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Progress and confrontation

Republic city random orphanage year 163


Its been four years since jon transmigrated and his gains in his bending were very impressive by his standards, after four years of constant training jon has gotten very comfortable with air bending, he isnt a master by any means but thanks to his reflex training it would be hard for enemies to hit him.

He also practiced the moves he's seen aang and tenzin do in the series, the air slashes and air blasts are easy enough to replacate but technique's like air scooter, air pillars as well as that air wheel tenzin uses are very hard for the current him, and dont even get him started on flight or cloud bending, the first time he tried he had to shoot an powerful air gust from his hands to save him self from a second death.

From that moment on he focused the more basic side of bending before moving to to advanced moves, he also has been keeping himself in good shape by running around the city while airbending himself (A.N dont come for me you guys I dont believe in 10 year olds with 8 packs and swimmer body's sorry not sorry even in an story with enhanced humans like avatar)

Besides training his life at the orphanage was better, well better in the way that the bullying stoped completely of course the looks the bending kids gave him told him that they still wanted to beat him up but sister lily has been keeping a sharp eye on the kids not letting any incidents happen while she's on watch the other caregivers who didn't care or even secretly agreed with the status quo gave her weird looks but didn't ask because it would look bad on them as caregivers.

On top of that sister lily is like the bread and butter for this place, anything breaks she will make it her mission to fix it, anytype of conflict whether it's between the kids or the adults she's always the first one to mediate and help come to a solution, and even if you just need someone to talk to she's there to listen, there is no doubt that this place would not run well without her here.

But sister lily cant be everywhere and some incidents still happen, and unfortunately there is only one other caregiver who is like-minded with sister lily but she's an older woman and is about to retire which will only leave sister lily to stop the injustice.

What sister lily fails to understand or tries to ingnore is the fact that in this world along with any other world even jon's pervious world is ran on the wims of the powerful, no one cares for the weak and non influential and those who do try to change things will always meet opposition from all sides if they challange the status quo.

Even amon knew that challenging the benders would require power, thats why he invested so heavily in chi blocker training and technology, the world just isn't fair and thats how it was and will always be.

Jon pov


I woke up around 6 in the morning, its a habit I picked up so i could have some privacy for my lung training and meditation, I uses to meditate in my room but after experimenting I discovered that I make more progress when doing it surrounded by nature.

As I sat down in front of the big tree in the center of the backyard area of the orphnage suddenly I felt a chill run up my neck and rolled away from the tree as a water whip struck where I was previously sitting.

" hey guys look jon finally learned how to dodge" lee said he looked at me with mockery

"Hey maybe he'll try to fight back again like the last time" li said with a chuckle

"Come on guys lets make this quick, its only a matter of time before sister lily replaces the lightbulbs in the cafeteria and comes to his rescue" lei said as he took a combat stance

Lei,li,and lee are a trio of benders notorious in the orphnage for their constant bullying of others they think are weaker than them or those they simply didnt like, they didn't care who it was wether or not they were a bender or not but they tend to go harder on the non bending kids.

But they used to go the hardest on me, not only was I not a bender at the time I was also the top student in class and sister lily's obvious favorite, sister lily is without a dout the prettiest woman in this place so the boys and med are clearly infactuated with her, but because of her religious oaths she won't marry, or date, and will remain a virgin for life.

In light of this most of the boys and men try to at least earn her favor, hell some of those simps even bring her lunch and different types of jewelry, unfortunately for them sister Lily isn't the type of woman who likes having all the attention on her and being treated like a princess so when she comes across a boy who doesn't act the way the others do towards her of course she's drawn to him.

The original jon was wary of every bender before he got to know sister lily, after sistet lily managed to get jon to trust her they became friends and would talk frequently, this of course angered her simp squad which lead to even harsher beatings and less caregivers willing to stop it.

"Oh great it the loser squad" I said as I deadpaned at them

"Hum? When did you get so brave? Did sister lily's protection get to your head?" Li said as the three boys surrounded me

"Look at his dumb face its clear he thinks he's better than us because sister lily is always around him talking and laughing, they are probably laughing at us" lee said with a snarl

"Doesn't matter we'll just keep beating him up until sister lily finally see's that besides his smarts he isn't anything special" lei said as he stomped the ground and sent rocks at my blind spot

I effortlessly dodged the rocks causing all of them to frown

"So you've learned how to run, that wont save you" li said as he shot fire at me

But again i dodged his attack like it was nothing and

"Is that the best you got?" I said with a mocking grin on my face

"What did you say you bastard-" li said befor he was interupted by lee

"Guys we don't have time for this lets just attack him together" lee said as they attacked all at once

All three of them lanches their attacks at me but this time i didn't dodge i summoned a ball of air to shield me right before the attacks hit me causing an explosion

