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94.06% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 206: Chapter 206

Chương 206: Chapter 206

"Shiki....!!!" A blood-curdling cry tore through the skies as Big Mom finally laid her eyes on the devastation and carnage that Golden Lion Shiki had wrought throughout Totto Land. Rage—pure, unadulterated rage—coursed through every cell of her body.

Despite returning with all haste, it had taken her close to three weeks to reach her territory, and her once pristine base was now unrecognizable. Whole Cake Island wasn't even a whole island anymore; more than two-thirds of it had sunk into the sea.

The destruction was unimaginable. The towering cake-shaped structures that once stood proudly were reduced to rubble, their sugary remains scattered across the crumbled landscape. The once vibrant and bustling Sweet City was now a ghost town, its streets cracked and flooded.

The chocolate fountains had dried up, and the candy trees lay uprooted. The air was thick with smoke and the stench of burnt confectionery, a grim reminder of the havoc Shiki had unleashed.

Big Mom's children, who had followed her to besiege Dressrosa, flinched at the murderous bloodlust emanating from Mama. Most of them unconsciously took a step back, not wanting to feel her wrath. It was well-known that she would vent her anger on anyone in such a situation.

This was a blatant insult, a slap in the face. Only recently had she gained her title as an Emperor of the Sea, and now Shiki had proven that even the Emperors were prey in this vast ocean. Big Mom's mind raced, trying to piece together how it had come to this. Just then, a group of her children, who had been left behind to guard the territory, approached, all battered and bruised.

The Charlotte siblings had lost three members during the assault, and Daifuku, who had been left in charge, was severely injured. He had only awoken a week ago after falling in the defense against Shiki's forces.

"Mama..." Daifuku started, his face etched with guilt. Though he had no chance against someone of Shiki's caliber, he felt responsible. He had approached Mama to apologize, but what he didn't know was that the moment she laid her eyes on the incompetent son who had allowed her base to fall to ruins, she snapped.

To Big Mom, someone who was not useful, even if it was her own child, needed to be dealt with. Such a major blunder could not go unpunished; if not, the rest of her children might think that failure wouldn't have consequences.

"Mama... I tried, but I couldn't save my siblings..." Before Daifuku could explain the situation, Katakuri, who stood nearby, sensed the impending danger. His eyes widened in sheer terror, and his body moved unconsciously, his entire form infused with Haki.

"Boom!!" A devastating punch landed on Katakuri as he took the blow meant for Daifuku. The attack was launched with the intent to kill. Big Mom's eyes were red, filled with anger, and there was no room for mercy. If not for Katakuri's observation Haki allowing him to see the future, Daifuku would have been killed.

"Big brother..." many of the siblings cried out, rushing to help Katakuri, who had crashed into the now ruined buildings of Whole Cake Island. But a sudden burst of Conqueror's Haki made them all freeze in place. Daifuku stood there, not understanding what was going on because everything had happened in an instant.

"Mamamama!" Big Mom roared. "Katakuriiii... are you defying my will?" She took a step toward Daifuku, who stood frozen in place. The sheer bloodlust made everyone understand that Big Mom truly wanted to kill Daifuku. Big Mom had been cruel and harsh before, but never had she tried to kill her children. Today, it seemed she was dead set on killing Daifuku for failing to defend Totto Land.

As Big Mom brought down her arm to crush Daifuku, Katakuri launched himself from the rubble, his head bleeding. If there was one thing that could supersede his loyalty to Big Mom, it was his love for his siblings.

Katakuri once again crossed his arms, taking the blow that cracked the entire ground he stood on. Behind him, Daifuku was barely able to keep his consciousness as Mama's overwhelming Conqueror's Haki burst out in waves, pink lightning tearing through the already devastated island.

"Mama, you need to stop this. You know that Shiki is not someone my siblings could have stopped," he tried to reason with Big Mom, who was hell-bent on killing Daifuku.

Katakuri's feet sank into the ground, and he struggled to keep Big Mom's hand from descending on his brother, who was now kneeling on the ground behind him. The tension was palpable, and the atmosphere crackled with the immense power of Big Mom's fury.

"Katakuri, move aside!" Big Mom bellowed, her voice shaking the very air. "He failed me, and he must pay!"

"Please, Mama," Katakuri pleaded, his voice strained. "Daifuku did his best. None of us could have predicted Shiki's attack. Punishing him won't bring back what we lost. We need to focus on rebuilding and protecting what remains."

