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86.75% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 190: Chapter 190

Chương 190: Chapter 190

Tsuru's voice was calm, but there was an underlying intensity that sent chills down the spines of anyone listening. Here was a woman who could command entire fleets, manipulate powerful figures, and wield a power that could bend the will of the strongest.

Elder Saturn's gaze never left the portrait on the front page, where Doflamingo walked out of the flames carrying the severed head of the CP0 agent. To him, it seemed more like a statement, and given how vengeful the brothers were, he knew they would retaliate sooner or later.

From the events at Impel Down, it was evident that the brothers were no longer a threat they could dismiss casually. He then turned his attention to Tsuru, who appeared to want to add something but held back, awaiting permission.

Elder Saturn made a gesture for her to speak her mind. "You have kept track of Doflamingo for the longest under our orders, so speak your mind, Tsuru. We have already tried to kill the brothers once before and failed. This time, they will not sit back. The younger brother is too important for us to lose. We must get Rosinante under our control at any cost."

"What if we were to brainwash Doflamingo, then use him to control his little brother? That way, we will have both brothers under our thumb," Elder Mars suggested.

Tsuru, however, shook her head subconsciously and commented with Saturn's permission, "That would be disastrous, Elder-sama. As much as Doflamingo is a threat, he is also a safeguard. As long as Rosinante knows that we can threaten his brother's life, he will measure his actions against the World Government. But the moment he realizes that Doflamingo was controlled in any way, the consequences will be unpredictable. It may completely backfire, and he may turn entirely against the World Government, with nothing to hold him back..."

She trailed off, and the elders understood where she was going. Though the younger brother seemed like the sensible one out of the duo, they knew that Doflamingo was the chain that tethered Rosinante. The moment that shackle was removed, no one could predict the outcome. For all they knew, the teen would burn the whole world down if that took the world government down with it.

"So what do you propose?" Elder Saturn questioned, now thinking they had been hasty. They had never expected that even with such a force, they would not be able to bring down Doflamingo. The involvement of the Revolutionaries was beyond their expectations; they never anticipated Dragon siding with someone like Doflamingo.

"I have been following Doflamingo since you gave me the orders to keep track of him all those years ago, Elder-sama. In all these years, I have come to understand something: Doflamingo is filled with ambition and craves power. He would do anything to achieve that goal." Tsuru stressed each point so as to make sure they understood what kind of man Doflamingo was.

"Rather than trying to fight him head-on, it would be better to appeal to his need for power. Perhaps he would willingly side with the World Government, but the incentive we provide must be something substantial enough to make him consider it, despite the grudge he holds against us," Tsuru explained, her cold logic apparent in every word.

Elder Nusjuro's expression tightened as he considered Tsuru's words. "And what incentive do you suggest? He already despises us for what we've done to his family. It must be something irresistible."

Tsuru nodded, her mind calculating every angle. "Doflamingo desires influence, control, and absolute recognition; he is someone who thrives on chaos. Offer him a place within the World Government's power structure." She paused because she knew that the next words she put forward might even threaten her own life, but she had to say them because that would be the most logical path in such a situation.

"I mean, the very core of it—perhaps reinstate his privileges as a Tenryubito with additional privileges, and also a promise to help groom him into one among you, a future elder, even tempting him with your greatest secrets, the ability to live forever. In exchange, he must bring his brother to heel. Make him see that aligning with the World Government can elevate him to a status he could never achieve otherwise."

"You dare?" Elder Mars roared in fury, his haki surging out, threatening to crush Tsuru where she stood. Yet Tsuru merely bowed, unfazed. Just as the overwhelming pressure was about to envelop her, Elder Saturn slammed his staff on the ground, sending out his own pulse of Haki to counteract Mars's assault.

"You don't think you agree with such a mad proposal, do you?" Elder Warcury was equally furious, though he maintained control. He glared at Tsuru, one of their steadfast supporters, absolutely loyal and privy to many of the World Government's darkest secrets. She even knew of Imu-sama's existence and other revelations that could shake the world to its core.

