The council chamber held its breath as members filed back in, the air thick with tension after the confrontation in the Hokage's office. Though Danzo's absence was notable, a representative on his behalf stood behind his chair, with the ROOT agent showing no emotion at the powerful figures who filled the room.
Minato resumed his position at the head of the chamber, his face carefully neutral despite the clash moments before. Tsunade stood rather than took a seat, her presence commanding attention even without the display of raw power she'd demonstrated upstairs.
Everyone present had felt the Chakra fluctuations, with them curious about why the issue of the Senju Clan's reemergence had caused such a heated scene between the new Hokage and Lady Tsunade.
"The council will now resume." Minato announced, his voice steady. "We must address Lady Tsunade's proposal to reinstate the Senju clan as an independent entity within Konoha."
Hiashi Hyuga rose first, his pale eyes surveying the room. "The Hyuga clan supports this motion. The Senju's techniques and knowledge are too valuable to remain dispersed. Their return as a unified clan would strengthen Konoha considerably."
"The Uchiha concur." Fugaku added, standing as well. "History has shown that our village's greatest achievements came when its founding clans worked in concert. The Senju's absence has left a void that integration has not filled. The Uchiha have a long and storied history with the Senju, allowing the only Clan that was acknowledged as our rival to disappear in the annals of time."
Hiashi simply gave a stiff glance towards the Uchiha Patriarch at the backhanded insult, though he simply disregarded it with a snort.
Chōza Akimichi exchanged glances with his longtime allies before rising. "The Akimichi clan also supports this proposal. Furthermore, we believe this restructuring could revitalize our village's defensive capabilities."
"A message has arrived from Elder Danzo." the ROOT agent announced from behind the chair. He presented a sealed scroll to Minato, who read it aloud.
"'In my absence, I cast my vote in favor of the Senju clan's reinstatement. The strength of Konoha lies in its ability to adapt while honoring its foundations.' Signed and sealed by Danzo Shimura."
Homura adjusted his glasses, clearly disturbed by his longtime ally's position. "This is highly irregular. The integration policy was put in place by the Second Hokage himself."
"And I am his last living direct descendant." Tsunade countered. "I know better than most what my grand-uncle intended. Times have changed. The village must evolve."
Shikaku Nara leaned forward, his scarred face thoughtful. "The political implications aside, we should consider the practical benefits. The Senju clan's medical techniques alone could revolutionize our hospital system. More specifically, having Lady Tsunade in the Village to do so will do that."
"The Inuzuka support this motion." Tsume declared, her clan markings stark against her serious expression. "Strong clans make a strong village. The Senju's return would remind everyone why Konoha has always been feared and respected."
The Inuzuka were common to favor in-laws and rulings that benefitted the Clans, and if the power from the return of the Senju would weaken the Village Governance, she wouldn't decline.
Hiruzen watched the proceedings with growing concern, though he kept his expression neutral. He had hoped that the loyalists on their side would help prevent the act from passing, but that didn't seem to be the case.
"We must consider the precedent this sets," Koharu argued. "Other integrated clans may demand similar treatment."
"The Senju are unique in this regard." Fugaku countered. "They were not merely a founding clan - they were the heart of Konoha's formation. Their techniques, their philosophy, their very blood runs through this village's veins."
Inoichi Yamanaka stood, his presence drawing attention. The Yamanaka clan's support could sway many of the neutral smaller clans. "The Yamanaka support this proposal, with one condition: that the reconstituted Senju clan commits to maintaining their historical alliance with Konoha's other founding clans."
Tsunade nodded. "The Senju have always honored their alliances. That will not change."
One by one, other clan heads rose to voice their support. The Aburame, citing the logical benefits of consolidated knowledge. The Sarutobi, acknowledging the historical precedent. Even several smaller clans aligned themselves with the motion, sensing the shifting political winds.
Minato surveyed the chamber, his tactical mind assessing the situation. With four of the five founding clans in agreement, along with the support of both the Conservative and Neutral factions, the motion would pass regardless of his position. The question now was how to maintain village stability through this transition.
"If this motion passes." he began carefully, "There must be clear guidelines for clan membership and integration. We cannot allow this process to destabilize the village."
"Agreed." Tsunade replied. "I propose a transition council, with representatives from each founding clan, to oversee the process. All claims of Senju heritage will be verified through both bloodline testing and historical records."