"Best? He should have died trying, but no, these cowards must have run. If they do not have the guts to face the enemy, then there is no need for them to live. Step aside, Katakuri, or do you have a death wish as well?" Big Mom roared, her anger only surging stronger at Katakuri's defiance.

"Mama... Listen to me—" However, before Katakuri could finish, a massive arm slapped him heavily to the side. Despite coating himself with Haki, his bones cracked, and he was shot out like a broken twig.

Though Katakuri had been growing rapidly and had already stepped into the ranks of Admiral-level fighters, he was still no match for Big Mom, who was a league above. Big Mom turned her attention back to Daifuku, who was still trembling on the ground. The injuries he had sustained were severe, making him unable to stand against Big Mom's sheer aura in his present condition.

"Mama... please!!!" Perospero finally picked up the courage, seeing Katakuri desperately trying to save Daifuku's life, but Big Mom ignored everyone. Her massive form loomed over Daifuku.

"Mamamama! Maybe your death would be the lesson the rest of the family needs," she chuckled darkly, reaching her hand to devour the soul of her own son.

Just as her arm was about to reach Daifuku, layer after layer of shields formed around him—a layer of candy, a layer of biscuit, a layer of mochi. The shields kept stacking, and Katakuri, from within the rubble, infused his mochi with Armament Haki.

The other siblings followed Katakuri's lead, infusing the shields with Haki. The siblings who still stood under Big Mom's Conqueror's Haki were some of the strongest cadres, and now they were pouring out their all to save one of their siblings from Big Mom's wrath.

But not all siblings shared similar feelings; some were absolutely loyal to Big Mom, some just didn't care, while the majority were too afraid to act, not wanting to be next.

Seeing many of her children defying her will, Big Mom roared. "Raitei!" she bellowed as a massive lightning bolt struck the dome the siblings had created and tore through it.

"Mamamama! If only you all had put such effort into defending my territory," she chuckled darkly, catching Daifuku by the neck and picking him up. He started gasping for air as she tightened her grip, wanting to suck the lifespan out of him.

"Mama... Nooooo!!" Katakuri, limping, saw in his future sight how Big Mom drained the soul out of his brother, and something deep within his soul stirred as if a primal force awoke within him.

Big Mom, who was about to crush Daifuku, widened her eyes as the surroundings stirred. The entire area, which was filled with her own Conqueror's Haki, now felt a new force pushing against her will.

Katakuri's eyes blazed with fierce wrath and hatred, and an aura unlike any before erupted from him. The air around him crackled with raw energy, and the ground beneath him began to tremble. His Conqueror's Haki surged forth, clashing violently with Big Mom's. The sky above darkened, and the very heavens seemed to respond to the awakening of this new conqueror.

"Enough....!!!" Katakuri's voice boomed, carrying with it a power that resonated deep within the souls of those present. His Haki expanded, pushing back against Big Mom's oppressive aura, creating a shockwave that blasted debris in all directions. Purple lightning pushed back the pink lightning with all its might.

Big Mom's grip on Daifuku loosened as she turned her gaze to Katakuri, a mixture of surprise and anger in her eyes. "Katakuri... you dare defy me?" She snarled, her voice laced with fury as her haki started pushing back on Katakuri's.

Katakuri stood tall, despite his injuries, his presence commanding and unwavering. "I will not let anyone harm our family, Mama. Not anymore..!!."

The clash of their Conqueror's Haki intensified, pink lightning clashed against purple lightning, the ground splitting and the air crackling with the force of their wills. The sheer power of their confrontation sent waves of energy rippling through the ruins of Whole Cake Island, and even the most steadfast of Big Mom's children could feel the seismic shift in the balance of power.

With each passing moment, Katakuri's Haki grew stronger, fueled by his love for his siblings and his unyielding resolve. The atmosphere was electric, and the very essence of his spirit challenged the indomitable will of Big Mom.

"Mamamama! You think you can stand against me, Katakuri? You are nothing compared to me!" Big Mom bellowed, her voice shaking the earth as her Conqueror's haki surged again with ferocity.

"Maybe, maybe not, Mama. But I won't let you destroy what's left of our family. It wasn't his fault, even I wouldn't have stood a chance against Shiki." Katakuri's voice was steady, and his gaze was unwavering. The clash of their conqueror's haki reached a crescendo, the very air vibrating with their power.