"What Tsuru says makes sense," Elder Nusjuro added, contemplating her words deeply. If there was one thing that could truly attract Doflamingo, it was eternal life. Should Doflamingo join their ranks, it wasn't out of the question that he could be offered an elder position by Imu-sama, especially if he could bring Rosinante into the fold. Though the Elders themselves lacked the authority to make such a promise, they were confident Imu-sama would grant permission if they could reawaken an ancient weapon.

"This is madness! Tsuru, have you gone crazy?" Elder JuPeter, though enraged by the suggestion, sought to understand the basis of Tsuru's proposal. If it had been anyone else, JuPeter would have already executed them. But Tsuru was different. She had the blood of the Celestial Dragon flowing through her veins.

Born to a Celestial Dragon and a slave, her lower status had led her to become a Cipher Pol agent rather than a member of the Gods Knights. Despite their trust in Tsuru, they held leverage over her. Her granddaughter was in Mary Geoise after her parents were killed by Doflamingo when he torched an entire island during his early years in North Blue.

"No, Elder-sama, I am merely stating the most logical option if we truly want to get Doflamingo on our side. Once he joins us, there are many ways to keep him loyal to Imu-sama," she added, unbothered by Elder Mars's earlier attempt to kill her.

Elder Saturn's eyes narrowed as he studied Tsuru. "Explain your reasoning, Tsuru. Why should we believe Doflamingo can be controlled once he has what he desires?"

Elder Mars scoffed. "And what if he betrays us?"

"We'll have leverage," Tsuru replied coolly. "As long as he believes we can threaten his ambitions or his life, he'll stay in line. We must ensure that any agreement binds him through his ambition and greed."

"We exploit Doflamingo's vanity," Tsuru said. "Make it clear that while it may seem that he has the upper hand now, once the world government genuinely targets him , his only option would be to perish. Let him understand that we offer eternal life and a clear path to power. Doflamingo will understand the benefits of siding with us; after all, the blood of a Tenryubito flows through his veins."

Elder Jupiter finally spoke. "It's a risky plan, but perhaps our best option. If we can turn Doflamingo to our side, Rosinante will follow. I will personally approach Imu Sama regarding the matter; if everything goes well, we might have to welcome another elder among our ranks." he added.

Only Elder Nusjuro among the five seemed convinced of the idea. The other three remained skeptical, but Elder Saturn, the most senior among them, wielded greater decision-making authority. For now, they decided to defer the matter to Imu-sama.

Elder Saturn nodded, his decision made. "Very well. Tsuru, begin the arrangements. Contact Doflamingo with our offer. Make it enticing, but ensure he understands the consequences of refusal. And monitor every move closely. We cannot afford another misstep."

Tsuru shook her head, a trace of frustration in her eyes. "That wouldn't be a wise move, Elder- Sama. My allegiance to the World Government must remain a secret. If I approach Doflamingo with the proposal, he will immediately understand my true affiliation. Moreover, my powers must remain hidden in case Doflamingo tries to pull any tricks later. Such a matter needs to be handled directly by you, Elder- Sama."

She gestured toward the newspaper on the table, where a bold image of Doflamingo caught everyone's attention. "From the looks of it, Doflamingo is expecting your call. The way he is posing, with a severed head in one hand and a secure transponder snail in the other, is no coincidence. He's probably waiting for your call. I'm certain the transponder snail belonged to the CP0 team."

Elder Saturn's eyes narrowed as he studied the image. Doflamingo's mocking grin was unmistakable, and the severed head sent a clear message. "You're right, Tsuru. Doflamingo is baiting us. He knows we're watching, and he's daring us to make the next move."

Elder Nusjuro leaned forward, his voice calm but firm. "We need to approach this delicately. Doflamingo is unpredictable, and any sign of weakness will be exploited."

Elder Mars, still bristling with anger, spoke up, "How can we be sure this will work? Doflamingo is a snake. He could easily turn this against us."

"This is an unnecessary risk; we have never dealt with any matter in such a roundabout way; we should just kill the two brothers and be done with it," Elder Warcury added in fury.