Hiashi nodded approvingly. "The Hyuga can assist with verification procedures. Our records of Konoha's bloodlines are extensive."
"The Uchiha will contribute as well." Fugaku added. "Our archives contain detailed accounts of early village history and clan relationships. We also possess blood tests from all those who have come through the KPF. We will ensure that that anyone who makes the claim is properly verified."
The chamber's atmosphere had shifted from tense confrontation to purposeful collaboration. Even those who had initially opposed the motion now sought ways to ensure its successful implementation upon seeing that it would pass without question.
'I guess Kushina will be happy.' Minato tried to reassure himself in his mind before envisioning his time with Naruto later.
"Then let us put it to a formal vote." Minato announced. "The motion before us is to reinstate the Senju as an independent clan within Konoha, with all associated rights and responsibilities, under the leadership of Tsunade Senju."
The voting process proceeded with ceremonial gravity, each clan head rising in turn to cast their vote. The weight of history hung heavy in the chamber as centuries-old alliances realigned themselves.
"The Hyuga vote in favor." Hiashi declared, his formal tone befitting the moment's significance.
"The Uchiha vote in favor." Fugaku stated, meeting Tsunade's gaze with quiet approval.
"The Akimichi, and our allies the Nara and Yamanaka, vote in favor." Chōza announced, speaking for the triumvirate that had long been a cornerstone of village politics.
One by one, the other clans voiced their support. The Inuzuka's passionate endorsement. The Aburame's logical assent. The Sarutobi's historical acknowledgment. Even smaller clans, traditionally hesitant to oppose the major powers, aligned themselves with the motion.
Danzo's written support carried the Conservative Faction, despite Koharu's reservations. The scroll bearing his seal sat prominently on Minato's desk, a reminder of how the village's most steadfast traditionalist had chosen to embrace change.
When the final tally was counted, the result was clear. Four of the five founding clans, along with an overwhelming majority of Konoha's other clans, had voted in favor. The motion had passed with a mandate that could not be ignored.
Minato rose, his face composed despite the effective overruling of his earlier opposition. "The motion carries. The Senju clan is hereby reinstated as an independent entity within Konoha, under the leadership of Tsunade Senju."
He turned to address Tsunade directly. "You will have one month to establish clan infrastructure and begin the process of membership verification. The transition council will convene tomorrow to set guidelines and procedures."
Tsunade nodded, the victory tempered by the weight of responsibility it carried. "The Senju clan accepts these terms. We will honor our historical alliances while embracing our role in Konoha's future."
"There is one final matter." Hiashi interjected. "The hospital directorship."
"Granted without objection." Minato replied smoothly. "Lady Tsunade's medical expertise is unquestioned. The hospital will benefit from her leadership."
As the meeting drew to a close, the political implications were already rippling through the chamber. The reinstatement of the Senju clan would reshape Konoha's political landscape for generations to come. Just the fact that another of the few Clans capable of calling a court to impeach the Hokage would bring shockwaves.
Hiruzen caught Tsunade's eye as she prepared to leave. His expression held a complex mixture of concern, pride, and resignation. She had outmaneuvered them all, using the village's own political structure to achieve what force could not.
'To make the statement during an ongoing meeting was truly intelligent. If she had this sort of political acumen 10 years ago, I could have retired long ago.' Hiruzen thought to himself as he smoked his pipe.
"The transition council will convene tomorrow at noon." Minato announced. "Clan heads, please select your representatives. This meeting is adjourned."
As the chamber began to empty, Tsunade remained standing, her presence still commanding attention. She had won more than just a political victory - she had reclaimed her heritage, her legacy, and her place in the village's future.
On the Hokage's mountain, Hashirama's stone visage seemed to look down on the village with new interest, as if awakening to the changes stirring in the foundations he had laid.
Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new alliances, and new conflicts. But for now, the village held its breath, waiting to see how this historic shift would reshape their world.
In his office, far from the political maneuvering, Danzo smiled faintly as he received word of the vote's outcome.
He then looked up at his watch, and upon seeing the time, his smile grew wider.
"Time to go scar children again."
[Author's Corner:
Hey guys!! I'm back! Finally done with finals. Grades come out tomorrow, so depending on how it looks, you may get a bonus chapter.
I also chose the winner of my contest last week, I'll be doing my best to get in contact with them. If I'm unable to, I'll post them in the next chapter.
So folks,
Did Aokiji lose do to being weaker or elemental disadvantage?]
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