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79.45% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 174: Chapter 174

Chương 174: Chapter 174

Marine HQ, Marineford

The ceremony was set on a grand stage erected on the bay, allowing the entirety of Marineford to witness the momentous transition of power. Nearly a hundred thousand Marines stood neatly lined up in formations, their presence a testament to the gravity of the occasion. The orders from the higher-ups had come through just that morning, and Fleet Admiral Kong did not want to delay the proceedings.

The stage was a marvel of military precision, adorned with the flags and insignias of the Marines, fluttering in the breeze. The sun was high, casting a golden glow over the sea of white and blue uniforms. The air was thick with anticipation as the Marines, from the lowest-ranked seamen to the highest-ranking officers, stood at attention.

Fleet Admiral Kong, towering and authoritative, stepped forward. His voice, amplified by the sea breeze, boomed across the bay. "Marines! Today, we mark a pivotal moment in our history. We honor the promotion of one of our finest and witness the passing of leadership that will guide us into the future."

Vergo, standing tall and composed, approached the stage. He wore his new justice coat adorned with the Rear Admiral epaulets, a symbol of his remarkable achievement at the young age of 19. The pride in his eyes was evident as he faced the massive assembly of his comrades.

Kong continued, his voice steady and commanding, "Rear Admiral Vergo, your dedication and unwavering commitment to justice have brought you to this point. It is with great honor that I present to you your promotion orders."

"A Rear Admiral at the mere age of 19. This is simply unprecedented in the entire history of the Marines," Tsuru commented, standing beside Zephyr. They were both present at the promotion ceremony for Vergo, who had earned his promotion to the position of Rear Admiral.

Over the years, Vergo had honed his skills, becoming a formidable force within the Marines. His subordinates worshipped him, seeing him as the embodiment of a perfect Marine. Zephyr couldn't have been prouder as he watched the proceedings.

Fleet Admiral Kong, a towering figure of authority and respect, handed over Vergo's promotion order and the order that gives him access to his own great battleship. The ceremony was grander than usual, a special occasion heightened by Kong's decision to pass the mantle of Fleet Admiral to Sengoku. Kong would soon take up the position of Commander-in-Chief of the World Government, relocating to Mary Geoise.

The side platform next to the main stage was filled with high-ranking officers and dignitaries, all gathered to witness this momentous event. The atmosphere was charged with pride and anticipation. Vergo, standing tall and composed, accepted his new rank with a solemn expression, though his eyes betrayed a spark of excitement and determination.

Zephyr's chest swelled with pride as he observed his son, now a Rear Admiral. He recalled the countless hours of training, the rigorous drills, and the unwavering dedication Vergo had shown throughout the years. This promotion was not just a recognition of his abilities but a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence.

Tsuru, with her keen eyes and sharp mind, saw the significance of this moment. "He's a remarkable young man, Zephyr. You've done well with him."

Zephyr nodded, his gaze never leaving Vergo. "He's earned this. Every bit of it."

Fleet Admiral Kong's voice boomed across the plaza as he addressed the assembly. "Today, we not only celebrate the promotion of one of our finest but also mark a new chapter in the leadership of the Marines. As I step into my new role as Commander-in-Chief, I am confident that Sengoku will lead with the same dedication and strength that have always defined our ranks."

Applause erupted, echoing through Marineford Bay. Sengoku, standing beside Kong, acknowledged the applause with a nod. The transition of power was a significant moment, signaling continuity and stability within the Marines.

The ceremony then shifted to the transition of power. Fleet Admiral Kong, preparing to pass the mantle of leadership, called Sengoku to the stage. Sengoku, a figure of immense respect and authority, approached with a solemn expression. The moment was charged with significance as Kong handed over the Fleet Admiral promotion orders to Sengoku.

"In the presence of nearly a hundred thousand Marines, I pass on the mantle of Fleet Admiral to Sengoku," Kong declared. "He will lead with the same dedication and strength that has always defined our ranks."

The applause was deafening as Sengoku accepted the orders. His eyes scanned the crowd, acknowledging the responsibility that now rested on his shoulders. "I am honored to accept this position and the responsibilities that come with it. Together, we will uphold justice and ensure the safety of our world."

Zephyr's keen eyes noticed a tinge of sadness in Sengoku's eyes as he accepted his new title and glanced at the empty seat on the side stage, which was particularly reserved for the Marine Hero. Sengoku had personally requested his friend's presence during his promotion, but it seemed Garp was still brooding over past events.