"Warcury! Watch what you say; have you forgotten Imu Sama's orders?" Elder Saturn's gaze narrowed at his fellow Elder, who immediately flinched at the mention of Imu Sama. "And have you forgotten how we dealt with the matter of Rocks D. Xebec? If we had truly clashed with Xebec back then , we must have exposed ourselves to stop them if his own crew hadn't betrayed him."

"We must always use everything we have at our disposal to achieve victory; ultimately, everything we do is to serve Imu Sama, and in order to do that efficiently, if offering Doflamingo an Elder position serves a purpose, then we will consider that too after getting Imu Sama's permission." Elder Saturn added, turning his attention back to Tsuru.

Elder Nusjuro, the one who seemed convinced by Tsuru's proposal, interjected, "We have to take calculated risks. Doflamingo's ambition can be his leash. If we control what he craves, we control him."

Elder JuPeter, still skeptical but willing to listen, added, "If we are to move forward, it must be with precision. One mistake, and we could fuel the fire against us."

Elder Saturn, the most senior and respected, raised his hand to silence the room. "The matter will be presented to Imu-sama. Until then, we prepare. Tsuru, begin discreet preparations. Mobilize the Cipher Pol in force and ensure our intelligence on the Revolutionaries and Doflamingo's movements is flawless. We cannot afford to be blindsided again. And let's start the hunt for the rats amidst the World Government's ranks."

Tsuru bowed deeply, her expression unwavering. "As you command, Elder-sama."

Elder Saturn's final words echoed in the chamber as they departed, "We move with caution and precision. Doflamingo will either be our greatest asset or our most dangerous enemy. Let us ensure it is the former."


Meanwhile, within the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, in the grandiose estate of the revered Figarland family, a rare moment of calm enveloped the indoor garden of the family head's house. The garden was an exquisite sanctuary, meticulously maintained with exotic flora from across the world.

Rare orchids and vibrant roses bloomed alongside meticulously trimmed bonsai trees, their branches twisted into intricate shapes. A gentle stream meandered through the garden, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the soft light filtering through the skylights above.

Seated on an elegant wrought-iron bench, Saint Figarland Garling exuded an air of quiet authority. His appearance was both regal and imposing, with a face that bore the marks of both age and experience.

He was a tall man of advanced age, with a visibly wrinkled face and a sharp, aquiline nose that added to his regal appearance. His long, light crimson-colored hair was styled into a unique and striking formation: a pair of unbent, side-facing spikes on either side of his head, with an extremely tall, forward-bent spike crowning the top.

His piercing, sharp, and calculating eyes missed nothing as they surveyed the tranquil scene before him. Garling's attire was a testament to his status; he wore a pristine white uniform adorned with golden epaulettes and intricate embroidery, signifying his rank as the Supreme Commander of the Gods Knights. A long, flowing cape hung from his shoulders, the crimson fabric contrasting starkly with his uniform.

Garling's demeanor was one of serene confidence, that of a man accustomed to wielding immense power. As the current Supreme Commander of the Gods Knights, his authority rivaled that of the Five Elder Planets.

The Gods Knights were an elite force that only served at the behest of Imu Sama, and Garling was their undisputed leader, known for his strategic brilliance and unyielding resolve.

But beneath the surface of his calm exterior lay the hidden truth of his ambition and the lengths he was willing to go to maintain his influence.

What even the rest of the World Nobles were unaware of was that Saint Figarland Garling was next in line for the Perennial Youth Operation, should the World Government regain control of the Ope Ope no Mi. The promise of eternal youth and unparalleled power was a secret he guarded closely, a prize he was determined to claim.

As he sat in the serene garden, his thoughts were interrupted by the soft rustle of footsteps on the gravel path. A member of the Gods Knights approached, bowing respectfully before speaking.

"Supreme Commander, the Elders convened a meeting earlier, and they have approached Imu-sama for counsel," a member of the Gods Knights conveyed. Although they couldn't stop the Elders from seeking Imu-sama's guidance, as Imu-sama's personal force, they kept track of every meeting between the Elders and Imu-sama.

Garling's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It seems the elders are planning a significant move. They have yet to answer for losing one of our members during their conquest of Wano," he replied, his voice smooth and commanding. "Inform the rest of the Gods Knights that I will join them shortly."

