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66.17% Convict to King / Chapter 90: Fashion Show PT 1

Chương 90: Fashion Show PT 1

When Jarad finished, there was a moment of stunned silence before Jahseh stepped forward. His voice was intense as he launched into his own freestyle.

"Fuck change, I'm a product of this pain

Abandoned child, mama's shame, daddy's disdain…

Streets raised me, violence my only friend…

Nightmares and scars, will this shit ever end?

Anger's my fuel, rage is all I know

Fists clenched tight, always ready to blow

Family? What family? I only know betrayal

Trust no one, love no one, that's the moral of this tale"

Building on the themes with a darker edge. He rapped about pain, anger, and a difficult past.

"Wanna kill these demons but they're part of me

Fucked up youth, fucked up dreams, can't you see?

Scream at the mirror, who the fuck is staring back?

A monster, a victim, a heart that's pitch black

Mama couldn't handle me, passed me around like a blunt

Kindness feels foreign, leaves me fucking blind

Wanna change? Nah, too far gone for that shit

This pain, this anger, it's all that feels legit

Family's just a word, doesn't mean shit to me

Broken home, broken bones, that's my reality

Wanna fucking kill the past, bury it six feet under

But it haunts me every night, like distant fucking thunder"

As Jahseh's verses grew more raw and emotional, a few in the room shifted uncomfortably. But Arell smoothly transitioned the melody to match Jahseh's energy, providing a backdrop for his powerful words.

"Change? That's for people who have something to lose

I've been losing since birth, this ain't something I choose

Toxic? I'm fucking radioactive

This pain, this rage, it's all that keeps me active

Yeah, I'm fucked up, product of my environment

But don't you dare pity me, I'll fucking end this shit

Change might come, but not without a fight

Cause darkness is all I've known, my only fucking light"

When Jahseh finished, Arell nodded appreciatively. "Damn, that's some real shit right there."

The impromptu performance had created a somber mood, but it soon lifted as the group dispersed to explore the villa and play games. Arell and Geoffrey pulled Jahseh, Jarad, and Stokeley aside to discuss business.

"So, about those contracts," Arell began. "We'd need to get your parents to sign off since you're all minors."

Jarad and Stokeley nodded, but Jahseh tensed up. "That might be a problem. My parents aren't really in the picture."

Geoffrey stepped in. "Don't worry about that. We can pay them a visit and sort it out."

As they continued discussing logistics, Arell's mind wandered to his upcoming mixtape. He had a bunch of songs to choose from, but he'd purposely kept them all in the 80-90 range quality-wise. He knew he could push them higher, but he was playing the long game.

If he became known as a consistent hitmaker right out of the gate, that's what would always be expected. And what happens when a mixtape is the same quality as an album? There's no wow factor left. No, he'd save his best for later, building anticipation and leaving room to grow.


As they sat around the table, the contracts laid out in neat stacks, Arell and Geoffrey explained the terms.

"So, you guys will get 10k upfront," Geoffrey said, pointing to the clause. "And we'll split 40% of everything. When your first song hits 100k streams, you'll get an additional 30k."

Jarad, Stokeley and Jahseh listened intently. Jarad seemed the most eager, though he tried to mask it with a casual demeanor. Stokeley looked thoughtful, while Jahseh maintained a guarded expression.

"We'll also cover essentials if you guys need food or anything," Geoffrey added. "And you'll have access to production facilities in Atlanta, marketing support, and artist development programs."

Juice nodded, unable to hide his excitement. "This sounds amazing, man. Like a real opportunity."

Arell smiled. "That's the idea. We want to see you all succeed."

Jahseh glanced at the contract again. "And what about creative control? Do we get to make our own decisions?"

Geoffrey nodded. "Absolutely. We believe in your vision. We'll offer guidance and support, but your creative direction is paramount."

Stokeley leaned back, nodding slowly. "This sounds good. Real good."

Geoffrey handed them the contracts. "You'll need your parents to sign off since you're all minors."

Jarad's mother, Carmela, was the first to sign. She beamed with pride as she put pen to paper, thrilled at the opportunities opening up for her son.

Stokeley's stepfather, Tramaine, took the contract and read it carefully before signing. "You take care of him, Arell. He's got a lot of potential."

Arell nodded. "I promise."

