the class's interest.

"I heard from a shy friend that there are two types of points, Class and Private, and she overheard from some seniors that if we get more Class Points than a different class, we can in a sense, 'overtake' that class and take it's place!"

'I see because of her natural charisma she doesn't have anyone who doubts her, how lucky.' Tsukihime thought, comparing it to her own 'acting'.

"We don't know what lowers the points or increases it but I have a few hypotheses I would like to share,"

"I do think that it can be lowered through bad conduct that wouldn't be school-appropriate, because we are in school, after all."

"I also think that if we do well academically on big tests we can get more class points!"

"So let's just try our best, and enjoy our youth while we are at it!" Ichinose cheered, classmates nodding and cheering along with her.

'Her hypotheses are unnaturally close to the dot… it makes sense of our top scorer in the class,'

Walking away, Tsukihime caught eye contact with Ichinose, before giving her a small smile signaling that she did a good job and continuing on her way.

Walking towards the cafeteria, she was thinking about her next plan.

'I got enough money to do some blackmail prepping, nice.'

'Should I do an Ayanokōji and a Ryuen and try to control the classes in the shadows? Sounds cool enough.'

'That would require Ichinose's trust though… but having Class B the same pacifist class and slowly getting crept on by the other classes strikes a nerve.'

Not making up her mind, Tsukihime arrived at the cafeteria, hoping to seduce a senior to give her some information.

Taking off some buttons of her dress shirt, and making her skirt shorter and quickly tying her hair up to a bun, she finished it off by taking her blazer off and tying it around her waist.

Walking to a senior that had the free vegetable set setting in one of the corners of the cafeteria by himself she sat down across from him, getting his attention.

"Excuse me senpai~ But I was wondering if you could give me information~" While crossed her arms under her bust giving the impression that it was larger.

"Y-yes?" He responded, ogling at her breasts.

'Simultaneously creepy and easy at the same time, but it's working,'

"I was wondering if you could tell me where all the blind spots in this school are if you catch my drift~," Tsukihime asked slowly, making her voice deeper and more sultry.

"Uhh, I could send you a file,"

"Oh yeah, here's my LINE if you ever need me~," Tsukihime said showing him a burner account.

Understanding what she was after, and slightly anticipating what might happen next, the senior quickly sent her the document with a map that had both the locations with all of the cameras and blind spots.

After confirming that it looked relatively accurate with her already known information about the cameras that she had already seen, she took off her facade.

"Thank you, senpai~," She said, getting up and fixing her clothing to back how it was.

The senior watched in bewilderment as the girl who was 'going after him' changed in an instant.

"I guess some boys do think with their dicks, thanks, pervert-senpai," She said, looking down on him with a disgusted look.

Angered at being deceived the senior quickly got up to hold up Tsukihime by the collar.

"Who do you think you are, bitch? I'll fucking ruin your life!" He whisper-yelled.

'Some spit got on my face, disgusting,' Tsukihime unworried, thought while wiping her face off.

Peeved at the disinterested face of the bitch that tricked him, he pinned her to a wall.

'Is this guy stupid, doing this in broad daylight?' Tsukihime thought before seeing Ichinose walk in with Kanzaki and some other classmates, discussing their plans.

"I-Ichinose-san! Help me! Please!" She yelled, getting the attention of a majority of the people in the cafeteria along with Ichinose's group.

Rushing over to Tsukihime's assistance, the Class B separated the two, while Ichinose comforted Tsukihime, who was crying in fear.

As if realizing the position he was in, the senior started to get nervous, trying to explain that she started it until Tsukihime took the initiative.

"I-I was so s-scared, I was j-just walking by before he started a-assaulting me, s-saying I seduced him!" Tsukihime said, stopping in between sniffles.

"What! You bitc-"

"Shut up," Ichinose said, surprising even Tsukihime with the seriousness in her tone.

"We have multiple witnesses of you starting the fight if it could even be called one," Kanzaki said from the side, glaring at the senior with a look of disgust.

Garnering the attention of the present student council members including Horikita Manabu, they explained the situation to them, before taking the student away.

"I am sorry for this situation, as this was caused by my negligence of monitoring the students while in the cafeteria," Manabu said, before walking away, leaving the students of Class B alone.

'There goes the only source of real evidence,' Tsukihime said, keeping up the act.

"Are you okay?" Ichinose asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah, I think he was just trying to scare me into doing t-things," Tsukihime said, letting the obvious hidden meaning linger between Ichinose and Kanzaki, while the other classmates followed the Student Council to testify, trusting Tsukihime's wellbeing to the two.

After comforting her for a little while, and Tsukihime's insistence that she could go back to class for the rest of the day, the trio returned to class before lunch break ended.

When they arrived at the classroom, she was asked to wait outside for a little while before going in.

After Ichinose and Kanzaki went in for a little while and got out, they led Tsukihime to her seat.

When classes started again she noticed an increase of concerned looks from her classmates, always giving them a pitiful smile back.

After classes ended, Ichinose and Kanzaki walked up to her with concerned looks on their faces.

"Tsukihime-san, would you like to go with us to the Club Interest Assembly, something to distract your mind? If you can't I understand, I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do,"

"I-I'll go, I can't be pitiful like this forever," Tsukihime responded, getting an inward sigh of relief from Ichinose.

'She already looks a little better, thank god. If I ever get my hands on that senior I'll expel him with my own hands,' Ichinose thought, before shaking the bad thoughts away.

"Let's go, Ichinose-san, Kanzaki-san." 

A/N: I just realized that I did not put the first half of the chapter as of 3/29/24

So if you are reading after this, no need to worry, but if you read before that date sorry about that.

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