"So, Garp still hasn't returned yet?" Zephyr couldn't help but ask Tsuru, who was observing the ongoing proceedings. Everyone in the Marines knew the trio had been thick friends since they had started their Marine lives together.

"No, Garp can be petty sometimes, but I'm sure now that Sengoku has become the Fleet Admiral, he will return soon," she chuckled, thinking about the many times in the past how Sengoku would trick Garp into doing his bidding. Despite repeated tricks, Garp would always be there when Sengoku needed him.

"Good! It's good that he will be returning. We are already overwhelmed as it is, and with Kong-san moving to Mary Geoise, we will be losing another Admiral. We need to find a way to fill the power vacuum that's being created," Zephyr commented while making sure to applaud whenever a Marine was given their accolades and promotion orders.

Currently, with Sengoku getting promoted, technically he would be the only active Admiral, as Agana couldn't be counted on since she was always stationed at Mary Geoise and never reported to Marine HQ.

"Yeah, Sengoku sure has his work cut out for him," Tsuru remarked.

"So, do you think any of the young ones will be promoted to Admiral level?" Zephyr turned to Tsuru and asked curiously. As the Marines Chief of Staff, she must be aware of any upcoming Admiral promotions, if there are any.

"Oh, you'll know soon enough. The new Fleet Admiral has already scheduled a meeting with the highest-ranking officers to discuss some major matters," Tsuru chuckled, not giving a direct answer.

The ceremony continued with speeches and accolades, each word resonating with the assembled Marines. The grand stage, the bay, and the presence of so many dedicated soldiers made this a day to be remembered for years to come.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Vergo and the other Marines who were promoted mingled with the high-ranking officers, receiving congratulations and words of encouragement. Zephyr watched him, knowing that this was just the beginning of his son's journey. The Marines had gained a young and capable leader, and the future looked promising with Vergo in the ranks.

Inside the main meeting hall of Marine Headquarters, Sengoku sat in the Fleet Admiral's chair, a weighty mantle passed on to him by Kong, who had already departed for the Holy Land, leaving a mountain of unfinished work behind.

Prominent figures within the Marines filled the room, their attention fixated on Sengoku. Breaking the palpable tension, he addressed the assembly, "I know the question that's been on everyone's mind. There are concerns about our dwindling number of Admirals. Originally, when Admiral Agana was drafted as Admiral with a special appointment from the World Government, we had plans to expand the number of Admiral positions to four. However, those plans were discarded due to various events."

Sengoku's eyes scanned the room, noting the solemn recognition of the incident he alluded to—the abrupt betrayal of Vice Admiral Dragon. Attention then shifted to the Admiral candidates present: Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, except for Tensei. The common sentiment was that the three rising stars were still too young for the mantle of Admiral and lacked experience.

"Myself, along with Kong-san, have discussed the matter regarding the Admirals with the World Government. We have finally devised a plan. Due to the influx of pirates, the Marines will also need a surge of fresh blood." His gaze settled on Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, the closest to being promoted. Even the eldest among them, Borsalino (Kizaru), was only thirty-six.

Sengoku felt it was too early for them to take the mantle of Admirals—not due to a lack of strength, especially in Aokiji's case, who outmatched the others, but because they lacked the steadiness required for the position. Sengoku had hoped to convince his friend Garp to accept the promotion, but he knew that as long as Admirals had to directly serve the whims of the World Nobles, Garp would never accept.

"So, to bolster our ranks, we will be conducting a World Military Draft," Sengoku declared, stunning everyone in the room. "I have already received approval for this from the World Government."

The room buzzed with murmurs of shock and curiosity. A World Military Draft was an unprecedented move, a call to arms that would sweep the globe for capable individuals to join the Marine ranks.

Tsuru leaned in closer to Zephyr, whispering, "This could bring in a lot of new talent, but it also means more responsibility on us to train and integrate them quickly."

Zephyr nodded in agreement. "It's a double-edged sword. We need the numbers, but we must ensure they are ready for the challenges ahead."

Sengoku continued, his voice steady and commanding, "We must be prepared for an influx of recruits from all walks of life. It will be our duty to mold them into Marines capable of upholding justice. This is not just about numbers; it's about quality and dedication. We will also accelerate the training programs for our current officers, focusing on leadership and resilience."

His words carried weight, resonating with the experienced officers in the room who understood the gravity of the situation. The Marines were facing an era of unprecedented challenges, and the strength of their forces would determine their ability to maintain order.

As the meeting progressed, detailed plans were laid out for the draft, including recruitment strategies, training regimens, and integration processes. The discussions were intense, reflecting the urgency and importance of the task at hand. Each officer contributed their expertise, ensuring that every aspect of the draft was meticulously planned.