"W-what why didn't he dodge it" li asked worriedly

"I- I dont wanna go to jail" lei said with tears forming on his eyes

"We got carried away let's run-" lee said but before he could finish the boys noticed the smoke began to swirl around the area before beginning to dissipate

I was standing there in the center of the explosion site with an air dome surrounding me causing the boys and the rest of the kids and adults who came at the sound of the explosion to gasp

"Jon is an airbender!" One of the kids shouted and the others began to whisper and point at him

" Well if you guys are done its my turn" I said blasting li with an air palm causing him to slam against the tree and causing him to go unconscious on impact

"Wahhhhh" lei said as he turned around to run way, however as he was running he felt him self being lifted in the air, he looked doen and saw a snall tornado underneath his feet, I was moving my hands in a circular than lifted my arms in the air and the tornado shot lei a few feet in the air before dissipated causing lei to fall to the ground with a loud cracking sound.

"Ahhhhhhhh" lei screamed at the top of his lungs as. As he held his limp arm that was clearly broken causing the people who were watching to gasp and some even looled away

"And then their was one" I said as I looked towards lee who was gritting his teeth in rage

"Hmph you think your strong? They were just my lackey's I'm the strongest bender in this place" lee said as he shot water towards me

"You mean "were" the strongest" i said as i dodged attack after attack until he tired out

I walked up to him as he was on his hands and knees breathing heavily as he looked up ro glare at me

"Hey lee do you remember all the times you and your goons would beat me even if i begged you to stop?" I said with a sinister smile

"Just you wait when I catch my breath ill-" lee couldn't finish because I kicked him in the gut with an air enhanced kick causing him to fly up a foot off the air and landed on his back causing the air to escape from his lungs.

I sat on his chest and began to punch him in the face repeatedly, after about 5 minutes I felt someone slap me, I turned around in a rage until i saw who stopped me

" jon thats enough Look at what youve done!" Sister lily yelled as she pointed downwards

I looked down and gasped as I saw lee's unrecognizable face bloodied and brused, if it wasn't for me feeling his chest rising up and down I would have assumed he was dead.

"Oh shit, I think i blacked out there" I said with a frown as I looked at my fists that were covered in blood

"Come on lets get you cleaned up" sister lily said as she grabbed my hand without hesitation and dragged me in the building, the crowd that were watching cleared a path at breakneck speeds while whispering and looking at me with fear.

Sister lily dragged me to the bathroom and helped my clean my hands.

"Sister I-" I began but was cut of by sister lily

"You dont need to explain anything to me jon, I understand" sister lily said with a warm smile

"While I don't condone violence especially when it goes too far, I also understand why you lost yourself out there" sister lily said

"Yea" i said with a frown "I honestly don't know what came over me, after the first punch I kinda zoned out" I said while clenching my fists

Sister lily than turned to me with a serious face and said "jon listen to me, I understand the life of a orphan isnt easy and now that people know about you're prowess its only going to get harder, but please, dont ever let hatred cloud your mind again, it never ends well" sister lily says with a reminiscent look on her face

"Ok sister, and thanks for always having my back" I said with a genuine smile

"No problem jon, I'll leave you to get cleaned up" sister lily said as she left the room

Sister lily pov


After I left jon alone I couldn't help but worry about him, I've seen that look before in peoples eyes when he was beating lee, I always knew he was a vengeful boy but I didn't know it was that bad, I hope he takes my advice to heart.

As I continued to walk I over heard some of the other orphanage staff talking about jon

"Hehe who knew jon was a bender let alone an airbender" one man said

"Yea but I thought airbenders were suppose to be ya know peaceful and kind, the way he beat those boys was just brutal" a random coward said

"Ah who gives a shit those little fuckers had it comming, you know exactly how they treat the other kids it was truly just a matter of time" a third more gruff voice said with a chuckle

"I guess that's why that stuck up bitch is always around him she must be trying to suck up to him so he'll take her out of this shit hole in the future" the first guy said thoughtful

"Hey sister lily isn't like that take that back!" The coward yelled

"Uh oh looks like this guy is apart of her fan club hehe, give it up even if she wasn't under oath she wouldn't go for a coward like you" the gruff man said while he and the first guy started laughing

"Whatever" the coward said with his head down

"Anyways back to jon, I heard that one of the caregivers is going to sell the info about him to the triple triad" the first guy said with a serious tone

"Oh damn why didn't I think about that" the gruff man said while slapping his forehead

"Well, their are other smaller gangs you can sell the info to, or better yet sell it to a radio station or a politician I'm sure they'd pay everyone would want an airbender that isn't related to tenzin or the nomads under their wing" the coward said showing surprising intelligence

"Hey your right, I heard a rumor down the grape vine that senator tarrlok is corrupt as corrupt can get lets go after our shifts and see if we can get some extra money in our pockets" the first man said as they went back to work

"Goddamit" I cursed before catching myself and drawing a cross over my chest and then running out of the orphanage to the police station as fast as I could.


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