With those signatures secured, the group headed out in the SUV. Geoffrey, Cam, Rashad, Tariq, and Arell, with Jahseh in the backseat.

The mood shifted as they neared Jahseh's neighborhood.

"It's just up here," Jahseh muttered, pointing to the familiar dilapidated building. His eyes darted around nervously as he led them up a narrow flight of stairs to a small apartment. He knocked on the door, a sense of unease evident in his posture.

A woman in her early forties opened the door. She looked tired, her eyes dull and lifeless. "What do you want, Jahseh?" she asked, her voice weary.

Jahseh took a deep breath. "Ma, these guys are with me. I need you to sign something."

She eyed the group suspiciously. "What's this about?"

Geoffrey stepped forward, offering a warm smile. "Mrs. Onfroy, my name's Arell. We're from Infinity. We want to sign Jahseh to our label, help him get his music out there."

She snorted. "Music? That's what this is about?"

Jahseh's face flushed with anger. "Yeah, Ma. Music. The thing I've been working on for years."

She sighed and opened the door wider. "Come in, then."

The apartment was small and cluttered, the air heavy with a sense of neglect. As they stepped inside, Arell noticed the peeling paint on the walls and the threadbare furniture. They sat down at the kitchen table, the contract spread out before them.

Geoffrey explained the terms once again, emphasizing the support and benefits Jahseh would receive. Mrs. Onfroy listened, her expression filled with skepticism and resignation.

"And this is legit?" she asked, her eyes flicking to Jahseh. "You're not getting involved in something shady?"

Geoffrey nodded. "It's all above board, ma'am. We want to see Jahseh succeed."

Before she could respond, a man appeared from the hallway, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "What's going on here?" he demanded, his tone aggressive.

"This is Jahseh's business," Mrs. Onfroy said, her voice trembling slightly.

The man stepped closer, glaring at Arell and Geoffrey. "I don't trust you guys. What's really going on?"

Arell felt the tension rise. He glanced at Geoffrey, who gave a subtle nod. Reaching into his jacket, Arell flashed the grip of his gun, just enough for the man to see. "We're here for Jahseh," Arell said calmly. "There's no trouble unless you make it."

The man's eyes widened, and he took a step back, the aggression draining from his posture. "Alright, alright. Just making sure."

Mrs. Onfroy, visibly shaken, signed the contract. "Take care of my boy," she whispered.

As they left the apartment, Jahseh looked visibly lighter, the weight of his past momentarily lifted. They piled back into the SUV, but Arell couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

His mind raced, conflicting emotions churning inside him. He'd seen scenes like this play out countless times before - the run-down apartments, the tense family dynamics, the desperation barely masked by suspicion. But something about Jahseh's situation struck a deeper chord.

Once they were all settled and the vehicle began to move, Arell turned to Jahseh. "Hey," he began cautiously, "I don't want to overstep, but... your mom. Is she doing okay? I mean, is she..." He trailed off, unsure how to delicately phrase his question.

Jahseh's face hardened for a moment before he let out a long sigh. "She's... she's got her issues, you know? Some days are better than others. Drugs, mostly. It's been that way for a while."

Arell nodded, a familiar ache in his chest. He'd grown up seeing similar struggles, friends and family members caught in cycles of addiction and poverty. "Listen, Jahseh," he said, his voice low and serious, "I know we just met, but I want you to know something. If you want, I can help get her out of there. Get her into a program, set her up somewhere safer. It's not charity, it's family taking care of family. And you're Infinity family now."

Jahseh's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of hope quickly replaced by wariness. "For real? You'd do that?"

"In a heartbeat," Arell confirmed. "And not just for her. We're gonna get you out of there too. No more worrying about where you're gonna sleep or if the lights are gonna stay on. You focus on your music, on building your future. We'll handle the rest."

For a moment, Jahseh's tough exterior cracked, revealing the vulnerable teenager beneath. His voice was barely above a whisper when he spoke. "I... I don't know what to say, man. That's... that would mean everything."

Arell could see the conflict in Jahseh's eyes - the desperate desire to help his mother warring with….disappointment and hurt? It was a complex relationship, one that couldn't be easily fixed with money or opportunities. But Arell understood that despite everything, there was still love there, buried beneath layers of pain and resentment.

"Look," Arell continued, "I know it's complicated with family. Especially when there's been a lot of hurt. But if you want to give her a chance, we can make it happen. No pressure, though. This is your call."