In that moment, Katakuri's Conqueror's Haki burst forth in a brilliant display, a wave of indomitable spirit that swept over the battlefield, pushing back Big Mom's aura and enveloping Daifuku in its protective embrace. The ground shook, the sky roared, and the world seemed to hold its breath, bearing witness to the birth of a new conqueror.

Big Mom's anger slackened as a cruel glint appeared in her eyes, momentarily caught off guard by the sheer force of Katakuri's will and his awakening. Her eyes narrowed, a mixture of pride and rage swirling within them. "Very well, Katakuri. You have earned yourself a chance. But remember, this changes nothing. You are still my son, and you will obey me."

Despite his outburst, Katakuri's Haki was being overwhelmed, but the determination in his eyes remained. "I will protect our family, Mama. Even if it means protecting my siblings against you."

Big Mom knew that Katakuri awakening his Conqueror's haki was a double-edged sword. As a user of Conqueror's Haki herself, she understood its rarity and the immense potential it signified. In her eyes, Katakuri's worth skyrocketed. If she were to kill Daifuku now, she would lose Katakuri forever.

But if she could bend Katakuri to her will, she would have a right-hand man who might be able to reach her level in the near future. As long as she kept her other children under control, she could leverage them to keep her prized son in check. After a long contemplation, she decided not to be hasty and lose the gem she had finally uncovered among her children.

"Fine! Katakuri, on behalf of proving yourself to me, I will spare his life for now." Big Mom's words made the siblings sigh in relief. Even Katakuri's Haki slackened as he saw Big Mom back down. But suddenly, a bloodcurdling cry reverberated throughout as, to the terror of everyone, Mama ripped an arm off Daifuku and tossed it aside.

"And that's the lesson for trying to defy me and failing me. Remember, Katakuri, henceforth, every time you try to defy me, your siblings will suffer. Do I make myself clear?" Big Mom chuckled darkly as Daifuku roared in pain, trying to stop the bleeding. Katakuri's eyes filled with rage as he looked at his brother writhing on the floor, but he saw Mama's eyes.

There was a mocking warning, as if daring him to challenge her again. He was certain that if he defied her again, she would turn her wrath on his siblings. His nails dug into his palm, drawing blood, and his jaws tightened, making a creaking noise.

Suddenly, Perospero placed a hand on Katakuri's shoulder. "Don't, Katakuri!" he warned.

Finally, Katakuri bowed his head, and Big Mom's smile widened as she strode away to teach the rest of her creations a lesson for their failure to defend her island and to assess the condition of her territories. She was followed by the children, the ones who were absolutely loyal to her and the ones who were terrified of her.

Big Mom's cruelty was on full display, and her cunning manipulation was evident. She had leveraged Daifuku's suffering to keep Katakuri in check. Katakuri's inner conflict was a storm of emotions. He wanted nothing more than to challenge Big Mom, to stand against her tyranny, but he couldn't do it. The safety of his siblings weighed heavily on him. The image of Daifuku's severed arm was etched into his mind, a constant reminder of the cost of defiance.

As Big Mom walked away, her loyal children in tow, Katakuri fell to his knees beside Daifuku, who was gasping in pain. Perospero quickly used his candy to create a makeshift bandage, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Stay with us, Daifuku," Katakuri murmured, his voice strained with guilt and anger. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Daifuku managed a weak smile. "It's not your fault, brother Katakuri. We all knew the risks."

Katakuri's heart ached with a mix of helplessness and determination. He had to protect his family, but he also had to find a way to stand up to Big Mom's tyranny. For now, though, he had to bide his time and gather his strength. The day would come when he would no longer bow to her will, but for the sake of his siblings, he would endure.


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Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

Dear Readers,

I want to express my deepest gratitude for the constant support you have given my work. Your encouragement and feedback have been invaluable, and I am truly thankful for each one of you.

If possible, I would love to garner even more support through power stones and reviews. Each additional review helps my work reach more readers, and even a single review can make a significant difference. Your support means the world to me, and I am deeply appreciative of every effort you make to help my work grow.

For those who would like to support me further and gain access to more than 55 additional chapters, you can do so on Patreon. Your support there is crucial and greatly appreciated, as it allows me to continue creating and sharing my work with you.

Thank you for your understanding and for being an integral part of this journey. Your presence and support are what make this all possible.

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