By the end of the meeting, there was a sense of resolve in the room. The Marines were about to embark on a significant undertaking, one that would reshape their organization and fortify their ranks. As Sengoku looked around, he saw determination in the eyes of his colleagues. They were ready to face the challenges head-on, united in their mission to protect the world.

As the officers began to disperse, Sengoku called out, "Remember, this is just the beginning. We have much work ahead, but I have faith in each one of you. Together, we will ensure the Marines remain the beacon of justice in these turbulent times."

The officers nodded in agreement, and their resolve solidified. The Marines were about to enter a new chapter, one filled with trials and triumphs, and they were ready to face it with unwavering determination.

As the hall emptied, leaving only Sengoku, Zephyr, and Tsuru, Sengoku broke the silence. "Admiral Zephyr, Vice Admiral Tsuru, stay back."

Among the Admiral candidates, Akainu's expression soured. He believed he was ready for promotion, and there were precedents for Admirals under 40—Admiral Zephyr being a prime example. But with the World Government's orders, his ambitions were stymied.

Once the hall cleared, leaving the three senior officers, Zephyr couldn't help but voice his concerns. "So, when is Garp scheduled for a return? We could really use his help once the World Draft is initiated. We'll have quite a few elite talents coming in. I can't handle them all alone."

"Well, not for long. We will soon have our original numbers replenished and more," Sengoku replied.

Tsuru and Zephyr raised their eyebrows in surprise. "Are we really going to draft Admirals too?" Tsuru asked in shock. The position of Admiral was not given easily. Even those who had been with the Marines for decades underwent thorough background checks before being appointed.

Now, Sengoku was proposing that the World Government had allowed direct drafting of Admirals.

"Yes. The World Government has provided a list of potential candidates, and there will be more as we announce the World Military Draft worldwide." Sengoku placed more than half a dozen folders on the table, detailing individuals with potential for Admiral-level promotion. Tsuru and Zephyr each picked up a folder and started browsing.

"So how many Admirals are we looking at?" Zephyr questioned, his eyes scanning the folder.

"The World Government has permitted us to bolster our ranks with two new Admirals. It seems they have no intention of letting Admiral Agana truly join the Marine ranks. We will also need a new instructor for the elite camp to give you more time for official matters. Additionally, we need to find a chief warden for Impel Down," Sengoku declared.

Zephyr was currently managing the elite training camp along with his regular duties because there were no suitable Admiral-level powerhouses to train the elite recruits.

"This is a big change. How did you even manage to convince the World Government?" Tsuru asked skeptically. She still couldn't believe they had suddenly allowed the Marines such a significant boost in power.

Sengoku's brows furrowed with concern. "I did not make the request. It was the World Government that put forth this suggestion. As for why, here is your answer." Sengoku pushed three folders toward them, which Tsuru and Zephyr picked up and read, shock evident in their eyes.

The reports were top secret, directly from the highest intelligence team of the World Government.

"Golden Lion Shiki..." Tsuru's voice trailed off as she read about Shiki's eradication of an affiliated country in the West Blue, claiming it as his domain and expanding his influence rapidly.

But the second folder held even more alarming news: the rise of the so-called Revolutionary Army and their exploits in liberating countries. Their recent actions in the Sorbet Kingdom were detailed, and a bounty poster of the Revolutionary Army's leader slipped through the folder. This man was officially going to be declared the world's worst criminal.





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However, it was the third piece of intel that left Tsuru and Zephyr speechless. They turned to Sengoku, who nodded in confirmation. The folder contained information on an unprecedented threat, one that had the potential to destabilize the entire world.

Sengoku's voice was grave as he spoke. "The world is changing rapidly. We are facing threats on multiple fronts. The Golden Lion Shiki, the Revolutionary Army led by Dragon, and, as for the last folder, I don't have to say what this means to the world. We must be prepared for anything."

Tsuru and Zephyr exchanged a worried glance. The magnitude of the threats they faced was daunting. The Marines needed to be stronger than ever to protect the world from the chaos that loomed on the horizon.

"We have a lot of work ahead of us," Tsuru said, her voice resolute. "Fleet Admiral, I suggest that the sooner you bring back Vice Admiral Garp, the more secure our Marines will be in these troubled times."

Zephyr nodded in agreement. "Let's get to work. We have a world to protect."

As they delved deeper into the reports, the gravity of their mission became clearer. The Marine's strength would be tested like never before, and it was up to them to rise to the occasion. With determination and unity, they prepared to face the turbulent times ahead.


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Currently updated until Chapter 228.

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