Jahseh was quiet for a long moment, staring out the window at the passing neighborhood. When he finally spoke, his voice was thick with emotion. "Yeah... yeah, I think I want that. For her. She's still my mom, you know? Even after everything. I just... I want her to be okay."

Arell nodded, understanding the weight of Jahseh's words. "We'll make it happen, then. One step at a time. First priority is getting you set up somewhere safe, then we'll work on helping your mom. Sound good?"

Jahseh agreed, and they made their way back to the villa. As they entered the property, Arell turned to Jahseh, Jarad, and Stokeley. "Listen, you guys are welcome to stay here until I head back to Atlanta. Consider this your temporary home base. Enjoy yourselves and I'll make sure to rent out a studio for ya'll."

The young artists' eyes lit up at the prospect. Jahseh, in particular, seemed to visibly relax, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Arell pulled Geoffrey aside. "We need to talk about tomorrow's fashion show. What am I wearing?"

Geoffrey grinned. "Actually, we've got an appointment with a Puma designer in about an hour. They're eager to work with us, and they want to kit you out for the show."

Arell raised an eyebrow. "Petrick really looking out for us, huh? Alright, I'm intrigued. Let's do it."

They hopped back in the SUV and headed to a modern building in the heart of Miami's design district. Inside, they were greeted by a tall, slender woman with bright blue hair and an eclectic sense of style.

"Arell, Geoffrey, welcome!" she exclaimed. "I'm Zoe, lead designer for Puma's urban streetwear line. We're thrilled to work with Infinity on this."

She led them to a private showroom filled with racks of clothing and shoes. "I've pulled some pieces I think will really make a statement. Shall we get started?"

For the next hour, Arell tried on various combinations of clothing, with Zoe and Geoffrey offering opinions. They started with some more conventional choices - designer jeans and button-ups - but Arell wasn't feeling it.

"Nah, this ain't it," he said, shaking his head. "I need something edgier, something that screams casual but unordinary."

Zoe's eyes lit up. "I have just the thing." She disappeared into the back and returned with an armful of clothes.

First, she handed him a pair of black cargo pants with multiple pockets and zippers. The material was a high-tech blend that looked almost liquid in the light. "These are from our upcoming tech-wear collection. Not even on the market yet."

Next came a black, oversized t-shirt made of a breathable, slightly shimmery fabric. Over that, she layered a cropped black leather jacket.

For shoes, she brought out a pair of chunky-soled sneakers in black and silver. "These are a collaboration with a Japanese streetwear brand. They won't hit stores for months."

As Arell tried on the outfit, Zoe pulled out one last piece - a bright yellow Infinity logo t-shirt that had been acid-washed with pink, creating a unique, eye-catching effect.

"Let's layer this under the jacket," she suggested. "It'll add that pop of color and brand recognition."

Arell looked at himself in the mirror, turning to see the outfit from all angles. The black base layers were tough and edgy, while the Infinity shirt added a bold splash of color.

"Now this," he said with a grin, "this is what I'm talking about."

Geoffrey nodded approvingly. "It's perfect. Edgy, fashion-forward, but still true to your style and the Infinity brand."

Zoe clapped her hands excitedly. "I'm so glad you like it! Oh, and I have one more option I'd love for you to try." She pulled out a floral print shirt in soft pastels. "This could be a softer, more approachable look..."

Arell cut her off with a laugh. "Hell no. No offense, Zoe, but flowers ain't my thing. I appreciate the thought, but I gotta stay true to my style."

Zoe nodded, not at all offended. "Of course, I understand. The edgier look suits you much better anyway."


The next day arrived with a buzz of excitement in the air. As the sun began to set, two SUVs pulled up to the Faena Forum, the venue for the highly anticipated fashion show. The brands featuring tonight were some of Miami's finest: Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada, Rene Ruiz, and Fernando Alberto Atelier.

Arell stepped out of the first SUV, adjusting his edgy jacket. He was flanked by - Cam, Devon, Malik, and Kenny, - all dressed to impress. Geoffrey exited the second vehicle, looking sharp in a tailored suit, the others following in his steps.

The energy outside the venue was electric. Photographers' flashes lit up the night, and the chatter of the crowd created a constant hum of excitement. As they made their way towards the entrance, Arell could feel eyes on him, curious glances from people trying to place where they knew him from.