Suddenly, with a resounding force, the door to the garden was smashed open. Both Garling and the other Gods Knight turned their attention to the door, knowing only one person had the audacity to cause such a commotion in the house of the Figarland family head.

Agana stormed in, her fury barely contained. She held what seemed to be a bounty poster. "Out... Get out now!" she roared at the Gods Knight, who stood his ground, unfazed by her outburst. Despite respecting the Supreme Commander, his courtesy didn't extend to Garling's daughter, but Garling waved his hand, and the Gods Knight, with a nod, left the room.

Garling was a cold and calculating man. The only reason he tolerated Agana's behavior was because of her exceptional talent. She was the undisputed genius among all the nineteen families in Holy Land. In her twenties, she had already reached peak Admiral-level strength and secured a position in the reserves of the Gods Knights, making her his greatest pride and most valuable asset.

"Bam!" Agana slammed her palm onto the bench where Garling sat. If not for his haki holding the bench together, it would have shattered into pieces. Garling glanced at the bounty poster and understood the reason for his daughter's fury. It was the latest bounty poster for his long-lost son.

"What game are you playing at?" Agana's tone was a low growl, but Garling just sat there unfazed, letting his daughter vent her frustration. "I had put in a gag order, but you... you dare declare my little brother a criminal and set a price on his head?" she glared at Garling dangerously.

Garling looked at her calmly, his expression unreadable. "Agana, your brother's actions have consequences. He has chosen a path that defies the laws we uphold. This bounty is not a game; it is a necessary measure to maintain order."

Agana's eyes blazed with anger. "Necessary? You call this necessary? He's family! You know how important he is to me and to us! And yet you treat him like any other criminal?"

Garling's gaze hardened, and he stood, towering over her. "He made his choice. Family or not, he is a threat to our authority. Do not let personal feelings cloud your judgment. This is about preserving our status as the rulers of this world."

Agana clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. "I won't let you do this. I will find him, and I will bring him back. And if you try to stop me, I will make you regret it."

Garling's expression twisted into a mocking smirk, a rare moment of cunning flickering in his eyes. "Agana, be careful. Your emotions make you strong, but they can also be your downfall. And if you personally approach him, he's only going to deny you one more time."

"Don't think that your escapade to East Blue went unnoticed. There's a reason I tolerate your tantrums, Agana, but do not cross the line, or you will regret it. As for that pirate scum, he will get his due." Garling crushed the bounty paper, crumbling it to dust.

"You abandoned him... You abandoned him in God's Valley, and now you're abandoning him again. Back then, I didn't have the strength to save my little brother, but now I will personally deal with this matter. He may not want to come back, but I have my ways to safeguard my brother." She tossed a folder onto the floor.

"I am going to find my little brother and appoint him as one of the Shichibukai, whether he likes it or not. And you better have those documents signed by the Elders with approval of his appointment, or you'll have to explain to the Elders why one of the most prodigious talents from the Holy Land defected." Agana's roar echoed through the room, her Conqueror's Haki flaring, clashing with her father's.

She knew the kind of man her father was. She had learned to endure and survive under his grasp, believing her little brother had been lost all those years ago. But now, knowing he was alive, she would not let anyone threaten him again.

"Agana, you are playing a dangerous game here. Don't force my hand," Garling's demeanor completely shifted. He never liked being challenged. There was a reason he climbed to such a position, despite all the contenders. If it benefited him, he was willing to sacrifice anyone.

However, Agana was no longer the little girl from God's Valley who had helplessly hidden behind others while praying for her brother's safety. She was now a force to be reckoned with, willing to clash with her own father if that's what it took to secure her brother's safety.

"You have until I find my brother out in the seas. I hope you get that approval signed before then, and I would like to see the appointment made official in the newspapers." She gave him an ultimatum.

Agana turned on her heel and stormed out, her resolve unshaken. Garling watched her go, a mixture of pride and anger in his heart. He knew she was formidable, but the path she was choosing was fraught with danger. As the door closed behind her, he sighed and turned back to the garden, his thoughts already on the next move in the intricate game of power they were all entangled in.



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