"Man, this is wild," Devon said, his eyes wide as he took in the scene. "Never thought I'd be at something like this."

Rashad nodded in agreement. "For real."

Geoffrey, walking slightly ahead of the group, turned back with a smile. "This is just the beginning, gentlemen. Wait until you see what's inside."

As they entered the forum, the grandeur of the event hit them full force. The space was transformed into a dazzling display of lights, music, and fashion. Models and celebrities mingled with industry insiders, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

"Yo, this is insane," Tariq whispered, clearly in awe.

Arell was about to respond when he heard a familiar voice. "Arell! Geoffrey! Glad you could make it."

They turned to see Craig Kellman approaching, a wide smile on his face. Craig shook hands with Geoffrey, then Arell.

"Craig, good to see you," Geoffrey said warmly. "Thanks for having us."

"Of course, of course," Craig replied. "How are you enjoying the villa? And Florida in general?"

Arell grinned. "It's been great, man. Really appreciate the hospitality."

Craig nodded approvingly. "Excellent. I love it here myself. Can't imagine being anywhere else." He glanced around the room. "Make sure you mingle, Arell. Lots of important people here tonight. Could be some good connections for you to make."

With a final handshake, Craig moved on to greet other guests. Geoffrey led the group to their assigned seating area, a prime spot with an excellent view of the runway.

As they settled in, Kenny nudged Arell's arm. "Yo, isn't that your girl over there?"

Arell followed Kenny's gaze to see India Love sitting a few rows away, surrounded by a group of people. She looked stunning in a sleek designer dress, but her expression was one of boredom as she scrolled through her phone.

"Yeah, that's her," Arell confirmed, his tone neutral.

Cam leaned in. "Isn't that The Game sitting near her? I thought she told you they weren't dating."

Arell shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "She said it's just for publicity."

As if sensing their attention, India looked up from her phone. Her eyes met Arell's, and for a moment, he felt a familiar flutter in his chest. She smiled, her face lighting up, and began to make her way over to their group.

Arell found himself of two minds as he watched her approach. On one hand, he'd been considering making things official with India. They had chemistry, but moments like this - seeing her with other celebrities, the games of publicity and image - made him doubt whether it was the right move.

"Hey, stranger," India said as she reached them, her voice warm. "I was hoping I'd see you here."

Arell stood to greet her, giving her a quick hug. "Hey, India. You look amazing."

She beamed at the compliment. "Thanks! You're not looking too bad yourself. This outfit is fire."

As they chatted, Arell could feel his crew watching the interaction closely. He knew they had their opinions about his relationship with India, but they kept their thoughts to themselves for now.

"So, are you excited for the show?" India asked, her hand resting lightly on Arell's arm.

"Yeah, should be interesting," Arell replied. "First time at one of these."

India's eyes widened. "Oh, you're in for a treat! These designers are incredible."

As the excitement for the upcoming show buzzed around them, Arell found himself deep in conversation with India. He couldn't help but notice how stunning she looked, her curves accentuated by her designer dress. She sat close to him, her perfume a subtle but intoxicating presence.

"So, you were only in Atlanta for three days?" Arell asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

India nodded, her hand resting lightly on his arm. "Yeah, I had some other commitments come up. You know how it is in this industry."

Arell wanted to ask about her appearance with The Game, but he bit his tongue. He didn't want to come across as insecure or possessive, especially considering that they weren't offically dating.

Suddenly, Cam leaned in close to Arell's ear. "Heads up, man. The Game's headed this way."

Arell looked up to see The Game approaching, flanked by an entourage and security. The rapper's face was unreadable as he made his way over. Arell and his crew straightened up, while India remained in her seat, watching the interaction with interest.

The Game reached them, his demeanor surprisingly friendly. "Arell, my man. Good to see you here."

He extended his hand for a dap, which Arell returned smoothly. "Yeah, good to be here," Arell replied, his voice neutral.

"Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you," The Game continued. "Your music is fire, bro. Really appreciate what you're doing in the game."

Arell nodded, noticing a hint of nervousness in The Game's eyes despite his confident exterior. "Thanks, man. That means a lot coming from you."

The Game glanced around before leaning in slightly. "Hey, you mind if we grab a private word after the event? Just want to clear the air about some things."

"Sure, we can do that," Arell agreed, maintaining his cool demeanor.

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